HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-27, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL f, 1911
Q � I
Y X19.00 Stiits for $l5.00
We have gone through our
Stock and taken out all
$19 Suits where there was
oue of a pattern. We
found ' 15 of them. They
are all 20th Century make
and are' new up - to - date
AT one of them are
for $15.00.
See South Window
t.' . ....� a't."':�.^"��.�'cap'3.`'`r."s-'�`.i:W^:t;;v�'S';}: '��.".`w`..G•«,
Good Goods
..4 L: �.. m?1'Y?.:x'w"i• 11+F.'t.^r v:'»,:R"i�'.'.)�.?.M1U
Produce Wanted
Spring Is ere
Let us draw your attention to your
House Furnishing Requireinents. Lace
Curtains, Madras and Swiss Curtain
Muslins at prices to suit everyone.
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Carpets,
Rugs, Stair Oil Cloth and 'Carpets.
A Vemenaromroteroa
No. 3012
This cut is an a tact illustration of
one of our leading values.
Five only dozen pairs for this week
at $1.10 per pair.
Prices ighitE 1
We Want Year Trade
June Bugs Plentiful,
1 d mere in Middlesex °aunty doing
spring plowing report the ground
filled with millionsof large brawn
beetles, commonly known ae "June
bugs." Last spring. the white grub
did thousands of duliats worth of
damage in Middlesex, by eating out
grain crops and destroying pastures
and meadow land. During the au-
tumn these grubs, grown to mature
size, changed into the pupa stage, and
this spring in May and June they will
emerge as millions of beetles. These
beetles eat the foliage .of the bass-
wood, plum and cherry trees. Three
years ago the basswoods in that
locality were stripped bare and the
plum and cherry trees badly injured.,
The beetles lay their eggs in the
ground, principally in meadow and
pasture lands, TheFe hatch out int o
white grubs that eat for three Soars
before undergoing their transferim-
tion into beetles. No effective remedy
has been discovered for this pest.
The blackbirds are the best aid to the
farmer in combating the grub,
La Grippe
"I had suffered several weeks
with LaGrippe. Had pains in
my head and eyes. It felt as
though there was a heavy weight
on the top of my head, until it
seemed that nay brain would
burst. I was so nervous that
I could not rest or sleep. When
I dozed off I would awake with
a sudden jerking of my whole
body. Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart
Remedy and Nerve and Liver
Pills cured me. A number of
friends have since realized the
same benefits?' d
Seabrook, N. H.
The after effects of LaGrippe
are often more serious than the
disease, as, it leaves the system
in a weakened condition that
invites more serious troubles,,
such as pneumonia, etc.
Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine
should be taken for some time
to thoroughly restore nerve
Pride 81.00 at your druggist. He should
supply you. If be does not, send price
to us, we forward prepaid,
in tea may mean
to you• flavor or'
strength or fragrant
richness, Red Rose
Tea is • blended with
such nicety, that it is
the combination of all
three points of merit.
Will you try a pact a> e.
Your Grocer Will
Recommend It si
•04 -
A Bone Of Contention.
(Toronto World.)
The more the question of reciproci-
ty is discussed in the United States,
the tnore unsatisfactory must it ap
pear to Canadians. The parties are
lining up in the United States, name-
ly, the Democrats and Republicans, on
this issue and Canada is being made
the cause of battle as between these
two parties.
Does it not strike you as a most dan-
gerous position for Canada to occupy,
that she should be the cause of dis-
cord and disagreement between the
politicians and parties of the United.
States ? We have been .suddenly forced
into that most dangerous position,
and we shall continue to be in that
position as long as our tariff policy is
to be in any way subject to considera-
tion in the United States,
Let us pull clear away from all these
complications let us withdraw the
offer of reciprocity, and let the people
of the United• States make their own
tariff. There is trouble ahead for us
every day in the year, and every year
in the ceptury, if we occupy any other
Canada cannot afford to be the rag
doll of American politics, and that is
what she is to -day.
Municipal Figures.
Municipal statistics for the Pro-
vineo of Ontario. for 1000, just pub-
lished by the 13ureati of Industries,
give some interesting information.
During that year the rate per head
taxes innpos e1 fur all purposes
throuhout the province is $0.75, which
svgs 43 cents higher than the previous
year, and the average mill rate for the
province was 17 81 The debenture
debt of the province is $12 per head,
By localities the taxes unposed are:—
Rural per head, $0 S1; mills on Lhe
dollar, 11,77; urban per head, $0.15;
nilly on the dollar, 21 30 ; cities per
head, $11 b:3 ; mills on the dollar,
23 21
An Aged Horse.
