HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-13, Page 7" KEWS OF
Young Man Instantly Killed in a
Soo Mill,
. First Cargo of Wheat Unloaded at
Kingston Dock,
I N. 6, Collector of Customs Drops.
-4 . 11
% Dead in, Street.
Carlton Street, Toronto, Uethodists
blive decided to etay together for at'
least, a year. "' .
I Rev. 0, Franklin Clarke, of Mabor-
ly, has been transferred by Archbishop
Rantliton, to the parilsh of Pal,wxillam,
The POrth, BOILIXL of.Education has do-
. eldlid, to, accept the offer of the Govern -
went to e6tabll8h a Model School there.
Srtranger Found Dead in Little Union
Hotel, Toronto, From Carbolic A04.
Toronto. April loe-A man who is sup-
posed to be James Lightall, of Saginew,
llrich-, committed ittlelde, yesterday in
the Little Union Ilotel, corner Of Sta-
tion anti, $1incoe, streets.by driuMlig car-
bolic aeld. 'lie was found in Ilia room
early laot evening by the proprietor.'Mv.
ik. .
. )Taxwell, and had apparently been
dead for tome 11nio, Beside 111m on the
floor was a large g)asi with a imy drops,
of the acI4 ill'it, Lilt the bottle coul4l,
not be found.
The man, who v; about Q or 50
0 ,ago arrived at the ,,,,,i M.'e0wr.11
Lve'swraily forepoon at D o'clook and
went to the above mentioned hotel.
There he asitc-4 for accommodation and
told the proprietor that he did not wish
to be disturbed. Ito -was handed a pit
and ariked to register and the proprietor
was then called away ftn4�did not notice
that the Mau had neglected to sign ill(,
regiAter. - — - -
I - -
New York Jeweler Arrested in Con., .
nection With the Theft, �
Tho Securities Wero Stolen When
Bancroft Was Knocked Down,
Part of the Booty Returned and
Arrest Follows,
. N'e , York, April IV,' -Frank J. Plasi,
. Al
so jeweler, is under arrest ollarge(I with
Complicity Ill the theft of $85,000 worth
Of, securities front Aaron Bancroft, sell,
4 .
ior aleallier of the brokerage firin of
GeO. Bancroft & C.O,, on Afarchi 2nd last.
Tho case Was handled with the utmost
secrecy. .
The Hong Kong correspondent of tile
London R�p�ew telegraphs that ' a
— I
. Mass was a rrested yesterday, ar.
Migned personally by Inspector Russell,
. _1
serious uprWing, is reported at Canton.
Tile first vessel, to unload a Cargo of
Result of the Confession of Man Who
Of the detective' bureau, remanded to
Police boadt ga
,and 1rill a in be
wheat at the Kingston dock this soasion
Shot at Priest in St. Peters,
to po lee court to -day, News of
the arrest was ivithheld. witil this foro.
was the Glenniount, which has been mill-
tering there.
Aaron Balic)-oft was jostled and
A. Ji Morley was elected Mayor of
Gendarmes to Escort Visitors to the
knocked down by two mail Ili the cor.
I 1.
VIC toria,- B, C., over A. H.. Bannerman.
The vote was, Morley, 0,100; Banner-
'Vatican Oardens in Future.
ridors of the Produce -Exchange Safety
peposit Compitily, 'while Jle Wa$ carry,
man, 1,454. ,
ing the securities In a, large envelope
Ace � ording to the liest informed marine
tied with -red tape., One of the two help.
� 1.� .
Inen 4a tuis city, navigation through
'.tile "Soo" pasgagq will not be opened
Rome, April O. -The Vatican all-
ed him to his feet and handed him what
he supposed was his envelope, When he
before April 25. '
thorities xettlize that had the man De -
opened it Nut, (lays later, he found a ,
-Harry Cornell, 23 years of age, was in.
santi, who shot at a priest in St. Peter's
substitution had been cleverly effected
c,tantly killed in the ,51erchaut mill
on Tuesday last., and ,who confessed that
and that the dummy envelope contained
nothing but old newspapers,
Sal4lt; Ste He was cauaWt !it the
� '
hoist and terribly mangled. a
he intended to woke. all attem t on the'
I . P and
Pope's life, been a more Intelligent
Two weeks later counsel for tile brok-
provide,i, trVa,;,45:Peo1;t.41t11O"l1 by Ivater Ni
The large Planing mill of the Jamm
. more determined inati, lie could easily
ers received word that for $5,000 the se- ,
curities wo . uld be returned. A meeting
sulart; Co., at 111,0017�ijle, %$-tie Practically
haye reached tile papal' apartments.
%vas arranged, tile toward was paid over,
gutted by fire, a large portion of the
They have consequently decided to in-
but the thieves -withheld $20,000 of the
"I -�
stook and equlpment- being destroyed,
John Wighton, a retired 0. P.. R.
crease the surveillance over the Apos.
securities and hurriedly drove off lit a
taxicab. The police now charge that
stonemasoury inspector, who came to
tolic palaces and take special precAll-
tie is to guard the. Pope. Cardinal Merry
Plass was one of them in the cab,
I .
Canada nemily sixty years ago, died at
Ills home in Toronto, aged 92 years.
del Ira . 1, the papal I secretary of state, has
had conferences an the subject with the
fJQ;I of this belt, was its 11111oll
Tile "Y
000 ,
I'll to Oint of otber parts, of the
vrovi�1�1'1.10 as (:Jay wits to other aoil. That
� , I
The sudden death occurred at lid$
papal, major domo " the piefect of the
(very I nouth of the year, this, (lid not
Toronto despatch —Tho Inauguration
of e, new step, the importance of which
("inehillaki, Ohio, 4eApa (oh: Followlilm
cannot be over.estim,ated, namely a cam-
dor district. was penetrated. Al.
thOugli ft region Of l0w-grfttle 01W It
home, 11,3 Walmer road, Torolito,',of Ed-
Aposto.li epalaces, and the command-
jo,..b 4, 0
0 �%_Q.lro
, .. Old, barrli"t(r, of jarvi-J,
land, was marked yesterday by it lunqh-
abounded. niv, there ivere great oppor.
