HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-05-04, Page 44
It Grows Hair.
But Not After The Hair
. Root Is Dead.
W Ma b willtell yon that
he bells a gram
t eas. ottles of Pari-
sian Sage because it gives satisfaction.
He guarantees it to'eradicate dandrpit
stop, falling and splitting hair and
tteiengaCal , 01 money
Parisian Sage will
if the hair root is oead;b pate
and luster into dull and faded hair
and is the most delightful hair dress-
ing in the world. Only 50e a largee
Parisian Sage is the best hair grow-
er and beautifier, dandruff cure and
scalp cleaner known. Try it or our
money back plan.
Is This British Justice ?
Last week Police Magistrate Denni-
son, Toronto, sentenced a letter -
carrier to Kingston penitentiary iaryor
five years with hard labor for stealing
sums of meney, in all amounting to
$20, or one year for each. $4 taken,
On the same afternoon at Pembroke,
the chief of police, who was paid a
good salary to catch thieves, was
sentenced to twelve months in the
county jail for stealing $11.,2.46 from
the town which he was appointed to
honestly and faithfully serve. Rad
he been sentenced at the same ratio
as the poor letter -carrier was, the
chief would have had two thousand
eight hundred and twenty-one years
and a half to put in.—[Mitchell Ad-
That when you put a
salve onto your child's skin,
it passes through the pores
and enters the blood, just
as surely as if pots put it
into the child's stomach?
:You would not put a
coarse mass of animal' fat,
colored by various mineral
poisons (such as many
crude salves are) into your
child's blood by way of the
stomach ? Then why do
so by way of the pores?
Take no risk. Use always the
pure herbal essences provided in
Zam-Buk. Z.m-Buk contains
no trace of any animal oil cr fat,
and no poisonous mineral color-
ing matter. From start to finish
it is purely herbal.
It will heat sores, ulcers, absces-
ses, eruptions, varicose ulcers,
cuts, burns and bruises -sere
quickly' than any other kcown
preparation. It is artheptic,
quickly stop*. the smarting of a
sore or cut, cures piles, inflamed
sores and blood -poisoning. It is a
combination of healing power and
seientilic purity. Ask those who
have proved it.
An t'ruggista and afore: 50o box or
'Lan -Bek Co., Toronto, for price.
3'.L+..•e'. _.T.7w: w,;,Ke-s _t �e - ,-; ^'. �•n+r-te• � ,.y.. �
(The Toronto World.)
The World regarda the Indianapolis
arrests, following dynamite outrsges
and the destruction of human life in
Enemy places navy pl ce in the e United States, as
the be,ginniug of a great social
struggle in the adjoining republic.
Labor and capital have been bitterly
opposed for years in that country, and
instead of the situationa in
b com g
mitigated, it grows more severe, The
trusts, the high tariff, the growing
cost of living, a�, the
exactions of many kinds, the robberies
in connection with municipal govern-
ment and the opposition of capital
and of society to its responsibilities,
may end at any moment, The United
bas usefor
the man it has
taught a single trade, and who is
Almost unfit for any other vocation,
To discharge a man without a mo-
ment's notice is now a common
practice in the Union, and these things
have tended to produce a widespread
feeling not only of unrest, but more or
less bitternessand hostility.
That the, outrages were committed
no one doubts, and yet it is the duty
of the law to follow up all these cases
and to secure punishment, Labor, on
the other hand, is insisting that it Is
the daty of the law to secure the cor-
rection of the evils of which they com-
plain, and the net result will be a far-
reaching struggle. In fact, The World
believes that a revolution of spine kind
is at the door of the TJnited States
to -day.
Why should. Canada in any way mix
herself up with the people of the Unit-,
ed States? There is good reason for
believing that itis the interests of the
United States that have induced. Presi-
dent Taft to bring up the question of
reciprocity with Canada, and the
other' questionof interference with
the government in Mexico, as a. means
of diverting the attention of the
people from the great social pro-
blems that are demanding at-
The duty of Canadians and the Ca-
nadian Government is to keep clear of
all these things and of any entangle-
ments with the United States, and to
take a lesson from what has happened
there by making no move that will in-
volve us in any way with the serious
and menacing situation in that
country. -
Four Thousand.
