HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-04-06, Page 1The Wingham Advance. 39TH YEAR, NO, 32, WINGIIAM, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1911. SANCTUM PARAGRAPHS. —The Wingham Times has put on a becoming new dress, just at the time when the ladies don their new spring hats. May the Times always be well- dressed, comfortable, happy and prosperous, is the wish of its neighbor the Wingham Advance. ** --Americans as a rale do not take much stock in Roy rlty, and yet it is estimated that wealthy citizens of the great republic will pay out five mil- l' view dollars in ca.h to vi w Kin g George's coronation procession. It will no doubt be a great sight. —The special session of the new Congress of the United States is now being held, and according to reports may prove to be lengthy. Though the Republic rejoices in a Republican President, it now has a Democratic Congress. At present, it is uncertain what action may be taken regarding Reciprocity. If decision is long de- layed, which appears probable, it will increase the uncertainty that now exists in business circles in both countries. —Talk about Reciprocity 1 Pehaw, it fades into insignificance compared with that weighty question of the Transient Traders' by-law that per- sists in bobbing up at the meetings of Wingham Town Council. On this great question some of the Grits in the Council are "protectionists," and some of the Tories, "free traders," Sometimes, it looks as though a Laurier or a Borden, or perchance an Oliver Cromwell would arise in his might, and wipe the whole vexed question off the municipal statute books. —Hon. A. G. McKay, leader of the Opposition in the Ontario Legislature, is announced as about to "throw him- self" into the Reciprocity fight. We have no doubt of it ; he is a good fighter, and bas been in other fights before. He "threw himselt" into the battle to retain in power the old corrupt Ross administration with Cap. Sullivan as one of its champion assis- tants, and the result is history. We remember too that there was a fight in North Grey, and the hon. gentle- man "threw himself" into that fight, and all that shielded him from defeat was three suspiciously sported pieces of paper. Then he "threw himself" into the Provincial fight, and only seventeen of his candidates survived the slaughter. 13e "threw himself" into the fight against` the Hydro - Electric, and yet it has proved a suc- eess, and is giving cheap light and power to many cities and towns, and will yet extend its usefulness. It is awful to contemplate what will hap- pen, when the Hon. gentleman "throws himself" into the Reciprocity fight. He is a good speaker, and a genial chap, but the joy of winning great victories is yet in Mr. McKay's distant future. * * * WINOLIAM TOWN COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of this Council was held on Monday evening, April 3; all members pre- sent. The minutes of March meetings were read and approved. The Town Solicitor's opinion regard- ing the expenditure of money by com- missioners on wells, thought by some not to be in accordance with the By- law, was read. The Solicitor was also present and answered questions pro- posed. The ElectricL� Water Com - ht and g. missioners submitted a report of their financial operations for the months of January, February and March, as follows :— WATERWORKS. Receipts -- Water rates., $ 347 03 Rent of power100 00 $ 417 03 Diebursements— Wages$ 85 35 Fuel 15 00 Supples & Rep 68 98 Miscel'eous 26 03 $ 105 46 Cheque enclosed for bal $ 252 17 ELECTRIC LIaIIT. -Receipts-- Flat rates $ 13 20 Meter rates 2439 34 Installations 279 88 Supplies. 9 33 Other revenue 1 00 Bal. from 1910 72 25 $2900 25 —The editor of this paper has frequently remarked on the abundant resources of Canada. Our wheat lands produce grain by the millions of bushels ; the mineral wealth of our north land is almost incalculable, and new districts rich in gold and -silver, are gradually coming in view. Tim- ber, already becoming scarce across the line and reaching high prices even here, is another natural resource. Our pulp wood is worth millions. Where is there a country on earth, that is ,richer in natural resources? Instead of a population of seven oe eight millions, it would not be surpris- ing,if inside of two decades fifty mil- lions spread themselves over Canada. There is room in Ontario, in the other old provinces ; room along the lino of the Grand Trunk Pacific for villages and towns by the hundred; room in the Peace River district, and along the line of the projected Ilndson Bay railway for millions of people. With