HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-02-16, Page 7I I aw, . -__�._===_'___;_-�—= I . � � . I I ­,"O� . I I .1 Nri ". 4 � FScLience Notes 'tA, A' Awoitpoowl,%����� The, first complete c(Iltion of the Ne I A of the N, � Testament translated, Into the Chines lauguage Teeoutly was issued. Deep bregtiling, which drAw$ the bloo from tho brain to the lungs, is one Q tile most .effective Cures for Insomilla, XOt Only are alusulauln, wires for th trarislullsiOn -Of electricity cheaper thal cOPPert but they Sited water more read! lI aild tilt'$ fird less liable to damage by et Starlus. Four recent deaths train, plague in a Suffolk 011age Nvere tile fir -it In RTIg. I land from thilt disease for nearly 200 yearli, A .4 Commission appointed by five of the larger Germnu ,Nitates has adopted , . a standard system of allorthallil for use In those States, EXPOrittlentij with thousands Aof Sub. jOets have Shown that the average man Attains Ills maximum strenizth, in his thirty-first year, VY a fortunate accident in a London. hospital recently it wag discovered that certain forms of deafness could be Cured bir X-rays. � " Ten parts or slak,ed linto to. one of hVilraulle cement, mixed with salt wa- ter MAkes li, whitewash that will not easily wash or rub off, ' 11ines in Saxony that have yielded sil- ver worth more than $243,000,000 since they were openell, more than 700 years ago are to be closed because of the on- � tinned. low price of the metal. Australia produced gala valued at $61,222,278, last year and New Zealand , $9,766,579 worth.. . . The last international geological eon - Agross estimated the world's Supply of .1 iron Ore at �2,408,000,000 tons, of which 12,030,000,000 tons are in Europe and 9,- , n m I ugaish, Scientists have perfected a new process for extracting radium. from pitch-blende by moans of which more radium can be produced in two months than in one year by the Austrian method. Fish refuse, granulated to resemble I eod roe is being tried out in Flrance as a bait for sardines, which rise to be caught in nets as the roe is Spread upon I the water. Germany, Holland, France, Belgium and Austria-Ifungary, in the order nam- ed, follow next after the United States . in coffee consumption. . Aluminum derives its name from the word "aluman," given by early scien- tists to earth substances which they ­ I could not otherwise I�dtmtify. �_ . . - . .- THE RUAR Who Claim to Belong to this Family . .1 it of the Moon. ff The Raiii1s of Bustar are hybrid Raj- poots, Claiming to be of the family of the moon, and have reigned in Bustar for between five and six hundred years, The family bears tile name of Rath. putty .and every year the Rajah has to sit on the Rath at the festival of the I . Dusseerah wearing the jewels. of the god- � dess Dunteshwarree the tutelary god- dess of State, -which are brought from . Dantowarm temple for the plirpose. "Save for the jewels he is Clad, only in wrentlis of flowers' says a writer in the Wide World "and when we saw him lie looked very solemn -almost ashamed of bintself-as lie passed us, A, . "Ili connection Nvith this ceremony there used to be a brutal custom of ,_ dragging the Rath, it huge sore of jug. gernaut car ,weighing many tons, over the bodies of Ome buffaloes, often only" partly killing them. "This horrible practice we determined to put an wid. to, and through tile prieses I my husband sent an order to this effect to tile palate the day before the cere- mony. Of 'course we always respected their religious ideas as far as possible, but this was too much. "The senior Rance, the practical ruler t . of the State till we arrived, and a, very clever aird imperious old lady, sent to say, after 'much argument, and hesita- .-* tion, that the now order should be obe 11 ell, and we breathed more easily. ,r ,,'cDuring the evening, however, Nye got I . formation till I I at this was only it blind and that she aud� the priests were deter- mined to carry out the usual britWity. Ify, husband accordingly sent for tilt . lima men. of his police force and gave them strict orders that op no account , R � was the buffalo crushing to be permit- I ted. It it occurred, he said, lie would d ooftso. to be administrator next day. I I&Wc spent a sleepless night and o.vory a anxious morning� Fortunately we had some very loyal Afoliammodait consta- h bles, hoaaea by R faithful Inspector, Ahmed Hussain X.hon, and these men L were told to accompany the protession. c MY busballd and. a fluither contingent, 8 with the clephants-the beat means of dispersing a riotous mob -were ready to act if rMuired. h ,I "The pr000ssion was accompaAed by f, longitude of people, and .at one point t of the route ail attempt was mallo to t Carry out tile juggernaut ceremony, but, thanks to the firmness of the police and e le administrator's or- 0 . ders, on the part of the leading . men, the V ,--� Rath proceeded to its destination, a 0 . Small temple about four iniles off, with. out the loss of a single life manse or 0 beast's. It was a great triumph for th.o British R4,1 and 'made us feel we had not 8 I been sent io Bustar for nothing.,' 0 L 1 �_1110 0. RURAL ENGLAND'S CHURCHES. fr � - ____ 13 HowThey Have Pteserved History- AoStorationa and Slabs and 9ffigist. . It ba.i been said th1tt It ail Cia ]%*,a. V tories of Ungland were bullied they T1 could has entirely re,-writton froal. thr' T parish churches, ,rh,,y are full of 1,4. ,m cordii of the past, in stolies, In br.1sces, *a effigies in windows and innumerable A other articles. one C,111 travel thro.tgh '�%' this oo,tntry for wc-eks, v1sihing every kallo 01 so a faschl-111111; little"Pile, of .W ntonc-g full of Curious olti rali,n of every TI t age of English life. � , There was a bok publislied it fcw 4 yottris ago telling ait about tit%, InAy,ty W inni 91MIR the 00ttlItTy k0flil, IIAVOn?l of delfght to the Iveary vvralker or rit,4i;lIg 0. inot,orists. Another travaRn, tell,i all W about th., counti-V ('11'.1:0.1ei ill a fascin. $1 ting rolume P"101pbed a ; �',l )I I duti! age. It might be %vilqe tW 111MINMOy ta try a %V " comb.41ation of thew, tw,-) tI)ings, T h �kvo TI JASt walk -A fifty jwle,; fluroug') the es-I'litty, aill the 10al"Ituy 4.!I,Irv1l,k; and -A vottiltry irai aw, '1141- - C. * ' " t AAVV-li�-Ilt'l� 81 -til- A " tc,d " as to ulake �ipl,�Igsliql. fol!q on � to -iaither. Aftce Vill iaei'uthle olt'llie.a."t f (lf toa, Imoll molt .;zn a..I luar-611'a4i" VIA ov.-i em, stroli a jut.