HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-01-19, Page 7TRAVERS SENTENCED 1•;•,, • eINI,••••.•-•a•P•-••• ••••••*•••, Ex -Manager of Farmers Bank Receives Six Years' Imprisonment. Toronto,. Jan. 16. -In passiug tentenee • large amounts until December, 1008, ivq. es, it Teams, whe wreened the Valutere Magletrate Venn made eoitui pertineut commute on the need of government inspection 01 mentitary litetitutione. 'Travers wee sen- tebeed to you in the peuitentieene Had hu reeelved the limit fur the three offeneee to- which be ateaded guilty he Net tad have got tweuty-one years. Tho inagistrate remarked on the serioue m - em e of the offencee to which Travers oioneissett his gii1t. Many trusting tante through his criminal net Lad lost the savings of a life time. "There is one thing in your favor," toad the magistrate, "you did it under great, temptation, owing to banks being tamed to carry oa bueinesa without any proper government inspection,. With na efficient system of government in - aviation, such a condition of affairs could not 'have .exieted. But although there wale ,great temptation, there is really no exeure far your crime, and a tevere pettelty must bo inflicted as a warning to others,"- A sentence of six yenta was then imposed. Teavers was very dejected when he eame into court, and he looked relieved wbeu he heard the penalty, which is gen- erally regarded as being quite reasona- bly light, although the prisoner is 57 years of age. ••••••••••••.•••••• att eloquent plea ageing that Mag- intrate Denison temper justiee with mer- lin/ in sentencing his &lea. Mr. IL II. Dewar, K. C.- sant that he did mit pro- pose to have Mr, 1rravers made a soap°. goat to suffer for the offences of others Wile might be implicated, At Ole Crown Attorney Corley arose and, saki that since bis learued friend had nuptial that there were others implieated, he would. uroaecute them if Mr. Deevart would give him their venues and infor- mation against them. Mr. Dewart said that lie was not try- ing to gloss over Travers' aceions, He neknewledged his fell guilt. The only ,tudification he had to Offer was the un- fortunate position in which his client found himself. In the condition in which the bank was it woald have been almost impossible for tho stroegest financier fo.ateer dear of the shoals. The bank was at tire time eugaged in a strenuous straggle tor its very existence. FIRST FATAL STEP, 'The diarges against Travers, and the Position into which he brouglit himself, 311r. Dewart said, Were all traceable to and Were interwoven with the first fatal eten-namely, the. advanees to the Kee- ley mines. 'Under the eireumstaneee be thought it was not surprising that Travers had seized What be thought was a good opportunity to redeem the bank's poeition. Travers thougla at that time and was stili of the 'opinion, that tho Mine was a very valuable property, and bad been promised that $500,000 Amnia be taken out of it in five months. Mr. Dewart cited an instance in Which one of the strongest banks in the Bank- ers' .Association had lost $5,0003000 iu project in Mexico, but owing to the great strength of this bank the loss was only a flea, bite" to it. .Tbe original option on the -mines bad been secured for the bank at an. expenditure of only $3,000 by Dr. Beattie Nesbitt and Travers, THOUGHT IT GOOD MINE. That Travers thought the Keeley mine was a good proposition was shown by the fact that in 1908 lie refused an offer of $400,000 for it. In February, 1910, Travers had made an agreeemnt with a man named Samuel W. Ehrich to buy, the property for $000,000, which was at the rate of 00 cents per atm* for the treasury stock and 30 cents for the remainder. 'The question of bank inspection. was brought up when 1dr. J. C. Fitzgibbon, thief aecountaut of the Farmers Bank, was called to the witness stand. Being a Crown witness he will be freq. from prosecution. He adrnitted that it was he whose duty it was to inspect the books of the bank at the bead office. When asked if he did not think it would have been re .good thing if there bad been outside -inspection of the head of- fice, he admitted that he thoupeit it would. Uo thought a system of inspec- tion by some repot -Able firm of account. ants woulkl be beneficial. It iniglit bave saved the Sovereign.Bitek, too. THE CURATOR'S STATEMENT. Following is the statement • of Cur- "The reminder of the amount, $535, - ober G. T. • Clarkston which was read 000. cemsietea of $75,000 paid to Beattie by Crown Attorney Corley: Neebitt, In Crompton and F. C. Whit. "On April la, 1008, Dr. Mettle •NCS- itev, for stork in the mine, and the bal- ance, $303,325, was charged up to cover toseee and to permit the transfer of sup- posed profits so els to enable the bank to pay dividends out of apparent profits wbieh had not been earned, and to covet. losees which bed been made in vari- ous directions!' wizen the shareholders of the Keeley dowsey, Wood Mines agreed to ,sell its assets, subject to its liabilitiee, the liability to the bank thou being about $150,000, to the Keeley Mines, Liue ited, on emalition that the steel:: in the latter, which antounten to two and a halt million dollars, was to. be issued, one-fifth to Travere, one-fifth to Nes^ hitt, one-fifth to Wished, end one» fifth to the Farmers Bank, and the balance to eemain in the treasury. This transaction, was put through, nen the Keeley, Jowsey, Wood Mines was wound up, Fitzgibbon, the chief itednuntent of the bank, being the liquidator, "No authority appears on the