HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-03-09, Page 3ist HOW TO GET IMMIGRANTS Mr. IN, D. Soott's Lengthy Explanation Be. fore Committee.—Various Methods of Advertising Adopted in Old Country. Before the committee on Apiculture and Colonizatiou of the Commons at Oa. tawa, Mr. W. D. neott, superintendent. of inemigre.tion, made an important statement as to the work of his ()overt- ment during the last few years, Mr. Scott saalo As I have not anpearea benne) tbie committee since 1908, coasider it 'wise to enter into a bviel review ot the vol- ley and work of the ilepartatent with which I am connected; giving an oppor- tunity to members, after I have fin- ished this review to question me upon any point which I have omitted, or opon which they require elaboration. The policy of the department at the present time is to encourage the immi- gration of farmers, farm laborers and female domestic servants from the Unit- ed States, the British Isles and, certain Northern European countries, namely, Prance, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Norway, niveaen ana Iceland. On the 'other hand it is the policy of the department to do all in its power to keep out of the country undesirables which, for the purposes of this review, I will divide into three elesses: 1. Those physically, mentally or mon ally unfit, whose exclusion was pro- veded for 'by aet of parliament last ses sion, 2, Those belonging to nationalities unlikely to assimilate and who, conse- quently, prevent the. building up of a united nation of people of similar cus- toms and ideals, 3. Those who from their mode of life and occupations are likely to crowd into urban centers and. bring about a state of congestion which might result in unemployment ana it lowering of the standard of our national life. IN OLD COUNTRY, Having dealt thus Lir with the gen- eral inunigration hailley, I will onw molder the work in mmetries outeide of Cianada. la Great Britain and Ire - lane. the immigration eiropaaanda caeried on by advertisemeuts in the newspapers, particular use 'being made of agricultural journele ancl papers eirenlatino wholly or largely in the •ag- ricuitaralb distriete, very little eximuse being incurred with papers whose cir- culation is largely urban, The adver- tising in the newsmen le of twe classes -- regular aisplay advertise- ments which Canada offers, end giving the address of the limed Govetnment office where full information ean be obtained regarding the -country; and accounts of tried throughout the eonto try by journalists of note - the laser - tion of sach teing arranged! for by the Departmeut, sometimes at a regular advertising Tate, or sometimes in re- turn for adrertising which hae been given to those journale. In practical- ly no cane does the Department od- vertise in a newspaper which refusee, when requested, to poolieh a reesou. able amount ef good ivading regaraing this country. At the present time in the British Isles the. Department is ad- vertising in 550 papera, in the British Isles a method of adrertisement wlach !me been very satisfactory has been the exhibit wagons, of which there are two, one working in the mirth of Scot- land and the other throughout; Ire- land, and two motors,' which travel throughout rural Engem' from the middle of atarch until the end of Oc. tober, Thew: ears contalit-samplee Canadian mina etc., and the parties chorge stop wherever a crowd can most couveniently be collected, lecture on the. country, and listrihute pani- phleta, ana disseminAte information generally. These ears are ,present as many markets and fairs as poaeible, regular exhibits also being made at many of the faira. THE ASIATICS. While neither the law nor the orders - in -council passed thereunder absolutely prohibit the landing in Canada of per- sons belonging to the second and third classes mentioned, still their entry has been Made extremely difficult by the passing of orders -in -council Nos. 026, 018 and 920, \filch provide in brief that all persons of Asiatic origin must have in their possession, and in their own Tired at time of lanaing, the sum of $200 each in cash; that all iraraigrants coming halm the countries issuing pass- ports or penal certificates shall be re- quired to produce either or both at time of arrival, and that all immigrants must come directly from the country of their birth or citizenship on tickets pier - chased in that country or prepaid ni Canada. None of these ord.ers-in-coun- cil in any way interfere with the entry into Canada of desirable citizens or subjects of tbe countries from which I have already mentioned emigration is encouraged, but they do put many ob- stacles in the way of immigrants from Asia and Southern ana Eastern Europe, and, coosequently, the numbers coming or likely to come from those coun- tries are correspondingly diminished. There is just one other order -in -council which is restrictive in its tendency, namely, P, C. 924, which provides that immigrants must have from March 1 to October 31 the snm of $25 per adult of $12.50 per child in their possession at time of landing, unless going to em- ployment at farm work, or, in cale Of female. to domestic service, or going to join certain specified relatives, able and willing to care for them, the amounts specified being doubled for the period between November 1 and March 1. It was felt by the government that persons going to city employment, where thee would be without near rela- tives, woula really require that amount to keep Cum independent until the first week's wages were due. I may just bare point out that the result of this regulation has been to greatly diminish the amount uecessitry to be expended on the care of indigent immigrants; for instance, in 1907-08 there was spent through the Winnipeg office $23,000 for looking after new -comers before they could be permanently settled, whereds, in 1909-10, the amount