- ta:nutti alitl ,..o;tIt- L L'paa a elvirikin... (Ild ,41,11,41 that Ill,ty ty': NV In , a fmv hiln.ljo,l yo.11'.4 .)!.I mal f;4I .)f i.1- . __ ­­ - - . . . _. . ft'. 11:1:11.111 I �1:1 I I' I 111�116 '11. Igo 10 10 11W11R01!! 0 1 — ­' ' L - - . I d'_J'ng )Vh'tt, '111 lh;lLl�% c�il*glit,�ued_ d,xya of - - ­__­­___'___ ___`�-"-�_­��' ,l,��_-;;;;_— .., - , , =!:11.10�.11=1­ I ­­­ --- ---- ;'�_____ 1111101.11cly, %Vkl Q'In tI,J In ,I few monihs, P V NZitit to Meet their Ids4s, belice they art "_ vilratlefIC4 after marristgo, 1, 1741'0� P210tM Ili A V.)QAFIA�' ,1 ­�l!ori 00 I'll f. And d!) 80 b"My by vOillpUlson. Then. TAKES, NORTH POLAR DOU 0 "I thin4, too, that Poo. of the groattati IMMIGRATION, 0-� "Illit.-V all I caveca of martial Unllappltl�83 L 110A In tile " id, YOU can Ve hovv* after gai1er.ttIQ,n.1.oltept . luvl; of right principles. They raArry for I of tile r1olies r.-tialrell 1% VL f�lsl, Y04r;, �; ill 015 1.14ar on a firtri0l ellarcit. 40011a 9 M 141;3' OWD . IMPPIOess, With little thought I me'l of Owment .5,;,I, th,l. Canto file gencr.%tiow.l. (if moll Who we'ro 7100% HELP FIND OTHER END Aif tho happitielis,or tne Qktler. lil no A St. James Oazet.le Wwer Cil the pwuni, , 111.1. 14 fAC ;l4t It 11"'I'll ` f.ca,ldltwn Qr life ki unsoffishne 3 awra A I., , lll.Rw Wli(zi- aptl cotil,a ieo th,a folly of ------- h(vtr'sary Omit in tills partne _"' Ott"i-FI;�11"�SV J35vtW 44 110P I �-A bl'a t t ISInaklit, 8,11fickh, 'Ima. , . rabjz?, Tor J -a I efil i A� g"A W' I I ,Y. I ,P . lAe betilewl 111ark 'And, WVMan. Regulations—Are Remaa it lx' t * . t' ,111, went tile .---.-.-----.---- , , ble, ,J %t ;1.1ile 4;ref;� i ttitrat b3intner, grAd U*',V JV0, t"t:j cout4ail4lite . I . I I .4'.. 4 -I,-- 11 rr - , - ­ ...... 'If r-orfect roplerocity, vivat right,, and ,� I . % VC-SourNA are al,,I,Wble� fai'll tA $ft( th(A . I CQUAl privileges are Y,Aet,ded ,tlt�,wllere, it . reillits Of tb�ljlL rIlth1Q.J4 lI1Q1 .. ..Nise.014d , �y JVhlell - . . . . . � ­ I . is hem In tile home. And nowitere aro 114T4 Worker, and th,t* la Can,tl.i, 10111vt . lVollidnot tolerati- ii,ntutiful itattles t4il".1 I/ , 1 .i:.�, . ),i .,'� I I , .:: I � �.,* 4 1 (by Deals Came, L,Qndou :rWep1l)g .91an. do no - "'AT' *'ill '' � t' anX 1110M' t1i"' 'a " n - JIL lf ,� %l .. I� f, ; ?L 4 1.1.11at's tc* g Land examples more , . . . . I 11"! . ti. Ines Oazpw. N%r. I- 44011t tho xtrcet,l� . f �/ ,�;,�� I '. I I., � , ? I-evogsary, 11 beautiful, , t. IT., As, 1 Windows. 10-1111r,4119 dard 4.. S We spo svontle.f.11 0,41 fignnli; or War It .� . 4, . A, .. " `�, t,: , . � I ... ... ..., "M you, thlalt Ir we wf-re all tQ, ,do 1010.) I I As it matt -r nl� ,'j,4;, tl,�_- 1-r1n, . A-0. I -Y -11 i Al - . i � #." I . * 'is We wouhl be done by., I r.01.4 Or Ibe Virgin w4ll (1c, featuro� /', I �` �- �17 .. �'. i, , I. .... I here )VOU14 M � r-JalIV If ho ljjj'l,� j�' '.A")14'.V. �_Io I,; (14,1111r, .. e ' .. ". � I . r . f .. . lits, majiy d1vokees, .No, Indoodl The Tel'ised rcLaulliLfloua re,ip�.vuv- iqt. ' 4F X ---1 I Ivell at ho.m.. Alot'!.1 t'hillL lll-,J'(� tilru quite broken off, lur love!v, Ivindakri . S .1 . . 4w,**,4 "And I believe that if people tinii Artel, IVI ratiol, pa.9 a � , I . . �� 1 1 1 I'. .. 1, �­ I . . , i 1119LITA190 they are unconsealill, a .3 - I 11-0-ki herol.t. he 1111olik's I . J, -,..-. :,, no, one !9 � -the proves,1111 . through which th3 reformes-4 thrc%r lAig / / ;f i" l��l ,� Z',", .� ;ill I (� II7 `P ('Aitadian'011y. . . ,�� .. i - �/ , - � " ,I _ 03' Ilivin tins sound chrio4an principles, ernmelit flave bly ti briek-42in tit& intervat tit roligt011. And � /.L4r Ii Il' ;:,� I .j, ��­,., : .r. . 411, a"q ,Jleged geverity III) 1114 Position, ro tr,r Ili,; forttioa in a 1. . . � . I .. ­.. I 0-P right -Minded dno May 0yeroonle '" L Callacil sf)MC' Juiggivi 4 _ 511'411�oe' JI -1114- .'Ai',%'o A111114 ;tN Onali;t(I I . again WO See tile rottira of tlic religious " ,,.,:*,,, -4, I " "f '11!. I ; . : I i I j, . cv"- Jr the Otber by loving Itindriens-19 D, I I I V, T, &P ish, 1 n I I I d.;, -Illad-i. on�r ps� tile rpecAn);%.1,)t!, ,Jla�s 1, , ; �.� zl . . , — - , . , . ", , ."t f '4) 4as)0,`JrL't get dtllflotlraged and give up. and lit certitit, qn$ V 7,1 I .1 '. I . )� , .1 1. artel,q havo In Q I feeling without tile artisti'a spirl". Trie ­ - 1117� U I If ,�L * L.,", ,�, even evilk. . ... 0 1,7;, - ,/' ! tewre tile end is,accompilsiled, ed protest, u r of iosi la -f kW i lkl% .1 li.1 the fal lit. burette . I . I - tq i , if � ft) Vile' 0 .4 Were anmewliat "restored/l and 11 " '...1 i . . � ­,, i � ..-�iA. 1 "There Is wbero,1 failed, i became iijs� /!,O; .. .. ... , , It N naturallv, rf. 11 Or with cAltitill -'nil it" Nionlital)h .NvIll. - - all Rolls of Itybrid nionotrogiti(.4 ,reere Ilk, ,. , .1 it " , S.I. ;, "� 11 . 1, . . I ..� elf couriAgcd, but it L �qnllnt to tile ll4,j. ;..��t ,4k ;. l%� � � , ,­%� "L . . U4 ItIr that rt)ljjvfCt- I �� f"', I I'M ant 3, ottim, (., scirvau i, tl,l; placed fit thf-'al. Tile old Ovith!o clkarc4o, "I �%X' the effect its s 4 t I have li should be pi .()-), �Ufl­,l ."Vid . S.%..,-. " I. ,� 1�1 14 'k.- 1mver allos%ed n.i.vacie t =rkie dia- oil on tile free Illoveme F, Illulteft, illrnbpr of I 04m 80flued to bi� struotinei e:tro4t out of .. ­,=* --,t ., VA l couiagtd ,Ilr 1110jes , 'At' QJL uoX OX M.' tingkilled. aro epit'llitt of it aotltl 'ovilig, ,� 1 X2. ��, 'k;*, , "' 11 11 :.''..... '. P o , and ty's subjoctq fral� `-`­�' - , ,,� .." L' ' . . I �,.,_1:4- ��, 14 lwolh Oile Pgri; of t1W Plough ,krol k. is 'I ir hr Nii�il it I f 4 We. -111, n " , I t, and God , -,10 rocks. Vill dveorations so, 1�4 to . -.9-y . .. .. ­,"".. I . ancl; his. as, protects 44piro to nnotlit'r, 11114 it iA petIl"I"'i Tb " L. - ,.; .'� - L , % 4-�-,---.. I . . �' j7, ,%­ . " * ',ri j�,�­ - ` Cy h4vo Vill r.,lo"npill.10, I0)W(1vetl3 -I" ... i�,' ..'-1 1� .; , I , . .; 11� ;:' i?, L� �'.. �-,1;4"�, 1 . , be grovving oil thz walli gn,j in the. ;;,�..%7%--.-, . wid upholds, ellitall natural, shollid go.neral restrip. L. I .� 114 1 1 V. �,�".'� L *.'_* . ., . ;Wffit �,,,,,, I ".'.�,.�­"'L­ .10 t reivardi ,1 re All vir.l. Al.' oil" toly grent, nichos. Eve:ytbing was in harmally, But f,-1.'1-'-".�11 I �_Z - . , L. "."'.'.L, N �l ) l4lr I Lad not -so .-ooll becomp llfseour- tIVO IRPAhurkts be shown to be ripees,3all'y 01'. . �� %, � ' '_ '�,� �'.�.L�', . 1. K j f.; `4, .:, _, L I a - lll�'. Z ,:. I.. � , � ..."� -0 - . , - - , I.: � 9c A WO M3911Z ui.vv nad a 1�. . . -- " " , ­.. '. , . .'