The Alliston Herald says :--''Let
those who have the notion that a
horse is getting old when he reaches
twenty years of age read the fol-
lowing revise and their judgment. On
Wednesday of last week, a horse be-
longing to Mr. Geo, Anderson, of the
12th con. of Tecumseh laid down and
died, after spending 48 years on
earth. The animal was of the "Mes-
senger" breed, which have some
reputation for longevity, Mr, Ham-
ilton owned the horse for twenty-six
years and can vestry by indisputable
evidence -that he Wes forty-eight when
he died. He was probably the oldest
horse in Canada."
No Reason For Doubt.
A Statement Of Facts Backed
By A Strong Guarantee.. •
RAI �R��A/ W �/� �/Y+�*�•��►
lita. C. t, �M1r k
The mutter under Lite head to supplied
by the Winghani W.O. T. U.
.Abhor that which is evil ; cleave to
that which is good.—Rom. 12 :0.
At our last meeting a round table
was held under the leadership of Mrs.
McKie ; the questions of which sbow•-
cd the superiority of the Local Option
Act over all previous temperance mea-
We are expecting a visit from aur
1'revincial President, Mrs. McKee, in
the near future.
No system except that 'in which
profit is the god would for a moment
allow the manufacture of an article
which, by the best scientific authori-
ties, as well as by the experience of
the entire people, is known to be a
poison, detrimental to body and harm-
ful to the brain.
Only as a means whereby the slave,
whose whole being has been racked in
shop, mine or factory, may deaden
sensibility of the cruel world that op-
presses him, is there any excuse for
the traffic. .
We guarantee complete relief to all
st#fferers from constipation. In every
case where we fail we will supply the
medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef-
fective, dependable and safe bowel
regulator, strengthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature s functions in
a quiet, easy way, They do not cause
any inconvenience, griping or nausea.
They are so pleasant to take and work
sa easily that they may be taken by
any one at any time. They thorough-
ly tone up the whole system. to
healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. We can-
not too highly recommend them to all
suffereas from any form of consti-
pation and its attendant evils. Two
sizes, 10.3 and. 25.. Remember, yon
can obtain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at our store—The
Rexall Store, J, W. McKibben.
"the finish that en.
ul'foes 99
Use it to make floors bright and smooth as glass,
easy to keep clean, (soap and water won't hurt
M L Floorglaze). Doesn't get craeky ; doesn't
show scratches ; lasts amazingly and holds its
beauty. STpasses paint or varnish or stain.
Renovate your whole house with M L Floor ;laze
at small cost—a gallon coats 50) square feet.
Apply it your ;elf to -day and it will be dry to-
morrow' morning. Get M L Floorglaze. T 0 tis.
Even there we fail to find any real
excuse. For this slave should steer
clear of this drug and use his brain to
throw off the opFpressor, and thus
secure an environment where forget-
fulness if not a necessity, but where
every realization brings joy and com-
fort. From the point of labor alone,
the liquor traffic is a fearful waste.
The construction of buildings, brew-
eries and distilleries, the manufacture
of machinery boilers, engines and
other inticate appliances, the men
needed in .the industry directly as
brewers and distillers, the growing of
millions of bushels of corn, wheat and
barley,,, with all the harvesting ma-
chinery, threshing outfits, elevators,
and railroads necessary, the countless
saloons; with their keepers and bar-
tenders, their furniture and fixtures,
requiring a host of cabinet and furni-
tore workers, masses of glass and bot-
tle blowers, keg and barrel factories,
drivers, wagons, horses, harness, with.
numerous other elements of equip-
ment, make up an industry so enor-
mous as to be well-nigh inconceivable,
To keep this going the workers
must hand over the desk more than
two billion dollars a year in this coun-
try alone. Most of this is first handed
to the exploiters who buy the costly
wines and whiskeys while the laborer
gets the cheap and "doctored" beer,
made of resin and rain water, with
enough poison ip it -,to destroy his
body and mind' and create a craving
for more.
It is inconceivable that under any
system where private profit is not the
central figure, an industry that is
harmful to the individual and society
alike, could exist at all, The Next
M I. FLOOROLAZL comes in
tins of handy size, little :n:1
big. Choose among .17 endur-
ing colors in solid enamel --
ievzn shades in Lacs that imi-
tate hardwoods exactly—ani!
Transparent for natural Ba-
ish. M L Floorglsze won't fade
midis weather-proof—so um it
on outdoor work as well es for
indoors. Ilas a hundred• uses
about your home -- a.k your
dealer or get now from vs
direct. Triaperial Varnish ca.