Apent for the same purpose was only $9,000. A GOOD PROOF. Likewise throughout the whole Do- minion reports of hardship amonget newly licrived immigrants have prude. eely disappeared since the inaugura- tion of the money requirement regula. don, Of course, I do not claim it is by any zneans an Infallible test, but stil, generally speaking, the fact that an immigrant money in his poseee- sion at time of landing may be accept- ed as proof that he has been thrifty and industrious, While it is admitted by al who come directly in contact with the tboueands who yearly arrive in the country that a marked improve - merit in the class of iinnugrants was noticeable almost immediately after the going iitto force ot the restrictive regulations, this is not the only point upon which the country may congratu- late itaelf, for while the guality has improved Gm quantity has inereazed, The only reason ean give for this is that =ray held back front going to Canada when they thought there was ao open door through which all and eundry might enter who are noiv eager to take up their home in the Dominion when satIsfied tht due eare is being exereisea in the -admission of new set. tlere. So much for the policy, With sagard to the administration of that policy, ean only say that at all times the department has endeovored to be its just and humane as possible, bear. ing in mind, however, that ite auty to Canada. and to Canada only, arid that while every Applicant for admis- sion who is likely to be an aequisition to the country shall be admitted if the law Will admit it, on the other hana, every etemen who is likely to be a dete THOSE REJECTED. Durnig the calendar year 1909, 155 British immigrants were rejected at ocean ports, and during the calendar year 1910, 252 British immigrants were rejected at the ocean ports. Of these numbers it May be interesting to you to know that in 1009 21 were rejected for insanity and 7 for tuberenlosis, while in 1910 19 Were rejected for insan- ity and 20 for tuberculosis. After being messed by the la -migration officials, im- migrants attended to the checking ot their baggage and arrange for their in- land transportation, after which they embark on special trains 'And proceed to their destination, Owing to the large number of arrivals from the United States it was felt that some system of inspection along the in- ternational boundary should be inaug- urated, and in April, 1908, a system of border inspection was established and gradually extended until the present, when all recogaized metes of travel are covered by departmental officials. In 1008-00 there were rejected 4,580 intend- ing inunigrants, which increased to 8,997 in 1900-10. At the present time there are employed on this border service OD regular dicers and 132 customs officers, who also attend to immigration mat- ters. At Vancouver and Victoria an examination is made of trans -Pacific passengers similar to that conducted at Quebec, St john and Halifax on the east coast. all the British offices lecturing is one of the most important branches, and hundreds of lectures are delivered every year by the regular staff. The distribution of Cae,ndian atlases and school timps is having an excellent ef- fect in directing the attention of the Tieing generation towards Canada, while the millions of copies of immigra- tion pamphlets desirtbuted in the past few years has gone a great way towards dispelling that ignorance regardino Can- ada which was at one eime only an no- ticea,ble in tbe mother 'country. Next to newspaper advertising, the exhiibts at fall fairs in rural villages and county towns is the next best me- thod, of advertising in the United States. These exhibits are seen by exactly the class of aeople. wanted in Canada, and no stronger argument can be made to them than a view of the produce of this country, which comperes so favorably both in quality and quantity With that grown in the United States. 'from the regular pffices and at exhibitions aro distributed large numbers of the pain- phlets prepared by the department. In' the United States, the departraeut hes 45 sub -agents who issue to intending, settlers certificates which entitle them to a cheap rate on Canadian railways, besides giving to the intending immi- grants information which would be of tele to them. These sub -agents are paid a commission of $3, $2 and 1 on men, WoMen and children. tinder 18 years of age, belonging to the farm class, whom they send to the Doininion. RtIELIMATISM CURED TO STAY CURED Liniments of No Avail—The Trouble Must be Treated Through the Wood. This artivie is intended AR a talk to the man Or WORIATI with theuniatiene who 'Mane to be cured. Not merely re - lima, not hall cured, but actually mired. The most a rheumatic sufferer ean hope for in rubbing something on the sweeten, ailing jOiliti little re- lief. Ana ell the while the trouble is b.:mewing more. firmly seated. authorities now know that rheumatism is rooted in the blood, and that while rubbing on liniments or hot tomcats - tions may give temporary relief, they eannot possibly eure—you mud go to the root of the trouble in the' blood. That is why Dr, 'Williams' Pink rills care rheumatism. They make new, rich blood, which expels the poisonous acid, and the rheuniatiem disappears. There are thotisends of former rheumetio suf- ferers Canada, UOW Well and strong, who thank Dr, Williams' Pink Pille that they are now free from the aches and peals and tortures of this dreaded trou- ble. Mr. Joseph Luddingtou, New Har- bor, N. S., says: "Some three years ago my wife was stricken with rheumatism, and suffered so much that we despaired of her ever getting well again. At first sbe was able to go about, but in spite of all we did for her she grew so bad that we had to lift her in and out of bed, ana finally the pains grew so ex- -eruciating that we could ouly move her little by little, with the sheet under hen