HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-18, Page 7°lake, japan, a, eityi of 1,226,390:
awaking to tite. importance of pure wat-
er ona ie going to spend $4,000,950 in
Improving its witterworks. It will take
water from the Yodo River and titter
Wimt with airehips, aerial torpedoce,
motor artillery, subinerinrie and eeeret
engines_ of deetruction, the next big war
Aliould prove interesting enough for the
moat araent ruiliterist. Pity the fo-
menters of war sliould mit have to figbt
them out.
The letter in whieli Edgar Allen Poe
explained that alcoholic excitement was
an oecasional rattier than a vonstant exe
eitemeot with aim, has Wen split or
$1,700. Alas that $1,700 would liave been
enough to -have relieved the distress
which tae poet in his lifetime sieffered!
4 s
The new Chinese Imperial edict
against the opium traffic la to come into
forge at the end of this yeer. It pro-
vides that auy person wan manufaciares
opium, deals in it, stores it for later
sole, imports it from abroad, shall incur
severe penaltiee, from five years' impris-
onment at hard labor down.
It is said that the California authora
ties will intrOduce finger print evidence
into the dynantite ease. Professor Fow-
ler asserted that nature produces no du-
plicates; that "there are no two
thumb zna,hks exactly alike among the
billions of thumbs past and present."
In recent years thumb prints have
brought home crime to many criminals.
4 pee
New Jersey's "bloomer woman," Mrs.
Susan T. Fowler, is dead at the age of
87. For sixty-nine years she has been
famous for wearing the garmenta which
geve her the sobriquet. She was a com-
panion of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Susan B. Anthony in their campaign
for freedorn of women from fashionable
arese restrictionsa*
In the last three months of 1910 the
steam: and electric railways of the Un-
ited States killed 2,880 persons and in-
jured 41,352. Of those jailed 248 met
death in "train accidents" and 3,729
were injured. In "Industrial accidents,"
that is acctdents in which no moving
train or locomotive was coneerned,there
were 107 killed and 20,394 injured.
The United Statea Supreme Court
has affirmed the title of a lada to
her face. A New York statute forbids
the use as an advertisement of a por-
trait of any one without the owner's
consent. The Supreme eourt has held
this law to be constitutional. There
seems to be still some private rights
which are protected against the en-
croachments of United States "liberty."
• 1 •
The recent employers' liability law of
the State of New York, whieh was de•
clared unconetitutional by the court
of appeals, cannot be put into operation
without a change in the State constitu-
tion, The funaamental law of the peo-
ple a erabodiea in the constitution
makes n ecimpulaory. compensation law
impossible because proof of fault or ne•
gligenee 5s rescoraing to the Court oi
Appeals, the only "due process of law"
by which an employer mayhe required
to paw compensation to an injured em-
Here's a hint to some .of the intending
visitors to the Coronation. A London
Post 'writer • hints that the "colonials"
are skinned by the motor cab drivers of
the metropolis. lt says: "The writer
has been at some, pains to eross-examine
vaulters arriving from. the Overseas Do-
nainions as to what they think of Lon-
don after the advent of the motor -cab,
and one thing he has learnt as s. result
is that your average taxi -cab driver
treats the obvious eolonial in a manner
very different from that which he dares
essay in connection with the British
resident withia these islands. The col-
onials, too, are spoiling the men by tip-
ping even in excess of the premlent rate,
andthat is high,"
When Roosevelt was President, he said
he used seccharine, it coal -ter product
300 times as sweet es pure sugar, to pre -
Yea his growing too fat, Dr. Wiley,
ebief chemist of the United States iseod
Bureau, wanted him that the produet
was not a good substitute for sugar and
ite regular use Was not gooil for Meath.
Roosevelt said anyone who loll such a
iiew ;vas "a fool." Snbsequentlyle
eliose Tra Iteres.en, discoverer of the drug,
be head of the "Remsen Board." Now
Prof. Reinsett lies declared that stitch-
arine ie injurious to health, and should
not lei need save iti spial cases end
under medicel direction. it L3 said that
Rome United Stales manafaetitrers of
erela fettutain syrups nee twit retautitiee
of the eaetnical,
4 -
(Ningeton Standard.)
Few people reoegnize the 'ffeet tvliieh
the prevailing colors of rooms have upon
theta. Deetors do. Red is it twine pea
for itesporeleney; blue for mooning the
nerve& Gitionly rooms are an ithereina..
lion, and they ton generally los made
morel theerftil by ming the right kind
of paper. As people think about the re -
papering in the spring we mention thee;
and also that mere should he ehoten
whida throw tittek the libl, White, or
%Ant and gold tinow took seven -tenth;
chrome, eiteteralie; orange, five tenths;
yellow, fentetmalie' - pink, a little tete
than yellow; lightlane, One-fourth;
light brawn and retereld strern Only two -
Jennie; dark Igoe -re vermilion, blow
'Neu eud Coleat bine only tite-tentb.
No" ALArttql,„ia.
'Arty -I "read yettace got a iota Pill,
Is it a feet
• -Yue, twist but there ain't to
cauee for entiety. ririly tengwir'ee
The Queer Little Boxr 1
An Eastern Scheme of Vengeance
"Hello, my bola cried dadoe
joelah Marceline to the yoting sailor
who atood twirling hie cap by the desk,
"Back again, safe and sound, hey, from
the glowing East? Ian glad to eee you."
