HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-18, Page 2q
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------- -, -;;;;r;;;:-;--- to be stich @� feature of this, %uiamor'4 which is elevAtti* I In its _. UA%W% I'll U 11, 40 � - � 1.11 I -11- -*�_ __,;,�Ir�.���� ___-, — _#�
1.1 _. , � � �w k Owen Sound.—Tborm, w" * brisk uw- #
f4shlons ,eall for the niost oloiborato of . ., .
Fr4d 4 to f4rAlsh* ontartAbMeAt durkno -day, with plenty of pr"ucii aa4
. - . . � I C) /-, flower hats, but Slop, be. It known, look Artl4ell V - - 1� I Rat to,
. I . suday $00014 I I . ovols, It In used to 447-04A ..., - q buyci,4. Buttor 14 pound pritits The Wingham
, .. smart with tho large black or ealarod tice 40or men and bays, and even `wQ- "'A' �
liRk trinim � 124, from 470 to Ift 19.glp, lee to
1 '04 with feathers. A � with men %A4 girls Uxto drinking, places. V1QJ
. I such 4 multitude at 4hapos, colors and —A Stringed Instrm, exit played. with the AMU W, U, ON I t�1011,110vlotatoes, 7& 4 bag. way, *100;
. . A materials the money expeAdea Ia. mia. . 4ESSON Vill.—MAY 21, 1911, —,Hebrew, Ot baled hity, $IT. Straw, $4.&U % load. Advance
, fingos. Txbrat. topis R from I Dressed hogs, $8 to $%96; live, hogs, $0.70
. . .
I I � ntry this ,%eas;Qn, bids tat rto ninouat t . � . -
� , ,a � the use at which in drowaiA Re cries
. . . - g I ' to $6.25. r,or noxt, weekli& buying coin. THEO, IIALL - PrOP400r
_. I � I 0 . � a surprising sum. A. T. Ashmore. Song of the VinoyArd-,TemporAngs Of children lacri-0004 to WOO, 170- TORO petiog buyer.$, for pac4ing liouses may
� 1,eston.- pliet 0 received Its name. 01" 10, & _NT0 MARKETS. - -,.-- i
___ ''
- lea. 4; 1-12. I �, 'U.'It run prices up, ' I ww�
I was it kila.1 of drum or tambourine. pipe V, ARVERS' AlARICUIT, Chatliani.-Tbere was a. large m2rkot, '
I LATE 01-1111-OHAT .Commentary. -I. The p4mble Qftho -rilute. Regard not the . work of tile Dreeged, bogn � ........ ...... 4 1 00 $ 8 75
1 1 14 (m I or Lgrd-They will not look 4 . . . Butter, dairy .... .. .... .. 0 rl - with only a slight, Change In quotations.
I '. ON THE FASHIOW vIncyal, -7) 1. Lot me *Jag f . round and it ?3 B DR. AGNEW
. - . - 4MY well-belpyed (R, V.)-l.phis, parable, , . Do., Inferior .... ..... . - .. 0 18 0 to ggo wore lilgher at log to 17P per dozen,
� 11 I which would be readily c . ompr , sea what GOA 15 doing to 44VO them, nor Eggs, new laid, doezu ...., 0 .10 0 X3 )311ttcr, 23Q to 2,00. CIlickeXIA, each, 41'0 PINY41CIAN, SURPEON, ACCQUQHEURO
I 044ut* ehond%d th Oblelceno, lb..... W. -, .. 000 ' to 4
1 ` , Z. An. , INI Embroideries Appoa on . , 0 pudighniqut he seada upon those who 0 2� 5c. Potatoes wore plautiful and do. I
, , I 0 � " . - —, __J I Noarly All Of the. Elabons by tile Oriental. =;ad, was, employed to iltinue In their c $vring. chielcens .... .. 11 .. 04 066 ollne4 to $1 per bag. Cattle-Nxport. omco,-
LL-- _,� - - � , I 1, ... 1, , - .1 I .to I I
.- . " ----. � , , I _ mew , purse. Warnings are Tur,keys, lb ....... ... ... ... 0.09 0 2
Alpleo. bblv.. secon4s .... .. 3 00 10POtAir �v
� I . 6 W good demand - ,4 132 the X,%cd,, n
Drosses. inake clear to the people, of Judahthoir ca . , cut . .44 J)lockq
') A $0; common, $3 to I
Fa5cluAtingly attraetive are the new most bv.tutiful and effective. Full, soft true condition and to lead tilm to Ack, : )Iola., ,$tr, I . r k U an opiate: to the Potatoes, bag .... .. .... .. I 0 1$5. Vegetable,%- plentiful. TfAY JOW01-1 .
styles In millinery, and of suc end. 411d graceful they Are, placed on the ba%A Beautiful eithbrolderles continue to, np- nQllrledgQ 6e?r 04 And to coAdo=, con ionce, An , blinds 1, a eyes to the 'Neel', hindquarters �. 1. .... IQ 0 Go 'Night calls *uewered at olUce-
it Do.. forequarters .. .... .. 7 00 1 OQ. Clover, .$9 to $10; timothy,, $11 to $11.). 1
. � .
less, varloty that the women wria Call at different tingles so that they shall be pear on. the moot 4traefiva frocks, both themaelves. Idy beloved -JehovRli, Ills law Of , 0 , Ord, ,, el,ou ot. .either con- Do., oh9lee, carease ... .... 90 20 OQ Onts, 000 to 37c per bnalle). What, 8,W -1
the mo%t becoming to tile individual for aftefiloon and evening wear, carried villoyard-whii vineyard represento4 the Sider the operation of his hande-A re- Do., mealuin, carouse ...." tt 00 9 50 and other grains unchanged.
resist their ellorm must certainly be AlUttoll, .1 I DR. ROBT- U. REDMOND
wearer. High effects are very smart, this out in An o v .0 petition of the, thought contained yeaj, prime, Pei, owt ....
. ffooti e ,combinaii A pf filo, Jewish nation. The prophet veiled his , In ther A Prime, per cwt.. .. 8- W I 9 GO, Stratford--Ilvgs, $5.00 to $5.74; (10.,
keking tit fe ther is I I true purposo under this figure and led I . 111. 10 00 I 00, 1 31, R
, , knowledge of the artistic and scason and one very high X me le silk kind I"et silk braid, the latter preceding clause, Tile people had, alre Low% owt .... .... ... It OQ 13 00 - .0 a (Vaq.1
. ,
beautiful. To wear an unbecoming hat placed at the, bick side or front, as is being very Cleverly worked tip. into vitrl- his hearers along until they reaHzedtho rocciv _ ,, gily J$Pr1nAr TAJnb,9, each ._:,::: 4rosoed, $8.60 to $s.75. Cows, 41/ge to I. R. 0., 4' 414Q.,
0 . 4 - ed inguy warnings Anil bad been t 00 0 (* 50; do., dressed,. 80 to 61/40� Steers %U4
me, most effective. ous floral 4-osigns, of exceptional- richneaA. drift at tile Song And found themsavos told of tile Calamities which would opine BUQAU MARK4T. heifers, 5v to rVy4o; ,Ia , essed, 8%c to Physician and Surgeon.
in these days is a positive CA for self-coildonined. A very fruitful bill---: Sugars are quoted In begs, In Toronto, W/ alv�,,dx .
one needs Simply to take time to choose Shaded Ostrich Ptumeo. This 401; effect is agreeably empba. , � upon them If they persisted In their evil �.O. J,aiaLs, Qe, C , 511po to Go; do,,
Sized in certain instances by, the w4 in 'The literal trarlslatio;i, Is "a horn, % per awt., as fQlQw4: .
