HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-03-02, Page 7a . FW% FA "t . �* -1 I i -I Three Hundred and Fifty-Thre Makes of Ca'rs Shown. � Paul J, Myler lntroduQes Lieut,.Qov, I ornor Gibson, WhQ Officially Declares the Exhibil Opeo�Count.Appoilyi a Ojest. I Toronto, Feb. 2L -For motorists, COmmer0i4lists and militarists, the An, tomobile Show, which was formally op, ened on, Saturday evening at the Armor. Ica by his Honor the Lieutenant-Gover- 'nor of Ontario, and which will continue until next $aturday night, will stand as one or tno iiienvixying marica or the Year in Canada. Tba difference !a magni- tude between the automobile shows in Toronto In past years and that of this week is most remarkable, and is due largely to the support given b . y Driga- Wer-General W. if, uotton, Chief Commanding Officer foy Western On- tario, who allowed the Armorles. to be used for the purposes of the allow. Distinctly international as the allow itself is, it was fitting that the open - I Ing ceremonies on Saturday evening should have been participated in by Count Appony! from Austria. Hungary, who spoke a few wordit of greeting after his Honor J. M. Gibson had offi- cially set the wheels of the -great ex- hibition in motion. The Lieutenant - I (lovernor, with his party, appeared in the Southern gallery of the ATmorles about 9 o'clock, and was Introduced b,v Mr. Paul J. Myler, Hamilton, Fre� sidelat of the Ontario Motor League. Ron. Air. Gibson said that he had been conveyed to the show by car- riage and � horses, and felt peculiarly distinguished as he approached the arena where the horses had no place, 'In the gallery with the Lieutenant - Governor's party were Professor James Mavor; Mr. E. Sf. Wilcox, manager of the show; Air. Harry McGee, Mr. Wil. tiam, Stone, Mr. William Dobie, Dr. P. E. Doolittle, Mr. James Currie, Mr. Frank Roden, Mr. 0. Hezzlewood, Mr. 0. J. H. Fleming, Mr. T. A, Russell, Mr. A. 1�. Chatterson, Dr. A. A, MacDonald, Mr. J. Overell (Hamilton), and Mr. Alf; Japheott. There were three hundred and fifty distinct makes 6f cars shown, comprising pleasure vehicles, heavy freight trucks, kind various types of motor Wagons used for warfare. Over a hundred exhibitors have spaces on the floor, and the value of everything shown is estimated at nearly one million dollars. in size and quality the Toronto show ranks third on -the continent. Now York and Chicago havin There were wo very noticeable feat. -tires of the show on 19a,turday evening: lFrat—the familiarity with -which the automobile was d1scussed by the orowd, and secondly—that, despite tile fact the average price of a car is higher than, heretofore, the "automobile craze" shows no sign of abiLtemeut. Ignorance of the motor car .and its mechanism is no longer a popular defect in tile Intel- ligence of the genera.1 public, Toronto, at least, is net so affected, and particul- arly is this true of her womankind.The demonstrator and salesman Of tl1Q. ear are no longer confronted with such questions as "What does this eliain-drive - drive?" or "W* does a carburetor?" or 41Why is this wheel called a compollmt- Ing sprocketV' This kind of questions, s in the past, has no place in the expert mind of the To- ' ronto public. which seemingly belongs , to the "ftutO-kuOW" class- I The co�operation Of foreign auto, I mobile manufacturers is what gives I the show its international character� � While the Canadian industries ate ' Well represented, the majority of tile � exhibits are from tile 'United Statesl i and there are Bliglish, French and - German cars as well. The prices � range from $5,00 for the little light I runabout, to as high as $10,000 for I the palatial Limousine, making an I average coal,, for the general ear of I about $1,600, as against $1,200 or $1,- ( 300 a couple of years ago. ; THE STYLES UNIFORM. I ( The style of the automobile for 1911 i seems to be unifornI in all makes as , fa.r as general appearance of the ex- I terior is Concerned, Plain, simple and cleari-cut in all its lines, the body c of the touring car is following the ex- t ample of tbs PiDuropean. builders, and , ,,,ere is the inclination to get'. the t levers Inside the car wherever pos- I sible. The fore -doors are it very' d popular mark of the 1011 model, and r there is no doubt that the clean flush , sides add to the artistic quality of the ` automobile. The cowl -shaped front "I and close wind -guard also give the t appearance of compactness. r The military features of the allow L are possibly the most Interesting to 4 Canadian public, as they are entirely a a novelty and reflect the condition of r efficlei)ey which prevails in the armies I of Great Britain and Germany.' Pom- t pom guns and Maxims, mounted oil r armor -cased chasses, red cross ambu.- a lance wagons and ilia heavy trans- - ports are some of the instruments of 11 the battlefield which have been ae- ` ed ,In the peaceful company Of "11611158 utilitArlan vehicles. The various uses to which these wax-dars may be de. voted Wore vividly depleted by store. opticon views and explained by an ex- I part lecturer in One of the small r robins in the northwestern Corner of y the ArMorlea. The locture-1,001A is t one of the most educative influences r t of the allow. ( ­:_ #m4l I — v SANG AT HIS OWN PUNPERAL, I� Voice of Deceased, Raprodoc6d. on Phonograph, Heard at Sapvtott. Dertoit, Velt. 20.