011fi-i waii arrested (h:i morning at
eon of the members of the Toronto
hinitles for tile- ptuil' Industry. la Por.
c"pine, the latest gold -milling gamp,
Sixth aritt VIne siruots,
Iflip'n, ah.cste%l said that so
Board of 'Xrade. at which Air. J, 1.4, Fw-
glehart, Obairmaxi Of tile remialtairling
: Whicli it w;,s prophesied would lie equal
to the P,aaa, the prospect '5vas equally
ward D: Fraser, a member of tbe firm
erg Of the gendarmes and the Swiss
on tile (1harge of forgery of in
tonnection NVIL11 the (Ira wilig up of a
bugilleas laort an introduction to "their
own, back )rard" and its limitless POW,
Cochrane, whieh was In tile Iniddle
of this Clay belt; %vis not only the ter-
mortgog-, ,4or litarlo, lie,
a. ellent !I, 0,
(101104 that 110 was guilt), alkd said that
. -
bilities. -
Mri Englehart's ad4ross 'wqa A mass
O l T. & N1. 0, Railway,
lint was tile. dioglonal p(Ant of tim
If, , wrti tI.-Atr lip Was w`LJlt('d for forgilr-
I -1 aillottlithig to more .ihali ,$d0ift) was
,tit, Se. When arre.4ted, had, in
of A. E. Ames & -Company, fom blood-
I �
It was suggested by these gentle-
� 1,
'rho battleship cruiser Indefatigable,
�mexx that geudarmed and Swiss. guards
Toronto Electric Companies Combine
. . I
� .
in her recent 24-hour speed trial made
) �
`9 knots, a record that exceeds that of.
in plain clothes should be stationed
at *Ile papal ante -chambers -svith or-
,� in One Big Company.
� , ,
villy warships except those of . the de-
ders to allow no one upAcT. tiny pre�
text to enter the audience chamber uiv
. . h I
that it was continually becoming s 'll.
lowpr, 371r.'UnglobArt; was confident till .
l -
I.1 � -
. __�
kstroyer chniss,
3irs. Fanny Bullock AN� .
lorkman, tile
less able to show % ticket from the ma-
jor domo.
. � I .
Development Company, Power Go,
I .:
noted mountain climber, has left Bom-
it was also suggested that it pos-
and Railway Co. Included,
bay for her sixth HIMAILIVan expedition.
sible, visitors to ilia Vatican gardens
Jfer friends believe shr,�'Is determined
sbould be escorted by"gendarmes; that
I .
to break all records on this attempt.
tickets for collective audiences or -relig-
Toronto, April 10.-A, $10,000,000 Clule-
� I
The Kingston City Council will be
ked by the Civic Finance Committee
lous functions should not be given to
an not personally acquainted
trie merger will be formea in this city
to adopt a recommencTation to close the
h tile major domo, or Who,% not pro.
Ili the near future. The contracting
I � ,
pool -rooms at 11 o'clock, every night, and
vided -with. a letter of introduction from
parties will be the Toronto Electric
1. I .
to exclude all boyff under sixteeu,yot,jrs
a responsible person, and that when the
Pope takes his daily walk in Lite
Light Company, which passed into the
� �
I ;
Of age. I
. The British Government has just inAde
he should be accompanied by four of the
liable guards.
.haudi of the Electrical Development
Company by thetinartimous decision of
i .
: I I .
a. valtiaMe, contribution to ilia library
of Queen's Ullive'-elt-y. A complete sqt
The Pope was at first unwilling to
the shareholders of the former company
I � .
I I I .
of the British blue b,')Dk;i und Parlia-
gubmit/to these measures, which, lie
said, -restrieted his personal liberty,
at a meeting )told nn Saturday, ,the
. .
wentary papers., as Iwitied, will bo for-
, I
and lie considered unit"essary, as- lie
Electrical Development Company, the
� warded.
felt sufficiently protected by Provi-
Toronto Power Company, 150metmies
it war .
announc6d at ,%ult Ste, N�Iarie
dence, but INIerry del Val
known as the ToronLo & Niagara Power
During his stay he paid his bills prompt -
ly and �evideutly had plenty of money.
that $2.00,000 will. be spent on improve.
convinced him that the anti -clericals
Company, and tile Toronto Itailway
� ..
vients to the ,,Soo,, ptvip mill, which %v;t4
were its dangerous as Anarchists, and
Company. The first company is capital-
litirchased. by the 4zetke Superior Paper
persuaded, the Pontiff that the precati-
ized. at $4,000,000; the second, at $0,000i_
� �
Company from the TAke Superior Cor.
tions were fully justified. Tile Pope then
000; the third at $1,000,000, and the
, 1111willingIv promised to discontinue the
fourth' tit $8,000,000, tuaking it total -of
; I
fl. I
I At th-� Printers, Club, Toronto, John
Coulter, for a number of years fore][111111
practice �i receiving Ilia fellow -country.
men from Venice informally, as it wig,
$19,000,000. .
In addition to the above stock capi-
of the composing -room- of the .VLAII'and
pointed out to him had Desanti, who is
a native of Istria, and consequently
till of the four companies there is a
total underlying bond issue if $17,-
i, I , .
was presented with it compli-
zptia� address and aMorria chair to
speaks the N"enetian dialect, pretendeil
that he was a V onctinn and asked to ,;ce
600�0001 so that the total money value
of the ciombination is r4ally430,500,-
mark his retirement from the paper.
the Pontiff, lie could easily have obtain.
000. The outstanding bon(I issue of the
Premier WOW! received an over-
ed access to the audlence-clintriber, even
Toronto Railway Company is $3,908,000;
whelming majority in the Chamber of.
without applying for a ticket to the
the 'Electrical Development Company,
Deputies, Rome, during the discussion
Inajor domo. .
$10,000,000, Toronto Electric Light Com -
I -#_
of the programme of the now Cabinet.
— - -
pany, $1,000,000, and Toronto Power
The vote stood 340 to 88, and the mator-
ity Included Socialists, Radicals and ib-
of: Tomiskaming is bettor. It has al.
move is contemplated,
orals. .
and that the purchase of the Toronto
� .
"The Itonlewood," one of the historic
ively.; Shortly after irriving I n Cin.
Oinnati, be vi;ited A-�tornoy Hess, and
Electric Company by the Electric De-
residences of ( I' has been sold- by
Mr. Frederic 111coh'ol1o', general manager
Area ot About Four Square Mlles in
vi,l,pmont was but the initial stop in
thts bi financial combination, wag
of the Canadian General Blectrie Coin-
Toklo is.Now Mass of Ruins.
learned last evening from a reliable
# .
pany-. The name of thle purchaser is not
known, but the price Is understood to be
.- -1
-4 �
source. - in this operations
These -9
Out a 'e
C P'n
� . .
nearly $10,000. I
Tokio, April O. -Tho notorious Yosh.
have for some time past been dove -tail-
ing theiractivitleg, Ad to the personnel
off some ' of his debts. .
Following a dispute over the division
of Pit for drinks,. Antonio Ninno '
iwari, the "red light" qidartor of Tokio,
of the Parties interes h s
exhibits and also the exhibits of toots,
eRPOCiAlly I)OtAtb0g, would warrant ill's
:84 Y,Mo, of 24 -Maitsfield avenue, To-
wits desftilyed by fire yesterday. 1%fany
Sir Henry Pellatt and Sir William Mae -
kenzie occupy prominent positions in all
thief took to- his heels along the track
towards Woodatook, while ShIblQy gave
ronto, wao slashed In the f0ee With a
Of these- houses Nvero almost palatial ill
of them. Sit Henry is at the head of
uttering' a. foi&d, document
A"'n1'd'r't0woo!charges of theft, Murdoch It
Is forged mortgages
ra7,or, and Frank DefIrro, who boar&
appearance; and a thousand of them
the Electrical Development Company
present Most of the seed for the crops
of tihat -country were obtained front
at 290 Claremont street, is charged with
wero burned in a little more than three
and the Toronto Electric Litt Coin-
doing the Wounding.
hours. Six thomand female Inmates
pany, and it director of the o her two,
The Canadian Temperance Lcaguolias
adopted a resolution protesting againsf
were rendered liomeless.
