HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-03-16, Page 4CANADA'S GIFT TO
No doubt NOW that Canadian Farmers are to be Exposed
to the Competition of all the (treat Food Ex-
porting Countries of the World.
When it was first made known that
the Reciprocity Compact not only
gave American farmers free entrance
to Canadian markets and extended
the same privileges to the United
Kingdom and the British colonies, but
also opened the door wide to the
Argentine Republic, Austria-Hun-
gary, Russia, Spain, Norway, Sweden,
Denmark, Switzerland, Japan, Boli-
via, Columbia and Venezuela, Cana-
dians in general thought there must
be some mistake. They could not
believe that without getting any con-
cessions whatever from any country
except the United States our Govern-
ment would admit farm products
from all those countries into Canada
to compete freely with Canadian farm
products. The wording of the Reci-
procity Agreement was very plain;
there seemed to be no doubt about its
meaning ; and yet it was such an
extraordinary arrangement, so unfair
to Oanndian farmers, and so likely to
lead to disputes with the American
customs officials that many people
believed that the Government would
give some explanation showing that
the agreement had been wrongly in-
terpreted. However, there is no long-
er any such hope. Mr. Robert L.
Borden questioned Hon. Mr. Fielding
on this point and Mr, Fieldiug admit-
ted that the Reciprocity Agreement
meant exactly what it appeared to
mean and that Canada would get
nothing whatever in return from any
of the twelve foreign nations or the
liritieli countries that share with the
United States the privilege of sending
their farm products freely into the
Canadian market.
If the Reciprocity Compact simply
provided for free trade in farm pro -
clads between Canada and the United
Statee there might reasonably be
difference of opinion as to whether it
would be advantageous to Canadian
farmers or not. We think that even
such an arrangement would have been
a bad bargain to Canadian farmers,
because the surplus of Canadian farm
products, because the farming season
19 d earlier an loner in the United
States, and because our farmers would
always be at the mercy of the tariff
legislation of the United States Con-
gress, while they would have no voice
in tbe election_of Oongress, but still
there would be room for argument as
to whether our farmers would gain
enough by admission of their products
to United States markets to com-
pensate them for lossses in the home
market ; but from the farmers' point
of view nothing can be said in favour
of allowing twelve foreign nations and
the food -exporting British colonies to
send their farm products freely into
Canada without giving our farmers
anything to compensate them for this
unexpected competition in the Cana-
dian home market.
West Wawanosh.
Report for S. 8, No. 3, West Wawa -
nosh. Named in -order of merit :-
4th—Josie Cameron, Victor Johnston,
Bessie Smyth. 4th — Oiiff Murray,
Anna Stuart, Callum Cameron, James
Wilson, Della Fitzpatrick, Laura Fitz-
patrick. Sr. 3rd -- Lottie Johnston,
Gormley Thompson, Gordon Cameron,
Allan Durnin, 'Morley Johnston, John
Durnin. Jr. 3rd --Tommy Webster,
Johnnie Cranston, Ruth Fowler, John
Errington, Aisle Smyth, John Thomp-
son. Sr. 2nd—Mildred Fitzpatrick,
Harvey Webster, Jim Durnin, Willie
Thompson, Annie Durnin, Jr, 2nd—
Joe Thompson, Katie Fowler, Harry
Durnin. Pt. 2nd—Harris Pnrdon,
Lorne Durnin. Pt. 1st—Wilbert Dur-
nin, Willie Cranston, Mary Johnston,
Clayton Smyth, Edna Fowler, Blan-
che Webster, John A. Thompson.—
Edna E. Anderson, teacher,
New Organization.
A Clean Mouth League has just
been organized at Kemptville, Ont„
and it is hoped it will spread to all
parts of the Dominion. The purpose
is to clean language from profane
ejaculations and impure expressions.
' Members pledge themselves to avoid
these and to use their influence for
. pure epeech. It is hoped to train the
conscience of the rising generation to
better things and putawayayP
coarseness, and vulgarity, which too
often stands for smartness.
Mr. Chas. Button of con. 8 has dis-
posed of his farm to the Messrs. Dick-
inson. He will move to Teeswater iii
the near future.
Those who canvassed for the South
Bruce Telephone Company throughout
the north and north-western part of
the township the past few weeks have
met with much success.
There will be no issue of the News
this week, as the printing plant has
been removed to another building.
