HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-18, Page 5Seek quality always in the clothes you buy --phut don't neglect the style. It is style that distinguishes correct clothes from the very ordinary pro- duction of small tailors. 20th Century Brand garments are the happy combination of quality and style. That's the secret of their great success. We are exclusive agents.. McGee Campbell CLOTHIERS ea. MEJV'S FUI2,1VISHERS Good Goods CI Produce Wanted 7 Big Specials This Week No. 1 20 doz. Ladies' Plain Black and Tan Cotton Hose. Reg. 15c . and 20c value—for 10c No. 2 15 pieces Fancy Scotch Ginghams, Fancy Stripe and Check Designs. Reg. 12ic and 15c value --for per yd 090 No. 3 10 pieces Corset Cover Embroidery. Reg. 25c, 300 and 35c—for per yd 18c • No. 4 10 doz. Men's Black Union Socks. Reg. 25c value—for 18c, or 6 pairs for $1.00 No. 5 5 doz. Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all colors and sizes, sample lot. Reg. 50c, 60e and 75c—for ... ; 38e No. 6 10 doz. Women's Summer Vests, with short sleeves --two for , . , .. , , ; 25e No. 7 only Plain Toilette Silk Dress Lengths, 3G - inch, in navy blue, coronation blue, grey, black, brown, white and cream, Regular $1.50 per yard• --for .................. „$1:.00 Pouters' neadquarteirs for Seeds Cora of all kinds, 'liar/lips, Mattgers, &d,, &e. PRODUCE WANTED in any quantity. a.w We Want Your Trade CANADIAN CURRENCY. In a lecture on "The I1istory of Ca. nadian Metallic Currency," Professor Adam Shortt said that copper coinage was very meagre in Canada in 1825, and even braes buttons were recogniz- ed as tender, In fact so many scraps of value were used as coppers that it be- eame an intolerable nuance and in. 1830 a nember of Oanadiaa b:ank'l lesu- ed copper hauls. tokens, About this time $10,000 of American five and ten - cent pieces were brought into Cana- da, and this no doubt helped to popularize the American specie,. In 1830 and 1837 the United States introduced the gold dollar, and issued shin -plasters at 25, 20 and 10 cents, and even as low ae 2c. In Lower Canada at this time French money was used, while in Up- per Canada English currency pre- dominated. No Canadian silver money had been issued, and money from all parts of the world was freely circulated throughout the Dominion so that now Canada is recognized as the richest collection ground in the world for old coins. This mixture of the money of so many different coun- tries became objectionable, and . an agitation was started for the use of one kind. At last, through the efforts of Sir Francis Hincks, one of the lead- ing Canadian statesmen of the day, the British Government became con- vinced that the decimal system would be suitable for Canada. January 4, 1858, marks the day when Canada re- ceived her first consignment of de- cimal coinags from the British mint. It consisted of $100,000 in twenty -cent pieces, $75,000 in ten -cent pieces, and $50,000 in one -cent pieces. Some sur- prise was expressed that no twenty- five cent enin was issued, but the Bri- tish shilling was intended to take its place, and this required the shilling to be somewhat over -rated. The making of the Canadian coins became very profitable to the British mint, and Canada was given a share in the profits. At last, however, the Cana- dian Government came to the conclu- sion that it would pay Canada to have a mint of her own, and a mint at Ot- tawa was established. It was owing to the great profits in making her own silver money that Canada went to such an expense to rid the country of American silver in 1870. —Kent county reports of a very heavy fruit crop. , YOU TAKE NO RISK, Our Reputation And Money Are Back Of This Offer. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely— relieve you of consti- pation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in anyway w Y whatever, if you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair for you ? Is there any reason why you should hssitate to put our claims to a practi- cal test ? The most scientific, commonsense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Order- lies at our risk, Two sizes, 10c and 25c. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. J. W. McKibbon. TRE WINGUAM ADVANCE Culross. Councit met May 1st t minutes of last meeting were read and snstaiped, Report re Bridge—We the under. signed as directed by motion at last meeting examined the bridge on the gravel road, known as Heath's bridge and we found at unsafe for public travel. We would recommend that a new bridge he, built. And that pla- cards be potcted upat each end of the bridge warning the public that the bridge is not fit for heavy traffic. Signed, (leo, Falconer and Jas. Don- aldson. The report was adopted and the bridge will be built at once. Ballagh—Tho, pson—That the mo- tion of last meeting, granting the Telephone Co, the privilege of putting the poles out fourteen feet from the line between the road allowance and private property be rescinded, and that they put the poles not more than five feet from the line and that a By- law be passed to that effect—carried. Ballagh—Donaldson—,That a grant of forty dollars be made to gravel the road on the