leinally'we were induced to get Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for her. I do Mt re member just how many boxes she took, but I do know that they were the first medleine that reached the disease, and that she continued to improve lentil she was again as well as ever, and could do her household work. To us it is simply marvellous what Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills did for her, and we are glad to give tbis testimonial in the hope that it will benefit some other poor suie fever," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TIME TO PAINT A -SHIP, The latest thing in ship'paInting is to apply no paint at all—not until they have been at sea for some months At any rate. The conetane repainting of armor- ed. ships and ships with steel hulls in- volves an enormous east, and since it has been found that when a •vessel is ea lowed to go „ unpainted for several months the steel scales, which usually come loose under the paint and afford an opportunity for rust to attack the surface, wear off, the British Govern- tuent is experimenting with unpainted craft. The tramping ship Exmouth was .the first one tried. It was given two months at lea with no paint and tben- given four COats in dry dock. At the end of five years there was scarcely a trace of wear except at the water line, and the bat - tom was in perfect condition. The Idea was first suggested by A. C. Holzpapfel, who bad made a study of the Exmouth, and now the steel ships are all put out to soak before being painted.—Chleago Tribune. or MOPS quickly stops coughs, cures colds., healt thn throat and tunes. • • • aS cears. TELEPHONES IN CHURCH. Ittorialt Chureli, of 'Ctiea, hae installed a telephone system for the benefit of members of the church Wlin may ire At - flitted with deafness, Sig telephones have been placed in various parts of the auditorium, the transmitter being loeat- ed an the pulpit directly in front of the spenker.--From the Telephone Reviein " it REVISING THE DECALOGUE. (New York Mail.) Revielon downward of the deealogue, as being debated bv the convocation at Canterbury, ie well enou,gh, but let it he aceomplished by its Mende. The riment to the eountry must be re- doe:dope has a few frienas and nuna jeeted if the law will allow it, berlese liequaintanceee he Rayo Unit) Is *high aTade lamp, sold ot a low pare. !Monists tenni that tent Ins*, bit there le to better nom roralo et eel irnee. atiVibtiliati1d at sone blase; nickel pharid--eaelly kept dean; on mint sal roont ta tee hove, Thom is necklet known to tho tut o ettiseet king thee esti edit te the viler: el the netv0 sg de ea *art detest ea bore, It Not etanetwrite fordo. Mee reeler to tee atoms ey et e._ 0100 91E1' 9 COMPAIDA LIMIII4 Tom* *iote BUNGLING AT GUELPH HANGINO ATTACKED BY BRONCHIAL CATARRH Bound Brooke P. 0., Port Antonio, Ja., June 4, 1910. Dear Sirs,—I have been suffering frone dreadful attacks of Catarrh. and Broil- chitis for a period of one year and four montlia, during which time I spent most of my earnings in trying various rem- edies, but, •iilast without any satisfac- tion. I was just about giving up hope of enjoying life for the future when in our Daily Telegraph papers of Jamaica I saw your advertisement for Catarrhozone, and tried one bottle. That was suffi- cient. I now know Catarrhozone is the best and -only medicine for my trouble, It lia,s made a thorough cure. (Signed) T. 0. White. Large size, sufficient for two months' use, guaranteed, price $1; smaller sizes 25 cents and 50 cents. Beware of imita- tions And sttbstitutors, and insist on get- ting "Catarrbozonee only. By mail frone the •Catarrhezone Company, Hingston, Ont. ••••••••••••.., Forced the Government ta Appoint Radcliffe as Hangsman. Identity of Man Was Proven by Toronto Reporter. Had Hanged Chinese Pirates—The - Hanging of Birchall. •01.1.1,•••••••••,..• Toronto deepateli: Many stories have been related about itadeliffe, the hang - 11111P, who died lately, uot a tew tit winch had a basis of a:nth. This mutat is true taat as hangnien he knew his businese, and e»cleaivored to send tae victlins of the Crown out of fhle world as expeditiously and as painieesly was humanely possible, Ahnost everybody knows that it is the duty of the' sheriff to execute au persoos who have been coxidemned to death, Sheriffs ainitost from time immemorial have shirked this part of their teak and for many years when some unfOrtunote had. bone ;Nand. guilty of a capital crime. the penalty of whieh was death., the Iiigh engaged some derelict to perrorm the unpleasant task fur him. This duty was performed very indifferently, bac the climax was reached at the execu- tion of a bookkeeper in Ottelph named Harvey. This poor man liad been rather well brought up, and hls salary did not prove /3 uffieient to sup. port the family in the manner in which they thought they should live. Harvey, in a moment of weakness, ex- propriated Some of his employer's money, aml to cover it up, falsified the books. One step led to another, and as time went on he became more mid more invilved. lie learned that an accounting was to be made, and being a highly -strung man, he felt that he could not stand the disgrace of exposure, and loving his family, he felt that it would be wrong to leave them to bear the brut of it. Ile first visited a hardware store, purchased a revolver and a supply of cartridges and returned home and killed las wife. 