our vast possibilities, and our incalcul- able resources, there is no need for our politicians to go down on their knees to 'hole Sam, who has a jealous eye on our natural wealth, as his own diminishes. Let our politicians, both Grit and Tory, talk less, think harder, work mere for the real interests of the country. Surely with such resources, there ought to be Canadians shrewd enough to see Canada's o. ortunit g pp y, and patriotic enough to labor un- selfishly for her future development and highest good, FAfMEIIS ATTENTION—We have the hest assortment of Shoes, suitable for Farm Work ever shown in town; prices $1 50 to $3 50—W, J, Greer. Disbursements— Repairs $ 128 44 Fuel 5 00 Wages 554 42 Otiler expense Jt 01 Permanent imprvts67 8O Supplies, wiring805 30 $1715 30 Cheque enclosed for bal $1181 95. On motion of Conn, Elliott and Bell, the report was received and filed. Tho Board of Health asked the Council to pass a Bylaw for the clos- ing of all closets, cesspools etc., on both sides of Josephine street from Victoria St. to Maple St. IOwes mov- ed by Conn's. Elliott and Bone, that the Clerk prepare a By-law as request- ed by Board of Health, to cover both sides of Josephine street from Victoria St. to the G. T. R. tracks, for submis- sion at next Council meeting—carried. The report of the Sewer committee was read, and after certain changes were made, By-law No. 632 amending By-law No. 026, passed on motion of Couns. Elliott and Bell. REPORT FINANCE COMMITTEE. Is This So ? Ocie subscriber remarks that if you ring up the number on the Rural Telephone you will hear a dozen re- ceivers spring off their hooks, The eagerneee to listen in secret to other D'opl&s business may become a mania. Itis a ease where one Is call- ed, but niatty jump, There le a fine for this offence that would (If inflicted) make these listeners less like jumping crickets, Hook & Ladder Co $ W. H. Rintoul, work on tank and material 11. B. Elliott, printing ac't Elec. Light Com., supplies Bell Tel. Co., phone chief• message Bank of Hamilton, coupons R. Rankin, salary Thos. Calvert, sal. March J. Gibson sal. night-watch- man ... Theo. Hall, printing ac't. .. Geo. Allen, salary J. F. Groves, sal. and postg Band, quarterly grant Firemen, sal., 13 men A. McNevin, shovelling snow Public School Board, on levy High School Board on levy W. Stokes, flushing sewer, 11 hours ' A. Sanderson, work......, .. . J. A. McLean, lumber L. Awde, hauling hose, etc Arthur Haines, work Wm. Guest, work . .. .... Can. Express... Thos. Deans, teaming 5 00 10 60 35 15 3 14 10 00 40 180 00 7 50 50 00 30 00 6 50 32 50 55 50 37 50 63 00 1 00 400 00 500 00 1 6,5 :; 05 2 45 60 5 00 1 05 40 25 The committee recommended also that the money standing to credit of Sewer committee be transferred to general town account. On motion of Coun. Bane, seconded by Coun. Bell, the report of the Fin- ance Committee was adopted. 13y -law No. 632 proposed by Mayor Spotton was read first time. It pro- vides for the payment of the taxes in two instalments, one payable 31st July, the other 30th December, The By-law was referred to the Finance committee to consider and report on at next meeting. The familiar form of the Transient Traders' By-law then hove in sight. Couns, Hall and Elliott made two in- effectual efforts to quiet the ghost of a thing, protect the merchants from slaughter sales and extend freedom of trade in other directions, but the spec- tre is liable to appear on the scene again without the slightest warning. Mr. Pringle addressed the Council on the matter ofrincrease of his assess- ment over the amount arranged when By-law was passed, The tnatter will receive a attention. Coun, Mitchell wanted to know who rented the basement of the Town Hall for storage purposes, and for how much. No person could give any in- formation on the matter, but it will he investigated, THE CITIZENS' BAND. To The Editor Dean, Set :-.-The Band wishes to thank alt those who so ably and wil- lingly took part in their concert of March 81st. The concert was largely attended, and proceeds were- $35. Tho Band purposes gutting new uni- forms as soon as possible, as their present ones have worn as long as any one could expect, being seven years old July lst next. We hope to get liberal support from the citizens in our undertakings. The cost of new uniforms will be $300 or more. As our present ones cost in the neighbor- hood of that, it means that much extra money to bo made up over and above our regular running expenses, which are :—Leader's salary $250; hall rent, fuel, new music, repair of in- struments, ote., over $500. We re- ceive