HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-27, Page 4.. ear 4 West Wawanosh. Council met hit per adjournment. Northers all present. 'heave Beene in the chair. Minutes of hest meet - lug read rend confirmed on !nation of Wilson and Watson. The Treasurer'a Statement Aimed balance on hand of $40.74 tiled Asn uiottou of Murray and Wileou JuhE; McDiarmid and G. Smith of Lueknow, and Joseph Reid of Drtngannon, waited on the Board, asking for grants to their Agricultural Societies, and on motion of Wilton and Society Wee - 601), Lucknow Agricultural to cla.tp was granted: $10.00; and Dungannon Agricultural Society $15 00. Accounts to the amount of $28 55 were passed and ordered paid on motion of Wilson and Murray. The Fence -viewers and Pound - keepers of last year were ail " re- appointed. Coronation Pageant. The taxpayers,of (treat Britain will contribute st•ve1'al ltrittdred thousand pounds to pay the expf'nsee of the Ooxoeation pal;rant. The pageant Will enable London hotel Owners to charge as mush as $24 a day for nature, and will enable the property nwnt.rra along the mute of ,hot reeves- Si011 to chane all kinds of pi' Oes fur sitting.roone as the pageant points. New Western Towns. .the announcement was made that the (:..tnadi;>.n Pacific will put on fifty new cotnmUnittes title season, and the other railways have announced their peogr:emits The G.T.P. railway will pant on twenty-four new townta. and Northern ninety-six. -six the Canadian N . Surveys have been made for almost all of these, and a few of them at division points, or 170 in all. PA�TEtt� �ti ` CA NAD› TRADE MARK eneeree MANITOBA tIARD WHEAT F!T EST F5'',ET FAR4N5 WM. PEARSON of 'Winnipeg, known as it 1 "Last Mountain Pearson" ,Land -hungry homeseekers are rushing into this fertile valley by thousands. Seven railroads reach this district. Entire town- ships are broken up and put under cultivation every day during plowing season. New towns ,and cities spring up over night. The population of this valley will increase four -fold in five years. Liv- ing in Last Mountain Valley is like living- in your own home country. These new settlers have all the comforts and luxuries of the homes ,they left, and are GETTING RICH, BESIDES! Grasp now this great opportunity to secure choicest wheat land cheap! Our Prices Lowest—Our Terms Most Liberal We have a list of land bargains such as were never before known, Our prices are absolutely the lowest—and we sell on small, easy payments. No other Colonization Company can hope to meet these terms and prices, because none can buy /and now in such enormous traets. Send for Free Library of information About the Last Mountain Valley—books, pictures of farms, Crops, pictures of people who will be your neighbors, their own stories Of success, our special low prices and liberal terms, and all about excursion trains, rates, date of starting, etc. Address your letter to Wm. Pearson Co., Ltd. If3R arm 38St.Toronto, Ont. 1 I have 17 5,00 0 acres of the finest wheat land in the world. I am going to sell a part of it quick, at low prices, to advertise the district, and to• the first homeseekers or investors who write me, I am going to make tho most remarkable land proposition ever known. The price is so low that the first year's wheat crop will, in all probability, pay back the en- tire cost of 'the land—and payments so easy that you will scarcely miss the money. These farms are right In the heart of the Western Canada wheat country, located in The Famous Last Mountain Valley SASKATCHEWAN The Golden 000000re0ea0 • 000000000000 Q • 00000 00000000000000 Wonderful Values —AT TIM— New Clothing Store Bargains Men's Suits in rip -to -date Worsteds, well tailored, all sizes --reg. $15 to $18, onr tale price $9.76 ; Men's Snits, reg. $10 for $5.99 ; Men' wits, reg. $9 for $4.49 ; Men's Suits, reg. $12 for $8.55. Men's Pants <1.