HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-03-23, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 23, t9I t THE WINGITAM ADVANCE. Wewilllfurnish h your fi.irnishi .4sAlt:Dressen 0-5 1?1.7.;1/ MR. DRESSER :-- IF THE LAUNDRY HAS KNOCKED OUT YOUR SHIRTS AND BROKEN YOUR COLLARS AROUND THE EDGES, ?LAVED HAVOC WITH YOUR C UFFS ; IF YOU HAVE MADE HOLES IJV- THE TOES OF YOUR SOCKS AND ARE .NOT LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE SOME ODy TO DARN THEM FOR YOU; IF YOU HAVE DROPPED SOMETHING ON - EACH SNE OF YOUR JVECKTIES OR IF YOUR COLLAR HAS 'CUT"; OR IF you NEED ANY FURNISHINGS FOR YOU BODY COME TO US. WE SELL EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS. ALL 25 CENT SOCKS AND 50 CENT NECKTIES ARE NOT THE SAME QUALITY. LET US FURNISH YOUR BODY AND MAKE IT FIT TO LIVE IJV. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS ea MEN'S FURNISHERS Why Do Children Like Zam•Bnk ? Chat With Mothers, "Whenever my children have any Fore places, rats, nr Gkin troubles, they ask for 7un•Bak. They can al- ways depend upon it doing what is needed." So says Mrs. A. Aloe, of 170 Chat- ham Street, Montreal. A missionary, writing from the West Coast of Africa, says ; ',One bay who was treated for a bail case of nicer, came back recently and said, 'I like best that green medinine.' The 'green medicine' WaBZam-Buk." Now why ahonid children, all the world over, show such a marked preference for Zatn-Bnk ? Children like Zaan-Bnk because, as soon as applied to a burn, a cut, or a sore it stops the pain and then grad- ually, but surely it heals. As soon as the pain of a wound or.sore le relieved a chill can go on with its piny and leave Z tm-$nk to finish off the healing. Mothers might look a little more deeply into the action of Z' n-Buk, First. it is highly antiseptic. As soon as applied it stops all danger of fes- tering, blood -poisoning and inflam- mation. Second. it is soothing. It cools the wound or sore ; allays the irritation ; stops the pain and smart- ing. Then, thirdly, it stimulates the delle, beneath the injured part, to healthy action, and causes the speedy creition of new, healthy tissue. Just try Zara-Buk for cuts, or borne, or cold sores, or eczema, ulcers, rashes bad leg. piles. varicose ulcers, or any inflamed or diseased, condition of the skin, Its effect will highly satisfy you. All druggists and stores 50c. box, or free from. Z•un-Buk Co., To- ronto, for price. Refuse harmful im- itations and cheap, worthless sub. stitutes. flPRINCTERMFROM APRIL 1st IN THE ELLIOTT ij TORONTO, ONT Strictly i'Irst-Class in all Departments. NONE BETTER IN THE DOMINION. Enjoys extensive patronage and gradu ates readily get good positions. Open entire year. Enter now. Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yong° and Alexander Sts, Spring Term From April 3rd. CENTRAL 'TRATFORD. ONT. We have three dopartanenis—Commer- clal, Shorthand end Telegraphy. All courses aro thorough and practical. Tho teaching is done by seven ex- perienced i enc nnstruntors and wo place good -positions. Some of last year's students aro now earning $1000 00 per annum or better. Students are entering each week. This is a good time for you to enter. Write for our free catalogue at once and learn what wo can do for you. LD. A. McLACBLAN - Principal ................ East Wi vatlosh. The council met March'ltll pursuant to adjournment; members all present; minutes of fast meeting road and adopted. The following Pathmasters, Pound - keepers and Fenceviewers were ap. pointed for the present year and until their successors are appointed Pathmasters—G. Raithby. J. Stoltz, G. Jenkins, R..7. Powell, Wm. Kehue, sr., J. ]11c0linchey, W. J. Dobie, J. J. Raithhy, W. Strangba n, Wm, Toll, G. Quinn. J. Caldwell, W. Fear, P. D, Stalker, J. J. Wilson, Thos, Lerwick, 0, Johnston, J, Hickingbottorn, W. FI, Campbell, R. Buchannan, W. 3, Stackhouse, Ben, Taylor, J. Williams, 0. Johnson, W. G. Nethery, Fred. Cook, S. Walsh, W, Fothergill, J. E. Noble, W,McDowell, W. Rath, J. W. Mason, D, A. Dunbar, W. Wightman, J. S. Scott, T. 11. Taylor, R. Owens, W. Watson, D. Robertson, R. Pearen, Ed. Walsh, N. Bolt, G. Page, J, Mc- Burney, P. Gibbons, V. Anderson, 3, A. Brandon, J. Ferguson, R. James, J. Cochrane, Geo. Coultes, R, Irwin, J. Reid, L Walker, R. Currie, R. H. Scott, A. McDougall, W. J. Currie, J. J. Kerr, I. Stewart, G. Wilson, 0, M. Robertson, F. Mowbray, F. J. David- son, D. Clow, W, Pardon, J. Snteltzer, 13. McGee D. Martin, 3. Gibbons, J. Jamieson, G. Naylor, H. McBurney, A. Jamieson, Wm. James, 3, Cham- ney and L. Marwood. Poundkeepers—J. Hoare, G. Quinn, J. C. Stoltz, B. H. Taylor; 0, Cunning- ham, H. F, McGee, D. Clow, F. Rob- inson, .L Campbell, J. Cochrane, J. C. Currie. Fenceviewers—D, McGill, sr., F. D. Stalker, 0. L. Sturdy, W. Pattison, It. $t fell, A. Robertson, Statute labor scale same as last year, vlz.'-•assessed up to $500, one day's work ; from $500 to $1,000, two days' work, and for every other $1200 frac- tional part aver $000 .additional clay, The clerk was also instructed to notify all pathrnasters that road lists when not returned by October let next, that the same will be placed on the collec- tor's roll as unperformed Statute labor and charged against the several par- ties along with their other taxes. Campbell—Scott--That the Clerk correspond with our local member, A. H. Musgrove, urging him to give his assistance to the Bill now before the Legislature, whereby all iron bridges of $0 feet or over to be built in the future, shall be county bridges, the county also maintaining all iron bridges of that length already con- structed—carried. On application a further extension of time was given those parties inter. ested in the Toll drain to come to some settlement among themselves it being expected that some satisfactory agreement to all parties concerned will be arrived at in the near future. The clerk was instructed to call for tenders for the construction of con- crete piers and abutments also steel superstruetnres for river bridges. For Marnoch bridge a two span structure of 110 feet each, clear of abutments, both for a 14 and 10 foot roadway ; for 10th line bridge, a two span structure of 100 feet clear of abutments also for both a 14 and Id foot roadway. Tenders to be received up to ane o'clock on Tuesday, April lith, next. Orders were passed for payment of hall rent, $25; Chas. F. Martin, put. ting in drain on western bdy., $i. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, April llth, at 10 o'clock, Alex, Porterfield, Clerk. IT IS CURABLE. Dyspepsia may be completely eradicated if properly treated, We sell a remedy that we positively guarantee will completely relieve indigestion or dyspepsia, or the medicine used during the trial will cost the user nothing. This remedy has been named Rex - all Dyspepsia Tablets. Certainly no offer could be more fair, and our offer should be proof positive that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are a dependable remedy'. Inasmuch as the medicine will cost you nothing if it does not benefit you, we urge yon who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25 -cent box contains enough medicine for fifteen days' treatment. For chronic cases we have two larger sizes, 50c and $1,00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at—The