HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-18, Page 98 *********************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE We have $500 worth of Eye GlassesSpectacles, Etc., all ll new and up-to-date - -d tsgoods,which tstbe sold byJune 10th, 1a order todo his we are going to sacrifice on theca. Look at these prices : Gold Spectacles, all styles, with lens, Reg, price ti$—Selo Pxioo..$3 75 Gold Eye Olase Mounts, Rimless, with Lens, Reg. price eZ—Salo Price $3.76 Aluminum Spectacles with lens, warranted not to. tarnish, Reg price $2.50—Sale Price . .. $1,75 5 Aluminum Straight Temples, with lens, warranted not to tarnish Reg. price f;2,50—Sale Price $1.76 Aluminum Straight Temples, Reg. price $L75—Sale Price $1.00 Our styles of Speotaoles and Frye Glasses are—Rimless. Apex, Apex , Cable, Riding Bow, Straight Temples, Fit -You, and I+'irm•On. On specially ground lens, we will give a discount of 25 per Dent. off the regular price. Como early and get first choice. Do you need glasses ? Well, are you troubled with headaches ? Do you find it difficult to see at a distance, or does your eyes tire when reading or sewing for very long ? Do you find yourself holding your newspaper away from you farther than you have done previously, and do you get the lamp or -light between you and the newspaper, er do you have to bring it up close to you before you eau read it ? If this is so, or you have trouble with your eyes in any other way, call in and bave your eyes examined thoroughly by the new Shadow Test, and if you do not need glasses, no harm done. Our trip to Muskoka will, owing to onr leaving town, end June 10 at 10 p.m, instead of July 22nd. All ballots must be in by this time. D la DRUGGIST ANDs aFlind OPTICIAN Doemoo€ionoof!ooccoopocoC1mo om0000a0000000es +ooaot0000 THE DOMINION BANK, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital Stook (all paid up).$4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undi- vided Profits $5,800,000.00 Deposits by the Public.. , . $47,000,000.00 Total Assets, over $62,600,000.00 BEAx032s AND AanNrs throughout Canada and the United States. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1,00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest. WINauAnt BEAxort.—Oorner John and Josephine Strets. 8. R. GETKIE, Manager R. Venanone, solicitor 1 j Between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Tickets good going May 23 and 24. Return limit May 26, 1911• ROUND TRIP HOMESEEKERS' EKCUSIONS To the West, at low rates Via Sarnia or Chicago. VICTORIA DAY SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP (with minimum charge of 25c) Literature and full information from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address ..1. E. DUFF D. P. A., Toronto. C4. LAMONx, Depot Agt. j Blyth. Our street sprinkler made its first appearance on our street on Friday last. Mr. L. Hill has secured the contract of building the new rectory for Trinity Church. Division Court was held in the In- dustry Hall on Friday last ; two cases came up for hearing and were dis- posed of. T. Code is at present going around With his hand in a sling on account of blood poisoning. He also has an attack of rheumatism. The annual meeting of the Iot hold- ers of the Union cemetery will be held on Monday evening, May 22nd, in In- dustry Hall. Robert Slater is Sec- retary. A meeting is to be held on Friday evening in Industry Hall to discuss Reciprocity. The speakers will be Pr. Chisholm, 111.R, A. H. Musgrove, M. L. A., and others. The water tank on Dinsley street collapsed Wednesday evening and so the town will be at the expense of putting up another at once. In the meantime the streets cannot be watered. W. D. Dunbar of East Wawanosh, who has been ailing for a considerable time, passed away on Sunday last. Funeral took place Tuesday, under the auspices of the I.O.F., of which he has been a member for some time. Monday of last week the mother of Editor Elliott of The Standard here, died at here home in Howick town- ship, after au extended illness, in her 67th year. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to Listowel cemetery. Grey. Miss Maggie Carr is visiting with friends in Wingham, Mrs. Robt. Pearson left on Monday for an extended visit with friends in Hariock. Miss Eva Bryans returned home last week, after spending several months in Toronto. Rev. A. McKelvey of Trowbridge took charge of the services in Roe's church Iast Sunday to an appreciative congregation. East Wawanosh. Mr., David Dunbar passed away on Sunday evening, May 7th, after a lingering illness of some months. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased leaves be- sides his wife, three daughters—Mrs. Wm. Graham of Stratford, Mrs. Cunningham of near Belmore, and Mrs. Barr of Westfield. The family have the sympathy of the com- munity. EOPLE use ML Floorglaze for the hulls of sailboats and motor - boats, and are satisfied with the way it looks and lasts. That proves M L F"loorgiaz is water -goof A good all-purpose finish, therefore. EOPLE use ML Floorglaze on vehicles, too, and find it looks better and lasts longer than any kind of varnish or paint. That proves M L Floorglaze is fade proof and,weather-proof. The perfect pro» teeter for all woodwork, therefore. FO LE find that M L Floorglaze helps housewives keep floors dust -free because the surface stays glass -hard and glossy. M L Floorglaze doesn't mind wet, s'un, scuff of feet nor dragging of furniture across it. L FLOORGLAZE is the best thing you get to can help p he renovate the whole house. Fine for all woodwork, indoors and out. Makes old furniture look new again. 'Goes farthest, too—gallon covers 500 square feet. Choose among t 7 pretty colors in solid enamel --seven Lacs to imitate hardwoods---andTrans- parent for natural finish. Comes in'little and big tilts. Easy to put it on right. Ask at your dealer's ox write us for views of the hundred s uses you could snake of M L Floorglaze. The imps l Varnish & Color Co., United, Toronto Did and Reae nmoddod by 010$. Al SCHMIDT TILE WINGRAM ADVANCE Morris. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Jobnaton and family, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sperling, of Corrie on Sunday, May 7th, The Ladies.' Aid of Johnston's Church held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. G. Peacock, a good- lyU e' ember er b lug in attendance, Dur, ing the business meeting, the See,,. Mrs. Will. Johnston, read the follow- ing letter from Miss Annie Swann, a uuseionary in japan, stud daughter of our former pastor, Rev. F. Swann, Shizuoka, Japan, April 1, 1911. Dear Friends of the Auxiliary ;--I believe that I have always realized how beautiful it is to be rich in friends, but perhaps I realize it in a fuller measure since I have been planted in Japan. It is indeed good to feel the warmth of sympathy and love that binds me to the home land. You mention„in your letter the fact that it was while father and mother were with you that you organized your society, and so since as a society you are somewhat conuected with the Swan family, I hope yott will have a little corner in your hearts for me, not for my own sake, but for father's and mother's sake, Because you see. as yet, I am a young representative, green, untried and unexperienced,. I want to just introduce you to our school in Shizuoka, so that you may feel acquainted with my field in Japan. Shizuoka is a city about one hun- dred miles from Tokyo. It is to the west of the Imperial city, among most charming mountains that continually remind us of the words of the psalm- ist "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help," Our climate is very mild. Winter is a thing unknown, at Ieast what we hardy Canadians call wintet. I have seen no snow and so am just ending my first snowless winter. Through November, December, January and February it has been coo), but bright and sunny like our September and October days. Now it is begin- ning to get quite hot and from now until next November we will have to try every scheme to keep cool. So far I have been very well. The climate is quite trying, but if I stand the first year I will surely be alright. There is a great lack of ozone in the air, and so it seems hard to keep up one's supply of energy and nerve force. And now to come down to our life. I am stationed in School work. along with three other ladies—Miss Veazly, the principal of the school, Miss Crombie, the evangelist, Miss De - Wolfe, the Kindergartner. This is one of our three mission schools in Japan, and I feel quite sure that it is the best, although -some other wise people might disagree with my judg- ment. We have about one hundred and fifty enrolled in all departments