books of the bank anthorizieg any advance to the Keeley Mines, Limited, Tlie Keeley Mine», home*, essuined the liability of $150,000 of the Keeley, jowsey, Wood Alines, and front thet time forward the bank loaned to the eompeny another $471,000, so that at this date the mining company, is in- debted. to the bank in $021,000 for tie- tual cash advaaned, "Of this $021,000 advanced to the mine the General Manager of the honk, Travers, took for his own benefit 1435,000, In .two amounts of $15,000 and 20,000, The 815,000 lie obtained on Oct. 0, 1009, froni the bank, when he ells - counted ee note of the E.eeley Alines in the bank for $15,000, and had the pro- eeeds put to his own credit, subsequent- ly using the .iiittne. "The mining company's books show this advance of $15,000 front the bank, and they also sbow thm e anager, Tree vere, indebted to the tompeny in the same aluount, bat in tho statements of the mining company rendered to - sleareholdets both of these items are eliminated, and not shown, showing that Travers was deceiving the shareholders of the mining company. - "With regard to the $20,000, it covers to moonlit obtained front the het* by Travers on. November 3, 1910, when he discounted a note of the Keeley Mince in the bank, maul that sum Was put to his credit, This tioto is still in the bank, but the mining company has never received any of the money, nor did it get any beuefit. This means that out of the $021,000 advanced to the mine $35,000 wont to Travers for hie personal uses, and $580,000 apparent- ly to the company. "According to the booke of the blink it has invemted in stock of the Keeley Mines the sum of $535,7O. Of tbis amount $150,075 covers money's taken by the meager of the bank for his own nee ,and benefit mut charged directly and indirectly as moneys invested by tho bank in Keeley Mines stocks and bonds. These moneys th were taken on e folleithig dates: "In. 1007 Travers gave his • itote to the bank for $55,000, in order to hide e similar amount expended for or- ganization expellees. It wits carried on the books of the bunk and ra- turned to the, Government as loans made to customere On November 14th Travere procured the Continental Securities Company to take this loan up by issuing its cheque for 845,000 and cbarging. the other $10,000 up as expended ea batik preniises. On tbe seine day he procured from the Con- tinental Securities Company $21,675, for which he allowed them to overdraw. Fle then 'charged these two payments of $45,000 and $21,075 off against Keeley Mires account, so as to make it appear that the bank had invested 800,675 in Keeley stock, when, as a matter of fact, the whole of that sum had gone to Tra- vere. "On February 28, IMO, Travers got the bank to pity 850,000 to take up two notes of the Keeley. 'tIines, charging the same up as an investment of the bank in Keeley Mines stork. Travers had preen- ouslygotten this money and used it, and the charge, was made in order to bide it. "On March 3, 1010, Travers had a cal loan in the bank for $40,000 on which he had got the money previously from the bank, He had this -eall loan charged itp as investment in the bank in Kele), stock and the note released to him. This means that Travers, in this item Moue, withdrew from. the bank $15,000. 821,675 840,000 and 850,000, a total of $150,615, moneys which he had obi.' clued and used for his own benefit end cherged up as intestutents by the bank in the stock of the Keeley Mines, bitt obtttined an option on the pro- perty for $300,000, payable $50,000 on May 18, and the balance in Metal- ments spread over a period of time. On May 18 Dr. Nesbitt entered. in- to all agreement under the terms of whieh, Wishart, Traver» and the Partners Beek were to participate in .4. all the benefits received by him from tho option, and on the same day he exectitea an additional ugvetmetit to the effect that he was not to deal with the option without the consent of the Verniers Bank. "In May, 1908, the Keeley, jowsey, Wood Mines, Limited, was fornied, and at a meeting of the provisional direc- tors, held in May, a 'resolution wee paseed by the board to purchase the option. frOm Dr, Beattie Nesbitt and i to issue to him the whole of the i capital stock, except $25, the eapital stock to be One million dollars, lit pay- ment, for the option. On the same day Wishart was sleeted President, of the company, Dr, Nesbitt Vies -Presi- dent, and Travers was third director. "On May 20 the 'bank made an ad. value to Wishart of $25,307, and to the Keeley, jowsey, Wood Mines of $25,000, apparently to take care of tt payment of $50,000 to be made stutter the terms of the option agreement on Or alma May 18 to 20, A "There was no authority at this ta- given to Travers to advance the money of the bauk; stieh authority was not ob- tained until tune 17 following, The byeleers of the bttnk prohibited the managing director from lending more than $10,000 of the brink's funds to any person, firm or torporrition with- out, epecifie authority from the bank, "On June 17, HOS, a ereilit to some *menet fn four figures was given to the Keeley, joweey, Wood Mines, Lim- e» Red, And approved of by the 13oara of Directors. Subsequently the minute authorizing this advenee was thariged so that in Its clunneed form it permit. ted the General; Manager of the bank to advanre to the raine in its aiscretion. It IS ebtimed that the dump in Mons minutes conetitutem a forgery and the Crowe itre taking alien in tonteetion HMO NACQUITIED Judge Directs Jury to Return