HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-13, Page 5THURSDAY, ,ARIL 13, 1911 THE WIGITAM$. !ADVANGB� We win furnish your' fiunishi , cis MtDresse.i. MR. DRESSER :-- �.,.�;u, IF THE LAUNDRY HAS KNOCKED OU?` YOUR SHIRTS AND BROKEN YOUR COZ,,LARS AROUNVD THE EDGES, PLAYED HAVOC WITH YOUR CUFFS; IF y0U HAVE MADE HOLES IJV THE TOES OF YOUR SOCKS AND ARE NOT LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE SOMEBODY TO DARN THEM FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE DROPPED SOMETHING O.N EACH ONE OF YOUR NECKTIES OR IF YOUR COLLAR HAS "CUT"; OR IF you NEED ANY FURNISHINGS FOR you BODY COME TO US. WE SELL EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS ALL 25 CENT SOCKS AND 50 CENT NECKTIES ARE NOT THE SAME QUALITY. LET US FURNISH yOU'R BODY AND MAKE IT FIT TO LIVE IJV. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS Good Goods 7121927 Produce Wanted KING BROS. Nersasessesssr The Store At Which To Do Your Spring Buying Every Department Is Filled With New And Seasonable Goods. New Wash Goods. Dress Linens, Ginghams, Vestings, Chambrays, Cotton Suitings, Prints, Etc. New Trimmings, Embroideries, Laces. Our range consists of the newest and most up-to-date that can be had. New douse Furnishings. Just to hand, a fine selection of Rugs, Car- pets, Japanese Mattings, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Etc. A few Fur Coats, Etc , to go at greatly reduced prices, King Bros. Prices Right HEAD OF THE FLOCK, Important Points to Consider In .8o- lactintl the Ram, In selecting a rata two classes of breeding should be avoided --111e com- mon scrub, that has no good charac- teristics to lax, and the "pure breed scrub" svlthout individuality, Whose purity of tireedleg only gives him greater power to work rulu in the dock. Good individuality, backed by several generations of good ancestry, will insure prepotency with alinost un- failing certainty where the ewes are suitable and management correct. Great attention should be paid to•the ram's general contour, I11s structure should be firm :old massive, with a broad, spacious breast, no dispropor- tionate length of legs and well formed and fully developed quarters, especial- ly the hindquarters.. His loin should be stout and well knit, his features bold, and a muscular noel: Is desirable. A bold and courageous eye nue car- riage are indicative of spirit and vigor. Ili:s head should be long, but rather small and well molded. Isolate Sick Animals. Keep ailing stock in a place apart where you can give it espeeial care. In this way you may save the sick and not run the risk of infecting the healthy. 4\ov C)00.?C•` .,m)ate • f.. OOCv The Swineherd. 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 Roots and oilmeal should have a place iu the brood sow's ra- tion. A good snood sow is always worth much more than the mar- ket price of pork. hull aged sows produce better litters and are more quiet at far- rowing time than those that are immature, The first mouth of a pig's life determines in a large measure the profit with which it will be grown. It is a wretched piece of busi- ness to compel hogs to eat their food in the tumid. A. small feed- ing floor will soon pay for itself. Dried blood meal is a valuable ration for hogs. It not only sup- plies thein with an abundance of protein, but acts as a regulator of digestion. Never buy a brood sow with short legs and short; chunky body. She must have big feed- ing capacity in order to produce plenty of milk. 0000000000 000000 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 We Want Vent Trade Will Build You Up and Make You Strong Old people, tired, weak, run down people, delicate children, frail, mothers, and those recovering from severe illness, this is a fact. Thousands of genuine tes- timonials from reliable peo- ple prove this claim, and to further .support the fact and 1 rove our faith in what we say, we unhesitatingly de- clare that any one who will try a bottle of V I N O L will have their money returned without question if' they are not satisfied that it did them good. J. WALTON MoKIBBON Druggist - Wingham Walkgrton. In 1871 there svere 205 people licens- ed to sell liquor in Bruce County. In 1881 the number of licenses was 111; In 1891, 95, iu 100/, 80 ; In 1908, 013 ; iu 1400, tib, In giving the report of the standing grain competitions, a government blue book says that the weed seeds in Brutes. Co. farms were:—thistles, wild oats, Couch, sow thistles, toad Hex bladder campion, wild carrot, rag- weed, mullein, burdock, daisy, Yar- row, bindweed, foxtail, cookie and medick, The Mayor received last week a communication from Carnegie's secre- tary stating that Walkerton's re- quests were to hand and a $10,000 lib- rary granted. As the mayor thinks in big numbers, he didu't consider this a quite big enough grant for the town, and a letter was hastily posted telling of Walkertoli's importance on the map and asking Andy to grant the $12,000 size. The cost of investigating the padd- ing of Brant township voters' list was $212 50. A government blue book statistics for 1910 gives the following information in regard to the Bruce County House of Refuge. Value of buildings $22,000, value of contents $1200, value of land $3500, number of acres 01, profits of farm $1175 30, amount provided out of taxation $371180, maintenance of house $5340,- 25, average number of inmates 40, average weekly cost per inmate $2 23. NEW AMERICAN BREED OF DAIRY CATTLE in the improvement of dairy