for this coming year. For as well as the Higher School work, we have Prim- ary and Kindergarten. As well as day pupil's, we have boarders and among these boarding pupils we have special opportunities. I love our girls, and if you know them you would love them too, I have English teaching with them— History, geography, composition, reading and literature. Then I have a class of teachers in the Old Testa- ment. Thus even during this first year I have been able to become quite well acquainted with the girls and teachers. Every Friday evening and every Sunday evening we are at home to the girls and they are free to come to our rooms and talk and visit with us. Thus we are able to give the per- sonal touch, the value of which we all know. We have just had our graduation exercises. This year we had a class of ten, and indeed they were ten sweet girls. Some of them remain with us as teachers, while some go to their homes. There are sad thoughts in our hearts when we think of the struggles that lie ahead of the girls, who return to homes where Christ is unknown, after the shelter of the christain school life. ' It is so hard for them amid the round of heathen practices to stand Jinn. Then the marriage customs, so awful to us, face most of them. The marriages are arranged, altogeth- er by the parents and relatives and so the girls so often are married to bus - bands who are not christians, Thus you can see how our hearts ache for them. But there are many, many, bright sides to our work. The Kindergarten has greatly interested me, We have a splendid kindergarten building to the rear of our main building. Then this fall (October) a poor kindergarten was opened in one of the slums of the city, and two teachers were put in charge. The change wrought in the twenty-five pupils as the months have passed, has been marvellous. The dirty, rough children of last October would hardly be recognized in the clean, gentle children of graduation day. In visiting the parents the girls have found that the seed is indeed falling into good ground. One mother said that her little one wanted to learn how to pray, and she would like to know where to buy a god like ours. Another told of how for some weeks she noticed that her little boy sat by the firs box every night and seemed to be saying something to himself. Finally she found that he was thanking God for sending him a warm coat at Christmas time. "A little child shall lead them." At Christmas the children in our big Kindergarten, instead of having presents as Usual, sent tubi or Japan- ese stockings to the poor Kinder- garten. Thus they are learning the lesson—"It is more blessed to give than to receive," But the Poor Kindergarten has not only been a blessing to the children, but also to the teachers sand big girls in our school. They have all become so deeply interested in helping those who have not had a chance. So we have .had the blessing of the reflex influence that always follows work done for others. There is truly noth- ing that can make life so rich and worth while as a live interest in humanity, a live interest in our neighbor. I must just say one word about our church life. Methodism is quite old in Shizuoka, been founded by' Dr. Macdonald. Wo havg, a neat little red brick church, and it will be neater after the repairs, which aro in pro- gress at present. Our pastor; Mr. Hatano, is just splendid. lie was converted years ago through Mies Cartmell of whom you bane all read. He is very earnest and we are so glad that Conference has returned him for another year. Need 1 Add that this first year has been a very joyous one, and that xny faith in the Great Leader has been strong end sure, even if the victory isn't just as swift as aur Impatient spirits would with, For we remeni- ber-•-"And I, if 1 he lifted up will draw all men unto me., i Irate a motto hanging�t�ear me, that i� wery wise in its le, and no in tea must be dis- tinctive, pleasing and unvarying to merit continuous use. The flavor of Rett Rose Tea is all its own; and it never fails to win and holt[ ap- proval because it never fails in quality. Try it, 82 NEVER 5040 IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It T shall leave it with you in closing. "Look up, not down (Faith) Look forward and not back (Hope) • Look out and not in (Love) And lend a hand," (Active Love) With kindest wishes, Your representative, Annabel Swann. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Andrews, then took the chair, and the following officers were duly elected : — Pres., Mrs. Silas Johnston ; Vice -Pres., Miss Bessie Moses ; Sec., Mrs. Geo, Thorn- ton ; Treas., Mrs. Arthur Shaw ; Parsonage Committee, Mrs. Silas Johnston and Mrs. Wm. Thornton. The pastor thanked the old officers for their faithful and efficient work during the past year, and congratu- lated the ladies on the fine standing of their Md. The meeting closed with the benediction. Wroxeter. Nesbit Laing of Dutton is visiting his mother here. Robt. Miller of West Toronto has been visiting in this locality. Mies Young of Hillsburg, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Harding, returned home on Friday last. Ethel Stutt returned home on Fri- day of last week, after an extended visit to Bowmanville and other points. Mrs. McLennan and Mrs. R. Harris attended the Presbyterial annual meeting of the W. F. M. S. at Ripley on Tuesday. W. Wilson of the Traders Bank has been transferred to the Dutton branch. He left for his new position on Monday afternoon. W. J. Perrin passed with honors the third year examinations at Toronto University in electrical engineering. Will is at present engaged as an elec- trician in the motor shops of the To- ronto Railway Co. One of the pioneers of Howick Tp, in the person of John Underwood passed to the Great Beyond on Thurs- day morning, May 11th, at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, 0. W, Sim- mons, of Howick. The deceased was born in North Alton, England, in the year 1832. He care to this country about GO years ago, locating first at Berlin, 'then a village, afterwards in Wellsley Tp. Then about the year 1871 he carne to the township of Howiek and settled on the farm now occupied by his son, James. Mr. Underwood retired from farming about fifteen years ago, living most of this time near Wroxeter. Mrs. Un- derwood predeceased her husband 4 years last March. Four sons—Joseph of Lakelet (Councillor) George of Turnberry, Wm. and Jas. of Howick, and two daughters—Mrs. Wm, Cook of Lakelet, and Mrs, C. W, Simmons of Howick are left to mourn the loss of a dear father. The deceased was highly respected by all, who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. The funeral which was largely attended took place on Saturday afternoon to Wroxeter cemetery, Rev. L. Perrin assisted by Rev. Hibbert of Gerrie conducted the services. Jamestown. Farmers in this part aro busy put- ting in their rnangels. Mrs. 13, King and Miss Alma visited at Mr. Job King's on Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Andrews of Bluevale visited. at Mr. Eckmier'e last Friday. Wm. McDonald visited hie mother, Mrs, H. Robertson, at Wingham on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. D. McDonald and Miss Donalda visited Brussels friends on Sunday`,. Mr. /obn Pollock and Miss Clara of Listowel visited with Mr. A. Pollock on Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. John Cutt visited Mrs, Cult's mother, Mrs. Robinson at Ford- veich on Sunday. We are pleased to hear that Miss Mary Miller is improving, as she has been ill for some time, Howick Boundary. Mrs. G, Wylie, near Lakelet, is visiting her daughter, firs. Herb. Neil, D. Halliday is on the sick list at present ; we hope soon to see him around again. Geo. Doubledee sold his line driving horse Inst week to a buyer near Tees - Water, for a handsome aunt. A bouncing baby boy came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Neil on Wednesday last. Miss E. Gowdy of the B. line agent part of last Week in Lakelet, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Darrach. NOTE.—Reference to the death of Mr. Halliday is omitted, on account of it being alreadyin type in Wroxe- ter and Salem. --1 Editor. ---Mrs. john 13e11 t f Kincardine re- oently caught a flee 16•pound lake trout. --Gocie'rleh tried etc en {lei street, laet year, but it spoiled rtibbnr tires *MI will probably not be used this Pear, Salem.. Leslie McLaughlan spent last Suns day with friends at 1'ordwieb, Robert Jackson of liarriston visited at tlto borne of Wm, Weir last Sen. (ley, Mrs, Robert Ireland of Teeswater vicinity visited at the hoar° of Mr'. John hush last Thursday. 