Council meeting held March 0tb.
Members all present. The Minutes of
last Meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr. McBurney, that the Clerk 'notify
O. A. Jones, Township Engineer, o
make plans, profile and award of a.
drain in Lit con. commencing at north
11 lot 30 and with a branch in 2nd con.
and a second branch in 3rd con.—
Moved by Mr, Mulvey, seconded by
Mr. Rutherford, that Drainage By-law
No, 19, 1910, bie finally passed and de-
bentures issued for the sum of $130.50
Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by
Mr, McBurney, that the Clerk ask for
tenders from Wingham Advance and,
Wingham Time? for the township
printing for the year commencing
April 1st, 1011—carried.
Moved by Me. Rutherford, seconded
by Mr, Mulvey, that any changes
wanted in Pathniasters, Poundkeepers
or Fence Viewers be sent to some
memberbefore next
of the Council . 1
Moved by Mr. Rutherford, seoonded
by Mr. Mulvey, that the Clerk write
to a number of bridge builders asking
for tenders for solid rivet steel bridge.
100 ft. between the abutments and
14 ft. solid cement floor, also for the
building of two cement abutments—
The following accounts were passed
and cheques issued : Municipal World,
rolls and notices, $55.10; B. Ringler,
extra on gravel, 40e ; Treasurer, East
Wawanosh, balance on 'gravelling,
$3.95; Alex, Findlater, tile and drain,
Howick Boundary, $0.05; tile and
drain, side, road, $2 ; Allan Fralick,
removing abutment, $2 ; T. K. Powell,
attending audit, $3,
Council adjourned to meet Monday,
April 3rd, at 10 a.m.
John Burgess, Clerk.
The Oulross Board of Health have
reason to believe that there are a
number of cases of scarlet fever
throughout the township, the exist-
ence of which has not been made
known to the Board of Health or the
Medical Health Officer. Heads of
houses, in which there are one or
more cases of fever by not reporting
same are resorting to a mean and con-
temptible silence and for which they
can be severely punished,
Wants The Nomination.
The Palmerston Spectator has the
following : — The Spectator under-
standsad talented
that our rising n
young townsman, Mr. J. M. Skelton,
has definitely decided to enter the
political arena and endeavor to secure
the convention from the Conservative
party of West Wellington, which
convenes in Drayton on March 15th,
for that purpose.
Ladies' and. Gentlemen's Tailor
Order Your Easter
Clothes Now
and be distinctively attired on the foremost fashion
day of all the year. Have your choice of our
elegant assortment of New Spring Suitings
Tailored To Your Measure
and secure all that correct quality of style, fit and
fabrics, and that snappy individuality, so much sought
after by all good dressers within a price of all.
Ladies' Tailoring a Specialty.
The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor
Capital Psid Up . . $2,750,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits , $3,350,000
Totalu,;.A sseks . : i t Over $40,000,000
Savings Bank D.p&rtra ent at tdi Branahr
MITH, Agent
Culross Council met on March Oth;
minutes read and approved.
The following accounts were .passed
and orders issued on the Treasurer for
payment of same.
Albert Green, fixing holes $ 1 50
5 copies of Municipal World and
other supplies
10 75
W. Bannerman, repairing road.. 1 5t1
R. Ireland, fixing pitch holes... 7 00
Albert Doerr, error In taxes.... 31
A. MacKay, printing 13 25
Thompson —;Baptist — That as the
Statutes provide for taxing dogs to
provide a fund for paying for losses
caused by dogs running at large and
oftimes worrying and killing sheep,
that we appoint the following persons
as inspectors to supervise any cases of
this kind and to make estimates of
damages, The following are the per-
sons appointed :—Wm. Semple, Jos.
-Voisin, John Aitkens, Adam Simp-
The report of the engineer re the
Sittler and Bell drain having been re-
ceived and all parties interested being
notified to that effect, and also that
the report would be read and consid-
ered at this meeting. All the parties
interested in the drain were present,
but as there was considerable dispute
in the matter, it was moved by
Donaldson and seconded by Wm.
Baptist that this meeting be adjourn-
ed for further consideration and in-
quiry with regard to the report—
The.Council then adjourned to meet
again on Monday, April 3rd, or at the
call of the Reeve. -
Chas. Button, Clerk.
. C. Z. ncto
Tho matter under this head is supplied
by the Wiusliatu W, O. T. I7.