. . J in this agb of reAtoratlin the hiabi And . -'g....y , . � , ., 1� J -�,%L` .�',.L;% ''. ""..4;_ 11 I.,..'.."....-- ,�". , 1� . , , I . ; , Twenceful . . "­ ­­..,_­ ,� T . , in regai,ti to JInul1g,..,1IItsA to collte, ­..... . . .,,.,N_.. ..... . _ , 11 �.;11�-i I .. .. �'.L .... .. I - ��-.'L:...�,� �:L.,�" f .." . eftigWe were plainLy olit, of ke.,,platy '-Z�.-..�., ' .�� - . L �,'­,. I `.,:_..��, . � Ville, ana illy cj*,Ilct Nvoul(t ,lave hall a �--'N ; L. � 11 Ild t�a, AgainQt the Kwili4lim.w. Aiq futli, 'i.'."""..�.'.L�'�,�,,."."."*P"�-� _ - . � - I ,*,,'!.",.,.,.,I.,,;.-,,.,�,*�..- :::��.:�,',.',�V..­..' : loving Tatlier'n care ana protection (14r- BlMQ1 8"We0s stiould, be e.<o4lPt 01111 � thim, ill of emir40 (A CAV1,41-t 110 1)rlk-ju- -u( 'al sche -the 4ullillug,z" ..'...... ; �... ". ';-,',V-'....ALAA. , �,1:..: .�, - � I I - � -are Q , With t1loge A ,me of ... , , - ­ " I , -`��%*�!,:'.::�.",�::,; I I ,J- ail these yc .. .,, I, .ell. ho'...'C's , , , - F ��'- ,.i., ., 0 1 siLY to, those , such. provjtIonq, -i-r, die'a whatpv-r- quit.k. T.11) -riliAly. Call- ... ��.... .'�� I 1��;._rt, - �,,�"-�,'��.'. it `Z".!`�";� " .'-.',-,.--:i .. �. - .; girls A1110 marry ni,cl great - s n . ,. ,��-� ,�!:;'_'�..`- ".4, ,( jr; 11 g growths or Inartistic, ugly dQ,, j- i . " ­ . �'L L- , - , and afterly, be(,ome WIIJ10 coligiderin .C­� .., ­ , 1. , ;,. .-."�...-.-,�.�-..,':L���.'�"" f illi) .11,091khInt,q'i, ,ill.% lyants him., 0 Ili, ,. Ilk) it * - . , . 1, � , , .. � ­ %-�l ,g ... L.. .. .�. I JP;ss`L'UITt9CO3 IsaV& lsatlen4w, an4 I -In n. and covered wRh flabby son tittles, i: It, it Ie,-... . . ..� 1. . . � L V k; 'I . ..... 1. . __ - _' ­.;.­�.--, vitir trunt ill a Higber Power. . , - .�-­�*�` � ,� ,; :..'.L-.��.-,�..-."..:""',�'��:- Pit' lilghls, to "AAMC-1111bor also ,11is illitit-A, oll her if 414. PrOm-A '*,,A holtolit, .-Zaher- N- .. �� - i, �� , ­ .v.; . I - .. �­�11­ I . , ;& One writer recently expre3lied ilis idea ­ '.. '. .f;"-:,�::, :-f-"i.�.�t�`.,Z�_- - I- - - at Ift, ,-­-5-%�%�-: . .1 .It prim, , L f�­,:. 11 � - ` .. '. - - - st. tl.l. ary one ilf 'L.011,!,%.Jl1lg duRtriouk; tvK-.1 _ that thQ marble Hldb,i ,it Canterbury Ca. . .11 � ':..�.�,�'..,".',,':�.,�'..'��::�,�- to an opposing party what 14e vk1kV i'Arti- L ''" . , I ,�!�. ,,r,."",..:.....,..',,'.,�'.,,�,', SLEPT I N OPEN. , "Thc-re, n -l -r. l-.1A-l.'Wims1il �t V"olaxa", � � _ I _ , '�11 � " thedral record j1th � I . ':.-, ­ "'* ;' �, �.,,. '. L L.'., -. . �,'�'.'.'�� ____ uot SIG)V to el4il" for hlm+,,'fZ. . olur Can -Alan fii.�ml %vll rnu:n I it;, 1,%1;ha .o f'etitiolls vIrtao. of " * . .. . ., .,_... . ` . it lot of nobodies." . `,., ..".­ .­ 10, " 1*1 . %,­* -��­t, A Lt�l;lt 11. ,lyt, madle thpil. I In I tj;..� lkif,kni, .. .�,�.,.: , fail' I)IIL.V.; and to xeeo,R . jt"lanfi_ Il' . .�..% Habits Of World's Longest Liver olaw", . nizc . ­� ,...Z,. 'A Carlaili.fn a1tIkJqk1t* "I'l yj! full tile Iv'It ollIVI."11.4-1, .1'n; - . 000 Of these slabs which I saw w,ls in I .: _.. tile Willa . �., .� A, t I 11 ,'. I &I t a little Church in tho villagoof Nettl��be(l ..�.'. 811OW Benefit of Practice. light'l and fef,IJng3 galling f,,r kea� govk�rliflil r 0 worttt, t; Ila �, - - , eotluir I . i.!,,. , The Xew 11ainallirct Braneh of the pect equitily IvitIl flis olVa. Aqlll t:, f Pla4rk,,h1 it &L J-1whoti'l or 1114 1101nna ill (Wbilre 1 Slept merely to Say that I had I .".,� � American fled Oross has published ILI, tbeRc rightj ,In,, ftl,A,,j f�I, if 41 - L I" ';1'0' N j I y A, 1, dlept in Nettlebed), ' it I$ ILA fOlIOIVS; ... �_ 43 n V'Vllr(-4jL'j�)J1' Jolill""" tI_:l"Ji_ '111JI " ' Ili . . ­'_Y,-� Interesting �vall d, conl�afnlllg Ill lit L140 pow regulitioli'j, and be -fore , 1"t. ort, I-"ngrl;9hrw,n iii Ritstio 1. who are pa .. - Here Iloth Juslith IlaTili, etc,, follows(I - ..... L.. .. . ear � All . . I :� . . - -1: 1'..L' ,�,, I large typo a brief quotation from by: . I �.." � ., 1. I ,.. - ta0dnR them it I�l abligatory III),)" )ls lit -l -i and (rim!n,lt.4; hy birtil. A'a f1wak . �'.*-; ...... I BeWarnin VrAnklln's Art of . 1(now, Render, . . . .,.. Securing at least; to try alltj undcrs I f! . � , ','�'_':::�`-' - � Pleasant Dreittos, l"itten, ill 1,798, fron, . t vid thi'll, 4 bol,11 it I illkv, " all them, If 010 one ,-`��!`-*�:`.��,-,- . .which, says tile Survey forms a -ell, tile Cltlladi,i,�n poilit Of vle.,V. . we Mve itodi'log but ,.::�,::��:,.-;;:�.-,. A "That if Piety Prudence, JVitt, Inro. .L".. . 0aps Coint-, hern , �,,��,,:�,.,.�::,*�.*��:.L.% . , _ . 6., 1.1�,`.­:.,'�.` - , � The main proN�Igou to, jvlli�lk c,V(,0p1, - Conlin 1". I I ;.,;,-.,,,�,�:�;,� .. ... �. . . I . ;.. . cence at, Beautj could rescue front To . ' , ... ._._.� . good tn s �,J,y o r thesn' Ittut t1lei; 'I.. ...�� .',.�. ,...',..... "'.� � . %:�. I Ing indorsement of the modern open lon 9 " - ` I - . L ._�.� - - I L -1 to graLve Slice had been Immortal. ,SluLe :,., . �104I. " . .`..-:,5,�,�-"! * ' ' �' `�%�"'.'*��.��t/ ­ :. , . air Crusade. is taluAlLa is that which requirei over ' in )found to bc. of equal kulvailtigo - � ".. * :.*'��.'.- �::�":-�l _ Y lin- _. . ­'�­.` '. ­ k i 11.,�. , .. . ... .. .. larph thfA otl)Qr.1 -it) it ; -.,.� , ..,,�, � ,-:�,-.-­..,.i--- I means of preserving I to October 31, to haveja iliq I 1pealili 110 A,Iva]JtagCl' to he3. . I I �'..-'�.,.,. .�.-Y.�,.�,����,�'"..,..,�.....�..,, - ther these tre Ineffeetuall, DuRI. and a& ;�.:.% I.- ?.I. .'--"1.,-...;,..!. .. migrant, during tile period train .N Hu-ni 4114 s: w) erowst, tlia co-ning nf t , "� . 1. .... 1. �.. � "'L .. .11-0. ,..�,,', . 'I". � ­iW. ... .� . `;.-, '.. --�'.­�,�. .. I "Ano - ' , . 11 ���'.-.'.....'..'..'.��*.��.."... " ". . I . . health to be attonded to is the h4v. )I)q�k Q. elith Ilead thy own Distitly and prepare to � �'. .:.-� _. 4 .1 �.. . -�,:., ....;, I ' '.`�',; 'L�4�:-:�."-. �..� ­,,;, 11 1� * .; , ... ., - - .,. I . 1. er, for their dij.kbil;ty !,i ill thenvi(�Jves . � I I - - '. :%-'.i-'. -��','.:-',­L" .. -..;�:.' ­ 'A -fivO d 11 ra, and from No - follow." . � .. 4 .. �,:�;,�"�.:f��-..�,',. ...."..'-'. %., ,,f -1 Ing a constant gupply Of fresh air lit 91ou tw`nt,V` 0 tq �, `d., . . ... - �, , - I , -beir ourrotrn4lagn, No A: ,',.� I'll, -� ,*-',�:.,.",.,:..,��i.�.":.:,."..,...:.�. �_ - 1,; i rather than in � where the schoolmas- A , 0 - ,,..�..�-.i,.':,.--.-,.�".",...�..'���:�'..'�*..'�'!..�.:��'..:,.':�'...,.',�L�'..�.."�:'..'.'..'