HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-20, Page 5i TIIIIISDA1y, APRIL 20, 1911 ,1. H E 1`1' I Nola' A M A D V A N O. A �e will fuirnishyour` fiiriishi OM:Dresser: 1vIR, DRE.S'SER :-- IF THE LAUNDRY HA .S' ICNOCAKED OUT YOUR SHIRTS AND BROKEN YOUR COLLARS AROUND THE EDGES. PLAYED HAVOC WITH YOUR CUFFS ; IF YOU HAVE MADE HOLES IN THE• TOES OF YOUR SOCKS AND ARE NOT LUCKY• ENOUGH TO HAVE SOMEBODY TO DARN THEM FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE 1 DROPPED SOMETHING ON EACH ONE OF YOUR NECKTIES OR IF YOUR COLLAR HAS "CUT"; OR IF YOU NEED ANY FURNISHINGS FOR YOU BODY COME TO US. WE SELL EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS. ALL 25 CENT SOCKS AND 50 CENT NECKTIES ARE NOT THE SAME QUALITY. LET US FURNISH YOUR . 730DY AND MAKE IT FIT TO LIVE IN. Mc `Fee CLOTHIERS �c L MEN'S FURNISHERS eH WIREPAREISSIP xr Good Goods ..I eaq Produce Wanted KING �.2 . Os. Spring Is ere Let us draw your attention to your House Furnishing Requirements. Lace Curtains, Madras and Swiss Curtain Muslins at prices to suit everyone. Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Mailings, CarpetF, Rugs, Stair Oil Cloth and Carpets. No. 3012 This cut is an exact illustration of one of our leading values. Five only dozen pans for this week at $1.10 per pair. as •se a 2.41 -t ati:sa a sersa.vasaaas King Bros. Prices Right I We ;rant Your Tr>ede FOR AGER PEOPLE, 01(1 Folks Should Be Careful In Their Selection. Of Regu- lative Medicine. We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that is par- ticutarly adapted to the 'r'equirements of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who suffer from consti- pation or other bowel disorders, We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satis- faction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user nothing if it fails t substantiate our claims, This remedy is called Rexall Orderlies, Rexall Qtderlies have a soothing, healing, strengthening, 'tonic and regulative action upon the bowels. They rmove all itritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to mare vigorous and healthy activity They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time without incon- venience, do not cause any griping, nausea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 2.io and 10e.. Spld only at our store the Rexall Store, J. W. Mc - ribbon. 110 EXCURSIONS TO Iflanitola, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p.m, on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 16, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 25 Ails, 0, 22 SEPT. 6, 19 Second class tickets front Ontario stations to prig :pal Northwest points at LOW ROUND-'PR1P RATES Win•sipeg and return $33:00; Edmonton and return $41,00, and to other po•nts in proportion. Tickets good to return within 60 days from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all excursions. Comfortable berths, fully equipped with bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. Farcy application must bo mado ASK /OR HOMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET containing rates and full information. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thompson, Dist. Paso, Act., Toronto, ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS J. li. BEEMER, Agent, WINGIHAM, Are You Like This? Tired all the time, not much good for anything, hardly able to drag around, just all run down. If you are, we guarantee our VI - NOL will help you. It has helped many people around here who were in this condition. Now look here, just try one bot- tle of VINOL, and if you are -not satisfied that it did you good, come back and get your money. It will be returned without question. That is a fair proposition and shows our faith in VINOL, and that we do .not want yc'ur money unless you re- ceive benefit. We know what we are talking about- Lccause we have sold VI - NOL for years, and have seen how much good it has done among our customers. VINOL is not a patent, secret nostrum, but an honest, tried and true body builder and strength crea- tor of world-wide fame, delicious and easy to take. Come in today and start your cure at once. You take no risk. 3. WALTON MCRIBBON Druggist - Wingham THE LITTLE 011E8. The little ones are pests, we sigh, And lots of trouble snake us ; Ere golden morning opes her eye They from our slumbers wake us. Nay, oft ere half the night is o'er They start ua from one dreaming, And we must rice and wally the floor Until they cease their screaming,. Perhaps Our rashness wo deplore ; Indulge in wishing, maybe, We had remained a bachelor While singing, "Sleep, my baby," 1Vo wonder why we took a wife, While wrath within .us nursed is, And think of all the ills of life A squalling babe the worst is. But when grim death is hovering nigh (Far distant may that day be) "Take all wo own, 0 Lord I" we cry, "But spare to us the baby," Listowel Loses, Listowel received a hard knock in the suit of A. J, Vandrick against the corporation for injuries received owing to a defective sidewalk while going