HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-01-12, Page 8THE WINWHANE ADVANCE
THITESDq, JANt1 Y 12, 1911
Capital Stock (nil paid rtp).$4,000,000.00
Reserve puna and Until,
vitled Profits.... , . , , ..$6,9.00,000,00
Deposits by the Fublio$47,000,000,00
Total Assets, over $62,000,000.00
13s.i.NCUES AND ADENTS throughout
Canada and the 'United States.
Savings Department
Current Rates of Interest allowed,
and Deposits received of $1.00
and upwards..
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
ndvanoes made on there at lowest
rate of interest.
WINanseet 133.excuI.—Oorner .John and
Josephine Strets.
W, R, GEIgIE, Itanager
ki. Vanstoz?e,. Solicitor
Is a link in Canada's Greatest
Chain of High -Grade Colleges
founded during the past twenty-
six years. This chain is the
largest trainers of young people
in Canada, and it is freely ad-
mitted that its graduates got
the best positions. There is a lii
reason—write for it. A diploma
from the Commercial Educators'
Association of Canada is a pass-
port to success. Yon may study
partly at home and finish at the
College. Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens
August 29th
01011111111/1100•11411111, .i10111116110•1•31109•22MMIMMOVIMIN
A Splendid Chance For
Town lets in the City of Leth-
bridge, Alberta ; also in the new
and rapidly growing towns situ,
cited along the line of the Grand
Trunk Pacific Railway ; Watrous,
Melville and Biggar in Saskat-
chewan ; Tolield its Alberta.
Three selections of choice land
in Saskatchewan,
The annual meeting of the members
of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
Ins. Co., will be held in the Agricul-
tural Hall, Dungannon, on Wed., the
1Sth day of January, 1911, at 1 o'elock
p.m., for the purpose of receiving the
Directors' and Auditors' Reports, and
electing three Directors, and for any
other business that may be brought
before the meeting. The retiring Di-
rectors are — W. P. Reid of Ashfield,
M. Lockhart of East Wawanosh, and
J. A. Mallough of West Wawanosh,
all of whom are eligible for re-election.
Pres, Secy.
Dungannon, Jan, 2, 1911. 19-20
N. Griffiui
iii', Adam. Smith of Lauder, Man.,
is visiting his parents on the Oth.
Mr. George Findlater of Broderick,
S451;,, is visiting at his home here.
Mrs. Robert Gibson of the West is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Hugh
Hannah, Oth line,
.We are pleased to state that Frank
Nichol, who snifered from an attack
of appendicitis, has improved.
Miss Nettie Findlater has returned
home from the West, where she has
spent nearly a year with her brother,
Shorthorn Bulls for Sale
I am offering three yoring Bulls
for sale -one fourteen months ; two
under one year; all sired by my pre-
sent stools bull, "Huron Chief," They
are all of the best breeding and of
a low down, beefy type ; will be
sold at reasonable prides to suit tho
Wingham P.O.
Lot 2, let line, Morris.
Meeting of the Huron
County Council.
awn Gertie Bush is at present visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Wm. Dane of
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Mitchell are
visiting the forrner's mother and 'bro-
thers here,
Gordon 3, Gallaher from near Blue.,
vale spent last Sunday with hie uncle
A, E. Gallaher,.
Mrs. Kitchen, we are sorry to re-
port is not improving as fast as her
:friends would like to see her,
Owing to the unfavorable weather
the attendance at church was much
smaller than usual on Sunday.
Mr. Roy and Mise Clara McKersie
spent last Sunday evening with their
sister, Mrs, R. Baker of Howick.
Mr, and Mrs, Wrn. Lindsay, of
Ridgeville, Man., are at preseut visit-
ing the former'e slater, Mrs, Wm.
.lir. J. 3, Weir returned to Wing -
haul High School by train on Monday
as the roads were blocked with the
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higgins have
returned from Michigan where they
spent a couple of weeks at the groom's
uncle, Mr Ballagh. They will settle
clown on the Oth Con„ of Turnberry.
The Epworth League will hold a
debate, on Thnrsday evening, entitled,
"Resolved that Calvin was a greater
man than Luther," Miss Hogg of
Wroxeter and Mr. Henry Johann of
Belneore will take the negative side,
while Mr. Wm. Mines and Mr. D. L.