A. 0 is suite* vidual A we4ium sized bat with wide brim, � � - ouo�soggt they gays little hoe% 4xtr.a 91'AnU101304, Reilpath!o .... .: ,j 70 dreized, ge to 91/ge, Hides, fartiler . so; (Dr. Chisholm's old stand)
. . , 6,
$ , � .
hape that I (I to the i0i all Ostrich ft�ather encircling the Crown .which tile braid. IS tolded In V6 dot(ble ton Of oil.$? A hill or a mountain is of ties lons.-Who wrote the V rils of 1)o., f3t. LaNvi-eno .... .... 1. .1.4 70 pacl;-erhl, 90, 110y, $2,50 to $10. Wheat, . . -1
po 11 , lesson? What is Ute subject of Pa., Acadia ...., .... I ... , a' ale 11THU J. IRWIN
vineyard wag represented am being Imperial granulated .... .... - ,
the parable? What preparation was B :-I 4 ""' 56c, Peas, 00(i to 70�. l3ran, $2 . Short$,
o( tile ilips-b popular of the wore elabor. 6 , ken a .. ._ - to A
type, and while tile prices of some hats thickness, * tell , ,f In the gast ag a horn, tQ.d4y)e .. sta4dard. Oats. 3k. 11larle
And one poised bigh At the back, is one Everything a trimmed with buttons. Who ., :: .9,40,
lisve soared higher than any aeroplane ' i ,
. And one Of thevractical feAtureo of the most favorably located, so Qod'4 peov r granulated ...... .. .. .... 4 55,
has yet flown, there never was a ale, styles, and ismade in black, cerise I Via wore glTen every PoSsible 511VAUt mLide that the vineyard might bewr -an N'tV111 yelow. Redpath's ,... ; ... .... 420 $21, Eggs, 16a to 17c, Batter, Ifle to 1D.D.%, thD.%
SC440A , style 14 the use of buttons covered, with ago Abundance of good fruit? �Al , 1q, did it Do,, St, Lawrence ........ . ". I 4 so 20C. 1
when. there wore So many attractive and yellow -the latter -with the feathers saltin in the color of the trimming. and they Itere in a poattion to. e Do., Acadia .... ... . : ,.: 480 Doctor of Dental Burger of tho, Poll -
, ,
hats to be bought at small cost. shuaing into orange. Colored feathers- Coi,abeovered ones extended in A. double pleaoing to Jahobdl, 2. V�noied not produce a good fraltage? I D , c441a, unbran.deu .'.7. " , I
� , 4 it- - - What o,, A - - 4 W- RRANYfREET'S TRADE REVIEW* neylvania, Oollege and feent &to of
� ,
The question Is constantly asked as to shaded effects oil largo btW* UAtS-`fiTQ row all the way ,down a skirt of black 'Digged it," R. V. Gathered out tile should be done with the unWtful vine, . LIVR STOC& I Dental Surgery of Ontario.
. ' , ,yard? ITILat was the parable designed Toronto despatch. Cattle Mal.kat at - lVontreal reports to Brads,treet's. say --Offtes In Macdonald Moak- _
I . ,
what to the correct style, but no defin also very popular, and when expense is and wbite stripe, which was piped- with Rtoii&� necaSm'y work In PrOPAM9 to teach? What particular woes there has been little change in the busi- I I
� I .
Ike answer has beer 'or tmn be made not considered there can be several of oral, and like moot of -the � buttgus used for a vineyard. The'wramolon $;raw- Wore Toronto Junction 143 loads. Choice ex- � . I . I ;
I . 1. PrOAQual, �
with so many absolutely different st for trimming they were small. lizes, . the casting out of the 1 ,ed upon Judah? What was to porters $5.90 to $0.10, lvtoaium $5,00 to ness situation the*ro during the past
yles tile most costly fettCiers on one bat. Vale dolAtrous � I , .
as.. fashion ba stilts I I be the Consequence of $ulutng house to $5,so, Heifers $5.80 to $5,90, O'ho
, year ,acktiowledged. g) -ay with black is another favorite caul- . .
I G It buttons trim some very smart tribes that ealoWnbered. the Jam. .-W146- lea week, The volume of wholesale av4. ve- W. J. PRICR
There are Absurdities, grogs Caricatures, binatiQu, aud one most charming bat at stilts for girls. A navy blue suit trimmed don. Chokoot vino -As the, vine-4resser house and laying field to fie)(17 Whal; �uils $5 to $5.10, medlum balls, $4.70 to tall trade Is generally of fair propor.
� .
I * 'straw iii 'cockade 544P4 has with b144 satin piped with red In fln- -wOuld isecar's chow vines to ph . tilt In ovilo flow fr , t me
and strguge, mingling of -colors and =a- fine black I Out in OmPerancOf What $490. Butchers' balls, $4.25 to $4.85, Lions, pithollgit in No lines there is 8A.A.1, L.P.S*# D,D,S.
terialA, but among the multitude stand the brim caught back and over the brim ished with gilb ball button I I as HIS nioans may be amployea to stop drunk-, St�ers, In't, 900 to 1,100, $5,70 to 415-80', still complaint to the effect , that busi. IR041W Graduate Of UnIvorsiV, of Toronto
. , S. big vine -yard, so -the Lor4 chose � I
. Medium .$5.OQ to *5,25. Stockers %%4.50 and Licentiate at Royal ollege of
out, many that Are most charming and Mills a pale gray Ostrich feather, Gray Frayed edges are again, mesa on the people the descendants of Abraham to enuess? ness is below what had been expected PeLtal Someone at Ontario,
very smart. The medium size at most Ostrich feaflior* are also used on the ruches'which trim silk fichus, capes oud be JR I g peaullar -treasure (Exod. 19, 15). Pl�ACTJCAL APPLICATION I
� � S. to $5,00. Choice ,calves $0.50 to $0.50. for this season. Fairly good sorting or -
of t -ho hAts, Is a boon to the travelling dark, blue straw hat, bat thin is A Com- skirts. There are all sorts of little Built a tower--."Thle was for pur ames Woo to the. cov,stoti4. "Woo iilito Sheep --Light weight, $3 to $6, Year- ders, however, coutinu . a to go out and 0"102 XN RX"au-10WOM - WINQuAN
public,, who have found nothing to Rd- bination that must be, carqfully studied, flelius Ana Cape$ -and they are made of of detenco and protection, Wake= them that join houseAo house, that lay lings, tea and clipped, $640 to $T,25. the arrival of warmer weather should I . 11 .
I , , _ � .
mire in the exaggerated sizes and for there ,Are certain shades of both gray varlolls lilaterials. wore employed to keep out jutrUdert as field to f1eIW# (y. s), "Woo to him tha� Buelto $4,60 to $4.TG. sea a good expansion . ir . L general . business.