to a fire last fall. The case was tried before acting Judge E. Sydney Smith, K. 0., on .April pith, and the plaintifflwas awarded damages to the full amount within the jurisdiction of the County Court, namely, $500, and costs. Death Guard, The death guard has been placed on Ed. Jardine sentenced to hang on June 16 in Goderich, and a watch is also being kept on George Van• Stone, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for beating his son to death. Jardine is the most remark- able prisoner that the officers of the Crown in this part of the province have ever had to deal with. During the whole trial he has maintained a stolid indifference that has puzzled even his counsel, and during the last hour, when his life was in the hands of the jurors, his attitude was un- changed.. Canada's Peat .Supply. Government statistics on the peat supply says :—"The provinces of On- tario and Quebec send $20,000,000 a year to the United States for coal. The development of some of our exten- sive peat bogs will help to, keep some of this money at home and to furnish additional employment to Canadians in Canada. Canada has 37,000 square miles (23,080,000 acres) of known peat bogs, but these form probably but a small fraction of the total, constitut- ing.a potential national asset of enor- mous value. Some idea of the possi- bilities may be gained front the esti- mate that 28 acres of peat, 9 feet deep, should yield 50,000 tons ; enough to supply. 100 families for twenty-five years, allowing twenty tons per annum to each family. Save The Birds. The spring birds are here and mak- ing the crisp morning air melodious with their songs. With the spring birds, unfortunately, comes the boy with the catapult and other, instru- ments of slaughter and these charm- ing summer visitors become more shy of man and less numerous with each recurring season, What Canada needs is a stringent Wild Birds' Pro- tection act such as they have in Bri- tain, in which all the species are nam- ed that come under the operation of the law. Over there the order is re- newed and published in the news- papers at the beginning of each year, so, that bird butchers and harriers may have no excuse to plead ignor- ance of the provisions of the law. Unless some stringent measures are taken to save Canada's summer feathered visitors the groves will soon be silent.—Wiudsor Record. Child licked,. A serious accident happened on to , the farm of Mr. Harold Porterfield, lot r, con, C, Elm, on Sunday, which may prove fatal, Ilia little son, who was out in the yard, received a kick from a colt that was running loose,. striking him' on the forehead, which inflicted a deep wound. Selection In Potatoes. • "In producing a good crop of choice potatoes." says a correspondent of The A.meri, an Agriculturist, "there are a few foundation principles which must be fellowed to get continuous good re- sults. I'ir:t in importance is good seed. When I was in the seed potato business I made .experiments with tubers 1} to 14 inches in diameter. In no case did I get as good results ,as frora fine, well -grown tubers, It is just as necessary, for the best results in potato growing, to select typical potatoes for seed as it is to breed horses and cows from typical animals. To keep up your potatoes, just use goad, hard, common sense, Select for seed potatoes of the type yon want to grow ; then take good care of them a) they are not weakened by sprout- ing before planting time.' HOW TO LIVE LONG. With healthy kidneys, one has a good chance to live long, but weak kidneys afflict old age with great dis- comforts. The back •becomes bent and lame, rheumatism is chronic, eye- sight fails ye-sightfails and too frequent or involun- tary passages of the urine cause em- barr tssment by day and loss of sleep at night. Booth's Kid- ney Pills bring new strength to old backs and quick relief to weakened kid- neys. The y banish headache and rheumatic pain, regulate the bladder and urine. Booth's kidney pills are for sick kidneys in old or young and are guaranteed by the proprietor, The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd.. Fort Erie, Ont. Sold everywhere 50c a box. Free trial sent on request. Not For The Farmer. The Bruce Times says t—Mr. John Rowland, drover, of Walkerton, exposes the absurdity of the argu- ment that reciprocity would increase the price of live stock in Canada. Mr. Rowland goes on to show by numer- ous quotations and comparisons that Toronto and Hamilton pay bigger prices for live stock than Chicago and Buffalo, and quotes as an example where a carload of lambs shipped from Buffalo to flamilton on April 3rd last, cost less money laid down at Hamil- ton after paying duty than the Canadian farmer is receiving for his lambs considering the quality and freight from the country points to the same market. I claim, says Mr. Rowland, that when the Canadian farmer ships to Buffalo that nine times out of ten they ship at a loss on live stock. In comparing prices for cattle and•hogs with my brother, who is a large farmer in North