The Wingham Advance, 1911-05-11, Page 4Seek quality always in the clothes you buy ---but don't neglect the 'styles It is style that distinguishes correct clothes from the very ordinary pro- duction of small tailors. 20th Century Brand garments are the happy combination of quality and style. That's the secret of their great success. We are exclusive agents. McGee & Campbell CLOTHXERS ea MEN'S FURNISHERS IProduce Wanted This season we are showing a fine range in Floor Oils and Linoleums, for which we ask your inspection before buying. These goods are from the best manufacturers, and will give the best of satisfaction. Prices To Suit Everyone Specials For This Week CREAM 1VZ MA.) R 5 C7IT AININ(4 . — 44 ins. wide, 3 only pieces, to Clear at 250 a yd. 1f JAPANESE MAfiTZIv`GS.-`--We show fine range, prices from 15c to 50c. Extra Values in Wool and Tapestry Rugs, rang- ing in price from $5 upwards. Wool, Hemp and onion Carpets, slice newp at. 'terns and good colors, Come and see them. Produce 'Wanted.•.Any .Quantity. Eggs 18c. King B Prlcea Right Want Your Trade E„,,,,,,.........",..,,,,,,.....„,„,..., `1 . C. *C. 'fit Tho matter under this hoed Is supplied by the Wingliana W,C. T. U. "If wo can help Rue another, let us do so." The W. 0, T. U. Prayer -meeting will he held at the home of Mr. Paltuer Morden, Edward St,, next Thursday evening, at eight o'clock, Every person is invited. Itis encouraging to find the church- es taking the open field in the fight against the saloon, At the recent Methodist Conference in New York; aresolution was adopted pretesting against the lax enforcement of the excise laws, especially during the prohibited hours on Sunday. In the resolution the saloon is denounced as "The parent of crime." It was a strong, yet truthful characterization, which Dr. D. 0. Iglehart put in the resolution, and ie might have gone even further, for the saloon with the traffic it represents, is the fruitful source of a multitude of evils. It is the oppressor of the poor, the blighter of character, the prolific cause of idleness, poverty and pauperism, the spoiler of men's brains and bodies, a1;,d one ,of the worst enemies of their souls. It robs them of health and happiness here and of heaven here- after, for "no drunkard shall inherit eternal life." Yet all the votaries of all other vices put together do not equal the great army of the slaves of drink, Tamerland asked for a hun- dred and sixty thousaud human skulls to build a pyramid to his honor as a conqueror. He got the skulls and built the pyramid. But if the skulls of these poor creatures who have fallen victims to drink, mainly through Che saloon, in a single decade, were to be piled up, they would make a pyramid that would dwarf that reared by the monster Tamerlane. And it is a pyramid that is growing bigger every yea,e—a ghastly pile of victims that sharne our civilization. But the time: must come, Gad willing, when the saloon with its aceotnpani- ments of crime, misery and despair will be a thing of the past, To hasten that time and to remove this blot from our country's fair fame should be the earnest desire and prayer of every good citizen. May it come soon. There is said to be an old church near Berlin, Germany, which is very attractive to tourists. The graveyard back of the church is kept locked, but on the gate is the following notice—"The key to the graveyard is to be found in the tavern." This is an undesigned statement of a great truth. A great array of men annually find the key that opens the way for them into the graveyard by going into the tavern. They not only un- lock the graveyard to themselves, but oftentimes to innocent children and helpless women, who are dependent upon them.