Recall Store, J. W. MoKibbon. oo*000000000000000000'300000 O000000e0000000000©D0000000 0000000a0000000000 00000000 3 Weeks Clearing 1 * * Sale O000oo0000000000000000O000 00000000000000000000000 000 OOOOOOO0000000000000000000 .20,000 MUST BE REDUCED TO $12,000 KING BROS. Successors To The- Geo. E. King Estate the 'past two weeks have been the greatest meveant& boom dor the lieov\e o� "engham and surrouno.kn9 country ever he1& �n 14.17mgham The :Reason THE BEST GOODS ! LOWEST PRICES ! COURTEOUS TREATMENT ! One Week More For another week this GREAT SALE goes on and any person needing goods for immediate or summer use can save BIG MONEY by attending the sale. READ CAREFULLY THE LIST BELOW 100 pieces English Print reg. 121-e for 9c. Pure Linen Table Denrask, 7a'• wide, reg. $t.25, tor 78c. 5 doz. Lady's Rib Cashmere Hose, reg. soc pr. now 3 pr. for $1.00. Dress Goods at never - before -heard -of prices. 20 pieces Wrapperette, reg, 12fc and isc, for 9c per yard. 5 pieces Circular Pillow Cotton, 4o, 42 and 44 ins. wide, to clear at 20C a yard. Produce Wanted Overalls and Smocks, reg. $1,00 for 68c. Boots, Shoes and Rub- bers at 25 per cent. off 5o doz. Men's Pure Worsted Black Sox, reg. 25c, 7 prs. for $ t.00. KING BROS. FURS—The chance of a life time—get busy while M the sale is on. Ready-to-wear Clothing --a grand stock --all sizes ---no old goods— at 25 per cent, off. 8 0 c c c Open An Account With The New F:.m_....uinrr BROS. STAPLES. Ask your• neighbor about the bargains she got. Open �.�; Account With The 1e v Teta-- KIN BR S. New Idea Patterns 10 Cts. THE LEADING STORE New Idea Patterns 10 Cts. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY on Clothes if you investigate our prices This is the place to get your Spring Suit, Coat or Skirt BIG STOCK of Ready-to-wear Garments, the finest in the land,, are now here at this store awaiting your inspection, and our great. est pleasure is showing them to you. Don't wait until you are ready to buy before you come here to see the new style; you should see them right away. We know that we are showing this season by far the greatest values and the finest assortment of high class apparel ever shown by this or any other ' store in, Wingham. We want ' you to know it. The only way you will know it is to come and see for yourself. We can show you everything in Correct and Stylish Ready- to-wear Apparel for Women And what is more we can • show you STYLES and VALUES you will not see elsewhere. E. Isard&Cho.] GREAT DISPLAY OF SPRING DRESS GOODS 'In the materials of the spring showing comprises, in the staple lines, Serges, Panamas, and Hairline Worsteds in the heavier goods, Cashmeres and Fine Serges on lighterweaves, as well as a nice showing of fine mest and fancy Voiles, Tweed Effect and Mannist Suitings are also shown, Dainty Wash Fabrics in large assortment, Crumbs English Print (the word "Crumbs" is a household word and needs no explanation) we have them in a great quantity of patterns, other Prints at 7, 8 and 9 cts. a yard. Dress Ginghams, Anderson's Zephyrs, Pawns, White, Cream and Black Vestings, Repp Suitings, ,Muslins, etc., etc. Silk Department We have bought heavier in Silks this year than. ever, During the spring and. summer Silks will be strong, and we are now showing Messalines, Pg liettes, Peau De Soil, Bengaline, Pongell, Taffeta, and Satin surfaced Silks, 40 inches wide. Grocery Specials No. x Granulated Sugar . .$4.75 No. t 20 lb. bag Sugar .................. t,lo to ib. pail Pure Honey .................. x.25 t lb. section Comb Honey .16 Large quantities of Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted—cash or trade. T. A. Mills WI G HAM