—Willialn It. Vaxon, an, Owosso llonagenariall, who died lost t Friday, sang at 411'i own funeral this af. i forilbon his favorite hymn.4 which 6ev. t cral years ago lie had Sung Into it pliono. I graph. For over rtwenty years 11r. 4 Faxon had been it Icader of tile t-hurelt , f .0ioir, and tig Ills well-ronotilloored voice " tang out strong And t4ettr tbrougi, Via 11 little .2%lethodist Church mon no woll aci 11 ,wolnen m6bed hysterically. ,10 the oaskot eontaining his body w�is 4"hig � olowly tarri,ki from the obilrell tilt, or. gin plifed softiv, "Peace. Ilerfilet Peape, I t 16 serviec'; beiag entloil by tile , TA)tJ'# Pr4yer In tilt, voleo of thp dead. , ...... , ­ � - - - "What Oro theAft oI4 mariterx hilld attly "Sixteen thousand eaell," "I'll give V611 $1 apiece for two of.theiii.11 "ArAke it, ,$5 for three and they're, youra." . Cnevelaria plain Dealer. I RENO DIVORCESO — Rejoicing Oyer the Killing of Oill: E tending Residence Time. 0 21 Iteno, Nor,, Fob, 27.-Thove Is rojo ,, Ing throughout Reno to -day onthe pa C. of many of the divorce colony over Aowa from the capital of the killing , the proposed new divorce bill, pond! . before the Legislature, The measure a � tended tile required residence in Nova to one year in ca. sea where In the cas of action occurred outside this Stitt a, death blow to Easterners comInshe for the, purpose of securing a divor : after 4 residence of six months, T up and action upon indefinitely postpo'ned by it vote of of the 17 members, Under the rul this precludes further consideration du , Ing the present session. APOSTLE _ Count Apponyi Urges an Inte.rnatiom Legislature. Address at Toronto University—See End of War. Toronto, F -.,v. 227 --Count ,�Ilwrt Ap ponyi, ,% d;fttesmaa w -ho itince 1872 Ila bc4m an active and loading figure In. tit affairs of Ilungarfj Parliament, ani who in the broader field of International relationships IMS Won R fame that I �more than European, advocated before a large audience in Convot,ation Hall o the Universit ' v o4 Toroiff:; on Sa,turday afternoon as tile �oest s%plution of the ilvace problem of the natloili tile estab- Lighment of ail international JpgIal.atare. Coureb Appony! Spoke excellent 15ag- lish, with it metwured diRfinct utteraiwe that, added to the Impression hi.z; ,words a ,ave of one who was explaining thu re- su�ts of it dispassionate yet iwarching in- quiTy Into the lla!'d %ray of avoiding war in the future. Througlintit the whole civilized world, lit tile utterances of ],.'m- poror�, Kings, Preoidenta, Prinie Minis- , ters, Ill a review of any year the pre�ier- vatioll of 13vacc is always spoken Of ar, something to -be proud 6f. ETC thought, however that instead of the precarlous way of i6intaining peace rind, -r tile call- stilift rivemice of war, ai is dolw by Gov- ernments of civi-lized natiou3 to*d.ty, it would be much better W sectire it throuivIi institutions, as Policil was Be- " Cured between individuaN witbin tile nation. Ile pointed out how every social and human progre3s whitin' tile nation had lbeen gained by AubStittifing law and institutions, for flie. individual , goo -a -will of mail. Speaking of the great progress made by The 11ague Conforence in its first meeting held -Ili 1899 in Creating Lt. grVAt irlternational court of arbitration ' lie Mid that though till.,; bad braught most remarkable resoults it n-sa thulinlit unj3at- 0 isfict-ary by the fri,end,, of more radical [)rqggress even when .It the last Congress Llip sugges,tion of the United Stae nakitw the .court a permanent Cue .Was re"140d sympathetically, the only diffi- .,ulty being Ili the repres�,ntntion'of the i'arions nations upon it. The difficulty vaet that international la,w did not cover Lit the ground Of 'ail POASible dismites trishim-between nations, but Il,td ev�61vetj rt a rather haphazard way from pre- wilents, customs, internati6nitl couven- lous -or treaties designed to mee't special ,mergencles. Sonle valuable principlos tre deduced in this way, fill,. not enough 0 cover all the ground between iiii.tions �R the civil code covers the ground af re- ations between individuals. The lativ curt had to be 'Supplemented 'by a egislative body, which Nv�o,.ild not be nch a departure its it migh,, seen,. The speaker found another gelin of 11 interilational Le.gkhtturp in the itter-ParlianientAry linlon, irlth giotipi a every Country 'in the world. Zid of *hich he is the head in Hutigaiy. Ila . tinounce(I that lie hoped G.irt�dals invi- otion that tile next convention of 0`4 ody shoiild be held here -would be ac- epted, and that he hoped to return gain. It wa,3 this body which. had 1)1.e- ftred the schemW for ibn International lourt, which. -Was accepted At I'lic Hague " - - - i 1899. It has about three thouinutl willbers and reprcsonts thirty or forty arliamelaq. The Count ridiculed Elie. asierfl,)n so ften ninde that War was inevitable., and lint ,tinch institutions woul�d never do way with it, by pointing to the fact lat there is atill ignoriZe in spite of �hools and ed.ucation, still elseaso and 04th Ili spite of ,doctors, hospitals and icdical science, still -murder in spite of 1w and the judiciary, And atill vice and t'inle In Spite of c1burelies sind religion. The only quostInn,l, saitl he, 1*19 wile. [ter Ignorance shall ,be the lot of tile kany or the few, vkhether dkease shall 0 �Yidespread or'confined to isolated 18011, And wIlether Peace Shall be tbC Ltling atmoslibilre, tile normal state mong nations, and war very rare, or all depond, as now in 'V,hi- )p(,, On the mutual distrimt and stispi- oil of nationq.ls Ills Honor the Moutmant-Clovernor 4 loml and Sir Charles Mma secinded it Pl�v h,arty motion of thanki. . . .. � -* 0 & RELEASEO ON PAROLE. ' )Kingston, Olit., Fob. 27.—Conftefdu rank McCallum tind Dan;jel 0�or' ig-aii, who were, eentonleed to three eitts for defmuding the Grand Trunk X X-00.OiVing fatgp ticket4, havo been -ilewsed on p4re.0 from tho poniten- i (try dfft�t having igerved two yma. Mrlg4ft iG Witil il0lativeg§ in tho city, .11fle, lArecillum. hoa golio to Ilia old Ono -in nr"kvillel ____ ­­ __ "I SOVTO AlFRI[CAN SCRIP. - - Ottawa, Feb. 2I.