The Yoshiwari is conducted under Gov-
Sir 'Williant id at the head of tile To -
ronto Railway Company and the Toron-
wl right in the district,
the , ranting.of additional liquor licenses
ernment .licenses, which provides for the
hosRltils, several
to Power Company, and is also a direc-
to c ubs, and requesting the Provincial
establishment of and
tor of the other two.
Secretary to exercise -his influence to
of ,the institutions werip also burned.
For all practical purposes there Is
inottutry?" Tha speaker isal(I that be, had
roceiveaa, great deal of correspovidonob
provent any expansion of the licensed
Thii fire, which began at 1L30 o'clock
a combination already of these four
liquor trade in this direction.
lit the morning, spread over a vast area,
, I
electric companies, The merger will be
charge of tot -gory, arrived in Cayuga
aturday ,afternoon lit charge of Detee-
Dr. it B. Hutton, aged thirty-saven,
It was fanned by a strong southern
the formal public announcement that
died suddenly of heart disease at his
residence lxl�lfumbmtone. The body will
wind, and the flames were swept to
the surrounding structures to the north.
tile- companies are united,
On behalf of the company, it is stat -
her being incinerated. The prompt
action of Mi. I Otborne saved her life, he
be taken toLondonj Ont,, for interment.
Altogether It is estimated that 5,000
ea that the real reason for refusing
� �
The membership campaigit conducted
hollow are Ili ruins, covering an area
the city's offer is to be found in the
by the Toronto Board of . Trade bag add-
ed 1,029 new nanies to the BaL
APProxtmabmly four square miles.
A large number of women were injur.
condit! ttaelled that tile Company
abotildorgeattro from the Electrical, De -
1 .
in view of the offer by the Hydro-
ed, Five hundred troops are guarding
the territory to -night. When the wind
Velopment Compaily it partial release
from the contract fintlor which the To-
cleetrie Commission of ,cheap power for
"stern Ontarlop Kingston Avill have to
died- down on the clear night the elitilre
� ronto Electric Light Company has .been
four done Ro, and were now happily set-
delay its answer to the Seymour Cbm.
north�rn skies of Tokio were ablave
from the glowhig embers. It ig impos-
obtaining Xiagarit Power_ The Eleetri.
cal. Development Company notified the
party of Campbellford, with which it
about to close an arrangeWelit at
ivible to present art estimate of the total
Electric Lighb Company that the eon.
tweirty,five dollars pot borse-power.
lom at this time, fSo far As is known,
no lives tire lost.
f tact rattat remain its a contingent i1a.bil.
I tY -against the assets of the Vectrio
John Xelly, who escaped from New
... �, .6 � 6 - -
Ligh1t mpan�r in-tho event of the sale
Hamburg lockup lapt September, bag
of t le0o
cbmPalty's Plant to tile city of
b,oea v6-latreated and will he charged
1vItbL escaping from Custody, as W611 49
Delhi, Oat,, April O. -A. drowning ae. I
I Toronto. With that notice before them
the directors of the Electric Light Coin.
� Ii
that of stealing A, IlOrse taid buggy from
Mitchell, of Ayr, and three eowhidos
oident oeclar"ted y4sterday afternoon at
ut two miles from
pftny were not in a. positlon to distri.
bate the assets Of tile compalivs even
Irom Ur, Meggis,of the saine plitce. I
here. Afr. Albert lNfarphy and it couple of
other young rden had driven there to
if they had nccopt6d the eity's offer, The
Henry GrAhan', C0111p
,4t.stephen,N*. D., fell deAct In 1116 Ott" -t
fish below th6 Dolhi Light and Power
dam. Later on Murphy was leading lilt
Assets tnu.4t have, holA until a deelslon
had been reached its, to the ilabliltj of
fro -Ill hoart; (160ase, while walkln�g f rom
Ill 0 office to his hoine, iteconipatileil bY
horse to the pond, when the animal, lie -
Ing blind, walked off the edge of the
tile Electric Light Company to the Elea.
Weal Development, Company for breach
� .
Iiis wife. He Was 'I Ye -%19 Of,,iI96 And
,vati, appiointc,j eullector of the port In
b(thk Into about twenty feet of water,
it is supposed that Aturphy wag jorked
of contract.
Looking at thena elenients of doubt,
. directors felt warranted In Advising
into tbo water and wag drowned.
tile ftf-Pelitalleo of the Mackenzie offer,
yrnoit, Itunt, A young man wbono
llolne Ij in Toroiito, and who hao,
11 I, I -
- - —
wrvoll 1"Oral ternis. in iftil 11hine
Brockville, Out., April O.-Ilroekville's
theft hilt IA -pa arrest -id in Polittles
.J(i(-h,', on a eh,trga of bipaking into it
op#lw lloutt%, which Ii b ,ing reitiodelod tit
& cost of ,over $40,000, had at cloao shave
1!'fti.-Aln, 1,4xieili. Ali)il 10---fl,M btita.
*1 NVIIIIanic(, %vh;) . wa.,I wourt,lod on Sat.
b-inded Car of 'tho Orand Tilink Ili that
from going up ill 4moke at an early hour
ll�-,,Av ill ill'! upiefac,alar aiiiault whiou
(,:ti-. - - .
Rome 1111(154111(110 is felt .n eanavoiou
4 . .
thin morning. Tit(-. fito was dWovered
between 1 and 2 olclotk. The flamo.i wero
Iq,'iitt1j. rol,,�,. of <.;gllfy ruen ontr4ged
, il,q ,,, -,
nti, .Ili,n of tlle,gt,�..
�,. t,j ,It,
.P ,l I,attp
W:th ill(, Roval durlhar mul tha pr,6va-
vo-amof the ,;Iague In India, where thore
tonfinect to tbei root of the operit. howict,
find wero extingultlied before, moeliditla.
I .
pilit 40*111v. dle,l �%-ttit�r,lav Sit 1he builro.
V'-11(1 11 o4 1 Qal ,(,4tqI,I 'I'led �kv tho Vnit"
&,A b"ft it ", Owns vr-(-nrreft,m. Juit no,v
oge we -,4 done, either by smoko or water.
"10,0-4 troop.4 at Calvxli�o.
the %-POL-4 F(vt,ragl, 4)i dr-alhaL is 2,.,5)0.
. il, 0 0, ,
%%,�il tit Tie',ill ft.44'f. W110TO 1111 110001ir
j:i to lip )%�Id, th,,ro are 30 tIC-dVa"I kl,Ai?'l
Toronto. April 10. -Rev. Dr. NV. 11,
day. I
Ilinoks, pAqtrpr sit the Broadway Tolker.