boundary of Carrick and, Culross North of Belmore providing the Carrick Council supplement the same. The saine to be expended by Jas, Ballagh and a representative of Carrick—carried. Thompson —Donaldson—That the Engineer be called on to survey the road allowance between Greenock and Culross from lot 22 to the 25th side - road so that we can know where to build the road providing Greenock agrees to the proposed and pay half the expense—carried. Thompson—Ballagh — That the re- port of the engineer re the Bell and Sittler drain be adopted by this coun- cil and the work be carried out ac- cording to the engineer's report— carried, The following accounts were pass- ed : —Geo. Smith, fixing sinkhole, $3 ; Adam McKay, printing, $7.45. The Council then adjourned to meet on May 22nd as a court of re- vision and appeal and for other busi- ness. Chas. Button, Clerk. • A Variety Surel y. The Guelph :hospital staff is some- what interested over present extremes to be found among the patients. A woman from Erin, Wellington Coun- ty, weighs 350 pounds, and it was necessary to make some unusual pre- parations for her reception. Major Joseph Lawrence of the Wellington Rifles, furnishes the other extreme. Lawrence stands six feet ten inches. IT IS CURABLE. Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated. We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relive in- digestion g or dyspepsia, or the medi- cine used during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no offer could be more fair, and our offer shoul l be proof positive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy. Inasmuch as the medicine will ccst you nothing if it does not benefit you, we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to try ttexail Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25 -cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larger sizes, 50 cents and $1,00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at—The Rexall Store. J. W. McKibbon. r The matter under this held Is supplied by the Wfngintin W.c. T. U. "Therefore let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and he sober. For they .that sleep, sleep in the night and they that be drunken are drunken In the night."— l;ph. 5 ; 0, 7. The regular ;monthly meeting of the Wotuart's Obrintian Temperance Union was held on Tuesday afternoon, May 01.11. The reports given from the different departments allow the work to be interesting and encouraging.. As many as fifty homes liave been visited since the Union was organized. Drinking is far more the cause of poverty, than poverty is the cause of drinking, "Personal Liberty"—To do what one's own conscience allows is as valu- able now as in Paul's time. But each one has also the personal liberty (not to do things which may injure others by his example.) It is this which makes total abstinence a virtue and one of the trainers of virtue. Cotn- puisory abstinence is only a state prison virtue. But abstinence because the following of our inclinations may lead the young astray is a heavenly virtue. The Emperor William once gave a dinner at the palace in Berlin to five representative students in connection with the centenary celebration of the Berlin University, He delivered a `little speech on the text—"Less Beer and more Sport." He said the College beer -drinking clubs Were leading to physical, mental and moral damage to the youths of Germany. He adjured them to reduce theie enthusiasm for that form of amusement and to in- crease their interest in contests, London's daily consuniption of beer would need a barrel more than half the size of one of the pillars of the "Tower Bridge." Fsorn drink with its sorrows, ruin and sin, I surely ani safe, if I never begin. How He Did It. Tho Kincardine Review says that a Huron farmer reading figures that showed American prices to be higher than Canadian prices for barley said : "I got 01 cents for my barley last year." On being asked to explain how he got so much more than .either the Canadian or, American price, he answered : "I fed it to my hogs," "The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily." Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows what confidence responsible people have - in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson after trying them wrote: "I have used Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and also your Anti -Pain Pills, on myself, with good results. The Liver Pills act so naturally and so easily that I scarcely know that I have taken apill Frequently Y being troubled with headache I take an Anti -Pain Pill and get immediate relief in every case." A. L. Wilson, Sparta, Ill. Mr. Wilson was for a number of years cashier of the First National hank of Sparta. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills are different from others. Many kinds of liver pills are "impossible" after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy, natural way, with- out griping or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. If the first bottle falls to benefit, your druggist will return the price. Ask him. MILES MEDICAL. CO., Toronto, Can. "The Land That Pays for Itself in a Single Season."