.. i your bedchamber. It has been a great VcTnber I to the last slay Iq rolivilary r 'a )ilia can be drawn bctwcon tile , ` ,,.--a'.�,;`�....; e�, �.. - , _ _? v....',;. - if'r - , �� ., . ,,.-:�r,i,..... . mistake, the sleoping in rooms oxactly fifty dollars, in addition' to a Taljwlty t here.will alway.1 4L, ,tin . .. 1-�..-..,�,-�e,!.;�".,....:..,, ter Is burled, an* reads� ,,� AE.` I .....".."Vf :.�z.,-.,.,..",.�...,.......,...��...'�".,.,- �10.1.1� I 1,.-.,_,;.... _� - . . '118-, ., 11.0 I �' ­­­;..1­1.,­'��-'.',q L ong tb �,�-,'-',..".-,-, ticket or the. riell'of one to I �2,.-'Iql., - % �, Closed and the beds surrounded by P 41 ...­­­ .. ........ � ...... , - . ", , " "';2-i"11- linemplovable vietima of pure, rall P.,-�,�,­1,0;1"..% " ' 17ho J40rd Himself instructe,J in Jf "" 4,'-,'.'.-.-�-,'-".*�-','.'-.",-:..,��,�:,. �� .-1,;1-.,!& . l-, . a � I i ' Ifor V, � Z .*!.'�:.,.'. W ". `:�` .-..l.11 Ilrel 01a, _ . :........ C , 'w". ntion, ll"4"R lie ig going to .111 ,. .W. . .,--�i.`]�...':- 1 �M7'-Vo`,�oyg-,,'- ;;"., In science of Astronomy. "� . . , -;.�. �, ......... - -, .,� curtains, No outward air that may � , -, Ju. -e ,r - , , " , -1 I ��t;5a- . ­­' ..��..-���:..�-.'.�,.,.,.*...",�',�.�:,... Lim, S t as thei vill be amqng, tile � . .��,� . . . . . W ., . :, 1 ,g�v, " :�.�' C01110 to Toll is so unwholesome or, the P10.1111ent on ft farm, or in tllk� case of a, ., . m ` -'�., . . . . . . . - 11�1�'�,­ �_ ,,1 - � -.� �� ...., - . - . . :.., .1 unchanged air, ­often broo,tbod, of a f0mille i'llmi0ritIlt, to assured emplov, to , .� .iZp * 4LICC(Miftil tbo.,D Who Ijavo been' raineld -a have r,livivit what I h,aye done � . . Ay work . �""��")Z` -1 .... . . af(loonoe,by ciieumstatiQ0 . t j ��i'l - f I I i. * '. ­ _____,... 11 � .. Close chamber. As boiling water dogs mPnt at doiiestic servIm, Ta hor bivii � , I . L A5out the 1�axth, the Moon and Sun. �., by Merit. but, ,speaking goucrally', tile l, _ . - ­ _ not grow llotter by lonoL bollin" if This regulation, on first sight, 11"'; man who is good lit Eaglal!d, N good- in ' I the . . I I Particles that receive greater heat Only appears to run counter to our Ila. Canada, and vico versa, provided, always Can't wollk vo Inore and called away CApi. Robert. F. Scott, two of h is SIberian dogs, and his ship Terra not tion I To incet the Lord without delay. can escape, so living bodies, do al. ideas of freedom, but alsl), it 1.9 Nova, from which the daring Engl;s h explorer hopes to I putre it the particles, so fast as that tile opportunities for exorcii3ing ),*is Ind the South d, effectually provents maa;, X�,;!, - particular grittg .are equivalwif," . . they e-04me pu-trid, Can be thrown worki . I hope the Lord will pardod, me Polo. L 111, I130 119-Inen frorit emigratia; to. "-- 1 -_ _-_0 i ­_ cc ., . h if we on this side will only leave tile For all IIIYL Sill$ whateler they be 11 off, IUAW fields of industry whore tl-.;,-,, wi!I � ____ Nature expels then, -by tile I'lle'L � Canadians alano .lad Allow them to ordor I On the tower of this Church one �oads � 0 1 pores find relief. front distrOgRink, Co I 11- tbc�ir Notme.hold aevordlog- to their own this charming palindrome- . I - - " tile 'skin and the lungs, and Ili tiatu that afflipt th0m Xt holne, id0zIs-;AdC0q disinterestedlyloyal,whit- Uwd I did live, a free open air they are carried off, The Canadialels answer is that n,) one ever j.1so they E L 0 but in a. close room wo .receive TaaY be-tho Illworin,fr ShO'Captain , Veritable Czar . I , them can know the needkof lill countrybettor prejudloo against ilia T"'liglish laiore,r Vil did I dwol. . . . 1p, a JV again and again', thougli Robert Cox. 1660. . 1. _ they become than blaqe1j, an(I that tho rogulatim it will speedily 'disappear, The Canadian more and mor � I . L , e corrupt. A number question ilas been reluoiantly adogibi.1 in a, finxio4 ag Are that our good name It avas in Dorchester that I had a of Persons OrOiWed into a small -room . , 9 � LL, o -had, and he per. hearty welcome, I arrived after' a five thi's spoil the 'air in a in self-defence. The lesson. -of 107�% should b i -establis . mile walk over the hills, lookin- like it . 00 and even ren . few minutes, whon the influx 'of immigrauts -ma 7 ceiVO3* 'what miln...? on this side fall to � His Word Law Aboard Vessel, , der ft mortal as the . . it tramp. But the vicar,s wile wasoan Am. Black Hole af:CgIcuita. of them totally unfit for Canadian life- perceive -that if it is to Ruglaud's in. crican, and therefore forgut my aftpear� (BY Erwill tills in Chicago Sunday Tri- stolimer Standard the 11aitle needed its "A Single poison Is Said io spoil WELS $licit ILI; to 41LIt thO labor m,,irkot, I,Rrest to develop his wreat - Country, sn,ee and took me all over the"boathiful. I bulle.) captain and he was there. His ship car- only a gallon of air per minute, and And set ,lip Ili . a new eou;4,try, posse.ssing that country must have the rigght.popli.- old church, explainhig its many att . rao. e were rushed to the bolw, of the therefore requires a longer I neither Poor Laws nor other, machinery 14tiOU, one that will aid s not retard, its tions. linagine a mayor, or judge of a eir. pont rs spoil a chambi.rful; but it "" to for thil relief of distress, evils whiel, A progress. vessel and began the work Is done It is,one of the b2st specimens in cult court, or ' coullty Sheriff, or a Of Patela'"ll however in proportion, an Ma A I me it ta�os 01 ourro.lources tokoep There need be no fear, the new re- a. all Ell. of a Village of L the hole fit the Baltlo!g Steel sheathing. d .n . Y " L irld I . gland and liar, been fortunate in town marshal a Putrid Lorde within boundg, has been thorongbly Lions .notwithataliding, that thoL lmml� its preservation and, restoration. one 3,SOO POP- Two hours the 11altio rated In a heavy ... is hence have their window, the Jesse ivindow, is' unique tilati011, stepping out into the street and swell and no answer came, 1,000 fuilos origin, . learned, and tile Canadian is determineli gration offibials will deport the Xnglish� on general and self-imp6sed authority, out" from Fire lalaa m1tv, that 0% . ppdti tmong English church windows. It ,has d, that in f,he wide "It is recorded of Methuselah, wha, I I Come what, ,nce man who gives them.good; reason to slip- . being, the longest liver, -may be ,sup. , -Ia" one person. I picking 'lip a citizen, ordering him to a : 11,11 not be repexteif.' POSe ll� uteans busineRs, no luffered but little, and Stands today ,with eell and Clapping irons on him for Safe- wastes of fog and water was -.a vessel to posed to have preserved his health, The after-efiftin of tllls� in,-a%joa or ally �.