0*- VA;1113, N1111 In- IP41raler Nfayor
� - - - . � .
� -
"90 �Ir, ba.4 de.oidetl too aCeept tile call it-,
Tum L, Johu+Lin. who last night W,1'4
Trinit:r Afeth6ditA (,hureh at the Ow"
Aevr 4,allt. lint rallifNI un-lor tho Offed,
London,, April O. -Xing Gtorge bolt rd -
of Iiii proationt IrtAtoritte in IqI3. 114,
,,if sti!)m, ttimitlaimi. Aufforcql ant;ther
viv&I Queen VletorIA's repIttloft ex-
WAX Abl,Pd it) ff"4*11t, th,* Oilt (I
19f, ,`ais")
'�' )ip'4',)R�, t
�V,114arllv 1iy,,1,v. I 1,,,,?
f-lual ff from.court T#
?irsom *ho h4voi
Do uglag Church, *L%'t(mf real, And it
1� ho hAA thir(l
i01AI,4:%. el.,"I 0,ulliel ipave,4 . -Toha.
; Air.
i an rule. was
underlitorA 6 pulpit tiffered
son w#okor, pliv�ieiaa %%pt th,it th,
. -
mwwh&t; rolax(,d ill tht telp ,of MrS
him, but ho. proforre(I to remain in To.
formor *Ifynr ma.v lk"ethrough the d'.1'r
� ,
11117 14)nvr.
Women of Queen Street Church
I Toronto, ,Reduco Indebtedness.
'Toronto, April 10.—Boforc, the coin-
, lilencement of the iiermon in Queen Strot
';\IethodI*t Church last evening the Indies
. of the 3nortgage comiluttee, gathered,
about the altar, And after thoreadinx of
tile report, which showed a leasening of
the church debt 'of $95 a wouth. for
thirty-ii'm months, the mortgage re,pre.
=this portion of the 4ebt was
by tile President of tile commit-
tee, )Irs. (". S. Ward, while the, congre.
gao!`h: otood and sang tile doxcilogy.
V Queen Street Ilethodist Church
had never it mortgage debt of less than
$171000 until tile organization three
years ago of the mortgage committee
tinder the pastorate of Rev, U.,O. John.
Rion. They undertook to reduee tile
laburch!s debt of $20j000 to $1.0,000 and
such bas been the success of thij coin-
iii1ttee of ladlea that tile debt uo%v
stands at $11,900, with it good roipect
Of further rednetion In. tho near Ztvre.
— 1, �111 O,P-
Ordered to Leave Town of Heywood
or Trouble Would Result,
English Clergymen Delivers Ultimatum
—Will Leave in Week,
Ioondou� April 9, --The town of Itey.
wood, one of the celitrei of the 31(ir-
Alloll propagu uda, has become tired of
waiting for the Government% pro,
Anised effort to, Check. the Morm-4a
inovement, and has taken the matter in
,t4 own Made. I
The Rev. J. P, Wilson, rector of fley�
wood, with a loxgo crowd following, went
tu the Mormon meeting house thid even.
.ng and served notice upon the Xxormoua
that they must quit tile towlt,
The clergyman, accompanled,by some
of his supporters, entered, the meeting
artil asked mission to deliver a zqc,3-
%age from ire =uspeople, The ,presid-
ing Alorm4n declined the req I nested
grant., but the Riv. Isir. Wilson persist-
ed and demanded that tho 2%,lormons
I .
leave Heywood permanently within a
week, I
The '.Vormons were warned that the
consequences might be unpleasant if
they refused to aissent, and it warm
argument onsixed.
Tile deputation became impatient and
.1 disturbance seemed inevitable, The
2rowd outside, Iream-e clamoring and ,.I---
manded th,tt ilia doors, which had been
*oed, Should bi-, thrown open.
The President of tile. Allarmons atartel
to open tile doors, but the deputation,
realizing the'temper of the townspeople,
Some of tile weriker M,ormons asked
that they' be allowed to remain .three
weeks but the rector was immovable
1-fe q4ted the Ifayorl.i recent requa4i
bhotAlle Mormon -4 leave, and added that
if It were not e6laplied wit'll the people
would,likely compel theni'to go.
The .1formonsi , finally --slelded and
to I e I .3
promised live Heyw4d %vitb;i a
week. .
The rve . tor retuttlea to the street
Uld "Mod ille crowd to disp,eme out of
rNpoct to the Ifornions? Promise. This
wits done, and the 11ormons went home
immolosted. -
. - - -
Verdict in Trial of Woman Who Killed
Rival for Husband's Affection.
Dallas, Texas, April 7. -"We, the jury,
find the defendant not guilty oil the
grounds of insanity.11
This was the verdict by which Ur.g.
Lizzie Brooks was acquitted to -day at
Fort Worth, on the charge of murdering
Urs. Mary Binford, her rival for the af-
fection of her husband.
Mrs. Brooks, prostrated by nervous.
ness, caused by the Jury's failure to ac-
quit her last night, was not In the
court. There was only a small crowd
perhaps 1SO persons in court and thers
Was no demonstratitin. . .
Two of Mrs. Brooks' lawyers shook
hands with the jurors. Judge Simmons
made no comment. The jury stood ton
to two until this morning,
Mrs. Brooks killed Mrs. Birifora on
the 10th of January last. All persons
concernod were of prominent social
standing. I
I -
Tintern Man Tried to. Save His Canoe
Tintorn, April M-Rlehara Glover, of
Peamaville, had it close shave from a
watery grave in the Twenty creek, near
here on Saturday morning. Glover and
.Montgomery Were out In a danoc lift-.
ing muskrat traps, when the Canoe was
Upset. Montgomery got to shore easily,
but Glover inade this unwise mistake of
trying, to save the canoe. The water at
ill, point is about 14 feet in depth,und
after vainly trying to get oil the hot-.
t -OM of tile up'tUrnea.canoe, Glover be-
came exhausted, being rescued juat in
the ,nick of time by it mail In a rOW
boat. .
0 -
Ottawa, April 10.Xlng Tang Snag,
tile Chinese solitelleAd at Smith's FalTi
a. week ago, for attempting to lev,Y
blackmall oil Isis eountrymen, after be-
!rtir suceesiful, in the game at OttAVA
and Aloutreal, and who was sentenced
to tlirett.montliql Imprisonment, will ftp -
peal AgAllist Ilia Conviction. Ito 14 in tile
1)�;ill jAll. 1— �Vp I -
I (Ionstantlitople, April P. -The Chim-
. I
ber adopted a rantion yes erdA.y, by it I
vote of 1137 to 40, viiinfirming t1io (;ov-
etument*-4 aetion lit awarding till-, emi.
tiRet for the. veiwph of tho new Tirtkith
tinvy, ennsMing of tbron battleshipm of
I 16AM ious paph" Aind Rev(.1,111 snialler
traft, in ArmlitroiW, W*hitw,,rtIv & Com.
pilly, Umiteil, (if T.ollan".