Never in the history of Western
Canada did as many settlers arrive in
Winnipeg on the way to the Western
prairies as on April 27th total for the
day being in the neighborhood of
4,000. Of these fully 90 per cent were
The Tough Chicken.
When the. "chicken" ordered by
telephone turns out to -be a venerable
hen or rooster do not despair. There
are several ways of transforming it in-
to a respectable family piece de resist-
ance. In fact, by the following
methods such fowls have been made
as -tender as spring chicken. After
drawing, seasoning and stuffing the
bird let it simmer until over half done.
Then place it in the oven with a piece
of pork laid over its breast. Pour the
liquid over and around the roaet in
the pan before preparing the gravy.
The pork prevents the fowl from be-
coming dry, and if a small onion is
added it will have a more savory
Savor. The simmering lessens its
toughness. In fact, slow simmering
is just the thing for any tough meat,
but it should simmer, not boil. .Boil-
ing will toughen the tenderest of
The Post is sorry to state that a
case of scarlet fever has developed at
the home of la, N. McLaren, Alexand-
er street, and the house waa quaran-
tined on Wednesday.
B s
ru eels button factory, known as
the"Shamrock Creamery," will cohn-
meuce operations this week. Three or
four rigs will be engaged this season
in thegathering of the cream,
There was not much excitement last
Monday over the filling of the vacant
chair at Brussels Council Board, ow.,
i removal ng to the r m vel. of D. A, Lowry to
Toronto. Roy A. Pryne was elected
by acclamation.
The new residence of A, 0. Backer,
Turnberey street, is a modern and
model building in many respects, It
is laid a d o ut for comfort, convenience
and utility, is heated With steam,
lighted with electricity, has fine cellar,
ample bath -room, and roomy, well
W. L. Clark, who is a specialist in
dealing with the problems .of young
men and boys, has 'been engaged to
spend a week in Brussels in this de-
partment of work. He will open on
Sunday, May 7th, and will hold after-
noon and evening meetings for the
week, following. The visitor comes
highly recommended and has had an
active and wide experience and his
coming, should do good and be
heartily supported.
Hon. A. G. Mackay at his meeting
here on Thursday evening, disputed
the argument that Canadian millers
would be injured by the rush of wheat
to American markets in the event of
reciprocity passing. Free wheat, he
said, would give the United States no
advantage they do not no enjoy in
milling wheat for export. It would
allow them to use Canadian wheat in
milling for home consumption. The
only "advantage to the American mil-
ler would be a slightly better market
for his brae and short. At the close
of this meeting a resolution was pass-
ed endorsing the reciprocity agree-
ment, though a number of those pre-
sent did not vote.
Child Drowned.
A very sad accident happened on
Monday on the farm of Mr. Samuel
Conybeare, lot 14, con. 4, Elma, when
their youngest daughter, Alice, aged
two years, wandered from the house,
and in attempting to cross a plank in
the farin yard, fell into a hole about
a foot deep filled with water. The un-
fortunate affair happened probably a
half an hour before she was'fetind and
every effort was made to restore her,
but of no avail.
Simple Remedy.
For Backache And Kidney
The simplest and most effective
remedy for sick kidneys is Booth's
Kidney Pills. If there is weakness,
congestion, inflammation or soreness,
Booth's Kidney Pills quickly relieve
• it. They gently
° stimulate, tone
and strengthen
sick kidneys,
drive away
backache, rheu-
matic pain and
dizziness, clear
up and regulate
the urine and
restore a perfect
blood. Best of all, thisterinrelief is per-
All druggists sell and ,guarantee
Booth's Kidney Pills, 500 box. Money
hack if they fail to relieve. Write to
The R. T. Booth' Co„ Ltd., Fort Erie,
Ont., for a free trial,
"The Land That Pays for Itself in a
Single' Season."—Prof. Thomas Shaw.
Want to quit paying rent and have a fine term of your own? Como to
Saskatchewan! Want a farm eo fertile that the first crop pays for your land?
Conte to Saskatchewan. Want pleasant, congenial work that paye generous re.
Warded Come to Sradratchowanl
'Want to live where health, not eickneas, is "catching"? Come to Sas.
katchowant Want a home surrounded by good neighbors, schools, churches and
railroads? Come to Saskatchewan) Want 96 get out of a rut, to make a Mir
Mart, to live where conditions are -with you, not against you; want a fair chance
t6 make motley—as good a chance as your dad had when Ontario was "out
West"? Come to Saskatchewan!