Aapes, and the medium size is by far and blue that are not effective combined, .— , a grapes, . wore ripening. and to pro# incroasoth that which to not lite" (Hab, Hogs --F. a, b. $5,76 to $6.05. 'Toronto reports, to j[Jradstreet'A say WINQHAM
, most popular, The large hats must a pale blue with the dark blue otra;,N �. th -4 0). "Woo to him that gaineth an � there continues An excellent movement ,
the , THE BEST WAY -the vineyard train the rwrages of a
not be I counted as out of fashion, for being smarter. As is Always the ca -se I notg Winepress -For exprems.ing 0 evil galit" (Hab. 2, 0, margin). Woo. to � OTHER MARKETS. of general lines of merchandise, While General Hospita,..
there are many of ,inimense size for with Color contrast, it is wiser not. to To 10ontribute to the Comfort of the Ilice iif the fruit. In C011114OU031 with Lot who covets the land that Iles jai cr,08ma ."THE'er MARKUTS, business in dry goods is hardly whRt fVader Governmoilb Ihowtiou.)
what might be called "dress bats�" attempktoo much, and, unless the colors SlHorne Rulers." it Was a Cistern, Often hewn Out . Of the direction of Sodom, he aliall lose all ,Nfay. july. , might, have been expected, there is still a
, I
Attractive Draped Hats. rially Are offeetively combined, to use The modern, way, And therAfore beat the underlying, rock, to rooeiv* the e7- ,nd escape only with )lie 11hi (Gan, 13, Winulpeg .. .... .... .... gob go% very 'satisfactory trade 4oiuS and the
. . , Pleasantly situated. Bakutifully furnished,
Drspe4 hats of fancy braid and aria merely, the different shades of be one pressed liquid, Wild apes ----!No labor 10, 19, 10-22). Woo to 0011AZI, who 40ov- So% Outlook to rthe future is bright, Values 0 a$01pas.
way, �,o. bathe A baby, is ti, spread a a. preparatioll Of, ots tile gold and silver Lind changes, of unempolis ., .. .. .. ,.gs% gol/g mve steady to firm. Jil hi
hAa been, spared in &I 0111cogo .. .... .. .... ..97 1 -pea to all r.aplarir licensed .Vy
in turban and toque shape are fashion- color, folded quilt oa a tabling and over it I 0�ware the Raton fp Una q Awh oh Include card and
v ( C
: � ,d. Care, had been taken that i AW o6r
a . I burning) ,60 to 0.00 per wcok, accordin
the viueyai ,r int; the leprosy of Nauman Is the =
able. Those, when becoming, are ex- Few if any Of the hats wre made to sproad it rabberi `4atlitugaprou, leaving a the Ig.cation, the spil, the yines"andt's "in, ' CH19ESE MARKR TS. moLgmeut is large and grocers report a to locativon at room. For furthir luform,4!
� I punishment (IL Kings 0, 27). Woo to normal trade. The Western do- tion-�4AdrOSO
tremely smart, they are worn welldown be placed straight ou the head -they place on the table for thC. receptacle equipment should be the best, and there, David who covets another's wife. The Lolidon, Onti-Flve factories offered good 9
over t1te bead, but not entirely covering, tura � � M Z4 MITTEIRWO
-tip at tile back and the side or in holding th,e mand for goods continues heavy and In- Superintendent, .
' It warul bath were most reasonable expectations that child of his love is the penalty for his 406 Cases; 75 white; balance Colored ; djeations point to an excellent season7in
'water H1 a
the hair; in fact, although the t _ ,
. size frolit, and even the cl000., cap shape towel and, airip l�ls highness and the crop would be good poison, Often- sin (U� Sam, I - , Box M. wingham, MN
. t 21 15). Woo to Ananias bidding,, Ile to ll%c-, no sales,
, round him J�?
is far too large for the average head, shows much more of the hair than did drape hile -yOtt there . this respect.
. , Wash his sWe *'�rt�lass. OGeseaius and 0 and Sapplilra *wlio covet a reputation for ft Hyacinthe,. Que.-Five hundred � I
a bandeau of velvet is generally put in the ivinter styles, The large hats are head, oars and, face; remove the tolveb. thRk the plant Meant is the monk's generosity; Swift death smites them packages of butter -were boarded, and Winnipeg advices. say all lines of busi- — I
to lift the hat a little from the hair. all made to frame the face. Ana this IS sponge his body Ana limbs with warni hood', or nightshade, which produces 1149B continue active there. Wholesalers
There are different trimmingi, but the accomplished by the way in which the . (Acts 4, 36. 8.7; 5, 1-11). "Woe to bilp sold at 21%c; 60 boxes of cheese board- report they are meeting with excellent R. VANSTOWE .
I I ater and good liquid soap, sp this p I that coveteth an will covetousness" ed, and sold- at 103/4o.
. . ir. berries like the grapes in a POArance
*11low plumes or the bunch Of soft Os- hat is placed on the head, The hair off with dear water and dry IhOZZ19lickly but poisonous..$$Pe1oubeL 'bath C demands for goneral merchandise and BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR
trich tips .are the most popular. . drawn down ovei the Oars, completely with as little friction AS possible, Older �. J'udgo..betwJxt me end my vine- (Hab. 2, 9), for no covetous man I . owansvIlle, Quee-Twenty-olic factor- that the outlook for future trade in
This style of hat Is to be seen ill hiding them, still continues to be fash- babies inity be rinsed Ili it, tub any Inheritance in the king4ora of Christ Ice offered 1,115 packages of butter. bright. The feature of the moment in Money to loan at lowest rates., ,
I - yard -Thus far A0 explanation of the '
bllatk and all Colors; one Charming mo- latiable, and when the brim is turned . offers Lard and of God" (Epb, 5, 5). Sales: S20 packages of butter, O�20 pack- tile scarcity in the supply of ready ONVIOE :-B13AVF.R 131,00R,
. The best way to wean bableais to use parable bad been _d. The
del 19 in ecru in 9, mild color, with the beek at the side this fashion is display- t good modified milk And one meal a Himself is here represented as speaking Warn the ,wine-drInker. Why should ag" of butter, 108 packages of bq,tter, WINGHAU.
feathers cerise or green. The inedium I I w& hesitate to warn men when wine, 35 papYages of butter, and 70 packages Money-
ed to the fullest, extent. It ds a diffi- (lay, composed of well-cooke(I Cereal, to His people, And Calling Upon them of butter. ttll at 2176c, and 70 packages 'Yomeoliver and Vlatorla. reports say
Ana small black hats !,a crin or fine cult style for most faces, but it Is tile drinking results in such dreadful r4ins as, -
straw in this turban or toque shapeare fa,hion of the moment and has there- ainde aboat. the Consistency of that serv. to decide upon what should be done. 1, Irreverence. 11"hey regarded not the at 21%c. Number of packages unsold, business Continues active tbroughoqttho
popular. this season, its are also the ed itt breakfast. If the Child refuseR the The case involved in the parable was svork of the Lord" (v. 12.) "They have 195. province. DICKN SON & HRUXES
Core to be dealt with, especially As'the �ott4e, give Itim the milk in a light,. fairly before them and the answer ,was * Canton, N.Y�-T,wolvc hundred tubs of Jrr�uobca repor's "' """"" "" "" ,
omall but �rather stiffernwdels, a,lsd, hat.9 have been assigned for this, style iveight;',cap.-never by means of a spoon, easy. 4. Whitt Could ba,va been done ,38st away the tilw, of tile Lord—awl provemen
tAinmea with the willow feathers or of hairdressing. But the fashion can. be . re -In their inability to Suggest Any- deepised the word of the.T[oly I butter sold at 21%e; 1,0010 box4 cheese, con I,nu , amot7th,o Savor- Barrls*tersl Solicitors, Ott
I 1. 0 a', Jv.
ell tips, at becomes an. 1110 who disobey the Jawl1of the DA,r,e� all .
