HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-04, Page 5THURSD Y. MAY 4. T9 I WINGITAM A NOS SATURDAY BARGAIRS Our Friday Sale of last week was a decided success, and in order to clear up our stock we have gone through the other lines and have taken out all Suits where there is only one or two of a pattern, and will clear as follows on Saturday : $7.50 Suits for $6,00, $10.50 and $12.50 Suits for $8.00. $14.50 Suits for $10.00. $16.50 Suits. for $12.00.. $18.50 Suits for $13.50, Also 5 Suits, 20th Century make, regular $19.00 for $15.00. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERSa. MEN'S FU?t)VISHEtS Good Goods i KING IProduce Wanted BROS1 This season we are showing a fine range iu Floor Oils and Linoleums, for which weir ask your inspection before buying. These goods are from • the best- manufacturers, and will give the best of satisfaction. Prices To Suit Everyone Specials For This Week CREAM MADRAS CURTAINING. — 44 ins. wide, 3 only pieces, to clear At 25c a yd, JAPANESE MATTINGS,----We show fine range, prices from Ise to 500, Extra. 'Values in Wool and Tapestry Rugs, rang. Ing in price from $5 upwards. Wool, Ilexnp and Union Carpets, nice new pat. tern and gond colors. Come anct see them. Produce Wanted...Any Quantity. Eggs 18c. g Prices Right rc S. 1 We Want Your Trade 1', illi! iii! Hhl ll J� ;! $3,600 in Cash Prizes for Farmers A 11E you one of the thousands of Canadian farmers 'who 113ve used or intend using Canada Cement for the construction of one farm utility? If you contemplate building anything whatsoever of concrete, make up your mind right' now to build it with a view to winning one of the prizes we are of.. #'eying, Bead the rest of this announce- ment and you will learn how you may try for o. share in the $3,600 we are giving away, to encourage the uae of cement upon the farm, Throughout Canada the farmers have taken such a keen interest In our campaign that it has inspired us to go further along these educational tines. We have decided, therefore, to offer a series of four $100,00 prizes to each of the nine Provinces, to be award- ed as follows: PRIZE "A""--$100.09 to be given to the farmer in each Province who Will use during 1911 the greatest number of bags of "CANADA" Cernent for aetuai Work done on hie farm. PRIZE '/19"—$190,00 to be given to the farmer In each. Province who uses "CANADA" Cement on his farm In 1911 for the greatest number of pur- poses. PRIZE "C"—$100,00 to be given to tho farmer in each Province who furnishes us With a photograph showing best of any particular kind of work done on his farm during 1911 with "CANADA" Cement. PRIZE "D"---$100.00 to be given to the farmer In each Province Who furnishes • the best and most complete description of how any particular piece of work shown by photograph , sent in, was done, In this contest no farmer should re- frain from competing, because of any feeling that he may have little change against his neighbor who he thinks might uae more cement than he does. For it will be noted that Prizes "C" and "7Y' have no bearing whatever ,an quantity of cement used, The man who sande us the bestphotograph of no small a thin„; as a watering trough or Et hitch- ing post, has as much chance for Prise "C" as a man who sends a photograph of a house built of cement—and the same with Prize "D" as to .best description, Canada. Cement is handled by dealers in almost every town In Canada. Should there not happen tobe a dealer in your locality, let us know and we will try to appoint one. Contest will close on November 15th, 1311, and all photos and descriptions must be in our otilce by that date. Awards will be made as soon as possible thereafter. The jury of award will con• sist of: Prof. Peter Gillespie, Lecturer in Theory of Construction, University of Toronto; W. H. Day, Professor of Phy- ales, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph; and Ivan S. Macdonald, ia7ditor of "Construction." Now, you cannot hope to do concrete. work to the best advantage unless you have a copy of our free book, entitled, "What The Farmer Can Do With Con- crete." This book tells how to construct ell -nigh anything on the farm, from hitching post to silo. ,Whether you enter the contest or not, you'll find this book most helpful. A post -card asking for the book will bring it to you Promptly. Send for your copy to- night. Prom your cement dealer or from us, you can obtain a folder containing full particu- lars of contest. Lf you send to us for it, use the coup- on provided in, this announcement. The Canada Cement Co. LIMITED` MONTREAL, QUE. .00 Pkat* sen ens full particulars of Prize Contest, Also a copy of "What the Farmer Can Da With Concrete." Name ,41 Address . : m+gIrsvcsc.