Weir of this place will uphold the
Mrs, George Pratt and children of'
Frobisher, Sask., are visiting the
forrner's mother, Mrs. George Smith
and other friends.
Dr. R. and Mrs, Cassels of Roches-
ter, Micb,, also Mr. Wm. Cassels of
Flint, Mich., spent Christmas with the
former's sister, and brother, Mrs, J.
Golley of Morris, and Mr, S. Cassels
of town.
DIED.—In Cranbrook, on Friday,
Jan. Gtb, .Caroline Eekmier, beloved
wife of George Huether, aged61 yrs.
Funeral took place on Monday after-
noon, from her late residence to Oran -
brook cemetery.
Mr. and .Mrs. John 0. Caseniore of
the 2nd. line, entertained about one
hundred of their friends on ,Jan. 2.
They tripped the "light fantastic" till
morning, when their many • friends
from Newbridge, Cranbroolc, Brussels,
Listowel and other places left, wishing
them both a very, happ? and pros-
perous New Year.
Tho Council of the County of
Huron will meet in the . Council
Chamber, in the Town" of Goderich,
at 3 o'ciook, on the 24th of •this
month. All accounts for settlement
must be placed With the Clerk be-
fore this date.
Dated ,Tannery 9th, 1911.
S °mach Troubles
Cured by Viitol
" 1 suffered" so long from stomach
trouble and indigestion, that I lost
fle3h rapidly — VINOL cured me
after everything else had failed. It
strengthened nay digestive organs—
gave me a hearty appetite, and I
can eat anything without the slight-
est distress. I do not believe any-
thing equals VINOL for stomach
trouble and indigestion."
Portland, Me.
Mr. Thos. G .Wallace, of Detroit,
Mich., writes, "1 suffered for years
from a chronic stomach trouble.
VINOL entirely cured me after
everything else had failed."
It is the curative medicinal ele-
ments of the cod's liver, combined
with the strengthening properties
of tonic iron contained in VINOL,
which makes it so successful in re-
storing perfect digestion, and at
the same time building up the weak-
ened run-down system.
Try a bottle of VINOL with.the
understanding that your money will
be returned if it does not help you.
Druggist Wingham
On Wednesday evening, Jan. tth,
the. wedding bells rang at the resi-
dence of Mr, Wm. Gray, B line, How -
ick. • The happy couple were his
daughter. Mary, and chits. Nickel of
Carrick, The wedding march was
played by Miss Maggie Nickel, piece
of the groom. The marriage cere-
mony was performed by Rev. L. Per-
rin, pastor of the Presbyterian church,
Wroxeter, after which the guests sat
down to a splendid wedding dinner.
The bride wore a beautiful India
lawn dress. She received many beau-
tiful and useful presents ; among them
were several pieces of valuable silver-
ware. Mrs. Nickel will be very much
missed from the choir and Epworth
League Society of Salem Methodist
church, whore she was a most inter-
ested and devoted worker. There
were about forty guests. Some of
them were from Jamestown, Wing -
ham, Buffalo and Manitoba. Mr. and
Mrs. Nickel will reside on the 3rd con-
cession of Carrick, where the former
has a splendid and up-to-date faun.
We extend our hearty congratula-
tions and wish them a very prosper-
ous and happy married. life.
Miss lithe, Sperling troll Toronto is
visiting at her borne,
John T. Holmes made .a 'business
trip to Clinton Tuesday,
Rev. Mel lachern and Rev. Ferguson
exchanged pulpits last Sunday,
Miss S. Sharpe of Teeswater is visit-
ing her unele, 1I. D. Henderson,
Mrs, John Peddle is visiting at her
sister's, Mrs. Dobbs, in Damascus.
The annual meeting of the Turnberry
Agricultural Society will be held in the
Council Chamber, *Wingham, on
Friday, January 20th, 1911
at 2 o'clock p.m., for the eleotiou of
officers and directors, and any other
business. All interested are requested
to attend.