�mlliar with thiiIr methods and all of its remarkable tracery and Uttle emeping, . c e Baltic's did, that he slept always In the a on air - the unfit still finger. In certain parts of the cA�rc and unfailing. courtogy--am, stone saints, The figure of the Blesaca Wouldn't the bird of American liberty STERN DISCIPLINE, MS .VOWIL�11. for when he had lived five, Rundred tile Dominion, especially among em ploy. ounting frequently to ositive, kinalloss Virgin and that of the Crucifixion blive set lip -.I Somata? Wouldn't tile old and Years an angel said to. him, 'Ariso, ers of unsk-filed labor, there exists it dis. -witli which they dMarger their ardu- " both been demolished. suppose that in a Stampede of the Bal- Methuselah, and build theo, an house, , lab. ous and difficult duties, could. for a - � tinct, prejudice against the Englial,1 . mo PID"s Purit'ans badly cracked liberty bell resonate in ties crew its employees had rushed tip for thou shalt live yet five, hundred oret. The present writer, in the 6n ment entertain sitch a fear. M it is, probably did it, . discord'? And remember that In this to fill its boats? It was within the cap- Years longer.' P 'And Methuselah an. r`ge the Officers at the various ports are in. To -day thbse churches are again the seizure of tile American citizen no frioulf of an exionsive Inquiry Into im lgra� forward and offer I Vested. with considerable discretionary centres of the i-eligious life of .tile peo* tajaAs power to have shot down ' the lead- swered, an`4 said, 'If I am to live but tion conditions, more than once heard . at )land Could come five hundred years longer, it is not an -opponent in 'a heated disputo dub. proved, they I ple. Careful. reverent iiauds lulve dond Or -to have brought about war to the powers,. powers which it bas yet to be much to restore their ori-inal beauty, and imposo tile right; of bond for his knife, revolver, and rifle in the interests worth while to build MO all 1101160; I bed as a crowning insult, a g;tu,,.;:Iin- have in a single instance friend. You'd cry out something about will sleep in the air4 as I h v b n ' abuaed�- while the foot that tile QoVern. and they now stand as histZrioal records Russia ,trouiawt you? of his vessel and his passengers. Or had a a ce ary, Englishman.; of 06 lively past as well as centres of it thin 0 You'd say some. some passouger or passengers become used to .do.' " � Ask any well-informed Canadian tho, inent spends annually something ap- . I . g about anarchy, poitaps? . .*�& I . Mating $300,,000, on pullikity work in living religion to-da,y. And to tile tram. panic stricken and against orders men- - reason of this prejudice, and be will tell tills untry and in amoothinj the path dust at this season when so much of aced the welfare of tile majority on thd NEGRO COLLEGE MEN. you that, Until the large firmifirratiou a . I of, tlle�British immigmix, should. � eller who cs'eeks for interesting resoarch American, manhood ua womanhood aird ship, death would, have been dealt with movement of recent years, almost: s liti elusive evidence that Ill) Sterj$ irill. be they more than repay his c,,tre" _a eon. vado fill ob-lker- childhood is going abroad it is i�eli for of�the capLiln that be be the autocrat . Mr. ,13ooker T.* Washington Finds Oaly Englishmen with whom he come in taken tending zo deter emigration from n. -From the Living Chilrelb. all of them to think over tills propost- at his post. Them Rather Trying Sometimes. -rohlact were the tourist, the remittance these islands, unless Sgeh Steps 4L' L * SWORDFISH PIERCE 80 tion, For a,fter one of the great trans- There are,no form,4 of wkits or war- ,,In discussing his own race Booler T, man, and the pituper. The,tourlat, nev- sidered absolutely n4"s8*rJt-_ - re eon - ATS. atlantic pasonger Steamers leaves the rants necessary. There is no court at ton says in The World's Work% . er perhaps in any age or country a very As to the- poliular,�Ialnt that the Do- . three-mile limit of New York the passen- wbielt the passenger or the seaman May , tile most trying once tractable perso* bftrdly made it his buq- minion wants only our best - men, , the Fishermen Have Narrow Escapes in ger is lit foreign- territory on the high give bond. Ili that Instant of sudden Vl with mesa to unilerstaud the Canadian, while case is more correctly stitea in the o come in contact are the * I ,!t0'Z:' the Canadian, proud of his country nil WO Attempting to Land Catches, seas. English, French, German -what- groat energy which arises the captnin's ons who 'have bWa educated in ,a a 1kdS,af a typical Canadian, "We donst T) e Arrivals of swordfish at T wharf Over the flag at the masthead -the ship Vrord Is more than written Imr, It is the to the extent that they are able -opon full of its praises, was iinduly se&t1vt as fo yesterday are thti heaviest for some is a Section of its fatherland, floatilig ov Unwritten - I L i buy the horse that inns the common law of the high seas, occasion to quote a phrx-14" or a to passing erltloism� with the result Olat rac , -said he, "much as. we should like !me, eight vessels bringing 568 fish. in the high seas, -where only maritime In,^ great emergency which arises tile Cap- relations between tile two rarely ho. it. e "We will be glad to get the'lorse ad,dition. to the exceptionally large catell, regardifig its trangit 1 =cut from Shakespeare,, 1111ton, CI_ cattle cordial. The remittanc a P nts word Is more than written law; It . Coro or some other great writer. u times Of PO 0, tal e mAn was that is only a nose behind. But you nearly all tile arrivals repoited trouble may hold Check upon the ozardont of th6 Is the unwritten common law or the high "In College they studied probl,nug, and Ipso facto a deid,bend, Cast on ilia own want us to take the horse that never on their trips. Nearly every boat re- ship!s commander, on or off the bridge. seas, Ili the spirit of which -the vigilance solved the resources he might have proved --i wt. starttia.- ported damage from the attacks of the No czar has more power within hU m -on ,paper. But th-me prOb- . . �. . � . iant fi. Committee of the wild west of the Unit- )eMs had already been solved ay some tional asset. but so long-ag tile remit- . 