$20Farms Grow 40 d sbls of 400,000 -1
omeaeeker3 Oomingi
Wheat per Acrel Last year 300,000 homesoekers came
To the average man this would •ceem to Western .Oaneda. The present year,
impossible, but it is dens by farmers in according to immigration authorities.
the LAST MOUNTAIN VALT.I:Y, in Will sop 400,000 people settled on the
Jane, and making bonus for them-
selves and their. fatuities. Western Can-
ada Will soon be as densely populated.
at the best agricultural sections of On-
tario. Lend prices are going up every
day. Those who buy nett Will get the
benefit of the advance.
Golden Saskatchewan, and they don't
Work nearly 60 hard as their lees for-
tunate friends Who stayed' "at home,"
The average crop ht this fertile valley
is about 00 bushels per acre. The first
year's stop clears the landi There are
yet thousands of acres In this wonder-
ful 'entity—as rich as any soil in the
World—that have never been put under
cultivation. They await but the touch
of the plough to bring forth immense
arvrats ofg
olden rain
Qoid6n So sketchewen I
Though provided With mph, rain-
da1l, the Lett Mountain Valley is a land
of almost continuous eenshfne where
health ab0nnds-.. a climate that builds
vitality. Pulmonary diseases or epi•
denies of any kind are unknown here,
Our Prices Lowest --Our Terme
Most Liberal.
We have over 175,000 coxed of the
Armee nnbrokon wheat land in the
ht* Led near
onn sail V ley railroads
list of land bargains such as were
neeer before known. Our prices are
absolutely the lowest, end we tell on.
sidle.., easy payments. No other colon-
ization company ran hep* to meet them,
terms and prices, beoanae none can
n Ow in such rnarmens tracts -
way; Delivers the Goode.
Rallroade Galore. 2 Our belief in the Last Mountain Val -
You don't need to 11,6 "forty miles 1 the not Mountain ben believe•
from nowhere," either, er "nett door to know it, we Imew it whin it wasps,
eiritisation," Yon are "insole" of eiv teaser aildernose, wbon •that* wa* hard.
Mullen. Seven great railroads already y a bnehol of wheat grown Within Its
enrve thea district. More ratltoad build- whole area, we have watched it year
ins is going on here than in any other by year for eight Tears, until now ID
hart of -allude. In 1010 one-third of hue become widely known in Sams
the Canadian Pacific's coati -notion was ern Canada, Ragland and the
here. The Canadian Northern is no- w 'Celled Stehle sa dila best
imikiing another road into the heart of whaat•growleg dietsiot is
the Lest Xonntela 'G'alley. An9et3n11.
Free! A Complete Library of Western
Land Literatures
Fill extrend send the coupon below. Its
costa you nothing and entities you to any or
all of these booklets on Holden Saskatcl,elvan,.
and to the new ones we print front time to
time. You get full reports of crops, climate
soil, schools, churches, towns, prices, and
description of land, etc. Our special nety list
of Land Bargains Will be tent you, too.
Even it you can't get away now, it will pay
You to keep posted on doings in Golden Sas-
katchewan. WTIIT1i:.
All communications should be
addressed to
1SToronto$t. Rtoo,ri
rill it Out
and Mail
%coin. en Canada
Seem Sts tit 'roreaa° S*., Toronto
fytailetsontt the all the booklet* front
your library referred 10 above at9d Seer
fad of land riefeaies.
a , C. Z. '1(11.
se R+...r..YYKwr✓seene .. ee w)
The matter under this head to supplied.
by the Wingham W.O. T. U.
"The The night is far spent, the day is
at band, let ne therefore cast off the
works of darkness, and let us put on.
the armour of light,"—ltomants.la;12.
Mrs, McKee, Provincial honorary
President of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, gave a splendid
address to the members of the
union i
n n of this town in the C. O. T,
hall on Tuesday afternoon last.
She is an able speaker and thoroughly
explained to each superintendent their
responsibility in the work, urging
them to be ever faithful in their duties
to the union. Int o evening• or
meeting was held in St, Andrew's
Church. Dr, Irwin taking the chair.
