HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-20, Page 6• et, T..• idcage Soziallets pollea lea; than 23,. .naa rOtea in the .Ch'eage NE:leen-alas elec. tine Still, thet is a big vote. It is in the cities titat the nanks ti: thrive le st. The Milwaukee Socialist candelatee for judielel atut school Want positiene have been defeated by a coutlanation of the oat parties on a notapartievin •tielset, auda °talky of Nave the city." in 1‘.182 Frame, inaugurated the postal savinge bank system.Iu 1.000 it had about 8 Wo. ranks in opeintion, with ta5.42,8834 asamitie aggregating $316,400, - Seta Vett is an avesage Of tealeeseOz eaelt ecalunt. The l'iamet law limits a saigle aceenitt to La00 freese (489.30). -see Sir Thomas Shaughneeey thinks that war does some good by killing otf the eurplua popnlatkm of a country, Sir Thomae, if he ttopped to think, would probably vease to encourage immigrw. ition and join -the advoe.ates of race suicide. Perhapi, however; Sir Thomas was indulging. in a little joke. • That frozen egg ee:eura le likely to eost the city of Niontreal dear. Judge Weir has ordered the reietiee of the egfeee holding them to have been illegally seiz- ed, and eondernn!ng the e:ty to pay the ceets„v iiieh will amount to about S•t,. The valtte of the ego when seized wae about 41,01n. aliere is such a thing ae astuming too muith •authoeity; and it .proves coetle. se • *- The United States •Supreme • Court's deeision will have the effect of putting an end. to mainifecturers of goods xnak. ing contraets with wholesalera and re• tailors to .prevent, the latter from 0011- ing theta below certain prices. Sleet contracts are now denhitely held to be illegal and in restraint of trade. It will to this degree lessen the power of trust and eombines to work their will upon the people. .A. New York court is trying to deeide whether turtles are animals or reptiles withinthe law. Sixty-five turtlea were shipped from Havana on the steamer Saratoga, and the New York Society for the. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals • charges that they were abused by being foreett to lie on their backs. on the deck of the vessel. Some of the New Yorkers seem tothink the .turtles shoulct bane been wrapped ha cotton wadding to pre- vent'the eallousinsa of their backs en routmwhile others assert that if they had been forced to stand all the Way their value as a soup product would have been injured. • . Joseph Smith, president of the Mor- mon Church, delivered a remarkable speech at its eighty-first conference at thilt, Lake, Utah, the other day. He de- clared that 11100 marriages contracted last year were "not in accordance with the law of God." He warned the con- ference that the church forbids plural marriages ana that no man can be au- thorized to perform a plural marriage. Ile stroogly advoeeted an amendment Of the United States constitution. mak- ing marriages a matter for United Statea control. He says that Whenever the .church is able to reach men who perform plutal marriages, it deals with theinselves. . The death of Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, will be very generally re- gretted. Ire was an indefatigable re- former. The most important of the re- forms for which he labored was the furthering of the lapd value system of -taxation, championed by the late Henry George. His advocaey of 3 -cent street railway fares in Cleyeland was not crowned with success, and for several years it caused the railways and the people much loss. A co-operative plan for a eliding scale of rates was finally agreed upon after Johnson's defeat -a defeat which probably tontributed to the breakdown of his health. He dissi. pated a huge fortune in a few years. Even in defeat, Johnson retained the admiration and ...respect of multitudes who could not follow him in what they regarded as his misdirected enthusiasm. Wall street 13 so much abused that it is refreehing to hear a common sense view of this great financial and trading eentre voiced from the pulpit. Rev, Dr. Daniel S. Tuttle, Bishop of Miseouri, the other day in referring to the attacks often made on Wall street, and the i11. eoneidered remarks anent it, said: Any plan valich in any wa.y would destroy the workings of Wall Street is a crazy one and a monstrous absurdity. Notwithstanding that not a grain of wheat nor an ear of corn grows in this centre, nevertheless the buildings here bold those who furnish sinews for mll. lions onenillions of aeres of agricultural produete and the wbo guide the trans- portation of millions °Estella of those things which sustain the lives not only ef the peonIe of this country but. in some way of the people of every ementry in the world. Well Street has its faults, but muelt of the denunciation +stetted •upon it is the product of envions or designing sen - et los/an-at. leeKtlab44601,14.