Verdict Without Leaving Room, ARE MISSING. INEws OF THE Two Persons Strangely Vanish From Railway Waiting Room. Detroit, Mich., Zan, 16. --On his Way to hie home in Berlin, Onte after a trip to Southern LOni$1411.41,, doeeplt 'Auguste Iifty years. old, has myeterl. ouely dropped out of sight, and his rent, William Targeelt, who tuts ae- companied hint on the trip, 16 here trying to unravel the ,disappearatme with the assistance of the troliee. WOMAN VANISHES. St. john„ N. I3,, Jan, 15, -The etrango disappearance of Mra. Doug- las Robertson, wife of a well-known storekeeper ,of Nerton, about 39 miles from here, is arousing much interest The woman come to St, John with some prodnee, as was her enstora, on Wedeesday, Statuary 4, and remained with hoe sister, Mrs. Tames Claris. St, John West, until Saturday, Tan- nery 7, when site started to return home. Her niece accompanied her to the Intereolonial Railway station, bue they primed the traiu, and Mrs, Rob. Firtson decideri to wait in the depot until the next train should start, about an hour later. Mrs. Robortson nas not been seen sinee. BIG SNOVII DRIFTS Six and Eight Feet Deep on Western Pacific Railroad. Hundreds of Men Unable to Cut a Way Through. Saeramento, Cal., den. 10, - With hundreds of men battling -with the snots' -choked passages of the Sierraa in. an effort to keep the railroad lines clear and bring relief to the galled overland paesenger and mail trains all the gigantic resources of the South- ern Pacificsand Western. Pacific Rail- road Companies aro being brought, to bear itt fighting the worst, snow storm in the mountain distriets in the last twenty years. Last night all ea$t and west (Mad trains were mov- ing on the Southern Pacific tracks through the Sierras and the snow- alieds -which were damaged by the heavy fall of snow tho last two days, had been temparafily repaired. Realizing the impossibility of fore. ing it passage through snowdrifts of six and eight feet deep, the Western Paeific Railroad officials last night ordered its stalled °eastbound over- land trains in Belden and Greville to return to San Franeiseo and sm- elled the oeerland in San Francisco which was ready to depart for the east. • A NEW MESSINA. Corner Stone of Group of Public Buildings Laid. Messina, Sicily, Tan, 16. -The re- building of Me.esina hi durable mason- ry was inaugurated to -day when the corner etmee ,of the group of public buildings to Oe erected by the muni- cipality was laid by Signor Samchi, Minister of Public Works, Signor Ciuffelli, Minister of Paste and Tette graphs,. and other members of the Government. The ceremony was witnessed by a great assemblage and arousedmuch enthusiasm and new hope for the future. The temperature was spring- like, the sun bright and the eity was more gay than had been since it was devaetated by the earthquake of December, 1908. The new city will be built of atone and concrete. The ministers go from here to Reggio where there will be a similar ceremony formally opening the work of reconstruction. (Hamilton, Otte Despatoh.) A ik.og tetnonat:on totlsalrug. Ale which lisd been wage.] In feu? loiter days fer teo life of Thome Vinton. the yereig Saltileet farmer of Tint twenty-eix years, who w s 'h.tIgx'd With tit, Lunde, - of his aged father, 1.111 ib nitioin. was the deeision of Hie Lindship Jeetio, Tenineri end the ye1,115.; pod eirove at the neat lemse wit teiteetee night. At 0.17 Wet. ek. Tem- Fie. int. el., „teetered in it flee mawitheet a 1et Mendell on his character, end xt rew 8e8- 1.11ery for the firet time sine, April liniee weary nomtlis---loi left 1-11,.! etqly a the toordiene of the 11w. At 5.30 0"e1C1411, AV1101 -no tame preee miter, Ceorge Tete. Marlin oek, E, admitted the rempletien ne rebuttel .evidonee, the vordiet wee a foregene see. sleelon. and the 'Wino Nen; of the Jnarse a few minutes later kit no I01111e ;14 b 3101111itttll of tho Iteetee•a us tn. Nt- witit.tnnanig the streng tnta ianineni 4igunieitt of the Clown eenneel t it peeeesed ak1e-sr and deentea Its Lordehip assert ed in fever of the prisoner at the bar, pointing nss to th- eaerent twoeieutor that in all yeses of eireene ehtntial eyidenee.--espeeially ,eases-ethe strewed was seven the beriert of the ,doubt. Awl thus etehei nnexpeeteilly fee in ,,t5," 5.1116051 1'' it I 011 of therewith. I lee . V.- et It et: oThe bank eontirtited to Raceme .,vh, A t ,,, a tot leil PShl. let. Morey to the mining company in eistele STRUCK BY TRAIN ••••.•• Gate Tender on Lake Shore Run Qown Some Time During Night. iwaraii•••••••••••••• •DAY IN BRIEF Commander of a Battery Ordered to England. Injured Man Had to Drive Seven Moils to, Surgeon. 1.•••••••••.•••••••.,.. Toronto Man Accused of Stealing Four Cans of Milk. •••1•!......1,14••11, The Portuguese railwey strike has terminated. Rev, A. P. Aflutter will go to Japau and Ids expenses will be defrayed 'by Victoria •College stonents, John Oriffith, of it tiairlennell ave. Rae. IMMO, wasistruek by a toboggan at ifigh Park amr renderee uneonscioue, J. IL Marks was convicted at Windsor of miseppeopriating funds of the Alichn gate Central and confiscating a ticket valued at $05. froM one of the Itydro-Eleetrie poles on cameron street, Toronto, Roy Dempster, o110 Milton street, euetaine.d a scalp wound. - Mr. James Playfitir, President of the Inland Navigation Company, made an of. for to buy the stock of the Northern Navigation Compa,ny, The Ashbridge farm, on the Kingston Road, consisting of 109 acres, has boon sold for $00,000. The property