HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-04, Page 6The champagne *lots Frames have
caused suttelt expense and disorder.
Champ:time has that effert with Whitt -
vale as. well as with eotnumuities some-
Vire Chief Crotier, of New york, has
revipecl, after a service of 27 years. Ire
hos been in receipt of a salery of a10,-
000 A year, and retires on n. pension of
$0,000 year for life.
• a*
The Chicago cold storage man ray
that the fall in prices has caused them
$0,000,000 lose. The public •will shed no
tears. Unfortunately- the loss is mostly
In proepeetive profits to be squeezed
out of the consumers by starving the
• • e
King George. is said to have created
alarm In some United States circles by
reviving all the severity of Queen Vic-
toria's regulatione excluding divorcees
from the court. And some of them
would give no end of dollars to be wen.
eomed there.
• •-•
A. bill is now before the New York
Legislature to prohibit persona under
16 years of age from driving automo-
biles in the State. A person between 16
and 18 years may run a machine if am
companie4 by a licensed alutuffer or the
Magestrate Denison, of Toronto, has
dionaseed a charge of assault against a
stabool teacher for strapping a pupil. The
time is coming when that boy's father
may feel inclined to thank the teacher
for disciplining his progeny and teach-
ing him the virtue of disobedience.
• - -
Canada's export of horses to the Unit-
ed Kingdom which, at one time, reached
400 to 500 per annum, has been much
]es, in recent years. In 1008 we sent.
only 167 horses,,valued $44,580. In
1910 tlie number declined to 109, valued
at $35,375. The higher prices of horses
.in Canada account for this.
On March 5 the Swiss Canton of the
Orieons, the most desirable to automobil-
ista in the republic, by means of the
initiative and referendum resolved to
absolutely exclude from eirculetion in
the Canton all motor vehicles. This will
be bad news for motorists who enjoy
picturesque and romantic scenery.
• • •
japan Is rapidly becoming educated.
A recent return shows that at present
5,596,130 pupils are being educated in
the primary sehools; 115,038 in the mid-
dle sachools and very large numbers in
the high schools, technical schools, and
other educational institutions. The East
ovaking up.
The United States have one physicien
for every 650 inhabitants. Besides, there
are hosts of irregular practitioners, in -
eluding vitopaths, retturopaths, osteo-
paths, meehanopatbs, Bddyites, faith
healers, magnetic healers, psehypaths,
etc., the number of whickinereases ev-
ery year.
At 91 years of age, a Chicagoan named
Dr. D, le. Pearsons on Good Friday
gave away to churches, colleges and
charitie.s the last $300,000 of a $0,000,000
fortune. Well, the charitable ami religi-
ous institutioes should see that he lacks
for nothing that he may need this side
of the .grave. He found the thief joy of
life in giving to worthy objects.
The New York antaro.ce betting laws
Laving shut the bookmakers out of the
horse -racing tracks, they are now turn-
ing their attention toward baseball, e
v:hich they hope to find a profitable
field. It will hardly be contended that
baseball bookmaking is necessary to the
success of horse -breeding! That plea s
'will now have to be dropped.
[Right at Last
"Well, yott see, that is just 'what
wanted to speak to you about. It ian'
his ancestral home any longer."
'lite colonel stared,
eln fact, it never was hie, Colonel 011
ver. Lord Arrowfiela's teat will lot
been found, and be left the Weld and
nearly all the property away from Lor
The colonel ana the girls gasped,
"Left the Wohl and the money—away
Good gracious! And whom did he leav
it to, then?"
"To his granddaughter, ,young lady
oi the name of Trevelyan,said alla
Mazurka, smoothly.
"Bless. my soul!" exclaimed the col
ouel, dropping kis eyeglass. "To a young
lady named Trerelyani Never even
hea d of her I"
'I daresay not. But no doubt you
wouhl like to make ber acquaintance?'
"We should be delighted!" simpered
Emmeline; "any relation of dear, dear
Lord Arrowaeld wont& be received by us
as an old and valued friend!'
"I am sure she would," said Miss Ma-
zurka dryly, while old Craddock's gnarl-
ed and wrinkled face contracted with a
grin behind the girls' • backs. "I - will
go and fetch her. But flint, Colonel 011.
ver, you have quite made up your
minds, all of you, in respeet to Miss
"Oh, quite, quite!" exclaimed Julia
and Emmeline, acidly.
"We never wish to see her again,"
said Emmeline. "And as to receiving
her into our house now• that a lady
reigns at the Weld, is more than ever
"I'm glad to hear you say that!" seid
Miss Mazurka, with a smile. "I ant
quite sure you mean it. and will abide
by it. And now ru fetch Miss Trevel-
"A most charming young lady," said
the colonel. "Poor Villiers! Lost all
his money, has he, poor devil? Well,
noon my sena he didn't deserve it." .
•"No," croaked Craddock; "very few
do. 'fere *ernes the fortunate young
lady,'" and he drew back with a Muster
smile as the door opened and Joan en-
She was very pale, and. her lips quiv-
ered slightly as she entered; but after
the pause of a second she came towards
them with extended hand.
The colonel stepped back with a start
and a frown, and the two girls, flushing
a brick -dust red, tossed up their heads.
"Will you not shake hands with me?"
said Joan.