"Don't go, Cronkite. This is young
Pottle, son of the housekeeper At the
Undeoglaties, Arid, like hew devoted to
the itierediths. He's all elite seamier:,
and a very able one, leo, I warrant,
aboara the fularigged Iron ship Diego,
seta& makes sucli famous rune in the
East India trade.
"What can I do for you, mo lad?"
"You told me judge, to iet you know
ft 1 ever caughit eight or sound of Mr.
Jim," 1410 began hesitatingly,
"Bless my soul, so I Old," reflected the
Judge, Ins face settling Into concern, ols
It posslble that vicious cerature still lives
to hate and plot? Sit down, Ralph, sit
down; and do you, Abe, give the closest
"Yhte must remember someabing of
that -mysterious fire at the Underglades
two years ago. It burst out without ap-
parent cause In the room where Fritz
Meredith lay bedralden. The doors had.
all been fastened,
"Of course, it was hushed up, but there
Is no doubt that James Meredith was
the. perpetrator ef the outrage, He fled
aeroes the seas, we all Aped prover."
' "Insane or revengeful, sir?" asked. the
"Both, fot there is an irresponsible
strain that shows itself now and again
in the Merediths, with selfish interest
added. James Meredith has always been
fantastically minded, full of strange de-
vices, delighting in the abdominal and
the cruel,
"He hated the uncle who had benefited
him so much and forgiven him so often
because his uncle would not hear of his
marrying his pretty cousin Madge, Fritz
Meredith's only child. Besides, lie would
come into a contingent inheritance at his
unele's death. Where did he see Mr.
Jim, Ralph?"
"We were so short handed at Bombay
that the captain grAbbed at whatever
the rimps fetehed for the hem voyage,"
anivaered the young sailor. "There
was a lean, lanky hand among them,
witli a black beard, who reminded me
of somebody, I couldn't tell who, though
lie loeltea like a Lasear, he was that yel-
"Ire ,acted like a Lasear, too, squatting
ba himself when off duty and mumbling
the Lord knows what, ale fought shy
of me in particular, and besides we steed
different watches and didn't awing near-
by, But all the same one morning when
he was washing down the deck I caught
sight of his upper arm. It was as white
as mine, Judge, and 021 it were these
same initials tattoed I seen when a boy.
Ob, it, was Mr. Jim, all right, and that
was why I came .direetly we were paid
off. especially after- the way he lit ont
last night."
"Do you mean that he has gone from
the ship, that you don't know where he
'Yes, judge; We made the bar just
. after sonset last night, and so had to
drop anchor at lower quarantine. Thie
morning this Lasear cluip--Lol 'some-
thing, I never could catch the name he
called himself, but Mr. Jim, your Honor,
he truly was—was iniesing. He must
have slid off in some 'mating skiff along
wait his queer little box."
-Why queer?" asked Abe Cronkite.
"Reetaiese, sir, it Was all wrapped up in
Eestetu ettarse eioth and no one could
get a glimpse of it. One of in.y mates
vewed there waa something alive in it,
but there wet e enough rats egaeaking
suit suLtThig througa the Week to
tnakehim think that."
"This is too serious a matter for any
digreesiod, Abe," interposed the Judge,
severely. "James, :Meredith is -back for
no good, purpose. He must be watched
and guarded against.
"The family et Underglades is practi-
eally helpless, with Mr. Fritz Meredith n
eonfinued invalid still confined to Me
roc.ne and only hie de:tighter Mudge un-
der the care of Ralph' e good mother,
with the servants. You must go down
there in some -capacity.: Let me think:
wbat was it I heard from that Mee jolty
girl? Oh, yes; she wrote that her fath-
er insisted on her having a houseful of
company aud that there was going -to be
a masked. bell for thein this Friday night
and wouldn't I lend dignity to the ocitc-
"Let me his, that will be day after to-
mororw. I think I just will. Y ou go
down right away, Abe, with Ralph, so
as to adviee me when I eomei His moth-
er and. lie betweea them will menage to
find some place for you in the house
where you will Attract no notice and be
nate to discern and dieceneert the siight.
est move on the part of this infernal
"Tell your mother, Ralph, that I de-
-pend upon her and. you. Mr. Fritz Mere.
clith must not be alarmed and I would
not mar my pretty ;Wedge's pleasure for
anythi ng."
Among •the decorntors, enterers, musi-
eiana and additional servants who now
thrertged the old house at the tauter,
gisides the presence of et> reserved ant
retiring a man as Abe Crontite ettraca
ed little or no notice. Mrs. Fertile
vs:eel:ea for him rind that: was suffieient
to telltale him to come and go as lie will.
ed. with no other connuent than that
thie quiet Mr. layienee was 'employed, by
, the fat and ristainatie lioneelieeper to
les el:st eliatp eye on everything.
Stieli wee Madge Mereditith under-
stauding end she approved of it, for by
hie very manner the deteetive managed
to suggest mid impart beIpfulness ana
confidenee. Within twenty.four hours
'Exactly; It couldn't be better," agreed
Cronkite. "Keep it up, Mr. Slocum. Ex-
eite Ole jealousy all you eau. Don't you
see I am playing for time. 1 know that
his motive in coming here O3 to work
revenge on Fritz Meredith, but I don't
yet allow how he plots to work. it. I
would. confuse and divert this motive,
thus mussing- him to heeitate And pe'
belie betray himeella' • •
•"1 do see. You figure that lie will
get so mad with me that be 'stall forget
for the time being how mad he is with
Mr. Meredith. Ali right, the job suite
me, Beeidesaalr. Meredith may not think
My scant pay and small fortune a detri.
ment if I am so luckas to help save
lam from harm,"
"It isn't. Air. Meredith alone, but the
houseful of young people gathered for
innocent enjoyment."