"13e not overcome of evil, but over-
come evil with good," Rom, 12:21,
A prayermeeting was held at the
home of Mr. A, McNiven on Thursday
evening, under the auspioes of the
The cost of the liquor traffic in
Canada, direct and indirect, is at least.
$150,000,000 annually.. That is an
average of thirty dollare a head, or
one hundred and fifty dollars a family
for the entire population,
The total national debt of the Do-
minion of Canada was in 1001, $304,
002,512. If the money wasted annu-
ally on liquor were applied to our
national debt, we could in two years
and five months see the unique
spectacle ofta nation without a debt.
. Canada spent last year $0,001,030 on
the splendid postal system and re.
ceived good value in services rendered.
She spent $150,000,000 on the liquor
traffic and received five thousand
corpses, sixteen thousand five hun-
dred prisonere, thousands of orphans,
and tens of thousands of broken hearts
and darkened homes.
The public and high schools of
Canada cost in 1904 the sum of $25,.
225,887. Liquor cost us six times as
much. How does this look for a
Christian land? For every dollar
spent to educate the children into
good citizens, six dollars are wasted
in liquor.
Our national assets are $104,094,704,
enough only to keep us in liquor for
eight months. The liquor traffic des-
troys annually one and a half times
the total value of national assets.
Our total exports in 1004 were
$213,521,235, enough to pay the
whiskey tax for seventeen months.
For every dollar we get for goods
sold abroad, whiskey costs us 17c,
The money that liquor costs us in
one year would provide all the money
that all the Christians of Canada give
to foreign missions in three hundred
years, at our present rate of giving.
For every dollar spent on foreign
missions, three hundred dollars are
spent on liquor.
Congress Ended.
The 01st Congress of the United
States came to an end without com-
pleting the passage of the Reciprocity
Bill. President Taft immediately is-
sued a proclamation for a special ses-
sion for April 5th. The next House of
Representatives will have a large
Democratic majority.
Predicts Cheap Eggs.
One of the largest egg dealers in
Ontario states that the farmers of
central Western Ontario have gone
more extensively into chicken -raising
this year than ever before. He says—
"There will be fully one-third more
eggs to be had from this part of On-
tario than were ever shipped before.
There will be big supplies coming in
now right along. In Toronto there
has been a tremendous drop.
Loss of Cud is a Symptom Merely and
Not a Risease.
Loss of cud is not a .disease, but
Merely the symptom et sickness.
When a cow suffers from indigestion
or any other ailment which makes her
feel quite sick she naturally will stop
lhewing her cud. When the trouble
subsides rumination will be resumed,
Many people give artificial ends, think -
lug to establish rumination by tomb
means. This of course is highly ab-
surd, says. the naval New I"orker,
On general principles give a cow a
full dose of physic when she will not
chew her cud and follow the purge by
full doses of stimulants in warm wa-
ter, thin gruel er flaxseed tea. As a
physic a pound of epsom salts, half
an ounce of ground ginger root and n
cupful of blackstrap molasses shaken
up in three pints of warm water will
prove effective. Lour Douce doses of
whisky along with half a dram of
fluid extract of aux vomica will serve
well as a stimulant. Another good
stimulant for cows is n mixture of
dual parts of aromatic spiritslrits of am-
monia, pure alcohol and spirits of pi -
trots ether (sweet niter), A dose of
this is two ounces every three or four
hours, well diluted with water, gruel
or flaxseed tea. Rectal inections of
soapy warm water are also useful
when a cow is affected in the way
here considered. -�
Came A Long Distance. . ,
Miss Jeffries came from England
last week to Canada to be married to
Mr. Pourpart, who has spent the past
few months near Chesley, Brunie
County. Expecting the daily arrival
of his bride-to-be, Mr. Pourpart went to
Toronto about a week ago, accom-
panied by Rev. F. E. Powell, M.A., of
Chesley, and put up at the Palmer
House, It was too late that evening,
to have the marriage ceremony per-
formed in a church, so Mr. Belanger
placed his private office at the disposal
of the couple, and himself consented
to act as best man. The ceremony
was performed. by Rev. Mr. Powell,
after which the little party partook of
adainty wedding supper, the cake for
which had been brought ht all the way
from England by the bride.
You Run No Risk When You
Use This Remedy.