'I branches of tr!
With the clusters of small ostri " as this oreates it h4bit th, at 10%0. 011trf"t raore thall litalt Avvek. , .!,vhi,h is n lout'l;
&naaro considered suitable with almost modified and made becoming -far more noying to both mother ,%nd child. thin out to pasture and doing due to favorable climatic conditions. Office. Meyer Block, whigriban.
k, gs more to do, tfiey Condemned
am -An 4' - fjord and disregard the word of the
Any gown. bepoining than wben It is exaggerated. The' -best way to begin feeding baby elves.,fi. Now go to ,xPreg well. Hamilton trade reports say retail bust- E. 4 Dickinson Du(lkey Reiman
Colored Straw Hats. For, Tailored Costumes. solid food, -which is best not Attempted 410a introducing an important state- f,ord through His prophets, are subject; Watertown, X.M--Chopso scles, 5,000 noas is gener4lly of fair volume and fur.
till Ike'is a year old, is, to feed him cod- atent. I will tell you -There had been to pullis)iment; but they who despiso" -_ - ,- -_
Colored straw hats are more fashion- Ilats to wear with tailored gowns are died, or soft -boil - no response to the question asked And flih law Lind pour eputOmPt upon His ther iaorease In tile amount of trade -
very smart, trim and neat. Trimmed, ad eggs anti thoroughly t to ' his word .%re slaves of tile devil and shall bo CHICAGO JAY'R STOCK, moving is looked forward to*` Whole. J. A. MORTON
able.than ever this year, and all shades ceil corecis. )3roths front whw he questioner Proceeded to Sta , . salors have had a fair sorting trade. I,o.
aw is dyed with stiff bows of Straw, velvet or satlit, eook It the determination. Take away the hedge- -Ililmthled," and shall be "amittell" with
of straw (often the ati to , Chicago despatch, Cattle:, receipts ,n- cal factories continue busy and are re- BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR.
match the gown) are to be seen. There quills or ivings-modium size of fitney fat lias been skimmed and easily digest- 6, in that the "auger" Of the Lord. 2, Havery. 90
od breads may vary his diet. Since the vineyard Is worthies timated, at 28,000; market generally 100
stiaw -with brim faced with velvet- the fetlit is of no use, It might as well other mervant of samli lose$ as taltell its lower. Beeves, $4.90 to $0.40, ported to have plenty'of orders on hand,
Are -maiiy shades of pink, deep rose pink, Tile best time to Change the baby's 'Vex" 'lite building trades continue very ac. MONEY To Lotm
Cerise and A'brighter red-, then green they tire -universally becorning. The ' ' be turned over to be destroyed. Beasts tho one who is it stave to wine, s. H1111, steers, $4 -GO to $5.60; western ateers, tive. Country business is quiet, but de- Office. -Morton, . Block, Wingham
to every known and many fortunately crowns of maiisr tire high And there are Nannels is tit Alay. Risks are too great of the field might tindooniething there grer. Wine -drinking famlsheB spirit, solti $4.80 to �5.60-, stockers and feeders, $3.00
'tinknowit shades, The Empire, or Jose- several with exaggeratedly Jilgh crowns before that time, as the weather is too to help Sustain life., The vineyard was and body. It 18 9. mIsf,-.lI,e, to 311. ass to $5.70, cows and heifers, $2.40 to $5.00, liverles of produce are fairly large. tiol.
plains green, -is the smartest, but not covered with flowern, 'with ribbon bows "ilcertabi. A ontend protected with a hedge of thorns and that alcohol is niltritiou'l. 18.0meprwa- calves, $4,50 to $0.76. lections are unchanged.
always the most beconj4 that lie should wear A nannel. all Sam. London reparta say tke movement at
r ng, while the between the flowers. These are not, it wall of station but this protectionwas 9stly believe that a barrel of whiskey 116gs-Receipts �gatimated at 40,000; WELLINGTON AlUTUAL
tat, re wer, while others equally excellent main il - In all porting general goods Is of fair proportion, ai. . .
different grays and are endless -tlic atrietly tailor made bats, but, a be removed. God was about to per- would go as fai p v a family market $ouerally steady. Light, $0.05
tile weaves of iv,>rn with the serge or ch4viot titin that, in ]lot weather babe, is best mI .,,is would a cowl though the baCkward season has more or
lit their variety. And I Costumes t hostile nations to harass and des. But this is one of tile to .$6,40, mixed, $0 to .36; heavy, $5.85 FIRE INS, CO.
-straw braid are as many Ili number ag as some women prefer a softer style of dressed when he has as little On as cOm' troy the people of Aldill. 0. Will lay it JuAl's delilsions." 4. Humiliation. W, to $6.25; ro less effect.
the shades of color. It is fashionable hat in contract to the severity of tile mon decency perm � its. The whole cities, as lie its to U r. a 11 u ,, .8 to $0; good to Ottawa reports say there has been tit. EstalllBhodlUO. .
t: . %vaite-The d tr tion w 6 com- " Cl rk tells Of a "Wit-timo visit to choice, heavy, to 5; pigs, 5.90 to tie change lit the trade situation there Head Office GUELP11, ONT,
this season to face the brims of the street gown. ion, however, depends entirely upon tilt. Plate and permanent. NO rain -The Jje Bowery ,Nlis,$1011 In ,J,L�w V . 'Ili sales, .10 to %30.
. orl; $0,35. Bulk of ales,
bats wit4 black velvet, and this makes Turbans and Toques. constitution of the chI141 in question, condition of Judah here foretold was in vas at the closb of tile llit'ating, 140 we Sheep-Reeeipts estimated at 20,000, during tile past week. Wake taken on all classes of lnw
it much. more possible to ivear trying ' �onie e'hildren really require three stranae contrast to the condition of itood by the door, At the platforin it market steady. Xative, $3 to $4.80; � 4 10 — surable property on the cash or pre.
Colors than when the color of-flie straw Turbans ama toques -never were there ei-anges of flannel a'yea prosirerity the nation bad formerly en-
.� f --a medium- loyelt nien were kneeling as penitents. wes $3,5Q to $4.80; yearlings. $4.60 militti note system.