"Tut, man, you speak as if this luna-
tic were arre,ed with it getting gun."
"Some weapene in stuli hankie raigat
prove fully as destructive."
"True, there are 'self -cocking revolvers
that keep spitting out bullets. Of course
it is all surmise; yen can't know juist
what this mad fellow may Or raay not
db. But your inferences,, .t believe, are
correct, 13y concentrating his rage upon
me not only will Mr. Meredith be pro-
tected, but Madge and h.er guests will be
saved from chane harm. By the way,
wouldn't it be better still if I were out
of the house?a
"I was just going to say," answered
Cronkite, "that in anticipation of your
devotiou I had already asked Mrs. Pur-
vis to fit out a room for you in that de-
serted building in the :woods that used
to be a lodge. lam can say, yen know,
that you maywant to have a little
bachelor gathering which -might be noisy
In the big house. Of course you will
have to expose yourself."
"Of coueseat said the young officer,
"That le one of the things that
go without saying in the service.
"But 1 than be on *atoll and on hand,
you may eount on that," concluded the
detective, at think, sir, our programme
is sufficiently arranged. You are to con-
tinue your attentions to alias Meredith
in the open all', exciting the jealousy of
this man, who doubtless will be dogging
you,and listening to you, in every way
you can. You are also to explain to her
your ellange of rooms •so he may know
just where to fMci you and thus will
have no eause to eome to thls house."
"All right," yewned Mark Slocum. "I
think you are a little overelaborate In
your plane and preeantione. Mr. Detee,
tive, but I ain trained to obey my com-
manding officer, wish, though, I had
run across the scoundrel Mien I was Q11
the Eastern station, knowing what I now
do; I would have wrung his neek for
"Were you it Bombay, sir?" asked
Cronkhite, casually, hie hand on the door
"Only for a day or so; this is a good
time, I tell you to ,give the bubonic
Plague a wide berth! .
"Yes, sir," reflected Cianklate. 'Thia
is it good time, as you say, to avoid any
possible infection with the bubonic
"I fear your fine mia.plans have gone
awry, Abe," said judge Mareellue dis-
satisfiedly, when f ter is arrival at the
Caiderglades he listened to Croelehite's
"Say rather, sir, that they haven't
oeome to a head ne soon as 1 anticipated,"
replied the detecti've, petiently.
"it is that old built of ieure, Abe; you
too too diffuse. The atuipleet way is
the best. way. Sill00 the .wretch is lurk-
ing 131 the neighborhood with obviouely
no good intent, why didn't you have two
stout deputies arrest him?"
"The public safety is the supreme law,
"There you go again with your can -
founded wise saws. What de you mean?"
"Ile keeps that queer little box, wrap-
ped in Eastern eearaa cloih with him,
sir. Suppose that it is filled with dyna-
WIlieet my soul, la mIght welt be; do
you think eel."
elt might well be as you say, sir,
tbeagh I eitoke only by way of .illnetra-
tion. It seemed prudent, tharefore, for
me to try to entrap him it a remote and
deserted 'reuse where only these could
be eudangered whoae duty 11 is to take
the Walt. At ally rate, I have prevented
him from tiny °vett aet. He is einiply
hanging i rt esoiute."
"Ys," agreed the Judge thoughtfully,
"sold that would be Or aceord with the
nature of the beast as Outlined it to
you. He is darting bItcrettett head Ole
way end that. nut wet& out. Abe, for
hea.vea's. sake. When orme hia perverted
will is set he will strike ewift and sure."
"You oho dee:albeit him, Judge, as
fantastieally minded, full of strengede-
vices and delighting m the .abnormal ant
tt cruel. Now, it halt iteeined te me,
perhaps in soil jnetitication, I adadt.
that he had planned &onto dramatic
menus of Oiling aduilseion to this
home and to "Mr. Fritz Merealth's room.
which he is loath to forego, even though
ho has decided to wrest:: Ms revenge
fleet upon Mr. Stoma.
"If this 14 4.0 then it seerne that the
,masked to -night offers juet the
'stage for this ploy of his. whatever it
may he. 1 eaunot etmlain, it is true.
whet 1te. has been about sinee he had
ecelar proof that filoeum ana ants Mere-
dith love each other, foul also learned
that .itioetun. now hat gnerters in the
deserted room,
"Mit I believe, anti a Is not empty be-
lief, air, that he is planning some biome
!fleet for itonigio, perbeps te ecare the
young:Iwo* and break np the ball by
a ppearnig in some •hideone eoeltane,
that then lie will promied egainet Sloe
he VMS a fixture in the lionseitold.
It Was nateral then for Ensiga Mese; , ein feet, T liave provided, so fat as
inc-etiro of the tioxY to 1001: up Plaosoate 1 cap, against some sueli mad course on
lv if inquiringly when this. quite Mr. his eerie*
Itylance futloweti hint to his room 00 hie whe Judge emitted in approval, -
tettun from a fAroll tinuttgit the pleutto sit will e might always remember,
Wee with alatige Meredith, ' Alia" Ise seid, ahow nuieb wiser you are
ette view sir," Said the deteeti•ee than 1 R111, NOM VOA t ik:r ;V:011 Wall t
laVillwilt ether ptellraitiaty than a care- itieste de, uty man? r ant at your.cotio
fill eloshig of the thew, "that 1 recognize mediae
ia Toll a Youniianion of el'adiletati la!" "-You are alwayt toe wed to me
ALI alillity who is elimerely In low lath 1 „ h .i c, . IA .. .. 0.