- -a---
, -
mot tin ilArs ;.�; a;., -47'.0or.).
Fiets are Phibborn thin," ...... %nollett.
"'I ,. , .1 _T1—�.--w:-4r.W;1 . - -_ _____ -1 I 11 I -_ , - -
� . � I � - �, I 7- r, I , � 7 ", ,� " 71,17"n"Pr`7 1. � 4� 1 1
country llepllralol,y, 11r. lluglohart dealt
1,11 detall �Ith th xrnt avid vex -led r# -
ourves of e4eli. oul.Nort, 11"Y 01MURDOCH
TeU1111111"t 11,411 I'll tialui fw,
reIlierve, fifty mfl.1014'11,Villeoulalth, 01
"' "!
W311 4 eat asset. Tbo country wi,ts Itlio
Abou-nAllig In Iron ore4. FK�zxx Tenta-
ARM! to LntcbfoTd the ida 4*s.
""" "'
I triet ',,aS M020411 ltiv,el
� .
provide,i, trVa,;,45:Peo1;t.41t11O"l1 by Ivater Ni
Mr, J. L. Englehart ,Givea. a Stirring
aix or seven montba of the year. Spetak.
Ing of the cobalt 4101.10, whI0 had
yielded, so Inuch weqlth, lie that
o.� —
� Jarvi3 Lawyer Taken Into Custody at
� ..
I Address to Toronto bard ot Trado
many People rad lost money in It,, lint
Cincinnati on Friday.
w aq due to the wild -cat 4�heme,l of
I promoters, And witil, ito refle0lon on 0o
-_ �
OreatOlay Belt Surpasses in Fertility
I Country. "It. lIabooves, a Ulan" he $4-1.
"to know the companybe is in'.4
Detective Miller Hz�a 0�00. to, Bring
That of Western Oauada.
Halloybury ,the givat a -Ay beh
wits entered. Clay 6oili he said, 1p.
flim to Jus"ice.
tallie'l iti .riellileas Ulu longest of Iwy
fJQ;I of this belt, was its 11111oll
Tile "Y
Wealth, of Minerals, Timber and Fish
I'll to Oint of otber parts, of the
vrovi�1�1'1.10 as (:Jay wits to other aoil. That
Draft for $5,000 Availah,le �
, to Pay
to Repay the Investor,
'fact IJAII Iwen deniomtrate4 gnti proven,
Altliough there were frosts !a nea,ri.y
His Gebt3, L
(very I nouth of the year, this, (lid not
Toronto despatch —Tho Inauguration
of e, new step, the importance of which
prevent the land front y1olding borlitil.
fully Proceeding farther north, the Lai-
("inehillaki, Ohio, 4eApa (oh: Followlilm
cannot be over.estim,ated, namely a cam-
dor district. was penetrated. Al.
thOugli ft region Of l0w-grfttle 01W It
nearly four wce�-s of seclusion tit th-e
Palace- HoW, t164 Oty, .)ohn Youn- INTur-
pgagn. to press forward to the develop,
went of Ontarlo's great pregnant north-
,had great poss!I)IIlties. Arourij .Niatho-
son avd INIontelth (.-opper and g0l.d
jo,..b 4, 0
0 �%_Q.lro
, .. Old, barrli"t(r, of jarvi-J,
land, was marked yesterday by it lunqh-
abounded. niv, there ivere great oppor.
011fi-i waii arrested (h:i morning at
eon of the members of the Toronto
hinitles for tile- ptuil' Industry. la Por.
c"pine, the latest gold -milling gamp,
Sixth aritt VIne siruots,
Iflip'n, ah.cste%l said that so
Board of 'Xrade. at which Air. J, 1.4, Fw-
glehart, Obairmaxi Of tile remialtairling
: Whicli it w;,s prophesied would lie equal
to the P,aaa, the prospect '5vas equally
far wi lie knilly lie wai O)lIv wapted
4Northern Ontario Railway ColllmIN*
tion tiv 0 hundred TOrO1ltO
bright for agricultilral and timber ludiiis�-
on tile (1harge of forgery of in
tonnection NVIL11 the (Ira wilig up of a
bugilleas laort an introduction to "their
own, back )rard" and its limitless POW,
Cochrane, whieh was In tile Iniddle
of this Clay belt; %vis not only the ter-
mortgog-, ,4or litarlo, lie,
a. ellent !I, 0,
(101104 that 110 was guilt), alkd said that
. -
bilities. -
Mri Englehart's ad4ross 'wqa A mass
O l T. & N1. 0, Railway,
lint was tile. dioglonal p(Ant of tim
If, , wrti tI.-Atr lip Was w`LJlt('d for forgilr-
I -1 aillottlithig to more .ihali ,$d0ift) was
,tit, Se. When arre.4ted, had, in
of information aegarding New
all of w.bWh went to convince tile most
Grand Tnink and Lite I'm,nacoatincotal
RailNI,itv. ft was
. 'jo be a great centre.
lll�s 1)08KssI0n 011TY $0 in hills and some
pessimistic of the importance of doing
everything possible to open up and del
Tile T,,& N, 0. waa to form % very 11a.
po rCanb link In the Transcontinental
small ebange, Asked if lie had any
140110 I Y c011ceilled. 1,111rdoch , said no.
velop this country. Mr. Englebart, urged
tkat all that was necessary 'wa4 to
Railway, and Toronto was to be the door
to this link. .
Tl,� arrest followed OW4 rf,ceipt of a
t(degrain from the Canadian authorities
divert the trek of settlersit from old On-
tario, from the "west to the north, in
Although the couqtry front Cochrane
to James Bay iras not so . well known,
Ity Clilpf Crawford, l)et(,Ct!ves Kincid
Ind 11111 were assigned to. tile case, si
order tb wrest this land from the wilder-
ness and to ma I I
� ke it the happy )tome of
it was a land that was limitless In Its
possibilitien. It ivas known to coutnin
curing it good deeortp,tjon� of their man
the, detectly4s W.qtelled the P,_tlaec Ilotel .
thousands of people. C,
The agricultural developmentt of the
minerals, fn spite of the fact that many
rivers were filling up Jamos Bay a-ii(l
%rllfrc% it Was mvertidned the man had
1`00TI boarding. Mortiv aftor ton o?aloek
. I
countr y Mr. 13liglehart regarded as this
I �
most Importiftnt. It. was rigbt, he saids
. . h I
that it was continually becoming s 'll.
lowpr, 371r.'UnglobArt; was confident till .
murdiwh appeared -orner of Sixt1i
I on the c
and �1110 streets. Watching him for n
that consideration should be given to
the minerals and that all Outlet should
this bay could be made the back dool.
to the Province.
