The Wingham Advance, 1911-03-02, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 2, t9t li
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New Suits, New Youths..'
and Boys' Overcoats
On Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday of this week
We offer you special reductions on • the above
lines in order to clear out broken lines.
4 only Men's Suits, 1 size 39, 1 size 40,
2 size 44, reg. $12.50—for... $ 9.00
1 only Man's Suit, size 36, reg. $14.50 --for 10.00
1 only Man's Suit, size 37, reg. $16.50—for 12.50
8 only Men's Suits, 1 size 36, 3 size 37, 1
size 38, 2 size 38, 1 size 40, reg. $19.00
—for 14.00
1 only Man's Suit, size 36, reg. $22.00—for 17.00
25 Per Cent. Discount
off Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats.
These lines are all strictly up-to-date. No old
stock. Worth your while to come and see.
4 McGee Sc. Campbell
firrrn4,4+44-444-44-4444-44 4444444-444-43444414~4
A Prolific Sow.
A Yorkshire young sow belonging
to W. I', Dray, llith con., of Grey Tp„
has been making a great. record. On
April Otb, 1010, she .had 13 baby pigs.
On Sept. 13th, sixteen more arrived
notwithstanding the fact that 13 is
supposed to be an unlucky number,
and to crown the porcine family fame,
on Feb. limb, 1011, seventeen piglets
saw the light of Orey Tp.
For Good Behaviour.
Because of the manly behaviour of
four prisoners being taken to the
Prise t
e 1 non the 17 h of January
last, when the 0, P. R. train was
wrecked between Mono Road and
Bolton, a petition was signed by the
passengers requesting the Minister of
Justice to make some remission of the
sentences of the four men. The peti-
tion was placed in the hands of Mr.
Ii, O, Tucker, barrister of Owen
Sound, a passenger on the train, and
the Minister of Justice has now re-
plied that he will recommend the
prisoners' liberation from custody un-
der license before the expiry of their
terms of imprisonment.
headachesare largely the result of
disordered kidneys,
Urs. hall, 81 Flora St, St, Thomas,
Ont., says "I suffered for years with
headaches of a most distressing
nature. They would come on me sud-
denly, and would last for days at a
time. Th, se were usually accom.
panied by spells of dizziness that
would leave me c .►
unable to attend
to any house
duties. My back.
was weak and
caused me much
euffering during
the night. I had
doctored for
years, but all to
no avail. No-
thing benefited
and my condition was gradually grow-
ing worse, I learned of Booth's Kid-
ney Pills. Ono box gave me a com-
plete and lasting cure. I have not
had a headache or dizzy spell since
and I feel like a new person.
Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all
druggists, 50e box, under a guarantee
to refund your money if theyfail to
relieve any disease having its origin
in the kidneys or bladder, Postpaid
from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort
Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by
J. W, McIiibbon.
Liquor Seizures,
Since November lit last, the Pro.
vinelal pollee have made the following
seizures of liquor illegally kept -•2,078
bottles of whiskey, 37 gallons of
whiskey, 5 barrels of whiskey, 48 bot•
ties of gin, 97 gallons of high wines,
27 gallons of wine, four barrels of
wine and 00 bottles of wine. This
does not include the carload of
beer seized by Inspector Caldbeek on
the Otb, nor the beer seized at Hoch•
rane last week,
Departmental Examinations,
The department.of education at To.
ronto has issued the time table for
July examinations, For entrance to
Normal Schools the exams. will be-
gin on July 3 and last till July 7, For
entrance to faculties of education, pats
matriculation and honor and scholar-
ship matriculation, the exams. will be-
gin on June 20 and last till July 12, ex-
cept the latter test, which will ooh-
tinue one day longer. The commer.
Dial specialist examination for 1911
will be held on August 8, 9, 10 and 11
at the department of education after
the close of the summer school at the
University of Toronto.
e Pay Your Druggist For
your first 50c. bottle of Psychine
It has only been within recent
years that we have come to really
know about the white corpuscles of
the blood or the phagocytes and what
their function is.
That they are the policemen or
scavengers of the body,
Devouring every disease germ that
enters the body when they are strong
enough or in sufficient numbers.