—American..,Issue. Thin Hair On Top If Parisian Sage, the hair grower that J. W. McKibbon guarantees,,wi11 not cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out, nothing on this earth will. And we say to everybody, you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn't the best hair grower, hair saver, hair beautifier and dandruff cure on the market to -clay. It stops itching scalp and falling and makes hair grow thick and abundant- ly, or money; back 50c for a large bottle, Parisian Sage makes the hair grow soft and brilliant and promotes growth. The Chinese Famine. Conditions in the famine -stricken districts of northern China are im- proved, but still very bad. The daily death rate has decreased from several thousand to a few hundred. Children, who formerly were sold for fifty cents each, are now exchanged for a few pounds of grain. Women are selling themselves into slavery to provide succors for the more helplees ones of their families. The continuation of the famine is exhausting the relief supplies, and a million and a half more persons remain for whom relief must be provided. Lost Its Way. On Saturday, office hands of the Lindsay uptown Grand Trunk ticket office, were very much surprised and somewhat startled, when a fine look- ing and frisky young colt stalked bold- ly in the front door and walked up to the young man at the counter. No ticket was asked for, and the young man was so startled that he uttered nary a word, whereupon the young equine promenaded down the office into the rear office and poked its head over the counter at a young lady in the office. The colt was very friendly and in fact was only removed after considerable coaxing and a few love pats. The animal was unable to state its destination, and at last the fourelegged visitor was- ejected and peace once more restored in the office. NO APPETITE APPETITE ? This Reined Will Restore e It. If you have no ripe tit e for meals, can't work, can't rest and are annoyed. with too frequent urination and a burning, scalding pain in making paseages. If at night you retire, hoping for sleets that either does not come, or is troubled and fitful, you have kidney trouble and need Booth's Kidney Dills, < a the guaranteed remedy for all kidney and bladder trouble. A few doses of Booth's Kidney Pills will wake op istir the aii kidneys anl�re• Rotate the urine. Continu-. BoothV► 1;,.rd e, T " ed treatment Will etwo and heal the weakened kids 'nevi; and restore the appetite in the naturalway. w 'i''• Rold everywhere e0c a boss, or postpaid from The It. 1'. Booth Co, Ltd., Port Eris, Ont. ire trial sett on applioatioii. T W ENG Teeswatev. Farmers who were expecting the re- cent advance in .the price, of hop to continue got a rude jolt on Monday when a decline to, $a',DO was an- nounced. Arrangements have been completed between the North .Huron Telephone Co. and the South Bruce Telephone 0o, whereby the subeeribers of these two companies will get a better ser- vice, Some of the fall wheat In this locali- ty did not come through the wintee very well and partsof some fields will have to be ploughed up. Wm, McDonald, con. 7, b,olds the record this season, as far as wo can learn, for large trout. He secured ono on Monday weighing 11 lbs. The little fourteen -month-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Goodfellow of Culross was frightfully scalded on Monday evening. The little tot, who is just able to walk around, reached for and upset a dipper of boiling water, the contents scalding her neck and arms, At first serious results were expected, but latest reports say she is doing nicely, Wm. Beaking, con. 10, has purchas- ed a 25 -horse -power steam tractor and two log trucks from W. II. Cargill. The outfit, which originally comprised four such trucks, was procured by its late owner, we understand, for the purpose of hauling logs out of Greenock swamp, but was found somewhat unserviceable on the soft swamp roads. Mr. Becking, with bet- ,:: ter roads over which to drive it, will use it for hauling timber to various points, and, at other times for driving a portable . saw -mill on the former Smith McLean property, near Lang - side, where much, timber yet remains to be cut. FOR FALLING HAIR. You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall "03" Hair Tonic, with persistency and regularity, for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment removes dandruff and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is delicately perfumed. It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try Rexall "03" Hair. Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices 50c and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies'in this community only at our store—The Rexalll store. J. W. McRibbon. Insane At Detroit. A despatch from Detroit last Wed- nesdax saps :—Edwin Devine, 27 years of age, of Goderich, Ont., is in a straight jacket in the padded cell at St. Mary's Hospital and the authoi- ties are awaiting instructions from Goderich as to his final disposition. The young man walked into police headquarters this morning and by his actions plainly showed that he was demented. When the officers tried to quiet him, Devine became violent and it took the combined strength of four patrolmen to get him to the hospital. His mind appears to be badly af- fected, Court Adjourned. The sound of fluttering wings and the distressful cooing of a pigeon im- prisoned in an air shaft at the court- house in Boston so moved Judge Wentworth that he adjourned court in order that the captive bird might be released. The pigeon bad been trapped under a grating and in the dark and dusty shaft was located with difficulty. Court officers, assistants, lawyers and spectators interested themselves in the work of rescue. When, with the aid of a torch and a srnall boy, who willingly allowed him- self to be lowered` into the well, the pigeon was carefully removed, every- one was delighted to see it sail away to its mates unharmed and to all appearances grateful. Zam-Bute Cures Piles. Read What Those Who Have Proved It Say. Mr. Thos. Pearson, of Prince Al- bert, Sask., writes :—"I must thank you for the benefit I received from .am-Buk. Last summer 1 suffered reat] from piles. I started t y' p to use Zara-l3uk and found it gab° Inc relief, so I continue end d itafter ming , three or four boxes I am pleased to saythat it has effected a completed cure M. A. G. Dufresne, of 153.185 St. Joseph St., St. Roch, Quebec, P.Q,. writes :—"I can highly recommend Zem-13uk to everyone who suffers from piles. I have also found it most effective in curing a sore thumb with which my son was suffering. The thumb had begun to swell and fester and had lost the nail. 1 persevered in the application Of lion Buk and the sore is now entirely healed." Not only for piles, but for infiemed sores, ulcers, eczema, ringworm, boils, eruptions, scalp sores, itch, children's sore heads, old Wounds, etc., Zara-Buk for outs, burns, stiffness and wherever a handy1 halm is called for, At all druggists and stares at 60c box. Zane. Buk Soap will be found as superior amongst medicinal and: toilet snaps as the halm is amongst ialve.e. Mothers should use it for baby's bath. Twenty- five cents tablet, all druggists and etoree or int free from Zanr.Bnk goo., Toronto, A :. ADVANCE NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A, Statement Of Facts Hacked A Strong guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to a sufferers from constipation. In ever arse where we fail we will supply th Medicine free, Metall OJderlies are a. gentle, e. fecttve, •dependable and safe bow regulator, strengthener and tont They re-estebllel nature's function in a quiet, easy way. They do no cause any iueonvenience, griiptng o nausea. They aro so pleasant to talc and work so easily that they may b taken by any cue at any time. The thoroughly tone up the whole syste to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are nnsurpassabl and ideal for the use of children, of folks and delicate persons. We ca not too highly recommend them to a sufferers from any form of const ration and its attendant evils. T,v sizes, 10,: and 25e. Remember, yo can obtain Rexall Remedies in thi community only at our store—Th Resell Store, J, W. McXibbon, The Shorn Lambs. The people who invested move with the late Alexander Dowie t found an earthly Zion, have receive back all that is left of the money less than 13 cents on the dollar. The will more than ever (enact the•Londo Free Press) appreciate 'the point o that text, which advises laying n treasures in another Zion, wher. moth and rust and thieves are un known, Young But Wise. - In a school in a Western Ontari town is a little girl, who has no taken quickly to the mysteries o addition. "One'n one?" asked th school teacher, while putting th class through the easiest of the ad clition tables. The little girl referrer to was the only person in the clas who couldn't give the answer. "Two'I one ? asked the teacher. The littl girl emiled confidently, put up he hand and when noticed by th teacher, said, "Shoe polish." Talte One Pill, then— Take it { . Easy. Take What Pill ? Why, a 1». Miles' Anti. -Pain Pill, of course. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Headache, Nervousness, Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Period- ical Pains of women, and for pain in any part of the body. "I have used Dr. Miles' medicines for over re years and find them excellent. I keep Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills in the house all the time and would not think of taking a journey without them, no matter how short a distance I am going. I cannot praise them enough." MISS Loy M. Crivrreiiii.i, 63 High St, Penacook,N. II. At all druggists. 25 doses 25c. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto,Can. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of North Huron Notice is hereby given that Lionel W. Hanson, of Wingharn, has made application for permission to transfer his Tavern License .for the premises on Josephine Street in the Town of Winggham, known as the National Rotel, to B. J. Doyle of the Village of Dundalk, and that said applica- tion will be considered at the meet- ing of the Board of License Oomis- sioners to be held at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham, on the 17th day of May, 1011, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. All persons interested will govern themeelves accordingly. • W. CLEGG, License Inspector, Dated at Morris this 2nd day of May, 1011. F R SALE A Splendid Chance For investment Town lots in the City of Leth- bridge, Alberta ; also in the new and rapidly growing towns situ- ated along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; Watrous, Melville and Biggar in Saskat- chewan ; Tofield in Alberta. Three selections of choice land in Saskatchewan. isibilomarramicememildir t� Gi'i .fin 1034 MAU AND INSORANl ,: 1t e f- rl c. 8 t ,, e e r ,a e d n- i1 i- n s 3 y d f p a t f 1 3 1 3 4� Real Estate Snaps FISIiER ULOCE.--,To=epliine Street solid brick building, with et,' '. uudltsr nud lints day-14ng rooms to boyo. An exeellr;nt property, 50 ACRE FARM.—The Campbell pro perry in the Town Plot, ono mils from town. A fine place wits° good builaings. EENT. BLOOD.—Corner Vlotoria ani .Tosephino Streets. Rents to pea 10 per ccut. Will be sold at i saoriflco. 75 ACRE FARM.—Por sale or rent, gravel road between Blyth ani Belgraue. Immediate possession. LENNOX RESIDENCE—Ono of the best in town; will be sold right. ARCHIE PATERSON'S ,briok veneer house and 2 lots, A bargain. mQ Ritchie & COSeilS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Distance Is No Hindrance to those who wish to get the best. Many students from the distant Previa-, ces and the United States attend the , ELLIOTT J /JJ TORONTO, ONTO, ON1, Tine SC13OOL IIAS A NATIONAL REPUTATION FOR.HIGHGRADE WOKIK. Graduates readily get good positions. Open ente for ranyear Enter now. WL W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yong() and Alexander Sts. ,..r.�rv.rwws. (..^r+w'.+w+�n. .+w.r...: .".",..�s..r.rv".�r... (( ,/ CEL f /% � ' STRATFORD. ONT. A LARGE SCHOOL. A GOOD l SCHOOL. THE BEST. (i This io1iooi has a continental reputa- tion for high grade work and, for the success of its students. We have three departments — Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men women should send for our largo free catalogue. Write for it at once and see what our graudates aro doing. This is a good time of the year for you to enter our classes. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal L...r,,,,,,, -w i. r The Place Where Good Clothes Come From LET US POST YOU If yon got your clothes from us, yon are sure to get Clothes matte to fit Clothes neatly made Clothes well made Clothes that look well Clothes that wear well Clothes that last well Clothes in latest style Clothes that please Clothes that satisfy • Wo understand our business We have the goods We know the styles Our charges are right z gantOr1/4.