MOMPT11t the Oetcel-Vca Placed lilin undpi-
arrest. 110 cXPressed 110 astonishment
be sought from Ontario by the Hudson
when to!d that-bg wits Wantod, aud sal - d
Day; but It was Important that the
peoule should nor seek the shadow and
� � -
TRP 111
to the det"u'v"s thAt lie Would go with
them qviletly, .,is he wished to avi
, Q PUb.
ind. The agri.
cultural development of the 'bountry was
111CUT as Much aii possible. I
Attired in. nattv clothing, the fli,sitive
the only safe foundation on which to
- .
wila taken to Central Station, wit no'he
build. - .
From an, agricultural standpoint vdope
Chinese Soldiers Mutifly�Europeans
was Placed in a cell, hilt Rhortly after. ;
wards a84'ed that he be permitted to
the land of northern Ontario was richer
- Flee Froun Canton. .
talk to the chief, Wlipa Chlef Craiyfoj-d
than the west. Its sioil had for ages
I �
talked to him, he, dealared, that he was
been proteeted by- nature with great
e I
%vUling to raturit. without papers., ire
foresi*s, and would yield great Vreturns
than the land of the west. ere lit
London, April 10,The London Daily
declined to 0, ve them further informa.
tlou,� 'Vurdwh was then take
the'west work- was provided for only
R xpres.9 publishes a despatch from
BertPlorl -room a lid plintographed, 'Hur.
AM ox� seven months in the year, in Xe%v
Ontailo there was work for the whole,
I t% Hong :Kong correspondent this
morning, saying that a serious .
doch' expressed dIsTpay at the pro�oht-
ings, but made no protest, seeming to
year round. The soil of the great clay
rigillig at Canton was reported. w
think that he mitylif as well, take his
belt was equalled no where else in the
world. The speaker also dwelt on itis
The Tartar general
troops was said to have been murdelthe
. columand"g -ed.
,medicine. 1�91ell �ic photo was taken,
Murdoch emorg 4 from the room with
great wealth in minerals, timber And
There Ili, been no official confirmation
downcal4t, eyes and walked with one of
"' 'I of -hia promised that every
dollar put into it would return one hun.
dred fold.
Of this rep
, ,ort.
Oil, April 3 all Imperial edict was is-
tile d ete9tives to Ilia ell. .
At tile Palace HOW, where Murdoch
. ,
Mr. Rzlglehar� opened- his addre5q,by
sued at Peking Ili the name of the, infant
Emperor assuming for him supreme com-
was registered 'under the name of J. H.
hfurray, Buffalo, -'N'.Y,, attaches say that
exhibiting a little bottl� of wheat. "Thii,
is Some of the No. 1 northland wheat,"
xuand . of the military forces and ap-
, pointing the police regent gene-ral-In.
1furdoch spent his money froely, and
among the guests of tbi§ hotel was Con -
Ile said, is equal to Afaliftoba
No. 1 hard. It has been analyzed and
chief, pending the attailim nt by the
Emperor of his majority. e
,oldoted a good- fellow. He appeared at
the hotel and registered on Marell 10.
"'If there is one thing more than an-
During his stay he paid his bills prompt -
ly and �evideutly had plenty of money.
other," Mr. Englehart proceeded, -"that
London April 10. --The Evening Times
Xf the staflon when, searobea the police
lies deep In the hearts of tile Tomisk
Ing 11 Northern Ontario
claims to'h ,
"" been advised to the effect
could only find nine dollars Ili monev
Railway Com.
it is
that all the Northern Chinese troops
on 4 person, A bunch of keys a4d
mission, the settlement of the
northland of Ontario. It is these landi
statioubd at Canton hai,e in atinled be.
cause they are dissatisfied over the ac-
numerous papers were also,
room by the detectives. .found in hie,
which in the Past six years have come
tion of the Princ`o Regent in proclaim.
Later in the day Chief Crawford re,
out of the wilderness, that ,will re-
pay every effort of man that is put In-
ing himself commandervin-chlef of tile
army. Tile paper states that Huroyearis
ceiv0d a meisage stating that a dotee-
tive would leave Canadian soil with a
to, them.f's
. The speaker gave figures gh6wing
at Canton Are freeing toward Tong
warrant for ,his -arrest,
the growth of the railway since its be.
London banks having business connee-
J. Y. Murdoch was a practicing bar.
ginning. In 190 the Insurance on the
railway Property ,was $572,000; in 1910
tions In Hong Kong have board nothing
Of the reported revolt and think that
rister Ili Toronto until 1805, when lie
remoml to Jarvis. An active church
this insuralica had grown to $2178%000,
rh 10W it earriect 258,000 passengers;
the affair must have been gi-ently ex.
aggerated, as otherwise they �Would have
worker and a hustler he. soon worked. up
a good practice and was looked
!n 1910, 1,fM,000 passengers. In 1905
it carried 875,000 tons of freight, in
been odvise'd,
0 okp
u Pon
as one of the leading citizens of the
1910" 6,210,000 tons. The Wages paid
1905 in
town, INfarch 7, last, when he and.
deld:w disappeared. Within a few days
in were $234,000; 1910 they
were $880,000. They had carried out of
of IIIA d4arturo the accusation. was
made that he had been systematically
the Cobalt district altogether 11,250,000
pounds of silver-. ore, worth approximate.
defrauding residents of tile town and
ly $4T,500,000. ' . �
Highwayman Tried to Rob Grand .
Y by means Of fraudulent mort.
count .
gages and notes.
"This land of Tomiskami'll.tv is not
%lone the ianaof promise, but it to the
. Trunk Railway'Ticket Office.
land above ell others. There are lands
Nfurdoeh would probably have never
to the east of it and to the west of it
been captured had- it not been for big
that are very good lands; but the land
Woodstock, Ont., April 10.—I;he vil- .
Own act. Before leaving Canada he
of: Tomiskaming is bettor. It has al.
Igao of Tavistock was greatly excited by
purchased two drafts Ili the name of
1% made good. It has no superior,
a daring attempt at a hold-up, which
Ulurray,"for $2J00 and $5,000 r4i4pect-
0 forty oarA of agricultural imple,
menta of evory class have already gone
Was ninde this morning at bite Grand
Trunk station, half a mile west of this
ively.; Shortly after irriving I n Cin.
Oinnati, be vi;ited A-�tornoy Hess, and
into this country. I am assured by the
village. An unknown man presented
induced the latter to identify him at
klassey-Ilarlis people that payments for
these Implements have �'been very
himself at the wicket, askin—the clerk
for a ticket to Tillsonburg.11 The clork
the bank, when lie easlida the smalir
drill, 'When he ,went to cash the large
prompt. In very few cases have evot
extensions 6f time been ,asked. This is
handed out a ticket, asking $1.25 pay-
ment. The stro. nger appeared to search
draft the attorney's 'L-uspicloxis were
it .roused all,rl lie came to Hamilton sub.
not so in the N�rftt.11 ,
Mr. linglehart then spoke of the fairs
in his pockets for money, but instead
Arow a revolver, saying.- .
sequently communicating with the &own
Attornei at Jarvis and the Ontailo,
in the northern -townsi. thilt in tile last
few years had exhibited timothy tha.t
"I have no money, but I waxit .,ill the
money in that till.;;
lice. The� arrest followed'. The $5,oppoo
draft will ptobably be available to pay
length, and
clover of toventeen inabeA. These grasis.