"Aheml" coughed the colonel. "Under
the circumstances Joao, it will be better
if we speak candidly. am not aware
under what pretence you have made
your way lute this house, but I must
inform you that we—er—deely regret
that—ahem !—your past conduct has
rendered all intercourse between my
daughters and yourself impossible!"
Joan's hand dropped and her eyes
flashed ftir a moment with just indigna-
Lieu, but her voice was calm and almost
gentle as she said:
"Do you know all my sad story, Col-
onel Oliver?"
"We know—ahem !—enough!" said the
colonel. -In justice to the young batty
in whose house eau are intruding— -
.At that moment the door opened and
Miss Mazurka entered.
"Well, colenel and yeung battles, quite
a little surprise, isn't it? You didn't
expect to find in Miss Joan, your werd,
whom • you treated with such consider -
tion, the owner of Wold, Miss Ida
"Miss Ida Trevelyan! Owner of the
Wold!" gasped the colonel.
"Mies irrevelyan1" almost shrieked the
girls; "and Joan is—"
4=1 9rTIV 17:ntil(tiro?i!
the e . 1, l'ae c. ,
with a gritn of delight. "There is me
mistake, volonel. \Val found a little
while back and duly proved. Pather,
Captain Ormsby, of the 126th Irish. A
surprise, eh, quite a surprise!"
And be chuckled hoarsely.
The unfertunate
Olivers stood pale
and almost green with chagrin and
"It's—et's a conspiracy!" at last gasp -
the colonel.
"That's just what it ie," said Mies
'Mazurka, promptly; "a conspiracy to
want to 4 r
try foal frem
atv hot et e
feOinst;1 AST?' Til;
ucceeded, ask Mr. Craddock, who has
my full permission to tell you every-
hing as he couducts you to tee front
The Lehigh Valley Rtalroad has ex-
tended its telephone train, dispatching
systein to toyer the greater part of its
lines, and its officials are well pleased
with its operation. One or Its advan-
tages is the facility afforded for com-
=ideation with headquarters from any
part of th3 railway in case of necessity
by means .4 portable telephones.
The number of bills introduced in the
United States Congress steadily grows.
The total for the fiftpsixth Congress
was 20,803; of the sixty-first 44,363. The
number of measures actually passed in
1006-7 wets S0.3 public and 2,676 private.
In 1907-8 there was a decrease to 209
and 61 respectively. Even at that rate,
it must be lard for the proverbial
"Philadelphia lawyer" to keep up with
the lawmakers.
According to the Cincinneti 'Trice
Current" there has been a largo decrease
at hog -packing in the Tallied States dur-
ing the year. The Weetern Slaughtering
represente a total of 21,753,000 hop for
the e ear ending, Martel 1, being a de-
crease of 2,407,000 from the preeeding
year, and ot 4,674,000 compared with
tbe anneal average of ths iive preeeding
e'ars. Thet3e figures ftlrftiCh a title to
the why of inerestsca pork pr!ece.
Set* •
In the Nineteenth Century Harold F.
Wyatt. writes on "God's Test by War?
hie artiele weight* that 'the soul Ita4
gene out ef a retell" when they work
for the a.belition of war; and he wane:
"Iles the eind gene out ef England, or
toes it still inbere?" It is hard to deel
rst tlent!y tv:t hUell Wlitera as Wyatt,
who aerta t ha t "Ur. Pala ti'faat*
jatat V.C.1 haat e ated tenet for
the alma:tent of death," as to found hie
Peres Truitt. Mr. Wyatt evidently tie
laliever in Christ's teaching. Should hie
artiele not leave town headed: "the
vil'e Tesit by War"? 3/
'Witt drooping countenances, the three
sneaked out, followed by Craddock. who
Ittever enjoyed any hour in his life as
e, enjoyed the quarter of an hour in
which he unfolded the story to tee un-
happy trio.
The next morning the ()livers left for
Me continent for the benefit of their
bealth, and Deercombe is not likely to
be honored by their presence aide.
The day drew ou and still the feeling
of suspense -which hung over ,Toan and
E‘illy was not removtd.
quis d t 'v ,
r: Mazurkateeitas(! unmaskod Vista Izt1-1
wanting another act to fluish the tent.
ady which she and liertie had so care-
fully prepared.
"Leave it elf to me, dear, just for a
few hours longer," she pleaded to Joan,
as they sat In. the drawing roont. "I've
carried out my iutentione .very evell so
far, haven't It"
"Yes," said Joan. "Ali, wish they
had received me and forgiven met"
aiiss Mazurka laughea.
"..aie they would if they had known he-
forebstad that you were the mistress of
the Wokl. But had got them in a
dee estiek And now don't give a
thought to them; they'll never trouts'°
you any Ittere, depend upon it. What
time is dinner to -Hight?"
Joao sinned.
"You are mistress 'tete," the said. a
Mese Maztfrka nodded.
'So I am, with your permission, Inc a
a kW hours longet. We'll say seven o'. h
elteat, and we'll bare a race dinner. Ial
go and tee the butler and give him in-
structiona Fruity Mazurks in-
sirttetieg a butler!" and site went out a
Mews:tile, at the time lenn was still VI
wendetiug Vaal; Wag going to luippen,
two gentlemen get out of the traits at It
Deettombe and ttepeea out Inuattly to -
trade the Weld.