'L 'n 911, and two had narrow escapes territory than lilts the captain of the ed States rose, lawlessly lawful, tauce came be had no incentive to workA Xot�--The writer Overlooked the fact rom collision i one else and all that they ]lad to clo, was On the schooner Angie B. 'W great Atlantic liner on the high seas. lie To -day the captain of the great liner to learn the answers. They had never and frequently -became ,I social Doliv. .0 that provision is made for exemption . atson, � is oil an island of his country's owner- may stop into the palatial cabin and , faced any unsolved to the pauper, he came not as one who4e in regard to- the money qualific1t1ofi, not ' problems 3n colloge L � I , onlya.4 lie stated for farih laboidrs and not restless find adventurollii spirit'litcre .;apt. Schofield, off Georges on Thurs sldp�a floating island, having a POPula- command crack. - 'lie may go into the and all that they had learned had if Lay, one of the crew, Wesley Wallace, tion of 800 employees and looking after smoking cabin And stop a game of taught them the patience and , h w -ter tory anA to domestics g�ing to assured bmplo�metlt. the liNg by th� arsi Aras severely Cut. in the welfare and ,safety bf perhaps 3,000 , -it- pluO, from the overflowing lay of ],..#'or- and having'the means of rea6hing the passengers. ITo Is prac . tically the admin- Ills a tune a competence for lifinsol and llis place of employment, but also for .the ttaok of it maddened fish, which drove cards at -which the sharper is playing for once which alone solve real probtents, ts sworld through the bottom of the -istrative, executives and judicial Single clent titkm. in case of refusal, that an- "I remember hearing this faA if- chililmn, but as one who bad failed at following, who have the means of reach, ory. The fish 'wag pierced with the indiviaual, such as exists rarely on the land right of "no deprivation of lustrated In a very apt way by it cqhor- home, and whom some ehaTRA%le igen- , relatives who are able"And willing ai .liberty without tilt* process of law" be. ed minister some years ago. After great Ing illy iron �roni the "pulpit- on to Support them, namely- Wife going the map of present day civilization. Aside comes a faroo. The collroom or even the eacrifico and effort he had Constructed cyl had shipped over its Much for its own 1.0 . ChoOner, And in going. after it in the from his authority over ro lef as Mr Ilia advancement. otaby husband, child going '. to brother, lkry Wallace met with Ills accident. Ile mankind, " iron manacles of the captain's author- in the South a -building to be uae4 for brother OrRister going to,brothetsmitior J may,have $7,000,000 of vessel under him, ity maY be fised upon the individual -who the purpose of, shelt6ring orplitu-s and Englishmon, of'courso$ there were of ad got the float in When t fish to any nothing of the best type, and some of Cana&t$q going to inarried or inde�ehdent Sister, tended in Ills direction. LBefo the international maiN has paid $500 or $L000 for his suite of, aged colored women. After this minister .. - re lie could and millions of �ld in transhipment, ' IV eatest industries are the fruit of thme parent going to son or diltukhter. ftove out of tho way the Ill 90 rooms and Ills passage. On the high seas had succeeded in getting Ills building - . - - g Sword Itrueted ailli paid .for it Young color- Coming, but they were outnumbered by W ti nine luboArd,plercill'i WAllace's loft in. AVE- RAGE x.el ADmiREs POWE n. the captaiii's Ship becomes an autocratic eon$ b the less desirable. 0 age Customs oad Supet. ' ttp find tearing the0aide of,the leg. aclitocracyi The Individual in the first oil xnan came to inspect it and I .-.t kinee I I I The Metacomet, Capt. Simmons, Shall one wonder that ther passenger cabin.and at the captain's table ran,* began pointing out the defects it tho 1; is only falt to lany that as the tljr- stiflons, ;ith a fierce sword met , of position and place In his particular share -with tile immigrant, far below, building. , . Cot result of the selective policy pur- - A In the month of Tosea-ZJune- fish bent on doing portion of the world's map aaelts and ap. "The minister listened patiently tor lmda since 1007 the Canadian complattits Afarric arm to something. Its attack was so preclates a place, "at the captain"s ta- those equities that are granted to each as to the character of the! immigraui;g Life Vill be oil* long honeymoon. erce, that the stout, bony sword went blopy? For after nil -the average world in ids place, some time and thou turning to ' tile � . young man lie said.- to the Dominion, which Ili 190 bada ftm- .. The gay(ir the maid, the better tile , hrough the three4lith plank just at appreciates an ituto6rat. Give to this CAPTAIN SUPREME, AUTHORITY. 1131y friend, you have tin advant,t to oompel a obnation of immigration tit- wife. - � . Ata . he port side of the forefoot, outting Its autocrat a matf`s framework, an appre- "Don't buck the captaln.4 At . my clear in until said ail of, over me., Thctk lie paused and lool�l I fort by the Government, have eem.iil. . . six incheir Of it Show- elation of Ills powers, a dress that be. ficial in the offices of a g ' Th6e IS nov, nothing but praise foriche Tile sneezing of a. est oft the eye of inside the vessel. The struggles O( comes reat. Steamship at the young man a -Ad the young Ittill Immigrants, and especially th6sro from the marriap day Is & lucky omen, e fish broke the sword, leaving part his power and dignity- and even line, ,,Hc is all there is Of authority.. Intsked.inqUiringl Y at tile minil0r, w1l,o Great Britain, of tile part two years. L �. f it still In the plank. .American liberty cheers at sight of him. 110 is the supreme entity of L . ship. eontinuedi 'I am not able to find. fault VnIucky is the bride. who does not b "There's THE CAPTAIN)" is a whig. He I,% dressed for it, but mora. th that, with any building which you have con4 At first the imposition of file restrid- weep bitter tors on bel wedding day. k The schooner Tecumseh had the worst aw ed ta I tiong )lad a noticeable effect in lesson- . . rom xpetlefioe, with the fish. Throe. Lot her pered bit of comments made it million lie Is trained to it. lie Is emp NY itructe0l I -04 0. .1 Ing tile uJoVeniont'L but It rapialy recov- It. is very Unlucky for % v .an to 5izr dories were pierced- by swordfish, times a. year in the beginning of the pas. take life, if he must, And Ott land this ored, fina this year the migration of marry... it Man whose surname beffias� ome of them several times. The Mill. gages of Srea.t ocoan steamships, And is tile most serious of all things In tile HE WANTED DAMAGES, British people to Canalla, is .1arg6t than with'the Paine letter its hc,r own. generally the captain looks tile part. statute books. , k do in vit b�cq 6 I rVa; had oil# of her dories pieroe(f also, The claims agent of the Rock Island over before, and at the gatue time I,; � - 'brl t. 