from the town $150 per year and free light. Of course it is not enough, as it keeps us digging all the time to keep something in our treasury. You see there is a deficiency of $100 on the Leader's salary alone, not counting anything else. Our organizationhas been running successfully eight years on the 14th of May next. We make an annual report to our town Council, so that the instruments, uniforms, music stands, and music, etc., etc„ belong to the town. Wo therefore hope to get the liberal support of the citizens. We are and expect to be as proficient in playing this spring as any other year and we propose that the town get some more seats for the park. Lots of our citizens cannot en- joy the music when they have to stand for a hour or so, or sit on the grass. Another thing is the noise on Band concert night. Wo have had complaints from dozens of citizens that they cannot hear the music. The Council should put a stop to it. They do not allow it other places, and why so here. A, J. Pilon, President, N. L. Fry, Sec. H. Hinscliffe, Treas. Died On April 511. The Advance regrets to hear, as we close the forms, of the death of Mr. Robt. Mason of Bluevale. Ile was seized withparalysis on Friday last, and never regained consciousness, Ile was in his 60th year. Besides his partner hi life, he leaves two sons, and three daughters ; the latter are Mrs, rife of Morrie, Mre. ltf. Elliott of Gaoderich and Mrs. Irwin, Further articulare are not available this, p e a week, The funeral takes place tin Pricier at 2 pitta, Hotel Business Change. Mr. L. Hanson of the National hotel has sold his hotel fixtures, and leased his building for five years to Mr. Doyle of Owen. Sound, more recently of Dundalk. Mr. Hanson has not been in good health since he under- went an operation some months ago, and may go to the Pacific coast for a change of climate and rest. To RENT.—Suite of rooms over Mr, Greer's store. Apply to—Dr. Irwin. Jardine Failing, A Goderich despatch of Saturday, says :—Jardine, who is accused of the murder of Lizzie Anderson, has lost all his former buoyancy and bluff, and is failing in health, his appetite is not neai'y so good, and as the time of trial approaches, his health is failing, h bving lost all the 30 pounds he had formerly gained. - Rev. Mr. Ross, Presbyterian clergyman, has been visiting him frequently, and giving him spiritual consolation, but it does not seem to rouse his drooping spirits, He is now beginning under Mr. Roes' religious instructions, to realize the io as the date enormity of his position of trial approaches. Jardine can only be seen through the prison bars, all communication being forbidden. Band Concert. The Band concert on Friday even- ing drew a full house. The home talent famished an excellent pro- gramme. The musical selections by the Citizens' Band are always appre- ciated ; these with solos by Miss Griffin, and A. I3. Wilford, quartettes by Misses Mann, Messrs, Willis and Nash, by Miss Griffin, Mrs. Beattie, Messrs. Cline and Hill, a recitation by Miss Copeland, cornet solo by J. W. Duncan, and a humorous dialogue by Miss Robinson, Miss Haslam, Mrs, Elliott, Herb Jobb and R. A. Coutts, completed a good programme worth far more than the small admission fee of 10 cents. Miss E. Gracey and Miss Boughton were the accompanists. Tho receipts of $35,00 will go towards purchasing new music for the Band. Speak Well Of Your Town. Mr,,A, G. Ludlow of Brantford was in town last week in connection with the sale of the property then belong- ing to his sreter, Mfrs Coad Mr. g , . Ludlow is in the Assessment Com- missioner's office in Brantford and is in a position to judge property values. In conversation with the editor, Mr. Ludlow said in substance:—"Wing- ham ubstance: "Wing -ham is a good town, with its cement sidewalks, sewer system and water- works, and well situated in a fine agricultural section of country. But three out of four people I have met are ' knockers and haven't a good word to say of the town they live in. It is a mistake; you ought to have spopulation of boosters, loyal to the town, and doing all you can to help it. "1Gnockers" depreciate the value of property belonging to others, and keep people from coming to reelde there. You ought to make it hot for knockers." Evidently Mr. Ludlow has no patieinoe with those who have not aoo. g add word to ady of the 'town they lite In, HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. (By II. S. Reporter.). At a meeting of theboys held Mon.. day night, the following were elected as officers of the Football Club for the coming season: --President, Mr. H. A. Percy; Secretary, S. McKercher; Manager, Ii, E. Thompson : Captain,. P. McBwen, The challenge for the much coveted Hough cup, now in the hands of i,istowel H. S., was sent in, and the boys feel confident that they will bring the cup to Wingham this spring. They played Listowel H, S. last year in Listowel and had them beaten till the very last moment, when the referee granted them a ques- tionable penalty. The final score was 2—all. The team aro assured that with a decent referee they can lift the cup. In the event of ' Wingham being successful, they will have to play Stratford, Berlin, Clinton, Seaforth, in Wingham, but if the cup once reaches Wingham, it will stay. The Literary Society purpose giving a promenade concert on Wednesday evening, Apr. 12th, A cordial invita- tion is extended to all former students of W, H. S. The famous orators of our school are at present busily employed in pro - paring for the Oratorical contest to be held after Easter. A prize of two dollars has beon offered for the best essay produced by any First or Second Former. Municipal Ownership. The village of Blyth has purchaed the Electric Light plant from the Molsons Bank, and will run it in the interests of the corporation. The price paid was $2,500. Mr. John Nivens continues as engineer. She Found Out. Wife:—"Billy, dear, I stitched up the hole in your troueers' pocket, last night after you had gone to bed. Now am I not a thoughtful little wife ?" Husband:—"H'm ; how did you know there was a hole in my pocket ?" Sale Of Horses. •. By public auction, in Lucknow, on Saturday, April S,ir, a carload of fine, wellbred Percheron geldings and fil- lies ; colors, blacks and greys. They run from one to four years old and can be matched, if, desired. Do not miss this chance ; sale at one o'clock. —T. E. Wacker, proprietor. Low Easter Rates.. Via Grand Trunk Railway System. Return tickets at single fare (with minimum charge of 25 cents) between all stations in Canada, also to Niagara Fails and Buffalo, N, Y., Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Good going April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17th. Return limit Wed- nesday, April 19th, 1011. Full parti- culars and tickets from any Grand Trunk Agent, or address A. E. Duff District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Important Lecture Free. Dr. Geo. D. Porter of Toronto, associate secretary of the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, will deliver a lecture in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Wed- nesday evening, April 12th, on the important subject of the prevention of tuberculosis. This lecture is not to collect money, but to diffase informa- tion, and Dr. Porter speaks from actual experience. He is a bright, talented platform speaker and well fitted to discuss this subject. He was a college mate of Dr. T. Agnew, and there should be a large audience to hear him on Wednesday, 12th inst. BUTTER, AND EGGS --Bring along your trade. We pay highest price in. exchange for Boots and Shoes, W. J. Greer. Gasoline Yacht, John Mason has purchased a gaso- line yacht, sixteen feet long, 52 inch beam, that will carry from six to eight persons according to size and weight. Wo predict some happy hours for some young ladies of town this summer, yachting on the upper pond and Maitland river. Of course, if the gasoline engine gets cranky while away out on the "boundin hill- ers," it may remind the yachters that there are in rr ins the to u to to even t p eestac y of a moonlight trip n the K Maitland. We wish John much plc a - sure with his yacht. Birth To Pour Calves. The Dresden Times give the follow- ing :--"Some things are hard .to be- lieve, but however we are informed on the best authority, that a cow belong- ing to Il.ngh Shan, lot 1, con. 10, Chatham township, gave birth to four calves on Tuesday night of last week. Our informant tells us that he saw the calves on Wednesday morning, three were dead, but the fourth was quite lively. The three that were dead Were all quite well formed and appar- ently had been alive when born. This is the first time that we have ever heard of such a thing, but we do not doubt, it as our informant and the owner of the cow are both respected aeltis:ena of Chatham townehip," Business Change. Another change is reported in the grocery business, Mr, Tindall having sold out to Ezra Hart, who is now in possession, (food News Per Some.. It is stated by old and experienced fishermen that the fish in the rivers and trout creeks will be more plentiful this year than they have been for, many years, this being due to the late - nese of the ice leaving the water. So says the Galt Reformer, From South Africa. Mr, Ford and family arrived in town this week from Johannesburg, South Africa. Mr. Ford is a son of J. Ford (until lately a resident of this town) and a brother of Thos. Ford, one of our citizens. Tho family are now on their way to British Columbia, Mr. Ford has resided in .South Africa for many years, where Mrs, Ford and family joined him a few years ago. APPRENTICES WANTED.