"Tut afrsid, sem think this h
tether mei thing to siteg you done to et
aour house it. be flo, !tidy 'Oro has i
etol of L.," tail Detre, foe it
etas Itc end V:".1:arS. 4,
; mut Vi tau . reedy.
"No; piseed raysed in your and
Mesarket kends, and /did so un-
reeervedly. am g-rateful that _von hay-
ett't insisted upon my going to Buenos,
AYBT.tiieflai4hteare. ."
"And you still feel—what seen I
say P—resigued to the loss of your
wealth, Villiers?"
"Quite!" he assented. "No ivealth can
buy me happluesei I have teat you my
story, Beetle; some men would have out-
lived the loss, I suppose! canuot She
is with me every hour' tae day. There
is uot day that her beautiful face
does not rise before me sometisnes with
the loving Bottle she used to wear when
else lived, sometimes with a shadow of
reproach resting on it. Why—" he
stopped aud looked towards the sea—
"tbis place, every inch of it, speaks to
me of her. There, aaong that road, we
used to walk, her head. upon my breast,
her sweet, innocent lips whispering, 'I
love you!' Would to Heaven I could
forget her, and yet, no! I would not if
I could! In such e grey and dreary life
as mine even the memory of her is
something. Forgive .me, Bertie," be
broke off. "I oughe not to weary you
with my sorrows; but, you see, you
have brought it on yourself. When a
man uodertakes to)* the keeper of suoh
as Ho stopped and shrugged his
sltoulders with a sad and kindly smile.
"I understand, I know," said Bert*
softly. "She must kave been very love-
ly and veoy,lovable."
"No .woman more so on this earth,"
responded Stuart Villiers, ferveutly.
"And I suppose there is no doubt
about her death?" said Bettie, gravely
and ferffully.
Stuart Villiers shook kis head,
"None! Oh, no I No, I saw her 1 I
saw her cloak! Besides, forgive me, I
cannot talk of it! Let us speak of some-
thing else! This young girl—do you
think she will mind my coming to see
her here?"
"No she will not mind," replied Ber-
t*, A law voice. "Villiers," he said,
after short silence, "how are your
nerves? Do you think you could stand
a. shook?"
Stuart Villiers laughed and held out
his hand.
"I am as firm and steady se a rock,"
he said. "Why, have you got a shook in
preparation for me, you mystery -mong-
"Yes, I have," said Beale, "No, I am
not going to tell you what it is. It
would upset my plats, to say nothing
of Miss Mazurka's, who is too formid-
able a. personage to interfere with. But
there is a shook ur waiting for you, and
I warn you."
trAnd I warn you," said Stuart Vil-
liers, smiling,' "that no shock you can
manufacture ean touch me. am cases
hardened, my- deer Beetle. If you could
taloa the dead, but there, no more of
that! How well the old place looks! I
should have been proud of it if she had
lived and I could have seen her there as
its queen and mine! But now I part
witb it without a pang. The sight of it
makes my lieart ache. It will be my last
visit to Deercombe!"
"You think so!" said Bertie. "Efere
we aro! Let us go round the back way
—which is it?"
•"rhis area'," said Stuart Villiers. "It
leads to some retiree I had fitted up
while I was staying bete."
They went to the door in the wing ha
which he had lived before he fled with
dORR, and Mr. Cradaoek opened it, as if
he expected them.
"Ale Craddock!" said Stuart Villiers,
kveinrydirarily. "You here? That is very
"Yes, my lord. 1 am sorry to hear of
your lordship's loss--'
"Thanks! Be a faithful steward to
your new mistress, Craddock," he said.
The two Men went up to their rooms
and dressed for dinner, and theh Stuart
Villiers seuntered Into the rooms he
had oceupied in the old days, and Ilertie
came to him.
"Miss Trevelyan ea.nnot see you until
after dinner,' he said: "Will that be
time enough 7"
"Very well," assented Stuart Villiers,
"And she has placed this wing at
your disposal,' went ou Beale. "Cu
you amuse yourself with a cigar in that
queer little garden for a while?"
Stuart Villiers nodded ami
"Yee, it 'will not be for the first
time? he said, with a sigh, as Ise re-
mentbered how Joan and he had wan-
dertel round the velvety lawn.
"All right," said Bertie, cheerfully,
but with a certain agitation whieh he
senreely managcd to suppress. "I've
got some letters to write, and leave
-Stuart Villiara nodded, lit his cigar,
and sauntered through the French win-
dows into the quadraugle.
17e would go through the interview
with Miss Trevelyan, settle the legal
business which would make over the
whole of the property bequeathed to
her, and then go to—well, perhaps Aus-
tralia. It did not much matter where.
In a minute or two he forgot all
about Miss Trevelyan and gave himielf
up to thinking of Joan,
It was strarige, but this evening he
could only think of her as living.
The seene in the dead -house by the;
Thamaa seemed to grow vague and
misty, and it was the live jean who had
walked with him by the sett that rose
before hint.
"Oh my darling!" he munuurea.
"there is only one hope left me—that I
iney meet you abevel"
And he looked up at the evening sky
with reverence which was new born in
him that night, then he turned and wee
about to enter the tweet, when te slight,
girlish figure came front the lattice gate
into the gardert.