After a short program Itirs. McKee
gave another address, which was very
instructive not only to the members,
but also to all present. She pleaded
with the audience to see that their
ballots were cast aright at the next
campaign. After refreshments, Rev,
Mr. Croly brought the meeting to a
Drink is the dynamite of modern
civilization. Drink is the mother of
want and the nurse of crime. Drink
is a greater destroying force than all
physical evils combined.
Six per cent. of all accidents, twenty-
five per cent. of all suicides, seventy
per cent. of all crimes involving physi-
cal violence, and fifty per cent. of all
those in which lust is the dominant
factor can be traced to the excessive
use of intoxicants. The Lord Chief
Justice of England recently declared
that if sifted, nine -tenths of .the crime
of England and Wales could be traced
to drink.
Alcohol is essentially a poison to
brain and nerves. It breaks down the
tissues of the brain, interrupts the
transmission of sensation, breaks the
communication between nerve -cone,
produces mental aberration, inability
and incompetence, dethrones the In-
tellect, overthrows the mind and be-
comes a direct or -indirect factor in
the causation of at least thirty-five
per cent. of all insanity.
Wo suffer more year by year from
intemperance than from war, pesti-
lence and famine combined. While
we have the drink, we will have the
You have read of the growing evils
of cocaine, The drug is a killer 'of
men and the ruination of our youth.
Its ravages are terrible. Let the
temperance societies take up this evil
and light it to the bitter end.—Arch-
bishop Bruchesi.
Canadian National Exhibition.'
The prize list of the Canadian
National Exhibition, August 26th to
September 11th, which is being dis-
tributed, shows that the prizes have
been inoreased in nearly every .de-
partment, till the grand total reaches
$60,000. That the management fully
expect to reach the million mark this
year is evidenced by the announce-
ment -that the spectacular attraction.
will - be The Festival of Empire, a
reproduction of the glories of the
coronation ceremonies, in which 1,500
performers will take part, while the
famous Coldscream Guards Band,
musicians to the Royal Household,
will be the musical feature.
An Odd Dinner.
One of the oddest dinners ever
given was that' in Belgnim, recently,
of which a guest says :—"At that
dinner I ate apples ripened rnore than
eighteen hundred years ago, bread
made from wheat grown before the
Children of Israel passed through the
Red Sea, and spread with butter
which was made when Elizabeth was
Queen ; and I washed down the re-
past with wine that was old hundreds
of years before Shakespeare was
born." This seems at first blush an
incredible story, but it appears that
the apples were from an earthen jar
taken from the ruins of Pompeii,
the wheat was taken from a chamber
in one of the Pyramids, the butter
from tM stone shelf in .an old well in
Scotland, where for several centuries
it 'had lain in an earthen crock in
• icy water, while the wine was recover-
ed from an old vault in the city of
flow Old People
May Prolong
At advanced age the organs act
more slowly thd..l
In youth.G '"ru -
1 c
lation becomes poor, blood thin and
watery, appetite fitful, and diges-
tion weak,'are condition leaves
the system open to disease such as
Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneurne-
nia, Rheumatism, etc,
VINOL is the greatest health
creator and body builder we know
of for old people, as it suppli;s
the very dements needed to re-
build wasting tissue and replace
weakness with s W tlh strenbth.
mut: t.1 m TI11S 11110OP
A cited is recorded In Albany N. P.. of
01,%com it biro fi.•tt oho cunei Albany,
41oi ti by ago noel wee doomed to the
weak and feeble Conrlltton of old people.
Site lied no atreitjt'h and the aligbtrat 0a-
onlon tired ber,•but VINOL entitle lite
well and strong, end elle Mates dead rate
feels ton yeare tormnger ttian elle did be-
fore taking'i'I2it)L,
WC: ttsl< every aged person in
this neighborhood to try a bottle
of 'VINOL with the understanding
that we will return their money if It
doers notyprove beneficial.
rJ s A.ON IdoicittoN
Draggles Wingfuvozi
Much Sickness Due To Bowel
A doctor's first question when
consulted by a patient is, Are your
bowels regular?' He knows that
08% of illness is attended with inactive
bowels and torpid liver, and that this
condition meet be removed gently
and thoroughly before health can be
Rexall Malice aro a positive,
lean and
p �ra t safe remedy for con-
etipation and bowel disorders in
general, We are 80 certain of their
great curative value that we promise
to return the purchaser's money in
every case when they fail to produce
entire satisfaction,
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy, they act quietly, and have
a soothing, strengthening, healing
influence u on the entire intestinal
tract. They do not purge, gripe
cause nausea, flatulence, excessive
looseness, diarrhoea or other annoy-
ing effect, They are -especially good
for children, weak persons or old
folks, Two sizes, 25c and 10e. Sold
only at our store—The Rexall Store,
J. W. l icKihbon,
Valuable Properties For Sale.