entbriteea the Souther° Bluffs, Abraham Solway, of 28 Carr street, .Toronto, Was arrested on Saturday night on a cherge of stealing four eons of milk from the thtion Station. Four-year-old Br at riee Daniels, of 101 11irch a ventfe, Toronto. was struck by Jobs in Bamsden Park and suffered' 0 compound fraet•ure of the Net. Bufkilo, Ian, Bergen, yeare old, who was employed on the Lake Shore Railway as a gate tender and who lived itt Roland, WAS sometime early yesterday morning while walking on. the tracks near Bleteadell.' The manmangled remains were found along the track for nearly a half mite west of Mae - dell about 10 o'clock yesterday nickyn- ing by. a track walker. It is thought that while he was walking along the teaks a passenger train which passes through Blaedell about 1 o'clock atruck hint. The man was ground up in the Wheels of the cara, and parts of his body were found lying near the tracks for nearly a half mile from the spot where he'was struck. A haltered oil can was •aleie found neer the tracke» 4,. - GAS EXPLOSION, Lisbon, Portugal, San, 10. ---An under- ground. explosion Of gaa near the rail- road terminal last night caused nutelt alarm. Three workmen were seriously burned and considerable damgo to property in the vicinity was done. The explosion was nee to the gas math !mites been rut by gas house 'workmen 100 aye On strike, or their sympathisers,. The x aihuxiuI erviee continues to -day HE MAY RECOVER Man, Olushman is Charged With As - suiting, Has a Chance nuffiat„, teeeeettli vile , thit hovering 101,110055 aatt pat h., Wit CIIIA11111a11,. Of Ft Attltur 53151•5 1/11111111011, Ontario, Is ts Feln M5011411% tilis• first 1W11, 'Wenn, of the -Raton. New , Inar" in the eounty jail, The ,p1r Jell may uot be so eabegpy pne for ittaa as it at Civet appeaved, if et>, mice rd. ill to the leall 111. liee author:00o it wil. not, lie so inueb to Cluelinten'i ereiln es tu the vitality Of Jimee E, Joseelye. whase head the matt from, Hamilton aveueed of smashing- with a Willard cue :It the billiard garter condue'.ed by Jos. o.'1,yn at 188 Swim etteet, on Dee.. e7. De. Charles 11. cnilitkane, who is at; Lending Joe:eery% stated to -day that Jos- stilye would probehly recover, aithotigh, it fleet, it was thought th.tt he did not Mose, a chance. Clubman bad been held tor the grand jety. Ile le being kept et .the ceenty and there I, ! Ji1:518t41115 0 stolnl si- lence. Tie will not reel &Beetle; the elite He is aeoused of having takon fne.0 Jot poekete $17 end a itJld witeh a ft er felling. hint with the .nie, otos tits 'been 111051 to J s ryn's , :ma identified by dossela as ILIS aAsail• ant. As soon as Josselyn ti able to ap- pear in coutt, widch wilt not be for a f weeks yet, Clusionae will be put on trial'. 1st. General Buenaventura Comes°, who figored conspicuously in the polilical events of the Republic during the Golonn bian regimes, is dead at Panama. Mrs, Anna Robson, aged 50, was sent to jail' for 30 days by Magistrate Deni- son in the Toronto Police 'Court on o charge of shoplifting- in Eaton's. - Mr. jtimes O. Lewis, Indian avid at ielkirk enter, 1605, has resigned his posl. tion to devote his time to imsInesss in- torests. His sueeessor has not yet baen naaned. Guelph has received. word from As. sistant Attorney Cartwright that if the sewage beds are not completed a writ against the city will be brought tithe June Assizes. . Two highly -respected old residents of Proton and Molanethon have passed away in the persons of Mr. H. N. Davis, aged 75 years, and Mrs. James Mitchell, ageN\('It117ia0mYeJftel‘'ss:ell, formerly 1% merchant of wont). Ont.. died at Batavia, X. Y., of pralysis. E. el, Jewel', of Toronto, and .51dery it Jewell, of Detreit, Miele, are sons of deceased. Two Alimico trainmen, W. Armstrong andol. Mutray, were inju.red and bola eabocsce nentolished iu It xii eek white: Jectivred in the Loudon Grand Tiunk littilwa.y yards. John 31.i1eits, of Raleigh township, bad one hand .terribly laeerated by the ,tnives of a root pottier yesterday,. and had to drive seven miles -to 0 stugean. flaty stitches were put in. A very complete map of the Angli- can lehiceso 01 Toronto luts• been pre- Pti,ve41. and issued by the Diocesan Mis- sion Beard, showing the parishes and .missions outside Toronto. Mieheel Sullivan, the Kinston eon - tractor, hies been awarded the centred to build tbearmory at St. John, N. 33. It is estimated the building when -com- pleted wiU coot about $250,000. A serious fire occurred ttt Swansea when the grocery store sate residence of Frank Revelley, of Ellis avenue, was totally destroyed. The lire was caused by overheated stove pipes, Loss $2,500. Major Henri A. ninon, ceremanding B Battery, 31. C. IL it., has received eaters trout the Militia Deparbnent to proceed to Englund as soon as posiiiiiie rim duty with one of tire Royal Horse hatteriee. Bev. Dr, Carman, General Superinten- dent, and, Rev. Dr. Briggs, delivered the dedicatory sermons at the opening of the new 3.10thodist Church at the- eor. tier of Yonge Area and Sennuerhill avenue, Toronto. As a result of the purchase of the leaeeLold of the Tremont House, Toron. to, by Mr, Lawrence J. Cosgrove steps will he talten'by Mr. P. a, Ainkitteen to erect a new hotel on Yonge street inuredistely north of the Tremont. A despatch received at it. PoterAnArg from Vierny, capital of the territory of 'Semiryetchensk, Asiatic Reesia, says thot a violent earthquake occurred at K.ebery, in the Pishpek nistriet of the territory, and that the bodies of 201 J.i.irghis have been dug from tiu ru!us of fallen buildings. " At the annual meeting of the Collitig,,• wood. Board of Trtxdo the fallowing off:. Cers were elect:tar 31. P. Byrnes, Presi- dent; F. W. Bryan, VieePresidear O. W. truce, :-.40Crettry; E. R. Cerratee Trreetreer; Counelliore, nen O. Begg, W. eViiiionnoll. Gilpin. R. Intifloei. Capt. W 3. Baseett, V, Camelia. 