President. Seoretary.
ceerseteedeetemoseinalesfe=tat3t=rae 00004:4000000000000900000000
20 per cent. to 50 per cent. off
our large stock of Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, Leather Goods,
Silverware, Chinaware, Fancy
Goods, etc., Wall Paper, Window
Shades. Special bargains in all
left over Christmas Goods.
OppynDtts Brourriok flro1 1. %rem fi;, On* Door 1` fila King's.
't7 t/ � V P0 > V
Howick Boundary..
Mrs. Geo. Dane, of the 13th con., is
on the sick list; we hope soon to hear
of her recovery,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin entertained a
few of their young friends on Wed-
nesday night last.
Mr. David Campbell of town line
Howick and Carrick, received pain-
ful injuries one day recently. While
loading logs in the woods, a binding
pole and chain got loose and struck
Mr. Campbell with great force on the
face, The wounds were quite severe,
and it was necessary to call in ,a
physician. Some teeth were knocked
NOTE BY EDIxon,—Again our cor-
respondents have been very kind, and
we have this week three different re-
ports of the Nichol -Gray wedding.
We could not set the same event
three times, and the one in type is
sufficient. We would rather receive
three accounts, however, than none
at all,
Mrs. J. Markle, two sons and Chas.
McKay are home on a visit from Wa-
wote, Sask.
Mrs, John Reid of Ashlleld is spend-
ing a few weeks with her grandmoth-
er, Mrs, Kennedy.
At tune of writing, Nelson, second
eldest son of Robert Thompson, is
very low with pneunionia.
A Literary meeting will be held in
the Presbyterian basement on Tues-
day, Jan. 17th ; admission free.
The Presbyterian Guild has distri-
buted the Topic dards for 1911, The
lessons should be of great interest.
Me. John and Robert Simpson at-
tended the wedding of their brother,
Dr. Simpson of Kintail, on Wednes-
Rev. Mr, I cEachern has been in
Belgrave part of last week and this
week assisting Rev, Ferguson in
evangelistic work.
Mr. and Mrs. A, Fox, Mr, Gordon,
Edward Smith and Miss M. Gordon,
attended the Scotch concert in Wing-
ham on Friday last,
Mr, and Mrs. W. 3, Carter and
daughter Greta of Brantford, were
here attending the funeral of the late
Mrs. John McOreight,.
Bluevale L. O. Lodge No. 766, hav-
ing erected a new hall, intend to
celebrate the event by a grand enter-
tainment at the opening on Friday of
this week. Tea will bo served in the
basement of the Methodist Church,
from G to 8, The entertainment will
be held in the Forester's hall. Among
the speakers will be—Rev, John Co-
burn, Grand Chaplain, Rev. E. Il.
Croly, J. C. Smith, and A. 1I. Mus-
grove, M,L A. Vocal and instrument-
al music will also be furnished and a
most enjoyable evening is looked for.
Admission 250 and 15e.
Miss E. M. Musgrove has returned,
after her holidays,
Mrs. Robt. M. Wallace spent a few
days with her parents at Monkton.
Miss Sarah Leonard spent a couple
of weeks with her sister at Hunting -
The 0. Y. B. No. 4, held a box
social on Jan. 11th, in Brown's Hall,
��burch 'l�ews�
Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached mis-
sionary sermons in Brussels on Sun-
In the Baptist Church cast Sunday,
Rev, G. V. Collins of Sarnia preached
two forceful sermons, A call was ex-
tended to him, and we understand
that he has accepted it, and will com-
mence his work in Wingham on Jan-
uary 22nd.
Next Saturday and Sunday, the
Salvation Army will have with them
Lieut. Col. Chandler of London. He
was until lately Principal of the
Training College in New York, and
his coming should draw a large at
tendance. Next Sunday evening, he
will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist
Church in town.
The newl__yy__•eleot Council for the
Town of Wingham, met as per
Statute, at eleven a.rn, on Monday,
Stewart MeKercher haa returned to
the Wingham High School.
Ralph Weimer, telt„./of the Traders'
Bank here, has been promoted to
Rev. 0. W. McKenzie Is assisting
Rev, Ball of Fordwich in special ser-
vices this week.