'He then repaired to the public school and asked for his two young daugh- ters. The children, oao on either arm of the distracted man, accompanied Mtn to the home, where he deliber- ately killed them both. Subsequentiy he telepleoned to his son, who had a clerkship in an office in Toronto, to meet Lim on the arival of the Guelph train at the Union Station. Harvey was on the train on his way to this city when the tragedy was discovered, and the police of Guelph communicated with Toronto, and when Harvey stepped off the train at the Union Station he was aceosted by a detective instead of his son. He was subse. quently tried, eonvicted, and sentenced to be hanged. There was no doubt in the minds of the authorities that Hare vey intended to kill his son and com- plete the chapter by conunitting suicide. HANGING OF HARVEY. ONTARIO MARRIAGE LAW. (Detroit Journal.) A runaway couple from Sandusky, the boy Mend the girl 14 years of age, were married by a Windsor, clergyman Saturday night. The law of Ontario, it seems, does not prevent school claildren from getting married if they have the few dollars necessary to pay the mar- riage license lesuer end the elergyutan. In this case the minister says he ques- tioned the couple closely, and they gave their ages at 21 and 19. A girl of 14 might dress up to look like 19, although it is doubtful; but to mistake a boy of 13 eor man of 21 seems absurd. That the minister haa his serious doubts is evidenced by his own state - meat that be questioned them closely. A.s they stuck to their false stateraents as to their ages his conscience Was ab- solved from making a mock of the holy institution of matrimony by pronotine. Ina the blessing of his ehureh on the union of two school children who could not poesibly understand the nature of the obligation they were taking upon themselves. There Is this to be said. for the minis, ter, however, that the children eame to hint wttit ft license issued by au agent of the Ontario Government, authorizing him to perform the ceremony, The per - eon who tutees the license is supposed to swear the applicants, but this safe- guard has never proved to be very effec- tive, for the records of the high court of justiee of Ontario show that on one occasion at least a child several yeare younger than the Sandusky girl found no difficulty in being married. The law of Ontario puts a premium on' this kind of thing, for it makee it to the intermit of the goverment, official to issue as many licenses AS he eon. The tee is $e end of this amount he retatitis $1.40 as leis charge for filling the blank and eweriring the applicants. Ife knows that if he is too particular, some other license issuer will be more temple's:ma and be thinas that he may. as well get the $1.40 as anybody else. He ap- pointed by the Governmerit for service& to tire party in power at election time, end it is up to him to make the most of it. /1 he testae ten licenses a day, be POek.et $84 for his week's work, so way should lie lie lenticular? Tim Govern- ment of the inovince makes Remit re part- ner lit bueincse of this kind for the 60 eeute it gets from each marriage, Windser ministers cannot be too paw 'Uvular if they would live in, anything like comfort, for they are At rale sery at oily paid, their eel:grew:times taking it for granted that they will share in the profits of tide perullar InanstrY. SUFFERED 23 YEARS Constant Sufferer from Chron. lc Catarrh Believed hy . Mrs- j, H.Perunet. Ilouriand, aaha, Teeete, writee: 'Tor twen- Lptliree years. vale a eon- etant sufferer from ehronie eatarah. I had a severe yds ere! and burn- ing in tho top of xny head. There was ala most a cone, thnotl &op.!. ping of mums' into my throat whieh eatieed frequent ex- p e eta ration, My entire sys- teni gradually Ineame v o ly e and my condition grew worse. I had an Wes - sant cough ana frequent attacks of bilious colic, front which it meeined 1 conid not reeover. My bowele also became affetted, causi»g alorming attacks of hemorrheoes I tried many . remedies, which gave only temporary relief 01.130 relief at all. I At last 1 ried Pennine and. in three days I tvae re- lieved ef the bowel derangement. After using five bottlee was entirely cured. I most cheerfully reeommend the nee of Peplum. to any one similarly afflicted." The scene at the hanging of poor Harvey at Guelph jail was one of the most gruesome in the annats of Cana- dian justice. A farm laborer, whose identity was not revealed, officiated. When the platform droppel the noose alined, and the condemned man was in the throes of strangulation for fully twenty-five minutes before death put a period to his suffeeings, Following this travesty a great cry went up from one end of the Dominion to the other, and the advocates of the abolition ot capital punishment gained many ad- herents. So loud was the outcry that the Dominion Government was forced to take cogoizence of it, with the re- sult that a permanent hangman was appointed, at a salary of $800 per year, with the stipulation that for each hang- ing he was to receive from the sheriff the usual fee and all his travelling and other expenses. The identity of the ex- aert selected was not revealed. HOW IDENTITY WAS REVEALED. Shortly after the appointment of au official hangman the Bharat ease loomed large in the public eye, and, it remained for a Toronto reporter, who subsequently went much higher in the :scale, to solve the mystery. From his MORE PINKIRIVI CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Glanford Station, Ont. --"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com* pound for yeare and never foUnd an y medicine to compare with it. I had ulcers and fall- ing of the Uterus, and doetors did me no good. / suffered dreadfully until I began taking your medicine. It haa also helped other women to whom Zhao° recemmended it,"—Mrs. HENRY CLARE, Glanforti Station, Ontario. Aelother Cure Ilarvey Dankt 13.—/ can highly recommend Lydia E. Pinkbain's Vegee table Compound to any auffering woman. I have taken it for feniale weakneas and painful irienstruation and it cured me. — MRS. DEVSItA BAatOtin. Because your case la a difficult one, doCtOre having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound a trial. It surely has cured many easea of female ills, each aa in- flarrimation, ulceration, diapitteeinents, fibroid tamers, irregularities, Periteale Pains, backache, that bearing -down feeling, indigestion, clizzinees, and tervoas proetration. It coots bUt teifie to try it, and tho result is worth millions to many suffering women. 