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The Wingham Advance, 1911-03-09, Page 5
THURSDAY, MARCH' 9, 191 1 THE WINGD'AN ADVANCE t5welt Dresser says good cl#thes i5 all there Xs to it A*. 9/ l THE ABOVE PICTURE TELLS THE STORY. Buy YOUR CLOTEHS FROM US A JV D you WILL BE POPULAR. a pbell CLOTHIERS [WL MEN'S FURNISHERS Teeswater. Mrs. Jos. larnewein,: a former res:, dent of Teeswater, died in the hoapitvfl at Edmonton on Thursday of last week, where she had undergone an operation. 'Wm. Harbron Melvin, an old and esteemed resident of the northern part of Cuirose, departed this life on Wednesday morning of this week at the -ago of OS years. The Molecule 13,.nk have secured the premises at present occupied by The News and will be open to do a banking business as soon as The News vacate. The News has leased for a term of years Mr. W. Fowler's tailor shop where he has been doing business for the past°twenty-four years, Mr, Fow- ler will move to his store next door south next week. There died at her home on Elora St. on Taursday^ of Ia•t week Margaret Stewart, beloved wife of Chas, Mc- Tavish in her Seth year. Deceased moved to Teeswater a few years ago froth .eon. 4, Ouirose, where -she had ion; been a resident. Air. S. R. Brill was in Walkerton lest friday when he attended a meet- ing of the conalnttt'e appointed to deal with the claim for damages of Mrs, Cairns of Southampton against the Co. of Bruce and the Bunter Bridge and Bailer Co, of Kincardine. Tsvo years ago while Cairns and an- other than were repairing Denny's bridge near Southampton one of the piers gave way and both men were thrown into the water and drowned. The case has been before the courts al- most ever since and has coat defers - dents and plaintiff a lot of money. Together the County of Bruce and the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co. have paid cost to the amount of $2,250. The outcome of the deliberations of this committee and the Hunter Bros, was that each should pay $100, Thus Mrs. Carina receives $800, but we understand considerable of this has to go for legal expenses. -- [Teeswater News. k3russels.. Last week two ears of extra good heavy horses were shipped from Mus- sels for tate West. Invitations have been issued for the annual "At Home" of Western Star Lodge, No. 149, L 0, 0, T'., Brussels, which is stated for Friday evening, 10th inat., in the Town Hall. Mies Vera, daughter of R. N. and Mrs, .Barrett, of Brandon, Man., form- erly of Brussels, was recently united in marriage to Mr, Willows, a rail- way contractor, Samuel Garter, who is developing into a very busy citizen, bas leased the large store in the Leckie block, recent. ly vacated by the furniture firm of Messrs, Walker & Black, Councillor Lowry has sold his desir- ably located brick residence, Queen St., to W, W. Harris of town, It will suit the buyer splendidly as it is con- venient to his butter factory and very handy to the railway depot, Posses- sion will be given in about two weeks when Mr. Lowry and family will re. ,,,-,c,, 1,te, „Ili*,/r` 1r.., ""�-,y1. This Feeding Floor Could Be Built in The Fall and it would help greatly to preserve the condition of your live. stock in the Spring. Every farmer knows that in the Spring of the year his barnyard is almost bottomless. The live stock' mire down into the mud and almost float around—greatly to the detriment of their physical condition. By building a Concrete feeding floor in the yard, this trouble is clone away with. .A Feeding Floor of comparatively small area and built this tall, would pay for itself next year. Concrete is the only material that can be used, in this way at a moderate cost. Will you ask for your copy of the book which we have prepared for you—"What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete"? It's free—and, take our word for it, you'll find it one of the most interest- ing pieces of such literature you ever read. And profitable, too—because it, will save you money. Ask for a Copy of This Booklet To -Day A Postal Will Bring It Promptly Canada Cement Co., Limited 51-60 Natlonul Bank Bantling. MONTREAL :syna ;c , d r Sn a •,... , 11 0,1 V, Ar•:,c :nta move to Toronto. One day last week Donald hose, a little lad about 1i year old visiting at hie grandmother Coates, John St,, Brussels, from the West with his mother, met with an unfortunate mis- hap, Mrs, Coates bad drained off the hot water from a pot of potatoes into a vessel on the table and in a tour of investigation the laddie .caught the said vessel upsetting the scalding liquid over the lower part of his face and breast causing very severe in- jury. Great Depth 0f Snow. Dundalk is situated on the height of land between Owen Sound and Toronto and generally succeeds in gathering a good share of passing snow storms. A despatch to Toronto dailies reports from Proton, a station five miles north of Dundalk, as fol. lows :—"The snow ie very deep in the fields and woods in this section, and every big storm that comes the C. P. R. tracks are blocked and trains can- not make their regular trips, The snow is now piled up nearly 20 feet high, and the company have to keep out extra ganga of shovelers." RELIEVE Neur if TAKE ON E OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS AND THE PAIN IS GONE, "I have awful spells of Neu- ralgia and have doctored a great deal without getting much benefit. For the last two years I have been taking Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills and they always relieve me. I have been so bad ' with Neuralgia that I sometimes thought I would go crazy. Sometimes it is necessary to take two of them, but never more, and they are sure to re- lieve hie." MRS. FERRIER, 2434 Lynn St., Lincoln, Neb. Price 25e at your druggist. He should supply you. it ho docs not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto. COC:',000000000000000000Q0:30 00001 0:, 00000 0000000 3© C'0000000000000000C OOMOM 00000e00000000000000000000 000000000000000000C-000,0000 ,0003 t.'C 00000000dC3Q0' 00000Cff300000 0000000000000000000000000:1 FJ e3 3 Weeks Clearing MUST DE REDUCED 3 _ TO•$12,000 Sale 8Srlccessors To The Cseo. E.>�� Estate13 Syzattsit Stock *R.tketkagck Sakt '3‘ittz .xs or 0 � VekAqixam, Three whole weeks of Great Money Saving Opportunity ON Dress Goods. 25 pieces All Wool Dress Goods' Plain and Fancy Weaves, to clear at 25c per yard. 5o pieces Wool Dress Goods, Plain colors and Fancy Weaves, regular $l.00, $1.25 and $1.5o, for 75c a yard. Kid Gloves. loo pairs guaranteed Kid Gloves, regular $1.00 and $1.25, for 75c. Silk Waists. Black and White~, all sizes, reg- ular $3.50, $4 5o and $5 00, for $2 75, Produce Wanted Factory Cotton. 25 pieces 10 and 12 quality, for Sc. Towellings, Tea and Crash. Regular „ 4 123Zc, for 8c toe, for 7C 30o yards, all colors, for 39c ; 15o yards, black, $t.oq„and $.1.25 390 for 79c.' 'Flannelette Blankets. A job lot to clear at 9Oc pair. Silks and Satins. 5oc Fancy Back for.... Huck -a Flannelettes. One Case 10 and 121c quality for Sc. Table Linens. $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50 for 98c ; 50e and 60c for 39c. 50 Pieces Print. Regular 121e for 9c. Ribbons. 50 ends, all colors, reg. 20e and 25e for 11e. Men's Clothing. 100 Suits to clear at prices never before heard of. Men's Fur Coats. Last chance to buy at reduced prices. Wool and Flannelette Blankets, Sheeting, &c. at 25 per cent. off. Lace Curtains, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums,, Oil Cloths, etc,, at 2. per cent. off. 0 0 3 c c e 0 0 8 No matter what you want in general mdse.; get our prices before buying. 00000000000000000000000000000000000(x)0000000000000000000000000600000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000060000000000000600000 00000000006666000060000000 8 13 G3 Open An Account With The 3 NewFirm--KING BROS. New Idea Patterns I 0 Gts, THE LEADING STORE New Idea • Patterns. 10 Qts. New Spring Goods Are being opened up and placed on display every day now. If you want to see what Dame Fashion has created in styledom for Spring, 1911, pay this store a visit. Don't wait till you are ready to buy. Come to -day. SEE OUR New Dress Goods, New Silks and Satins, New Prints and Ginghams, New Carpets and Rugs, New Curtains, New Oilcloths and Lin- oleums,, New Window Blinds, New Clothing for Men and Boys, Ladies' New Suits, Ladies' New Coats, Ladies' New Skirts, New Corsets, New Collars and Belts. It is our aim, first of all, to create per- manent customers, not one-time purchas- ers ; and we believe that we can best accomplish that by giving maximum value and satisfaction. We are deter- mined to do this and will. H. E. Isard & aaa GREAT DISPLAY OF SPRIMi DRESS GOODS In the materials of the spring showing comprises, ,in the staple lines, Serges, Panamas, and Hairline Worsteds in the heavier goods, Cashmeres and Fine Serges on lighter weaves, as well as a nice showing of fine nest and fancy Voiles, Tweed Effect and Mannist Suitings are also shown, Dainty Wash Fabrics in large assortment, Crumbs English Print (the word "Crumbs" is a household word and needs no explanation) we have them in a great quantity of patterns, other Prints at 7, 8 and 9 cts. a yard. Dress Ginghams, Anderson's Zephyrs, Fawns, White, Cream and BIack Vestings, Repp Suitings, Muslins, etc,, etc. Silk Department We have bought heavier in Silks this year than ever. During the spring and a...nmer Silks will be strong, and we are now showing 1Vlessalines, Palliettes, Peau Tie Soil, Bengaline, Pongell, Taffeta, and Satin surfaced Silks, 4o inches wide. Grocery Specials No. I Granulated Sugar •–• No. 1 20 lb. bag Sugar 1,00 to ib. pail Pure Honey 1.25 t lb, section Comb Honey.,, .,.., ,15 Large quantities of Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted—cash or trade. T. A. Mills WINGHAM