—Prof. Thomas Shaw. —So successful were the >; xpet l' meate in growing potatoes in North- ern Ontario last year that the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Associ- ation has deckled to send several varieties of seed potatoes to the north in a few days, which will be distribut- ed among the farmers there, and the entire output in the fall will be purchased by the association from the fanners 'at $1 25 a ba};, with bags supplied and freight paid. WE HAVE IT ! JUST WHAT YOU WANT VINIMPOWELIZIGIMIUMAMCOMO Town or Farm properties at prices to suit everybody's wi,hes: We know values, and when you consult us you get the advantage of our long experience in the Real Es- tate and Insurance business, Just at the present time we have same exceptionally, nice properties on our lists at right prices, Wingham. is a live growing town, and you will make no mistake in buying a home here. We have two or three nice houses to rent. Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Distance is No Hindrance S to those who wish to got the best. Many students from the distant Provin- ces and the United States attend theO??? ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONE. THIS SCHOOL HAS A NATIONAL REPUTATION FOR HIGH GRADE WORK. Graduates readily get good positions.. Open entire year. Enter now. Write for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor, Yonge and Alexander Sts, C1� NTAALL : STRATFORD. ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL. A GOOD - SCHOOL. THE BEST. This school has a continental repute tion for high grade work and for th (((( success of its students. We have threes ( departments Commercial,Shorthand p and Telegraphy. Ambitions young men and women should send for our large free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our graudates are doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students aro entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. 11IcLACHLAN - Principal 0 a The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If you got your clothes from ns, you are sure to get Clothes made to fit. Clothes neatly made Clothes well made Clothes that look well Clothes that wear well Clothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes that please Clothes that satisfy Wo understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Our charges are right Want to quit paying rent anti have a line farm of your own? Como to Oaskatchowan! Want a farm so fertile •that the firet erop pays for your land? Come to Saskatchewan! Want pleasant, congenial work that pays generous ra• wards? Conio to Saslcatchewan1 Want to live where health, not sickness, Is "catching"? Come to Sas. katdiewnn 1 Want a home surrounded by good neighbors, schools, churches and railroads? Como to Saskatchewan! Wanb to get out of a rut, to make a new start, to live where conditions are with you, not against you; want a fair change to make money—as good a chance as your dad had when Ontario was "out West"?' Come to Saskatchewan! $20 Farms Grow 40 Bushels of 400,000 Homeseekers Corning! Wheat per Acrel w Lest year 300,000 homeseekors came To the average man this would seem to western ,Canada. The present year, Impossible, but it is done by formers in accordipg to immigration authorities, the LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY, le will sea 400,000 people settled on the GoldenSaakaEehewart, and they don't land, and snaking homes for them. Cats - work nearly so hard as their less for- selves end their families. Western Can - i „ ala will soon be as densely populated es the best agricultural sections of On- tario, Land priees are going up` every any. Those who buy now will got the benefit of the advance. Lunate frioncta who stayed at home. The average crop in this fertile valley is about 30 bushels per acre. The first year's crop clears the landt `there are yet thouaands of acres ht this wonder• ful valley ---as rich as any soll in the world—that have never been put under cultivation. They await but the touch of the plough to bring :tortes immense harvests of Boldon grain. Golden Saekatchewenl "though provided with atupie rein - tall, the Lost Mountain Valley is a land of almost continuous sunshine, where health abounds—a climate that builds vitality. Pulmonary diseases or elk demies of any kind are unknown here. Our, Prices Lowest --Our Terms Most Liberals We have over 175,000 acres of trio finest unbroken wheat laird in the world, hear towns end on railroads in the Last Monetnin Valley. We hove a list of land bargains such ea were never before known. Our priees aro absolutely the lowest, and we sell on smail, easy payments. No other colon• ization company can hope to meet these terms and prices, because none can buy land now in such enormous tracts. Always Delivers the Goodsl Railroads Galorel Our beiief in the Last itilonntnhi Vai• ley is not a " You don't need to live "forty rinks We believe Malt nowhere" either, or "next door to 'n the Last Mountain Valley because we riviilxntfon:' 'X'om ar"inside" of civ krA ey3wilaet. rieiess,owwhen there it he s ilizntion. seven great railroads xiready Ty a bushel of wheat grown within its Nerve this