—TO learn dressmaking — Apply to Mise Max- well. A Good Calf. Theist. Coultes of the 10th of East Wawanosh is one of the beet stock - feeders in this vicinity, and has sold some fine cattle this winter. T. Field & Co. have from his stables for Easter market, a fine fatted calf, ten months old, that will dress 400 pounds, or about the weight of an ordinary two- year-old. Mr. Coultes ' keeps good stock, and knows how to feed for the market. Single return fare from Wingham to Elora Horse Show, good going on Wednesday afternoon, April 12th, any train on the 13th ; good to return on the 11th. Residence Destroyed. - The Advance regrets to hear that Mr, Hugh McBurney of2East Wawa - nosh had his residence destroyed by fire on Thursday evening last. It seems that during the afternoon, the family had been absent, and in the evening the son returned before the others, started a fire in the stove and went out to do the chores at the barn. Soon after, the house was discovered in flames, and scarcely any of the contents could be saved. We under- stand there was a small insurance, but totally inadequate to cover the loss of home and household goods. The re- sult must be not only serious incon- venience, but heavy loss, Cburc'b 1Rew 3 Spiritual bankruptcy opens the way to the riches of grace in Christ Jesus. The flood tide of God's grace is the opportunity to meet man in his ebb - tide of necessity. A "Welcome" meeting for the new Salvation Army officers was held at Mr. Lockman's on Monday evening. The annual convention of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Diocese of Huron is- in session this week in London. Mrs. W. F. Vanstone and Mrs. Rich are the delegates from Wingham. The Ridgetown Dominion says :— Capt. Gillingham, for seventeen months in command of the Salvation Army here has been transferred to Wingham. He has been a good citizen and we wish the Capt. success in his new field. At the Epworth League on Monday Rev. 3. J. Durrant of Belgravo gave an interesting address on Grand Falls, Newfoundland. Mr. Durrant has had considerable experience in the mission fields of Newfoundland. Next Mon- day evening, Rev. 0. W. McKenzie of Wroxeter is expected to give an address. Next week being Holy week, ser- vices will be held each evening, except Saturday, in St. Paul's Church. On Monday evening, Rev. Mr. Richard- son of Lucknow will be the preacher and strvioe will begin at 7.30, but during the remainder of the week the hour for service will be 8 o'clock. On Good Friday, service will also be held at 10 30 am. The Ladies' Guild of 81. Paul's church elc.ed the following ng officers rs on Fri- day afternoon last at their annual meetingt--President, Mrs, O. N. Grif- fin ; rif-fin; Vice•Pres., Mrs, 1V. Gray; See., Mrs. Diamond ; Treas., Miss Cornyn ; Visiting vomtnittee, Mrs. Robert Johnston, Mrs. 0. M. Walker, Mrs. 5'. Johnston and Mrs. John Orr ; Col- lectors, Mrs. Jesse Smith, Mrs, W. Ora and Mrs. Ii, Alh n, Capt. Gillingham and Lieut. Crowe, the new ofllcere of the S. Army, have begun their work in Wingham. Last Sunday, a Wingham young man, Mr. Harper Simmons "fa,rewelled" from the corps where he has been such a faithful worker, and on Wednesday, he left for the Training Ilomo.in To- ronto. It means much for -a young man to take up the active Army work, with its sell -denial and mall remun- eration. To do too, indicates surrender of self and consecration; to the Mae.. tar's service. ,.,. personals ... Mr. Jas, Cloakey left for Vancouver on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mahood left on Tuesday for Calgary, Mies Mary Thornton visited with Lucknow friends last week. Miss Ina McRitchie visited with friends at Ripley last week, Miss Amelia Agnew is home from Philadelphia on a visit to her parents. Norman Disney left on Monday for lira o r accepted ntt rd, where he has acc pt d a position. - Miss Ethel Barber of Chesley is visiting her cousins, Misses Edith and Ethel Hall. Mr. Geo. Manners is home from [pending the winter in Northern California, Mrs. McQuaid of Port Albert ie the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Adam Schaefer of town. Miss D. Crandall of St. Thomas is