HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-06-01, Page 4THE WINGIAM ADVANCE T]iURSDAY, JUNE 1, 191I Annual June learing Sale • •40it04044t40000004040440044000004044014N01•N• 00*100000•000400N04040400 Me 's, Youths' ys' Ready twr r Cl -thing OOOOO4fatONOOOOOOOOm'O'4Pi000.bO0O40004000000040000000 COON@E*OOOOOOOOOOONOO June is the month in which we reduce our stock of Clothing. This year we have some very interesting prices to offer to the buy- ing public. It is needless for us to take up space in telling you how good our Cloth- ing is. It is a well-known fact that the quality of our Clothing is the best that can be bought. Below you will see some of the prices we are offering :--- Men's Suits Men's Fancy Striped Tweeds, in all sizes ; regular *rice is $7.50 -June Price .... $5.60 Men's Fancy Tweed Suits in greys and browns ; reg. price $8,50 --June Price .... $6.00 Men's Fancy Striped Tweed Suits in greens, browns and greys. Suits that will give splendid. wear. Regular price $10.00- June Price 7.00 Men's hard finish Tweeds in greens and browns; these lines can't be beaten for wear. Reg. $12.50 -June Price.... $8.50 Men's green, brown and grey Suits in Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds. A1 value at $13.50- 3 une Price $9.50 Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits in all the new and popular shades. Fancy stripes, also plain navys and blacks. Fit is guaranteed. Regular price $15- $11.50 June Price.. Men's Fancy Worsteds, of the finest quality ; the 20th Century snake. nough said. In navys, browns, greens, greys, fawns, etc., also in plain navys or blacks. Regular price is $20.00 -June 1 5 50 Price ...... .......... • Youths' Suits Youths' three-piece long pant Suits, in fancy stripes, in greens and browns. Regular $G.50 -June Price $4.25 Youths' long pant Suits in browns and greens. Fancy stripes. The regular price is $7.50 -June Price q)S.�o Youths' long pant Suits, in Fancy stripes, browns, greys and greens. Splendid value at $10 -June Price $7.00 Youths' All -wool Fancy Worsteds and Tweeds, in greens, browns and greys, also plain navys ; perfect fitters. Reg. $12.50 -- June Price $8.50 BOYS' SUITS Boys' two-piece Bloomer Suits and two-piece plain Inicker Suits. Juno Prices -- $2.00, 2.50, 2.75, and upwards. Boys' three-piece Suits ; wear guar- anteed. New styles. All shades. June prices - $2.75, 3.50, 4.00, and upwards. June Prices on Men's Odd Pants and Boys' Knickers will save you money GET FIRST CHOICE ON THURSDAY, JUNE THE FIRST. McGee& Carnpbell CLOTHIERS AND MEN'S FURNISHERS Lightning Did It. Io the village of Putman, near Woodstock on May 22, Fred. pouch had a close call. A thunder stoma fuss },easing, and at its height Mr. Couch was harnessing a horse in the stable. Through the open door came a bolt. ,of lightning that killed the horse and several cowe, but by a mir- acie Couch himself escaped with a bed burning. lie was rendered partially unoonecious, but the burns are not thought to be of a very serious nature, and if no complications set in be will be able to be around again shortly. The lightning picked the cattle off in their stalls and the horse almost in- stantly. To Loosen Knots. }lore is a remedy for the hardest knot, in harness, straps, cords, ropes or even shoe strings. Ilamn,er the knot on all sides with a mallet or piece of wood, turning the strap or rope around. Then dip it in boiling water, holding it there a minute or two, ac- cording to the size of the knot to be loosened, Before doing so add a little soap to the water -common laundry soap is the beet. Then with a sharp pointed instrument pick the knot loose. It can often be done with the fingers. Knots that have been pulled in harness or in ropes for months or years can be loosened readily. Knots in chains, when treated as above, can be loosened also. Improving A Herd. A. J, Pierpout of Connecticut, be- gan sixteen years ago the care of a Ilolstetn herd, which had been, in the hands of hie father for twelve years previous, Piorpont kept a record of Ws cows and steadily weeded out those that did not come up to a re- cognized standard. In I807 he began with ten cows, which averaged 0,502 lbs, of milk per annum, In 1010 he had 22 cows, which averaged 7.725 1be. If, he Saye, be had kept 25 cows for thirteen years that averaged equal to his best cows be would have had $20.