The brick and tile yards on the
Biuevale road, aro for sale, consisting
of one hundred acres, two houses,
barn, brickyard, with sheds and neces-
sary machinery.
Also the Wingham brickyards, con-
sisting of 50 acres, with houses, ma-
chinery and sheds.
Also 50 acres of good land on the B
For, particulars apply to
Box 95, Wingham,
Prevent and
Relieve Headache
"It gives me great pleasure to
be able to refer to Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills as the best rem-
edy we have yet had in our
house for the prevention and
cure of headache. My wife who
has been a constant sufferer for
a number of years with above
complaint joins me in the hope
that they may fall into the hands
of all' sufferers."
Watervleit, Me.
Used . Them Four Years.
"Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills
are the best I ever tried for the.
relief of headache. I have used
them for nearly four years and
they never fail to give me relief.
I have tried many other rem-
edies, but have never found any
854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich.
There is no remedy that will
More quickly relieve any form
of headache than
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills.
The best feature of this re-
markable remedy is the fact that
it does not derange the stomach
or leave any disagreeable after-
Price 25c at your druggist. He should
supply you. Jr he does not, send price
to us, we forward prepaid.
tJse it to fine 'h
floors with a
beautiful and
most durable
surface that you
can keep clean
most easily.
vu4e e
'Ise it instead
of paint or var-
nish for vehicles
of every sort.
It withstands
the weather.
`'00141 t%
'Use it to renew
the looks of old
furniture and
every sort of
re ;
Oct it in tins-4llockafrete
79nn t
ti daome
colors in solid
Lnaraele, tr *Rados of Lees
to Imitate herdceoode. cr
'rranerirert I se ter nat-
urei f nigh, Ask *bout the
hundred urea M L Fleet-
xla,:e has in your home,
shown in aur Free Dock.
Chalton ecate 800 sq, feet.
Imperiar Varnish At Color
Cornp#nlr, Ltd., Toronto
8t91d and Recommtnd�ed y�jby
Gus. Ad Schmidt
A Remy Bride,
On Satutday, April 20, Mies Gert-
rude May Davis, weight 6,99 pound,
aged 10 years, was married in Wayne,
Indiana, to M. 0. McCurry, who tips
tbo scales at 119, The bride wore a
hobble bb e t skirt
and picture bat,
Real Estate
FISHER BLOCK, --Josephine Street,
solid brick building. ldin3. wi
t hstores
under and fine dwelling moms a-
bove. An excellent property.
50 ACRE PAISM.—Tho Campbell pro-
perty in the Town Plot, one mile
town. from
A place fine p ac with
good buildigs.
KENT BLOOK.--Corner Victoria and
Josephine Streets, Rents to pay
10 per cent, Will be sold et a
75 AORE FARM, :For sale or rent;
gravel road between Blyth and
Belgraue. Immediate possession,
best in town; will be sold right.
ARCHIE PATERSON'S brick veneer
house and 2 lots. A bargain.
Ritchie & Cosens
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Trans leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on
APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2,16, 30 JUNE 13, 27
JULY 11, 25 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19
Second class tickets from Ontario dations to pr;a_ipai
Nonhwcd point,. at
Winnipeg and return 833.00; Edmonton end retunt
$41.00. and to other points in proportion. Ticket*
good to return widen 60 days from going date.
on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped
with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through
local agent.
Early application must be made.
containing rata and full information.
Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson,
Det. Pars. Agt., Toronto.
We are open to rent any number
of acres of land for the growing of
Flax, or will buy any quantity of first-
class pulled Flax, dry, for which we
will pay $11.00 per ton delivered at
the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed can be
obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store.
A. TIPLING, Manager.
Omens -Corner Patrick and Centro streets
Residence, Dr. Kennedy 1es 43
Residence, Dr. Caldor 151
Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to
Dieoasos of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly
Ironer Graduate Toronto University, Depart-
ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col -
loge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario..