111r. and Mrs, John Strong of (lhh con,, Howick, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre, Robert McMichael. The envelope system has been in- troduced into the church here, We hope it will prove a success. Mr, and fitrs, Gavin Davidson of Wroxeter spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaughlan. Another of the pioneers passed away to his rewac d last Thursday, in the person of Mr. John Underwood, at the home of his son-in-law, Me. Chas. Simmons, 10th con., liowiek. De- ceased was in his 80th year. He was laid to rest in the Wroxeter cemetery Iast Saturday. The funeral was large- ly attended, The friends have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Belgrave. Wo are pleased to he able to an- nounce that little Mabel Ferguson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Fer- guson, has taken a change for the bet- ter, and her physicians express the hope that she may now recover. She had a very severe attack of scarlet fever. TOWN OF WINCII-IA1M'I. COURT OF REVISION. The first sitting of the Court of Re- vision of the Assessment Roll for the Town•of Wingham, for the year 1911, will be held in the Council Chamber, Wingham, on Monday, 29th day of May at 8 p,m. All parties interested will pjease take notice and govern themselves accordingly, John F. Groves. Clerk's office, May 13th, 1011. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY. COURT OF REVISION. Please take Notice that the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll will hold its first sittings in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, 29th day of May, at 2 o'clock p.m. All persons interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. John Burgess, Clerk. Dated May 13th, 1911. FARM FOR SAIL The undersigned offers his fine farm, consisting of about 135 acres, adjoining the town of Clinton, for Bale. The farm is in . a good state of cultivation and has good buiididgs ; brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, &o., all comparatively now. A first-class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit and also small fruits. The farm is well-foneod and drained and is a very desirable home. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or ad- dress JOHN TORRANCE, Clinton, Out. Notice To Contractors. The Council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of the Henderson and Garniss Drains. Plans, profiles and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's residence. Each tender to be accom- panied by a cheque for. $50. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hall on Monday, May 29th, at 3 o'clock, A. Macau 1N, Clerk. Bluevale, May 12, 1911. 38-39 Bull For Sale. One choice Shorthorn Bull, twelve months old ; color deep red, sired by my stock Bull, Huron Chief ; dam, a "Crimson Flower" cow ; will be sold reasonable for quick sale, J. G. FYb+'E, lst Line, Morris. Wingham. Valuable Properties For Sale. The brick and tile yards on the Bluevale road, are for sale, consisting of one hundred acres, two houses, barn, brickyard, with sheds and neces- sary machinery. Also the Winghana brickyards, con- sisting of 50 acres, with houses, rna- thinery and sheds. Also 50 acres of good land on the 13 line. For particulars apply to ELI ELLIOTT, Box 95, Wingham,. NEW SHOP Opened on John St. (OPP. DR. TAMLYN'S) On road to the 0. P. Ry, just received, carload of Tudhope and McLachlan Buggies, ranging in price from $65,00 to $140.00. Also half a car of Corn icing Manure Spreaders. Any person thinks ing oP getting a Manure Spreader should see ice before buying, All kinds of Farm Implements, Toronto Wind Mills, Coekshutt Plows and Melotte Cream Separators, always on hand. Also a full line of itepairs always in stock. Any person wanting anything in any of the above lines should nee me as 1 can sell them the best and as cheap as the cheapest. Thanking you for past patronage, and solicitteg a continnanee of the same. I ant, 'roars Truly, J Jo FRYFOOLE ..WINQHAMI, ONT. lniifONS 102 . P, 0, BOK 18 Executors' Sale, Executors' unreserved auction sale of farm lands, 1;1 miles frown. Ford- wich ; 200 acres, lots 20 and 21, con. 10, Howick Tp., Huron Co. ; 150 no, cloarence, iu a goodstate of eultiva• tion, 25 acres hardwood, balance pas• tare e lands ' cover failing , ai g or, wok ; soil clay loam, gravel bottom; well fenced; large new bank barn; good out build- ings; comfortable dwelling; two never failing wolfs, .Assessed