- 000 profit in the thirteen years. If he had kept 25 cows averaging his poor- est he would have only had $10.50 profit. Some Poultry Records. The Globe reports that a hen be. Ineging to II. L. Tremble of Mount Dennis, laid three eggs within 12 hours. Geo. Whittington of Napanee says -"this record has been beaten by my hen Jingle, which laid three eggs within three hours, and produced 10 eggs on 10 consecutive days. I have no eggs for sale." A woman correspondent of Rural New Yorker says that when she was married last fall among the presents given her were four hens, one rooster, and 14 pullets. All the pullets began laying at six months of age, and the record for March for the whole flock was 337 eggs, which sold at an average of 20}e per dozen, or $7.88. The cost .of the feed is figured at $3 53. Good Goods • i.«•.;::.w.'5 ttik. l:lJ ..•an:•M,Ti%.: iW`.,+ .., «..:h;..;..,t.•q.� • ',Pe° e�:'.+::'u �.. Produce Wanted 50,000 LBSI WOOL 'WANTED Highest Prices Cash Highest Prices Trade Extra Good Values -for the Wool Season in all Kinds General Merchandise, such as --- Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Men's and Boys' . Clothing, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloths, Linoleums, Hosiery and Under Wear,. Yarns, Wool Blankets and Sheeting, Flannelette Blankets and Sheeting, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Butter and Eggs Wanted. KING BROS. Prices Right We Want Your Trade VE RAYS IT ! JUST WHAT YOU WANT Town or Farm properties atprices to suit everybody's wishes, We now values, and when you consult us you get the advantage of our long experience in the Real Es- tate and Insurance business, $1.50 ,._,�GODERICH me DETROIT sessesessei and Return Saturday, June x'. Str. Greyhound. Leave Ooderich 9.30 a m , Canada Time. E. H. AVER, Excursion Agent. II'INRRARY LEAVE DETROIT FOR GODERICH l ridgy, June lath, 8 a.m., Central Time. Arrive (oderieh 530 p.m. tioderich I3and Moonlight, 800 p.tn., Fridaythe 10th, C, Pli(Special Blyth, etc.,o11.50 p.tm.honireturn from to "Moonlight') d via LEAVE GO1 ERI0H FOR DETROIT Saturday, June 17th, 0.30 a.in., Canada time, stopoiNg at Port Huron. A special excursion train from Berlin Via G. tr. Rir., the morning of June 17th, stopping at way stations to $olmesville. Prom Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, etc., take 'morning train, June 17, conneota at Clinton 8.40 a,m, with special train for Goderioh. RETURNING TO GODERICH Leave Detroit, Monday, June 10th, 1.00 p.m., Port Huron, . G 80 p.m., Central Time. Arrive at Goderdch, 980 p.m. Special train leavee Gloderloh on arrival of Steadier from Detroit. (1.0.30 pun.) via Grand Trunk Ry. to Berlin. Fon liCTfloiT Leave floderieh on last trip or Detroit, Tuesday, Jane 20th at 8,30 a.m. (Note the time 5.30 Canada time.) Just atthe present time we have some exceptionally nice properties on our lists at right prices, Wingham is a live growing town, and you will make no mistake in buying a home here. We have two or three nice houses to rent. WHITE STAR LINE Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE r_ D. BELL'S Music Emporium Our rooms were never better stocked than at present, and we invite you to call. Pianos We have the best makes in stock. Elegant in appearance, melodious in tone. "Players You should see and hear this line to appreciate them. Organs In these we are sure to please. At prices to suit.. Sewing Machines By the carload. See the new White machine with all the latest improvements.. . • Sec our stock of Violins, Phono- g r a p h s, Records, Aecordeons, Washing Machines, Wringers, &c. PRICES REASONABLE D. ELL • The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If you get your clothes from ns, you are sure to get Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes Clothes made to fit neatly made well made that look well that wear well that last well in latest style that please that satisfy Wo understand our business We have tho goods We know the styles Our charges are right 'k-CidvawavtA Th6 Nifty Man's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand DRS. 1(E E0 & CALDER OrrroEs-Corner Patrick and Centre streets PUONtte- Re Residence, Dr. Kennedy 113 Rotidonco, Dr. Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy+ specializes In Surgery. Dr: Calder devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Tear, Note and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL .SURGEON OORRIS, ON1. Honor Graduate Toronto tJnivereity, Depart• moat of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col - loge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroroter ever Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all day -office In Grand Central Block. At Yordwio every Friday forenoon The best of the modern Methods used for the preeervatibn and restoration of the teeth. Jas. Walker & Son W INO14Ahl UNDERTAKERS We are spootalty qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to ea may rely bn it being well dobe, Night i au reedited ab resident*. MOO Phone lee Hades }shone tis The Profit Sharing Store WING tt. A M, O N%. Kerr & ird AGENTS -- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL 1 Interesting Store News From grocery Department 'WE HAVE TOO MANY PRUNES and we're going to oiler the balance of our stook at. LESS THAN "WHOLEIALE PRICES. MI GOOD, BRIGHT, CLEAN FRUIT. Choice Prunes, regular price ]3 z lb. -to clear, only 10e Choice Prunes, regular price 100 lb. -to clear '3 lbs. for 20c Best Canned Peas, Quaker Brand or French I'eae, reg. price 15c -to clear, 2 cans for "5c Fruit Jam -Plum, E tram. beri y, Raspberry, Gooseberry,' Re., only 10e j•t.r. Orange Marmalade, only lee Canned Apples, Plums, Pears, Pineapple, etc., etc Preserved Raspberry and Strawberry, pure 25c A BAKING POWDER BARGAIN -A quantity of "Art Baking Powder," 1 ib. tins, reg. 25c --to clear. 15e SHOE POLISH BARGAIN -Six dozen tins No, 1 Shoe Polish (paste) "MacPherson Brand," equal to any polish on the market or money refunded. Our Special Price, 5e a tin. Only half price 05e A BREAKFAST FOOD BARGAIN -That tasty Break- fast Food "Post Toasties," regular price 10 cte. a package- to clear at only 08e SEEDED RAISINS -We've secured a quantity of the very beet Seeded Raisins on the market, at a low price, and offer them to you while they last at only 10c a pound package 100 MAPLE SYRUP BARGAIN -You have been paying as high as $1.50 gal for pure Maple Syrup. We offer, to clear, a few gallons (quality guaranteed) at $1, 30 CONDENSED COFFEE - For a quick cup of delicious Coffee, try Condensed Coffee. No milk or sugar required. A teaspoonful makes good cup of coffee FOR HOT WEATHER - Lemons, Oranges, Bananas (choice fruit). Lime Jdice, Olives, Peanut Butter, Celery Relish, Canned Fish and Meats, Pork and Beans, Tomato Catsup, Worcestershire Sauce. Also a splendid assortment of Sweet Cakes and Biscuits -per lb 100 to 20c MACK'S "NO RUB" LAUNDRY TABLET We have it. Makes washing easy. Try it. Per cake.. . . .... O5c This Store Will be Open on Saturday, June 3rd t Wonderful Values at the New Clothing Store MEN'S SUITS, Regular $15 to $I8 -for $1L95 HATS Engle brand, English made Derby hots, up•to.date spring shapes, low, medium or large crowns and brims, well trimmed, find quality ; reg, price $2.00 and $2.50 -for $1.50, Young mon's snits of fine imported tweed in the new brown diagonal stripe pattern, tailored in best style, sizes 82 to 34 ; reg, $18.00 and $20.00 -for $12.35. For Clearance $2 50 men's shirts, negligee and outing ; the latter are cash- merettes, fanoy duck, etc., all sizes. Nothing wrong with these shirts, Only odd sizes; reg. price $L.00 -yours for 49C. Handkerchiefs, 6 For 25c, Mesize, n's malridekfsa of., cambric, finished with strong topo borders, perfect washing-- Special Price, 6 for 25e. extra large stoat quality wearing and S. Robins +n4xely h., Y.lo+.c•Rrtar,a 4"."." it �:aG.s10a ew.?eo,o, ruvnR?r •rsrwlaS raraase�'+.�.a.r�wyw. Capital Maid Up $ s,75o,o0, Reserve and undivided Profits . 3,1s0,oeo Total Meets . . . . 40,500,000 The Bank of Hamilton invites Say. Ings Accounts ---and has eliminated all undue formalities, both in the opening of such aei ounte and in the making of withdrawals. A chartered bank is the logical place for the safekeeping of the fund you wish to aeeumulate for old age or to make provisionfor unforeeen needs. interest paid on deposits of $1 00 and upwards. \w C. P. SMITH, Ag.ut • WINGHAM