Charles Shibley, the clerk, a led ot
only fifteen years'i slammed the till
off some ' of his debts. .
as, Including alfalfa, had been salf-seed-
Bd, and were natural to thb soil. These
clo,sed and dropped the wicket, just
ducking his head in time to aodge 9. bill-
Provincial Detective John .Miller went
to Cincinnati yesterday afternoon to
exhibits and also the exhibits of toots,
eRPOCiAlly I)OtAtb0g, would warrant ill's
I't, fired frota the revolver, which buried
iteelf in the opposite wall. The would -bo
being back the fugitive. lie c.tpects to
he back to -morrow and will take ilia
Dfittement, thixt Tentiskan-Ang could not
but be 01 that It Was said to be,
There Were now fourteen Governme�t
thief took to- his heels along the track
towards Woodatook, while ShIblQy gave
lawyer to Cayuga. where he will be
lodgcd In Jail to awalt his trial on the
assistants at work at diferent points in
Northern Ontario, who wer; "rodIscover-
the alarin in the village. Constalile Felk,
of the village, Was quickly an the trail,
uttering' a. foi&d, document
A"'n1'd'r't0woo!charges of theft, Murdoch It
Is forged mortgages
Ing" -the !an& and its possibilitiem, At -but
no arrest has been made yet.
alleged-, and oi!iier
documenta and also raised money on
present Most of the seed for the crops
of tihat -country were obtained front
1 I A
short-term notes.
outside the goventy-fivo per
cent. of the seed potatoes coming front
the Ifaritimo
I'Yovinees. The time was
Coming soon, however, When all tho seed
Colin Osborne Saved a Young Woman
wl right in the district,
Near Dunnville.
The oats and wheat grown there we're
Chan and 'hard itud hard
Jarvis Lawyer is Now in Jail at
"These are facts 11 Mr. said,
llwhkh are At Tour very door. Is it not
Beatilsville, April 10,-A Beautsville
,your duty to aablet in building up that
man lifts been In the lime -light, in Dunn-
inottutry?" Tha speaker isal(I that be, had
roceiveaa, great deal of correspovidonob
villa and the story of. hi's harolo work
has, juat leaked out. 16 to mid that Colin
Crtyup, Ont., April 10.—J. Y. Xur-
dock, the ,1010A Inirristdr, who was itr-
.from people who had pottloa lit the west,
asking about New Ontario, with tbo
Osb6rne, who has been In Dunnville with
big brother, the past month, %vas a call-
ti on Friday on tile
,D�ject of returning to their native Pro-
vineo. '%Ve want to hold our people of
er, at tile * 3) Thrush, In
rosid �
it O f r.
ji' , b way, the divas of
some '11na �
charge of tot -gory, arrived in Cayuga
aturday ,afternoon lit charge of Detee-
Ontario in our own backyard."
Mrs. Thrush betnifie Ignited from it
tivo 5111ler, of Toronto, and was lo�ge<l
Mr. Englebart agkott whether it would
q0111 .a stove, and there was grAV6 danger
Ili the County jall, The train, on which I
not be Adylilable to. trike ,tiome of the
farms of the t6eky lands of Muskoka
her being incinerated. The prompt
action of Mi. I Otborne saved her life, he
lie travelled it not scheduled to stop tit
ChY119A, and Only *ue or two w6te oil
off the hands of ilia farmers who bad
settled there and provide thera with
Putting out the flameg with Ilia baudg.
�_tiorm. Murdock stopped
off the trAiA, holding the hand satchel
(itrms ,In Northern Ontario. In urgIng
BotIt I were
,,rrg, Thrash and Osborne
badly burned. 'It 11amilton. phya,016,11
which he n1wAys c,arried whon on legal
the need of mottlero, lie told of having
& few y4tarA ago p&id the kmPo"aAes. of
wan raAhea to tile,, injured ones, who,
front the last reports, have alraost ell-
bligill"s- ()a 'Ill fliting on the platforai
lie Nvalted for t lo detective, wheft t i.
four sona of a German family which had,
tiroly reeovered. 4
', I.
two inert Nvalkod. down the platform t
settled In the clay bolt, that they might
lip. Osborne Avxls teller lit the Imperial
gothor toward the Court House, Appar-
come down to old Ontario, #oeure wives
"for thent.qeIves an(Iteturn. They Led all
Bank in tile city for a couple Of 'Years,
and li-�-ts it large utirriber of friends here.
ently chattlag Pleasantly together -
i J
Utirdock Nv*s neatly Jrtssod alltloap-
four done Ro, and were now happily set-
�-- *V -,&4i
pearoa to be quite. uaconeeiiied. The
fled ,on farms of their olvil, ,Ind were
Only ohango in Ills aplitarance wAs that
T04ing fA01111418 Of their,own.
Speaking of tho, line front Xorth Bity
Ttironto, April 10.--Notluan Itezirvi
be lin(I 'not thrived for nollie Unit,. As , I
lie walkea up the street one woUla think �
to Coelitatte, Ifr. Engleliart, said thIlt Jfi
avf:,,--.ted early last week on smspicion
ply on his way to do
the 2,33 miles there wiav flftv-two milm
of cutvel lind Amdes that �Nel almulAt
Of havin avts,e4 41eitlt of ,16F-ep,h
�lr��v go e
Ali . -
4. r, Italiall, Nvaq to4lay coyll
imnrt bn,.AIneq,;, Inli instell(I of W8 1king
tho Court li'lls,
I ,
lit rit 1110 111mil 110or of I
proldhitive. For the I&xqt three yeart
lllijtj-.,(1 fol. 11-Iril ,11 4t eliargee of mut-
-.,; lie has alwaye; done on previous,, 03 -
they hftd been surveying, ilud lie had
,V.1-1;owl. lie waq ilesl1kred bv tho deteptivf
lestined only a few 6ys sgo that they
, -
...- - .1
flfroug!l tile Jail tit ar, wl;iob is IhAwoi,n
Were now a pntzition to redwe by
thp piweriicr's re.,,:%Ivw,-4, -Ar,l tho ('<,art
Nve iniles t1to fir.,t thirtv-five Wits of
ilia lino, *nil to tlimillat� I,200 degrees
of rurym. They wmilti, be able to vo.
Xqtv Yfirk, April 10.—Tim V, R
Svtt�ol Ciirporaii,mf Ana0all f`411 I t�
'01' VA
_ 4"41 _-__
I'llelf-i'i nf'�Illv '11%%Ift N'o . * IVidl' .1 I :%I
' till. ft']*
du,�,e tile, Arides so that an migine could
�hat J.he xtuilliol tannag 4�it 11,x h k
L%,I,L.h fainih, �01 I tilt.4 if) lwi,p pl.m*:k.