Id i',.14 liatialitIl." feelleg, "Now then to bud wet, You
°What the dettee!" interjeetea the as- -
can take .an important part. indeed a
toutaled eiloeum.
A ' e inott impertant prat, for we both earn -
"fine menizot, pleate. Wt. e-teia that
flow iseeeille hann."
vi...,..,:,h,....,,trit. riei, vlor hit.„ to salh, ur tette- wieb, don't we, that that bedrid-
, e. , . • . e , i ..
..1•2:at. i, truly sum, t.ven if not Alien lolly young foulis deweetatirs aliall be
elan Oa Ma rt U iV:talri. that all thews
Lea from even. a suepieton of alarm.'
"it ie well siabl. Tile emergency is "Go• then, to the ball Whim; aalkt
*twit thet I meet tenst scone one, and I ale nitiOle tilroilAY is sclinding- T-kil4
know I awl tenet ;veto" dignity to the ,feetive scene. You will
.. ....
Wertetwou aroulate preceeeett to Ow. not find Mies luerettlili and Mr. )816enin
tell the eanses ireta eireitaietaliees ef his the.re kr the preetnt at tenet. I depend
pr.f.Mlii, 0 ,+.4g:tosciil.. upon yeu to cave 'Melt D,L8Atlee Mtn
*-Why, 1 awe joset mit a yelitiw chap etenteeut or .even netice."
p.: wialeolieg oy 134 unit') a white pitle. Cronkite wad right. Tbe lover8 we -re
est• liteler MA 24121 'Mat Mt %ere eating net, prestet among the festive scenes
In the groVel". elli'd Filtatim. Waisidge whit+ tat dulge wee about tO a.ttotri
tienotat he was a f ypsy mitt wautta me
ao (on hire letek, hut I dale% bun his
Jilt tie, wit, :ei r Cgs I fl AY '1 Y. genuine
talk. Aei Slocem at tbe expecte4
leounde in the elump of trete ia the rear
'looked back tout eaught a glintipse of
a figure, fantastic,- lurking and laden -
lug, he threw hie Amite exeunt.' Madge,
drawing her face to itis breast,
"Now is our time, tierliug," he plead-
ed in impasitionetal tweeds. "Your father
will never consent to our, marriage.
Amid ail the jointer at tbe :louse our
absence will mit be nete4 for hours.
By that time we will be man and wife,
Wait, I 'tweett you, bere until I men
over to ray room and, get my money
and papers'; and then just it short walk
through the oluntetion to the garage,
and off we speed to the marrying par-
Madge whispered her cote
sent, or gave it by her faience; for Slo-
cum sprang tip and away with a rap
throw; About. She raised her head, she
looked after her lover, harrying dowu
the wooded path lightly, confidently.
Sonteltedy, 'something, Was following
in the trees at the side, a eatanie (shape
In red and black such as during 'the
:Middle Ages added terror to a MaaflUe
of death. Though fully Apprised, though.
as stout of heart as she was lotting,
Madge could no atiffle a cry of alarno
Then a hand Was laid On her itrui, then
* voice said:
"Don't fear, alias Meredith, I will
be on their heels to prevent, to save,
to secure. Wait patiently, for soon
your troubles and dangers will be over,
It was the quite; Mr. Rylanee, who
fleetly disappeared among the trees.
Into the, darkness of the remote and
deserted lodge hUrrried Mark •Slocurn.
He dashed up the stairs and into the
front room. which luta been prepared
for him. Ile mane a light and the pois-
ed', with every mingle strained for quick
action, behind the closed door.
tip the stairs now crept that grotesque
sbape. It paused on the threshold listen-
ing; to draw the slide of adarklantern
to lay down the queer little box covered
with coarse Eastern cloth, to bring from
the red cloak's fantastic folds w stout
rope rove into a running from a noose
the death head's masque from its face.
The feeble rays struck the tawny skin,
the haggard lineaments, the deep-set
eyes sparkling with matinees. It was
the awe of the Lamar, of James Meres
Cronkite waited on the landing below
until Merwlith had Adjusted the noose
on his Arm and the rope ends to his left
hand. Ile waited until he had breath-
lessly turned the knob and moved the
door ajar; then oven as he drew himself
for a frenzied spring he was up and upon
him, forcing him through the door and
down on the floor, where Slocum also
fell upon him, In an instant the noose
was over James Meredith's ehoulders
and trussed about with the rope he.lity
helpless to blink and gasp like some
nightmare monster.
Cronkite stepped. out into the hall.
He raised the box gingerly at arm's
terigth, yet with silent intentnetss. Then
with an awed nod he eallea Slocum to
"Listen," he saia. "I was right. Look."
And he showed how a slit in the cloth
exposed a trap that might be reified.
'Don't you seat' he gasped, "He would
have made it bite you."
"Great God! Such fiendishness is be-
yond belief," Slocum gasped. back. "What
are you going to do?"
"Wait, they beth must be watcheillike
enemies.' of mankind." And. down the
stairs went Abe Cronkite.