—The Depattineiii, ot lie Interior has Issued a return �oneorn- ig South African scrip. Up to Val). 2a lit, total issued %vim 7,108, located by et(111119 584 1004tea by Substitutes 4,- � N1, Ill% . Arumentq rogistercil 5.107, lotat. I but not Pegisterild 68.1, of fthe inar- A 5,091, number usetl Auring Week oY fttiO1111 00110diolt wasmadeln file uew (,'it. 12,323; still on tile Inall.ot, 1,4012. PAST LETTER SERVICE,= . .. , _ - _.______ _ _� ., ____,.__,._.___­__. ­ I I . I � ­__­­__ .. ""___ 1 THE BEAUTIFUL I IANEtS HAT, . � A COLLISION, Hfo LABOR'S TOLL __ NEWS OF THE - I CARS, OR I I X_ MissAdJams of Hull flouse,liefused 1� 10na Train Runs Into Another Neaj I � . I SURRENTINE $50 foir It But Took $10, Jobn Mitchell on Violent ooatIis in DAY IN BRIEF Sixteen Thousand Bu I . Merrilton, , shel& of Wheat . —, . I tbs. Banks of Labor-, IQ- Chleagro, Foh. ..!_ � __ . A Scattered Along Tracks at flomber, i._.1%ItvR VIIS J. -no At. CatlittrIU03, Ont" vel). 27,--A Soule. rt Strange Story Leading Up to Trial of Addaing, of 11i1411 ljoilse , al,tml,lotl a b -tut- Woodstock Fo What poetillar rear-onci colligion o0curreil New York, eell. t!7j__,1ohn Alitcbell lie W. , I ,, rger Given SiX Months � 0 quet given in.honor of('o]. Theodore oil Saturday afternoon oil tile welland Breaking of Tru;.k Strap Hold to be tile labor le4der, Speaking yesterday 4f. " , . of the. Italian Bandits, Roosevelt -it the C'nioll 1'ea"110 Olub I in Jail, Division of ilia Q. T. It. TWO 4reight _ teinriou before tile y. Al. Q . horie last week, site lo,;t tit " Respons;ble For th- Wreck. . � A,, s4ld ug � . .r 11 It. N . I -s, niva on-� af. - I that funda subscribed !a tho interest or q Ii.it In, tbo clo . - � . worI4-wIde peace nitight wtter Ele used Addams, checked lit trainsl it nppears, Welle run X_ room, but, when tile baniluet was ov�tr It I ter the other fiom Tborold to xerrit- I man Found Stabbed After the "k Canada Has Coal to Last For 115 da WO ... wita not to be found, and t;he went hoille ,00, foil. The first train stop on the Steel) Toronto, F,.b. 27.---A,a tit%! roskilL of the for tile, prevention of death 1A the rarijk,j W4 Death of Her Husband, , bilirehowled. ApLer a jbk)r,)e,Th s1,4Tvh Switch, d of American workmen, , .1 i Years grade for the �,74 tile flecon4 breAking of a trucl� Strap, sixteen freight "There are. more workmen killed ,all. a, . ing on b0lind, was unable to ro, . che club deelded vl, ('1100it, :l. VIle(Itio -"Or Stop It% time, beir,g ears Were derillell on the G. T. It, main nil,,Iiy in nlineii and railroads in olle , very heavily loaded . . Ca . ,5*0 to thq Jady, With .1 not" cf ap(JI(Jgy. TmLl Elm loectinotive vrashed Intu the ilrijI Inie west of tile liumber Itiver bridge 41; year," ho Said, "Wan Nyere killed during 'Xiis Addams promptly Kington Workmen May Go on Strike train's caboo,io, 4 . tile e4f,rht )-cars of tile .revolutionar , re,.xiru�d fhe I � . ornoll-411ing it. y 1,11 -Clever Detective Ferreted Out the ch0que, witIt tile. inforloation that &lie I .Fortllrl�, : tell o'clock ye,iterday Imorning. Tile it Ams not aocuntoluca to wear %-)o li-iti, . in May. - atelyl hQdY WW', Ia tile, caboose at the traiii, whkh waS Ili clorgo of Con- - W" If our people could 41ppmetiat.0 11 Particulars of Tragedies, and that the, one gjt,.� Iryqt CA)it only $10. time 3111"t'l no one waa hurt, I dilator 1,'tilobard, eongls4od of thirty- Ell!-; they would 1wartily avi entlluil4i- as The wreaked o;tr vaught fire, and %%,as seven cars, tbirty-five, of which were tically give their co-operadon to tue T. ,rho illissing hA N%as found yester(h), Fro,lodeb, SPIC01a,(Zelt, tile llov(llb't, (lied destroyed, The trat-k sirga. cleared With. , I ,, V400II)i agpriql4es. that .,Ire Vow ,;i;rIV1V(.! a4led wit,,l %N,Ile. at. (; , oi 4114 will be returnea to U41,; Addami 6. at 13,riln, , lit a few hours, lt tvils Froceellin, t, -b to, tile condition- of tile wo*men Vitorbo, tlaly, Fob, 27. -Th-,, vollulilin- ,lay, . tit it fah, rato of sp�-v,l when tile twt-ldent . 'Old in ou- doculne-utq witit tile aid of which tita "­­*191� . . Dr.. It. B. Orr has been appoitiled di. G g _-4"�*_­ 1 occury-rd. The eighth nor froul the Oil ; - 1 liMmize the darigrer,j which Sur. Government hopes to .Connect 4�nrleo .pki- f i ncial 2)fll�3ouln, litediately jurn led the, traek-1 r(ItMd 11101 in his Industrial pursuits." failo and forty ,I"" "" � ­77� 01 atni of niur- ' , dragging, ilia others w tit it. At thii . of, Ills Ussocl, APt. John C. Irvine, a well k I Point Arade separation work N being . C 1 IN WRONG " � der, and t1hus Ad. Italy of loading tipirit-i BRIAND RESIGNS 'resident of North Cambridge, .Nlass., diop. carrle(l clut end but foi. the gitihis which . in the dreaded Cantorr4, reveal Eltai, (Ion. pod dead in front of liIS residence. — are Ili position all alotig the roadbeO, ,uld have toppled over Into naro Cuomolo and lik wife, othe beat,. A. Giss. a Del-jitil, ' 110 WAS 48.131(ttlint , the mra w, DOMINION RIFLE ,nanagerof t.11 � W ' , the road. A6 it it -as, however, the beav- I e street railway3 RtTiflls, wn Ili loade(I cirq 51111901Cd into each other, I tiful Sorrentlite," the killing of whon) li!d French Government Handed Fallieres was murdered Ili the stref Story Of tile Do'- fall of St. Catharines to the round -up of their band, had ro- known mail. �t hy two till- Man in Bufalo. p!llng Up all l0ong the track for some mantle but far'from worthy carcers, Its Resignation To -day. distaricc� Ill moit eaws the ,woodw Sir Fr* Ick Borden Elected Honorary I I ork rl A Part of the -story Which will b,L� laid . . Sir Alplionoo Pelletier, Lieut.4iloVerilor —_ Was fimaiihcd to kindling wooil and the President To-d,ty, . bare w1lien. the trial opens oil 3darah 11 of tile Province of Quebec, is reported Wheat atrown in every direction, Nsone S may now be told, 0110ccolo find Ills wife Tired of the � to be Berionsly Ill at the Hotel Chels.va, Women Apparently of of the crew was injur�il. — wore 42 years Old ThPT lived Ili tile . Intrigues of the Socialist Atlantic City. . at the Bottom. Alixiliarioa from Toronto aud Hamill - Via lVardoneo, In tile oentre of the city, and Other Groups, At the inaugural moeting of the Per. His Trouble. toll wore Immediately rofthed to tile Col. Bertram,. Of Oundas, Chosen on 0111 a few steps front tha royal Palace, . ]ill, Ont" p scene of diiaster, but the wrecking the EXQcutive Council, in, ny pnetty fourth floor apitrtmout. ,�rk board, Dr, ITIbitor Was - I gangs found coniiderab[C diffimity in elected Cha loan, find OlCo. 