1 i'ott. Sohn Wilson and 11, it. Cntrie, *** PATRIOTIC APPEAL. as Us1101. - LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. Liverpool. .Tau. 10.-- text) pen.- Cat- ton spot; moderate busineee done; peiQCS steady. Auterleau, middling, 8.01. The ;ales of the day are tgitityttackt at 8,000 bales. Iteeeipts, 33.000 bales, including 32.000 Ameriean. peturee opened geire avid steady, and at 1130 pen. were. dull. AMERICAN SECURITIES. Tendon, .Tar. 6.- Atmerieen tteenri Hee weni (inlet end 1s Ay timing the iarly Wiling to they. Ai rtoot prieee inlet from unchanged to le Orme Satureay'e ?dew York eler-ing. BIG CANAL SCHEMEI to Construct Ship Waterway 1 Lake Huron to Montreal. Proposal Frain ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Will be Wide Enough to Allow Ocean Liners to Meet and Pass. Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 15.--1:11” latest seliente, and probably the 111 st ant oilliats whiclt has been listed for Ow eon- s:iteration of Parliament, is that of the Jrcat Lobos & Atlantic Canal .& ,Ouwe'r Company, a charter for wh:elt wili oc sought during the preoeta session, The emeriti)y asks power Lo conetraet a. canal 110111 s0111e 1101111011 OP eaetem saete et tetkit ileteon, itt Lha county ot apron, to the northern 411.51:51 of h tke 8510, in the comity of Elg'n, and anothei ...anal from some pint on the north- filtote of 1...ke Erie, .tt the count,1 .1 ilaidimand, to Lae in shara 0. bake Ontario, near the comity of Lin- eoht; to i.optov nal dee s 11 tiee entre .1. channel m Like (metre), altil a1 iu die IL:ver 1. Lawren...‘, 1) a paint 111 ..he colony of urenville; als:J to we ate tiet„ it cane'. from ( Ircuvilis 1the city t1 ottuwa; to deepen a :hip :hamlet in Die Ottawa River. feent the eanel to its Joni:Ova wito the Invitee Dee Prairies• to deepen the eheniul in the said Riviete Des Praii•ies to join the "St. Lawrence ship channel" below the island of 31ontreal, or by an ;11{1..01'11V te route, front St. Ann's, in the county of J.:willies Cartier, through Lake St, Louis 4-o 'Montreal. This would make ammtl eomplele. throughout the • entiee distainm from Lake Huron to the St. T.-iwrenen ship channel. or tho port of "..Idnitrett. navigable eanal and ship eliannel of depth of not less than 1 went,y-eight feet and 11 it over thirtv-three fert. •fla a suelt width as limy be found ?Woes savy to enable oc• in -going vessol; to mud' and pass hi Sark- nt :i 'is' point in the omits. Iske or river eliannelq. Mgr. Hruchesi Urges Catholics to Subscribe to King Edward Memorial. :Montreal, 3an. 15. -Mgr. Paul Itru. ehtai, archbishop of Montreal, in it letter which his Greece addressee to the faithful toetley in all Roman Catholie Chttrebee. neke them to sub» scribe to the King Edwierd monu- ment. The moneigneur eeyet "We ehell be heppy he do honor to him, who will be known in history by the beautiful titlo of 'Peacemaker,' tmd vender homage to hie spirit of justiee and coneitiation. While the whole world paid him ita tribute of prase we partieularly remember the beautifttl words lte eiddreesed to the Catholie 31krarO1zy, ASSetnblod itt plotter, cottocil et quebee. 1 de site," ooneludoe Mgr, Itrueheei, "that all Catholies do their duty nobly, and profit by 'Ulla OCCASIOn to affirm anew their loyalty to the British trown.." LOVINSKI CASE. *4. Police Working on Clues on. the Waterloo Murder Sensation. IPS INVAtIOITY INSURANCE NOW British Government's Scheme for the Benefit of Workers. insurance for People Who Ar:. Sick and Unable to Work. lt is Compulsory, But Partly i Cabinet Secret. New York, Jute 10. -A special cable, to the Tribune toelity says: It 1» d01,44t. fai whether the British nation has yet recognized the vast importance of the governMent's scheme of invalidity in. summer, Before many weeks are over 11 1» likely, trays the Daily News, to be the elilef eubjeet of criticism and ills- enssiou throughout the country. Invalidi ity nSUraileo must be carefully nietinguishen firet, from old age pen. tions, anti, second, from unemployment insurauce. There is no idest of changing the basis of old ami pensions as they ere at present adinietstered. Invalidity be surence is an extension only of old ago pensions. Eive shillings a week will still be granted on a non-contributory basis to qualify persons over the aefp, of sev- enty. For .this reason thc. mstogoece scheme will come, to an end at the agentf seventy, and there will be no oyerlapi ping contributions to invalidity ,Insur- onee, which will begin at an •ago not lower than sixteen ene not higher than eighteen. Again invalidity insurance is quite distinct front unemployment- insurance, as outlined by the Board of Trade. Un- employment immure is intended for men and women who are able ann will- ing to work,but eonnot find jobs. i Invalidity nsurance is Meant for men and women who are disbarred from working through continued ill -health. In- validity insurance is compuleory for per- sons between the ages of 10 or 18, Rod seventy, whose income is lose than £100 a.. year, and will involve, roughly, ten minim -el of people, David Lloyd -George's selieme is still a Cabinet secret, but it is m1011;0.0(1 