11 you wevit lopeelal stIvItee 'write for It to Wits. Pinkhusno tyros* Maim. It IS fret Said ullWarei belptid• Mrs. J. H. Boueland, Radcliffe never wanted to subiect at all. telk en tito I WHAT Mil:RY WOMAN To the writer one slay he eonfidea that " " " 1114 • the job eves Minim lam, and 00, he wee morry for all the men he had allied for a living. "But,"• he said, "someone had, to do it. unit I retienn that am the Minister of auetire of the Dominion a Canada when efficiate at a hanging. The aepatt- ment of juetice hag an gn on, end I am no more culpable that Hon, Mr. Ayles. worth." HadclIvo was the real name of the lianginam lie was eoonnonly known ae Radcliffe. but On. was not eerrect. Radcliffe was an years of age. ABOUT DOGS. (Cdaaitittn. Cent arr.) A Mentreel teaelne eeeently aekeil her elite; of Uttie Oil., to write a eom- poeition en the dog. Here are a few of pintl4 gleaned frem among the bundle of stonte F tcd '•A doe i; khotly daveiel quad. rimed.. lie is felted iu Aeaa Africa and all parte of America. He loves man - kin] and loathe.; ineets." "A dog swallows las .ferel without ehewiug, width geee to slow that lin belenee. to a preamideinviau area." "A. clog is a_ Wed creature to chillren and goes nut nf his way to harm PO Ono except when elm boa puppies er le gone load." "BnIldoee are terrihle halal -re And fight all elle tiate tbey are not entina, or eleeping ntherwise doing no harm. Tbey hare big heads and maseive iawe. hut ere in uo way related to the %Artie." "A dog it mates most lumen hind," "A dog eats meat and bread and bones A dog rune eidewAye wheu lie runs be- eause he aoin not run straight when he runs. Ile MIS when he is not standing elp still, sitting. walking or lyiag down." "Doge are taugat to kill eats. They eateh the ereaturee behind the head and hill them instantly and quickly," "There are many varieties of dogs as well ea -poodlea and other kinds much devoted upon by ,•the ladies." own private sources of information he ascertained that it big florid man, at that time acting as earetaker for the Sunnyside elub, woe in all probability the man. Ile took a night off from his office, met the man in question, and not only induced him to tallc, but in some occult manner obtained hie photograph, This be veed, together with the details be had seeured, at the proper time in the Birchen ease. 14 was in this way that Radeliffe evils made known to the pnblic, Ile ad- mitted to the reporter in question that he had assisted in public _hangings in England before wining to this coon. try, • HANGED CIIINDSE PIRATES. It is said that at one time in his chequered career he was a sailor in the China seas, The boat that Rad- cliffe was engaged on had 'a lot to do in capturing Chinese pirates, who were hanged- froin the yardarm, The work as a rule, was 'of a bungling character, entailing much f ferino, and Radcliffe who was a kind...heart:el man, revolted agaiust the wore, and being a good sailor, be showed the executors how a knot coula be tied that would make death almost instan- taneous. This story leeks verificai- tion. Radcliffe's first important hanging wds that. of Birchen, although it is pretty well known Oita he offieiated as the executor at several hanginga in Canada prior to. this event. Strange as hie ocempation may have been, the official hangman was a genial and convivial man. Be regarded hang- ing as all in the day's work, and did not feel that lie should be regarded as a man apart on account of his carry- ing out the injunctions of the law in as 'humane a manner as he knew, Steffoff, the Macedonian murderer, who was executed in Toronto jail, was the last man that Radcliffe hanged. It is said, that prior to the hanging of an etaTian in the jail at North Bay Rad- cliffe received a "Black Hand" letter threatening lam. with death if be car- ried out the execution, This letter is said to have broken the iron nerve -1 the sturdy hangman, This much is true that Ellis, not Radcliffe, carried out the Crown's decree at North Bay. The true story iseprobably that told by his aged mother, who had a deen affection for him. "My son," she said, "died as the result of drinkina bad. water in the Northwest. It brought out a rash on him, and with that came a spinal cord itifeniten lle was ill ieven months." Radcliffe was born in Birmingham, England 56 years ago. He had a wife, son and daughter -in the Old Counern, and a son and two daughters in this city. So soon as his occupation bevione known he was practically ostracieed, save hy a, few kindred spirits, wlio adinired because he was it 'Abend spBenydear inbcatid..ernocoem, sire. justice Mac. Mahon, who imposed the death sem tence on Birchen; Mr, James Forbee, turnkey at the jail at Woodstmax, W117 had eharge of the death watch on the condemned man, and Reel eiffe, who pulled the fatal bolt that itslored Birchen into eternity, have all died within the present year. Radcliffe, the hangman, was a stvange character. Outside his home, when he was on the way "to do a job," as he °called it, Rad- cliffe was all that WAS lew and brutal. At borne he was quiet, it good conver- sationalist, well read, neat and clean aod very kind. He was the loved playmate of many ehildren in the Parkdale ais- trict, and although the parents dia not associate with lum they knew that their children were safe from all harm when Ittiaeliffe was at home. It was a familiar sight to see the tare of the babies on the stteet When .11.0a; nt5g,.man coming down the street stir. carrying a baby on each arm, Latterly, when he lived itionee he would take rounaed by A dozeii or so children and Gm mothers mule their tripe to the On the other hand, Radcliffe has been kricovu to take the buttons out of it mur- derer's eollar