Slocum dia wait and watch between
the silent, motionless man and the box
all aquiver with herald life.- Now and
again there was a sharp sound and he
quivered for all his pluck. Again he was
back In the siekly, sodden heat of Bom-
bay. .Again he was listening to sober
tales of how death in its moat savage
form was lurking beneath the streets,
in the walls of house and in the crevicee
Of the doelts. Why didn't Cronkite come?
Ire would be even gladder to get away
from the lodge than he had been to salt
from that city of the plague. ,
At length Cronkite did come up the
stairs slowly, like one tired and hot.
For the moment lie steed gazing on Jas.
Meredith, who blinked back at him in
impotent rage. Then with a Shrug of his
bored shoulders he turned away.
"By to -Morrow, when he has been com-
mitted as hopelessly insane," he said to
Slocum, Where will be no one who will
believe or heed lain, should he rave of
what we know to be true."
He picked up the box gingerly.. 13ear-
ing it at arms' length, he lea the way
down the stairs, and into the -cellar. A
fire was blazing in the furnace. Ile
swung open the furnace door, Ire tossed
the box into the very miast of the eager
Thenitwas that the two men lo•oked
on the contents of the queer little box
tor the first and last time. As the fob-
rie vanished like it breath, a great gray
rat, gaunt and worn as if already half
eooeuraed by some internal fever, leaped
and squealed even as it Was licked up
and devoured by the fervent heat.
A fashionable Pittsburg elturch has
established a contplete playroom with
reliable tames Where you eau check
your baby illSb as you do your hat and
overceate before going in.
Everybody knows that a baby is the
finest tliing in the world, and that he
who goes through life without leaving
one behind dies very poor indeed, a lady
wri tes.
13ut many women have felt that their
hearts would, grow much fonder of their
babies if they coula be absent from
thent occasionally, though ever sosel-
niketly, every fatuity eannot have
a nurse of its owe,for thou billy half
the world's women COulct be mothers,
for the' other half would have to be
Btwe coula share our nurses.
It would be a good We to have pUblio
nurseries, preferably in 'the home dis-
tricts. The youngeters would he in
charge of graduate uurses of the high-
est professional standiftie They would
be matters of flie art of keeping &M -
then at healthy play.
Iliit don't think we are proposing ptth-
lis as a substitute for the old-
fastioned kind, as we hear seam "new"
--or maybe juet "freelistoevomen pro'
pose! Net evert an angel from heaven
eould take the plaee of it &Old's mother
as his principal Rutile, for the angel,
however emelt wiser she miglit be,could
not love the &at lself 50 mut&
Rut We do think that every mothee
Omuta have what only a few privileged
motlierit with employed nursee have
nowt the opportunity to go ehoppleg,
and to the theatre or it party otaltsional.
Iv, am/ know that her baby 18 in good
lietule while elm is WAY from her Starl-
inu. She lemma that site is risking her
little one's life if she leaves him along
in the home; eita she Ooten't feel sure
(bet her neighbor will keepbaby etvey
from the 'dove, the lama boiler, and otb•
er almoners things if the leaves the
chial in the ueighboeW cere.
wIths ditamiy. 'How were .settted It takes t petty elatk mietoiller to
tide by slie on the Itenea in tlie grove keep Isis banal warm in another
I0 .04 4P1W0101.11CIS Ilate) in eoufletential aoekete.
Are You Losing Strength?
This Will Tell You How to Re.
gain Spirits awl Vitality in
a Short Time.
Once you were robust, bright and luta-
py. To -day you are (lull, worried, fail -
bio in vitality and appearenee. Just
when you should be at your beet you're
playea out and need a cleansing, bracing
tonie, Your Mood will woo redden, your
vivaelotte spirit will soon return, you'll
be yourself again if yon regulate the
system with Do, Harnilton'e Pals, A
truly wonderful medicine. It entwine
put disease, positively drives away head-
ache, wearieeas, and lack of vit•al force.
Give yourself & chance. Use Dr. Haunt.
ton's Pills and watch the remit. Sold. ev-
erywliere ift 25e bOxeS•
(Philadelphia Record.)
It looks as though the remarks of
Preeident Taft in favor of tae arbitra-
tion of all international issues, end the
favorable response thereto of air Ed-
ward Grey, of England, would soon re-
sult in an agreerueut between the two
Governments, which we believe Congos
ani Parliameut would not hesitate to
approve, that would make war between
this country and England impossible, awe
the precedent of which would lead, other
nations to enter into like agreements.
. 0 4 0
Minard's. Liniment used by Physicians
Thew) on this side of the Atlantic
who imagine that the English are glow
and behind the times may be -interested
to learn that All preparations have been
made for the reproduction in the London
theatres of the Coronation procession
and ceremony by moving picture films
MI the same evening. The first outward
bound Atlantic near will also take a
supply of films to New York. laat, most
remarkable of all, will be the titansmis-
sten of the pictures of the Coronation
by wire to Paris, where they will be ex-
hibited to the Parisians a few hours af-
ter the King and Queen are crowned.
For some time London audiences have
enjoyed moving pictures of the great
horse races in England on the evening
of the day on which the races were run.
But the transmission of pietures by wire
Is evidence that Jolm-Bull is not quite so
slow as some of his rivals would make
him out to fe.
Is to use °Ha Dye
that will color either
Wool, Cotton, Silk or
Mixed Goods Perfectly,
You will find this In
Send for Samples,
Card and Story
Booklet 19
Montrea I. Can
With this Modern Dye all you have to do is to
ask for DY-O.LA then you CAWS make a.
mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the goods
you's:aye to color.
(Kingston Standard.)