MOS Linton, we are sorry to say,
continues very poorly. Her Illneee la
quite eerlous, We sympathize with
the !Afflicted family,
Cur Yoting Men's Dra,matic 014
has become very popular. They pre-
sented 4,Old Acre i„?olk" last week at
Bluevalo, and now they' have been
invited to give an entertainment in
Gerrie next Friday evening, 13t1a,
of Dec, 15 session read and
a pApiri no vu et des,
On motion of Colors. Bone and
Hall, the Mayor, the Reeve and Coen,
Elliott were chosen as Strikiug Cetus
neittee, to report at 8 p,m. the same
evening. Council then adjourned till
that h.our,
prOeseellnlIte,it met at 8 pan.; all members
A communication was read from
the Clerk of Toronto asking for cos
operation in the matter of petitioning
the Onterio Legislature to purehase
the Bell Telephone Co. and conduct it
as a Governnaent institution.
The Western Foundry asked for a
light near the west end of the G,T.R.
bridge ; this was left for the Execu-
tive to exs.mine and report.
Alex. Showers asked that the time
for the payment of hie taxes be ex.
tended until Feb. let. On motion of
Oonne, Bell and Hall, the taxes stand
against the property after the return
orTthilee 110to'111;noil of 1910 recommended
that D. M. Gordon be refunded $1 dog
tax paid, the dog having been poison-
ed ten days later. Request granted
on motion of Couns. Elliott and.
The Striking conitnittee reported. as
follows on the standing committees ;—
Executive—The Mayor, the Reeve,
Ooun. Bone. Finance—Couns. Hall
Bone and Bell. Property—Couns, E
liott, McDonald and Bone. Sew
COU111S. McKenzie, Bell aOd
Fire and Water •—• Mi
Bell, McKenzie. Streets an
and Elliott.
Mr. Ed. Armstrong and daughter
Jennie visited at Mr. Ed. Copper'ii one
day last vveek,
Local option passed again with 40 of
a. majority. That means Howick goes
dry for three more years.
Geo. Williamson of Gilbert Plains,
Man., is visiting Fordwieh friends.
Reports say he will not return
William. Weir of Seek, and bis
sister, Aggie, of Turnberry vent a
couple of days with Mr. and Mrs.
The annual sehool meeting of S.S.
bto. was held last Wednesday and
Win. Leonard, jr., and IT, Poster
were elected Trusteee,
At a special meeting of the
of Huron, held on January
Paul's Church, Clinton,
Doherry, rector of Hensa
reverend gentleman
the members of t
honor they had
2, in St.
11, was unani-
1 Dean. The
in the course of
remarks thanked
he deanery for the
given him.
The season'
last Sunda
gave ts
missionary campaign in
Methodist Church opened
y. Rev, Dr, Oaten, Brussels,
morning and. evening and
vo thoughtful discourses. Next
ay, Rev, Dr. Allen of Toronto,
sionary Secretary, will preach
orning and evening. This will be
Dr. Allen's first visit to Wingham,
and he will no doubt be heard with
pleasure. Last year Wingham Metho-
dist Church contributed $1242.58 for
Rev. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of Wing -
ham Methodist Church, has received
an invitation to Goderich, to succeed
Rev. Dr. Dougall. As this was the
second time an invitation came from
that town, Dr. Rutledge laid the case
before hie Official Board. After hear-
ing the circumstances, the Board ad-
journed for a week to look over the
proepects of securing a successor. On
reassembling, the Board decided to
release Dr. Rutledge at the end of the
present Conference year. Subject to
the decision of the Stationing cam.
mittee, the invitation has been ac-
cepted. A strong Pulpit Supply com-
mittee was appointed and work has
already begun to secure a imitable
pastor for Wingham Methodist
Church, for the next Conference
The Canadian Pictorial is the best
printed magazine in Canada. It is
crowded with the most interestieg pie -
tures of recent laappeningte picteres of
beautifel or curious things, portraits
of men and women in the limelight,
pictures showiog the kaleidoscopic
development of our greet Dominion—
pictures that tell the facte ao »c, type-
p`rinted pagem ever could. It is the
next best thing to travellieg and see-
ing people, places and events, With
one's own eyes,
The more people are educated, the
more they appreelate and value plc -
titres of .cirreerit eveute, for they eon-
vey so much information in so short a
time. Bet the children also profit by
and enjoy them. The ()median Pic-
torial contains between one and two
thousand sqnare inches of pletnrea in
*ash issue, mai oasts to produce ts
thousand dollars ear* lama —*ma -
It's Easy to
tite Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain
Pins for Neuralgia, LaGrippe
and all pains, I don't intend
to be without them, for I find
ready relief in them for every-
thing 1 use them for."
