HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-01-26, Page 88 TUB. W ING HAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, JARTJM ' 26, 191 T THE DOMINION BANK, HEAD OFFICR, TORONTO, 0apital Stook a1l paiduP.�000 0 00 Reserve Fund and Undi- vided Profits $5 800.000 00 Deposita by the Public, ..,$47,000,000.00 Total. Assets, over $62,600,000.00 BRANcuEs AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United States, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Current Rates. of Interest allowed, and Deposits received of $1,00 and upwards, Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them M lowest rate of interest. WINGRAm BRANCH. -Corner John and Josephine Strets. W. R, GEIKIE, Manager R. Ironstone, solicitor --- 1 Boys andl Girl s- f. -eGhs:.id learn those subjects by whiell they can earn n living. Spotton's Business Colleges are the largest trainers in Canada, and our graduates secure the best positions. You can study at home, or partly at home and fraish at the College. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION ENTER ANY DAY WINGNAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON - PRINCIPAL sa mm nHomestdrssommars+ 11 i Shorthorn Bulls for Sale I am offering three young Bulls for sale -one fourteen months ; two. under one year, all sired by my pre- sent stook bull, "Huron Chief." They are all of the best breeding and of a low down, beefy type ; will be sold at reasonable prides to suit the purchaser. J. G. FYFE, Wingham P.O. Lot 2, let line, Morris. Farm For Sale. Lot 5, Con. 3, Morris, 100 acres, 90 • cleared, balance hardwood bush ; bank barn 40x60, frame house, arte- sian well ; school close by ; good or- chard. Possession at any time. For particulars, apply on the premises. Terms reasonable, MRS. J. H. BRANDON. For' Sale ,Or To Rent Sixty.Five Below. Some wood sent us this week a copy of the Saskatoon Capital, and from it we learn that the atmosphere there ,Is quite chilly. On January 14th, 05 degrees below zero was registered in one part of the town, andiseveral of ore,. Itis ac- knowledged 55nh knowledged to be the coldest weather in Saskatoon for many years, One business man had his cheeks frozen five times. .Agood farm, lot 42, concession 5, East Wawanosh, 'ie offered for sale. It contains 75 acres, has good build- ings, is well watered. Only three and a half miles from Blyth, and a little over two miles from Belgrave ; school, one mile distant. If not sold, the farm may be rented. COR • No. 2 American Yellow Feed Corn at $20.00 Per Ton. THIS IS A SNAP. J. L. AWDE How to Cure Chronic Colds and Bronchitis Bluevale, Ont., May 4, 1910. "I was sick for two years with a chronic cold and bronchitis and a consequent run-down condition. I received no benefit from doctors, and had to give up work. VINOL was recommended and from the sec- ond bottle I commenced to improve - I gained in weight and strength, my cold and bronchial trouble dis- appeared, and I am at work again. I want to recommend VINOL to anyone who is in need of such a medicine."-Tno;\rAs HIGGINS. It' is the combined action of the curative elements of the cods' livers aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron contained in VINOL which makes ft so successful in curing stubborn colds and bronchitis. VINOL is a constitutional rem- edy for chronic coughs, colds, bron- chitis and pulmonary troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. Try a bottle of VINOL. If you don't think it helped you, we will return your money. T. WALTON MoKIBBON Druggist - Wingham FOR SALE A Splendid Chance For Investment' Town lots in. the City of Leth- bridge, Alberta ; also in the new and rapidly growing towns situ- ated along the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ; Watrous, Melville ' and Biggar in Alberta. ; Saskat- chewan askat- c e an Tofield in b4 wberta Three ..selections of choice land in Saskatchewan. For particulars apply to JAMES NETHERY. X' Belgrave P,O, REAL N. Griffin LISTATP, AND INSURANCE Subscribe For The Advance 9, 4, -01 9. 9, 4, 4, 9, 4, 9, it „ 4, 4, 4, 4, 9, 4, 9, 4, Morris. We are pleased to state that Miss J daughter r Jenny, da g ter of M ,and Mrs. R. Scott is improving, after an attack of pneuinonia, Mr. and. Mrs, Adam Smith and Miss Verna, of Deloraine, Manitoba, left hot fortheir a Ames s week th r nom a. Mir, J m a Smith and sister, Mrs, George Pratt,, and children leave this week. All have been visiting friends on the 0th line. Parties are quite numerous this winter. On Wednesday of last week, Mr, and Mrs, William Smith had a hustling wood bee and a live party at night. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Nichol entertained• over one hundred of their friends and neigh - bore. On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Allcock gave a social hop, A good time was spent at all three social gatherings. Richard Proctor is a champion Col- lector. The roll was returned at first meeting of the Council, every cent of the $20,535.21 collected, Council met January 16th, the mem- bers all present, via„ John Shortreed, Reeve, Chas. B. Wilkinson, W. J. Johnston, Win. C. Thuell and Win.. Elston, Councillors, The officers for 1910 were re -ap- pointed at the same salaries. The list is as follows :-Assessor, J no. Watson ; Collector, Richard Proctor ; Auditors, R. Johnston and P. McNabb ; Board of h Taylor, Laidlaw , Robt. T r y o, David L w and Henry Johnston, Dr. Stewart, Medical Health officer ; A: McEwen, Clerk ; Arthur Shaw, Treasurer. Wilkinson -Elston -That we pay the Council of East Wawanosh $00.02, being our share of the balance due on Johnston drain, and that the Clerk prepare a by-law levying the same on the parties interested -carried. A communication was received from D. Campbell asking $10 for use of road allowance at Cruickshank's bridge. The account was left with Wm. Els- ton to settle with Mr. Campbell. Wilkinson--Johnston-That W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Poet, be given the contract for the township printing for the sum of $45 --carried.: Elston-Thuell-That we give the usual grant of $5 to the Sick Children's Hospital -carried. Wilkinson -Johnston -That we pro- cure copies of the Municipal World and Municipal Act for Councillors and Clerk -carried. . , Elston -Johnston 'That we build a steel superstructure with cement abut- ments to replace the third line bridge and that we make arrangements to send out our call for tenders at our next meeting -carried. The following accounts were paid :- A.. Proctor, salary and pstg., $102; W. H. Kerr, grant to East Huron Ag. So- ciety, $10 ; Sick Children's Hospital, $5 ; David Laidlaw, Geo. McCall, Wm. Ferguson, Thos. Miller, Jno. Perdue, Silas Johnston, D. R. O.'s, each $4; J. A. Brown, Jas. Kernaghan, John McGill, Andrew Taylor, A. Proctor, James Peacock, clerks, each $2; S. 8. No. 1, 9, 5, 7, 10, polling booths, each $3; A. MacEwen, nomination and elec- tion expenses, $10, postage, $15, and salary $125. The Council adjourned to meet on Feb. 13th at 10 o'clock. A. MacEwen, Clerk. 00000000000000000000000000 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Have Sold Out. The Stock Has To Be Reduced At Once. NOW FOR BARGAINS AT J. T. LENNOX'S GROCERY ." .Armin Here are a few of the bargains while they last :- 8 cane beat Corn for 25o 8" eons best Peas for, Aso 8 eats best Ptunpkin for25o 1 oan Tomatoes, 1 oan Peas and 1 oan Aylmer To - =does, 10o a can.... ,250 Peaohed--2 lbs. for 25o Comfort Soap -6 bard for... , 25o Sunlight Soap -6 bars for... 250 Japan Tea --reg. 80o.for....22o Beat Raisins -8 lbs. for ., .. ,23e 80o BrOotnk for..............250 40o Brooms for. 85e lion Brooms for... 45o All accounts due me must be paid at once. J. T. LENNOX Talepia osne 199 V V 0 0 U V R 4, 4, Jamestown. Miss Hilda Ashton of Fordwich is visiting at D. McDonald's. Mr. and Mrs. John Cutt are visiting Goderich friends this week, Mise C. Mitchell of Molesworth ir3 visiting her aunt, Mra, J. Strachan. Mrs. Duncan McDonald of Kincar- dine is visiting her sister, Mrs. Job King. Mr. ' and Mrs. Pollock of Listowel were visiting friends in Jamestown on Monday. Master Willie Hoover, con 0 Grey, was visiting his cousin, Tom icing, a few days last week. Benson Wheeler was a welcome visitor at the home of Mrs. James Strachan on Sunday last. Richard Miller gave a party to the young folks last Taesday'hight ; they report having a fine time. Samuel Burke has sold one of his fine horses that he bought down at Ripley to Robt. Adams; we hear he got a good price. Donald McDonald has been suffering lately with inflammation in one of his eyes;. we are pleased to state that it is niuch improved. Messrs, D. McDonald and A. Pol- l�ook took a short trip to Greenock township, Bruce, last week, to see an old Presbyterian church that was for sale, in the interests of the new hall to be built here this summer. Mr. and Mrs., W. Grimes are going to commence housekeeping in the house on one of Eli Smith's farms this coming week. We hear that he is engaged to work for Mr. Smith, so he will be near his work, We wish there well in their new home. Wroxeter. 0, Reis is attending the County Counoll in Goderich, this week, Mr, Sinclair of Harriston was In our burg last week. Ileis still in the in- surance business.