We promise you that, if your hair
is falling out, and you have not let
it go too far, you can repair the
damage already done by using Rexall
"03" Hair Tonic, with persistency
and regularity, for a reasonable length
of time. It is a scientific, cleansing,
antiseptic, germicidal preparation,
that destroys microbes, stimulates
good circulation around the hair roots,
promotes hair nourishment, removes
dandruff and restores hair health. It
is as pleasant to use as pure water,
and. it is delicately perfumed. It is a
real necessity,
We want you to try Rexall "03"
Hair Tonic With our promise that
it will cost you nothing unelss you
are perfectly satisfied with its use.
It comes in two sizes, prices 50c and
$1,00. Remember, you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in this community
only at our store --The Rexall Store,
3. W. McKibbon.
A Statement Of Facts Backed By
A Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee complete relief to
ail duffers from constipation. In
every ease where we fail we will
supply the medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle,
effective, dependable and safe bowel
regulator, strengthener and tonic.,
They reestablish nature'S functions
in a quiet, easy way. They do not
cause any inconvenience, griping or
nausea. They are so pleasant to
take and work so easily that they
may be taken by any one at any
time, They thoroughly tone up the
whole system to healthy activity. „
Raxali Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children,
old folks and delicate, persons. We
cannot too highly reoontrnend them
to alt suffers from any forts of
constipation and its attendant evile.
'rwd eizee, 10o and 25c. Remember,
you Doti obtain Hexall Remedial in
this community only at our store--
tbore ...T e Rota l :Moore, ,.t, W. MoKibbon.
Selection anti Care of the Brood Sow
of Vital Importance.
Tile brood sow is the foundation of
all profitable pork production, and her
selection. care and management are
the most important factors of the
whole industry, writes Professor C. G.
Wheeler in Kansas farmer. It is a
subject upon which volumes have been
written, and in spite of this filet prob•
ably more hog growers fail in this
point than in any other phase of the
In making the selection of sows it
must be borne in mind that we cannot
expect uniformity in the pigs unless
we have uniformity in the parents. A
type must therefore be kept in mind
and the selections, as far as possible,
made to conform to this type. • The
sows should be broad between the
eyes and of refilled appearance about
the face and neck. The shoulders
should be smooth and. deep. The body
should be fairly long, with well sprung
ribs, giving plenty 92 room for the
vital organs. There should be no
pinching in just back of the shoulders.
The various other requirements of the
market type must be followed—the
well developed hams, broad, straight
back and deep sides; short, .straight
legs should support the animal, with
good width between them; the bone
should not be too flue, and the feet
A Warning Telegram.
On March 8, the Young Men's Club
of St. Anne's division, Montreal sent
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the following curt
telegram anent the Reciprocity move-
ment :—"Resign your seat in the
House, Let any of your Ministers do
the same thing, or any of your docile
followers, and right away contest St.
Anne's division, in Canada's commer-
cial metropolis, and you will find the
wolves can bite as well a$ make e.
noise. Don't betray your tountry."
To Withhold Grain.
Through the Grain Growers' Gtuido,
official organ of that powerful organi-
zation of the farmers in Western
Canada, order's have been sent broad-
cast that all grain, of whatever
character, is to be withheld from the
markets pending the consummation
of the reciprocity agreement, as an
alleged combine of grain men In the
Malted States proposes to put up the
price enormously. It looker as if no
more grain will be shipped from the
three prairie provinces or from the
head of the Canadian lakes till after
seeding, as grain growers always
follo' ' their orders if npltelty.
Photo by United States department of
As a breed the Chester White ho;;
lo large, long In body, has a heavy
Lone at::d is not as refined or com-
pact as the Polanal-China. In col-
or the breed is white. Blue spots
are often seen upon the skin along
the back and sides. The sows are
good mothers atr.d very prolific.
The quality of the meat Is about
like that of tho Duroc-Jersey. The
illustration shows a Chester White
cow in show condition. .
If You Want
To buy a House
To sell a House
To buy a Farm
To sell a Farm
To rent a House
To Borrow on Mortgage
To Insure your Property
To Insure your Life
To Insure your Live Stock
To Insure your Plate (Mass
To Insure your Boilers
To Get your Books Audited
To Have ,your Property Valued
We Can Do it For You.
Ritchie di Cosens
Orrteas—Corner Patrick and Centro streets
ko idence, Dt. Kennedy 143
liesidonce, Dr. Calder 151
Dr. Kennedy specializes in Surgery.