X20 W. 6th St., Davenport, Ia.
All Pain
"In my family Dr. Miles'
Anti -Pain Pills are used for
headache, colic and other
pains, and always give relief
tupply you. If he trek
d els to
Side -
This slate was not sa isfactory to
some of the Connell, who considered a
better arrangement possible,. but on
motion of Reeve McDonald and Coma.
Bell, the report was adopted.
Ber-law No. 627 to appoint Town of-
ficers was read t ree times and pass-
ed, It appoints the follovving :--To
High School Board—Jehn McLean ;
Public Library Board—A. (Jostens ;
Board of Health—R. Anderson ; As-
sessor -0. N. Griffin ; Collector—C. N.
Bell-ringer, R. Rankin ; Auditors—A.
spector; of Plumbing—Chief Allen ;
edical Health officer, Dr. Redmond,
Some of the teachers of Ulla nei
borhood were not able to get to t
schools on Monday morning o
count of the etorm. Miss 11
steam -bound at Lakelet, wh
was visiting ; Miss Rnthei
prevented from getting to
on the boundary, near Mo
Mrs. Wm. Wra
guest of Mrs. J. A
Jas. G. Knox
of Tax ford, Se
in this vicini
n m-
all was
ere she
ford, was
her school
of London is the
, Brandon.
and brother, William,
sle,, are visiting friends
Mr. and Mes. Geo. Tervey of Morris
have been visiting their daughter,
Mrs, Ro t. Coultee.
Mrs. Jas. 3. Spence of Cass City,
ie visiting at the home of her
father. Alex. Morton, 6th line, East
Wawanosh. Each holiday time sees
some of Mr. Morton's family home to
epend the season with him,
Regarding the appointment of a
Scavenger, Com]. Alitchell thought
that honorable position should be let
by tender. The Council, however, con-
sidered that the odoriferous job was
not sufficiently attractive to secure
inany applications. The matter was
left for the Executive to deal with at
present and report.
By-law No. 028 was passed authoriz-
ing the borrowing of $6,000 to meet
current expenses.
By-law No. 629 was passed provid-
ing for the carrying of a note of $2,-
810, amount of indebtedness for per-
manent improvenaente on Electric
Light plant a few years ago. As the
Electric Light committee are able to
do so, they reduce the amount of this
Commissioner VanNorman reported
on the test of the hose used by the
Sewer contractors ; of eight lengths
tested, he found six would not stand
more than 25 pounds pressure. On
motion of Clouns. Elliott and Bone,
the report was adopted and one-half
the price will be charged to the Sewer
The Finance comnaittee not having
been oreganized, the Council consider-
ed the following accounts :—
A. Pilon, testing hose 1.00
S. I3ennett, oak covers for tank7.00
Elec. Commis's], light, band hall .81
El, 13. Elliott, printing and advt. 62 60
A.. Sanderson, enowplowing 22 75
Alex. Young, septic tank pans18 75
Hanna & 0o., goods, charity 12 30
L. Hanson, meal to man .25
J. F. Groves, election expenses33 00
.1 drawing cern. deeds. 13 50
I 4 financial statement5.00
Dom. Express Co .40
Postoffice, box rent -3 00
R. H. Saint, work at cemetery2 50
J. Ritchie bond for treasurer8 00
Municipal World, supplies 13.35
On motion of Coun. Bone and Reeve
McDonald, payment of the above ac-
counts was authorized.
The Mayor suggested that the Coun-
cil might consider the wisdom of
meeting semi-nsonthly. Coun. Mc-
Kenzie thought the taxes should be
payable in two instalments.
The Clerk reported on the passage
of By-law No. 623, recently voted on,
and the Byelaw received its third,
Accounts to be considered by the
Finance committee must be duly
certified and in the hands of the Clerk
before 5 13. m. of the evening on
which the Council meas.