'M. Doblis 60c_ clearing tile line, and it Ivai not until . . I Here, after the discovery of CtioCcolola Pari4, 'j?eb. 27.-Prealier Aristide Bei- retary-treasurer. . - 9. bad-., at Torre del Greco, title police found and, who succeeded Clemencean. ,IS the . 1)uffalo, Feb. 25._1V,1III4ln clock last llight that traffic wits Ottawa, Feb. 27. -I -Ile annual , an d ejOht O' 'lifele form of tile wife. it w;ts Thomas 4klleu, resumed on the westbound track. it is meeting e the SS Crude oil and gas have been discover- brothers of Gaorg� estimated that Over KOM bushels were Of tile Dominion Ittifle Association . this stretched upon the ,bed, and tile pink silk head of the French Clabinot on July g3, ed on the farm of Ed. W61.Sh, near lklld- AII0_n, Who committed sulcido on split, and tile loss for this alone will afternoon the following officers -were night gown was perforated with niimvr� 1009, to -day tendered the roijigantioll of dlemarch, Ont,, at ii, depth of 300 feet, Thur,seday night rabhor than face a. amount to up,wardi of $6,000, Tile dam* elected - I a . ous woundo, Among them vas the lilt; Ministry to Pregident Failleres. On While a well was being bored. ;j Characteristic dagger co trial On 1110 Obarge of taking, Stocks age to the cars Is estllmatt!41 at $1,G00, ut known a,,; tile Nor. 2 145t Th'iAnd formally retired, but direetors belonging to the Wellamilvale 9 to Supihiltendent Gillen. .7t, ., St, John, X.B., exhibition Marill- accordir. Hon, Prei;ident-Sir Frederick Borden. egio,', the Circular Wound given to , have ,decided to abalidon if. A serious nooldent, ON I Prosidient-Col. ,� one who ,has (broken nn Oath. it Infhot- I few hours later lie was re.itored to e Prolledod faetUtIZ19 Goinpan mired to Albert .,aln Ilugheg, jNl.p. exhibition next fall and hold one next Ont,, , 7,-ot St. ogtlwrinels, Petou, 243 r=114 avenuel 2 Rct'Orllaan Vice-PresIdents-Col. ly. C; VjacDon. I ed upon ,in honest woman or a girl it is I)Qlver and formed 4 new C.1hinet from year and open on Labor Day, 'ame to tIL6 city yeaterdAy rho wag engaged In cle.%rincy the debrisi. ' . trade by a kilaah on the cheek, but ,if which all elements not thoroughly !it 5fiss Florence Hewitt, thill Y vilarS from St. Catharine.j,. and will have " aid, of Toronto, for Ontario; Ueut..col. 11, a R. W. Wilson, of Montreal, for Quebec; sympath.. with hIli attitIlde toward (lied while taklu the bod remove(l ti) that city for remove a derallftl ca heavy .timber t1fou, Senator flower, of Hall gi�en to a woman of doubtful charao-ter t While attemPtillg With qeverttl others to it is always upoft tile bo,.Iy. lit tile 011, 9 it bath at her y 0,1 9 e lalbor hall been climinatea. hole at 314 Euclid avenue, Toronto. burial. fell an Ills log. ir etullag it badl��, far, for of .N.farig, Ctitin011 Cmoccolo tile ase"195in.3 Tho police Are makilig an javestiga. was removed to lin Ile XM Scotia; Col, Tilton, Of Ottawa, for left the mark Of ail evil Iffe. 7he Situation at present is wholly Death was due to heart fallure. 'Is borne ar,d later t,l*,, kt!fftrent, anil the Premier had declared There is a likelihood tliat 10() masons, tion of ilia dea,th of Allen, and have ca to St. IfieltRells Ilos"Ital In the pplice Xow Brurizw%k; Col, S. D. Steo!e, of ('11-occOlo in Ills youl,11, it developcd, I Winnipeg, for Ilaaltolia; Lleut,-Col. Da. I had becii con ' himsel-I weary of the blekerings of Par- helpers, 100 carpeutera and 00 painters nterviOwed a number of men and wo. ambulance, a damned for theft, swind-. lialuout and the Intrigues of the groups of Kingston will go oil Men who boarded at No. 66o West All day yesterday crowds of people vidsoll, of 48th Regiment, for Prince strike fit , , -the scene of the wreck and it ward ,, Lleut.-Col� I@'. A. C-ruik- ling and other bffetices. For tPn or Hay dhipewa. 'Streot. where Allen waa ar- visited FA Islan(I liorninalt17 supporting him, and expressed If their demands for increased , re6ted by the- two twelve yte-ars before hLs death, however, a Pay are was not until three olcIoL-k this morn. shank, D.O.C., of Calgary for Alberta; I the wish that he might be relieved of not granted. detectives from the lie had not been before the authorities, the resRomi-bilitice of government. Watta ag01IQY just after he is sUD- Ing that Elie eastbound line was in hhape I C'ol" R' J. Gwynn, for S�askatehewan, wad mild apparintly had become rmpectable. . 11, NT. McDonald, who waS arrested at posed to have taken the large doso �f airain: Immediately after beintapprised 'Mr. Condon, M.P., for tlie Yukon, * Re wAs accustomed to define his situ.a- For a year and a half Briand had site- Woodstock, Ont., charged Wit)) forgery morlylline that caused Ills doath. of the news, Superintendent . B.