'ar of ooking Ili ' wL elleape it is not so much ilia uniform, either. "But asi the old captain nears the Hutchisou divialon recently re- froin the 014ifti4f%it, standpoint, ab3olute-A L the glit�a after she ii completely dressed, 8 ,,, youngeStL daughter lack 4150. bad a dor.y plerce .-_130$to - There isgroy in his hair, moustache, dr and iron polso begin to ooze, 'the b, b,r should change to marry before. her elder ont being injured. The Albert IV , if in a family the nil the mail in it had 0, narro Ordinarily the captain is not young shore you may see sonic of Ili$ dlgl,dty 01" the ar epivea the following letter from a farmor IV gatlsfaetar, d n L beard. That young,man In big 20 , in his territory, which is given liter- * lit the lighi of experience, tham, is It I must MI. dano at her ired- - lokald. le is AO' light and tile floating buoy marking the unreasonable that the Dominlofi Govem- ' L matter what his schooling for beginning, chaunel are affecting him. . . ' �� , "That day after his landing add go ail�*Clatuo Agent. Me: igi its we at home eon- slitefs' tht' t -hoes. Th's will eou'Atot- I nt, ullaerstandil d T.- lVith ill the world, iglIct tailed at 9. moment's .11, . I ) 0 * ( When 'the, Etc. rldge. lie ),,list tiller into -t- not understand, d; exatt natur6 and; att their Ill luck and lirccure for them notice to tile captain's b big street clothes -why, it ,you hushiiiij, A. lion tile pigs tire In th I 1 k'nly Rst you for demego far burn- duration of Canada's industrial Ineeag, I 6 fodder and tile have,his maximum of training for six at, ar 0 inLted withL him, $lap him on Ing a Straw stack of twenty akers. of , rho ItIm that tilt% %rcilding Thigallbuta I todder's in, tilt pigii. and. anxious to livoid. the Social and oth- e acquit wheat which, I Ast 10 doolors, It was , be -worn all the third finger of f1le left len 'the farmer r1dos in, autog an ovell. numbers below before he is cillea, tile back and you'll got a smile thava burnt the 30 day of September by a or Ills so ,%Td6ly oxerapliffed tit BlIgland, ., Other lordy rigs ; . I to tile loot 6f tile ladder. -worth its shining on your tam." insists that those -who enter the Colin. band bedause "a nerve cotittoots, tills beft's A rich Wagnerian music in the irate ttafic arid 1 worked with my to grunt nXi'd lit the squeal most a am n q On tile British passenger Vessel; "Conimaddire of the Fleet" Is oue oT boys, all after none to owe Iny earn and ghall be reAsOnAblY capable of stand- fil',ger IV411 the 110-Irt" I Of It a art- r lion tile pudgy Porcine, treasure arnbles of the b0giftilOrs 4t navigating tin 006,14 the offices toward which the old 8oa, , tz - L glA. . cs I have suttialatil So rauch dardish I g, ltq climatic add labor tests, -and 1),)$ it gayly to its meall. vessel of the first Class Avill have had a captaili 1601, SO wflaly digs nay"i di.4dain, IL Ja a naval number in the iind today Oct -6 the west Inkle, kild 2 Selves and their fkmill'eg until J,hey gligbident king J% wom oft the third nd the ultiniate conaujiler in Ills p6ekot Ilentoklautfs commission train the ., hat eilvlougly�nob with tiiat I think I aut justifyed to come pity ,"'I'S tho wherewithal to nuthritain them- In 111086 VIVONAII c0ulitrielk the e - hey' tile Digit are In the fodder and the- It is from the royal navy V'ReMs that pai-,senger Service 'willoh Marks the gal pigs for me which weld *,way 50 ponds, a -.hall have ateured. 6raploymentt Vor it fillger of the loft ban(l, While the ivod� tOdd6r's irk tiler pigs. I the lowert ,bfflor's vacancy is filled. ot retirement. lit the Chinard Service, should bo borne In TuInd, that although, (Iltig ting is worli. on th4d same -fingor - and I fill so el.,11116 pay for them or file right band, I Filling It,'he has Ilia thanto to rise to jet I.Xample, C�,Ipt_ 'Pee was worth 4 dolers a pello, Wer. - lien the 11011 is 61) the catUlo and tit ,tins .1ohn Pritchard till"; there I,:, during the summer 111611019. a s tile position Of cAptaill. larive 4,okmallil for Allied anit unakilled, No 4'errasn bride ,woars it t We 16 on the nest, wid J. 11, ANI'att have pa.ssed on to the ever somshigv gita out It 1A one the traelt , pik T14, ttd lort the tarmet, strokes him w1aill(ora With tile growth of tile world's ship, po;ition. Capt. I'll, 0. Warr is the pit,,- this time a vrar well. they tire halen lailiky 1-I tile building trade, and for un, ,0VkA it'rqyal bride, act It Is 4611'eved that . 4 101:11 a joy all u Ned, 'ping and its naval armaniaut,q, tho sent active nitin for the position. wheat son% d (-lie cars loak avl& skater skilled Iah.ir Ili rallmiy dilljoitru6tlan for every NArl she wl�nrli her-husbanil ' 14 d be reads ttio =1 I I It V, 0 d of tanks, Ilurkto a merry lity columns and "tralls" of tile Atlantic greyhounds "Vorimll-sklate of 'tile lefcet?" There lq wheat all along the track .1md it is -all w6rkii, finklug, from three to five inonthn �v,il CiMe er to Aht-d tl 0 4 "" uit proltrat4 h6r. im hilo be crates tile precious aotons to I,& have beoll thirtod-by tile compaga. Itoner in ih(.. title. It ,doeat not (Imeenit the time kilan t4ifekeiiiki aitd tetkq and of winter 'th'-so onureo-4 of cmploytmelltt 1111606d On 'their way. Aolf at her hridegroont's foot, Aild PlMg hts Wite rillaJI haVeL her bonnet of ilia But oven with wireless anirvicil there to IM (111droll. Ire givol half bid; If& thayar wort money ,go i wotild like for aro pritiAtically sliul, llown, It, therefore, _e 4 Very 1)1-3t, - In , ly be little in the oark and fog and t.q t1l,A ggininia, t ria t cilia, w*11 suluntit 11"scli rattl het *'% I .4 , 'Verl', . A of It. And It means that YbI100 to fellito yolir Todo with ehieken ..l. 1,11lorf'r coming, ()lit in t -be spring t *ael,,16 and tt,orin and, spray to eb�trt tile trhulli Ili,; pwdvitioi aiR ,nowei4 are at all ('114. VON. hell. tile I -en is 4,qn tilt% L tile - I I I Pink(; d� law requleAti it the does 'not I'Vithediattiv 1100J 1114 little, Te- 1.3.111m In till thingAl. l I I I I I I I IV I I egg Is on tile Adat. stentiwk---tho occasional Sailing vesael, it �_­W,0,4.