11 was graceful, bewitelting form
suet in its nttilatle ot eolituae. and bus.
18055 it seemed to 'appeal to las over -
nought senses in a strange and ramoet
ful mannet.
He stepped beet; into tbe shadow of
Pe of the buttressee and waited for
er to pass.
late vante nearer, her head still turnea
rout him, and as she came, and her
cam beemuie more etearly outlined
plot the ivy-eovered wall, eomething,
baud etretehed forth front the invisi-
le morel, e,eetned touelt his heart.
It was the folio of Joan! Yee, it was
ere. tbe eamelese grace, alte polio of .
te dcbeate neck, the eery trick of the
aded bawls were lore! -.loan's! Hie
toile; stolei still, his faee grew white;
lial lead faney Watt Chic that v, us tette
uer him?
ftelittg ‘veoloisse Ise& Nes esion
him, and he It ol to pet up hls
itfaictuttait, the all to at ep biara.011 iV,,M
Plmtly, with downast Moe, eh* Ate
prodelted Ithu o uear stow that Ite
could almost touch ber. So near that if
he moved she most see hint! At 014
*raiment she stooped end 'sickest a itpring
flower, then on rising turned her face
to him, and With a cry,that seemea to
leap from bis tortured eart, he =Yea
forward and calle4 her name.
cShe started, dropped the flower, And
eloped aer handle over her heart; anti
so these two stood and looked at each
blilike a leafr white to the
ehnegld out his quivering hands.
That it was a vision be was convinced,
Ills mInd, over -strained, lead given way;
he was mad, mad, mace! Yes, that was
it! lt was the fleeting vision of a luna.
tie! And yet—oh, beevegt—how real
Rhe mewed. It was Jan the Joan of
ehlt and yet more beautiful, more sweet,
more lovable than evert
"Ole heaven!' he cried, at last,
hoarsely, "I am tuatli Awl yet—who.
ever you may be, answer mel You are
like—one—I used to know and lineal
For heaven's sake, answer me!"
&au, pale and trembling, raised her
"1 am Joan Ormsby, /Joni
"Ab, no, no!" he cried, in a terrible
velee. "Do not deceive me! It is some
Wok! My Joan is dead—tlead1" and at
the voice so full of agony, Joan put her
hand to her aeaat, that seemed breaking
in sympathy with his.
"I am uot dead? she said. "1 &in
Joan, Yes, the wretched dupe you once
called yours! Lord Valiant, what have
you to say to me?"
"Not—deadl" he cried, hoarsely, "Let
me touch you! Speak again! Oh, God!
alive .and not deadi"
ahe sitood before him, a pitying light
softening the severity of her gaze,
"I am Joan Ormsby —I am Ida Trevele
enn," she said. "You have come to see
me. and I am here."
He stepped forwara and caught her in
his arms, the tears running down hie
face. Per a moment she rested against
his breast quiescent, then she streggled
from the chain he had formed round her,
"This—this is an Jesuit!" she panted.
"Have you forgotten the wrong you
sought to do me, Lord Villiers?"
"Forgotten! Wrong!" lie echoed,
wildly. "What is it you say? Be pa-
tient wIth me, Joaul My brain whirls—
my heart's on fire! Be patient ---e
ahe stood and looked at him.
"el am Joan Ormsby," she said, trying
to speak coldly*. "You wished. to see
As she spoke she moved towards the
window and eutered the room, and, half
blindly, he followed her.
It was she who was composed.; she,
the woman; he, the man, vvho was all
distraugh t.
"Joan! jean! Alive!" he kept mur-
muring, his thirsting eyes devouring her,
"Now," she said, standing beside the
fire and raising her eyes to his, "what
have you to say tomer
He was silent, leaning against the
table, his hands shaking,
".Aan I to speaks" she saki, in a low,
clear voice. "Ba it so. You are to.day,
Lord Villiers, to relinquish to me that
which is mine by law and right. Is that
He inclined ids head. It seemed as it
he only half heard and understood.
"I am Joan Ormsby„athe granddaugh-
ter of the Earl of Arrowfichl. This es-
tate is mine the wealth you have osvued
and misspent is mine. This will gives it
to me."
(To be Continued.)
A, goat lives about ten years and will
give about a quart of milk a day.
The United Itingdom has about 2,500
Pananas and potatoes are very much
alike in chemical composition,
champagne is a little more than 12 per
cent. alcohol.
Grapes are still trodden with the bare
feet in many perts of Spain and Italy.
The Kaiser is endeavoring to pttrify the
Gelman language.
Venezuela has recently launched Its
first home -built war vessel.
It is now post/lie to telephone teem
London to St. Peteraburg, a distance of
880 miles.
In the village of Watchwil, Switzer-
land. half of the natives have the name
or Rurilmazin.
Australian curios and tribal idols are
eagerly made In Germany to catch the
money of the teurists.
The ramming of paving stone Is done
now with a pneumatic tamper' doing the
work of the human rammer Inmuch less
Physicians battling with the plague In
Idoechuria protect thernseltres with rub.
ber eoat, gloves and helmet, the latter
soaked in iodoform.