- Gil- Lord Stratheona, and Elie president of tion liv saving: Oessfully collibatted tile Sock,elistic par. in raising a couple of note,s the had taken it ,was learned yeeterday tnat in. len and Terminal Superintendent W H the ProVincial Associations, are ex. _ I I - ties with which he was originally affill- Ill payment of stove,s, was sentenced to st6ad Of coming here, on b mg I neists Farrell visited the scallo, and by . their "Pv�n if -1 have marricti, [I beautiful - ' * offielo viee-premidents. woman of Ill liabits . ated, but oil last P.rid.,%y night, when lie six mouth&' hard labor in the county duT!ng the liast threet years, ne was at orders, traffic was diverted ,Over the � ITle members, Of t1tv Caun6l for Onta- I Mill coutolt, aa she wits attacked oil hie grounds that he Jail. C. P. R. Itno from Mliallco, so that pas- r10 .are.. 1,1eut.-Col. jNrlu. 11rhit,e, C, .lLt. is a faithful Wite, and, anyty-ay, ray mar- . first rePorted, Allen has been in the riag had not enforced the laws ki.gallist the Thin Canadian Immigration officials habit Of visiting oertain wo sengers were not delayed more than half 0-, Llaut.-Col. A. Bertram, of Dandas; a was the reault of it vow. At the COng1l.'gations as ciet forth Ili tile Sep- at Windsor in one day ref men - In an hour. Lieut. -Col. John age of thirty I ,was Ill of ,it terrible (143- used admit- Buffalo and otlier towns nearby,and Bruce ' of Toronto; , - case, and vorwed to San Cennaro, my aration Act, tile (4overnment escaped tance to no law than twenty-fivo par. it is.thought that this Practice led to W4.0— Lieut. -Col. A. T. Thompson, of Ottawit; pi�l,ron, if I recovered, to rescue some. eensure by the .Slim majority of 16 votes. sons. Ton of the deported ones were I 'getting in wrong," The lice cilt.-Col. Sliirwood, of Ottawa; Lieut.. unfortunate N1,ornan from teln and make - miners from Nevada on their way to Pc'l 00 had three women at heacrIq'ilar- 9 Col. L. P, Andirson, of Ottawa aild At a conference on Saturday the Minis hIS RADCLIFFE DEAD LI ters determilled to rosigli so soon ma to. Cobalt. ters. yesterday afternoon who, threw o . 1,11eut.-Col. A.-M.Gooderhain, of Toronto. lier my wife. San vlonnaro heard my dayle, Obsequies for Goenral Brun, the mUch light on the man's past, A,U,d There tire an equal number an the Couu- . PrATer, Alld I )lave kopt my-wor,l, Since late 11iniRter of War, had -beon liel"I. F ire of unknown origin, which broke his movements during the last ail appointed for Ontario by Elie Prorm- then I have been tranquil aud home-lov- out In the jewelry rtore, of Bradley "'IV The Common Hangman pass cial a . � once i1sked eomfir�,m. let clays. es Away Ott ssoclatio ' n. . king myself whe�, in publ' I worth of dama.g awa ineh relirwifflner other Pro - eat Falllt)res, and soon afterwards the ened t1lic guests I .,a and badly fright. K�ane Who runi a rooming house (it. 7311cei oil the 1). It, A. "Calluall, are: ing, and have only le, in the Gal- ia At 1.80 o'clock this afternoon thp �Iab- Bras on Ouelotto avenue, Nflildisor, did Theso Women wera, Tvira. Margaret —Had Swung Off 150 Murderers, . Lt met at the Ellyeet, Palam, with Pres- $5,00`0 10"14 T.'mhcl'tO, I boxed the vars of Ell- announcement of its rcti� n the Manning House, No, ' - rica Alfano--called Erricone.11 r0ment was next door. 0 66 WeOt ChiPT>ewa Street, a young Nlajor 11. 0. bit,!", Sir Frederick Borden made. woman named 11arriet Gruber, who and -R. L. Borden,)[. P., for Xova &o. '11his boast 'of Cuoccolo wa,s the first Owing to the amount of sickness Ili room,$ with Mrs. Kane, and ' Toroatol, Feb. 27. -The Wingman is t1a; Lieut, -Col.- D. R. Street for .\,ew clue to tile alleged Instigator of his The retiring 111nistors tire: Premier, Ottawa during the ty ]told outbreak, by her, and Afro. Bel"Ise sim" dead. Donald James Rattilay. ,of. 11rulowdek, 11rig.-Gen. .1a " . Driand; Justice, Girard, Poraign Affilirs, a lithier as announced she lives with her fioially known a,� 11Ra,dcljff0,­ Settator NVatson, for N N JoDanala mild . farlito,h, ,; (, clever detective, one Ippolito, Marine, Admiral Boue de L%- that Roman Clat-bolics will not be under husband at the A1110riCan Hotel in roan who has offlolated at the 11'. if. r .d.pt, death. The 0ory reached the ears of a, Plehon; Atchbishop , � PwIcilrMlan, who says. . - and led p4yrere; Public Instruction. Fa-ure; Fin- the usual obligation to fast during tile Bethlehem, Pit. � most of G ay.. for British POInnibia- him to investigate whether the murders - i. -lit not ]lave been due to that of rurri- ance, XIoz; Commerce, Dupoy, Agrictil- Lenten aeason. The storl the executions in Canada for the Lieut.. ol. 11. it. Smith, Lieut. -Co - tilig C ]. it. �.�. cone and his companions. it iv,ag egtab_ Lure Reynauil; Colonies, Morel; Labor, ee told by these women are Ifelmer, Licut.-Col. It. Brown ftnd Lient, ll Laff�rro, Public Works, I"LleCh. ('�Qn. While looking for a leak of natural that Allen has been friendly With Pa,st twenty Yeals, died at his borne, Col." .9. M. Rogers for Prince I?dward Ii- xbe4l that Erricone. Who is 110 cotrard, as ill the Col Mi&9 Gruber for the Pallt threo years, y1*i4T4ay. laud,, Lieut. -C91. Biggar P)r Alberta. feared C110,04010, anti had ryworn ,,I van- 2 1 Feb. 23. g -d with Mrs. Widman Since last Sep. ,,RadcdlffG,, . J Brun Ifinlater of Iyar, diod 01 ,'r of W. 0. Dillon's liquor 54 Fern avenue, Parkdals, detta against tile man, who. had ______-&_4__ store, Sarnia, a plumber lit a match and an has belell sick for the Liout..Col. J. W. Woodq an -ti, C,Ipt. A. .1. I tember, "when she met him the given . ail explosion followed. The building Was Lfl,fayotto Hotel at a dinnerat p"t seven moritair. and recent execu- Pinard, for Saskatchewan. , litm a royninder oil the chook that if"was WERE ARRESTED. slightly damaged, but the workman Was Mrs, tions wero cond not safe to upset the planR of rt mail of not injured. Widman told the police .qpted by new meii at - - - - yeoWrday the busiam. In his timel Rad,cliffe courage. . that she, has been visiting Mi ' Erricone denied that Cuoccolo had — That Canada has sufficient coal to Gruber for the �ast week, 16' c1d4mG to have sent 450 men out of the World for 1,500 years Was Allen came to -the holtise at No. 66 the world at the end of a rope but struck him and swore that lie had not U. S. Authorities Charge Wholesale sh"ep'sytatement of Mr. D. B. Dowlin the correct ,number was pr�6bly GENERAL'S FUNERAL even known the murdered man. Never- 91 West Chippewa at -Teat last Tuesday thelese, t a police persisted on this clue Smu,gling of Aliens by Officers. 