• J. Stntt's new house is nearly com- pleted, The painter is putting on the finishing touches, John Rao, wife and child have been visiting the former's father, D. M. Rae, He has not been enjoying good. health, John and Mrs. McLean, near the village, have been quite 111with 1a grippe ; we are pleased to know that they are recovering. There was a hockey match in the Wroxeter rink on Monday evening between the seniors of Gorrie and Wroxeter; the latter were the victors; score 12-2. The Library Board met at A. Mun- roe's on Monday evening. An ad- journed meeting will be held on Feb. 6th, when the new members are ex- pected to be present. The annual'meeting of the Presby- terian Sabbath School, was held on Thursday night of last week. The financial condition of the school is flourishing, The average attendance of the scholars has been exceptionally good. Rev. L. Perrin has accepted the position .of Superintendent, as W. S. McKereher, who has for so many years filled that position very accept- ably, t- ably, wished to be relieved for a time at least. William Black was appoint- ed Sec.-Treas. Grey. John. Bryans, 4th con., purposes remodeling his barn next summer, . A sleigh load of the young people of this vicinity, took in the Orange concert at Bluevale last Friday night and report an .4-1 entertainment. John Ross of Cypress River was renewing old acquaintances on the 2nd con. last week. He is looking for a car of horses to take back with Mrs. (Rev.) Robt. Pearson of Ed- monton, who has been, visiting friends in this locality, left for Wingham and other places. Mrs. Pearson has made many friends during her stay here. . We are sorry to hear of James Pearson, jr., being indisposed with an abscess on his eye. Every attention is being paid to, the sufferer and we hope to hear of his speedy re- covery. We are sorry to hear that Mies Martha Johnstone does not enjoy as good health as her many friends would like to see. We are sincerely hoping that a change for the better will soon take place. The sermon given last Sunday at Roe's Church by Rev. Wren on "Five choice things in a choice young man's life," was excellent, indeed. The music was led by a young men's choir. Next Sunday the pastor opens a series of sermons on the life of Joseph, which without a doubt will be in- teresting. St. Helens. Mr. Wm, Taylor lost a valuable colt from distemper last week. Miss Gladys .Hyde is visiting friends around Paisley at present, Miss Emma Woods was home fttom Wingham Business College over Sun. day. Mrs. Dave Farrier and Mise Luella returned from a pleasant visit at Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Will. Hyder of Satiate, ehewan visited Mr, and Mrs. Jae. Hyde lately, Mr. Saver. Barboctr• jr„ acoouripanied by his aunt, Mrs. Thos. W'ebeter, and hie deter, Mrs. Bred. Culbert, Went bwak to Mural last week', 'WI'tech ur'o 1. Mise McGill of Gorrie is visiting Mrs. las. as. Mar i t n. Miss Eunice Peddle is at halve 111 with scarlet fever but Is recovering, Mr, }L D. Henderson occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. y Rev, McEachern has been confined to his room for the past week, but Is improving nicely. We are sorry to relate that Mr. E. Everitt is laid upwith a paralytic stroke, but he seems to be impoving.. 1 i Mr, Wm. Hutcheson is still laadn p with an abscess on his neck, the re- sult of an injury received some time ago. Messrs, David Nixon of Vancouver, John Nixon of Oakville, Man., and Thos. Silib of Redvers, Sask., were visiting at K, Paterson's last week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. McIntosh, sr., of the 2nd of Kinloss, met with a painful accident a couple of weeks ago, by breaking her arm. Her extrema age is against her and she is not very well, Mr. Wm. Paterson met with a very painful accident on Monday morning, He was engaged hauling logs to Wingham, and when starting his load from Mr. Fox's field, 'he slipped and hie leg got down between the logs and was broken below the knee. The Young People's Guild held their literary entertainment on Tuesday night of last week and had a splendid programme of singing, reading and recitations. The theme was "Bobbie Burns." They had an ideal night and a full house, and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. , Death has again visited our neigh- borhood, and claimed as his victim Nelson Thomson, second son of Mr. Robert Thomson of the boundary line. Nelson had been working west of Lueknow when he was taken down with pneumonia. He recovered, but had a relapse. coupled with pleurisy, which resulted in his death on. Satur- day last. He was just in the prime of life, having attained his majority some six months ago. Besides his parents he leaves five brothers and two sisters, to mourn his untimely end. The stricken family has the sympathy of the entire neighbor- hood. East Wawanosh. Many around here are suffering from cold and la grippe. We regret to hear of the continued illness of Mrs. David Scott, sr., 6th line. Snell Bros. are engaged with D. Scott. land Robt. Henry cutting wood. • We are sorry to hear that Jno. Wightman of Westfield is seriously i11 at. present. Miss Annie Taylor, 6th line, is spending a couple of weeks with her