* PATE OF A meter HUSBAND. leoettera fevetkoviteh, who confeesed murdered her lineletnd, as sent to ptieon ler one month at lareguyevan elaeleee, htOontict proved' that on her wedding day her husband had forbid. den. hr to Apeek to him unlees ho firet nadreseed her. During four aeare Ila had opoken tO her only seven times, and thee te Itee words- or blame. At table h hio wsnis by pointing fe them. lie nail ilever even laelsed at their two ehitiren, end professed not to be aware ef their PNIkenco. The jury reemetreensied her to ertrreeponderiee Mall Remette. MIEXIONIOnni. It wee evident to Stuart Villiare that Bettie .n.1 .t tie.; Maziwka, hail some se - ere!: understanding between them, awl, that there ;liana Le grime plot In con. eeellon aetween them In Wale; he, MU - pet \laws, had a share, but lie, was, t5teh the Walt, wither impatient nor Since lie had lost his heautifel jean lifelad becorae so dreery and vapia an affair that he ilia not thin!: it possible for aliything to arise which simnel have in'-" t far Perhaps Bertie and hifss alaettrIsa e peoting eomethiug for hie annum - nu et. Well, if they were, he thought, with a l'egretful sigh, he was afraid they would be doomed te disappeintment. Ile bad found nothing to amuse lam site the death of the beautiful ger' he had naant to make his wife, and not even tbe duel bad aroused lain out of the molest/101y wbieh beset him. -1 ant a, etunberer of the earth," he Itillttered, as he looked out of the Win- doW upon the. peaaers-bew "Not a soul of them but has some object. some Mil- t:Mon in life. But 1! I might as well be dee das living! Yes, it is a pity that Ilertie did not put an end to so ueeleees so putpaaeless an existence. Berl of Villiers, with more money than I know what to do with, and 1 woula willingly cant:nage lots with the bricklayer's lab. over there, who spends his days carry- ing liode of mortar up a ladder and .his evenings with a wife and children, wit° loxe him and whom lie loves. Life! Life Is worth living when love is thrown into the bargain, but otherwise—en He lit 'another cigar, and wee thunk - ling that lie might as well stroll doera to the club, for the sake of strolitig back again, when the servant announced Miss Mazurka and Lord Dewsbury. Stuart Villiare mailed amusedly. Their little eatet was evidently in pro- gress, and they had come to burst it on him like a benth. "Well." be eta, as he shook hands. "What are you two going about like conspirators for, and against what gov- ernment aro you plotting now? Which of you coneeals the dynaaeite? Have yea got it in -that sealskin bag of years, Miss Mazurka?" "I haven't icit any dynamite, but I've got bad news for you, Lord Villiers," s'he said, gravely. "Really? ' he said, with a faint sraile, "'Weal, what is it? I am used to bad news," he•naded, the smile fading from his face. "Bertie, have a brandy and soda. Miss .Mazurka, etrengthen yours self for your duty with a glees of wine. Not Well, the news must be bad indeed. What is it? Do.you mind my sinokingt" "No," fetid Miss Mazurka, B01011114- "Tebacco is a great consoler, isn't it? And you'll want consolation directly." He smiled sadly. wnhanks 1 shall IP But don't look so grave. And you, Bertie,. haven't. you anything to say?" "She'll be spokeswoman," said Bertie, cautiously. "I can corroborate what she is going to tel you; I say that be- forehand.' "Miss Mazurka doesn't need any cor- roboration," said Stuart Villiare, with a kindly smile. "If she said that the moon was made of green cheese I should betieve her. Now, then, there's your drink, Bertie, and a. "glass of wine for Son. Aries Mazurka. Go on, please.. Here I sit prepared for -anything," and he leant back hi his chair and smiled at them. "It's more serious than you think.," said Miss Mazurka, gravely. "Now, my lord, you are tbe owner of the Arrow - field preperty, ain't you" Be n.onded. "Yes, usefortenately." ' "Why unfortunately?" she demanded; sharply. t"Because I don't know what on itertli to do with it -unless lose it at Monte Carlo," he answered, with "But go on, you have begun in au in- teresting fashion." "That property ia very large, lent it?" "Very," he admitted, "Weren't .you very much surprised when you heard that ib had been left to your asked Miss Mazurka. He thought a moment. "Not very. Bathe?. I had always un- derstood that Lord Arrowfield-my un- tle-would leave it to me, but he was ecesentrie, and there were passages in his life which might result in his testy - Ing the eetate to someolle else, sow° nearer relation, if thews was one." "But there was none?" can't say. I only khow that he left it to meaStop re he said, -with a shade of earnestne.ts. "He left it to me, or at least the only will that we found be. queathed it to me, but. there was a. strange incident in connection, with it." e'WhAt was theta" "A letter," he said. " wrote me a letter just Wore be died slating that he Lad disialierited me." "He stated this?"' "Yes, in this letter." "You destroyed that letter?" asked Mita Mazurka. Stuart Villiers raised his brows. "Destroyed it? Certainly not!" he said, rather coldly, "On the contrary, 1 preserved it carefully, and have ib be me now. 11 a later will. had been found the 'letter would have gone a long way in proving Re gmittineimes." "1 see!" said Mies Mazurka. "And if a later will had been found, ma lord, you would lose the estates? You would he a -forgive nie-a poor man again?" "Yes," he sell, listleasly. "I should. I should' be poorer," and he smiled, "for I should have to repay what I have spent. But what do' t MI this question- ing mean; has a later *al been found?" "It hes," said Miaa hiuznrka,„ grave. ly. Ire as silent a moment.sa he tried to realite all That this meant to him "Well," hie said, quietly, "1 ant se glad a that. Witere was tide wifl found'?" "In a po.etioa of the old earns wros petty," said Bettie. "And by whoint" -By me, throagh an aeseiderit." 'Stuart Villiers reisad his brows. 