0 f the Dominion Geological Survey, afte,rnoon and when Mrs. Widman about 150, The 1po4t execution he con- �, I addressing the Canadian rratitute in tile found he wile in the house she said -dueted was In Toronvo, about a year and dev oped that Instead of mending . Physles building, Toronto. she was going to get oot of t ago when he hanged a Macedoillian Ilia -ways, cuoecolo was in full active 0W`n1 as named Stefloff who wats convioted of service Ili the Camorra, however, limit. Xew York, Feb. 2G. -Federal officers Charles D. I-filles, of Dobbs Ferry, N. she was afraid of him because lie had Chopping a fellow countryman to lmposing MiliOry Display at Burial . y at present assistant secretary of the threatened to dhoot her several times - ium himself to two departments of swept aboard a trans-Atlantio liner, lj,"i with an axe. Rattley leaves P n ted States Treasury, -has accepted she a -aye. Miss Gruber decided to go Pieces crime. that of organizing thefts and tak- of French Minister, � when she made her pier this afternoon the position of secretary to the Presi- wital her. a widow in England and four grown Ing the lionrls share of operations. Bbth a L nd arrested every man' in authority dent, offered by President Taft in suc- Insitead Of fleeing from Al.lon, how- up. children, tNv* of Whom aTo in To. lie afid his wife_had fame among er.Im- from captain dow oes ronto. inals as clever organizers. At the same n. All were charged .Sion to Chas. D. Norton. ever, Gruber and WIdman -went to Toronto, Feb. 27,--Itadcliffe's last job time there are papers in the police ar. with conspiracy to violate the United A roward of $2,500 Syracuso Tue&day afternoon with be a ace, Had Built Up Greatest Aerial Fleet in Brucker, the German b*a-'Valt' Joseph him and Put up at the sarne hotel. ter he b me the Government hang - chives which show that on various oe, States immigration laws. allooniat, if he Tho next morning th v -went to man was Chef at the Surraysilde Club. coast in his in The ,steamship is the Athinal, of the ctontem;.pliated trans-Atlantle fl Rooliestor togetheT an�v agaill put up He was chef for this club. when he hang- casions they acted as police spi es. reaches the United States a the World. fact, notes taken in pencil have been - 4ht in at the same hotel. Thursday after ad Birchall, and When they found it out . — gellenic Trans -Atlantic Steaniship0ora- the dirigible balloon Suchard next spring. - found. Ili which the two denounce thefts pany, whose general agent here was also The offer is made by August Lueeliew, a noon they left Roolle-ker for Buffalo, c him In double quick time. Paris, Feb. 27i --An imposing military and crimes arranged by persons affill- all.riving here shortly after 8 o'clock After that he devoted himself exclusive- ii, Placed under arreaL The Government prominent Clermaii-Americau. of New and -went to No. 66 West 0hippewa, ly to Government work, I neral for Goheral Brun, the late Min - acted with the Camorm. These papers charges that that company has been York, . ister of War, was held today. The .en- wbich the police had thought were kept smuggling aliens for more than a year, 64 0 - Street. . He was genial and jolly, a kind ne - absolutely secret, were, through the tire garrison of Paris participated. Free- . . some of them disguised as members of A,ecording to information obtained bor and ad one could ask a better fr n conivance of certain persons inspected the crew, some of them hidden about ' by the polloo, Allon started drinking lie Was paid $80 per ear strai t $ill- Ident Fallieres, the cabinet, the diplo- by ilia Camorra, and were the Cause of the ship in coal bunkers and elsewhelre, after 1`6ttlTnIng to this city and whilit ary and $100'for each langlag, m4tie corps, members of parliament and Suspicion of the CuOCCOIIOS and Of flat- until there was to danger of Search. DOWN' ON TRUSTS lie and MLce GT�ber and Mrs. Wid French Institute and, this distinguished red against them on the part of those Nickolas A. Galanos, the agent, Was man were in the parlor of Mrs. xan4e.a in every walk of life, assembled In the who were denouneed and apprehended. released under $20,000 bonds, and his � . house, became boisterous and again ART BUILDING, Grand Salon of the Ministry of War, Having establishocl the double deal- confidential secretary Ili $15,000.. Capt. tbroatened to shoot Mrs. Widman. which had been transformed into a mor- ings of 'i7noccoln. sis a brigand and a po- Geskas Rolouras was released in $10,_ Will Then the Gruber woman who says tuary chapel, and where yesterday thou - lice sp'y, tile poll,.le set about to prove 000, its were his fivit officer, the chief Australia Announces That None she knew that Watfa' agency was sands viewed the body as it lay In looking for k1len, telephoned to that his death wits at the hands of his engineer and Dr. Gerasimos IVakovatos, � klew Gallery Needed at Ottawa for state - be Allowed There, Thomas Watts arld told Min Allen was Premier Brialid, on behalf of the Gov - criminal. associates. This wits a, long the a] ' a surgeon. Three other officers at the house. Detectives