> Rog. $5 kr $3.50; reg. $3.50 for $2.431 ; reg. $2.60 for •$1.50; reg. $1,75 for $1.00;; reg. $1.50 for 75c. i•} Men's Negligee, Shirts iu a great *varietyof colors ole,- 1 n signs and es all six. gs 14to 1 yG.4 reg. price1 s, g # .00 to $1.25, for 490 ; Men's Suspenders, reg. 25e to 350, for 17c ; Men's Heavy Wool Box, reg. 250 to 30e, for 150 ; Best • Cashmere Hose, reg. 35e for 190 ; Mems fancy Sox, reg. 26e to 85c, for 15e ; Mn'etx Baiibrlgan, reg. 500 to 700, for 25e ; Men's Hata Hing Brand, English make, reg. $2.00 and $2.600, for $1.19. Highest prices allowed for farm produce. S. ROBINS 0 O O 0 O O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOWIGK ASSESSMENT ROLL The following flgteres were taken from the assessment rail of the Town, ship of lIowiek for the yedr 1011: -- Number of acres of land.... 07,5,50 Nntnber of sores of land cleared ...,.. ...,• Moldier of acres of buh� .... NW -Ober of &Lctva u chyli.... Number of acres of waste .1....4.46..., Number of acres exempt. from taxation Vieille of laud exclusive of 47>< buildings, . $10.52,300 Varus of buildings 012,121 Value of lana exempt from.$ taxation ............ $ 4,725 Valve of buildings exempt front taxation........... $ 28.423 Blttiness assessment $ 15,100 Townie assessment 10J 9 Can, Pee. Railway assess - merit ...,,,• ......, $ 5552 G. T. Railway assestmeent. , $ 092 C. P, R Telegraph assess- ment • $ 52 G. N. W, Tel, Co. aesesannent$ 93 Bell Tel. Co, assessment $ 2,250 Rural Tel. Co, assesspent$ 3,810 Total assessment $2,878,081 Number of children between ages of 8 and 14 390 Number of children between ages of 5 and 21 ' 1,022 Number of children between ages of 5 and 10 Population Number of doge 45,087 5,092 141 15,730 '771 3,517 450 Brussels. It is arranged that a public meet- ing will be addressrd in the Town Bail on Thursday evening, 27th inst., by Hon. A. G. McKay. A. Mission will be conducted by Rev. Fr, Blair, assisted by visiting priests, is the R. 0. church, Brussels, for a week in 11iay. Alex. .Sinclair captured first prize at the Seaforth Spring Fair 'the other day for his team, and afterwards sold it to James Norris for the handsome sum of $700. The death took place in Hamilton on Saturday, Sth, of Mrs. Peter Bishop, a well known resident of Listowel, formerly of Brussels, De- ceased left Listowel about a year ago to reside in Hamilton. An appeal for a re -opening of the Brussels -McKillop Rural Telephone connection case has been granted and the parties interested will appear be- fore the Commission at Toronto on Friday, 28th inst. Cupid scored another victory Wed- nesday of this week, when at the home of the bride's parents, Thomas street, Rev. A. C. Wishart, B. A., aided in the consummation of a matrimonial alliance between Alfred C. Backer, a well known young busi- ness man of town, and Miss Ella Maud, daughter of James and Mrs. McArter. FOR DYSPEPSIA. You Risk Nothing By Trying This Remedy. We want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. They con- tain Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Regan Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They Boothe the •rritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, pro- mote nutrition and bring about a feeling of comfort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets a reasonable trial we will return your money iE you are not satisfied with the result. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexail Remedies only at —The Rexall Store, W. McKibben. Seaforth Assessment. The following statistics are taken froth the town assessment roll :— Total assessment, $939,007; taxable rate property, 5728,235 liable for local improvenaent only, $05,100 ; liable for school rages only, $17,000; busi- ness assessment, 566,132; taxable in- come, $I0.300 ; total population, 2,117; school children between ages 5 and 10, 390; between egos 5 and 21, 500. The assessment of town buildings, schools, fire appliances, "public library, etc., is $59,200; churcbtes and Gloverntnent land, $50,500. A BAD BACK THE W'IN"GHAM ADVANCE Direct Legislation. The principle of direct legislation is reeognized either by the constitution or by the laws of nine Auter'ieael F3tates, These