value, $7200 ; estimated value with standing orop, $9500. Terms, WOO cash, balance on easy terms. No heir a prospective buyer. Possession given 15 days after date of sale. Plane and date of sale— King Edward Hotel, Fordwieh, Juno 7th, 1911, at 2 o'clock p.m. Herbert W, Lairds Exooutors. w'm. F. Wade ) Inquirers address H, W. Laird, Ford- wioh. May 5th, 1911, D. BELL'S Music Emporium -*MISINCOOMOa IV= INIMIelemsolliWIntely. Our rooms were never better stocked than at present, and we invite you to call. Pianos • We have the best makes in stock. Elegant in appearance, melodious ire tone. "Players 7f You should sec and hear this line to appreciate them. Organs In these we are sure to please. At prices to suit. Sewing Machines By the carload. See the new White machine with all the latest improvements. IMILlftwasaisemase See onr stools of Violins, Phono- g r ap h s, Records, Accordeons, Washing Machines, Wringers, &c. PRICES REASONABLE D. BELL CH RTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 Try Us On Tea They're good and they'll please. Look In And consult us on Groceries China Ware (Upstairs). Every piece in the store at smashed prices. Our Provisions Are always of the best. Try Fay Benfos 20c per lb. Corn Beef 20e per lb. T H E Giorious Twetfth ilumkimmieemimmemme Arrange to celebrate with the Orangemen on July the 12th, 1911, at KINCARDINE Spend the day by the lake. Good Speeehes will be de. livered. A. Fine Program of Water Sports being arranged. Accommodation far everyone is being provided. WATCH FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS J. Hunter W S. Anderson W, "iL. a91110i''3%. T1I1a1tSDA'2, MAY iS, 19/1 New Styles In Men's Buttoned Boots Buttoned Boots for Men are strictly in good taste and we have several lines which are well worthy of your serious consideration. This is one of the New Styles Made of good quality Patent Coltskin -- Matt Calf Top -- with Creased Vamp. PRICE $3.50 PER PAIR. Men's Tan Buttoned Boots ARE VERY NEW Two Very Nice Lines. Per Pair $4.50 and $5.00. Men's Gun Metal Buttoned Boots ARE VERY FASHIONABLE Prices $4.00 and $4.50 Per Pair. A Whole Wiildowful Of New Buttoned Boots For Men (Our South Window)—take a look at it. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE- STORE 1.100-47, FOR SHOE LADIES 00.4144#4•6916444•••••••4-9444 9•90.90•••••••••041144•1444 Fllan.a & Co. • 9 PHO -NE 70 WHAT WE HAVE NOT GOT IN STOCK WE WILL PROCURE • LADIES' FANCY SUMMER 2 DRESS GOODS This season we have the largest assortment of fancy t Foulard Silks, also fancy Cotton Foulards, in blues, tans and greys. Prices --25c, 40c and 75c. Exclusive patterns. Also a big range of Colored Muslins, Repps, Ginghams, and Fancy Wash Goods, at 121e to 25e per yard. Fifteen dozen White Lawn and Embroidered Ladies' • Waists to choose from. This season's newest styles. In • sizes -32, 34, 36, 88, 40, 42, 44. . The Prices are—$1.00, 4 $1,25, $1.75 to $2.50. HOUSE FURNISHINGS 9 OUR SPECIALTYRUGS__—Velvet, Tapestry and Brussels, in Oriental 9 and Medallion patterns. All bright colors. Sizes -3x3, 31-x3 -, 3n4, 3x4, 31x41. SURROUNDS FOR RUGS—Wood shades in stripes, all widths. We also lay • same free of charge. If you have a room to do, have it i done .with our wood pattern Linoleum. • LINOLEUMSBleak or Floral. Something new each season in Linoleum pat- terns ; different widths ; 2 yards and 4 yards wide ; all patterns ; $2.25 per yard. I i 1 1 OILCLOTHS __Block and Floral patterns. We lay our oilcloth for any room, free of charge. Widths -1, 7f, 11. and 2 yards. Price - 30 cents per equaro yard for any pattern. CURTA1NS__Lace Curtains in White or Ecru ; $4 and $5 patterns in the $1.25 & $1.50 quality. We also have the two-tone effects at 52.25 & $2.75 per pair. White p'ish Netts at $4.00 pair. FANCY SUN SHADES Moat up-to-dato stock of Ladies/ Parasols to choose from, in Plains, Dresdens and Paisleys — Silk and Cotton finish. Prises—$1,25, $1.50, 52.00, 52.50, $3.00. We're Agents for the best line of Men's and Boys' Low and high -Priced Clothing in Canada, also Men's Spring Overcoats and Odd Pants, Wo guarantee the wear. Men's, nevi' and Children's Straw gets. Men's Sailors, up. to•date Meeks, at $1.00, $1,50, $2.50. Boys' and Childten's Straw Sailors from 250 to 60o, We're Solo Agents .for 13ntterick Patterns. Prioea Ido and 15o Rest Prices Paid for flutter, Eggs and Potatoes. til