Hereafter, in Chicago, thn domestic
servant will be engaged jut the same
it girl working in a fastory. She will
come et it stated hour and go home at a
stated hour. Why not? And then,
again, why? To be sure there is no -rea-
son, in the nature of thinge'why a do.
eimetie should sleep in the honee of her
euwiloyer if she prefere to sleep in her
own home, and we are sure, nowt partica
will welcome the thange. Wily, too,
should a girl, doine*home work, not
work a certain number of hours per day
ami be paid by tho hour past as a girt
in a factory does—that is, 11 11 is feas-
ible? The point is, le it feasible? What
do the Kingston women think? Aud
what do the girla themselves think?
"As • Near Perfection as Possible"
Wherever good sugar is known and
apppreciated you find St. Lawrence
Sugar taking the lead over all others.
Why not get the best -especially as
it costs no more than the ordinary
Sugar, St. Lawrence Is 00-20 300 to
lOO per cent. pure.
(Pittsburg Gazette -Times.)
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Ceti, the well.
known evritereand lecturer, in an address
Ina New Yora on woman's suffrage,
"A famous New York editor was argu-
ing witrine the other clay.
'Butt he said, 'women can't pretend
to be men's equals. Take war, for iu-
stance. Suppose a war arose between
us and England, or ue and Cernmey, or
us and. japan, what would you do then,
"Td do the same as you would,' I
answered promptly. `I'd sit at my deak
and write articles urging other people to
go and fight.'"
Puck—Iinicker---The early bird gets
the wotm.
Boeker--.A.nd the late bird sees the sea
Iliteltee—ron got tlimmed bad. I
thought you seta you Ws confident of
the result.
, 'Wee. 1 knew I'd get liked.
(Department of Agriculture; office of
the Dairy stud Cold. Storage C'oul-
bas been etateti, on good authority
Mutt tlie average yield. of 17,000 ecere
in the Anima* Belleville, Ont., sectiou
for the factory season of 1910. was 3,480
pounds of milk, There are sections in
Quebec where it is doubtfol if the
age is is much over 2,500 pounds. The
Average income per taw in councation
with one Quebee creamery was only
$19.130. As some patrune obtaleed as
mutat as $34 per cow, it means iteeessir-
ily that some cows canted seereely $15,
Some primary prineiples of diary farm.
Mg Nemo to need attention, Imre. Pao -
owls of each gOW'12 prOalleti041 will ISM
13110W mallet' cows eloitild l, aeefea be.
cause unprofitable.
During 1910 the average yield ef 1,100
cows in Qiwbec ow -testing associations
for the full period of lactation was 179
pounds of fat, double the Above cream -
cry average.
Two good records near Winchester,
Ont., for Januaryelabruary and March
are 5,725 and 8,470 pounds of milk from
two cows that freshened in December.
Such cows,. sources of keen pleasure and
good profit, are foued itt inereasir
numbers where cow -testing is raeb1sed.
Plenty of iudividuel cows in Canada are
giving 10,000 arui 12,000 pounds of milk
and from 300 to 400 poueds of fat in one
Why keep poot cows?
Mrs. Aime Ouellette, L'Immaculee
Conception, Que., tuna: nary little
boy sufferee greatly frotn colic. I
gave him castor oil and other medi.
eines without helping. him in the
least, One day I saw Baby's Own Tab-
lets advertised, eo wrote for a box.
I.found. them so good that I always keep
them in the house and would use no
other medicine for baby."' The experi-
ence of /Ira Guenette has been that of
thousands of other mothers. Not only
do the tablets cure collo, but they cure
wonstipation, vomiting, indigestion, make
teething. eitsy, banish worms, and make
baby bright, active and happy, The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
(Winnipeg Telegram.)
Do your work as well as you can,
"right up to the handle." Do it lovingly,
like a consecrated man. Make tyour
work e prayer!
Use your vote and your influence to
help the world along toward better
things. Fight for men! Let money
and property look out for themselves,
Fight for men -for men, women and
Love„your folkel Love is the only
reality.. If you do good work, it WM
be because you love it. If ' you vote
for human good, it will- be becauee
you love humanity. But, anyhow, love
your folks—the little wife, the babies,
the oat mother and father—anybody
that beyongs to you. And love 'em
good and. hard!
asr, •
Omen's University
Kingston, Ontario.
SCIENCE, including
The Arts course -may be taken by
correspondence, but students desiring
to graduate must attend one session.
July 3rd to August I lih,
For Calendars vvrite the Registrar,
rry G. Y. CHOWN, Kingston', Ontario
SOmetinles take myself in hand
And view my faults en eon them oar,
Mud try to see the things 1 do
That make some other fellow aore.
I know that I ani quid: Or apeet:h
And lase my temper now and them
But 1 have never sit around
And interfered with buy men.
I'm eelfish,• too, 1 recognize
That I want all that I ean get,
But still, in spite of that, too oft
Per books I go :headlong in dtbt.
LOCAL .COL.0•11.
underetana %lint s xtetri d 1.
rtIvai worwia have bra ! eit eeie Lr
Irtvii511 Tit oloiso egiifl-t liu. \n t •
'Olf, el.t1i•16 1101, ha wee eimitia go -
twig materiel fur hat annail eatiett of st.ii4 he,14
„ ., 0.ilk,, tfpt. TT. re,
smuttier luta 'toilet." Zia:tin:dal Prig a: oaken:eat Co,, Toronto.
I've other faulls, some big, some smell.
