HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-25, Page 54 THURSDAY, MAY 1911 WINGUAM ADV A CB , --.,-,„--___„--,--,..--,...,_.__..,„....„.„.....,_,...,...,,..__________,-,-,------,--_-- .. , ,,,-_-_ s Longer the end of our original cost stock sell everything must be your Spring on every store about half-price, 4. C 1 . iil• • f A 1 Must vacate pre- I of May. t stock at from ' price. of all the new regardless closed in the Goods here dollar's worth. fixtures which 4 , -Tho w14444 0 infested 1 3 e some e e three ,. only B that is that 1 case 1 the has t June just , press 11111111111111111111111111111111 Ili I111ll111111111111111i1 f s.e.x.,,,e•Oa4♦•i.:.0.0• ` .. 1 :_: .$. j 4.111. • Yall"• •�• •j• 4. ;i; •:..:..:..:..:..;..;..:a:..:..:.♦ Illllilllfifillllil 4,,,:.,�. IS SUITE 1 • Ly 1111111111111111 MIIIffII IllhJ1IIllIll :_: .•. ? ♦$° .;. i• •�♦ ❖ ♦;' • •.• +_. ._. never saw •. Finish. • ♦_• I1JllllIllfflH,[ P',p .1, t,; '? l , i' I��1111 - 1 �_., : 1111111111 II I I I I IllhIIIIl 011 . . IIIII I111i11 ossonnommoomookoesoonoroornerolonowsonsod000 ITINERARY LEAVE DETROIT FOR GODERICH Friday, Jnne loch, 8 a.rn., Central Time. Arrive Goderich Goderich Band Moonlight, ht, 3 00 p.m., Fridav the 10th. (Special Train Leaves Goderich via G. T. Il,y. to Stratford O. P. Ry, to Blyth, etc., 11 50 pan, on return from "Moonlight,") LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROIT Saturday, June 17cb, 9.30 •ism., Canada time, stepping at Port A special excursion train from Berlin vitt G. T. Ry„ the of June 17th, stopping at way stations to IIolmesville. Prom Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, etc., take morningg. train, connects at (Minton 910 a.m. with special train for Goderich. RETURNING TO GODERICH Leave Detroit, Monday, June 10th, 1.00 pan., Port Iluron, p.m., Central Time. Arrive at Gloderich, 030 p.m. Special train leaves Goderich on arrival of Steamer from (10.30 p.m.) via Grand Trunk Ry, to Berlin. FORRDETROIT O Leave I s.v C odericht o last ast trip for Detroit, Tuesday, rune 8.80 a.tn. (Note the time 13.30 Canada time.) Cr. 0 p.m, and via Huron. morning June 11, 5 30 Detroit, nth, s,t "IT STAR LINE 4.---,, ,, ; 4.11171,%."11)44..- akAnd ,.., lr. ``,, t; ,f. \L_ "'` (.'. e` `' f , For At ROSES I.,Ipsets Eater's Great Come —give wholesome, its for Puff again, Pie Time, digestible"eats' us pm.i very best wrapped crust. Pio Prejudice without Insides --FIVE ROSES Pie Crust — top and Paste and Difficult and in upsetting flour. Things. often. a FIVE the bottom. r/ i '� .. t tEJ�: `- ;1 ..,.......,:.s. .- ,' ,- -z i /jZi.%'r\"'G � _ ��t12 �`= y ' " �r � ;P.� .:` s`:. -, ; Close Flaky, Put sweetness All cherry custard—meat, Put Sea A Use the the t�Pie FIVE -grained too, into soppy' hungrywedges Time— --- melting — even and crinkly — crisp your bake things the of Manitoba wheat with the rich red or Ierri;on� pie—or apple—or may be, or mince— FIVE ROSES "crust end" fade S' behind • ROSES. textured. juice busy yet tender, rare nutlike kernels. of the healthy about 'ern. milk teeth. . T 11111111111111111111111111011111 I I IIID I 11+081 11111 Ills++lll�(Il�ll + , NiIIi8888111111 go , : �111188a+�1IiIiIiQ111Nu�+8lllfll �Illlw 11 VU (SIN l...,I1Ills ,,all u 1 , ! � I iip �:1, I mnil�i ��. li►��a��ii111111 II = 111 1111111_111,11111111011iimm ul�l ""' IlHIuIlHuhIIIIIIIIIIIHailfilaiTir, � . iIi��iillhi�lll�ill111 1111 "�*'��%te,„,,ded. Jr.:A 11111111MINIIIIMIIIIINIIiIII i l i II IIIIIIIIIIIMIlkl„„11:„&„1„71;1„11111III 11IiIII MOINE iII I!I 111111 I II 11111 IIiII 1111011 • r SURE SIGNS That You Have Kidney Trouble, If your back is constantly aching and if you -experience dull shooting pains, if your urine is thick and cloudy or your passages frequent, scanty and painful, your kidneys and bladder are out of order. Neglect quickly brings on rheu- matism, dia- betes, lumbago, sciatica, etc. Booth's JZid- ney Pills are guaranteed to relieve or your money b a c k. They are t h e world's greatest speciflo for kidney and bladder trouble. At all druggists for 50c a box or postpaid from the proprietors, The R. T. Booth Co., Limited, Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial on application. Lucknow. The anniversary of the Presbyterian Church was very successful. Rev. D. McKerroll, a former pastor, was the preacher. As the result of a canvas of Lucknow by a Bell Telephone agent, last week, eight new phone have been ordered, John Button and A, P. Stewart each received their new Ford