'taruth is stretger then ho said, with a sarae. -A later will found! Well, it is not strangel that letter indi- yatea the exiatehea of suell a Will. And 1 aro tld 1 -Ager Walter of DeereOrnite, ant I 'Nee, you ftle master still, ttatil the ute Oilman emits you:" meld Bente. "Ile Will ttot have muds tenable IC do:ng thet,"sitid Mutt %naives, quietly. alai him het prove me to rag, ant Le shell step late my shoes without any ftar from the lawyers. Why aties he tiet Melo has eistist at, eater "rh..w 111tv.lo oniy diseoveved a sent time tine," mid Miss 'Mazurka. "And you vh1 give up the estates at oese, ee seen as you e ourself arosatia tam ! I led that this new clalantat really has a to them" "At once," he stela. "Wile is the eialillant, 1. kuow of po everer reistiem Lo Lord Areowfield than ittreelf." "it Is not, se ate,' but a 'she': " Said Nlies Masarka. "It is his gramidaugh. Stwtrt Villiers thought a granddaughter, the daughter of moment. the late coillttees, who lived apart front iiiin! Ah, yee, 1 see! Well, 1 wish lier joy! May the money bring her owe happiness than it has brougitt nie! What --what is her name?" . "ide Trevelyani" said Miss Mazurka, Stnart Villiare started, "Ab, 1 see!"- he said, looklog at Relate. "It was because you thought 1 was try- ing to keep this young lady -a friend of yowl, no tiotror--out of the estatethat yon wanted to shoot me, eh, Bettie' Bertie reemined silent. you did me wrong. I looked tor thea will day After dey. would have ince the first to hand It to her, and plave bee in possession, if a had found It. You del me wrong!" "Yes, I did," stammered Bertie, ex. changing a glance with Miss Mazurka. "Ida Trevelyan," inurrunred Stuart Vila Mars. "A pretty name, ea.1 she is, Or was, an aetreas. Well," with a kind glance at Miss afazurka, "she is none the less worthy of Deercambe for that." "Thank you!" said. Miss Mazurka, youngla 'And lai,?,, ayveyou seen the will -the "Yes," sald Bertie. 'I have seen it. It is a genuine. will. Scovell it Humber, the lawyers, have seen it, and declare that It is impregnable." "I know Seovell Humber" said Stu- art Vililare. "You couldn't itave better authorities. And they say it is sentilue. .4.m I mentioned in it?" "Yes,you are left a sum of money, 'but— ."But what?' "I am afraid it syn.! be only sufficient to pey.off the amount you have spent." Stuart Villiers nodded gravely. "Well, well! And $o 1 tunpoor again? And thisi young lady, what s she like?" "She is extremely beautiful and as re. fieed as the lady of Deercombe should be," said Bertie, gravely. Stuart Villiers Imelda "I am glad of that," he said, quietly. "I should not have liked the old place to peas into unworthy hands. And she is a friend of youra Are you -forgive Mt, Bertie-going to marry tier?" Bertie fluehed to the roots of his hair. "No," he said, in a low *glee, "I am not. I am, -only a friend. But though 1 am not going to marry her, I am act. ing on her behalf." "I see, rend you have come to propose terms 2" "Yes; you won't find them hard." Stuart 'Villiers raised his brewe." "Herd? What are they?" 'These. That in consideration of your giving up all claims to the property, she is willing to forego her claim to the money you have spent, and, of couree, to pay you the sunt left you in this awn WISITu'art Silliar as silent for a me. Men t. "They are liberal, lenient terms," he add, "r suppoie if I @lose to flea the will I could keep her out for -years, per- ildps?" 'Yon could. SO SOOVaIl & Humber say," aasented Bertie. "But I do not choose to do that" sad Lord Villiers. "Satisfy me -satis- fy Craddock that the will is geunine, and 1 -well, I yield everything." "Craddock is alreadysatisfied. He saw -the will this; morning. We have just left him," said Berth). Stuart Villiers smiled. "You are doing the thing very coal. pletely," he said; "but ib is jusb the course I should have wished you to pur- sue. Very well; I will seo Craddock. A.nd I am poor again! iteigho!" and he laughed grimly. There woe a moment's silence; then Miss Mazurka said "Are you so eorry, my lord?" he salit, after a moment; "not sorry. I WAS thinking how hard it was Lor this poor girl to have been kept out of her preperty all this time and how eager she must be to take posses - rime Please tell her that I will do ev- erything in my power to assist her to her own. It is the least I can do." Bertie looked at Miss Mazurka, and after a moment she said: "And don't you feel any curiosity to see, this young lady who has snatched ,your property from you, my lord?" "Yes," he answered; "the greeted cutiesity. But I was thinking lb would be painful to her. I should like to see her very much. Will you tell her so, please" "I will tell her so," Said Bertie, "and will arrange a itieeting. Will you meet her at Deercombe Weld the day after to-morrowt" "Yes," saia Stuart Villiers, but he winced. 