Loomb% mid ernment and General Michael, for the and tedious task. but fina 'I' I National Exhibits, Ily J&rrlcone were held in $10,000 bail each and ell Klein of the Ligi�acy arrived -at the army, Paid eloquent tributes to the inem- and several friends, who dined with hiln the crew in, $5,000 each. In all the Gov. Iter and pla,ced the man ory of the deceased. at the Maui! a Afore on the night of the ernment required $105,000 bail. Judge American Meat Trust and Others to p1nad'cer eaorornesa. Ol,tawii, Feb. 27i --It is probable that Tile Premier laid special stress upon murders, were arrested. Police opinion Chatfield get trial for March 1. The ' . Tile polio believe that Allen took General Brun's n: ing leadership and lipplauded tile palioe, and there 11419 penalty for conspiracy is $10,000 and two be Kept Out, tho morphine, IS pille Ili all, before at an early date the Dotairtion Govern- his services in 'b N'dring up tile French great -a-stonishment when, soon after- years' imprisonment, either or both, and I the dotectives arrived tit the Kilns, 'ant will have to consider the erection aerial fleet until it had be-oome, the wardS, all of the prisoners were released i for violating section eight. of the Immi- house, and lie is said to have told of a separate building in Ottawa as a spooker said, the greatest in the world. on the grounds that tha evidence gration law, $5,000 slid two yeara,either Melbourne, Australia, Feb, 27, -The them of his so" &.5 soon as they national �rt gallery. Provision for tim -----..-.0.#.*__ againsf; them was insufficient, P pular or both. . Commonwealth of Australia served no- charge of him. 4 tool( natiolird colection was mado in the nmv 113 said Victoria Museum here, which has Just indignation Was intense. The peopo . W. J. Chalin, of the NVellan,dvalo GOT DRUNK "The Camorra has won again. Once tice oil tile business World to -day that IvIaAlifacturing Oomparly, St, Catil�r. been occupied by thc Geological survey more the judges Items been afratil, or RESCUED BY POSSE it would not harbor foreign "trusts." Ines, Ont., was In town y,N%tarday ax4 departments. It dovelops that the art Corrupted by the - Camorri sits, who have The following memorandum oil the sub. also told tho police something about a4commodatlon Is inadequate and the strength and political Influence." � jeet was given to the pregs by Sir It. W. the case, It Arita be who moore out old collection, supplemented by it great Minister Had to Convey Him to Jail The police were openly accused of un- Wanted to Lynch Father and Son For Best, Minister of Trade and Customs: the Nvarrant fot Allen, Ho obarg*d number of new works just secured by Willingness to strike the Cartiorm, as . "For several months past It has been lit the warrant th4t Allen stole $2,600 the National Arts Council, have practi- to Serve Sentence. they shared the profits of their crimes. Shooting Neighbor. tin open .Secret that repr4sentatiVes of worth of stocke fVom him, cally taken up till the allotted room. 0 g 6 [_ Owing to the needa of the. geological ex - It, now apears that the release of Rr- the American meat trust have been via. � rieone and-hig.'gang wits due to tile In- ILI S hlllts and offices.tho Art Department NVOOdstook, Ont-� Feb. 2T. -On Satur. *ioect Vit. Dellefantaine, Ohio, 'Fob. V1 .-401,11 1 ing Austra�ia ostensibly with Eli I forvention of tile priest,1tev.Q to Ott- KAISER'S AUTO . canot bo enlarged and tile Only 801u- day evening James Jones, of Tillsouburg, . )act of extending Its operation here. Tile . tol"A, Who is Etricone's godfather, 110 Ileers, a farmer, forty years old, and Ills government is determined to take im- tion apears to be (in art building in the was picked up here very drunk ,by a local went to the judge and solemnly said: son, ltich�rd, 21 years old, Were rescued mediate and. drastie action to discourage e u I "I swear in my aileted own character yes. and it necessary to trohillit Its op4rit- .0 � 0 1 minister of the Gospel. Learning that th-0 you Are about t(y condemn those r a o of would-be Iyucters o,se, tious in Australia. 1b is tot proposed,to Emperor William Owns Thirty—Has ' Jones had been sent fret" Tilltionburg to Who are innocent. I kliow tli,) real mur, terday afternoon by i shoriff's p Sonte at Every 'Palace, IiISACCOUNTS 0.X doters,but I cannot reveal their nflutiog, after the younger man had shot dead wait ,until tile combine Securcs 'veSted . 0 the county jail here, anti carried the as they came to me under ilia seal of Burr Xorns, 6, neighbor. Xerns, aftom- hi cuntry. ' commitment In big pocket, ilia minister 'partied by bila brother Daniel and two "The Minister of Trade and customs took him to the, Jail. Jones, was sell. tile Confession." authorittets !n com- friends, had,gone to the Beers home, Berlin, Feb. 27. -Emperor 'William's F 0. Rolls, 0. T. R. Official at W611- lelleed, to sixty da-yq Tile priest put the t is coilsulting with the Attorney-Gerieral for vagrancy by munleation with Ono Ascrittore. ,i,his where they accused Beers of stealing with the view to bringing the full force well known forldnoss for bictoring has ' .. the Iffi.gistirateat Tillsorkbilro, and tvii man denounced two others, i)e Angelis Corn. According to the eldois ncera� dur. of the present law into operation, and it just been shown by, or6ra for four now and Was Not.Dishonest. W111, up alone Oil. tile train, beTLg trustoed aud Aluodo. All three were criminals the. altercation the men struck him with neeevifiry obtaining further legiiiiatioli. automobiles, which he line placed with - U go to jail, no he asked for thiity d,,tys, 1111,1 fugitives from Justice. When tound ashovel, knocking him down. Ile claims The action of the government ivill ox, Gormail