But still I'm glad that urivewhave
Too numerous they are to pen,
I interfered with busy men.
Spanking does not eitre children of
bed-wetting. There is a eonstitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum.
mers, Box W., 8, Windsor, Ont., will
send free to any mother her suet:earn]
home treatment, with full instructions.
Send no money, but write her to -day if
your children trouble you in this way.
Don't blame the ehilit; the chanties are
it can't help it This treattimut also
euree adulte and aged' people troubled
with urine difficulties by day or bight.
(Fliegende Blatter.)
Millionaire (to ragged liegger)—roti
ask for aline and do not even take your
hat off. Is that the proper way to beg?
Beggar—Pardon nue, sir, A poliecinan is
looking at us from acroee the :greet.
111 take my. hat off he'll (meet me far
begging; as It is he. naturally tales us
for old frihnds.---
A.* for Miaard's nrot take no other.
(Metropolitan 3.10.:0(111e.)
The eetiang man waS trying to Select it
jled hilt for the younet lady to witteu
10. was e031gea.
"IViott 'fa.1tal 40 3'00 Alia. :AO" 1154:011
Tlie proepective I. aC/4) at U' ala.
and etammer.el. den% en
Mint a thane!. 5t2tl' 1212.1. "Leml
year tape uteatenie," he sai.1.
Tim trdrastf,e mas liand.,1 to him tool
he laid it on the ineide et Lie arm. 1: nii
elarelitto to verlel. wititeoty imeitee
please," lei etia, with detween,
A New Lama
e -the best kinewn te modern moclioine
. 1110 SANYO prinolitie which makes
so much better than ordinary physics. While Thoroughly effective, they never
gripe, purge or cause nausea, and never lose Their effeettveoess. One of The
best of the NA-Dlati-CO line.
25e• a box. If your druggist has not yet stoeked them, send Ziv. and we
will mail them, 23
National Drug and Cherub:el Compeer of Cenatle. Limited. e • tweet -real.
They make no notes oriputter—a quist, steady flame. The match
for the smoker, the office and the lame.
All good dealerd keep theta and Wee Woodenware, Witerewere,
Tubs, Pails and Washboatele.
The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited,
Shrewd Chunklets.
It's easier to pay compliments than
When it woman means "yes" her "no"
it- not etrenuous.
After a girl is engaged her mother
ceases to revise her lettere.
Many a self-made man taxpects his
tailor to make the most of Min.
An ounce of seeing it yourself is bet-
ter than a pound of hearing others tell
it .
Many a young man who thinks he is
courting a girl is only courting a throw -
Men who sity they were driven to
drink woula doubtless have arrived
sooner or later anyway.
An old toper says it's a shame the
way society women waste good alcohol
by burning it under a chafing dish.
.iit.nd sometimes when opportunity
knocks eat a man's door he is so busy
using his little 'hammer on his neighbor
that he doesn't hear it,
1•1•••••••••••.r •••••••••1•11Mmin..11••••••1111•••••••••
alinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Dear Sirs,—Your MINARD'S LINT-
IIENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds and all ordinary ailments,
it never fails to relieve and cure
Port Molgra.ve.
In the Heat of Battle.
There bad been a hotly contested foot.
ball game between the Steam Rollers, of.
the Benjamin Franklin Schwa and the
Avalanches, of the George Washington
School. 'It was won by the Avalanches.
After the game was over and the con-
testants bad returned to their various
homes, one of the heroes of the Neiman
team complatued of 'a feeling of sorenees
in the lower part of his neck. .
"1 didnat:feel it untilatet now," he
said, "but it hurts like sixty."
.flis father exainined it. It begait to
swell, and was very sore to the touelii
"I believe your collarbone is broken,
niy boy," said his father.
A surgeon was hastily .sneueoned, and
ma de an exemi na t ion.
"Yes, she always refers to her alimony
How did it happen, Wititeri" Do yieere-
member anything about it l"
"Why, yes," answered the boy. "1 re-
member that when I taekled Skinny
Morgan I fell on top of him, and 1 heard
something crack, but I thought it was
his collarbone-sYouth's Companion.
OW Pupil's Coughs Mod
Feeble circulation always prediapones
old folks to colds. Even slight conges-
tionare not easily expelled. This ere
plains why elderly peopie cough at night
and lose aleep. No remedy suite the age
like-Catarthozone. It never upsets the
stomach, has none but a beneficial action
upon the system The most irritable
and persistent cough it soothes, the
weakest throat it strengthens, and ae
for cetarrit, head mews anti deathees—
why, there 14 bailing, to equal Caterth-
ozone. Get it for your father, your mo-
ther. Accept no stantitute for "Catturio
ozone." 25e, 50e and 5100 sizes.
(Philadelphia Reeord.
The "funs" will be intereated in learn-
ing that it is propose:1 to get something
out of them for the teeiport,of the State
mid the new 'expente tie beseca nrJ de-
ternaned to incer itt eater to erevide
places fur their useful men. 'Ail new
offices tied new jobs ere vaitspelline the
inatutgers of the Stide Cover:alma 20
turn everywhere 13r :mere money, and
the propesi•tien twit meets is te levy
tax of 2 tier vent. on the gate reeeipte
tef gil besebell and foothill pines. As
the bosses tire planning to tax pretty
emelt everything elee, Wow ceutihwally
overloolt tide 5097e0 of easy money.