Dr. Calder devotes special attention to
nIltteltseasos of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses promptly
should be strong; weak pasterns are
'5r too common in breeding stock and
nust be guarded against.
Selection of brood cows for the suc-
ceeding year should be made early.
(11 fact, the most +s.',¢ccesSful hog mall
will have this thought in taints eolith),
musty as he goe.3 about among his
1,igs, The culling of the old sows
should begin as soon as the pigs are
weaned, discarding those which have
produced small litters or those which
are such poor sticklers as to be un-
able to raise a good litter and the
cross, nervous SOWS that are always
betting excited and killing pigs. A
tried bl'oott sow that has fulfilled all
the requirements is worth keeping for
several years. In the selection of gilts
study lirst•the tiaras, giving preference
to those from large, even litters from
mothers having the desired characters.
1•'roul the standpoint of fecundity it
19 well to look to the sire also, for n
sire selected from n large litter will
be More likely to transmit that char-
acter to ills female offspring.
The stature sow makes by far the
hest brood sow. It wont(' be better
if -the gilts were not bred until a year
old. If the practice of breeding ton
young is continued the vigor find vi•
tality of the herd will be greatly re-
duced after a foie generations.
Muaton on the Farm,
With the sheep on the farm the prob-
lem of fresh trent for family use 10
partly solved. Mutton butchered en
the farm cin nearly always be used to
advantage, and then yeti will know
Whether you are eating spring lamb
or something else.
Honor Graduate Toronto University, Do art-
ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col-
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.
At Wroxeter ever Tuesday afternoon and
Wednesday ((all day —office in Grand Central
Block. At irordwio every Friday forenoon
The best of the modern methods used for the
preservation and restoration of the teeth.
Churning Temperature.
Don't forget that the temperature of
cream at ehurniu+' time should be 5O
to 58 degrees F. ..i the sunnier and
110 to 62 degrees in winter. The best
churning results will he had at these
respective temperatures, - J,.,-,,. •
Orchard Renting.
The Agency Land and Securities
Co., Toronto, have secured for a"term
of years, over 125 acres of orchard In
the township of Kincardine. They
have aleo leased a number of acres in
lIttron township. It teems at if the
Co, is 'bound to give the renting of
orchards athorough test.—tZinoar•
dine 'Review.
Jas. Walker & Son
We are specially qualified Under-
takers and Embalmers, and those
entrusting their work to ns may rely
on It being well done. Night calla
received at residence.
Once Phone 10e House Phone 125
Canada's Champion Dancer.
Cured Of Piles By Zam-Buk.
Mr. Thomas J. Hogan, Champion
Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada,
who, resides at 59 Chambord Street,
Montreal, writes : "It gives me much
pleasure to let you know my opinion
of your wonderful Zana-Buk. For
some time past I have been troubled
with piles, but this year I suffered so
much that I was obliged to cancel a
number of engagements. I tried all.
1 ie
the so-called ed l•emedt ethat were
recommended, but they seemed to do
me no good. Having been advised to
try Zam-Buk I purchased a box, and
after applying it a few times 1 felt
marked relief. I continued with the
Zam-Buk treatment, and the relief
was extended into a permanent cure.
I gladly permit you to use my exper-
ience as an illustration of the great
value of Zam-Buk for piles."
Another Illustration of how Zam-
Buk cures long-standing cases of piles
is provided by Mr. William Kenty, of
Upper Nine Mile River, Hants Co.,
N.S. He says : "I suffered terribly
from piles, the pain at times being al-
most unbearable. Zem-Buk was re-
commended to me so I procured a sup-
ply and commenced with the treat-
ment. After a very short time Zam-
Buk effected a complete cure."
Zam-Buk is also a cure for ulcers,
abscesses eczema, cold sores, chapped
hands, varicose ulcers, rashes, blood
poison, ringworm, cuts, burns, bruises
children's abrasions, tetter, salt
rheum, etc. All druggists and stores
sell at 50c. box, or post free from Z'tm-
Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Z+am-
Buk Soap, which may be had from
any druggist at 25c. per tablet, should
be used instead of ordinary soap in all
cases of eruptions and skin diseases,
The Poflt Sharing Store) Wingham, Ont,
Kerr el. Bird
New Dress Goods==New
Suitings==New Silks
There is satisfaction in knowing that your Dress or Suit is really
good, and that you have tbe very newest shade, made in the
most popular style. Yon are sure of getting the newtst
and styles and satisfactionin ggality if yon buy here.