There are four languages In general
use in Switzerland. but German Is en-
conntered to the greatest extent. French.
Italian and Romansch follow In the order
Tlie Crews of Brinell submarines are
regularly drilled In the use of the safety
helmet, by which they may save them -
&Ives and others in event of disaster.
A new source of rubber supply bas been
aunoonced to the Preneh Academy et
Sciences in a gum found in abundance
in the Malay peninsular and archipelago.
11 is easily gathered and conte.Ins ftont
10 to 20 per cent. ef pure gum.
There is a poe_sibility that the fogginess
of the London atmosphere Is decreasing.
The statement Is made that twenty-one
years ago there was a record of fifty-
five foray days %luring' the wlMer
months, while lately the average is about
el eVen. -
Corosiott in metals is said to be pre-
vented by the passage through the metals
of a week current of eleetricity. This is
"like cure like" treatment for the pit-
ting Of metals Is said to be due to the
local electrical action, that is feeble cur-
reat developed by the acidular awater on
dIerlinlar metals, often impurItlet in the
metal Itself, at the point of corrosion.
The passage of a weak current from a
dynauo, will counteract the local cur-
rent and in this manner the metal pre-
eciteved indefinitely.
The Journey trent Paris to Tokio will
be ebertened frem 15 &lave to 11 days 10
hours by the opening of the new 00nneet-
Ina line ef the trans -Siberian railroad
from Itiultden to Wiju, on the Rarest))
conet, eutting out the trip to Vladivos.
The taking Mal exhibiting of Moving
Dietures has been greatly improved by
the use of the gyroscope. This steadies
the trieed while the exposure of the film
is being made and lessens the VibratIOn
while It is being projected on the eheet.
13y recent changes made in the design
of the Motorcycle its appearance Is Breat-
h. improved by Malting uae of the tubes
or tee frame for the storage of many Of
ibe parts walch tire now hung to ft. leer
dile Purpose it Is necessary to make Oa
tubing a trifle heavier.
In Prance the operators of aeroplanes
11ro held Vesnentille for damage done
to tobrsoss or nreuerty when corning to
the earth. I,1 tt-o eases such operators
have been feund guilty of homielde anti
punished, although the punialitnent tom
reit as great es that for other foetus of
the sante Milne.
*rho total amount of .earth eveavated
Dna yet to be taken out In building the
Mumma Vane! under the projected plans
mounts to elhefittrest ruble yard. nitt
Ole would tower hearty 2 1-2 times as
bleb an flieteo.e. and would rontein nbetzt
it times es Inuelt materiel, by velume. In
heiebt it velem exietal up ban the sky
heorly 1.150 feet.
. (lioston Tranielipt.)
Otiggs---Weren't you eurprisal that
the tustonis inspector didn't find thote
things you .smugglea in?
1lriggs-01e no; toy wife Mewl a them
away. Site kan peek thinge hi a hunk
lettere elle mei even fitel them her•
meneLy A suGoEsTfoN.
11 te eye totiltelor email mat/lute ate
tottotrAtt %mitten Aied there Would he po
e it sand&tl1.
Spring Medicine familial
Dodors Airee That the System
Should be Housecleaned
itt the Spring,
Not enly outekle, bot beide as well,
your body must he freqUently cleaned,
Otherivise it becomes loaded with waste
that clog up the wheele of health. Much
better to act in time. Use Dr. Hamilton%
Pills; they strengthen and regulate the
bowels, assist digestion enrich the blood
and thereby fortify the tames and lay
Um foundation of lasting good beanie
Dr, Hamilton's Pills bung vim and vi.
tality so inuell sought far .to -day; they
infuse A feeling of freshnese and spirit
in those who have been ailing for years.
Really no medicine so potent. Price 25e
at all dealers.
4 • an
(New York Ilerehle -
Unquestionably the present trend of
taste le in the direction of truth. Tbe
imedern artist trice to paint things as
he semi them and not as some one else
has seen them before him. It is true
that he requently sees things through
distorting spectacles, but, provided hiti
work be honest, that fact aoes not de.
tract front its interest. No two men tree
things in precisely the same light, naul
it may be that those whom we call "col-
or blind" are theonly ones with a clear
vision. The terms "freak" and "crank"
have oftentimes been tised to character-
ize men of great genius.
Minarets Liniment Co., Limited,
Yarmouth. N. S.
Gentlemen,—In January last, Francis
Leclare, one of the men employed by me,
working in the lumber woods, had a tree.
fall on him, crushingltim fearfully. Ile
was, when found, placed on a tiled and
taken home, where grave fears were en-
tertained for his recovery, his hips be.