� baul 9,00 tona, w1lorp foiviorly nftly
of Mar(ih 411 wan 3,447,M) tonq. Th4qittiva
to kt,�Ii, t1w %till s',t*.1t%.g--aa3 that
I W tolls wete hatiled. �
linfillM tonrmige on hand nt the f.,n,l
inilivfibutl Icis a dilliollitiliav, j. -b I!)
Taking t1m various stetions of the rew,
of Febtrinvy was 4,400,543 tolta.
4111alf c.1.041R.
. I - ., � . I I - i ., - , _. �� .
....... . . �" AA&�Z., 4L A06_w�. �.14,4�,,.�_,� . I I .. I'll, ...... .
- :_"dLMd%.1 - A0.644__ 6_.i &_ ALt- A� - _��A � In � " L� - . -A,-.L- .- L'� "I'll . � ...... �L" ..... I ... 11 ........ I - _-_-?'_&A-i`"x`-"&-- . . , 1; I
Broker Has Arrived in Montreal With
U011treal, Quo., desp.4tch- 11 494
Is back In Alontra4l. 110 Arriv'e'Oois'tho
Now York Central train this morning
ifti,fly after text o'clock, In chArgs, of
L Chief K. I". .AfeCASkill and Vetoctive
Johligi of the Pittiburg force.
I Tile deteotlym made A quick coaace-
tion at Buffalo and engaged 06 spe,044
parlor ear, .so that no special Attention
wculd W drawn to them. Sheldon allow -
I ell no mar); Gf the prIsonel,, Ile simply
, tuade ono of the party,
H140141011 allolved no apparent von.eern.
=Ing his Impending trial, And maill.
Ida Vheorfuln'tas throughout %140
whole journey, Onee during a conver.
intion uport tha court procedure )tic said
ho wondered If any of his friends Ja
U011trOAl would come forwardand atan4,
hall for him.
At the Station, in spite, of the short
"Otleo Of )IIA ardval there were a couple
of ll'uyen spectators, In addition to ttle
station habitues,
It I'; 11kcIF th',lit, Sheldon will be ar,
raiguod to -day, and
- . the case go ov(.r ta�
Nionday or Tue.4dar. .
Eleven,foot. Man-eater is Victi", of
. Oaring Swinimers' Vexterity.
San FlAnciScO, April 10. -On board
the Pacific lagil steamer Porit, iyhloh
aTrIVed from Central Americail and
Mexican ports to -day, , a rare speel-
men of the rnan-entlxigr shark, wIlch '
Wits killed by native swimmers in
slaht of the passengers --on the steamer,
;�Rue she was at anchor off San Jose,
Neyleo. .
The man-eater is 11 feet long azL4
is said to be tho. biggest ever seen
alon- the 3N[e-vieall coast. Dr, J. IV.
Clarrc, tile ship's surgeon, has the
specimen and intends to present it to
the Golden Gate Park X . useAm.
Tile shark wm,i killed�by two men who,
with hardwood. sticks, sharpened at ea&
end, iii, their bauds and kalves betwe
. eu
their teeth p1miged Into the water,. Th�-y
ny times, only
to dive again, After 'fifteen minutes the
men came,up smiling and stayed. Soon ,
tile dead Hhark rose t6 tile surface. Its
jaws ivere held apart by the stick and
the swimmers had ripped him open with
their knives.
By Topog.-aphical Survey Branch of
rtment of Interior.
Ottawa, April 10. -Two hundrcd and
seventy-eight whole lownships and twen-
ty-five fractional townships completel,v
sub -divided. a partial sub -division 'of
30, a complete re-aurvey of 40 whole
and 3 fractional townships and P. partlaJ *
re -survey Of 108 other constitute the
work clone during 1009-10 by the topo.
graphical sur�eyii' branch of the De-
, according to the
annual report, out to -day. . .
The year was memorable at witness-
ing the completion of the survey of the.,
western p2irles, 04 parties being in the
field . 'vlmh good work was done in the
correction and reatol-ation of old sur-
vey bouri4arles, obliterated by the rush
Of ilumigrAtiOn in Many PRA11 Of tile
0- 0
— ., o
Arrest of Man Charged W111I.Robbing
I Montreal Woman,
lVontreal, April I.O.-While geding on
a street car. at Notre Dante and MoGill ,
streets, last ni7:ht.'.%Jr9. Ella Masse felt a
hand in bet- poolcez., mud, grasping the
wrist, called for help. Victor 1fartin, on
the platform of the car, ,jumped to hoc
assistance, and, aft,er (L fierce struggle,
held Potcr Drake lititil tLeongtable-Caine
up and took Min'bi cliarge,
Drake will be charged with highwiiy
robbery and alao with damaginer proper-
ty, 1.1artin'r, coat.having be -en for'n dur.
Ing the ocrimmage.
. - - -
FI Paso, Texas, Atiril 10, -Advices,
froin Torreon say that Aguas Calleates,
capital of the state of the same name,
and the tentre of the drawtt work ex -
rrt trade in Mexico, is threatened by A.
1orce of 900 ingurreatos. Four hundred
kebels are said to be advancing on CIx,-
macho, in Northern Zacatecas.
, �
- �
sn O. -Another de.
cision day postponed to -day without the
Supreme 06urt of the V. S. announcing
Its decision In either the Stallard Oil or
the Tobuco "dissolution suit," This
means that the decisions will Wt be
forthcoming for one . morC week.
11 Gi -
11ontreict, April 10.-Thtre were two
sudden deaths reported at the morgue
since Saturday. Lortis rirappi#r, 68 years
odl, died while at work late on Siturday.
Antonio Pleelto, an Italian 00 years old,
waa found dead in 1,ed at h:a boarding
hou.4e, early yesterday morning.
� 40-0-6._"__�
Xew Ittirk, April 10.--Oustav R. Xls-
sel, long prominent aq a Wall strcot
broker, an'l for a long time 111timAtely
I iflod %,!ill Important fitialicial luter-
catal dled vftrly to -day at Ilia bome here,
iftxt, tin ilInc,Fis extevid:ng over s;-veral
�___ A..& � - � *
Toronto, April 1O."The Western Steel
' 11 has purchotgea 2,000- acres of
"or tat;
lAndpowitt'17,0N) feet witter-frontaft 6ts
h e . C., And will survey
it to� a townsite zind. eroet a large nit"I
plant ill tile coul-80, of tile Ilext thr*,A
yestrs .at all expenditilre � of About
�rilooalllyll- — i�, 4 ___
Tormlia, April I0,-T-tlTPr!.,TA mblu*L
the Chni-ell F(rent hraliOn ,r,f tbr. Tfil'onto
� Publie Uhiary r -f *77 Ili cash, liaving by
'the ivar ilotpii, ("'ItIv 1.1'aftn"I'ly morning.
.I11114% bylk"ch at (�tl;(.li onil 1A,11017111LI'004P
. w -t4 alain robb(il vt ,wrip vttit�'thim vomw
. ;
I :1