auto last week. These are very handsome machines, While engaged in loading or work- ing ainong logs in Kincarkine, Ben. Synder was crushed or otherwise in- jured, and was forced to return to his borne hero for a few days. Rev. T. E. Sawyer, pastor of the Ashfield circuit, is ill at his home here, suffering from what is believed to be general nervous breakdown. He was stricken on Sunday, May 7th, Pleases everybody. Is used by men, women and children in all parts of the World. There is a reason. Its superiority over other kinds. Contains nothing injurious to leather,but gives a hard, brilliant and lasing polish. It is good for your shoes. THE F. F. ]®ALLEY CO., Limited, to HAMILTON, Ont., BUFFALO, N. Y. and LONDON, Eng. FINEST WESTERN WHEAT FARMS Dirt Chew! WM. PEARSON' of 'W'innipcn, known as "Last Mountain Pearwn" I have 176,000 acres of the finest wheat land •iri the world. I am going to sell a part of it quick, at low prices, to advertise the district, and to the first homeseekers or investors who write me, I am going to make the most remarkabde land proposition ever known, The price is so loW that the first year's wheat crop will, in all probability, pay back the en- tire cost of the land --and payments so easy that you will scarcely miss the money. These farms are right in the heart of the Western Canada wheat country, located In The Famous Last MVlountain Malley SASKATCHEWAN "The Golden " I/and-hungry liomeseekere are rushing into this fertile valley by thousands. Seven .railroads reach this district. Entire town- ships are broken up and put under cultivation every day during plowing season. New towns and cities spring up over night. The population of this valley will increase four -fold In five years, Liv- ing in Last Mountain Valley is like living in your own home country. These new settlers have all the comforts and luxuries of tho homes they left, and are GBTTING4 EUGH, 81�"STt3ES! Grasp now this great opportunity to secure choicest wheat land cheap! Our Prices LewestY--4-Our Terms Most Liberal We have a list of land bargains such es were never before known. Our prices are absolutely the lowest --wand we tell on small, easy payments. No other Colonization Company can hope to meet these 'terms and prices, •because none can buy land tnow4n such enormous tracts. Send for Free Library of Information about the last Mountain 'Valley booke, pictures of farms, drops, pictures of people who will be your neighbors, their own stories of sucee*s, our special low prices and liberal term*, and all about exeltr*ion trains, rates, date of starting, ete. Address your letter to ''Sl` tali. Pearson o , Ltd 2I e� ae'LToronto, 6J.nt. while preaching in Ilackett's Church, and was then unconscious for a few minutes. At the time of writing Ito is somewhat improved, but it is believed that a general and prolonged rest will be necessary to effect a complete re- covery. Jake Johnston, team driver for Wolter Stewart .t; Son, is lying at the home of his brother, W. II. Johnston, here, with his thigh broken, the re- sult of an accident which befell him in Ashfield last week. He was driving with horse and buggy, when suddenly the horse shied and fell, In an in- stant both horse and buggy were turned up side down, and the driver was pinioned under the wreck, tangled up in the buggy top, HAIR HEALTH. If You Have Scalp Or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage Of This Offer. We could not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim it will, Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "03" Bair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they wonld lose faith in us and our state- monts, and in consequence our busi- nes prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall oat or if you have any scalp trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradi- cate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent permature baldness, Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that wo ask yon to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully refunded if it does not do as we claim, Two sizes, 50e and $1.00. Sold only at our store —The Rexall Store, W. McKibbon, .