breeds by selection, environment. feed, etc., for the greater utility to the dairy fernier, two characteristics should be placed foremost, writes W, II. Jen - .kilts in Hoard's Dairyman. These are performance and constitution or vi- tality, and after these beauty and symmetry of form, '.rhe history of this new Annericau breed—the Colum- bian—breeders of dairy cattle will do well to study closely and learn its les- sons. About thirty years ago Anson - Gregory was keepinga herd of native cattle on bis farm in Otsego county, N. Y. IIe- minced dint one cow in his herd gave more and richer milk than the others, and lie raised her heifer calves year after year. AIr. Gregory wanted a sire from a different herd, and he Weight a line back, Its dam be- ing his neighbor's best cow. Mr. Greg- ory's reb ory's best cow was bred to the line back bull for several years and n strain of. line back cattle was estab- lished, 111 r. Gregory's two sons were now grown' to manhood, and they took up Ontario's Clay Belt. Five hundred miles long, fifty to one hundred miles wide. That is the clay belt of Ontario, situated in the North beyond the height of land, and within twenty hours of the markets of old Ontario. Sixteen million acres of deep, rich wooded lands, amply supplied with rivers, lakes and the best of clear healthy spring water. A land that has twenty-five grand rivers -of hundreds of miles in length, and water powers that aro estimated as capable of pro- ducing two million horse power of everlasting energy. It means a land fitted to give homes for a million and a half of people. Ontario is only now beginning to open its front, and throw on the chestiness that is proper- ly its belonging. Sixteen million acres of rich, level, arable lands are there, enough to make at least thirty counties. IT GROWS HAIR. Here Are Facts We Want You To Prove At Our Risk. 'Marvelous as it may seem, Recall "03" Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course, in none of these cases were the hair roots dead, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. Rexall "93" Hair Tonic acts scienti- fically, destroying the germs which nsa usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, and will not gum or permanently stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply conic back and tell us, and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store. Y. W. Mc- Itibbon. r A new distinctive breed of Ameri- can dairy cattle has been named the Columbian. The bull shown herewith, Miles Standish, is owned by F. L. Gregory, Otsego county, N. Y., whose father originated the breed. the work of improving their new breed of cattle by selection. They continued the work of improvement by selection, feeding, etc., until they own- ed animals with a record of consid- erably over 500 pounds of butter in one year. Their type of cows being now estab- lished, three years ago the name Co- lumbian was given these cattle under a charter frons the state, nod the Co- lumbian Cattle Lreeders' association was organized with five members. The best and largest herd of Colum- biaus is now owned by C. O. Gregory and his father oo the farm where the breed originated. They have thirty- three cows. Some of thb Columbian cattle were exhibited at local fairs in New York this year, but very few of this new butter breed have been of- fered for sale. !I'he Colombians so far have made good records as a butter breed of cat- tle, and there seems to be y;ood rea- sons for believing they will take a permanent place among the standard dairy breeds. MOTHERS. Preserve Your Children's Hair. For Arbitration, At a meeting held in Now York last week arrangements were made for the purpose of asking the Mayor of every city and the sheriff of every county in the United States to pass resolutions in favor of unlimited arbitration be. tween Canada and the United States. April Snow Storm, A snow storm unprecedented in April came upon Halifax Apr. 0, It began snowing early in the forenoon, continued alt day, and at midnight had not ceased.. It was a northeaster- ly storm and seems to have extended over the whole province. A despatch from Yarmouth stated that the fall of snow was heavy there, Nearly a foot of snow must have fallen on the level in Halifax. This makes a record in this city for the Oth of April, Election Intimated. • Sir Frederick Borden, minister of militia, was a guest of the Montreal Reform Club on University street on Saturday evening, when a meeting was held to discuss reciprocity. Sir Frederick said be could not under stand why so much opposition to this measure bad developed in Mon- treal and other cities, and intimated that it would not be very long before the people of Canada would have op- portunity to show how they felt on that point at a general election. The minister of militia plainly intimated that when it did come the election would be fought out on the question of the reciprocity pact. ' A Parrot Did it. A parrot saved a Cbatbam house- hold from a terrible death in the early hours of a recent morning. All the inmates were asleep, -when they were aroused by the bird shrieking, "father, come quick 1" It was then found that the house was full of smoke, and that a room down -stairs was in flames. Some difficulty was experienced in removing a tenant named George Pett, who is partially paralysed, from. one of the rooms, but everyone was brought safely out, and the flames were quickly extinguished by the fire brigade. The cry of the bird, which