Ing badly bruised and his body turned
black from bis ribs to his feet We used
hlINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to
deaden the pain, and with the use of
three bottles he was completely cured
and able to return to his work
sAuvutm DUVAL
Elgin Road, L'Islet Co, Que
Many persons are of the impression
that wireless telegrapy is particularly
subject to "tapping," but as has been
pointed out by Marconi and others, says
the Scientific American, no telegraph
system Is absolutely secret. Any one fa.
miller with the Morse cede can read or-
dinary messages entering any telegraph
office, At Poldhu, on a telephone con-
nected to a long horizontal wire the
uaessages passing on a Government tele-
graph line a quarter of a mileaway can
be distinctly reed. Ithas been shown
that it is possible to pick up at a dis-
tance, on another circuit, conversation
whielt may be passing through a tele-
phone, or telegraph wire. On one wen -
Alert an investigator was able to inter-
fere, from a distance, with the working
of the ordinary telephones in Liverpool.
o• •
Baby's Own Tablets is the one medi-
cine that can be given little ()nee with
the firm knowledge that nothing but
good will result. The tablets are sold
under the guarantee of a governritent an-
alyst to contain 'no opiate nor any ether
drug which will harm the youngest child
—they cannot possibly do harm; they
always do good, -.and once a mother has
used them she will never again give her
little one castor oil or the "soothing"
stuffs which simply drug baby into tem-
porary relief and in the end do harm.
Mr, Philias Parndia, Frampton._ Que.,
writeet "Send Inc two more boxes 01
Baby's Own Tablets. 1 have used them
for constipation and have always found
them very good. My. baby is certainly
progressing under the Tablets." The
Tablets are sold by medielee dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
. • .
(Montreal Herald.)
The children of our city are a trust,
given to us by an Almighty Power for
'our own good and their own. Primarily
it is true, the trusteeship for each child
is reposed in the parents; and happy in-
deed is the child who has never to look
further. But the thousands and thou-
sands of Montreal children whose par-
ents are unworthy or incompetent have
no one to look to but us, the citizens of
their city, and their claim is absolute.
It were better to slay them as the Spar-
tan rulers did their weaklings than to
allow them to grow up to a destiny of
ill -health, moral perversity and intellec-
tual death. We are doing almost. as lit-
tle 813 we possibly ma for them now; let
us take up our duty and fulfil it pro-
• For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and.
Ones?* Id Make EseitneednItoti. 2Se, Seo
Marina Bra Save, In Asetitic Tobago 25ct $LOB
(Sydney Bullet ina
'Teacher (to new pupia—Why did Han-
nibal cross the Alpe, my little many
My ',title Matt—For the same reason
as the 'en crossed th' road. Vet' tion't
catch me with no puzzles.
Millard's Liniment used by Physicians
The 01r1—"flo haele and lick him, you
The Victirn—"Ilut Itc's already given
lue tWO blatk 0,V08:"
The Girl—"Well, be can't give you any
more, tan lier. -.Judge.
'Ow •
re•sttsf••• •
.1/11'. DR. YaMAN COHEN.
(Aesietant Chief alealeal Ilimpeetor.
Excessive function prodlteert decleire
Play is the tonic of existence.
A d)ear body is an indtmement to the
stout to stay on earth.
Why hurry? Your destinatiou is fixed,
take time to live ivhile you may.
Peek, airless, overcrowded tenements
are the charnel }amigo of th woraing
Oood lialth ie the best form of life 18 -
Life (first originatee in water; im-
pure sewage contaminated iyater enter-
minates it.
One•third of the population of come-
teries consists of ehildren tinder 5 years
of age.
The little tots could not have walkea
the distance front the home to the ceme-
tery if ive bind not puelma them all the
Open the windows and (loom of yetir
parlor Arid let your eltildren meet the
universal parents of life—sunshine and
Ask for Minard's and. take no other.
(Ottawa Journal.)
If Otta.witne could have placed before
them in some unmistakable form the
mortality agues eaused by the house
fly alone, there is no doubt but that
every man end woman would join to the
utmost in the campaign initiated by 1114
Excellency Earl Grey for the purpose of
their suppression.
That this suppression Is possible, and
with co-operation, even easy, is Amu
by the example- of England, *Although
the British climate is more suitable for
the house .fly than the Canadian, they
are hardly enough of a nuisanee there to
c.a.use the necessity of using window
screens. This because the places where.
flies breed are easefully covered or disin-
feeted. ln this way Britain ie Sare4.
much expense, sieknese anti death.
A general indiridual effort, coupled
with a closer eivie inspection of stables
and back yards, and with care in cover-
ing and haudling garbage, should reduce
the house fly pest to a minimum this
summer. But as the breeding thne is
here, the deerk must cominence immedi.
Is to use ONE Dye
that will color-Alther
Wool,Sotton, Silk or
Mixed Goods Perfectly,
You will and this la
Son d for Sample
Card end StslrY
Rook le t 31
CO., Limited,
With this Modern Dye ail you have to do is to
ask for DY -04A then you CAN'T make a
mistake and soothe Wrong Dye for the-oods
you have to color.
Seven Ways to Serve Rhubarb,
Spring's Delieitus Health Food:
Take the oldfaahlonea pleplant for In.
Stance. There 111'0 ways and ways of
cooking it, and the more we eat of it
In the spring the better we feel—nt least
so grandmother __l 3.
When rhubarb th•st comes It Is tender
ahd red and melees a pretty dish.. It
should be eitt into tiny pieces and nut
over the fire with very little water and
etewed but a feat moments. Add sugar
to suit the taste.
A. famous old cook uses this recipe for
rhubarb pie • Peel rhubezb and eta rine,
Line pan will pastry, fill as full as pos-
sible. Add a little grated lemon peel
and VA cups sugar which has been mixed
with a heaping tablespoon flour. Cover
with pastry, sprinkle top with sugar and
bake ttntil the pie eon lee turned on the
Dan—about as, of an hour.
ato znake fritters cut stalks up In small
niecee. Beat a pint of flour to a smooth
nage with le a pita of water, add a pin.