to keep as souveuirs, And he bad in his peseession for yeare piece of the rope on which Bireitall swung. lie took a special delight in preparing the reee for a bauging to just get it the right length, and have It just "taut enougho" to use hie own expressiore Radcliffe had travelled all over the world as a sailor. ife was the son of an English clergyman and graduated. as a pharinaeist. He kept a drug store fer tome time in Enffland, and then took to the sea. Coming to Canada in 1685 he took the position of steward of the Rosa Cane. dian Yttebt club. Be was an exceneut cook, and delighteil in pillaring most aeliciotis 'comae dinnere, a trick be eould turn right tip until the last eouple of yeats. Radeliffe arts paid a et:toiling ealary by the department of justiee Of $480 per ennatio Besides thie be received all expeusee of travelling. ufficage, ana was the teeipieut of fees nom the different Iheriffe for whom he offieiated, 'Wizen questioued about the position Famous British Admiral SHOULD KNOW Dodd's Kidney Pills the ?tire Cure for All Aches and Pains, Mrs. Vaillencourt Adds Her Experi- enc. to the ereat Maze of Proof That Oodd's Kidney Pills Are Wo- man's Oast Friend. Lafinid, Alberta, March. tspevialb That the women of the West are find - .11.3g le Dodd's Iiitlesy attre re- lief from throe oehea ana pains that only women know is becomilig inore evi- dela. every day aria etre. Agnes Vaillan- court of this visite* gladly mesa lier ex - petiole* Lie au addition to •the male of proof 'that ie liebig piled up. "Vol. three years suffered intensely with faidney Diseaee," etre, Yaillan- court states. " I had pia everysliere. 1 milt' used Sia. bOtiQn Pt Wade; Kid- ney Pills ana I am, cerapletely earea of all niv aeliee awl paina I am al Per feet beafth to -day,'" Women's health deoende on her Rid heeat. If they are uot ia petted ordo Vas impurieies. are not strainod out of her bloon and she cannot lieolthy. She feele it io every part of her Maly end. the result is that she is weary and and full of aches aud.paine. What every woman should know is that there is sure reliefeand perfect health for her if she uses Doticles Kidney Pills. . Tells What ZotO.Buk Did For Him Many famoua persone have testifial to the great video of Zam-Bok, Rad amongst the most recent is Minion Itcelaey al, Lloyd, 'Writing front the Royal Navy Club, Portsmouth, Rug - laud, ..kdiniral Lloyd. says: "1 have found ZatteLluk most reliable - for healleg 'cute and ale:lesions; weak for the relief of skin irritatien it is Invaluable." Another famous user of Zam-Bul; ia eir. Frank Seudamore, the War Corres- pondent, who eupplied Citnaillan news- papers with their dispotehes during the Boer War, Mr. Seudamore says: "Some poisonous dye on my underclothing came in contact with a small ulcer on iny leg and Mood poisoning set in. Inflamma- tion, pain Rod swelling followed. My medical man's treatment did not seem to do any good, as Meer after akar broke out, until my left kg froni knee to foot was one .mass of eoree, I had seventeen deep there at oue time. I could not put my foot to the ground, and was really in a pitiful state. A friend advised Zam-Buk, and I applied theis herbal balm. It was really won- derful how it soothed the pain and ach- ing and gave me ease. "I continued with it, leaving off all other treatment, and at the end of a week's treatment my leg was not -like the Baum. A few boxes of Zain-Bnk -healed all the soma, and bit by bit new, healthy skin to•vered tbe placee wheal had beea so . deeply pitted and scarred by ulceration and blood .poheon, The limb is now perfeetly healthy, mill with no marks of the old ulcers. For this splen- did result have ouly Zani-Bule to thank." Zam-Buk is a eure for piled, ecoenne, cold eracks or chaps, ulcers, tingworm, poison, cuts, abaceeses, burns, children's rashes, abranions, and for all skin in- juries and disease, All druggiets ana stores sell at 50e. box, or post free from Ze.m-Buk Co., Toronto, for priee. Re- fuse imitationa and substitutes. • +ea* WHAT THEY DID. Some Unknown Facts About Soma Well Known People. Marie Corelli is a great student of Plato, and a cOnstant reader of 'the Beble. Clara Barton, of the Bed Cross, laid out the grounds of the National ceme- tery at Anelersonville in 1885. Chauncey Depew was once given the post of Minister to Japan, but, after carrying the tommiesion In hia pocket for a month, declined the office James Bryce ie a mountain elimber, end in 1000 was President of the Alpine Club. He is also a -botanist. Henry Watterson, the Louisville jour- nalist, is the author of the phrase "A tariff for revenue enlY” Samuel Untermeyer, New Volk law- yer, is an iii•t expert, and OWNS one of the mod valuable collections of pt;III- Inv in America.. E. II. Sothern the actor is an artist, and studied painting in ipain for sev- eral years. John W. Gates, the capitalist, made his first fortune manufacturing barbed wire fencing. Oscar Hammen-stein, grand opera man- ager, has invented and patented numer. labOt-S9.Ving devices. Tom Lawson, the frenzied financier, is the author of "A History of the Repub. lican leartye, Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst is an an. Gainey on Sanskrit, and has translated many Sanskrit documents into Englah. Thome Fortune Ryan, the financier, was formerly in the dry•goods busineas in 13aitimore. IdeNial•Mil..1•61MOMIOMMINA!4.00•••••••.