��r-n;a New Model School. A definite announcement from the provincial education departthent has been received by Principal F. 13. hall to the effect that Clinton bas been chosen as one of the three Western Ontario centres in which the model schools are to be re-established. It is understood that Chatham and Guelph are the other two places decided on and three in Eastern Ontario. The School there" will open on September 5 and close on December I5. A large attendance is expected. Died In Walkerton. On Friday, 214 of April, the death occurred of Alexander Shaw, K. 0., at the age of 78 years. Mr. Shaw had not been in very good health all win- t?r, but had been able during the Last few weeks to attend to his Iaw busi- ness. He was thrown tom his buggy on Tuesday, and, while sustaining no Serious injuries, was badly shaken up, and the shock to his system was great. Pneumonia developed, and: death came Friday morning. Ile was the oldest practicing lawyer in the county, and one of the oldest in the province. Largest Passenger Steamer. The new Cunarder Franconia, the largest and fastest ocean Iiner over in the transatlantic service to this port, arrived in J3oston on Thursday, on her maiden voyage from Liverpool. She measures 025 feet between uprights, and is of 18,000 tons register. The Franconia brings 49 saloon, 401 second cabin and 1,058 steerage passengers. Committed For Trial. Leslie Burk, the young man arrested on suspicion of having fired The Ex- press Printing Office and adjoining buildings in Colborne on April 17, has been committed for trial on a charge of arson. 13urk was found apparently securely bound ie the office of The Colborne Express the morning of April 17, while the flames were raging around him. He explained that he had been knocked clown, hound -and gagged by a burglar whom he had interrupted in the act of robbing The Express office. The robber, he said, had escaped after firing the buildings. Four business firms Were burned out by the fere before it was subdued. Navigation Begun. Last week, at Goderich harbor, three steamers arrived with grain, one 130,000 bushels another with 03,000, and a third with 102,000 bushels, all wheat. Comparison Of Prices. Chicago is the United States centre of the packing industry, and the In- gersoll Pork Packing Co. have furnish- ed figures to show that they paid from 1901 to 1010 higher prices than Chico. - go with the exception of one year, viz. 1902. Here are the figures and the Company invite government inspec- tion of their books to verify it :— Chicago Canadian Year av, price ay. price. 1001,...$ 585 -$ 070 1902.,., 0 85 008 1903.... 0 00 0 07 Difference 85 07 1001.... 5 15 5 32 17 1905... 5'25 6 41 1 16 100G ... 0,125 7 17 02 1007.... 0;,10 - 6 85 75 1008.... 5V0 --1 _ 0 87 1 17 1909....7„35 l,i'1 ", 8 0E ' G9 1010.... 8 90 l 0 11 21 According to those figures Recipro- city will not help the farmers much on the hog q'.i:estion. Centre Huron Licenses.. The board of license commissioners for Centre Huron has granted twenty- four licenses to sell liquors for the license • year 1011.12, all the present licenses being renewed. For The Local Paper. A writer in the Christian Guardian bad a good word -for the local paper, when he says :—"Taken all in all. there is not in the world a cleaner and more excellent local newspaper than we have :in Canada, and I can say this frankly, not being connected with it. It can best cover affairs of a social or strictly local nature. If the church is wise in it generation it will co-operate freely and systematically with the town and country press, in order to enlist, as far as possible its mutual support in Christian enter- prises and moral reform. The editors and publisher of newspapers are as a rule, naturally responsive to the best interest of their respective com- munities, and that spirit 'will be quickened by a frank and friendly attitude towards them." SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT From the House Furnishing Department This season we have made the selection of Horne Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in" our ` unrivaled display of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleurns and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums .in 4 yd. width, also Inlaid . Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. Rugs and Carpets We have in stock, for your inspection, Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00, according to, size and quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $30.00 ;' Ax. minister Rugs, lovely desigs, from $2o.00 to $4.0.00. The prices are astonishingly low considering the quality and beauty, as you will see when you come. Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties.—Fillet Mesh, Bungalo .Nets, New Insertion Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.0o per pair ; also Curtain Muslims and Scrims. You owe it to yourself and to economy to see our showing and ask our prices. If you have not visited this store lately, call a,nd s:ee the changes that have taken place. M Y Butter, t Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantltles. Phone 80, T o A04, W No HAM the to $4.50, better In ; :. House cleaning you Curtains, on second cases make you IMPROVED CLEANING �r`-'r II Rl l ; si- For �. r 111 +.M +nw.nr I 1 - the New and your you any- Largest RUGS Furnishings' t .:Ji here, and in order to brighten up New Carpets, New Rugs, New Mattings, New Blinds, New Poles, eta, All the above Floor Coverings in great variety in our Carpet Depart- OUR PRIDES are the very lowest mail order houses. Bring along DASH and sea what a saving Where yousee and handle the goods and we are here to make good not satisfactory. CLEANER . MAKES HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 1 Bargains in Window Shades, plain linen, mounted an good rollers our price, complete 25c. Blinds with Lace Trimmings, complete, for 40C. Oilcloths, nice Block or Floral designs all widths at popular prices. Just received a large shipment of Rugs, direct from the factory, middle man's profit out out. To see thein is': to like them; price them is to buy them. Nice bright patterns in Bed Room Rugs, all sizes, some of our cut prices are $8.00, $8.75. $4.00. $6.00, $6 00. Looks cheap in print, doesn't it? You had. seethem and yon will bo convinced, of the excellent value. some of tho better grades we aro showing Velvet 'Wilton Axminster in Floral and Oriental designs, colorings are of the best. Unbeatable prices. New Patterns in Scotch and Canadian Linoleums. Prices begin at 50o square yard. Lace Curtains and Curtain Madras in all the leading Patterns and Colorings, Seg our special .Madras, very wide, at 25c, Brass Extension Rods for Sash Curtains. Prices are l0c to 15e. CARPETS- OF ALL KINDS:—Wgols, Unions, Kemps, Tapestry, Brussels. See our special Carpet, yard wide, prioe 500. FARMERS EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS. WANTED. --One car load each—of Potatoes, Butter, Eggs. High- est market prices paid. 11111 i 1 i.11 I( D11111 11111111111111181111 11011111111101 0111 I ! 1011 11111111 Peep again -in your' oven. x-, t''�-- i4 -z-, " See those loaves HOW fat—rounded—substantial. loaves, you've made. those pleasing i ,I' I..„: t,>?f'*� tiL -, � C -*,u1... �c'� \ Zr a, F;, �% (t '' - �' \ f . ; a X, y •s ,� J i r'r i l .y ,-=I- ,', .� , .. e s, ".I Vii. � ' . x ` _,� t/ I I ( i No, they Because is in FIVE tall eaten. This rsturdy from dropping/tat No unsightly, never. All risen Never heavy---sodden-••soggyyindigestiblo. Yours ere the Crinkly end Golden brown Snowy of crumb—light FIVEROSES Tryk soon. wont fall the Manitoba ROSES elastic holes evenly—oto FIVE ROSES appetizing 7, and tender. helps a lot. when gluten in 'twixt stay of crust. at thistledown, elder. strength will hold has the oven. crust risen. loaees-- kept and them them cirurnb— that 4 up . I� Iv, d 11111111 IN 111 dUti � a • • 11 1 .1 1 ii iI ,' 1.......lfd ji{ r ...111mf sF vni9 11111( 111 tlf' gni liimi Il illjlhh M 11111 R 4 lei minim I(+ 1 I , il1 I l 11�l mai oil d (i(iIl(Illll� � I ill cn plIMM111111111111111 r t I1'„” �ll(IIm III Ij �IIf1I11i� MIS i1i19ff! �(llllllli�illlN6li(I I �� 9 Bt�,.. �, A l�6 ; sed . � ' i1 ld 1.,1�;u. .9,�E..�d N I� IA6j� � i}p ''+�l ,�1. If 1� l� !!liB1II � ,�J+1p i1 ll ,1'.1,:,1 F.,h1, ir�,"1�1,1�,..�1i1I�A. r t.,lld� l� 11 81 �5 II�iAr OPi9gi1K 11 l� 'I 1111 1 i P l��,, a' L is p, 4. n., ,. a���111� LIC .l�ll,Nllr,ll�:talGblluvrllluRlinr�o�ll���l aiI!