that teotributious to it; will, AB in the ease of unemployment iirsifistnee, be do - rived from the worker, the State and the employer. Berlin, Ont., Tan, 15. -It is under- etood that ;the police ale working on clues which may lead to important developments in the ease or Franz Lovinski, who was found on Feiday nlOrning murdered in the 3-ard of his shack near Wellesley. A feature of the ease is that Lo. shield was in Baden Village ort the Saturday preceding the murder end became mtaxiceted, and loaued some or hie eavinge. Coroner Gleister, of Wellesley, on Saturday opened an inquest, and after the jury bad viewed the remains an adjournment was triode until Wed» neeclay afternoon. post-mortem WaS made to -day. A provincial .detective has arrived and taken charge of the ease. The officials yesterday nado a search of the dead man's little Shack, but were unsudoesaful in finding any money, ond they 'exprees the belief that the murderers secured all the old man's savings. Hundreds of farmers and citizens from the surrounding towns and vil- lages drove to the seene of the eriree yestetday, and to -day the crowd was even larger. This is the first murder in Water. too County in 14 years, the last be ing the murder of Mrs. Anthony Orr, near Galt, and for which Alison was hanged la Berlin, London. deitt. 10.--Tite Bank of Thee laud seemed the bulk of the $3,000,000 South Aftierrn gold eorieittninent pitteed Olt inetnet toeley. There was no foreign demand for the metal, and the mire ileelined to 77e. Oct. per 01111Ct. WOMAN BADLY BURNED. it Catharines, Jan. 10.-Prepatatory to blowing out a keeoSene lamp on Sat- in day night, Mrs. James Lauder, of Lin - emit) avenue, turned &wit thn wick mail 14 ignited the oil, causing the lamp to etkplotle. Ifer hair wits almost complete- ly burned off, although she was given immediate attention. The woman was painfully burned about the head and in,dy, hut is expected to recover. LIVE STOCK SHOW Thousands of Thoroughbred and Blood- ed Stock Being Shown. TWO BODIES FOUND •. In Ruins of -Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. t Maumee Jan. 10.---1'wo /epees were reeoveree front the riiine 01 ti.' esti tehaniber of Commerce, which eels • thstroyed by fire last Tuesday. They . were those of Brent elarshall end Clete Vice-Preitident end Secretitey re speetively of the Early & Daniele xraiss Company. The men were 'tyke(' la .ctieli .5,11110rs' 01105 and 8050 115011' OVV51,55115,4 which sitdiva.te‘t titat !toy Were 511.05Itt to leave the building and were eaugat by the failing roof. It le expeeted the bodiee,of four other victims will soon be reeov.ered. • - Denver, Col., Jan. 10. --The sixth an- nual National Western Live Stock Show opened thin wonting with a parade throuoh the business portion of the city. Tho show. welch win continue through the week, is the largest in the histotry of the organization, .At the stock yards for the event are fifteen thousand thoroughbred cattle, 0,000 ped- igreed sheep and 10,000 fancy hogs. The Denver Horse Show end the Natiottal held in contunetion with the stock show Western Poultry Show, which are being add to this the stock show of 600 blood.- borses and two thousand fancy @Ma- uls. TIED TO A TREE. American Robbed and Bound Six Miles. From Paris, France. Paria. jan. 16.--A man deseribing hint - self as Berry Milier, int American, 28 years old, was diseovered Met night bound to a tree in the woone near Joinville Le Pont, six utiles east of Paade. equad of soldiers came upon Miller, who declared that he nail been set upon by two Men, who, after robbing hint of his clothing and 81,000, tied him to the tree. lit exchange for the clothes taken the robbers dressed him In au old coat ansi trotisers. The police set to work on the ease and nearby the scene of the etime they found It vial emitaining a liquid which they thought to be a poisme • YOUNG SKATER DROWNED. Ottawa, jon. 16.-4Vhile skating on the Ottawa, itiver on Saturday afternoon two boys left the party, tempted to try the smooth ice where it had beret tut. They got on to the thinner surfttee, climbing the win, to ao so, and went, tbrongli. Wilfrid Gauthier WaS pnlled out by If. Inamondite but Hormidee Prot. tlie ten-yenr-old son of it 'WOW re. siding at DM Witter greet, was drown - ea. innatontlin just eaught his toque as he disappeared. There 1» HMI hope of recovering the hod until epring. LOSES LEPT ARM. Toronto, jail. 10.-1n his haste to board an east -hound Xing street ear at Kline aria York greets on Saturday es el, Month's, voutg man night,reeiding at in P1ulm:1y avetute, 1tmi1 hie left arm go badly t tioin.41, by Whig rim titer by 'Chat it had to be Am- ount -tea at A. Michael's Hospital. DEARER DRUGS., lItmom...teal••••• Druggists to Increase Price of Pre- scriptions 50 Per Cent. demae•Ylarylmao• MANY ARE SICK. New York Hospitals Full of Grip and Pneumonia Victims, ,,,,•••••••••,•••• New York. San. 10. -The houpitale of the city are overloaded with plum- 111011iA and grip patients. No let up hi the epidesuie is expected while the tumid weather which has prevailed for the last week continues. Bellevue hospital is reeeiving . an averagsr of thirty to forty new eases of grip or pneumonia every clay and the situa- tion in other hospitale ie the same. TO YOUNG MEN Dr. Chapman Speaks on Dangers That Beset Them 'it Toronto.. Evangelist Not Very Hopeful 01 Peat hbed Repenta nes. •••••••••••••••.,, Toronto, Jou. 10, --Dr. Within. Chap- man addressed a Sunday afternoon audi- enee of 2,500 men in Massey Hall