M inerd'e L in intent Lure% erman's
Tint Imeteet earh et renege without
n mere is sital to la that id the Argon.
tine Pecific two y hew, Buenee Ayres
to the feta of the lialte, law a S(1 1,1
td en 11111,7 11 is witimot a eurve anj
bee riti euttine or euthankmeet deeper
thae two or tbiee
qto er•t-al coaeli of Enelse.d wee built
110 yel,rs 0.110 f•Ir th 0 et rentodon et
rtio se Iff. nuti wriges tlit0,3 1005.
...../1611,J40.,.....66..... - - - .;01.1....1.4"" eueildini..i.ailt1-01.111i
. .41 i?v,...:14:13.1;!
. it i.F70:44
• ."1.--_,ealteetteeteatto ... et
.e tez,,plip
1.7 . i.A
.vi.,,,,,,,....v..-::4,-;:kla—arkaa- '•
t twat:, 'atteee.tio.eastatiateled
,..,‘. a. oseete ea tee
e a A
ISSUE NO:'20, 1911
W 41117,17Z3,?.1471g5tirtaSi and
experience, and it marriea or singe:. AN
Bell & Son Co., Limited, St. Oeorge, Ont.
IA for Work at home, paying Moo or
$3.00 per day, with opportunity to ad-
vance. Spare time can be used. Work
not difficult, and requires no experience,
'inston, Limited, Spadlna avenue, To-
dors In spare time; no experience
necessery. Our lines especially used bY
mothers and girls, .Apply, Dept. A, Brit-
ish Canadian Industrial Company, 528
Albert street, Ottatat,
other agency propesitIons convinces •
us that none can equal ours, You will
always regret it if you don't apply for
perticulars to Travellers' Dept., 22S Al-
bert street, Ottawa,
siorammertamsweas, ALIMIWasiladrialMOI.11.1••••••••
'1T OSES OIL, Quaster and dollar St
.LU. pain and sorenessu anywhere, Prug-
gists everywhere, Prof, Castle, Ham-
Everty Woman
is Interested and should know.
about the wonderful
MARVEL, Whirling Spray
The new Vaginal Syringe. Rest
--Most consealunt It domes
Instantly. Ask yowl
druggist ra4_,IS„,..4.-
Ube cannot supply tbo
MARVEL 011051 00 other,
but sand stamp for Illustrated
book—sealed. It gives full peak.
Wars and directions haraluable to tunas.
Windsor, Om. General Asionts for Can
(Philadelplatt Record,)
The playgrounds that ere graft...illy
being established here. and there in the
crowded distriets are life-saving buititu-
tions. We need more of them. And
mall we get them we need a strietee
parental supervision of the children o0.
the streets. Let us hold the Rapid
Tra neit Company nod the reckless auto-
mobile and wagon drivere to the •striet-
tot accountability; but at the same time
kt us do our share toward the protec-
tion of Mid life he, keeping* a closer
watch upon the children at play.
MI a
4isFM Red,We4Wea,-37,WatGryEyesand,
Marine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pale
fhesehis5cfl1duibe Eye Itemise Lima 25e, 50e. $1.01
Mutino Eye Salve its Ascetic Tubes, 25c, 51.00
(Kingston \\lag.)
There is a DPW outbreak against the
tipa on the railweets. nod eapeelally itt
the Prilltnan wervicei The Pullman corn -
patty is a million-tiollar concern, anti
owns 5,000 ears, whicb in their lifetime
make enough to pay back the entire cost
of construction and the cost of three
More airs. The Inter:Auto Comtneree
Cominissiun, itt an aPpoiti to it, cut .down
the rates of upper berths but left un-
tomilied the rates of the lower Naha
It paid no attention to the porters,. who
„lye paid the seanty wage of $25 per
month, and mast supplement their to-
wline by tate.
When haat eallousnees form on the
toes or the ball of the foot, the 'amp-
lest and snrest etire is to be found In
the epeeial directions accompanyingPut.
llama Painiese Corn and Wart Extrac-
tor. It rules any corn, wart, bunion or
callotmeedoes it in twenty-four hours
--does it without pain, Insist ifi getting- -
only Putuain's Painteem Corn and Wart
Extrneton Pri:c
(Boston Transcript.)
Miee Gustier to aeroplane palespieter)
-It n ust bave been spIeuditi riding
A weed up there. Didn't yeti feel ese
thonvid you owned all the world be-
neath eon?"
Timid Paswinger—Wea, 1 certainly
had ittt idea, that I was a great deal bot-
h ants
Keep Minard'e Liniment in the house,
84-IA1113 THRUST.
WhiOstian Register: This is a quota -
that hoot 21 Coniteetieut woman's (tiara,
Slated 17120: a'We had roast pork for
diner; and Dr. S., who eraval, held up
o rib on his fork and said: 'idere, la -
dice, :la what 'Mother Eve was made of.'
'as,' said :Sister Patty, 'and it's from
toe timely the none kind. of erittera "
' 0
In a school in a Western Ontario
town ie a little girl who hait not taken
quielily to the mysteries of addition.
"Dee n one?" asked the tetteher, while
teatime the elites through the easiest of
Wet itatlition tables. The little gill re-
fried to was the only person ut the
eittee who eouldn't give the ansWer.
eiWoOn rate?" aelted the teiteher. The
little girl smiled confidently, put up her
Imita unil when notieta by the teaehete
';til, "Oboe polish:a-From. the Toronto
Caeadian COuller•
Tha ft.rtli was stestesifot _istisat 50
it ls qui% natural Viot *W02 b
out kW the <heti.