Beautiful Black Silk and Wool Dress Goods, very dainty, only
$1 20 a yard. Pretty New Broadoloths in popular Greys, Greens,
Brown, etc., at 65o a yard. Dainty Fawn and Green Cordovans,
newest shades, extra quality, 65o a yard. New Black and White
Checks and Stripes, correct styles. 25o to 60e a yard.
You should see our New Fancy Silks, a splendid range, of the
very newest shades and weaves at prpnlar prices. We offer hand-
some new Silks at 500 to 75o a yard,
To The Home Dressmaker—
Our Patterns are the most stylish, and yet so simple to
use. They are a wonderful help to those who do their,
own sewing. We can g'iarantee satiefaotion and the very
latest and most popular 'y'ea. Monthly style sheets given
free. Ask for them. Large Quarterly Style Book and a
15o Pattern all for only 200.
$argain Sale Next Week
This big store is offering great big bargains in every department.
Here aro some specials for next week :
16 dos, pairs Black Overalls, with or witboat bib, quality and
workmanship guaranteed, new goods, regular price—$1,CO3 on sale
next week at only 750 a pair. 85c Overalls for 59o. 750 Over -
alis fur 48e. $1,00 Cottonade Pants for 73c.
Bargain Sale Of Hand Bags.
Here's an offer such as the pecple of this locality have never
had in a speoial sale of Hand Bags :
A quantity of Ladles' Hand Bags, regular $2.00 for only 98c,
We want large quadtities of Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Eta.
GARDEN SEEDS. -(let your Garden Seeds for early planting
here. New Seeds, 12 packages for 25o,
May Be Delayed.
It is said that the electric railwaya
from Goderi& to Kincardine, now
under construction for nearly two
years and expected to be running in
1911, will not be in working order this
year. Rails are
laid for most of the
distance, but considerable bridge work
is to be completed along the route be-
fore the roadbed itself is completed.
The largest bridge on the route, that
over the Nine -Mile River, was com-
pleted this week. The Edison storage
battery car will be used and thus eli-
minate delay in getting power after
the line is completed.
Improved Horse Shoe Curve.
Roadmaster A. Frost of the C. P. R.
has just had completed a very im-
portant safety device at the Oaledon
horse-shoe curve. Owing to the
periodical accidents that have occurr-
ed since the big wreck a few years_
ago it was felt that something should
be done to make traffic safer. It was
decided to place a guard rail clear
around the curve, a distance of 1850
feet. The rail is 80 Ib. steel, and there
is a flange space of 3} inches, which
will prevent derailments. It is ex-
pected that this will solve the problem
in a satisfactory manner.
-,a GREAT H.
7t explains that weSChaveOOL
graduates earn from $700
to $1500 per annum. Dd YOU want a
better position'? Get your education hero
and you will bo properly prepared. All
business Colleges aro not alike. GRAD-
LEGE THIS TERM. Get the bolt. It
pays. We place many of our students In
good positions. College open all year.
C. Yonge and Alexander Sts. .....)5
Spring Term From April 3rd.
Wo have three departments—Commer-
cial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. All
courses are thorough and practical.
Tho teaching is done by seven ex-
perienced instructors and we place
graduates In good positions, Some of
last year's students are now earning
$1000 00 per annum or better.
Students aro entering each week. This
is a good time for you to enter. Write
for our free catalogue at once and learn jS
what we can do for you.
D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal 2
Costs You Nothing to Test Psyching
We'll buy a 5Oc. bottle from your druggist and give it to you free to prove
This is a hopeless, cold world to
"A vale of tears" in very truth
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(Now we want such hopeless ones to
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We've been making and selling
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,psyehlne is made from Iterbi-
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And the herbs from whish Psyehine
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That's wily Psyehine cures where
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La Grippe Bronchial Coughs
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Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and
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Now, we don't ask you to take oar
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We will undoubtedly buy and dis-
tribute in this manner hundreds of
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And we do that to show our entire
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A confidence that has been based on
our 30 years' experience with this
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ledge of the hundreds of thousands of
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To the Dr. r. A. 5LOCUM, Ltd.
193.195 Spadina Ave" Toronto
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