Co:or Co., Ltd., Toronto, Cat.
ISARD'S For Largest Stock Of
House Furnishings
House cleaning time is here, and in order to brighten up the
home you will require .New Carpets, New Rugs, New Mattiogs,
New Curtains, New Draperies, New Blinds, New Poles, New
Linoleums, New Oilcloths, etc, All tt a above Floor Coverings
and Fnrnisbings are shown in great variety in our Carpet Depart-
ment on second fieor. OUR PRICES are the very lowest and
in many cases lower than mail order' houses. 'Mug along your
TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR CASH and see what a saving you
can make buying here. Where you seeand handle the goods
before you pay ono cent, and we are hero to make good any-
thing not satisfactory.
Bargains in Window Shades, plain linen, mounted on good rollers
our price, complete 25c. •
Blinds with Lace Trimmings, complete, for 40e,
Oilcloths, nice Blook or Floral designs all widths at popular prices.
,lust received a largo shipment of Rugs direct from the factory,
the middle man's profit cut out. To see them is to like them;
to price then is to buy them. Nice bright patterns in Bed Room
Rugg, all sizes, some of our cut prices are $3.00, $8 75, $1 00,
$4.60, $6.00, $6.00. Looks cheap in print, doesn't it ? You had
better see them and you will be convinced of the excellent value.
In some of the better grades we are showing Velvet Wilton
Axminster in Floral and Oriental designs, colorings are 'of the
best. Uabeatable prices.
New Patterns in Scotoh and Canadian Linoleums. Prides begin
at 50o square yard.
Lace -Curtains and Curtain Madras in all the loading Patterns
and Colorings. Ses our special Madras. very wide, at 25c.
Brass Extension Rods for Sash Curtains. Prices are loo to 15o.
CARPETS OF ALL KINDS. --Wools, Unions, Kemps, Tapestry,
Brussels. See our special Carpet, yard wide, price 50o.
WANTED.—One car load each—of Potatoes, Butter, Eggs. High-
est market prices paid.
E. Isard & Co.
Grand Trunk Building.
The representatives of the Grand
Trunk in connection with their pub-
licity propaganda is again demonstrat-
ed in the erection of a magnificient
stcucture to house their exhibit at the
Festival of Empire, which is to be
held at the Crystal Palace grounds,
London,. England, this year. _ The
building is ornate in its architectural
style, and is a reproduction on a small
scale of the new Grand Trunk passen-
ger station now nearing completion at
Ottawa. At title exhibition the Com-
pany are putting up ono of the finest
exhibits that they have ever installed
and will embrace all portions of the
System, including the Grand Trunk
Railway, The Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway, and the Grand Trunk Paci-
fic Steamship Company.
..... ... _44,41.,..:.. 0404,.. 0000..
1 1
11 ii
toMay.be the dough had forgotten
o rue.
Or had, risen quickly overnight
and fallen again—
To rise nevermore. ..
Twas w ak flour, of course.
Meaning weak in gluten.
But FIVE ROSES is strong, unusually
strong. -
WiTiihthat glutirtous strength which compels
it to rise to your surprised delight.
Stays risen too.
Being coherent, elastic.
And tha dough feels springy under your hand.
Squeaks and cracks as you work it.
Veal the foist d a FIVE ROSES dough.
Note the wonderful smooth texture--soft—belvcty.
Great h the bread born of sued dough --
Your dough!
Try thin good flour.
11 J r Ili .
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a. Rt Cril pr Mit. u i8 DOMFR
From the House Furnishing Department
This season we have made the selection of Home
Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The
natural pride we have in our unrivaled display of
Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths.
In Linoleums we have a large stock to choose
from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums in 4 yd. width,
also Inlaid Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom.
tags ani. Carpets
We have in stock, for your inspection, Tapestry
Rugs from $5.ao to $2o.00, according to size and
quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $3o.o0 ; Aic-
minister Rugs, Iovely desigs, from $20.00 to $4o.00.
The prices r.re astonishingly low considering the
quality and beauty, as you will see when you come.
Lace Curtains
Our Lace Curtain stock is now complete and ready
for your inspection. We are showing the latest
novelties --Fillet Mesh, 13ungalo Nets, New Insertion
Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.00 per
pair also Curtain Muslins and scrims, You owe
it to yourself and to economy to see our showing
and ask our prices. If you. have not visited this
store lately, call and see the changes that have
taken place.
Butter, Eggs arid Potatoes wanted in largo quantities.
Phare $g.
T. A. Mills