�jlI I��.li.f �,I¢��a T1ppri�I11qj n :Ii Fj1I� plltl�711i��l�lal�� l �� I, j{�II! � El l 111¢ 1i 111111 d �Iqlql ,� tlp�,1:11�A I.I, �� , !fitt 6��� :91,8 � 919 �. I IIS 1 1, reK . ll It„ .l {lose M 1,4.k11 D,M1"/,NM. tiro it• M,Ntae M\ SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT From the House Furnishing Department This season we have made the selection of Horne Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in" our ` unrivaled display of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleurns and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums .in 4 yd. width, also Inlaid . Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. Rugs and Carpets We have in stock, for your inspection, Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00, according to, size and quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $30.00 ;' Ax. minister Rugs, lovely desigs, from $2o.00 to $4.0.00. The prices are astonishingly low considering the quality and beauty, as you will see when you come. Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties.—Fillet Mesh, Bungalo .Nets, New Insertion Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.0o per pair ; also Curtain Muslims and Scrims. You owe it to yourself and to economy to see our showing and ask our prices. If you have not visited this store lately, call a,nd s:ee the changes that have taken place. M Y Butter, t Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantltles. Phone 80, T o A04, W No HAM the to $4.50, better In ISARD'S CARPETS, House home New Linoleum, and Furnishings ment in many TWENTY-FIVE can before L :. House cleaning you Curtains, on second cases make you IMPROVED CLEANING �r`-'r II Rl l ; si- For �. r 111 +.M +nw.nr I tC it r.: Stock Of and the New and your you any- Largest RUGS Furnishings' will New buying pay time is require New• Draperies, Oilcloths, are shown floor. lower than DOLLAR here. one cent, thing here, and in order to brighten up New Carpets, New Rugs, New Mattings, New Blinds, New Poles, eta, All the above Floor Coverings in great variety in our Carpet Depart- OUR PRIDES are the very lowest mail order houses. Bring along DASH and sea what a saving Where yousee and handle the goods and we are here to make good not satisfactory. CLEANER . MAKES HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. VACUUM EASY. Bargains in Window Shades, plain linen, mounted an good rollers our price, complete 25c. Blinds with Lace Trimmings, complete, for 40C. Oilcloths, nice Block or Floral designs all widths at popular prices. Just received a large shipment of Rugs, direct from the factory, middle man's profit out out. To see thein is': to like them; price them is to buy them. Nice bright patterns in Bed Room Rugs, all sizes, some of our cut prices are $8.00, $8.75. $4.00. $6.00, $6 00. Looks cheap in print, doesn't it? You had. seethem and yon will bo convinced, of the excellent value. some of tho better grades we aro showing Velvet 'Wilton Axminster in Floral and Oriental designs, colorings are of the best. Unbeatable prices. New Patterns in Scotch and Canadian Linoleums. Prices begin at 50o square yard. Lace Curtains and Curtain Madras in all the leading Patterns and Colorings, Seg our special .Madras, very wide, at 25c, Brass Extension Rods for Sash Curtains. Prices are l0c to 15e. CARPETS- OF ALL KINDS:—Wgols, Unions, Kemps, Tapestry, Brussels. See our special Carpet, yard wide, prioe 500. FARMERS EXCHANGE HEADQUARTERS. WANTED. --One car load each—of Potatoes, Butter, Eggs. High- est market prices paid. 1111 E Isard & Co. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT From the House Furnishing Department This season we have made the selection of Horne Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in" our ` unrivaled display of Rugs, Carpets, Linoleurns and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums .in 4 yd. width, also Inlaid . Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. Rugs and Carpets We have in stock, for your inspection, Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00, according to, size and quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $30.00 ;' Ax. minister Rugs, lovely desigs, from $2o.00 to $4.0.00. The prices are astonishingly low considering the quality and beauty, as you will see when you come. Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties.—Fillet Mesh, Bungalo .Nets, New Insertion Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.0o per pair ; also Curtain Muslims and Scrims. You owe it to yourself and to economy to see our showing and ask our prices. If you have not visited this store lately, call a,nd s:ee the changes that have taken place. M Y Butter, t Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantltles. Phone 80, T o A04, W No HAM