sister in Toronto. Miss 0. .McClinton of Goderich is spending a couple of weeks with 'Westfield friends. Miss Ada Campbell of Dungannon is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Marnoch. The many friends of D. Dunbar, 5th line, regret that his health is not im- proving. Mr. Dunbar has been sick since last fall and confined to the house most of that time. Do You Have ileadache TAKE ONE. Or THESE LITTL Z TAOLETS AND THE PAI N i5 GONE. "My first experience with Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills was a sample package handed me. They relieved the pain so promptly that 1 have never been without them since. I have given thein to many friends when they had head- ache and they never failed to relieve then. 1 have suffered with neuralgia in my head, and the first one 1 took re- lieved me. They have cured me of neuralgia. 1 would not be without them." MISS LILLIE 13. COLLINS R. F. D. No. I, Salem, Va. Prtce 2So at your drugalst. He should supply you. If h6 duos �Dot, "nd rI, MIs. °MIEDIOAi ,,' on" . Belrnore. Miss A, Jackman of Toronto is visiting friends in the vicinity. Thos. Doherty of Toronto is renew- ing acquaintances in the vicinity. Miss Etta Elliott of Southampton is visiting at her home on the boundary. Don't forget the service in the Methodist Ohurch next Sunday even- ing at 7 p.m. Miss Emma Mulvey of Wingham is spending a few days at her brother's on the gravel. ' Snow -shoeing is the order of the night, but when you wander from home, beware of sharp -shooters. • The Presbyterian teameeting Last Wednesday' was a success; the pro- ceeds amounting to seventy dollars. Mrs. John Renwick had the mis- fortune to fall on the steps of Mc- Intosh Church on Sunday last and fracture her arm. Owing to Sacramental Services in. McIntosh Church next Sunday morn- ing, the service will be held in the Presbyterian Church here in the evening. Londesboro. James Claming shipped a carload of cattle from Londesboro station on Monday of this week. Thos. Cole Bold his 50 acre farm, east of Londesboro, last week to Rich, Carter whose farm adjoins it. Mr, a nd Mrs. Albert Maines and children visited at Matt, Maines in the village and also at Mr. Thos, Fair - service's for a few days last week, Mr, Wallace Allen is nursing a couple of broken ribs as the result of slipping on the ice while wateiing the horses and being trampled by one of the horses. There was a box social held in Lon- desboro at the Methodist parsonage on Friday evening of last week, and a splendid; time is reported by those who were present. Sad indeed is the home of John Melleville of our village, death having called away his young wife on Wed- nesday of last week after a couple of months' illness, Mr. and Mfrs. Melle- ville were only married about six months ago and had but just begun life's journey together. Much sym- pathy is felt for Mr, Melleville in this his second loss of a beloved partner. The funeral took place to the Burnie cemetery on Friday and was largely attended. Clinton. Mr, Watson of Seaforth was calling on friends on Monday. Mr. McIntyre of Moorish & Crooks left on Thursday for Vancouver. Jas. Hamilton bought a fine team of bay horses from J. Torrance last week for $575 00. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn of Whitby are visiting Mr. R. Match of the House of Refuge for a few days. The Olinton O.H,A. team played a gume in St. Marys on Friday; the score being 4-3 in St. Marys favor. Mr, 13. A, McEwan, who- sold his grocery business to Beacom & Smyth, left for Kimberly, Man., on Thursday last, where he will carry on a busi- ness. Albert Day, who was confined in Walkerton jail for house -breaking, died there recently of tuberculosis. A pardon was being secured for him,. but came too late. There died in Goderich, on January 18th, Archibald G. MacDonald, aged 66. Deceased was formerly a resident of Wingham. The funeral took place on Saturday from the residence of Mr. Peter Linklater, to Wingharn'e city of the dead. The farmer to have permanent prosperity must save his land as well as use it, Taking from it all the time and putting nothing back will take the fertility from the best of land. There is more money to be made per. acre by mused farming, but it is more trouble. Elston -In Morris, Jan. 21th to Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Elston, a daughter. Schaefer-4ti Wingham, January 18, to, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schaefer, a daughter. lDZATaIia. McOallutn-in East Wawanoab, Jan. 22nd,James McCallum, aged 80. Thomson -in West Wawanosh, Zan. 214, J'ohat Nelson Thomson, aged. lw:l yew, a Moab), Salem. Archie McMichael of Morris visited friends inthese parts last week. Robert McMichael disposed of a fine 2 year-old colt to Geo. Doubledee for the sum of $190. Mr. W. T. Martin moved last Tues- day to