firms. With these additions -W­�_ -_ , ­­ ,-- � thVY established Allbiq, but in tile mean. that another man attacked Ills vife tend to trust operations In Australia to Ill$ garagel Ills 11111jesty will linve Toronto Star. In a Canadian Press BUTTON FACTORIES SHUT DOWN. tfiii� 1,'rriconp and hill rissftlatos had an(l that Burr I(#rns Was rushing at him whother con(luetf-A directly or 111dimt. thirty maeliffics, hi-tiudhil it, half dOz6li despai,zh from Alemphis, 'XmInq it was lioen released. . . , wh6it young Beers fired. ly and will not permit the repetition in motor baggage trucks to keeps f Ive striteA that V. G. Rolls, gave himself tip 4 MUS04tin, Iowa, Vell. 27,--Alorb than - - - - alla, of tile scanaids and merciless machines permanently Corfil, whither to tll,4 police, 2,000 operatlyta in tilt local peah but- Lo.tor, the pri'st wag acellsei!t of being Austr 'at declaring he Is ,warl e'(1 in toll factories are affectbA by a stispen- a, tind the Ili. e PORCUPINE. wietliods 6mracterizlug monopolies in with the Empress, Crown Prin,,o and 22 toen i" a membor of the Vamorr, TH other pattil of tile world.11 Wtllatid for tilt, otabl, t t vcAigatioll turned again toward &I I I I *00 Crown Princess, he will go early next 'of "* Sion of work, wheili,wont Into effect to- ,. Experts, of Notthern OntaHo r�xporta. * , from 'the funds of, tile 01rAnd Trunk d3Y and will continue an indefinite time. 0011cl Ant] 109 Voillpanionu wom re -arrest- month. tiach of Ills fifty palaces has ifA Railway. with whom ne was employed a a a. I Von Oo., 6f London, Pliiasod. KILLED EIGHT � INDIANS, garage, with fire proof storage rooms its cashier. Matuilfiveturers declaro Over production . 060 I MolltMftl, 41110�-, leeb. 21.-Aftor a Ratio, Xeb., Fall. 2?. --Iii a bitttle yea. for benzinp. The Rmperor's ear is easily . mill At,ttpd of butiotis is responsible for the -shiir, anfaro of down. Alembers ,of tile Button NVorkerill distinguishol by the pocullar it A relative of the, yoting GETTING BETTER, Ver -011a-1 insPection. of the Porcupine torday sixty miles West of Tuscarora, that the Grand trunk hilts had 1101181 ac - eight Indiarg aud on(, policenian, were his motor horn, which may not Ile used Union way it is R move Against that or- AtIalitic Cit X. J'., Feb. 21.- ,�ir Al. 9,01<1 field -.3 by 01111s. A196 -mon Moer. _ by anyone olse, un(l by the Imperial eounh audited, and found they Nvere ganitation. , lihonne lielletie'r Lt. Governor of the Ing, Mr. Mooring, Jr., ar1A mombe-re of kille4i and tile other ill,pilibers, of the Ill. sialld,ard, which flievi at the right of flie 0orroctin ev,orypirtictilar. Ittathought — 0 -0 k* . . . ,e something lt�nt, , 'Itly dian batil were taptur(41. 'rho I)SIttlo t nl",fllt the flag I$ rQpl�A,Pcd that there n1AY I � VrOvillcc,l Of Q11c6e, Who lifts been here tho tt,(*hni01 �;(-iaif acting In belialf took pla.r.o. at Xelly Cre;l�- Itlimboldt chauffeur. A wrong with the Young TILItit. .1113 fEtther KINGSTON UNIVERSITY. for some time recovering froul it Attok-e of ,tho Xorfbern, Ontario E,xplmatioll County, 2.1 nlikq f�11.111 (I"O'Loilkla in A by an illuminate'l. glass S1110111, showing 6s left for Me"apilli to bring hiA Sort of IMalysis last Summer, is improving C"no any of London, it, hat; been ,dt,- the standard in regulation (olor4- WP0011, Oqt., Veb. 2L ­The vote or and, expeets to be out .011 till boat_ [` bV tho firin Of Rowlck.Moet, nortli�rly dircetitsti. 46. __ . ba4�1-, till grtadilatc,41 of Ouo�qw,a I'lliversity up. walk ill .,I fe da I ing, & oil. to ollskil 11'a offico Ili thia X MOB HAnEM,SKIr1TEO LAbY. -------+*-$.-..-- Oil tile qUestionof ,qPp%rxtior, from tho 0 ___.­�4 " I - cit KILLED IN. RAILWAY WREC . Ruirlo, Fell, 121A. --A j��eringp erow(t 700 ON STRIKEl 11feq1tyterian CIIAINII IS Tolfing up, find NE YEAR IN. JAIL he M0111i0A of thLq mining cotl.. Ji-miluga, Xans.ts. FA). -.I7... -Ail (.stra forck). a, Ifirplav,itirtod latly in 11.1illin xalanlazo-), Alip'h., 1,010. 21. 0 "ll it 11; now Wil t -i b� 'ON) to 40 Ili favor tOT0,11te, 101694), ONritlolla "tend Rack Itiland parisprio,or train. loiulctl with ' t..) p.(,Pk ""I -of tb(, Isropo,i1tion. !this should go far I � refuge Ili 06 court�ata tor a hull"i'1041 mi%il all�l Altlfl, el 11611tvOill, Veb. �7.-1?101` Fittalilig $W throughout tho caA, tind %rho bn,ve C-st(M 1101110 s0ekkir-R. WMA illb) t ' uI"4_'-_'Q�V' ()f Elie In witlill9t tilf, Illatter Ili the gptleral Its. W 111, 08", whprn slip ritmailled, boping Ital"kill'IL'I'l oir'wt C�mzpallv' Ivnit tit . worth Of PwelrY frolin Afflig Tratey, tit be4n identifiOJ With many milling diten three inilloa cast of 014 plall,c! th's ti, A trowd ivcmId disporse. Ott tho toll. �411,*ge (0-i1q. -801111113?� I - i A olit of 66tu ono to ,_.,W__si��� the rosidollee of Ald, 'U. '41T. Daildurand, elitapriam'', is to atively partleipatil 11161-rdlig. C. W. vau cleAVil. 'aill. t'1J1*ik_ bary It, illproasild exceo-lingly and our. (!lr,4V UU143 41K. i1oz*11 ot P*.v,�� I,-,nk sillAkto'n-4"velli a mirriod may) lilts. Juliet Forget,,riliftq Marle Arige V34eade, Ili tho &14161)tuonf, �01 il-oreapille In i4raut I)assttlig"in, addte�s 110ma"Vil , l'oulldoli the pallle.�,, Tha vletini of fash. � it., pe"Intateil The C1(T',I:',-,. illr,wli-a fl.f yflutig a fis�,ht to hii own t'lliniou. IrvbPetillte Wall sontenood to one ydar In prison by I pjITticulfir, 41111 of civitla Ill generil, 1118fi'llitly kill('ll, 1141 sm), wha 1% I iou firally borrmvoil ,a eollaillolipl.t" I%%,,-,V1('n thikAll-ii lvavMl�ttl t 1,�� ct vve:?i dur. ---"\fv dAlly (01mv, it lAn't a. ilutstlon of ,tridge Tmetot, thirt morni'lig, hs ,Oeeaf,ion offem illA vat with hial, ompapoll uninjori,41. 'NI.Irt aTiLl eseApoil by a sidis. door, Ing the day. 1-ig,lit. It's it qnettioYi of enurqo.