visiting her brother, Mr. J, Crandall, of town, for a few days, Mrs, R. M. Thomas and little son of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Beemer. Mrs, J. McGuire of Lucknow, for- merly of Wingham, spent the past week with friends in town. Marion E, Beemer returned to To- ronto on Saturday, after spending a few weeks at her home here. Mr. J. 0. Lackie has returned from Thamesford and purposes leaving in a couple of weeks for the West. Roy Mundy has secured a situation in Stratford. He will be missed in the - Band, and also in the choir of the Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Elliott of the Bluevale brickyard have returned home, after spending the winter with Mr. rEll'o tt'ea father. er, R. R. Davis of Toronto, and W. le Davis, editor of the Mitchell Advocate, spent Sunday last with their brother, Mr. H. Davis, of town. Mrs. Chester Davis and child of Toronto were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis. L local Rots Good Flour,—Awde's, Wingham. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Read Willis & Co.'s advt. on page 8. Queen Mary has adopted the pink carnation as the coronation flower. Ontario is being hit hard again this spring with the western trek which has already begun. Bowlers are requested to meet in the Council room for organization, at 8 p.m, 011 Friday evening. Members of Wingham L. 0. L. will bear in mind, that their regular meet- ing is Friday evening next. POTATOES WANTED.—Highest price paid. Call for sacks.—King Bros. Easter is at hand, and ladies should see what Miss Reynolds has to say about that Easter hat in her advt. / Ritchie & Cosens eeport the sale of Mayor Spotton's house on north Josephine street, to Jas. H. Finley, The next regular meeting of the W. 0. T. U. will be held in the C. 0. F. hall, on Tuesday, April 11, at 3 p.m. LOST. Collie — o ia dark yellow do shaded with black ; three whitfeet ; some white around neck. Answers t o the name of Rex. Reward at this office. The Walkerton Firemen will cele- brate the 24th again this year. An effort is being made to have a baseball tournament during the day, Roland Rusk, a first-class horseshoer and general blacksmith, has accepted a position with Win, Holmes, and commenced work on Monday. The Dental offices of Dr. Irwin and Dr, Price will be closed each Wednes- day afternoon, during May, June, July, August and September. Mr, Wm. Guest is talking of going West, and offers his house, barn and three acres of land for sale ; see advt, on page 5, or ask F. McConnell. For those having asparagus ferns that do not seem to grow try putting a teaspoonful of castor oil around the roots and notice the change in about six weeks. Those interested in Lacrosse for the season of 1011 are requested to meet for organization in the Council room, Thursday evening, April Oth, at 8 o'clock. LAST AND i3r:sT.--Batttrday evening April 8th, 13ig Three Hours' Sale of choice jewelry from my show window --W. G. Patterson. Thos. E. Walker shipped a lot of cows and young eattle in on Saturday and held an aviation Bale on Monday. The cattle sold well, cows going front $55 up as high as $80. About forty irnmigrante from the old land arrived here on Thursday last. Most of them were young men, and were soon picked up by farmers seeking help for the season's work. A farmer named Green, living in Wellington County, has four monied daughters, viz: Mrs. Mack, Mrs, Roan Mrs, Gray and Mlre, White. The color Hee was not drawn in any instance, Fon f nr.I..--A binder, mower, hay. rake,a, fanning mill, atarp - O. ree plow; all in good repair. Enquire at the Ad- vance office. 1d17BSOiktIPT>CQN $1.00 PHs YEAR IN ,»VANOH. I.60 TO SUBSOBlaElall IN U. O. There is a very good, practical story on page 4, column 3, Every purchaser should read it, and merchants should talk to their customers about it. It is headed "A Practical Demonstration". The Advance regrets to hear that Fred. Tebbutt, blacksmith, who was obliged to go to his home near Uolmesville a short time ago, owing to ill health, is in a critical condition and no hopes are entertained for his recovery. TAKn NOTICE.—All parties owing the late firm of J. G. Stewart & Co, will kindly call and settle before the 15th of April, as we are leaving town p g —J. 0•t, Stewart & Co. Mr. Chas, Barber of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, is visiting his parents in town. He recently disposed of his paper, the Pilot Mound Sentinel, at a good figure, and is now looking for a larger field, in a growing western town. Charlie is looking well, and ad - mite the Canadian West has done well for him. Court Maitland elected four repre- sentatives to attend the High Court to be held in Toronto in June. They are—Messrs. If. B. Elliott, M, Beck- with, Geo. Oliver and James Mit- chell, Fon SALE.