=••••••••••••••1*...IrliMI• RY MURINE EYE REMO NO COD FAMINE IN SIGHT. Hundrede of Millions of Pounds of the Fish Are Taken Annually. The cod Is probably the most _prolific. of all sea fish, though its hobitat does not extend over aa large an area other speeles. It is found only in North. ern waters, and will live and thrive only eertain. teniperaturie. • Some day, owing to the wonderful asset which Newfoundland poesesere in her cod fishery, say,3 the Wide 'World Magazine, she is deetined to be the greatest fish depot of the world. It is not alone on the great "Woks" many miles off her einst. diet coil are found in eountleee millions, but around the whole leland--on the "ledges" clad "grounds" off the capes and proment- ories that jut into the Atlautle, as well as on the Labrador amid, fur 'a stretch of a thousa.nd miles, 'In taese regions you require no hatch- eries to aid the wonderful feeun.dity of nature; indeed, it is doubtful if you require any laws or reguletioue to pro- tect these fisheries, unless it be in the shoal waters of the buys. Notwithstanding that fur 300 years the fisheries of these watere have been prosecuted by the rival fishermen of 'INN hi:misplaces the largest -cateli of ced evertaken . on the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts was that eecured in 1909, the yield being estimated in weight at 1,800,000 quintele, er 20,000,000 pounde, to which may Le added 200,00 enintals—the quantity locally consumed fishing season. The value of the fisa alone without any regerd. to the by- products—on, roes. skin, offal ete.—eis V0,000,000. SIMPLE WAY TO REMOVE RUST. A recant, iasue of the Brass World con- tinued a simple method fee removing rnst from surfaces that were afterwards to be eleetro-plated; hut the method might be applied equally well to other rusty surfaces. It cownees in dippiug the articles first iuto a strong, hot poe- ash bane,. for about half an hour, and then inunersiug in a cold muyiatie acid pickling s.olution, composed of two parts of water to oue of Etettl. Title removed the rust in a few minute% leaying the metal apaprently attacked but very lit- tle, The previous soaking in the strong hot ;potash solution is responsible fer this rapid pickling, an a tent proved, for without the previous dipping 85 minutes were requirea by the acid hath, against four minntes when previously treated in the, potash bath. „apparently a chemical reaction is set up, thangIng the character of the rust, aoftening it, and making It readily ebluble. The appearance ortbe rust as it comes from the potash kettle testifies to this. as it is Miele and soft. and may ainfott he rubbed off with the eaed. The picees that h,ave been treated in the potash bath bare a smooth and glossy finieh. *-1 For Red, Weak. Weary.Watery Eyes AND GRANULATED LIDS Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Eye Pain Muriat Eye iteseedy, leleuide,23c. 50e. 41.00. Medea Bre Sam in Abode Tube; 25e, $1.40. (VC ilOOtta AND ADVICE ORES BY MAIL Murino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago 16•1.••••40M./.11111•11411/0Mii•ON61.1•04...../.6.." THE SOWER. )$ower is the high priest of glieue08, you de not hear tlus seed Wit it is emoraced by the eilent earth, nourished by the elient clew, welerned by the silent affinities of eliendstiy ala warmth, The roots bore steently, the puume heave silentlyathe bladee the 'stem, the fruit sing their silent song. The sewer of the seed is a solitary man, he works till he is tired and huogry- p.rehrefeCeltrieoant Irofalcseirenhenes.bandman 14 1141 hela'rbde. Seed. The seed is the word of Ood, The meesage, the meaning, the vocal, loc:1 the voice Is Vitality, impulse and power. Ttsnahelet:evormice of the Lord. is on many wat- ers, but in Hie temple the music is un - tracts, wins, warms, colognes and saves. The sons of the 'Kingdom are the living The Word is light and life, it ate The soil, herein diversity indeed. "The dress of the seedsman adds nothing to the value of the seed." Some bring forth no fruit, some ore scanty, others being forth more, others much mina. Some thirty fold, some sixty fold, some an hundred fold, How important is the eon- dition of the seed bed. Is my heart the seed -bed for the true seed of the King- dom, Here we are lifted into the glori- ous co -partnership with Goa. How can prepare this seea bed? There must be plant food in the soil -or there will bo no harvest, What do I hear. alow do a hear? I must receive, welcome, nourish. hold. I must prune and tend the edam Here we invoke the silence! The seed bed. moat be vacant, nothing must be there, no one must be there, we must be alone, we must be quiet. "When thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and shut the door, Ault the world out, shut God in, The Father seeth and will reward. z°40.111•Ycl‘ iTnicileurietymilstMlyelsil:11.:retritthe 'LlofrdI will not hear me." There must be single- ness of heart, not double a double -mind- ed maa is unstable in all'his ways. There must be unconditional surrender. No holding hack, anything, or any one, or any idol of the aeart, There must be honesty. Bow ean the seed find its way when the ground is covered and crowd- ed with other things? The card table, the rnusie hall, the race course, the taV• MI; do you love these first and most and best? Every man is a sower; what tiiineduoafrvseesetabael you put in. What will H. T. Miller. DIDN'T BLAME IT. (Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.) "Yes," said Tommy Kane, "the worst hotel on earth, bailing none, stood toms. years ago on the main street of 'Winch- ester, Kee, hed been booking at tide hotel with a fellow ball player about a week, and hi that short time we bed enough experienees to fill ti Woe:. "One uight I found myself unable to Sleep, as is often the ease. after a hani game, and along with thie A feeling that something was wrong'. 