Or being devoured in turn by these
disease germs when inferior in
It has only been within the last few
years that scientists have found out
that certain herbs strengthen and in-
crease these white corpuscles, or bodily
And these herbs largely compose
For thirty years Psychine has been
strengthening and increasing the white
corpuscles of the blood.
For thirty years Psychine has been
building up Tun -down vitality, curing
many of apparently hopeless diseases.
We have sold millions of bottles of
Psychine in that time.
We have cured hundreds of thou•
And we have received hundreds of
thousands of unsolicited testimonials.
All due to this marvellous power of
strengthening and increasing the white
corpuscles of the blood.
mere are the diseases in the treat-
ment of which Psychine is indicated.
Here are the diseases of which Psy-
chine has cured many thousand cases:
La Grippe
Sore Throat
Female Weakness
Poor Appetite
Chills and Fevers
Sleeplessness and
Bronchial Coughs
Weak Lungs
Weak voice
Spring Weakness
Early Decline
Catarrhal Affections
Catarrh of Stomach
Night Sweats
Obstinate Coughs
Laryngitis and
Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia
After-effects of Plenrisy, Pneumonia and
/ La Grippe.
Now, we don't ask you to take our
word for the tremendously beneficial
effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon
below, mail it to us and we'll give
your druggist an order (for which we
pay him the regular retail price) for a
50 -cent bottle of Psychine to be given
you free of cost.
We will undoubtedly buy and distri-
bute in this manner •handreds of thou-
sands of these 50 -cent bottles of Pay.
And we do that to show our entire
confidence in this wonderful prepara-
A confidence that has been based on
our 30 years' experience with this
splendid preparation, with a full know-
ledge of the hundreds of thousands of
cures it has made.
To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM116, Ltd.
193-195 Spadina Ave., Toronto.
I accept your offer to try a 50c. hottlo
of Psychine (pronounced Si -keen) at
your expense. I have not had a 50c.
bottle of Psychine under this plan.
Kindly advise my druggist to deliver
this bottle to me.
My Name.
Street and Number
My Druggist's Name
Street and Number
This coupon is notgood for a 50o. bottle
of Psychine if presented to the druggist
—it must be sent us—we will then buy
the 50c. bottle of Psychine from your
druggist and direct him to deliver it to
you. This offer may be withdrawn at
any time without notice. Send coupon
Quick Returns.
AlvinMaiclment of Warwick bought
from J. W. Bryce a brood sow for the
handsome sum of $20 which the form.
er thought was a little too dear, but
one week later she gave birth to
seventeen pigs, which be sold for $21,
thus leaving himeelf the old pig
for $4,
Valuable Fowl.,
At the Philadelphia show in 1909,
there was on exhibition a White
Orpington hen, known , as. Peggy,
Which was valued at $10,000, At the
same show, in 1010, Lady Washing-
tsn, a Black Orpington, was valued
at $12,000; and Black 'Bmprees, an.
other hen of thesame variety, was
claimed to be worth $10,000. The eggs
laid by Lady Washington are quoted
at $25 each. Surely we are living in
an age of high values ; and to think
that our plain and assuming Barred
Plymouth Rock was the foundation
upon which the. late Wm, Cook of
England built hie now famous Black
Tells What Zam-Buk Did For Him.
Many famous persons have testified
to the great value of Zam-Buk, and
amongst the moat recent is Admiral
Rodney M, Lloyd. Writing from the
Royal Naval Olub, Portsmouth, Eng-
land, Admiral Lloyd says :
"I have found Zam-Buk most reli-
able for healing cuts, abrasions; while
for the relief of akin irritation it is
Another famous user of Zam-Buk is
Mr. Frank Scudamore, the War Cor-
respondent, who supplied Canadian
papers with their despatches during
the Boer War. Mr. Scudamore says ;
"Some poisonous dye on my under-
clothing came in contact with a small
ulcer on my leg and blood poisoning
set in. Inflammation, pain and swel-
ling followed. My medical man's
treatment did not seem to do any
good, as ulcer after ulcer broke out,
until my left leg from knee to foot
was one mass of sores. I had seven-
teen deep ulcersat one time. I could
not put my foot to the ground, and
was really in a pitiful state. A friend
advised Zam-Buk, and I applied this
herbal balm. It was really wonderful
how it soothed the pain and aching
and gave me ease.