'What memories the sight, of the old Wold, the cliffs upon which he and joan had walked, would awaken! "Yee," he said, with a sigh. "/ would rather it were nowhere else -but- yes, I will meet her at the Weld!" "Very well," mad Bertha "Then I'll have everything ready for you. Crad- dock shill go down, and someone from &oven and lininber's, and we'll settle the thing there. I am awfully sorry for you, Villiers V' "Don't be!" said Stuart Villiars, shaking kis head. "I am sick ana tired of the money and of my own life. / was hungering for something to hewn and I sea more than content! Oive sty complimente to Miss Trevelyan and tell leer that I hope she will live at the old Weld, and that it Will bring her more happiness Gael it could ever bring me- llow?" and he turned away with a sigh, as the ehdoss of Jean rose before, him. CHAPTER XLIL The news burst upou Deereombe like liontbehell. It reached. Colonel Oliver wi thitt forin of a letter from Craddock, who was held fast rod tight in the hands of Bettie and Miss Msieurka, the latter of whom inspired him with a dread that autonate4 to awe. He woe to do exactly as she told kite, Or take hit eltatee. of going before a judge and jail and weenies:1g his dees arta. Itemy (lay Wes Mazurka went dew* be Chain Court nasi gave kis* kis era - 1.11,01.1, Ile Wal.ti not to open his lips respecting the will and jean% identity to moms, an he we* to pity uulivsitating sad un- questioning obedieuce to her end /lord Bortie, or -it would he ilarSO for hint. 014 Creddoek had been very much Oaken by the exposure of his Yillalay and Merdeunt Royce's, au4 vita lit- erally troubled whenever Miss Mazurna entered the office and fixed bier eyes on hitn. "You are an awful old scoundrel,''' sue said to him, with a cheerful candor that Made him winee; t'and I believe a shameful uealect et duty oo our part not to proseoute you. And well do it even now if you dare to disobey orders in tits very gig -Meet," "Yott can depend upon me, my dear Mies Mazurka, " creel:ea he old Inas, "You can indeed. I'm an honest, etraightforwara perm, but I wan weak enough to be led astray by that awfu' young scoundred, a boy I picked up from the gutter." . "It's a pity not% didn't leave him - there votorted Mises lqa- eurka. "iVell, new you have got to be sure to hold your tongue about the will and ;miss Orinetirs cent - ing to life again -and, in fact, Alma everything -until I tell you." "Rely ttpon my eeerecy, my dear alis$ Mazurka. I'm a lawyer—" "Ye; I know," interrupted alise Ma. zurka, curtly. "I can rely upon you, be- cause I've got you hard and fast, auti you know it. Now sit _down area write to that Colonel Oliver you've told me about, and jus e say that it was all a ntistake abieut Mws Orme.beets being drowned and that she has come to life again; end you can say that she is among friends, ana prefere to remain in seclusion for the Faint, but that the will come to Deereombe next Monday, at half -past six. Do you understancl that?" 'Ala Craddock assured her that he fully understood and would obey; her wieli should be law to him. -Very well, and then give orders ana see that the Wola-khat's what it's called, isn't it? -is got ready by Mon- day!, "By Monday!" and the old man man- ed loudly. "Ity Monday 1" repeo.tea Miss Mazud- ka, with is stamp .of her foot which made Craddock jump. attleney can do any- thing, can't it? Very well, then let it do that. Send half a dozen old women into it, and light fires in all the eoonts, Do whet you like, but have it ready. Miss Ormsby will want it by then, And she muat have itl Do you hear?"' Yes; Mr. Craddock heard, -and It should Inc done. "I'll go down myself," he said, rubbing his hands. "You'd better. But mind, not a word to anyone. If you're asked any quo - tions, say you don't know. If you want a written order from 'Miss Ormsby, you sball have its" "Oltaclear; llo, Miss Mazurka's word is 'enough," he assured her. . "Yes, it is," she assented; "and wben (some of it, and free, gratis, for nothing, tItiotosIsoMaeurlsa says a thing she means it. You've done a great deal of this mis- chief, and now I mean to make you undo So Mr. Craddock sat down and wrote a citutious note to the colonel which reachea lain as he was playing billiards at tho club, and sent him flying home wita the force of a whirlwind. "Here, Em, Julia!" he shouted, burst- ing into the parlor, where the two girls sat working and wrangling, just as of old; "here's the most astonishing thing you ever heard!. 'Pon my word, I think that old fool Craddock must have gone. out of his mind. I never heard— , "1 wish you'd let Ili hear, papa," said Julia, irritably; "whatever is it?" "I'm trying to tell you, if you'll let m ‘ e," ha retorted. %Why, Joan isn't drowned after ell; at least this old food says so." The girls opened their mouths and gaped at him, speechless with astonish. inedaato.an -not-drowned i" they exclaims, cd'Na "No!'t''i lastie ejaculated, dropping Isis eye- glase ana slapping the open letter - "not drowned, after all! Listen to thin! Did you ever hear? I don't bellevela and that's the fact!" Emmeline ehook her head. "It's true enough!" she said, acidly. '01a Craddock isn't out of his mind. That girt'S turned up again!" "If she has, lb is simply eliamehale saki Julia, flushing ana drawing her lips together. "Shameful! Where has she been. n11 this time! 