Comes against the lace. Later in the SID nl.11ly ,its are now exhibitedl But ai tv for spriner and autumn. joyed, They had been given their OP- ,'Ut (;or attention was rivett'-d Ilpou a ,, �1.0-rck RATHER DIE, JAMICS laox'Di1c, CnAs. DAVIDOON
0 - Iambs, native, $4.60 to $6.65;
n by the older �Iiglll nan .near by, Icaning forward to catch western, $5.25 to $0.75,
,summer, this fashion -will be succeeded a *rule they are not 'wor 'i 11 beat pla�e for baby to tttke liLs pc�rtunity during, many Centuries, and - President. Secretary.
by tile silk or lace facedbrims or. the women. Those worn by young girls are nal,l is (in a well -covered porch or in a nierey T�ust soon give Way to justice- -.-very svord of what was stud. A refined, LIVERPOOL PRODUCR. "
ficing made of a white or light straw. more of the turban order, for the stiff rown *%,here the windows are open. Even The instructions that were being receiv- 1114,111,c,vent, geutiontanly Lclz Was Coil- Uv,erM3 de.9patch: Mslng�_Wheftt, RITCHIE & COSENS,
For thp momeint the black velvet fac- brim is rather trying, excepting for very before "lly 4easoill, cover hiq Couch with ed through tile prophet.% -would later be Philadelohia Man Shoots Himself to
I . --valed behind a PAtLli of mud and elot,q Spot. teasi, Nro. 2, red western winter, -no Agents. Wingham, Ont
IV is the smartest -and is to be seen yolithful features. Older women have a qpraad �i fly-iietting. ao arranged t!tal ,withheld and the nation would be left )f blood. His clothes were torit unit cuv� moel�-. No. 2 41anitoba, 7s 6 1-2d* NIP 8 ath Rather Than Joilt hion. I
ill the gutter.? Soon ho .&Janitoba, 7A 31-2d; futures, weak, Af'ay: De
In ali sizes and shapes that turn offthe at the moment an unusual opportunity U will not fan aggeinst, his face, This to lier destr1lation. 7. The vineyard.. -rx,d with dirt fro 0.9 I 1-44; ,TukY, as 10 1-2d; Oct., On 9 9 541. . . I 9t
face. to eboose a. becoming hat thiLt will not serves to braak the 'bre'azes and keep Is the house of Israel -The parable bas tose and hasteyled toward the door, �yhejj r�lour--Patents, 27s Oil.
Cktaich feathers would seem to have I here its full explanation. Everything I tool is Gd. E S MIT ri
too clo4ely resemble the one worn by the speckR and iniscet's off him. 8-�e that he CC hilu bV, thc arm and pulled him Beef -Extra Indin. mesa, r A. .
n done for Israel that 1,,L(.,- Fork -Prime niess, weatern, 78s 9d. Philadelphia, Pa., 41fay Ia.-Driven to
taken a new lease of life And are mord. I girl of sixteen. Iq ulfill covered and his head prot.-ated possible had bee 'My fkand, ),all are ill trouble Hains, anbrt out, 14 to I& lbs., &W. Bacon, distraction over the efforts of fellow
fashionable than ever. Ia thin ago of ,i a A ft 11 b a q her divine, l'.' '* Startletl Cu-berland cut, 26 to 30 1 Nvorkmen to force him to joining a union,
, oft a,
ap While the We,,t er iq
. still tile nation might accomplish be., 49s 6d;
rlower trimmed itat do not a rt a y 11 . . d We fire hero to help yO11,1 B A INT, IC IE R
luxury and extravagance the plain colors I i4alce their formal eappearance before ciAlly. . ly appointed mission but repeated fail* tt behigg held, he stood erct!t alld faced 0110i't ribs, 10 to 24 lbs., nomInal; Clear Ernest Rebleb, a4ed 23, an employee of
be les. 14 o 16 lbs., 60s. 6d; Inng clear
are not handsome enough apparently), 00 I the month of June, when Leghorns., lace To' have baby grow straight, he com. 4tres -called for - severe puniahment. - is, 1'wo brulsos Were On Ills head and 11 t. to A lbs., s2s; tons clear the Baldwin Locomotive Works, shot and WINPHAM - ONT.ARIO
;Tudgmen t__jas ties. A cry -The cry of "
different colors (ire Combined, And differ- I and lingerie hats covered with flowers fort'able, and also to have him �est well, I Lift, blood wa� dripping fi,oin a clit oil inl'21211e.s: " P Vy, to lba.. 60s; short killed himself to -day.
,ent shades of War quite transform them. ],seem in keeping with lingerie and muslin in to let him sleep on A low pil.1001, either the oppressed. ids chin. down upon a Clean Shirt %11,I �col. clear bm s, Ia, to 2 lba. I
1. Warning A. bould QUa _ 11 t � tbs., 6d. Farmers who want money to buy
xpell-14 ,ckij� The embroidered gowns that tire of down. or soft curled biir. Ills head iar. 'Yos,' said lie, 'I am In giwat trou. La erle rt tern. In was given ill it letter addressed to his
The e ve Shaded feathers are the frr - .gallist covetolisness (vs. � The young man's reason fod his -.let
. . 8_10.) 9. Woo -The indictment [in vs. 8-1 t r , - . horses, cattle or hoga to feed for w81%
-------.— - should be only slightly plovated, ble, I assure wmi�ng I Ieft , 429 W erlcan r I ed, wife as follows. ket can have it on reasonable terins,
PANISH QUEEN 23) oontains six counts) each introduced yon. This tit lerces, 429 8d; In 11$3,
S 43S. - d "My Dear Wife- I can no longer en -
LOVING MOTHER, by the word. "Woe,!) and U addressed ex- , � ell
IS GOOD HOU SEKEEPER; - the hospital, and I am still very� woqk. I eese-Canadian finest, white and Col
. finest white, nre the efforts of my $elloiv workmen Money transmitted and payable at
AND ENJOYS SEWING. . WEIGHTED SKIRT IS A NECE$- clusively to the upper classes, although tave liftd-but three drinks itnd Pro got ored. nolv, 58s; American
but fifteen cents left to get. some old, Mlj� Canadian finest colored� nominal. to force me into joining the union. I do par at anT Bauk In the Domitilon.
more nutter -American finest, 88s, do. good.
., I . SITY. . Lho punishment of their sin falls upon ind thanl-. 'Stav,' ire mid, 'come here not believe in unionism, and they are RATES. ,P.60 and under 3 ats.
. 11 'Ahort skirts have usually to be well thO nation as a whole. The prophet sets I 90e. .�
. I I - before las it vivid picture of and we put ilink 'in tile ball(Is of .,()ht) T i, igntine Spirits -lis 134. making my life so miserable that. I Can- 110 to $30, 1 cW $W to J�0, 16 CtA.
. 1, � . weighted, for whi a debased I
'ell purpose there is Wyburn Res il-conlynon, 17B Go. , not bear it any fonger. So good-bye." Same rates charged on rinelpal'
,. 11 nothing better thaa heavy braid -work 6118tOcritcy', in whom publie. virtue has , wha lint, been there himself Pctrolelarn--Refined, 6 1-24.- - - - 4 ell . I
1� ,�, - done hi, an elaborate pattern, someti been oaten' Out by Avarice and sensual- and 1VhO kllOw What to do with R mail Pr,OVJ,NrC1Ab MARXETS. . I banking points In the IT S.
11206 ad that was down, At tile wagh.b,
. to tona into the color of the dress it. Ity; al he trac;s with remarkable In. .tell, the -da,y 'Was
.. . � ;:: M.' � self, or, again,, to form a good, Contrast, sigbt the effect of these -sins in the roll- dirt and blood irere r6mored front as re. equally an Iargo as laot, Sa,turday's, and NOT A GOOD THING
I ,:�,�, - ... �� I f'"(' A fsCO RA I ever Omw, and the prom. here was not 1AUch SPACC tll&t WWS U`ft- 0 3 F
'.... - I for thWinethad of contrasting prevails .3'Ous insensibility and perversion of the a N. U' LIFFIN16%
I li .. , : i90 of coffee and food Ili the rettaurant t
....., ". -11, everywhere. inoral �sentlmonts which characterized ,xulipied. Tho feabare e
11'511.�,-, :, b Ow, With R Clean bed itbove brougilt
:, 1. .:i; it 0.1 , quantity of po- .