States are Maine, I'fis- souri, Michigan, Arleaneas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Nevada, Oregon and Montana. Texas is in a class by itself, and has a law which gives the people in the prineeelee the right to vote up- on issues to be proclaimed in the party platform, Moreover, the initia- tive and referendum without fl tw or compromise, was pledged to the peo- ple by the platform of every politica party this year in Nebraska, Wiscon- sin, Illinois, Colorado, Celifornia, North Dakota and Kansas, More than all this in cities over fifteen mil. lions of Americans are living under ehate rs gtving them the right o f referendum more than ten millions have the right to initiate legislation and more than two million have the right to recall unfaithful public officials. SPRING SKIN TROUBLE. Pimples, Eruptions And Spotty Complexion. At this season, scores of people— girls and young women especially find their faces disfigured by pimples, dark spots, eruptions, etc, The skin needs attention—needs renovating after the trying time it has passed through during the winter. Just think what it has gone through 1 You have been out in the rain and sleet and snow. You have been at one moment perspiring from skating, or some other exertion. Then you have stood to "cool off." You have spent hours of the day in- doors at a temperature equal to sum= mer heat. Then you have covered up your akin, except your face, and gone out into a temperature away below zero! No wonder that, with all these changes, the skin of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention. Zam-Buk and Zan -Bak Soap are the remedies. Smear Zam•i3uk lightly over the spots, the eruptions, the sal- low patches, at night, and wash with Z'em-Buk Soap (only 25e per tablet) each day. Then notice how quickly yaur appearance improves. As the rich, refined, herbal essences sink deep into the tissue, the hard, scurfy -like patches are removed. Better color re- sults. The cells of the skin becomes transparent. The blood beneath is able to impart its proper coloring to the tissue, and the delicate bloom of health replaces the sallowness and pal- lor of disease. Z'tm-Buk is also a sure cure for skin injuries and diseases. Eczema, ulcers, ringworm, yield to its use. For cute, burns, bruises, children's rashes, etc., it is unequalled, and for piles. Moth- ers will find Zam-Buk Soap best for baby's bath 1 All druggists and stores at 50o box for Zam-Buk 25c tablet, or 3 for 70c, for the Soap. If you have any difljcnity in obtaining, order from Zam-Buk Co:, Toronto, and send price. Is A Warning That The Kidneys .Are Sick. Abad back turas every twenty-four hours into one duff round of pain and misery --you are himo in the morning, nagged alt day by a dull throbbing bAetattle' can CresG in the eventing n of sleep well et night. It hurts to bender over,. atraipteri up, get up from chair, or lift even a light weight, A n y euddG1 twist, turo. or a w k - hard inos'etnent teem de a tearing of plain through The weak Bpot. Booth's Ricin sty Mile i'e,telt the weak tsputt the kidrte ire and'gel.skly restore kidney health trod eotsfort, They are guaranteed, At. all dealers. and dru - gl+ttei 500 or pont, d from The R T. Booth Co,, Lkt, .port Erie, dart. Send for free box Nitiob will be &uwd'iy sent 011 tl1'1 i' Lucknow. The meeting that was to have been held on Thursday evening to organize a Y.M.C.A. in Lucknow has been post- poned indefinitely, Another big goose egg is reported this week. This one is from the farm of M. McMillan, drover of Kinloss, and has a circumference measurement (long way) of 132 in. Miss Kate McAllister, who recently underwent a second operation for ap- pendicitis at the Wingham Hospital is reported doing well. JohnJohnston,ohnetoafarmer nearar Loc- halsh died on Thursday of last week after a brief illness from la grippe which developed into an affection of the brain. Mrs. Johnston died only about six weeks ago. They leave a family of two sons and two daughters, The death of Robt. Findlater, a for- mer