"I continued with it, leaving off all
other treatment, and at the end of a
week's treatment my leg was not like
the same. A few boxes of Zam-Buk
healed all the sores, and bit by bit
new healthy skin covered the places
which had been so deeply pitted and
scarred by ulceration and blood poi-
son.' The limb is now perfectly heal-
thy, and with no marks of the old
ulcers. For this splendid result I
have only Zam-Buk to thank."
Zam-Buk is a cure for piles, eczema,
cold cracks or chaps, ring -worm, poi-
son cuts, abcesses, burns, children's
rashes, abrasions, and for all ekin in-
juries and diseases. All druggists and
stores sell at 50 ate, a box, or poet free
from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price.
Refuse imitations and substitutes.
§00000000000000000000000.00 0000E3000000000000000000000
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Special r nnou
vat `13us i ass hereto\ova
ear ked. on khe Geo. S. ` wkin Sskake has been �o1d .aid. heTetoiore
wkkk be known as `Y��ng eros.
Stock MustBe Reduced.
The new Firm will give the people of •Wingham and vicinity THREE WEEKS of the GREATEST
MONEY SAVING Opportunities ever offered.
The Stock, consisting of everything in Staple and Fancy Dry .Goods, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Car-
pets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Boots. and Shoes, Etc. Etc., must be reduced from Twenty Thousand Dollars to
Twelve Thousand Dollars, and if prices will do it, it will not take long. Everything goes.
Come to the Sale, Bring your friends, Save money, You. will be satisfied,
Thanking you for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of same, we are
Yours Respectfully
N. accounts up to March ist, 1911, • must be paid at once to Miss E. M. King, through her 8
solicitor, Mr. J. A. Mor. ton.
Store closed Thursday and Friday, March 2nd and 3rd. Reducing prices.
evat dor kmskAess on Sakvr&n, Xavekt nth. 1 CHEAP PRICES
00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000.0000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000
New Idea.
Patterns .. .
to Cts.
New Spring
Are being opened up and placed on
display every day now.
If, you want to see what Dame Fashion.
has created in styledom for Spring,
1911, pay this store a visit.
Don't wait till you are ready to buy.
Come to -day.
New Dress Goods, New Silks and Satins,
New Prints and (Ingham, New Carpets and
Rugs, New Curtains, New Oilcloths and Lin.
oleums, New Window Blinds, New Clothing
for Men and Boys, Ladies' New Suits, Ladies'
New Coats, Ladies' New Skirts, New Corsets,
New Collars and Belts.
It is our aim, first of all, to create per-
manent customers, not one-time purchas-
ers ; and we believe that we can best
accomplish that by giving maximum
value and satisfaction. We are deter-
mined to do this and will.
nom waionsacc
H. E. Isard Co.
Very Speci
For One Week, from
Friday, Mar. 3rd.
Weare still giving 25 per cent. off all Winter
Goods. We have to make room for Spring Goods
which are steadily 'coming forward, of which an-
nouncement will appear later.
A few Men's Fur Coats worth $35.00, for $2o.oO
cash. Ladies' Fur Coats worth $4o.cco to $5o.00,
for $25.00.
Axminister Moquette Dugs
Having bought a clearing line of these Axminister
Moquette Rugs in Floral, Oriental and Animal de-
signs, worth $3.00, we will clear the entire lot for
$ 2,00 each. Come early and get first choke, as
they will not last long at these prices. Size 27
by 54 inches.
A Few Specials hi Groceries
20 lbs. of Best Granulated Sugar
2 t lbs. of Light Yellow Sugar . , ...... . , I.00
la resp Prunes, per lb..... ... . . ... . . , 4444.. ,to
Choice Raisins, 3 lbs, for ,25
Gallon Apples, per tin .......... . . .30
Maple Syrup, per tin .25
Oat Meal, fresh, best make, 9 lbs.25
Sardines in oil, per box ................ 46.11..,
Good 4 cord Brooms, each ..11..... , ... , .• .25
Large quantities Butter, Eggs and Potatoes wanted,
T'akai Same as each,
A. 1l2ills