'Among Molds!' She'd better keep there -we don't want her here. Every soia in the pleas knows she ran away tvith Lord Villiers. She can't come back here, unless she's lost all sense of decency!" ' • And Mies Julia's eyes opened and shot Out a spiteful flesh of fire. • "Yes, that's all very well," said the colonel, walking up and down and rub- bing at his eyeglass. "It's all very well to say that she can't come back here, nbuboy I He Says she is coming back, and on Monday, too, searcely a week from "It's unendurable!" said gmateline, between her teeth. "Papa, it's more than human nature eat stand. And is that all the letter says? boesn't it ex. plain how the mistake occurred?" "Not the least." *Why, this girl mayn't be joan at all! She may be an impostor—" ale colonel shook his head. "Catch old Craddock being taken in by vat impositor!" he said. "Oh, it's :roan safe enough; but how they eame to mistake that other girl for her Is a mystery. Oh, it' Jean, there'a no doubt of it. Colifound it all, I did think I'd got rid of that trouble end now here .it is back on my hands again! I'm the unluckiest man on earth! Here this girl disappeers, end sets a coelaand-bull story of her death in eireulatiott, and now she's turned isp gein. There's no peace in this troth!, nt least there len't for me. I know!" Tha two girls 'exchanged glaneeta "Look here, papa," said Julia, "as to Joan's coming baelc here, it's out of the question. If you were disposed to be to weak as to permit It, we wouldn't stand it, and that's flat; isn't it, Vin?" "That's all very Well," growled the colonel; abut I'm her guardian, confound It, and what inn I to dol" "Write to Mr. Craddock and any yott don't believe him," said Emmeline, brit. 'Whatee the nfie of that'?" lie retorted, impatiently. alfe'd say,'Come and see for yourself.'" "No," said Julia, knitting her brows and tightening her lips inereilessly: aliet write an &ay Wit you are snail to hear that the report of her death Was tithe, but Wider tite eircinestancea you must deeline to receive her tinder your roof. It's quite impossible that she should live here; if she renews lntek then Emmeline and t would in, theta Olin!" aTo be Continued.y The heart of Mats ill tire piaci, the de - yin; in; I feel sometimes it hell withta mysolf.-Sir Thome Statalle, STOP LIVER TROUBLE AT ITS BEGINNING, And You'll Thereby Avoid Lots of Misery and 111 Health, Most people with liver tried& imagine they liave dyspepsia or ilialgeitien. alley neileet the eerie. warning,, and of- ten take the wrong medicine. Onee the liver becomei singgieli, it ditturbs the 'harmonious wenklug of the etonntch antl bowels. You get head - male; sallow skin, pin:plea, thinnese end impurity of the bloat'. Food remains ill the bewels, ferments, decays alai forms poisonous gam-, that enter the blood and deetroy its vitality anti nourishing power. A very guide ana sensible way to, stop and cure liver trouble is by the use of Dr. Itarniltorna Pals of Manaralte and Butternut, which contains certain ex- tractsof healing herbs and roots that have a wonderful tonic and cleansing ef- fect upon all th,e liver cells. You'llbe surprised at the quick bene- fit derived from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They strengthen the stomach, cure con- stipation, prevent. headathe, restore kid- iwy end liver activity, previa° the sys- tern with vital buil that eleineut$ that make old people young, strong, ambi- tious. Youll never feel tired and worn out en the morning if you've refreshed the saratent the night before with Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and But, ternut, 25o per box af dealers. Re. FUSE ANY SUBSTITUTE. "By mall frOin The Oatarrhozone Conipany, King- ston, Ont, • -42 DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND. The late Green McCurtain, chief of the Choctaws, had a high opinion of the busi- ness astuteness of white men. "No Indian can get the better of a paleface," Chief McCurtain saia to a - Guthrie reporter during the recent Okla- homa investigation, "and when two pale- faces get bargaining together, then it is like cutting diamonds with bamonds, "Tteo Oklahornt palefaces once hunted in my camp. They spent the evening with nie, an,d over the fire and the fire- water they began to barter and traffic, and to make deals and dickers, "Fivally Bill said: ""Saul, let's trade hosses-my bay for your roan, "It's a go,' Sant agreed. 'The treenail a go. Shake on it, partner.' "They shook hands. Then Bill said avith a lour laugh: "'Sam, I've bested ye this time. My hoes is dead, Died .yesterday.' 515g's mine dead,' said Sam. 'Died .this mornin.' And what's more, I've took his ehoes off.'" -New York Tribune. newwwwwwwwwwWwwmaiwwwW 1:_-.11110DERN WAY1 OF HOME DYEING Is to use ONE Dye that will color either Wool, Cotton, Silk or Mixed Goods Per(ectly, You will find Ms in Send for Sample Card GI nd Story Booklet 89 The JOHNSON. RICHARDSON CO. Limited, or:trenl. Con, With this Modern Dye all you have to do Is to ask for DV.O.LA then you CAN'T make a mistake and use the Wrong Dye for the goods you have to color. TOO TRUE. (Harper's )3azar.) "Bridget, I feel so ill. I wish you would not go out to -day. Couldn't you get what you are going for jaet LIG well to- morroW?" "Faith, an' Oi cart -to -morrow or anny slay. I was pin' out to get meeilf a new jcib." Have You Catarrh? If so, your general health is suffering. Your system is being polluted by acrid oerm laden, secretions. Your throat is itt the • ie right condition to catch other germ diseases. It's not necessary to' use nauseous drugs -immediate relief comes from breathing the beating vapor of OATARRHOZONE, which cleanses and removes throat and nose discharges, stops the gagging cough, clears the lungs, completely drives out every trace of Cste tarrh. Don't use anything but C-atarrh- ozone, There is nothing so sure for Asthnaa, Bronchitis, Irritable Throat and Catarrh. Sold everywhere, 26e, 60e and $1.00 sizes. so HELPING HER LOOK. (Metropolitan Magazine.3 The clerk was most obliging, but the young woman