I - Yl- .;: ". " , A slight train is permissible for any. the nobles of Judah at this time. -Cal . 66in hini the ldnd0Ato\ji);e,g9i , was tile unlisually large Rev. E. B. - Lancelay Condemned GERNEPAT, AGENT
11 I I 1. . " � I- thing except street wtax, some people Bible. Lay field to fleld-The tendency .Ltxde. ltr 02119 of gritt. tatoes that wA6 offered, aa,trty ower.,
, ,110 %J?, �
01 . " ' .15 lit,? A College gl-ailu. fal,mer's wagvoil liaving sonto on hund. Imuer of Marriage LleqnM%.
. . I 1_�, � I think a track of this nature has wore was even than manifest for'% few to ae- , tg, a womber of .0mine Modern Maratho, at Brantford,
- I - . .� 11 � effect when it is allowed to elongate ,quire vast property, 'While many -would. ' a pi ad olittrCII, 9 rhe,dem-Aud for potatoill NiVas exceod- .
" * �.-*,.,;- 11,0fo-5sional Wall Whose liftylle is well - Fin, Life, Aeddent, Mai* Glaeo
. . Itself just a trifle. , -beealuo destitute. Tbb sin of covetous- .7 111gly slovw, anti tile fminers hild to ae-
_;"." � I "io":'. 1, 'town in thin cominitHRy, y 01.11 a higi, ices tbali,werc Paid Oil
:1, I ..
0 '. . , - - "... � 1 r Riggint, . lino at jmd Weather 1�elaranee, eo*ed
. .
�� . . ness injures both those who are oppress- cept lower In
11 .1 , . UppO ,iosiflon of r6spongibir,ty rhad All X111irsdity. Oreoll stuff was als - - n with a Real Estate and Mokey
.1 I., , be Brantford, Ont., May 15.-Preael
' "
� �-�.;;,� td and, deprived of what Ia rightfully .,_, (ho d(,,Ith$ of . 671
. , - Sligh .1 % tiowery o an 1 in th� Colborne Street Method
. - tly high bodices, ,with boleros, h s never learned to pove,,tv. . glitt6"', 5. portant-lital, amd the market gartintrs
11 .. 1c.-.M11W1R � ( alla th ist Church
" '� a dtapod bodleex tylilch have the say-, 11E norlgh," Alon6 tit the midst of the fo , � '001100 'whia bibbem aad quite a baAy day. Oats were not as last night, Rev. E. B. Lanceley, H amil, -
. %%,;%:�".'r.�j, . "Be not it, Loalling bnolness.
. -,
--- :1 - I ! 1. � 4 wW � kiniono sleeve, Are considdred the moat, r tile dr(inkard....slutli come t6 ton, condemned modern Marathon races, --- - __
. "I
"I .. . . V I earth -The poor are crowded out, whud , plelitiftil as -was exiceted. Some buyers
� - , , suitable far Oliant stuff, A Paisley the rich control vast possession$, 1% overti", (Prov 0,1i 20i 21). One who hdif back lit the early part of tile 111ar- declaring it was a sin to test one's pow. OVEn Ga YEARGI
: , � I .
� � . lli'AS alepholl bocames,unfp�ttpd tot- lyll'si. ket thinking that there would be a large ors to the limit of endurance. He also
:��_. - plaid &Mgn leads itself very well to Expitair,hat ,
_ , .
/ ,,.-*�, �i,��` i�- - " I Shrill be desolate -The "Woo" on this ,Yoss atid for laboh A. 0. I'vJ. ii'�tmbcr of loads offered mid that they attackvil ilia practice of ptitting boy's in , .
.. With neutral chiffon. A whole landed aristocracy was decity Slid deso. � I-
, .,;W;'�.�%:. ': .: 4V ��, - aroplag
1.�'," ;"
-1'. .. �, I/ . I Ulleme Of gray or molo may be C-Arried - -4-0-0— !ail. It was a. crime, he said, to impr3soll
-,;;; '_ ill\ lation.-Wiltdon. These words of God ,
I ', out Ili cashmere, the ski would be itble to btty them at a lower
.�, , I . , ,. t, -itt being self. -e astray in theft- cial. any boy, for youth waa lar ly th v . 9
, �. r1i:�, ;.:§ t - , I tonedo the bodice printed with a patt ra , 4ju t avatided in th6 prophet's earn. 10, IN, DOWS W, price, but they wei go 0 I,.' I
- I I:: I.- flon te Tell o,ereg-Literally, "ten yoke," tUAt is, PA - . eltlatiolls, as tile supply wa's sinall. Prices tim, of heredity till thoy came to the
I,- and veiled With neutral chi 114i as tatith land, as �n yoke of oxen could wore strong at $1.17 and $1.111 per owt. age of accountability ht 3,00ng in",
'g.4 - pulls the whole scheme togethew. hood. Were lie a legislator he -would
, y, or about tbret-fourths of . No Nrhtnit or barley ivas offered. ]Liy
. , The Coat Suit. plow in R do. sold At $13 to $13.50 per ton, and one place on thO statute books an Rot pro. RADS MAIRKS
, -Serge is lite initterial for spring wear Ions* According to Xayp tell acres 18t Buried load of choiee wheat stra%l at $6. per hibiting committilig boys to jail by tiny 0PVirvlGHTa A&
V an acre. One bath -About eight gat- Ashes,.,of Lafayette the 60 DESIONfAL,
., . . I on the ttr,�Ct) for travelling and the bathe 4il. 111a,gistrate. . Any* ot
- Along With Beauty, . no vendipe a 4
should. produce five hundred I Ill and dalcilgalway
ton, :Butter wtis slow at IS to 20a pot - _40.� f on
I , k � Coulitry. . quldk
I Sonic, Borges are quite dressy stead of one, ,An bomer shall yield All- , poorull, l7holesale, and -go to :i2,4, retaii; In*DnI1032 probab A
I - � � I I . I emmunlea.
, - .. - 11 ... tionesuloWcohn 4 , 0 on Valents
� . I Ing on the e6at collar, Pa tak*n t ""I _1=14rlo
. . fine Wear. ofte In aCep blue shoira a . ""ART. at dOst I 0 .`.
I . ill effect, And, though short, Are up to rpliah-Ten bushels of seed shall y1did - , I the dairy IiAll, 93 to Ne was asked for THROUGH HE- sonAfto A %MU " rk,w I"
one bushel 6f grain, TAnd-olt, -ILlity' 15 -The a6hes of T,af- erovks a'wl rolls Eggs were 11rin at i, ib".11-t'.-t .