• New Electric Railway. Steel is to be laid right away and cars are to be running before the fall on an interurban electric road from Guelph to London, through Berlin and Woodstock, according to the pro- moters of the People's Railway, a Line intended eventually to connect Toron- to with Detroit, and form the back- bone of a network of interurban lines extending from Collingwood and Owen Sound to Goderich, Port Huron and Port Stanley. It is intended to make the trip between Toronto and Windsor in less time than the steam roads take, and rolling i`tock will in- clude sleepers, parlor and buffet cars of the most modern typo. It is planned ..,to operate the road by Hydro -electric power. Doubled Milk Yield. W. J. Seaman of Prince Edward Island says in Farm and platy :— "Within the last three years I have more than doubled the average yield of milk per cow in my herd, owing to what 1 learned and did through cow - testing, ,f have found it very pro• fltable to weigh and test the milk of the cows individually, as one then knows the value of his cows and takes more interest in the feeding and care of them. One of the first things that we farmers need to learn in order to make a suedes& of dairying is how to feed our cows, 13y knowing our cows, we weed out the poorest ones and raise stock Only from the beat cows and the best sires possible, and in this way improve the herd. 1 would strongly advise every dairyman ter know each ,colw by weighing and testing her milk. Of course, It tapes a little time to do this, but it is time well spent:, 1 weigh each cow's milk et each milking and tie not in- tend to quit doing so while 1 am dairying." Three Greatest Cities. The three largest cities in the wort are said to be London, England ; Ne York, U. S. ; Berlin, Germat.y. Th last named reports a population of 3 millions. A Big Yield. 'Will. Elliott of London has a reror yield of mushrooms, having picked 2 pounds off a bed containing 20 squar feet and expects fully as much mor to come as his bed only, gave half yield, Many of those picked measur ed four inches in diameter and on was seven inches in diameter, No Pipe Organs There. Presbyterian Elder—"Nae, my mo there'll be name o' they new-fangle methods in heaven." Listener—"I don't know how yo can be sure." Elder—"Sure? Why mon, gin the tried, the whole Presbyterian kir: wad rise up an' gang oot in a body. Grabbed By Camel. At a circus in St. Catharines ca May 10, a small boy was standing watching the camels in the menageri< before the performance in the big show commenced, when suddenly on of the camels made a grab at him, Ile seized the lad's shoulder in hit teeth and, Iifting hire off his feet, pro ceeded to shake him vigorously. Whether the angry brute's next move would have been to put the boy under his feet and trample him to death if uncertain, for a keeper, witnessing the incident ran up and grabbed the camel's halter, shouting to him to let go, The camel seemed inclined to de stroy, and in fact, hung on to the boy, who was screaming with terror, until literally forced by the keeper tc let go. Jardine Careless. The death watch placed an Edtvard Jardine, who will bang on June 10, report that the prisoner regards his position in the coolest manner pos- sible. IIe is careless and light-heart- ed, spending much of his time in play- ing laying a mouth organ, which was secured for hint at his own request. IIe has ordered several photographs which he will give to his friends before the day of his execution, The corridor whore "I Suffered Years With My Backe Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per- manent disability. "I suffered for years with my lick, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our Local druggists induced me to try DIS. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and after using them some three months I found a decided improve- ment in my kidneys, and Iam glad to say that 1 hope 400n to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, Ex -Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is, impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti -Part Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos- sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As aremedy for pain of any description iia n fir. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are unsur• passed• + sold by ell deupgtsts under a OW Ambi Assur Ins the YltUtil 0 til Woe Of the flat b -ox If no Witt Pewits. Mull lkfi 1IEDICAI. 