customer was hard to please. Roll after roll of blankete did Im- patiently take down and: show to bus:'; nothing suited. For some fifteen minntes this mock sale went on, then the young .women said conclesecndingly: "Weil, I dont' in- tend to buy. anything. I was just look- ing for a friend." "Wait a moment, madam," cried the clerk, atliere is one mere blanket left on the ahelf. Maybe you will find your friend In it!" is 0 S 15 TI-ItE NA NI OF THE elEST MEDICINE for COUGHS 6 COLDS NOT THE SAME. Miss Woodby-So eft smart said he eoneleered me very witty, th ? Mime know -Not exastly. HO Mid Ile bad to laugh every time he saw you. Minard's Litairlient Cures Burns, Etc. NOT MUCH LITERARY IN SIGHT. (Whiladelolea Record.) The Boy -I shall be glad %hen I ern old enetigh to o as I please. The afttn-And about taat time youwlfl 00 Off and get married, ao It won't do you nnieb good, After ell. , „ WHAT WILL THE "AVERAGE COW" 00? Department of Agriculture—Office Of the gaily and Cold Otorage Commissioner. Dairy farmers are rapidly awakening Ip the necessity of weigeing and testing each individual cow in rile nerd. Twenty new COW testing tigeociatien$ have been organized in Quebec sinee the beginalne,- of this; year; twelve new ones have intua ineneed eperatiows in Ontario; two more ia Nova Scotia, ana one more each in Prillee Edward Islend and New Bruns. wick, This means at !most for thueand more cowa being checked up each month. in addition to the 11,800 in 1910. Prob- ably many more members will be added. tbis month, The extension work provided for by the establithment of Dairy Record (en - In pgooeeding briskly, Centres are already In working order in Oxford arid Reterboro counties, Ont., $t. Ilyaeinthe, Que., and at Keneington, P. E. I., with other contemplated. A. supervisor has been appointed to extend, cow testing in British Columbia. Some cows have started with excel- lent reeards for January and February; yields of 1,000 Ana 1,490 pounds of milk and over 50 pounds of Lit for the two Months, are good indications of dairy possibilities for this season. What is the "average" cow intending to do this year? Forms for recording weights of milk are supplied free on application to the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa. When mi. piying, the number of cows should be stated, and whether forms are required for weigaing daily or on three days each mouth. a P. W. ' ell.eale.wwwwwww THE BEST MEDICINE SO MOTHERS MY. .„ Mothers say Baby's Own Tablets are the very best medicine they can give their little ones. It le the happy experi- ence of one mother that helps others to keep their little ones well. Thousands of mothers have found the Tablets a never - failing cure for the ailments that afflict their little ones. Mrs. E. Sandwell, Ooldwatere Ont., says: "I find Baby's Own Tablets, the beet medicine any moth. er can give her little ones. I tried "soothing" mixtures, but they did not help my baby, but as soon as I began giving him the Tablets they made his teething easy and I would hardly know he was cutting a tooth. 1 vvould not be without the Tablets, and always recom- mend them to my• friends," Baby's Own Tablets are *wad by medicine dealer; or. by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, IN A VILLAGE SCHOOL: (Vancouver Saturday Sunset.) This story Is told of a successful gener- al mho was far from being a brilliant scholar at school. After he became fam- ous he one day dropped into the old sei,00l to pay a visit to tlte scene of his former woes. The teacher was anxious to make a good impression on the gener- al, and put the pupils through their les- sons so as to show them to the best ad- vantage. After a while the general Bald "But which Is the dunce? You have one, surely. Show hint to me." The teaoher called up the poor fellow who looked the picture of woe as he bathfully came towards the diatinguished vielton " Are you the dune 2" asked tite gen. eral. , " Yes. sir," said the 'boy. "Well. my good fellow," said the gen- eral. " here Is five shillings for you for keeping my Mace warm." TRY !URINE EYE REMIED O?Red,Weak,Weary,WateryEyes and. GRANULA,TED EYELIDS .. MurineDoesn'tSmart--SootheeEyerain Diessitts Sell Marine Eye Remedy, Livid, 25e, Sec. SIM Menne Eye Salve, in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $L00 EYE_1300ES AND ADVICE FREE BY MAIL MurineEyeRernedyCo.,ChIcago WHAT SPOILED THE COFFEE. (success Magazine.) A, family living in East Orange has model servant who has proved herself the best cook they over had, but who has in- eleted upon making up all her dishes strictly according to her own recipes. " Margaret," said the mistress one day, the coffee you are giving us is very good. What kind Is it ?" It is no kind at all, mum," was the reniy. "It's a mixture." " Well. why don't you tell me how you mix it "Sure. mum. I made it one-quarter Mocha, one-quarter Java and one-quarter Rio." "Yea. but that Is only three-quarters. What do you put in for the other qttar- ter 2" "Whs. I put In no other quarter at all. Mum. There's where ao many people aroil their coffee, mum, putting in a fcurth quarter." A WINDSOR LAMS APPEAL To All Women I will send free with full Instruetions, my home treatment 'which positively* cures Leucorritoe'a. Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb. Painful or Irregular Periods, Uterine and Ovarian Turners or Growths, alert Hot Flashes, 'Nervousness, Melan- choly', Pains In the Head, Beck or Beet - els, Kidney and Bladaer Troubleg, where caused by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can continue treattnent at home at a cost of only. about 12 cents a week. MY book, "Woman's Own Medical Ad- viter. ' also Sent free on neatest. Write to -day. Addreee Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. 6, Windsor, Ont. ON CONDITION. (ruck.) CuStOrner-See here ! r thought you said these things Would grow In any clitnate. Dealer -They will. But If you want to grow them in this climate you've got to have a hot -house for them, of course, • ea, 8h ifeh quickly stops coughs, cures col& healsi the throat and lungs. • • • 25'06111Sr SCOTCH BROTH. (New York Sun.) The Three 'Witches were making the le °tie muttered aracTieth, "048 this be a cooking Ilehool 2" Herewith be hastily tied. Minard.gt Liniitient Relieves Neuralgia A MISSIONARY TREE. (Dttieburg Times.) • A iniestottary (luring a Lenten tta, said ncintedlir : 0 1 have established missionary trees all over the eountry, but perhaps you don't IcitOW what a mIsaionary tree Is? A missionary tree is one whose proftt omee entirely to Missions. Iteabormigh farmer hats In lila apple . oreletra a golden pippin tree that !wipe to Falintett the easitteste missions. A Floe - Ida wortitat bas en Orange tree that heme to uplift the eau:Abate of New Guinea. A •California nut-titriner devotes a Pai. tut tree to the mead of the faith In leerelher. "Missienary trees," the 'meeker ended eue•e mentedie than lie had bowl, "are veer geed things, but Cie principle that Underlies Mein need not be eoutined to fame and ferment" es- aa. Whet is inown as the city of Lenden proper has an ores (.: it httfr more lhan a square mile, while the eonntry hats 117 Square miles, Headaches —nausea— indigestion—muddy oomptexion bad breath—these are nine of the effects of on. stipation. The mild, sensible, reliable remedy 13 dee PhnPles-- 1 They cantata Ihe latest discovered and best evaicuent known, which mines the bowels without the *lightest discomfort end without 415 - turbine the rest of the system. Consbintly Increased doses are not necessary. 2ac. a If yew druggist has nol yet stocked them esnd 36e. and we will ia4il dam. 25 eisitionet leas end Cisemical Compene of Gouda, Limited. . Montreal. 1,,witwewo COLT DISTEMPER lien be bandied yea eestly. The titek are cured, and another, in tante suttee, no matter bear “expesed," kept /row havIng the disease, by using h PORN'S LIQUID DIEri%%aalaaft CtiliK tare Ott tho toSsttO or in feed. Acta on the blooa au4 caws germs of s.II panne of dietempor. hest reuteay eyer alalen for Nana Intonl. 60c sue si a bottle; M and 111 dozen, or pdruggists nut; harness dealers. Vitt Shows tow to poultice throets. our. erealsookiet styes eanlthaw. Large/steatites horse remedy in existenee-41 years. Distrieuton.-eatta, tif ROLM:feats nnuminvrs. &Poets MEOICAI. CO., Chemise, arta Itacteriologins, Goshen, Ind,. U. R. A. telletnialet EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, TIIE FIRST STRIKE They make no noise or apatter-is quiet, steady flame. Tho rsiLch for the smoker, the office and tho Lome. All good dealers keep them and Eddy', Waodenware, Fibreware, Tubs, Pails and Washboarde. The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited, HULL, CANADA Ir.... ROBIN, in the tall elm tree sat the robin bright, Through the rainy April day; Arid he caroled clear with a pure delight, 'in the face of the sky so gray, .Aral the silver rata through the blossoms dropped, And fell on the robin's c,pat And his brave red breast, but he never stopped Plying his cheerful note. For oh, the fields were green and Mad, And the blissful life that stirred In tint earth's wide breast was tull and warm In the heart of the little bird. The rain -cloud lifted, the sunset light Streamed wide over valley and bill. As the plains of heaven, the land grew bright. And the warm south wind was still. Then loud and clear called the happy bird, And rapturously he sang, Till wood and naeadow and riverside With Jubilant echoes rang But the sun dropped down In the quiet west, The tall trees length'ning shadows cast: All nature eoftly sank to rest, And the Jubilant day had passed. CELLI. THAXTER. "AS NEAR PERFECTION AS POSSIBLE" ST. LAWRENCE CRYSTAL DIAMONDS The finest Lump Sugar ever produced. These Sparkling Tablets, of the purest Sugar are dainty and tempt- ing in appearance. and pre sold in at- tractive 6 lb. Cartons Und by the lb, is sils.no to wo per cent. pure. The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co.. Limited, Montreal. ADMITTED HIS' ERROR. One of the neatest of Parliamentary apologies, saye a writer in the London Chronicle, was that of an irate member of the House who described another as "not having even the manners of a pig.» At the cry of "Withdrawn' he did OD. "I withdraw and apologize, and beg to zusanynntherasfa. t of honorable member has the 111111•1•••••••••• crom•••••••••••kraro, To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice, where it liniment was required, and have never failed to get the desired effect. 11.001•••••••••••••••••,dnell.e. C. A. KING. M. 1). W 1 LDCAT WHIP DOGS, Silas Bush, L. Hazzard and Levi Sehnopps, while fox hunting in Juniata township, Huntingdon county, saw the tracks of it wildcat, which they followed to a, rocky seetion of the mountain, where a fierce battle took place between thepursued beaet and five dogs, in whieb the cat came out vietor and retired to it cave. The hunters got five sticks of dyna- mite, blew the recite away and killed the savage creature. The eitt measured 3 feet 0 inches in length and weighed 35 pounds -the largest killed in thie part of the state in years.