1i of salt, a pint of milk and I.C1.0 well
beaten eggs : stir the rhubarb into the
batter. Put a large tablespoon lard in-
to a thiek-bottomed frying pan. Melt
the fat. and when bolting hot put In the
battetaby spoonfuls and keep etteh spoon-
ful separate. Flatten the tops of the
fritters and when one side is browned
turn theta over. When they are done
aro:nigh drain.
A Good Grade
Of Sugar costs hut little move than
n poor grade. In
you get the ete;ST that money can
buy. Its recognized economy—Its de-
lightful flavor and Its crystal purity
make it a favorite wherever it is used
Order St. Lawrence Sugar and note
the decided superiority there Is be-
tween It and the ordinary nameless
sugar. St. Laarence Sugar Relining
Co., Lindted, Montreal.
It's important.
The color must be right,
It's nonsense to mateh a decal
It's 'equally foolish to match furs.
No, eltoose a dog that "goee" with
arything. -
The black dog supplies the neeesettry
"touch of hetch."
A black "Porn" is, indeed, a clever
eddition to any costume,
Ile is aleo a solece indoors or out—
deat little fuzzy-wuzzy.
Mlnard's Liniment Lumbeeman's
Bev, B, E. Lobenstine, writing to The
Christian Herald from the Chinese fam-
ine district, says:
efeaddeet of ell has been the sale •of
women and ebildren. Even in China, it
ie generally consitietea diegratefuf for
A man to sell his wife, and the MIs tan
no!, take plate, openly, This year not
only dime the sale taLe lave quite •
openly, hut the purelmeer is even te-
petted Ai a benevolent man, no twitter
how nefarious h•is objet in the purelmee
may be. Those most la dernaml are ghat
from the ages of tWelVe SiNteellt
MOSt Of theze are Wilght, ax slavee for
lives of tle„%tratlatiOn. (Inc is e011qtanl1y
Seeing ebilthen offored for sale ea the
etreete, A valid 'under ten Call be bought
for Anywhere from a -dime to a quarter,
ana of emnse many are given Way, if
the parent's our find mime one who will
premiee to Ruppert them."
Awese• ww.41.0,116,
After tattle eantrovergy about the age
of various maps+ tliat 'have eeme down to
us from anvient thaem 11 hag leet
deft retitled by ea:Arias Chet tee eldest ie
hi the fotra of it Imola- in a
1,Intrat tit Malalkt.itt
It is about latet vs cal tied Imo
wen to be S map of ft pat of the laity
r •••••10 1.14 4e.
THE 1.10111 WAY
In ell cues ot
IMITZMPtR, PINK tn. itoLurimp,
of all tomes, hroodmares, coke, Cantons, is to
on their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid
Compound. Give the resnetly to al of them, lf
acts ou the blood mei glands. It:veto* the disease
by °spelling the disease mins. ,It wards off the
trouble no matter how they ere 'exposed." Ab -
*Mutely tree from ;Anything Injurious. A child
eats safely take it. 5co and lir.00; 55.50 and Sitar)
the dozen. Sold by di twists end harness d Were.
Alt whote•Ato Druggists
Chemlats and nactorlolosouts
ney make no melee or sputter—a quiet, steady flame. The match
for the smoker, the office and the home.
All good dealerkeep them and Eddy's Wooleawo.re, Fibreware,
Tubs, Pails and Washboards,
The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited,
sale,passe th
The California Board of Health has
d an
ers to stamp on eggs they offer for
aegdeicwhich obliges egg deal.
It appeam that the cold storage inter-
ests of California have been imposing
on the populace and the B. of II. Is de.
itteisrtmenindoedto break up the practice. Pro-
tests from consumers have been made
bought for fresh eggs had been ev-
olved by hens in the deeadent past and
showing that eggs which said consent-
torie relks.btling fresh were merely his -
Hereafter California restaurant pro-
prietors will be obliged to state the age
and social standing of eggs which they
offer for sale on the menus so that the
innocent consumer may know just what
Eggn menus will then pro-
bably read something after the follow-
ing style:
Fried eggs (right off the nest),
013Sne:11')aled leegdg segg(isleafarigYedfrfeisreh) days).
Piffled eggs (41 enough to stand
Omelett (vintage of 1910).
Embalmed eggs (valued not so meet,
for their itrinsic worth as an edible as
for the historic associations which dos -
ter about them).
(Pete Mete.)
"They eay Rockefeller is so rich
that his fortune increases by a thousand
francs every time Ids watch ticks."
"Good gracious! If 1 were he 1 should
be in a continual fright lest some one
should steal my watch."
Catanh Makes ¥0tir Head Ring
Catarrh germs spread.to the ear pas-
sages, congestion follows, end the organa
of healing are so disturbed as to cause
un pleasant noises, hawking, dropping to
the throat, and the foul odor that makes
people's breath offensive. No remedy
can compare with Catarrhozone. It m
simply little drops of healing which the
air carries to the remotest parts of the
breathing apparatus. Catarrhozone re-
moves the cause of catarrh, destroys
game that excite inflammation, prevents
the formation of offensive secretions,
and restores health quickly. Catarrho-
of the throat, !wigs and nasal passages,
a delight to use for deafness, head
noises, bronchitis and throat trouble and
catarrh, 25, 50e and :gm sizes. Sold
everywhere;. refuse any substitute for.