resident of Lucknow, occurred at London on :the 13th inst. Deceased had, since leaving Lucknow, been in the book-keeping department of the McOlary Co., London. A few weeks before his death he complained of feel- ing generally run-down and decided upon a few week's rest. Ho was im- proving, but on the day before his death, while resting after dinner he suffered a hemorrhage of the brain which presently rendered him Uncon- scious, and from tvhich he did not recover. " T wouldn't take a thousand dollar, for the good VINOL has done me. I was told that Cod Liver Oil was the medicine I needed for my weakened condition and poor blood, 1 could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told me that VINOL contained not only tonic iron but all the medicinal prop- erties of CottCottLiver Oil without the grease or oil or bad taste, I made tip my hind that was the medicine for ate. I tried it and to -day ant strong and well." Mits. J. T. SNv1iEIt, Greensboro, N'. C. tho 'onulnenoss of the e oar attic 0 'eV a s' s above testimonial,' We sell VINOL with the understanding that if it does not give the purchaser per - feet satisfaction, we return his money without question. Will you try a bottle un- der these conditions? , + ty'� 'AVT+O1 " MoICIBB 1i ' Fam ani 6 o..rde n KEEPING • BOYS ON FARMS. Government's Corn Club Movement Found to interest the Youngsters. Ill a farmers' bulletin deserIbing demoestrittlon pori{ on southeru farms Y•- the 'United States department of nt~ti culture declares that "ono of the out- growths of the demoustration work is the boys' cern club iuovetuent. We were in a position, through our organ. izatt n and Our force in the field, to perfect the corn club idea and give the iustruetloes necessary to systematize it. Under our supervision every boy enrolled works a definite piece of ground under definite instructions that Will give him an exact knowledge of Made $12,000. v t •e , hst o � n A n 4 a 4 oft man 1x1 �` x bo lght a farm of 120 acres at Weston for $24,000, It le said that he neva s uw the land, b It lest week he sold it for $30,000, clearing $12,000 on his epe e:dation, Real Estate Snaps FISHER BL OIf —J se mStreet, S 0 o h e n solid briok building, Rith ktor e h under end fine dwelling loones a- bove. An excellent property. 60 ACRE FARM, --The Campbell pro- perty in the Town Plot, one retie from town. A flue place with good buildings. KENT BLOCK.—Corner Victoria and Josephine Streets, Rents to pay 10 per cont. Will be sold at a sacrifice, 75 ACRE FARM,—Icor sale or rent; gravel road between Blyth and Belgraue. Immediate possession. LENNOX RESIDENOE.--Ono of the bees in town; will be sold right. AROHIE PATERSON'S brink veneer house and 2 lots, A bargain. Ritchie & Cosons REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Tam nos AND THE OP.OP—I?InST TUE ROY ma= INTERESTED; THEN un (MEW MIS 001114. pl'rom bulletin United States department of agriculture.] how to work large crops. One of the strong features of the demonstration work is that it is co-operative, and in the boys' work we frequently find the other, vital forces of the county—the superintendent of public education, the teachers, the business men, the news -, and the parents—all giving aide and support. "In Holmes. county, Miss., in 1909 our boys' corn clubs produced crops averaging seventy-six bushels of corn per acre. The coin grown by their fa- thers and the neighbors averaged about sixteen bushels. This, with the results lit other counties, was sufficient to arouse the state of Mississippi and cre- ate an overwhelming public sentiment In our favor. From a total enrollment of 10,543 during that year the move- ment grew nntil the year 1010 record- ed an enrollment in the various states of 40,225 boys, "We hare some. cases where the boys of one county are challenging the boys of another county to a contest in corn production. "One of our requirements, whi`eh has bad a very beneficial effect, is that the proceeds of the aare- shall go to the boy. '!We have nisei a system which will