1 then arose , and to II1V surPris., iiiseovered that theal was a leak in the gas jet. "'Wake up, Mak!' Eltouteel la lay trines ear, ahalcinct him aielently. `the gag Is beeaping!' Well, eau you blew it'd growled he, as rollea off the eurn elmeks that served as a bel" BOWEL TROUBLE MAKES SICKLY BABIES Bowel. trouble is the cause of most of the ailments from which little ones suffer. When baby's bowels are not working regularly illness is mire to ap- pear, but when the bowele are regular the little one is usually bright, active and happy. No other medicine for ba- bies has snub good effect on the bowel* tie has Baby's OVVa Tablet's. They make their action regular, eweeten the stom- ach and promote good health. Coneern- ino them, Mrs, Freentau Feener, of Bar- ry's Corners, X.S., writes: "I can heart- ily recommend Baby's Own Tablets for all the troubles from which little ones suffer. My baby girl was troubled with her bowels and was so small and puny I thoueht we would lose her. I saw Baby's Own Tablets advertised. and be- gan giving them to her and now she Is a big, heelthy baby. For this I thank the Tablets, and I always keep them in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. Williams' Medieine Co., Brockville, Ont. =EONS AND THEIR BIBLE. (New York Tribune.) The Gideons, a band of religiously in - Mined cominercial travelers, who recent- ly placed 0,000 Bibles in Chicago hotel rooms, aro much pleased with the reeep. Lieu Of the innovation, Their secretary, he a statement to the Chicago papers, says: "We have received numerous let. ters, pathetic and thankful, telling us of the work accomplished by placing the word ot God before the transients who oceupy rooms in Chicago's hotels, One man wrote that he looked forward to the titne when the rooms in every hotel in the world would coutain as A part of Gitir lurnieliings 'copies of the Bible. The hotel people and those in touch with the men And women who are reaelted by these lables are entleas- iastie about the work." u trattly *foam couilim. turea colas. bee* the shrew reed haute. e • • 10 A PROMPT' GUESS. 1.1t,tver'e Naval Offieer (Coaetruetion Depart. ment).—Oh, no; We're slimily tring to get her done and lennelael tee she be- comes obsolete! eiai I he 1 a ;Magee meteetiennaliat le 61111 yoe. aith itt finieltere Live i LOVE'S MINISTRY. One's experience with men leads lifin speedily to divide them ineo two classes, those who are ever plant:ling to get and those who are ever planning to give. The ono class may be defined as radihnt, the other as aheorbent. One gains ens chief joy in dietribution, the ether in acme tion. One has an impelling . sense ot abundance, the other an anxious expec- tation of want. The life of one es en- ithout. idnocwgreeliohguei,nsia,tarpewpefealrloismtuovip his every that is the more toucaing because Of its life of the other is exagferrous, itthisin;netvheer indirectness, Christ Jesus said, "The Son of man came riot to be ministered unto, follower but to minister;" and the beautiful in- t: ooe indolent and unfeeling selfishness, but lieee eagti)1, vo° osn 'sr edl re lahnrgchs ase prdnealbsin lc: :roe fnl of oertmrnvol yet to those habits or personal requirement, of imposition, and of indifference to others, which so frequently come to dom. inate a large part of conduct, when per- chance the individual is planning and working for some one thing or calese in an altogether unselfish way. Soma men are very large -minded and kindly in their home relations, but nar- row find exacting in their Vusiness; some are very zealims for their church, but leave the care of city and state, the communal interest.% wholly to others; some are uniformly courteous to their chibmates, but cruelly inconsiderate of their help; some are kind and thought- ful of everybody save those nearest to them, and it may be a long time after one has consecrated his life to some- thing very much. nobler than the mere saving of his own soul 'Defer° he comes to know his human self well enough even to undertake to bring every word and act into subjection to the spirit of Christ. His sense of love has measured but a little arc of duty's full eirele, and though a vision of the sweetness of a ministering life has sometimes appeared to him, be has not known bow to attain snkg tuaul laebs onxi pneni uovnTnns. piddLtnigs0811 vditreetei tehlitoonsefotdoemli any. on;cn .;ri rienegii nitedy:sni iateiTisnmsnhatalsdhl deraeinfea.rtutti,(tii,,h1 ptieTrf:heaoo: teohtiulsnadtlr keiswan,enoni dilbhteftondoihsoavGinenstioi jodInflloviejeageoy: itinsfnehp eoap eioogu siblasytnla :or speyaripie efibhoii ireg.sstt:-... all and of loving where and when we are shiol lw lanifie.ogierttioteyhab, :llevettharhhhamsi ietstei ehtmwrohea: iee,aiannessl keoi ttzb et ee Irhnvaag itieognonrigendhsd:sdyietanecoginibtameoelaonigiinnsnndddnhi soeseati rtnoetfsouoindt: sret nt at: artn,uiu,ad: 3 inpkabutneaooeindnf.: gins at. onee to experience a sense of separation from the exactions of person - sympathy, and to realize the passing of those unideal iinpulses ih the hours of horest self -inventory have so often stared him into a consciousness of his own tinahristlikeness. .10I/N B. MUM. ' THE WORL,D'S SIDLES. no world has aflame Bibles: They are the Koran of the Moharamedans; the Elides, of 'the Scandinavians; the Trip- itaka, of the Buddhists; the FiVe Kings. of the Chinese; the Three Vedas of the Hindoos; the Zereleveeta and Oil Chris- tian criptures. The Korai le net older than tbe seventh Century of enr era, It is a emu - pound of quotations from the Old and New Testatnents, the Talmud, and the aospel of St. Dartabas, with original editions. The tacks Of the Seenelinave taus were published in the eleventh; eon. tury, and are the mose eeeelit Of Oleo seven Bibles. The Buddhists' Tripitalea contain sublime *evil sand pure Inspir- ations, Their author lived hod died m the seventh rentury before Christ. The soared writinga of the Chinese are tbe Five Hinge, "king." meaning well of (+loth or the warp that keeps the thread hi their pleeee. They eontain the elloiceet aayinge of the leest ape oli the ethieel,, political duties of life. Theee eaylage eannot be traced to a period higher. than the leventh centurY, B. C. The Three Voiles are tbe most au - civet books of the Itindoos. The Zeal/toe:lite of the rersiens Is tbe graildt'at Pt tbo seared beelo flat to the 13ibte. le:oroaater, whoa'. sayings eontaine wee born In the twelfth ten- .tury C.