• 0, a 4
Dr. W. T. Ifornaday, director of the
New York Zoological Park, wrote home
Lo his family when he Wes on one of his
haday trips ifs Montana: "There are
tuany beautiful streams and lakes in this
Satte. The moat difficult 'water we have
had to find thus far is Woman's•Pocket
Lake. Tenderfoot Creek did ndt make
ns much trouble, nor 'lin Cup Creek, nor
even Graveyard Creek. We are spending
the night at Dirty Woman's Ranch. Tie
ntorrolv tee 'seen cross Froze -to -Death
Creek, also Hanging Woman Lena Killed
Woman Creeks and shall camp the next
night beside lien Roaring Clack."
"It sounds," eentmented the director's
daug,Itter, "as if father were going to the
bad.' —.New York Press.
' -
Why keep them—why suffer when
cure ean be had in twenty-four hours
by using Putnam' Painless Corn Ana
Wart Extractor? Its healing balms and
soothing qualities relieve the pain in
a few hours, the hard kernel of the eorn
is dissolved away. Absolute satisfaction
in a, 25e bottle of Putnam's Painless
Corn Ana 1Vati, Extraetor.
The latest eleetrie Invention is the
electric carpet for heating rooms, It.
was originated in Paris. The tinder side
of the new earpet consists of a network
of Steel wires through which the 'current
is equally distributed in all direetions.
11 Is mid teat the cost of •the new font
at heating will be lets than that of any
known system; indeeta it is eetimatea
that a mom fitted withone of those ear -
pets Pan he heated at a total cost of a
poiny .8e beer._ .
ISSUE NO. 18, 1911
%V. agearid
experience, and if married or sIngle. 13.
Bell & Son Coe Limited, St. George, Ont.
r 1V51 afAat OR wou..-IN vt'AxTEID
14 for work at home, paYing $200 ea
ell.00 per day, with opportunity to ad-
vance. Spare unie can he used. Work
za:a. difficult, end requIree no experience.
Winston, Limited, Spadlna avenue, To-
doers In spare time ; no experience
necessary. Our lines especially used by
mothers and girls. Apply, Dept. A, Brit-
ish Canadian Inelostrial Company, 223
ealbert street, Ottawa.
A., postalfor circulars. or 10e for
emplea and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lan -
5,11. Ont.
/V, other agency prow:Anions convinces
LIS that none can equal ours. You win
always regret it if you don't tkelda for
particulars to Travellers' Dept., 228
etreet, Ottawa.
Evehoy Woman
1s Interested anti should know
shout the wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
The new Vaginal Syringe. Best
—.Most convenient. It cleanses
Instantly. Avk yous
If he cannot supply the
MARVE L. accept no other,
but send stamp tor illustrated
book—sealed, It gives full panic.
eters and directions invaluable to ladles.
Windsor, Ont. General Agents tor Cana
(Niaga.ra Falls, N. Y., Journal.)
It . may be that the fly hasn't much
but Ito has a pretty shrewd idea
of taking eare of himself. Ile knows a.
swatter when he sees One descending and
is lively in getting out of the way. Then
ha can walk on the oiling, or up the
window pane, and do other stunts that
make him hard. to swat. Whether it is
sense or what not, something tette 11181
human beings are his enemies.
Now, if the fly knows that numb,
doesn't it seem a little strange that
some humans aro slow to recognize that
fly is their enemy? just thinkl 1118118
had as much sense in proportion to his
size as the fie- has wouldn't Ito make
short work of that dangerous little pest!
But after all these years of civilization
man is just beginning to learn. to swat
Ids enemy. Yes, itet a. slow old world.
Eend for free sample to Dept. IL Le
'National Drug & Obentleal Clo., Toronto.
• -
(London Opinion,)
"Dear Clara," wrote the young man,
"pardon me, but I'm getting so forget-
ful. I proposed to you last night, but
really forgot whether you said yes or
"Deer Will," she replied by note, "so
glad to hoar from you. I know I said
'no' to some one last night, but I lied
forgotten just who it
Keep Minaret's Liniment in the house
.C• sama.....
The woman who wants to make money
1 to -day must be prepared to wink, and
work herd, by an entered system for a
, definite end. Title IS the may poselhle
I method; to make mono., by home em -
I ployment, and at oad hours at the work-
! ern will, as frankly "Impaseible!"--Lon-
d all Alittlame,
• • -
'When you ;mint teas veins'
lot this testimony help you. All
over thls broad Canada aro thou.
winds of cuetomers holdieg ato
high with gratitude the old roe
liable brand of
guaranteed to prerierve, to 1A-0.,
toc.t, to beautify, atver to peoI,
track or eltellt, always
for the lifetime .of pure
.and always; told at Olt right
vice. Ask atout thorn, and
,write us for iloolast ARCM
free, a 1io;(1E:erne ilooklet LH
1101,1114 Pnlisting. Yott el euld itavo
INV& 1
ON 00.,