ou the them, "Is the Youug Maa Safe?" taking bis text from the death of ,A.bsit- loin and the C011C0111 of the youPg man's father for id's welfare (II. Samuel xviii., 20). Naturally, the evangelist applied the full force of the text's meaning to the young men of to -day -of whom there was a rather unusual proportion pres- ent. . • ' "Ts the young man safe?" his voice rang out. "nto,' be ee not safe, if be is !Mpg in sin openly or secretly. He is not safe if lie is tampering with drink,'" and. here Dr. Chapman, who holds strong views on the use of alcohol, asked the ministers and church leaders to say if they agreed with kiln. There was a geoeral chorus of "no," and the evangelist went ou, "I have here a dollar bill. It was passed up to me at one of my meetiugs. Ost the back of is written, 'I had fte0,000. I took to drink. My wife Red children left -mi. This is my last dollar, I ask of you to beg of the youug men from me uever to bench the drink.' 'What. are the foes besetting more? One of them is idleness. The prisons and other detention institutions are fill - ea with men who are reaping tho fruits of idleness. Another foe is drink. There are men in this audience who would cut 041 :their right ban& 11 they could throw off the influence of drink. Are other is theft, And there are men in this building who would pluck out their eyes if they could shut out tbo memory of the thefts, big and swain wbich they have committed," The evangelist has no great love for the deathbed repented. "If I thought," be said, "that Jesus was a kind of in- surance againit hell, I would lose all my passion for preaching. It is not a mat- ter of leaving it to it deathbed repent- ance. The time is MOW, with the best of your life in front of you. "Is the yomig Juan safe? No, ire is not safe if he is impure. There isn't a man in Toronto, there isn't a emu in America. or in the whole world who has been inmure, that it has not been at the expense of some father's girl, etene mother's daughter. And if you not ter- mite your sin ana lint ;It true repent- 0800,God pity you. Yon are safe if you ntee got your feet on the Rock of Ages; the Book -your mother's Bible. Com, you men, get on the Rock of Ages now, for the sake of your mother, for the eake of your wife, of your thil- Aree, of your man.l.m4d." BOOMING OTTAWA. Toronto, Ont., Jan. 10. --The Pharmaccutieal Association has under considera.Limi 51 propeeltion far it gement inerease in the price of nreseriptionn given by doctors, tinder whit+ eeale, an eight-outteo piepasation will east oot leei than one dollar. The re,,,ton stivaileea by druggtsts is that the cut rate and de- partmental stores have made mu& in» rcads ois their general business that same lamas will have to be tali, Iv It) 10. ..enp thanselvee, and this is considered the most advisable. rnder the seal's of prices proptr-rd nit kinds of is;..titil 5141 tables and as well as lip!ds, o ill lie 50 per etmt. dearer. A HEAVY EINE. St. gatharilea. Jan, Bt. -Maurice Morris. t Jewish junk dealer, erected it four foot partition in Ids storehouse in- stead of a complete partition as metered ley the nledieal Health Meer, tiouee- ittondly bia license wan revoken. thi Satueilay he was fi»ed ei1e.50. including coets, for keeping ohl bottee without a license. LR D 0 (.0:0ene, (4 cemany, Jan. 10.-A ;voil) of elildrea broke throngh the iee white elotting en the Rhine lest Wont. Five of the number were droweed, anti Nor Idttem wers tesuseitated only with muelt :liffieoliv, HURT IN expLossoN. Ieniademe (hit., Jan; 15. --As it result of mrelessness in the handling of na• tural gas, wItleh is used as fuel, Atm Hill, mord .30 awl married, woe eeriously .. Real Estate Dealers to Help Its Pub- licity Department. ••••••••••••••••%•••••,, 11011.E. LENOX ARRIVES HOME •••••••••••1•10*,.. Tells Canadian Press Man Routh Africa is a Great Gauntry, •••••••••••..0.1,11• Good Market is Now Open for Can- adian Goods. ,P0....1.** Duke of Connaught Said He Might be Canada's Noxt Governor, New York, Jan. 16. -Bubbling over with enthusiasm Over the new South African Union, the Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux reached New York -to-day, and to -night started on the last lap of his world -circling tour. Captain Hector A. Verret, Mr. Lernieuree see. Ottawa, San, 10. -Ottawa real es- te dealere e mjunetion with the civic publicity department have a pro- posal well under Way to finitnee indus- tries coming to the capital. There are several subetantial automobile indus- tries whieli would locate here if Buff).- eieet eapital were provided end to this cad the real estate dealers hese offered to assist the publicity department by dispoeing of stock for the companies. A number of local concerns want the same advantage, but the idea is solely to get outside /inns to locate hi Ottawa. A deputatioe will be sent to Detroit to investigate the automobile intlustry there. rotary, accompanied his chief on the misspelt, 11/Ins. Lemieux and Mrs. Ver- ret met their husbancle at Naples, and the party left last night for lVforetreal, with. Dr. Eugene Lemieux, who has been her since Thursday awaiting the arrival of the Celtic. "South Africa is not Canada, but it le a great country," egad the rost- lyza$*-cienerfa to the representative of the Canadian Press, who was. the - first to r•eadit the deck as the big ship was warped into her dock, 'Tito ehances. for trade with South .Africa are excellent. If the Canadian menu, .factiarers will only send agents over there they will find the market