. , vs 2414. WOO. witbout 0 P.M0, IA t
I . "Ivet collar fuel 11T, lVarnitig against Intemperance ayette tile (Ir"At, to 17 1-,Ic for cratps and I7 1-2 to 1810 I
, . tile blouse Yoko and sleoves being of , (v.q. 11, 12.) 11. lVae-So and -cal. v,h the vaudeville actor tilmll ,
rrow IV . I tot, baAket lots, He retail. I i
I I ivory likee. . Rise, up early -1t; Nvas considered a a,, burned to death ill Me Einpiro St. Thomas--Thoo. Nvas .aa abuodanc., Cayuga Boy Killed by Accident on ' ,t must�" weem?. It 114 04�
,691, ,
I ly- Tows to begin jorred yesikrdaT In it vault h, were Ill-' of early groon produce oil (Le marketto, lk� 't IVY'= ...... 'L 604 r
a 11isgrace otinmig the , PAlAeO Theatre in E'dinburg n
SUMMIERWAIR0. drialcing. In tile morning (Ecel, 10; 10, lit Plor Hill day. Butter eleclined in, price, tiollilig at Saturday. Mew om -
f Now- I Atts 2i 15.) Thil habit IS likely to be. Cometery, LK cit. -It city. Thi� urn con. 20 to Me, Eggp sol(I ,,it 15 to l -'e. 041ok- N Jqpelurw.ly. NOW
,, Old Chintgat wid Tapestries foe ; that It %Vill override all tailling the Ashes was pitteed betvr,oll the On% Me to ,ql.00 pair. Pofiltoi,tl, 000. to ft 06 r St. wasiklnkj�31� Wk
. . 1)"twA of the actor) 0 pet dog) Ueauty. the �1 a bag. Wile. A " I I . r
I . ; the House. sense of propriety. There is nothing so boilY Of mphiell 10 in an Oak eoffill lined *li; tll,egAr�a 'It, 80,1 bIlph"I. Liv, Ca,�t,tig�1,3�i'ayl-S.-Allic-i,tWeo.vt,ri ,Q'� I - __1 - I �- ---
. I I I Each year brings its special Jagl. r6asonable or sacred as to I* socuro With 141ad, A rabbi ob*.t to e6naucting 2. 0 hory,g. CO to $11,715, I 11 y�ears, a son of Mr. Mbeit Wt -mor, I
)is in furnishing,, end Just frorn the audaelty of tile appetitit for ill,% fltnoral (,erelilt *, I All�(`! ,
� . To now, wlibn 'lly, lW,kllq Me pock.- Lome h,,Iy, $10 t, !,1i1a:,-1 who rptidos near Caytiga, aMOPlitally I __ I . 11
f spring cleaning ii prom. � . a "
. , the n1all J)al (sil 3mv, 41-1. ltiilta, r, to !m. Tiotioy, '.I � 2%.0
I . I the quo"Ai0h 0 diink. Yollow-Krang drink 4,4 a da, Ivas t1ullo(I Avith the (log, and tile fier. 12 shot, and killed 111ruself Ivi'll a .2 ealibre
� I , . illently to the, tort, no little IntereAt, Is eehor, It leads its victinis and they fol. I -2e a-paill)(1. - , L -SECURM
,� .. I 16 .
Wing taken In tho now Cliinbw mid, tapet. low. Jt promiaeft SAWIletion, but call vle"' in t-110 vallit Vel'(' rvAd by an Ail. Pi,tvrb,)r-%- Suffinior tlmlv�tn is 0.1111 ,"fl" in bji fathcra larn on saturflay a 0 L ra,
, A110-111 (-.10�1-gyl.,Jaft. 0I '11141g. )Ii, h'AJ leen shooting M,)ar. 0 A 'et 311A=t.
If .T to tile 111,11-1,0-1, Live ling's al'o 411I)t. 111'r" I ca t Ct
tl""W which tire oil show for loose eay. uot, givii it. It proinises pit,asure, ))lit Among the wro,ttlij ,%%$ 6110 minpoged 1 filo t,linlliing.'ill tile do ft Ot. bar es
11r., I erlqj4 of till kinas, RveryWfi6re out htlfil,q its niui��e only in part, It pra- "'Nat 0.10 4�ut.; plelltif. , will it was 11 9
1pou it .11 41tpply; n,) rowo _ .- I , t � 2
I I. � of thoupfUld.9 of flo�N-vl�.,4 tmilb I I a 0 4
- �11111' .q. It �Ireslpll offe're-1, Bated liny I that tho rifle 3,11-11t, ill 4-milet I i it ..,. ��� � t a
� . llotlees tho effeet, of tile Jacobson ill. WeOR nuol oss, btit givei beastlines hallielvork of, inam in, Ule forni of tit L .1's cliangv(l MaNy t �
1, 1, 1��, I fluenco whielt is reaxsertidg IiAelf Ju prolul",,eS frU-JI(Iff, b1tt it Jig a destroyer or 0 14-wo4i fit the iliatter or pri,!,� with itw.-;;,-.,1 and was disehargpl. f6 lj;,111�1 ell rott 16=1M - �
I 1109,14-aidy,the headliving fa.ehionel in * hi�q heart allil killi'd MITI allno-A bicktant- I I 11; - I
_ llift-tters Appertaining to flounthol n e O Cf '� a " lx%loI*I-J.Jooso*15. Variuvra' fildf,s, lip-, .
�� I - d de- r"It"11141"P- ,,�Nlen are, 11"rever, unw'" fO110-t- I ,,It t .,I r thall fif . - __ .
, _.. . C-oratlaitt. � c.Alollgil to lollu%v It"' k"ong drink- T101-illn" AvW bl tile, oolrwter ty t"011RITI(I ba(Apl%, 111444, se. 1,01.41tool Lave lid. Jy. . L
.- ' To, plodd of the bunch of roses U&I *,Strolig,ll lipeame of the Alcohol it con. I. Y. voll4g4 to ,?1.1.15 bag. Tarkw'.A. 15;e Pei, __,6,*,#__. GAVE HIS LIFE6
'L *E. WRIL 'bows of Colored ribbon, which hitvo tabi-.4, atia alcohol is .% polion. The word ------ 104-401-- . �10dlltl. (4"rpp, $Ul,b. U,.g,4.4.*'le, to 170. MARRIACIE AND DIVOROE.
� .. I—— figurt'a .011 all 011intr of lite, bud hAds tr,awklated "StLr(JJJ,g drink" lq it gelieral 13ABY'S TnA,010 10CATI-1, Ilutter, 24e.
J 'ITTJ1,'B,.V VICT01111A T .Nt ITI,,R 8T,1,NVJX(; ROONIf. ill(- new faMinhing fabrias, Aise. polate(I nams fur intosleating liquorg obtained Tniontn, Jray J,,),__,1,Ile ftlaeral of tht', Dvtrolt, Uieh., Itay K-Jiulgo �sfa I
fi llpllevillp.-jrho UlaThf.-I bas 1well N -01-Y 'J"ll, ill tile Jylvor(!C'J�(Jupt, anti .111,1�lr To Save His Brothdr, Who Was Pulled
in a varlation ,of r1eh reds, grom's, from ilaton, houey, grap(-x antl grains, , ve-niontlm daughter of !%fr. antl ,Ntrg. sikqdy tinvo 111PI &U11r1ly. I"tvp hogs � 11helaily ill tile Recorder's Court, $Cb1tor-
U&Irid.-11. is kaid that the Qtleml I .n.,4 ,-4pellJ4 little ,,I his tim6 wiffi browni or wIna Color Ott a Cream I.N,Q migilt (,ail it ostrong,, beC,it1%,;e it 101111 It. "YouT16n, who died Priday .-ire llael'RIAWNI nt IVUSY, whilo dres,ipd, ,1,,, luallc 1, I Out of tha watm
of Swu h 11,10 proudeal. Another ill � Ila , J able attac.,ka, the fortui-r oil 4
*,� Wilily. The Qu4ben tak,tsj gtbat ground', or Aisplay bold convottlotal A#.- trimophi over infelleet, overeonle.g moral nf,lyllb AS a result of being tumbled in ft aril hilve4l, tit IS1 p.,r latildr(A ponfiltq, .13V on tile eoul-
41i vuZol*; Oat not even 1110 huinbl-N1e1j!!11t f.1 attending to her alowaw , 141 ilgns sovierhat Mostly, Pitt erlh 6d. 'wh Ith prim1pl", btiby varrilge down tile stairs of the C."lickonn plialitly lower at $1 t!,) $1.,-)O; ,� ore's '"A"als' "to l'tl`tc'r Ott#Wa despAtelt: tit an effort to ciava
, ", $Ln(l, Ove
imst ir.other oniong her royal tonj�DTVS I affairs; ,and is quit* in, 1(yve with bAr Iona thonigelveo ,adibirahl -rritlil% "Atur"t' arrec* 11(11,�sford Apartment% will wor. law blarriagk� idpa.