Dakota, I found that the Ontario farmer has been receiving 20 to 40 cents per hundred pounds more for his hogs and 30 to 40 cents for his cattle more than the farmer in North Dakota and quality being equal. We all remem- ber that during the years 1905 and 1900 thousands of hogs carte into Canada from Buffalo paying the duty, and caused a drop in price to the Ontario hog so much that the Do- minion Government placed 30 days quarantine on the American hog, no doubt for protection. But they called it cholera. This quarantine is still in force. The matter radar this head is supplk'l by the Wingham W. O. T. IJ.. "Watch ye therefore and pray a1 - ways that you may be accounted worthy td escape all things that shall. come to pass and to stand, before the Son of Irian;" --Luke 21:30. The regular monthly mseting of the Wotnart's Temperance Union was held in the 0,0.1+'. hall on Tuesday afternoon, April 11th. There was a good attendance. After the devotion- al exercises, the regular business was gone over, the different superinten- dents gave an account of their work. The. President had received several lets era of greetings from other Unions and congratulating on the large mem- bership, in this Union, and giving great encouragement in the work, which is so much needed at the pre- sent time. It is expected that Mrs. McKee will visit this union in the near future, give an address and in- struction as to how to conduct the work, Four things come not back again. "The spoken word, the spent arrow, the past life, and the lost oppor- tunity." Daniel Webster was once asked what is the most important; thought he ever entertained. He replied after a moment's reflection. "The most important thought I ever had, was niy individual responsibility to God." A man arrested for drunkenness in London was found, when medically examined to be under the influence of tobacco. He had chewed it to such an extent that he had become intoxicat- ed as if by alcohol. Strong drink is bringing incalculable evils,upon the nation and the world, No one who begins the course of drinking knows were it will end in his own case. All drunkards began their course in moderate drinking of lighter intoxicants and altnost always in youth. The only safe way is—Don't begin. Every older person is respon- sible for his influence, by word and example over the children of to -day. Do You Have TAKE ONE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAI N IS GONE. "My first experience with Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills was a sample package. handed vie. They relieved the pain so promptly that I have never been without them since. I have given than to many friends when they had head- ache and they never failed to relieve them. I have suffered with neuralgia in my head and the first one I took re- lieved me. They have cured me of neuralgia. I. would not be without them." MISS LILLID B. COLLINS R. F. D. No. x, Salem, Va. Price 25c at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send, price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. New Idea Patterns IQ Cts. THE LEADING STORE Newde )1 a Patterns IQ' Cts. Spring Style Exhibit Of Correct Spring. and Summer Fash� ions for Women Everybody is invited to come and see the New Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and House Dresses, wheth- er you come to buy or merely to look. 1/4 JJ You'll like the styles we show in Ladies' Suits, at $13.75, $15,00, $16 00 and $18.00. Scores of handsome new styles in Skirts to choose from here, See our speoial Voile or Panama Skirt at $5.00. New . Coats, the finest in the land, are now here awaiting your inspection, See our Black Silk Coats ; .prices begin at $13,00. Bargain in Black or Fawn Coats at $5,00, New Fawn Waists, special at $1 00. New Black Silk Waists, only $3.00. New Fancy Net and Silk Waists, sale price $2.75. NEW RAIN COATS.—Pretty styles in Silk Moire and Robber Coat ; all at special cut prices. Dress Goods and Silks. TO ;SEE THEM IS TO WANT THEM. We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing fall well the effect the sight of these hand- some Dress ®Fabrioe will have on your purse -strings. ONE DOLLAR VALUE 36 inch Taffeta Silk for 75a. One Dollar and Fifty Cent valve Taffeta Silk for $1 35. 40 inch Colored Paillette Silk, cut price—$1.39. New Black and White Check and Stripe -50c. Wide Pongee Silk, natural shade -60o. Dress Goods in all the newest weaves and leading colors at less than city prices. See our large range of coloring in new weaves ; up to 65o valve for 50c. Agents for New Idea Patterns and Magazines, all patterns only 10c. Les H. E. isard & Co. $PRING ANNOUNCEMENT From the House Furnishing Department This season we have made the selection of Home Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in our unrivaled display of Rugs, ,Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock io choose - from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums in 4 yd. " width, also Inlaid Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. Rugs and Carpets We have in . stock, for your inspection, Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00, according to size and quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $3o4o ; Ax- minister Rugs, lovely desigs, from $2o.00 to $4o.00. The prices are astonishingly low considering the quality and beauty, as you will see when you come. Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock IS now complete and ready for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties—Fillet Mesh, Eungalo Nets, New Insertion Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.00 per pair ; also Curtain Muslins and Scrims. You owe it to yourself and to economy to see • our showing and ask our prices. If you have not visited this store lately, call and see the changes that have taken place. 91t,Iarnammmeneersarmweemummatammicami Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. Phone 8g. T. A. Mills WINGHAM � q �. I f Add water to rnii1---- ,t! You weaken d the milk. f lour--- • ot, k - )e ,y Z r ` r ``� ` ly ) ; i , ..• c `t'©u Cheapens Soft Soft nutri'ncnt. Your soft weaken wheat wheat bread wheat it costs flourhas is your too. less to flour. less—worth Tess gluten less. less V •� �GS':''i "...<-21. .. . economical. Soft flour has less nutritious, strength, sustaining, less quality ksar `�"t . 4. 4� ,'I�,,..4 , x3 1 �!i ` i'IYf ,,� e�?.:, .n' USES s a.ass ,l I, s (;ruing things Use Having Five less less Manitoba everything good goad. flour all things --Manitoba the soft Manitoba. For your hard stuff lacks. . wheat mortes' flour. and 2Strengthen Without Use a grain FIVE of your ROSES. cheaper food wheat. values. .. 00,,,,,, i11111111001111 IIIiII dt t ,I Ily ,i IMil `iijlll IIiil{i{IH I -.� ' ,N0 ff (OIH I III{ IuI,m' i0IiIiOiIIIIIHIDN' i1 VI 1tiiiIiIIIII illiIiIIII(111 IiNImilliinliiiu llll IiIIi Idol""""1'1111 111111ffin Ilii IiiiminIIIII III,IIIIIIIiII IIII II IIII IIIIIIIIMI liIli' i • er SleaeltedM iHPf t>}q" Xtat S I . & r Itt e AC: ;gill I�I 1111111111111111 111011,11111111! w,?Ttp� liRpo t KEN td tYf WILNNiY be ASV. tout tl60Y M L 1111111 , rYW • rNowrIt NIr Illi t• III 1'111111111J N MI!! 11111'1111 1' 11[1,1 11 t V� G • ' • . I ... :, t ,..•. New Idea Patterns IQ Cts. THE LEADING STORE Newde )1 a Patterns IQ' Cts. Spring Style Exhibit Of Correct Spring. and Summer Fash� ions for Women Everybody is invited to come and see the New Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and House Dresses, wheth- er you come to buy or merely to look. 1/4 JJ You'll like the styles we show in Ladies' Suits, at $13.75, $15,00, $16 00 and $18.00. Scores of handsome new styles in Skirts to choose from here, See our speoial Voile or Panama Skirt at $5.00. New . Coats, the finest in the land, are now here awaiting your inspection, See our Black Silk Coats ; .prices begin at $13,00. Bargain in Black or Fawn Coats at $5,00, New Fawn Waists, special at $1 00. New Black Silk Waists, only $3.00. New Fancy Net and Silk Waists, sale price $2.75. NEW RAIN COATS.—Pretty styles in Silk Moire and Robber Coat ; all at special cut prices. Dress Goods and Silks. TO ;SEE THEM IS TO WANT THEM. We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing fall well the effect the sight of these hand- some Dress ®Fabrioe will have on your purse -strings. ONE DOLLAR VALUE 36 inch Taffeta Silk for 75a. One Dollar and Fifty Cent valve Taffeta Silk for $1 35. 40 inch Colored Paillette Silk, cut price—$1.39. New Black and White Check and Stripe -50c. Wide Pongee Silk, natural shade -60o. Dress Goods in all the newest weaves and leading colors at less than city prices. See our large range of coloring in new weaves ; up to 65o valve for 50c. Agents for New Idea Patterns and Magazines, all patterns only 10c. Les H. E. isard & Co. $PRING ANNOUNCEMENT From the House Furnishing Department This season we have made the selection of Home Furnishings, a proposition filled with pleasure. The natural pride we have in our unrivaled display of Rugs, ,Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths. In Linoleums we have a large stock io choose - from—Nairns' Scotch Linoleums in 4 yd. " width, also Inlaid Linoleums for kitchen and bathroom. Rugs and Carpets We have in . stock, for your inspection, Tapestry Rugs from $5.00 to $2o.00, according to size and quality ; Velvet Rugs from $15.00 to $3o4o ; Ax- minister Rugs, lovely desigs, from $2o.00 to $4o.00. The prices are astonishingly low considering the quality and beauty, as you will see when you come. Lace Curtains Our Lace Curtain stock IS now complete and ready for your inspection. We are showing the latest novelties—Fillet Mesh, Eungalo Nets, New Insertion Borders and Plain Centres, from 25c to $5.00 per pair ; also Curtain Muslins and Scrims. You owe it to yourself and to economy to see • our showing and ask our prices. If you have not visited this store lately, call and see the changes that have taken place. 91t,Iarnammmeneersarmweemummatammicami Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted in large quantities. Phone 8g. T. A. Mills WINGHAM