00., ;f iratlta, Cen, eitievilreesseeletialeeetileieletekidilliousiseelerme 6 Latest Fashions Summer Wear AT ISARD'S MAW If you will come, see and try on a few of the unusual Beadyto-wear Garments we are showing, you will surely be favorably impressed by their attractiveness of pattern, style and workmanship. We take pleasure in showing them. LADIES' WAISTS. —.Sig Stock, Big Choice, Low Prides, See our leader at $1.00 CHILDREN',S WHITE DRESSES. — To fit children of all ages. Prices begin at $1.00 UNDERSKIRTS. — At less than elty prices. Nicely made Skirts with deep embroidery flounce, I3argain $1.00. OUTING WASH SKIRTS. --Of good washing and wearing material. See our special White Repp Skirt at, $2,00 WHITE. LAWN DRESSES,—Ladies Ready-to-wear White Persian Lawn Dresses, nicely made and trimmed with fine Lace insertion. Prices begin at $3 75 GOWNS, — Matte of fine English Cambric, nicely finished, long or short sleeves 750, $1.00, $1.25 SILK NET WAISTS— Silk Net Waists, in Cream or White, long or short sleeves ; fit is guaranteed, Regular valve $4 00 — Our Price $2 95 SILK UNDERSKIRTS— Just received, a shipment of Silk Underskirts ; made with "Fit Form Band," they come in Black and colors, Mail order house price $5—Our Price. $3.05 LADIES' VESTS -- Summer Vests for Ladies, short sleeve or no sleeve See them 100 LADIES' HOSE— All sizes in Ladies' Hose ; fast black. Reg. 20c value —Our Price 15c, or, ...2 for 25c CORSET COVERS— All sizes Corset Covers, in fine Cambric, Embroidery trimmed—only 25c H. E. Isard Co. 1_ AmiAmmommainsui dessminsigunasimmammix=eszaraniimozzamoleamm "PR PE CLOTHES" are stylish, but never so extreme that they become distasteful in a month or .two. They are distinctive without being conspicuous, and their ever-growing popularity with younger men shows that they are on the right side of every comparison. Peo- ple say it - must be the cut that makes our clothing look different. Of course it's the cut ----but that isn't all. There's the "know how" back of it all and such perfection in every detail of tailoring that makes 'Proper Clothes" hold a distinguished position by themselves. Coyne in and see what we call style and value ---if only to see ! We show gods cheerfully regardless of g whether or no you axecadS to buy. tailevAreimileaserzsetaleeliatiemeleseanalimergieseilitsemememeatieeeell ;meq Baxter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large e uantities. Phone 89. T. A. Mills WINGHAM 4s♦4♦444....**i*i41.9..441e44+t044♦+4, . • Thirty siAuGHTERSALE leareameeseeeemeneememomompuipsammeaaa 1 Two wee Positively giving up business. sent premises before We will sell the balance Y4 to r2 off the We have put in a large Spring Goods and will of cost, as the business next 30 days. Buy : and save froth 25c to sec i We have a number of general 4 will be sold at t s Longer the end of our original cost stock sell everything must be your Spring on every store about half-price, 4. C 1 . iil• • f A 1 Must vacate pre- I of May. t stock at from ' price. of all the new regardless closed in the Goods here dollar's worth. fixtures which 4 FOR SALT. --Delivery Waggon, Buggy, Cutter, 1 Scales and Household Furniture. Butter and Eggs taken same as cash. DM M. Gordon Estate t 4 4444444444444444444 444444440NO••••••44444444 -Tho w14444 0 infested 1 3 e some e e three ,. only B that is that 1 case 1 the has t June just , press Jardine spends his days lately became with rats, and a trap was set for the rodents.- The prisoner's great- est pleasure is to catch a rat and to each he gives a name, calling it after official who figured in his trial, Rev. Geo. E. Ross goes to see Jardine times each week, and is the one who is permitted with the prisoner besides his guard, He says the young man is troubled with his conscience, but that physically he improving in health. It is stated a final attempt to appeal the to the court of appeal, made by prisoner's counsel, L. E. Dancey, failed. Bug Pest. e, The June bug pest has arrived in Middlesex county, On a fine evening after nightfall, the rustle of their wings sounds like the rush of an ex- train. Tho air seems full. of them. At Oiandeboye, the branches of the plum and cherry trees are load - ed. Blossoms and leaves are swept clean from the<plum and cherry trees and the apple blossoms are being at- tacked. Farmers are lighting fires and banging out lanterns over tubs in a vain attempt to atom the in- vasion. The bus flying at g y g present are only the vanguard of the main tavrlmieh which fills coming ae nt ford and month. Prospects are for an entire destruction of the frog crop in this district. Millions of eggs will be laid to hatch out into the destructive white grub that created such havoc in this district last year. The grub pest will be due two years from this spring. So far, the only help in de - stroying both grubs and beetles is the blackbird. They feed on nothing else, while either grubs or beetles are obtainable. - f s.e.x.,,,e•Oa4♦•i.:.0.0• ` .. 