­_-_ Lvaektula throw rity farm Pni my bild- ierve of doll,irg, bit 13 likely enotigh to .6to womin 1, illom courtott knd mow OL �illlutcr, if �ftly to,r t!lo hai'leCd before marriagew than is, the hiludred days out of port !it the ailtillo. 01, IS , # .6 NVOIn ,,, th to Content, ,,,,,, ,ro prity closio'to tho. tritok i belie Aped It, in till lict). tho beesvoki are in Lbe atol�.k tar . an . A -� Isutc -, a - V1106 ex. 8*'I�sh bfiat'-AW row Wives no. moro ,,, Mid the MI ks more Wfortml It and - polvo idL ;Ilasa of olothinili somm, r .k6l, writeg Ilia 011"IC, hr you ivil look at it rito ntil ,, ill WgIoetcd Aftrr tile I)T'#f span ts� thf., , Wft tile farnlir buys Anotiter quartor. flome-the ieO)PI-g floating silently with (IsV CYIXT110. 01011Y.) Q:erp qattegfneboli I spoke to JCe;i1(.y poissive ,irtl&-wartrier tion 140 Ivolil "et"tion-yog, by Ileeki , hontymoon. While tho'marringg kissos 141, nil It(! doel' only It tolith of ita IV Cal) projeeting 4kJI*IIF4 the 161,01's on lily 031C till'y the voilliell bilsil alut lie FAI't 11 WtIld 110pil, at flome. ,nct earn for ,gold bl.iQl.# autl king to Alkle willelt stand'S alone, 11, ,..01'.(l in a Itia e V V461'V V141111 ,et rrolA itlik-ft b,,r lipt, her husbnlul 01 lie won't lltnnri for,joidl; how th-i black water or out of the denge I"I'l (t of Straw. the hor"S 1!i"t �.I,Ffrpllvor, this 'rarafliall nil' - are I nd 116 thiliks Wit run for orlica, ilil(l -the ali,midwied bulk, water Soaked . �� i,aiiqtie itA that it otfora cocouratleMelit At -it I.J141 brqlay fin pli'sp lot nuft kn*0W%X AgIt'.. 11 You havl�, Ill lr,ng�;Gtl 16n 1.40 liglitp his elkorttto antl Atrol*j, Ittvav, be doIltn't fifty "b'golth,10 lliv,(ait Of US1.11I.- fur 114111. It hall Ita ,lTbree. u40tva liatil vaelt mrd4 I l,;1,) -,A,. w 1119 -RIA6 fliat yon ArkA ,,, J.,� .It#[" -.I,u 0 1 af-�drlftinLoderelietwltlt winds andtides '-figill ill tiat plrw(hloss of oae viniaanil Tottrili, laillo .P%cu," tail P.pellm but pive belill"s. or lindodl . * ILI I I It , . - V. . �. t IThe Wingh,im I Advance THEO. "ALL - Ptoprdetor .A : :11 111� "I ! A, 11111:1111 I - I -1 I ; I _�_­_- DR., AGNEW � PhY0101AN, 111111011troWN, Accour.wguR. , I offte .- . trpotgfrs In the X404onvAd R , r locic, , Niglit. pa _ � , Ilo anlitwere0i jkt ofilco. - , J, P, KENNEDY WD04 mac^$"O, . (MaMbilr9t 00 R;iU*b 414diol A , . 0oglittlon) COLM MEPALLIST IN MEDICIN9. spoille, ilttent;ton Said to Pf"mas of women ILD CbWriln. . ovirtaxHOV49"Itiltv'ro" ItOup'tis, . DR. ROTA, C, REDIWOND . . M. ft. Q. ER, (ED0 L, L-;. i.Q. P, (I_o;4d.1 . Physician ,;artd Surgeon. (Dr. -0hisbolin,s old rtand) . ___ —_ -_ —_ DR, MARGIRST C, CALDER Honor Onds4ite.'ot IrAcpal4i,ii, Ujilveraltr, L . JoetItiatil at Ontario p,gleeb of Physialans . ;-A 5ulT4:,JwA. . Devotes opeolal attoution to L'Isit'sev of the XT8#10, Nar, Nose &.0 'rzroglt. hOrQQ0;hly TeCted. . Oblate Proper FUNd. 011106 witt axi offilia H911k;l - .$ to� 5' r.7 to & P.M. . � .., .., I .­­ . I — ARTM J. IRWIN . D.D.K, LAD.% Doctor of Dental Surger:r of the pen, I nIlYlvilluilL Uollege &Ind Vicent atit of Dental surgery "of Qntarto. 70mos in Vaodov&fd'bfftk­_,k,___ , %-%'- I . . W. if., . P710kToEj * U61. ' 15.5.Aq L.D;S,, I)AID,!J. � Honor GmAnalto of t;n1,v*ri4 of irarimt4 I Slid LtoontloAs of RoyeA iKillege, ur Dai-tal silrReons at iolitarw. Oinrlos im $&Aygit Bl,00lt - WL"U.&W - q____ . WINQHAM ILS General Hospital. (Under Government InspeoAaa.) . I . - Pleaftntly situated. Beautifully furnished on to Ql arlr liceaved "Uyistoftus: , WIN I "ttlelvlk. ,Wb ch include sitil V.%W,d )a I 50 to 010.00 rer'wesk, acearding lociti*0 of rooto. Fdr turthei ILI, tiaA-Ad4mits T 'CrIalk. . W85 Xh U&TTREWS auvilrintondent I . Box 21A W11191:11161:11. out, � . � L 1R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan &t lowest vatsm, OZ710Z.-BEAVEH ftocr" WINGRAM. DICKINSON & HOLNES - . L BartiSterg, 301teiterS, etc, Office ^ Me . yer Block, WI1&gl1&1A. & 4 Dickinson Dudley Holmes L I J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICIfOR. MoNEv To LoAri. Oftlee.-Morton Block, Winghava . WELLEGI FIRE INS. AM I . CO. . Zatil.blished 840. ]lead Omod GUELpa, ONT. Risks taken oil all classes of In. arable property on the cash or pre- ulum note system. AX98 GOLDIN, Cir.&s. DaviDsox Prealdent. SecretAry'. RITOELIB & COSENS, Kent.a. winghaw, Out L k. E. S ML ITH BANKER ' . W&GRAM - OAXTARJO . . I I I L I 00mers who want mono . y to buy Orftli, feAttle Of hogs to -feed -fo* vasr. at can bare It on reasonable terms, I . koney ttailowitted. and ipsgable at Kr at My Bank In the Mm D104. , , " I TCATZ8.:,T.00 omd nudor 3 qct,i, , vo tow, I at@. $m to V% &me rAtes charged on KwaltAl banking polate In thil . s, . I" IN 1. "ll" AM I ' 11; , 0 GIVA F . It . . GENERAL A-0-WiT Iftuer of UnAw Licinw. re, Life, Aceldeut, Plaft 01'w d wasihor lusurantmt W__ 9_PW A 10k Real VAfate lmd 36noy r4alftig bustafts. . # ft our Act% tinu nt, S draW1nj;'frc.tn Q6 Jeck, I lit tilt - ' --tile Il oi a woliiall Nvbo Vito thkIlle ;ftre soinj of tho upelutrod 1�1­lt walt ! .(.43,1111A �Vt La" ,% oi 11t;4V 0 U&1:01194 wo nl,� u.ate�-faolliw. . - -C-1141. y-mv f. - —4." * pv6pari:L.il to spend ranney to ,klenzi Tamil .In . pe�t 11. ()lit to 114, b(tW �, Y,)jj e% 4 to -1 p'l.111 . AMR R MMII a th sirtloile pit AsX if w-4,11,1-1 t 'MM, - 'M t !kpd 11) L e Id" All Ra. I ( r ^0 % ., "Vd 1 Mul P ki-ven are In the r be - ,toeic Caraml I thirgs the D&W11 WrItelt: Itill Check. lel)ger q, that tile eapi4lill of tho glani 1). 4. I I! . i. L- tit I t 1. ra. � t f�oalnvr Illast cullsid"'.", 11,13C. it L, - , 0.14"' 0? ih(� yll"�n ille-Ilow-4 01%itrit. , "' I Ing -ep v ulill . to ri: .1%, Chmil Avith OPAIT arl"AA? AtImitting, fllatwllntk� of thtm 1111der th" $aitr, 9# 93*04. 4414 " �. 64 , I - - WITHOUT PtAtt. totilektvft, 1#0404. I -ell 06 rAllk is In the buftet Ard t4.,I e I It llil lViAd hAS It -it Ito -.vat.ur trilvIl- b- tad ata idleed, lilie Illuo"t gills llave, - I Will % tIU4,111- I 1 %, .:.A."., (-%vr , , 'I ,It, lit'P.-I I- (s_lq anj ft,. er ilro of fni'l, I I I h I 1 01 11-s'ptotA.) -SiA, N 10- It! n .,Lilt I'sJ­ t.b.6 churn, hidd ­ -_ � . __ I-' . _ . , I IL, llfov�v, I"Lt lik,-Atil tubbed 11W 111f it, A*or '11tero ar,1 ii.,it wat-Il trail,; i .. .It, �, 'ell I i'.'1PtA LIM -.1. U1110 I ., i ".' , I ..Iil.al Ill. ' ,lvt�; t ,I -it V,mv�,r, w-he.0 at rol e t . uldel- pn&7511lfliji��m , _... � -I I -i'l., ..- i - .,Ali-, 1-11 1. 21. (1,10WO ____ V W*A "' - . - .- , . . . - I I 4;