probably�'saved several lives, is one of several which it is fond of repeating. Every mother should see that her children's hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wondorful hair restorer and germicide. A little neglect on your part now, may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CuRP. Parisian Sage is a rigidly guaran- teed hair restorer and cures all scalp diseases, prevents hair from falling out and creates a rich luxuriant grow- th of hair, a glory to woman and the pride of man. A pleasant hair dress- ing—ladies like it, and your druggist .1. W. McKibbon, guarantees every bottle that he sells at 50c and stands ready to refund your money if it fails to do its work. By .mail postpaid from Giroux Manufacturing Co., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the girl with the auburn Hair is on each package. Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance "I suffered for many years from what some people call epilepsy. Dr. Miles' Restora- tive Nervine cured ane, and you can imagine how thankful I am." M. I. COFFMAN, Coldwater, Mich. "My daughter was cured with Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine, after having been afflicted with fits for five years." PETER McAULEY, Springfield, Mass. "For a year my little boy had spasms every time he got a little cold. Since taking Dr. Miles' Nervine he has never had one of these spasms." MRS. MYRTLE DAGUE, Rochester, Ind. "My daughter.couldn't talk or walk from St. Vitus' dance. Seven bottles of Dr. Miles' Nervine entirely cured her." MRS. NANNIE LAND, Ethel, Ind. "Until my son was 3o years old he had fits right along. We gave him seven bottles of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. He has not had a fit since he began on the fifth bottle." MRS. R. DUNTLEY, Wautoma, Wis. Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, 11 Try this Thirsty Flour A very thirsty flour. Absorbs a lot of water. Because it contains so much gluten. Manitoba wheat is wonderfully rich in sturdy gluten. And, think of it, FIVE ROSES is milled exclusively from the 'very cream of the Manitoba wheat berries. So FIVE ROSES must be awfully thirsty, don't you see. In your mixing bowl it greedily absorbs more water. So you get more loaves than usual without using more flour. You use less. Your flour lasts longer, doesla't it? Less trips to your dealer. That's how FIVE ROSES saves money. Actually saves YOU money. Use this economical flour. t CIIIIIIIfI milllfi 01 nq 11011111111111111 �ot J3ieadted 111111111111111111111 111 I i 1, I@m�N imi�m� V I��Id��lp�i��l�ll�mm Xot I3te'u4ed M !� i I! !Ln11nII,l! ;�lllll�lllll IIIIIIILI��IInll ! jai LNKri OR tell *COOS MRUNS COMMKNY 11 41 New Idea THE LEADING O Cto. erns IO STORE Cts. New Idea Patterns I0 Cts, Spring Style Exhibit Of Correct Spring and Summer Fash- ions for Women Everybody is invited to cotne and see the Nev, Suits, Coats, Skits, Waists and House Dresses, wheth- er you come to buy or merely to look. J You'll like the styles we show in Ladies' Suits, at $13.75, $15,00, $16 00 and $13.00, Scores of handsome new styles in Skirts to choose from here. See our speoial Voile or Panama Skirt at $5,00. New Coats, the finest in the land, aro now hero awaiting your inspection. See our BIack Silk Coats ; prices begin at $13.00. Bargain in Black or Fawn Coats at $5.00. New Fawn Waists, special at $100. New Black Silk Waists, only $3.00. New Fancy Net and Silk Waists, sale price $2.75. NEW RAIN COATS.—Pretty styles in Silk Moire and Robber Coat ; all at speoial out prides. Dress Goods and Silks. TO' SEE THEM IS TO WANT THEM. We earnestly ask your inspection, knowing full well the effect the sight of these hand- some Dress ;Fabrios will have on your purse -strings. ONE DOLLAR VALUE 36 inch Taffeta Silk for 75c. One Dollar and Fifty Cent valve Taffeta Silk for $1.35. 40 inch Colored Pailletto Silk, cut price—$i.89. New Black and White Check and Stripe -50c. Wide Pongee Silk, natural shade -60o. Dress Goods in all the newest weaves and leading colors at less than city prices. See our large range of coloring in new weaves ; up to 65o value for 50o. Agents for New Idea Patterns and Magazines, all patterns only 10c. N. E. Isard Co. Do You Want To Come In On A Few Bargains In Staples ? Read This List. WHITE COTTONS.—Fine make, 36 and 37 in. wide, special for ladies' and children's wear. TOWELLINGS.—Heavy Linen Crash, Huck and Cotton, at all prices. Also Colored and Bleached - Turkish Towels, large size, special price, 25c. SHEETINGS.—Bleached and Unbleached, Twilled and Plain, and Circular Pillow Cloths, at old prices notwith- standing the rise in these goods. SHIRTINaS.—Imported Oxford Shirtings,' fast colors and splendid material for giving satisfactory wear. Rock - fast Dills in Black and White Patters, the most pop- ular Shirtings for workingmen's Shirts. APRON GINGHA.MS.—Indigo Dye, wide, in qualities that cannot be repented at the prices. MERCERIZED MULL. -45 ins wide; ` fine, ]beautiful goods for dress slips and motor scarfs. RADIUM FOULARD.—The greatest success of recent years for dresses in spot and stripes. SCOTCH ZEPHYRS.—The famous "Anderson" brand, pop- ular for their fast colors and soft textu re. Grocery Specials Choice Prunes roc a lb. Gallon Apples, reg. 35c, for ...........30c English Pickles, reg. 13c, for ....... , .. roc No. I Granulated Sugar, 20 Ib. sack..$I,00 14 MO 1b, sacks . 4.75 1t tt immammownimenur Goods delivered any place in town. Phone 89. T. A. Mills IN HAM