,Aubjtk'.�m lavicl Y tb f*alsh- tion, It is "strong" bmailse it arouses thil, luoralng in &, take Pl"O 11111PA 111911011 %li-Al hideA, 1-2p por pottil4l.,
, kle4 I'luirt) e -are and 'At- .,;�i%i.wr clid einliroidery wotk, =king inx purposes, stua which look far mobs t7ithitt' Cemetery, ,,itv So lurmy 6ollvl(-8 have olatalned di. a; voungvor broth0r, iliged 10, Who had fall-
illingS f _ hitlel. 9 I -,It,, winntr I
ttntirjA UrAn hf-r 07,-'n littlr� ones than natta,;-4airltv or 11*r ollildTon ilandSOL I lt..�� ' -it hidos, 7 1.�o. It and ril -t I ry t! i iy n. ..N 1, 01
i . ev(13r haAe Pas3ion, ftngitr, hatred and Tilt moth I Vere, hbetl tiff to rom, - in6 tilt-* water antl Wag RiterwitrilA
4fkftt Queia Vio:orkt. Stir l,ft.,4 tbfte'�uutVioreheilty. me abd impmIng *11ism the tint, lutt, It is "f3trong," beeitum It norvcts er had Pldml U a infiint � Afrady lit ��"q' to 8,10. Oats tit 40 to ,t,ty that Judge Uatulell laid dnwix a r",elleil, Alhativ Marvil, ti�,'ivd 19, of IN%
tit its efirriage and left it for it Ittolnent 4�1
e) 41*14S r,JA flotal detignt of yettqday. thb Vieft id robbtry, thiltder and Count- 6 U 6f th6 4tAirwity wh]16 she 1� .,!, NIP th.4t I'D 41NIPPS JJPV4ft;Jftvr vpill It,% i.r. vva8 (Irowneil lit ttle "atinoau llivt%r iwar
11 / r '\\C
'I \W 00 ft [A r [ I I
I \1
I M <
1 0
*hil<lren, lovo hv�% taid 0113 pirl. Oil , Jww�, T.-mv k,he is very bufy P�lsn- This 10tv J'Aeoumn tAffetit la bi'llIg le!5s other erilmots. tiinfinuo,- until ,night-:- at 1.11 a('
9.1y 21, 4 w1i'lle AAV^ 't"".. Ali,c r:h;,, , � for the cyonation. of bar untie, it , n 1,44urnpil to her tint for somothing'. Tit %% 0 N -
-#4 for eiirwai, boasprevii,aud milk (""("I'll` - T14r'rel N"" ,yt f,lillv 9410(l dt- f,,,.ti% f r tbirt., &L.N,st, an.d will o%ilv i,c, that eity to -day. ,Rw brotliers wero,
the EnOP11 V1-iU0'A'q -, ,i EA tO 14,C+ 1 %;iw Ge,,rg.e of J,,1n#l%M, whi.oh 06 Tho min of drutkenveti aft it extistod I I fi-mlanee it 14�ittxrtl.,,V�q ,,,.,I,.i;0t. E193 )t -.,snivel afor tt�rmotwl invos(igatits"i J,V playing Oil the li%-,%r Will. wheft the
'p'n'-d'eh ruler. -,, rf'. ion r*vn*, ml well -to for e6v,6r1ng4'bfiIl'fi ,TitAoli Is litrikingly .portrayed, 'I'll& xorAA, mohner thc* tarriag* Idirt,pil Mr* ,,,(.rp vj�ry p1t.11i if,,, a I le) to W Minfirlf. youllgor 1`01 inti) t1le ,wift 4,111'rent. Tile
Alfar tky tj:6 IS i j,:<,% - both the 4MA ber hutbtud will stnil sofas, P0-0* mird, pr"ipftflt�g tht% litily t4) . 0 o. I lortsil. .
- . . 10 �, 6, _.. . '. they hati6m ot the AalrN. ak-. Foul'.4. 0 *40 014pr IP(I tro ,I tit _04,.14 itint, but itka
Qft6n Vic-!t,r1j, *P, ir*�- btw isu"iliki ; A'i..,'A, end wbioll: sh6, at 10*4, will PM had roached the "kiAge where t " "' Antior, 22 t,i �31,j. r.�j1,11-p1lit. ' ,,,, I
Ir -M ths pbqvf,, M a iere homii.lik- .1 l,n a 'it"t intorepted pstAOTI, J4V it 1$141)�-Meft-kla Wsrs W 411 ift were, Mid misil Wtolto,d. Thim Woo to pro. � - . . - - , � - 1111- .1 11n).10. 710tdfoml, NI -1 ha!r, Itud 11kAstaurant Prop0,%to'r--$10 you Wore ft'll ill rntl wi�q 4lvept .'1%Vlv. Th", b3:1.V1
le _
ing wt ill & pe:0.1" R1141 IMA not- , ig rim #'%eret i.hat Abili looks upon 11W lore � b% ,I* st I; first afght. ffi*Ubt 1161111MI upon AMY TMSAII, AWI UP04- Tho mo.1 11 --w1oft. 75e ., hiskof. V,0A44ftT#l,-X vif 101 In the 1110tt pla" for three voitts. IVJ,v� litts lint m loolv'IcAl. ThON .'�(%Illger
I t R11 I)Ad ,P i � � lie"
wii4ailtmilitt 41 a Pi, -t fhat, tJtA- Xing I native Itrid *1th 10*0U1 ,-rae AAA 'I -M Wt 'he W1411ft h* �*4 JoLkiin aft- I dMOTY 00MMIltitY 414 'Aittlan thitt, tat. .i WnTIA Are often tho" I** belkye In 1,irfh 4irtt 'h"mming ,morp plentiftil. anil MA yoll lett"? NOW 0hef-4 -was psti- bo.v rMcf-oodotl in groAping a rolk'p anit
fX a Aof(,r1(,uf7V Tinfaithful IllubAnd would Ilk* W 11,V# IU** Onft $vla. etltft waik � Wn strong Milk, It Tk* harp-MMO, thoralolVlfs, vdll ho ehnp#r next w4tk. A0*a-CKU1*1J,0 Nowl, *at rullea Olit mfely.
- - , , _*
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