prove equally effective for the girls of the rural schools, so that the whole school can be instructed in a practical way." 1A small plot of rich land pro- duces more crap than a larger plot of poor land and costs Less in taxes. Orchard and Garden. Destroy the Sant Jose scale. It makes the fruit short weight, hint for next spring: A fcw drops oly gasoline applied with a medicine dropper to the heart of each dandelion plant will—it is claimed by several n•ho have tried it—kill the weeds quickly. If you have land that grew a heavy crop of corn n year ago, having been ntanured for that, you have a good place for any of the small fruits. Crocuses make pretty borders when planted on the lawn in front of tall plants or hedges. Plant them liberally It you, wish their splendid effect. If you observe that the shoots on your trees grow :otlly five or six inches every year roll may know the soil needs to be enriched. The growth ought to be from fifteen to thirty inches every season. Benito every dead tree from the orchard. They are veritable breeding places for fruit pests. . On every crate of fruit, whether for local market or for shipment, the wholesale trade should have the name and address of the ;towel, Only those who have inferior fruit can afford to neglect this,, .<.•,i . �.�^ *tit 1i ' °�_ Valuable Properties For Sale. The brick and tile yards OIi the Bluetrale road, are for sate, consisting. of one hundred acres, two houses, barn, brickyard, with sheds and neces- sary machinery. Also the Wingham btickyardt+, "con- sisting of 50 acres, with houses, ma- chinery Arid sheds. Also 5t) acre* of good land on the 13. lisle. l or particulars apply to 11sBox E I I% 15bk wing'Io1•, ONIESEEK RS' EXCURSIONS TO Manito5a, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.nt. es APRIL 4, 13 MAY 2, 16, 33 JE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 AJO, 0, 22 SEPT.11fs5, 1$ Second class tickets from Ontario stations to priaapal Notch '.i point, .t LOW ROUND -Ti iP RATES Winnipeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and r'urn $41.0'1 and to other points in proporcon. Ticket; gocc� to rttarn witbia 60 days from slag da:. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable beds, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderato rates through 1, local agent. Early application must be made ASK FOR HOMESEEa£RS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. Apply to aaarest C.P,R. Agent or to R.L. Thompson, Dist. Pass, Aut., iorento. ONLY DIRECT LINE 181 CHIME Of CRS J. H. BEEMER, Agent, WINOilAM. NOTICE TO FARMERS We aro open to rent any number of sores of land for the growing of Flax, or will buy any quantity of first- class pulled Flax, dry, for which we will pay 511.00 per ton delivered at the Wingham Flax Mill. Seed eau be obtained at T. A. Mills' Seed Store. CANADA FLAY FIBRE 00., LIMITED, MONTREAL, A. TxPLINo, Manager. DRS. KENtIEDY & CALDER OFFICES—Corner Patrick and Centre streets PHO:tes— oices 43 laesidence, Dr. Kennedy 113 Residence, Dr. Calder 131 Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery. Dr.Calder devotes special attention to Diseaseof the Eye, Ear, and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORRIE, ONT. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxoter ever Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday Qa11 day —Oleo in Grand Central Block.. At bordwiel every Friday forenoon Tho best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. Distance is No Hindrance 1 10 those who wish to get the best. Many students from tho distant Prevta- ces and the United States attend the ELLIOTT TORONTO, ON7C. T1118 SCHOOL HAS A NATIONAL REPUTATION 1t'OIi MOIL GItADE WORK. Gradnates readily get good positions. Open entire year Enter now. Write for catalogue. W. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yongo and Alexander Ste. CENTRAL SSTRATFORD,, ONT. A LARGE Mien. A GOOD BEST, SCHOOL. THE This school bas a continental repute: tion for high grade work and for tho 50005e of its stedonta. N'o have three departments —Commercial. Shorthand And Telegraphy. Ambitious young, men and women should send for our largo trde catalogue. Write for it at onto and see 'what our grandates are doing. Thin is a good time of the year for Yon to enter our classes. Students aro entering each week. Commence your course at once. D. A. lldeLACH'LAt'r • principal Jas. Walker & Son WIMOIIAM UNDERTAKERS We are spaolellr emended Under- %kelt And Embalmers, Antithotro entrwstlnri��rr cher work to no rulsy rei7 on it heli{ w.41 dons. Night oslio wolfed at' rtaeitttirtot~. Onto. Isanas lee axone* IE'bamti lI THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 191I The Profit Sharing tare Whigham Ont. Kerr & ird W t. ARE Ac,EHTS FOB THE VI; llbMdQ 1RNML PATTERNS MONTULY STYLE BOOK FREE AGENTS-- LADIES' C NS --LADIES' HOME JOURNAL SNIANZ.ZY .kC,oSkeril '5VA QmaVX,N1 This season we aro showing tho best Summer Ilotiery ever shown in Wingham. Strictly up-to-the•minute in Style and Finish. We are sole Agents for this make of goods, in Wingham. Ask for the 'Radium Hosiery' Women know from experience that the only Hosiery giving per- fect aatisfaotton is the Fine Quality Lisle or Silk, Double Toe. and Sole, High Spliced Heel, Double To (about 3 inches) and Shaped. Leg. "Radium Hosiery" lias all these good points, and prices are very moderate. Fine Silk, Double Toe and Solo, Iligh Spliced Heel, Double Top, Shaped Leg, only 60e. Fine Lisle, Embroidered Soto, High Spliced Ifeel, Double Top, Shaped Leg, only GOO. Fine Lisle, White Tipped Too, Heel and Top, High Spliced fleet, Double Toe, Shaped Leg. e.nly 40e. Fine Lisle, Embroidered, High FL liced heel, Double Top, Shaped Ler, only 350 Finn Lisle, Lace Front, High Si ::otd Heel, Daubie ;cop, Shaped Log, ouly 35e. Fine Lisle, Pink, Light BIue, Champagne, Raw Silk, Shaped Leg, only 35c. Finn Cotton, Double Sole and Too, High Spliced heel and Shaped Log, 25o to 35o. Fiue Cotton, Misses' sizes, Tan, Light Blue and Pint:, 15o to 250. Finn Cotton, Misses'. sizes, Lace Frout in Colors, 25o, Ribbon Bargains. 210 Rolls Narrow Washable Ribbon for Lingerie and Fancy Work. Light Colors, 5 yds, in Roll, for only 15c a li2ott.. Summer Style Book, 5c. THE BEST YET. 130 pages illus Lral isthe Home Journal Pattern styles. If you do any sewing, you cannot af- ford to be without this Style Bock. The price pats it with- in the reach of everyeno. Tho Summer Style Book • regular price 20c A 153 Horne Journal Pat- tern free 15e The Style Book costs you only 05c Seeds ! Seeds ! ! Seeds ! t ! Vegetable and Flower Seeds—great variety—new seeds. Fannies' Seeda, 2 packages for 50 or 12 for 25o. Ferry&' Seeds. 5c a pack-.• age or 6 for 25o. Giant Yellow Intermediate Mengel. Mammoth Long Red Mangel. Giant Sugar Manaol, Jumbo Sugar Mange!. Leviathan Sugar Mongol. veimenzza y:x p co WHITE Ladles' and Gentlemen's Tailor Order Your Easter Clothes Now and be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion day of all the year. i-Iave your choice of our elegant assortment of. New Spring Suitings Tailored To Your Measure and secure all that correct quality of style, fit and fabrics, and that snappy individuality, so much sought after by all good dressers within a price of all. Ladies' Tailoring a Specialty. E. C. WHITE WILSON BLOCK WINUHAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor �.•---__ -,�-• MlNl�C.I-SL`lT.ilr 1CX•••.J Capital paid Up 5 ease tie Reserve and l7ndivided Peens . s,rgo,000 Total Assota 4d,000,000 ..0tr. ,ice. tt."".; btany a fertnuo clan ba traced bask wy* to the day l'A. owner deposited the first ere` ,,• fid,,, '� t e • art z is s A .tonilt. a ,v r i ... dollar n to r; The one doter eff,)rde res ieeentive il�"fix 7 % to deposit more—•and, as interest is art- �r1;, �_ � daai to principal, the email sura arriwa l''' . i •�z► lapse irn.d more retiitily, until it Ilteally ,s @3+tr" i ' ! becotnee a conypetenee. it 's `1+�tt ;s:3'' One Dollar will start an aecanilt with. f' -t' AIX the hank o- Ilane,lton. w , C. P. SMITH, Agent w �YINGHA� oasealinsastaashe