the best they could wish for. South Africa is, a great ranching and mins ing countree but so far they have no manufacturers. Maize is grown to a largo extent and exported, but Can- ada. could sell them fruits as well as wheat and flour. "'rimy have everything that could be desired to Make a eplendid suc- cess of their Union," continued Mr. Lemieux, "and up to date •tho Union is working splendidly. You could not bellev.e without seeing how the. Dutch and the English. are working together -earnestly for the upbuilding of the country, and only ten years ago they were at one another's throats.' "How does the dual language ques- tion affect the UniouP" "There is no friction that could observe," said the Canadian Minis- ter." Parliament" uses both languages; PraYere at the tenoning of each 811- ting- are ,said in both languagee. They have no sehool question like we have in Canada, The various Provinces or States have charge of primary edu- cation, but in view of the possible difficulties that might ariee- out of the application ef the Herzog, acte Dr. Jameeon and General Botha have agreed onethe appointineot of a joint comnii.seion whieli shall take up, the • educational question for all the parts of the country. "The Pretences .have lees, power than ours. Their Legislatures are celled Provincial Conneits, and they have a Legislative Union instead of a Confederation. The central Gov- ernment has tbe right to revise all money grants made by the Councilea They have a wise provision for an amendment to their eortatitution ire • ten years 11 11 does not work as well as they hope. "There are two eeriotis Problems thead of South Africa, however, the ttegr o and the llind.0 questions. Nail, ivistanee has 125,000 Ifintlui to 160,- 000 white, while the ria5iye population. intuit greater than the flireln. Tbe tiindus came over to wors: in the fibis end they did not go heck. The euesti6 :5 whether all the Provinces shall give .he tiegroes and As tiles tbe Cape Town admits negeoes tO the vote, but the aloe:- .Orovinces have not :vet decided. "I was very 180011 interested, in. .r,y :bait to the old lanee mid oia Huguenot families. Thole have been there dtir a Tong One, and filfy #11.11e11(lid faring. 1 tiyik a special la. .erest in the 'Huguen as, for there aro natty of the sante people in my, own eenntry of Weir, ant there, teo, they tro among the so.id and prosperot iconic' of tbe district.. "The Germans and the Portterneai :lotto the east cOast 5.1411 11te`'Eng-• 'IA and the few .Int..r.e 5116 in pen - noting businesl. whir., there le immense tersitosy, Rhodesia, rieh in .gold and silver mines and et..ter prodoct.i, wbleli in a short time wit] he one of toe Provinces Of the netv "They have everything there to leek! fax success. With the axe iptioe of a eomparatively sinall tritet, the veldt, width is very hoe the day and eoel at night, the .etimate ie delightful. The eeenery is magnifiernt. The • cearitiy .erbaobuiet. 3Ditolnatnaliiis Fujiyanta in Japan. trith two rates working the ground in tieettaa herinony. and with unlimiten nal:trod roe eueeee, the South African neon .,eems to tan to h3 destined to beanne 080 of the initet netEi-titilit‘l!test ,tt rt:vraat Fist oigi !frt. ettehtette:cri:tritisilltia pg71,1.10c,a1..t;:. est warmth by the reprepArrtative4 of the uen of the new Innen, As 100-065.5551-., 11v0 of the King the Duke of Connengitt was mot (gramma Ile tell nee filet be was disposed to swept the offiee of Coy- etnor-Geeerel of Canada. atel 1 ant glad to hoer that it is practically decided that he will come to 1.18." Mr. Lelnienx 0N.presscal ay055t satlStaC- tion at bearing that the fleheries eaufer. erke bad resented fit it full tpelersten.i- ing, and While lie o•ottlil not mile: ere. statement While the subject,: we, unner discussion. he WO11151 wel4.4)15)0 sse- tlemeut that was. advent:malts to eouttetiee itstso.itttgIl WILL bUKE OP CONNAUGHT COM E7 Ottawa, Tan. 15. -No official noti. Hendon has treed received relietive to the eoming of the Duke of Connaught as next Governor-General. A private letter has been received. ?tilting that the Duke would tamest terteinly eorne, byte the letter is not enthorita- Hee. The Govetranent hoe heard nothing farther sinee the ehnounee- tent ef last slinnuCt, and it iS prob- able that nothing will be finally de» ceded tmtil the Canadian Ministers go to the Coronntion. 41* 4 TORONTO LICENSES. Toronto, San. 10.-4110 leasening of the bout% during which liquer may be seed in hotels and $110/X.t. ttnd t110 rednetion tlte number of Awn 11 - cense.; issued in Toronto front hid to 25 sere mea.eures to be fought for this year by the tempetanee forces in, the Tetonto City Cotmeil. The Retie-. ity of qte liquor intetests itt the beet' muttieipol campaign has etirred the injortel in an lentil -14..0i of ten Vi '1"1xsss 1temper*tert penple aetion. esitt Wort: pent, "01. other uoti.ttian. name 1A11.4 The 'Utiliser of se0111 'Hever gide eat of eliehtly hurt. joint. 1 ot, OTTAWA FIRE LOSS Chief Graham's Annual Report Shows Big Decrease. Ottawa, Jan, 10. ---The total loss by the in the city of Ottawa. timing IRO. toweling to time atoned repott of Fite hid Graham, issued Me morning, W:1.4 $138.120, a &ernes+) of $1.42,090, vie row - pared with the year before. Theremet • 1111! fires rind the 111A111%111en tin the 111.5 affeeted totttnea *1,33.2,11(0, 'u ssU- ok-nt system of ineptetion eta other reform's inituguritted Me new aid ere 1 it se ly esponsible fie. the 1 he chief asks tot au mammy - Idle for ltis own Wt.