-Freen the Williemsport Gazette and Bulletin. " 5. • TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROBIO Quinine Tale lees. Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E, W. GROVE'S signature Is on eath beg.. 26c. WHERE GRAMMAR IS SECOND- ARY. A poorly worded mover with feeling goes uearer the throne than one with rhetorical finish which has no soul in it, Minard's Liniment for sale every. where Backward Honduras. Despite its proximity, to the °that States, Honduras is one of the least de. veloped -countries in the world. The bo. 11 ttecommodations and the means of transportation are indescribable. tend tor free temple to !national Deur & Chattiest! ISSUE NO. 16, 1911 AGENTS WANTED. QT..ART TEA ROUTE TO -DAT, spixn J postal for circulars, or tee tor samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, Lon- don. Ont. A GENTS WANTED -EXPERIENCED 4-3. agents only, for two new popular Hues; good salary and commission. AD - ply British Canadian Industrial Com- pany, Lilmted, Albert street, Ottawa. T F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE beet PREMIUM proposition In Can- ada. one that appeals to everyone, apply to Sellery. Advertising Dept., 228 Albert street, Ottawa. LI'VE MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for work at home paying $2.00 or 3.00 uer day, with opportunity to advance. Suare time can be used. Work pot diffi- cult and reoulres no experience. Win- ston. Limited. Spadlna avenue, Toronto. efle-OSES OIL. Quarter e.nd Dollar Stops .01 pain and soreness anywhere. Drug- gists everywhere. R. McKay & Hamilton. Every Woman is Interested and should know about :lie woruicrhIl MARVEL Whirling Spray The 1,1:1, Vagina/ Syringe. Best --Most consealent. 11 cleaitaes instantly. Ask yutta druggist !the cannot supply Ih• MARVEL ateept no other, but send stamp tor Illustrated book—sealed. neve.; full part te. ulars and directions invaluable to ladles. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., 'Windsor. Out. General Agants fa t Can a - F'REE T.nrulttlaYL% We will give you a tIalCctne Watch or Fountain Fon or 51.21 Cult, whichever you wish, for "cnitrlinsgp 1$ 4iitildtd."Ptio's1 tante They 0100017 to aell—ecoryuna asks tor mots of theta. S9In1 us your name auto'). dross and wo will sera u-loleoitirtlhtb°rnocenitellysuPitd7td:12.1w"a• twaleaaaeJou 70111 prsent, ar you may e:ptlod b;vhDrf;.yzti ro give an adattoual present If yon 041 the cards within 10 days, !Overland Merchandise La., flept,33 Tomato A SOLUTION. There's hardly been it year of late when people didn't ask, Shall woman have this privilege, shall phe perform that task ? " Shall women melee ?" " Sball women bike 7" a resamples we may quote - Te -day. of course, the problem is, -Shaft women have the vote ?" If I were called to arbitrate, this answer I would give •, "Site shall"-Twould solve the problem Just as surely as you live Prole what I know of wOman's will. of what she does and don't, 118 certain if elle said "She hall," she'd telt us that she won't." -Boston Transcript. HOW TO REMOVE WARTS. Don't allow these unsightly exeres- censes to spoil the beauty of your hands or arms, Remove them painlessly. Cure them for all time by applying Putinun's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. Fail- ure impossible,' results always sure with Putnam's C irn und Wart Extract - tor, Pelee 25e. COAL ON THE LAKES. The lake shipmeitts of soft coat dur- ing the year tetalled 18,408,480 Short tent, indicating a. gain of 35 per cent. over the corresponding figures of the preceding year, es, e Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Phonographic Records Exported. More phoriographs and reeords front the United States are finding their way abroad, the value of exports in 1010 watt $2,709,950, or more than double that ot the previous year. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS trour druggist will retina motley it Ms° otisrrtinNT tans to cure any ease elf 'aching, Bund, Bleeding or Protruding Piles lu 5 to 14 days. We. A SUBTERFUGE. Mturos-Your husband weave hie hair terrible Short, Mrs. tfrubtaits. ADO. OthbLIIIS—Yes, the coward. at, A. 1'. Ales Clire coeiha. cures coat?... heels. the threats audit:ads. . tame. THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. iC0unLlt man la elitist Ian Oda rtlia:a.) Taken ttit in all, there Is riot la the to oild a eleauer and more extellenz local farespaper mese Gatti we have la ('5.1, - ado, end I van nay this itunkly, tier be. lag vonuected With It. It van best toyer alfalfa et ts satlal er strictly levet ea. turf.. If the eloaeh Itt its gees 'Nation It ant ye -operate twos,. .a,e; 01 ttanntlealty teitit the Wall and temutre press. hi elate te entiet, HS far US Pot. 811110, HS mutual eapeort la ritsisiltin ate15ptie.8 ;tee thteal reforal. 'I ILO cia. lora ane teadeslere ef Ite,WrIpaVera aea roe. eaturune rsepenetee to Me teat items ete tiair ttfAioNtlVe aterettee, fuel thet saait will be tetiett- ten% IN a notes ard fsidlytatattele t: n tads tlif43. A really pompoui tua%;:er is alaeole 13 Dept.ItladOtt Vain ttSi a ficeli college gradir TOrseets; ate.