the farm which he purchased near Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer spent last Sunday with the former's brother, W. J. Palmer of Brussels. Misses Myrtle and Hazel -Miller of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. Casemore last week. The members of the League spent a very enjoyable.evening last Tuesday at the parsonage in Wroxeter. Chas. Kitchen and his sister, Mrs. J. Green, visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. T. Johnston, near Fordwich last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir, also Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay of Manitoba spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, John Hartley of Clinton, CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 GOOD GROCERIES GIVE SATISFACTION and nothing else will. Yon may buy eatables apparently cheap at times, and lose both food and price in the amount of dissatisfaction they give. Make fair comparison and you will find Our Prices Low Mom PRIME OLD CHEESE We've got some good old cheese cut that simply can't be beat. Not only is it old, but it has got the right kind of flavour -the kind that cheese lovers like. TRY SOME WITH NEXT ORDER Swag 36ento6 Ila 6300b. 20 Cts. per pounD, slices. Our Oc Tea a Leader This has been examined by a tea expert and deolared to bo ahead of most teas on the market. We know it is. There's nothing but good teas blended in it, and a bight grade tea is the result. Our 40c and 50c Blends Speak for Themselves, The Tea and Coffee Store �RAl�D �RO�I Winter Tours -,TO-- Mexico, Colorado, California and Pacific Coast Points The Grand Trunk Railway is rise popular route from all points east through Canada via Chioago. FEATURES Double Track, Fast Service, Finest Roadbed, Modern Equipment, urn. excelled Dining Oar Service, All Elements 01 Safety' or ('comfort. TO THE SUNNY SOUTH I,To more desirable route than via Grand Trunk and oonnecting lines. VER'r LOW BATES Full particulars ant tickets from G. LAMORT, Depot Agt. J. D. McDonald IMMO PaSsiater 11, writ. Important Announcement No. 3 During the past few weeks we have been telling the readers of The Advance that -- We sell Shoes at prices fully as low as the biggest stores in Ontario, There are several reasons WHY we are able to do this, but the principal reason is - WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SHOES ONLY, buying and selling in large quantities, and it there- fore stands to reason that we can and do sell at lower prices and show you a much bigger and better selection than those stores which buy and sell a little bit of everything. Have youany doubt that we can snake good our claim 2 11 so, the following proposition should dispel all doubts: - "Cut out of any catalogue you may have in your posses- sion, the shoe you like, bring it to us, and if we have not got the same (nine chances out of ten we have) we will procure it for you at the price quoted, or less, (posi- tively no more). At the same time we will give you a perfect fit, and besides sew all, rips free of charge. We wish to direct your attention to an exceptionally good value in a wearing shoe for ladies or growing girls- / irls-- !r' A. genuine box calf shoe, exactly as this cut, with solid leather ontsoles and insoles, will keep as soft as a glove, and is unbeat- able for wear, with high heels for ladies, or low heels for growing girls. All sizes - 2 to 7 - for $2.I5 per pair. illis gb Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE /!!%aril 'i FOR LADIES SHOE,. 1 1 1 1 1 0000001.04.4 HANNA & CO. Don't You Think It is Wise To Buy The . Following Goods? 20 Per Cent Off This List For January. Ladies' Black, Blue, Green, semi fitting long Coats, sizes 34 to 44, all extra good wearing Melton. Children's Coats in all colors, loose neatly trimmed with fancybraids and backs, eat � ed buttos, ages 3 to 18, at a big le for those who want to buy. Ladies' Furs Ladles Furlined Coaiss with extra good black shells, loose and semifitting rat lined, sable collar. Ladies' Quilted Lined Coats, with blac• k beaver shells, semi fitting Isabella Fox Collars, j and Canadian Sable. All Small Furs Fur Sets -Mink, Persian Lamb„ Marmot, Alaska Sable, Children's Grey Persian Lamb --a bargain now. Overcoats Men's Fancy Overcoats, plain black and. tweed military collars, best Coats, for the money, we ever bad; a good coat for $9.00, sizes 34 to 44. Boys Overcoats, with and without military col- lars, good value in fancy cloths and plain black. will give excellent wear'.. -special -$3.50 to $7,50, Men's and Boys' Heavy Winter Mitts and Gloves. 20% discount off this line for cash within one week. Don't miss this honey saving opportunity for this month. Colne early and get the choice. 4,111.111111 We want all the trade youhave. highest prioes paid. 'Phone 70 Hanna & Co 1 1