district. Mere railroad build• whale arra. We have watched It year Ing is going an here than in any other by year for eight years, until now it part of Canada. In 1010 one•third of lies become widely knownIn Tast. the Canadian Peeiflee eonetrnetion was ern Outride, England and the here. The Canadian Northern is now United States as the best building another road into the heart of �Whoat•ing dildelot lin rh. Lwst Mountain Valley. Atnsrlca,grow Free! A Complete Library of Western Land Literature! Pill out and send the i:aupan below. It costs you nothing and entitles you to any or all of these booklets on Golden Saskatchewan, and to the new ones we print from tiine to time. You get full reports of crops, climate, soil, seliools, churches, towns, priees, and deaeription of land, etc. Our special how list of Land Bargains will be sent you, too. Even ife you can't get away now, it will pay ka to keep o t d n doings in Goldeh Sae• All eoinnsunicationp should be addressed to WM. PEAinRSOON CO.. Liited 18 Toronto St. Roots TORONTO. ONT. i r Pill Out and Mail FREE Book* on Canada WM. PSAIS5t1NCO.. Ltd. Rooth 38 its Toronto St, Toronto Pleasosrnd rase all the booklets irons Smug library referred to above and your list of Lend Deniable. VINTWAg The Nifty Ian's Tailor R. Maxwell's old stand DRS. KEI EDY & CALDER OFFI011S—Corner Patrick and Centre streets Pno,trs— Ofilces 93 Residence, Dr. Kennedy 143 Residence, Dr, Caldor 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotee special attention to Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORRID. ON1. Honor Graduate Toronto Unit -6114y, Depart- ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter over Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all day)y—ofce in Grand Central Block. At Fordwioh every ,Friday forenoon The best of the modern methods need for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. Jas. Walker & Son WINOHAM UNDERTAKERS Wo aro epoolallr (mantled .'Under- takers eta F,tnbnituers, and theta on thele 11 done. Hight relit on id being at restasoos. otos Photic 100 Hero Phone 1115 THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911 The Profit Sharing Store W.INGII.AM, ONT. AGENTS -- LADIES' HOME JOURNAL Busy House Cleaning By the time you get through house cleaning you will have discovered that you need some NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS. We offer splendid values in Brussels and Tapestry Squares, new designs Matting Squares for bedrooms, etc. Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades Linolenms newest btoek and floral designs Velvet and Tapestry Ruga, Door and Veranda Mats Beautiful Lace Cnrtains—new designi3 in white & ecru Summer Sheots Usually our stock is low in this line during the Stammer months, but there has been such an increasing. demand for WIIITE FLANNELETTE SHEETS that we have put into stock this week, 75 pairs—in fine quality and all sizes. The prices for these goods are lower now than they will bo later on—$1.25, $1.50, $$1,85 Pair. Diamond Dyes Big sale for Dyes at this time of year. Why not buy Diamond Dyes 2 They are the best. We are agents for Diamond Dyes. Note the price -8c pkg., 2 for 15c ; 4 for 25c. They are usually sold at 10c a pkg. Magnetic Prices Now For A Week's BIG SELLING. HAND BAGS and LADIES' UM- BRELLAS on BARGAIN COUNTER Ladies' Umbrellas, reg. $1 25 & $1 50—for one week only 80c Ladies' Umbrellas, reg. $1.00—for one week only O8c Girls' Umbrellas, reg. 75e—for one week only 40c Ladies' Fine Quality Hand Bags, new styles, reg, $5 00—for...$2.08 " " 'j " 4 00—for... 2 30 " " " " 2 50—for., . L78 o Regular $268e—Reg. 00 for $1.21—Reg. R50 for 00.: R $1 forGS^ $$1 ,. R gR 85c for Sic — Reg. 75c for 40,; — Reg. OOc for 89.e—Reg. 50c for 34c It's not profit that we're after in these special sales. Stocks will get too heavy. We must reduce. You get the benefit. All goods marked in plain figures. Buy your Mengel Seeds, Sugar Beets, &c., here. All New Seeds. Prices right. Wonderful Values at the New t Clothing Store MEN'S SUITS, Regular $15 to $18—for $11.95 HATS Engle braud, English made Derby hats, up-to•date spring shapes, low, medium or large crowns and brims, well trimmed, fine quality ; reg, price '$2.00 and $2:50—for $1.50. Young men's suits of fine imported tweed in the new brown diagonal stripe pattern, tailored in best style, sizes 32 to 34 ; reg. $18.00 and $20.00—for $12.35. For Clearance $2 50 men's shirts, negligee and outing ; the latter are cash- inerettes, fanny duck, eto., all sizes. Nothing wrong with these shirts, only odd siz;s ; reg. price 4$00—yours for 49C, Handkerchiefs,� 6 For 25c Mensize, 'smadSdekfs,, eof Croatxtra t qualalitrgye cambric, finished with strong tope borders, perfect wearing and washing — Special Price, 6 for 25o. ns Capital lsaih Up $ 2a50,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits , 3i15o,eoo Total Assets . . . . . . . 4o,0oo,00e It is not easy to alter the habits of a lifetime—no small matter to forsake extravagrance and learn to save. You will never learn unless you have the incentive of a Savings Ac- count. Ds not procrastinate-cail at the Bank of 1Itunilton--and open an acs l� ' emus t. [1`4a.,