1 :_: .$. j 4.111. • Yall"• •�• •j• 4. ;i; •:..:..:..:..:..;..;..:a:..:..:.♦ ,,,e ,1:444.4,.* WHAT ROOM �lt�� j Call and look through before in Golden 4,,,:.,�. IS SUITE 1 • Ly YOUR ••0.0*0.0•.♦.•s••••►OP♦►••O*.O••.04••♦.♦•♦••O••♦•.•a•;1, DINING LIKE] :_: .•. ? ♦$° .;. i• •�♦ ❖ ♦;' • •.• +_. ._. never saw •. Finish. • ♦_• P',p .1, t,; '? l , i' I��1111 - 1 �_., : The iii* some or newest p yt� Y Suites that yon weathered Oak and best. WALKER'S FURNITURE .STORE :s. •_. .... 4.:..0.:..;..;.♦0.:.♦,1..;�•�.♦:.•;.•;,•:.•:.,:.•:,.:,♦;..0•;,.:.•:,•::.;•..•♦;.•.,.�.•;.a;,.., ,,�, , $1.50 GODERICH TO DETROIT . . and Return Saturday, June x7. Str. Greyhound. Leave Goderioh 9.30 a in , Canada. Time, E. I, AYR, Excursion Agent. monnonorwi ossonnommoomookoesoonoroornerolonowsonsod000 ITINERARY LEAVE DETROIT FOR GODERICH Friday, Jnne loch, 8 a.rn., Central Time. Arrive Goderich Goderich Band Moonlight, ht, 3 00 p.m., Fridav the 10th. (Special Train Leaves Goderich via G. T. Il,y. to Stratford O. P. Ry, to Blyth, etc., 11 50 pan, on return from "Moonlight,") LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROIT Saturday, June 17cb, 9.30 •ism., Canada time, stepping at Port A special excursion train from Berlin vitt G. T. Ry„ the of June 17th, stopping at way stations to IIolmesville. Prom Wingham, Belgrave, Blyth, etc., take morningg. train, connects at (Minton 910 a.m. with special train for Goderich. RETURNING TO GODERICH Leave Detroit, Monday, June 10th, 1.00 pan., Port Iluron, p.m., Central Time. Arrive at Gloderich, 030 p.m. Special train leaves Goderich on arrival of Steamer from (10.30 p.m.) via Grand Trunk Ry, to Berlin. FORRDETROIT O Leave I s.v C odericht o last ast trip for Detroit, Tuesday, rune 8.80 a.tn. (Note the time 13.30 Canada time.) Cr. 0 p.m, and via Huron. morning June 11, 5 30 Detroit, nth, s,t "IT STAR LINE eitievilreesseeletialeeetileieletekidilliousiseelerme 6 Latest Fashions Summer Wear AT ISARD'S MAW If you will come, see and try on a few of the unusual Beadyto-wear Garments we are showing, you will surely be favorably impressed by their attractiveness of pattern, style and workmanship. We take pleasure in showing them. LADIES' WAISTS. —.Sig Stock, Big Choice, Low Prides, See our leader at $1.00 CHILDREN',S WHITE DRESSES. — To fit children of all ages. Prices begin at $1.00 UNDERSKIRTS. — At less than elty prices. Nicely made Skirts with deep embroidery flounce, I3argain $1.00. OUTING WASH SKIRTS. --Of good washing and wearing material. See our special White Repp Skirt at, $2,00 WHITE. LAWN DRESSES,—Ladies Ready-to-wear White Persian Lawn Dresses, nicely made and trimmed with fine Lace insertion. Prices begin at $3 75 GOWNS, — Matte of fine English Cambric, nicely finished, long or short sleeves 750, $1.00, $1.25 SILK NET WAISTS— Silk Net Waists, in Cream or White, long or short sleeves ; fit is guaranteed, Regular valve $4 00 — Our Price $2 95 SILK UNDERSKIRTS— Just received, a shipment of Silk Underskirts ; made with "Fit Form Band," they come in Black and colors, Mail order house price $5—Our Price. $3.05 LADIES' VESTS -- Summer Vests for Ladies, short sleeve or no sleeve See them 100 LADIES' HOSE— All sizes in Ladies' Hose ; fast black. Reg. 20c value —Our Price 15c, or, ...2 for 25c CORSET COVERS— All sizes Corset Covers, in fine Cambric, Embroidery trimmed—only 25c H. E. Isard Co. 1_ AmiAmmommainsui dessminsigunasimmammix=eszaraniimozzamoleamm "PR PE CLOTHES" are stylish, but never so extreme that they become distasteful in a month or .two. They are distinctive without being conspicuous, and their ever-growing popularity with younger men shows that they are on the right side of every comparison. Peo- ple say it - must be the cut that makes our clothing look different. Of course it's the cut ----but that isn't all. There's the "know how" back of it all and such perfection in every detail of tailoring that makes 'Proper Clothes" hold a distinguished position by themselves. Coyne in and see what we call style and value ---if only to see ! We show gods cheerfully regardless of g whether or no you axecadS to buy. tailevAreimileaserzsetaleeliatiemeleseanalimergieseilitsemememeatieeeell ;meq Baxter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large e uantities. Phone 89. T. A. Mills WINGHAM