• % The Nifty ban's Tailor. R. Maxwell's old stand ' of Flax, class will the obtained A. NOTICE TO FARMERS We are open to rent any number acres of land for the growing of or will buy any quantity of first- pulled Flax, dry, for which we pay $11.00 per ton delivered at Wingham Flax Mill. Seed can be at T. A. Mills' Seed Store. CANADA FLAX FIBRE 00„ LIMITED, MONTREAL, TIPLING, Manager. DRS. KENNEDY & CALDER Oaricas—Corner Patrick and Centro streets PIT0NES— Rd idence, Dr. Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr, Calder 151 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to DIseas t of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Jiye5 thoroughly tested, Glasses properly DR. R. M. MacL,EAN DENTAi. SURGEON tlmum, oral. xfbnor Graduate Toronto University, De»art- rnent Of Dentistry.: Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter (were Tuesday afternoon and W'1Tednesday All day)—office in Grand Central ,Block. At Fordwich every Friday forenoon The best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration; of the teeth. Jas. Walker & Son Wil4tllilAM UNDERTAKERS WS arcs spoially' ;manned tinder. takers and Phnbeittera, and those entrnaticegr their WorJ* te us may rely 0n ib being 'sett done. NIghb OAUH re0eived ab rookie**. C?fdc11 Platnue iGII HOsee /tons THURSDAY, MAY II, IQII The Profit Sharing Store, Wingham, Ont. it 0 . 4z le AGENTS... LADIES' )(`HOME JOURNAL ho ress ell MUST WEAR PERFECTING CORSETS. WE'VE THE VERY BEST FITTING COR- SET ON THE MARKET', at vttry satisfactory prices, DIRECTOIRE CORSETS, fine quality Contil, deep lace trimming, 4 garters attached. Very best workmanship and nt wk!st styles. Prices 50c, 75c, $i.co and $r.50, Jimt think of it— DIRECTOIRE CORSE US at these low prices. .2SIRIEMEISICAILIAPPI121111011., 34•11.1101M111:1116.110.111. Children's flats and Caps Our showing of Children's Hats and Caps for Spring will please yen: The new shapes are very pretty. Round Sift Felt Hats in green, navy blue and red, price sot:. Caps, new shapes, tweed, navy blue, red and checks, price 25C to 50c. New shapes in dressy Straw Hata for girls and boys, price toe to 50c. A few of those Hand Bags left. Reg. $2 for 98c On Our Bargain Counter for the Next Seven Days. -# Big sale of Corsets. Over too pairs on the Bargain Counter. These arc not long Corsets but are good style, good quality and perfect fitting. 23 pairs 11 50 13 11 " Tape Girdle Ladies' Corsets, reg. price $1.00—Sale < re ii If c< ii 75- 50- 40— i i 35--- t i< price 60c 4Se fe 37c " 25e Ce 23o Economical buyers will take advantage of this sale. There's money in it for you. Seeds ! Seeds ! ! Seeds ! ! ! Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety --new seeds. Rennies' Seeds, 2 packages for 5o or 12 for 25c. Ferry s' Seeds. 5o a pack- age or 6 for 2no. Giant Yellow Iutermediato Mengel. Mammoth Long Red Mengel. Giant Sugar Manuel. Jumbo Sugar Mange'. Leviathan Sugar Mango',, C 4-P7* L.... BRING THE BOYS From 8 to I6 Years NEXT SATURDAY 50 Suits to Clear at $4.95 2 -piece bloomer and 3 -piece straight knicker styles. Every suit a bargain ; fine tweeds, worsteds, navy blue serges ; reg. price $3.00, $10.00 and $12.00 ; sale price $4.95. HATS Eagle brand, English made Derby hats, up-to-date spring shapes, low, medium or large crowns and brims, well trimmed, fine quality ;. reg, price $2.00 and $2,50—for $1.50. Young men's suits of fine imported tweed in the new brown diagonal stripe pattern, tailored in best style, sizes 32 to 24 ; reg. $1$,00 and $20.00 --for $12.35. For Clearance $2 50 non's shirts, negligee and outing ; the latter are cash- lncrettos, fanny duck, etc., all sizes. Nothing wrong with those shirts, only odd sizes; reg. price $1,00 --yours for 40c. S. Robins 3...'= -tea= - Capital Paid Up $ 1,75o,o0o Poetrvo And Undivided Profits . 3,150,000 Totai Assets . . . -. . . . 40,500,000 ( ;' 3 e - ,;..;;• t^l; Besides offering 'nn ince>ktive to save, !r on safe and a say i s atic nt affords a n convenient method of keeping the se- cumulating dollars. Safe custody is of paramount im- ' ,,. � n s 'lit t:f �.f$� r A ` i , 'i �, , portance--either for the herd•earnutl savings of the worker of fortrustands. w d rf The Bank of Hamilton invites your Barings dccomit, whether large or small.C. sl i 'r `c P. SMITH, Agent - WINGRAM