A.tWroxeter ever Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday (all day -o�Ico in Grand Central
Bleck. At Fordwie °Very Friday forenoon
The best of the modern methods used for the
preservation and restoration of the teeth.
DistanceMs No Hindrance '5
to those who wiah to get the best.
Many students from the distant Provin-
ces and the United States attend the
WORK. Graduates readily get good
positions. 0011ntnter now.
Cor. Yongo and Alexander Ste.
This Scheel ttaA a continental repute -
Hort for high grade work and for the
enceess of its etudente, We have three
departments- commercial, shorthand
and Telegraphy. Ambitious young men
And woman should sped . for our large
from Catalogue. Write for it at ones
end see what our graudates• aro doin•q.
Th1e 38 a good time of tho year for
oa to enter Our casees. Students
entering oaoh heck. Cominenco your
course at Once.
D. A. IdicLACltLLN a principal
,laseWalker & Son
Vee are appemall? qualified Under-
takers andrnbahners, and theme
rnttrnat3net their work to us may rely
on it ng well done. Night diene
reooiv'ad at midsize..
Ogles ?NON* LOH tubi Phone 1st
The Preflt Wring Stare, Wingham. Ont
Kerr & Bird
WE AR Vj1�-yAGEH-+,S 000 005
e Ts e
Ladies Who
Dress Well
SET ON THE MARKET, at very satisfactory
prices. DIRECTOIRE CORSETS, fine quality -
Conti!, deep lace trimming, 4 garters attached.
Very best workmanship and newest styles. Prices
50c, 75c, $I.00 and $1.5o. Just think of it--
DIRECTOIRE CORSETS at these low prices.
Children's Hats and Caps
Our showing of Child' en's Hats and Caps for
Spring will please you. The new shapes are
very pretty. -.
Round Soft Felt Hats in green, navy blue and
red, price 50c.
Caps, new shapes, tweed, navy blue, red and
checks, price 25c to 50c.
New shapes in dressy Straw Mats for girls and
boys, price toe to 50c.
A few of those Hand Bags left. Reg. $2 for 98e
On Our Bargain Counter for the
Next Seven Days.
Big sale of Corsets. Over
Bargain Counter. These are
but are good style, good quality
23 pairs Ladies'
Corsets, reg. price
tt Ct
CC 4
tt ca
Tape Girdle
too pairs on the
not long Corsets
and perfect fitting.
$1.00—pale price 09c
75— 48c
50— t t 370
40— at 25e
35-- " 23e
Economical buyers will take advantage of this -
sale. There's honey in it for you.
Seeds ! Seeds ! ! Seeds ! ! !
Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—now seeds. Rennies'
Seeds, 2 packages for 5c or 12 for 25o. Ferrys' Seeds, 5o a pack-
age or 6 for 25o. Giant Yellow Intermediate Mengel. Mammoth
Long Red Mengel. Giant Sugar .Mangol. Jumbo. Sugar Mengel.
Leviathan Sugar Mange!.
From 8 to 16 Years
50 Suits to Clear at $4.95
2-pieco bloomer and 3 -piece strnigbt kuicker styles. Every gait
n . bargain ; fine tweeds, worsteds, navy b'ns Berges ; reg. price
$8 00, $10,00 and $12.00 ; sale price $4.95.
Esgle brand, English made o ark hats, n-to•date spring ebR
low, medium or large crowns and brims, well trimmed, fine
quality ; reg, price $2.00 and $2,50—for $1.50.
Young men's snits of fine imported tweed in the new brown
diagonal stripe pattern, tailored in best style, sizes 32 to 34 ;
reg. $13.00 and $20.00—for $12.35.
For Clearance -
$2 50 men's shirts, negligee and outing ; the latter are Dash-
meretkes, fanny duck, etc., all sizes. Nothing wrong with those
shirts, only odd sizes ; reg. prion $l.00—yours for 49C.
Capital Paid Hp
l eeerve and 1h:divided rrof
Teta. Assets . .
$ a,75o,00o
A . 31rg0,003
Call fit the tfilce of the hank of
Hamilton and secure a esus -brink This
a 'simple transaction Yet it may be
the first step toward a competence.OtenOe.
Yon rennet commence to save tort
early in life ..and the place to keep your
savings 1H• in a t7hartcrer'i Iaank.
.Interest paid on deposits of $1 '00
and upwards.
V. SMITH, Agent