—A fine Durham -Jersey heifer calf,—Enquire at the Advance office. Mr, Hind reports the Free Trip to Muskoka contest starting off well. Sixty-five are already in the race. Ask him for particulars if you want to get into the contest. There is plenty of time yet. EGGS.—I will sell a limited number of eggs for hatching from my cele- brated pen of Rhode Island Reds at $1.00 per setting.—L. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Victoria street mourn the death of their young- est daughter, Jessie May, who was just reaching the close of her second year. Pneumonia was the cause of her death, on Monday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson of San Jose, California, late of Wingham, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise, to Mr. R - Beech Jones of the City of San Soso. The marriage is to take place about the end of April. DRESSMAKING neatly done at Mrs. Alex. VanAlstine's, Scott st,reet A special train passed through town on Sunday evening, bearing about sixty immigrants, coming to seek homes in - Canada. Their destination was Ripley, from which place they were distributed among the farmers requiring assistance. The Town Clerk's office is being enlarged by utilizing the end of the south ball -way, that was no use be- fore. When completed, the office will be more convenient, well -lighted and large enough for a Council meeting. The change is an improvement. ONE MORE CHANCE.—Another big three hours reduction -price window sale, at Patterson's jewelry store. Saturday April 8th, 7 to 10 p. m, At the home of Mr. George Clark, 17th con. of Grey township, recently, the youngest son of the household, Ed. N. Clark, was married, which makes the thirteenth marriage in their family record. This is occurrence few parents are privileged to witness. SEEDS 1 For sale, Timothy, all kinds, Clover, etc, Best grades only,—King Bros, The Fort Worth (Texas) Record of Sunday, March 19, reports that the funeral services were conducted over the remains of Charles T. Scott, form- erly of Wingham, Ont., from his resi- dence, 514 East First St., on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Wm, Caldwell, pas- tor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiated, and interment was in Oak- wood cemetery. The following served as pallbearers—J. K. Late, Ben. O. Smith, Judge W. M. McLean, sr., Judge 11. H. Buck, Judge Tom Sim- mons and County Attorney Baskin. BIRTHS. Johnson.—In Morris, April 1st, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Johnson, a son. Adams.—In Lower Town, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Adams, on April 5th, a daughter, DEATHS. Mason,—In Bluevalg, April 5th, Robt, Mason, in his 00th year. ..SEEDS.. Time has come around a- gain when Farmers are look- ing around in search of good clean Seeds—Seed that can be depended upon for puri- ty and germination. We are pleased to announce that our stock fully represents this eituationi and invite your closest examination. 13on't be satisfied to buy until you see our seeds. J. L. AWDE FOUNTAIN PENS. We have a full line of Parker's Lucky Curve Fountain Pens at $1.50,. $2,00, $2.60, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00.. An Accident Policy given free with each Pen, guaranteeing to repair any breakage to point or handle whioh ocours within one year from date of purchase. J. W. McKibbon ?'die�96Ci/C• ',Storrs EASTER S H a E S The robins are here and Glorious Easter is but a few days off. Our Spring showing of prac- tical, dainty and exclusive Footwear styles has never been equaled in Wingham. • It is ready for your inspec- tion. You will find scores of Out of the ordinary and full of individuality styles for Men • and Women, Boys and Girls. . Before selecting your Easter Shoes, step in and see what we have.to offer. Our prices always please. WOW W. J. GREER THE SHOER (1) Get into the contest for S( the • FREE TRIP to M.sLJ SKOKA Your chance is as good 3 as any, if you try. Particulars from Fa J. Hind, Phil DRUGGIST and OPTICIAN Orders Taken By Mali. WINOHAM MARKETS. Wheat --78c to 78e. Oats ---30 to 32 ets. Barley ---48 to 50 ole. I'eaa-70 to 10 els.. IIay-$0.00 to $10.00 porton, Butter --3$ to 20 ole, Eggs ..10 to 10 els, Geette-1.0a to 12e per lir, Ducks -10a to 12e tier lb. Chickens -40c to 120 per ib. Turkeys ---101 to 10e per lit. Potatoes --40 to .15e per bush. n tl.i3u", r� Ha �— $ Ft' flail Tkrronto market reporte wee Philb 2.