The business being concluded, the
Mayor iuvited the Council, Clerk,
Commissioners, Auditors, et. al., to go
with him to Johnston's to enjoy the
oysters served to suit their tastes.
"Where can you get A great metro-
politan newspaper for fifty cente
year "e- But the publishers or CAnada's
great national newspaper, the Mons
treat Weekly Witness and Canadia,n
Homestead, will send their paper to
yon on triel for one year for only
fifty cents, or the Deily Witnese foe
only one dollar. for one year, on trial,
These offers are only open to those
who have been teking neither the
Daily Witness Der Weekly Witneete,
The Witnese has only jest decided
to offer these bargains to genuine new
subscribers, and the publisbers agree
to tertind the foll money to any sub-
scriber, who writes them in a month
that he or she does not like the bar-
gain. That'e fair, is it not P The Wit -
tees is an up -to date newspaper. Ita
splendid stories are alone worth
several timee the price—and its edi-
ralIeled. The Wit110804 Canada's great
national paper, as everyone knows,
/dwarf fair hod metre ana fearlest.
Dnring its jebilee„ just celebrated,
nevespepets and pnblin Win of every
rovince have made remarkable W -
U:* to the no and enterpries of
the Montres1 hem*
No. 2 American
Yellow Feed Corn
$20.00 Per Ton.
Unbeatable Groceries
This is the ' day of the speoialist,
and our specialty is the Grocery
We begin 1911 with the determina-
tion to mate it a year of mutual
BECAUSE you will be able to get
the beet of eatables at
lowest notch prices, con-
sietent with quality.
BECAUSE all eatables will be ban-
died by the latest and
best methods.
BECAUSE anything we send out
that does not toe the
quality mark w ill be
gladly taken back.
Of course it means something to
as. It means increased sales, and
increases' sales to DK is bound to
react in our favour. Think it
aver. and
The Tea and Coffee Store
WANTED—Choice' Dater and
Fresh Eggs.
'Winter Tours
Mexico, Colorado, California
and Pacific Coast Points
The Grand Trunk Railway is the
popular rota° from all points east
through Canada via Chicago.
Deublo Track, Fast Service, Finest
Roadbed, Modern Equipment, Un-
excelled Dining Oar Serviee, All
Elemente of Safety or Comfort.
No more &detail° route that' via
C4rand Trunk and contenting lines.
pertionlars and tickete "from
G. LAMONT, Depot Agt.
J D. McDonald
ARith, vim*
.Announcernent No. 2
WEEK we made the claim that we sold shoes at
prices folly as low as. TI -1 E LARGEST STORES
We are prepared to prove that statement,
Here is another illustration
and as an illustration
we herewith show you
an excellent represdn-
tation of our Men's
Patent Colt Blucher
Shoe, just like this, either
buttoned or laced.
All sizes, at $3.00
per pair
This is a new line
A Woman's Bongo's Kid Al
Blucher Shoe, vvith Rubber,"
heel, in all sizes, at $1,75
per pair.
and is excellent value.
The above are only two illustrations, but you find
Have you any way of comparing prices?
We invite comparison and aro confident we can make
good our claim, viz :—
two more in the "Times,"
We sell Shoes and Rubbers at prices fully as
'low as the • largest stores in Ontario.
Don't forget that Rips are sewed FREE.
Willis & C..
Sole Agents
For The
.57/04. LADIES
Don't You Think It is Wise To
Buy The Following Goods ? 20
Per Cent Off This List For
Ladies' Black, Blue, Green, semi fitting long
Coats, sizes 347 to 44, all extra good wearing
Melton. Children's Coats in all colors, loose
backs, neatly trimmed. with fancy braids and
buttons, ages 3 to 18, at a big sale for those
who want to buy.
Ladies' Furs
Ladies' Furlined Coats, with extra good blaek
shells, loose and semi fitting rat lined, sable t
collar. Ladies' Quilted Lined. Coats, with black
beaver shells, semi fitting Isabella Fox Collars,
and Canadian Sable.
All Small Furs
Fur Sets—Mink, Persian Lamb„ Marmot, Alaska
Sable, Children's Grey Persian Lamb—a bargain
Men's Fancy Overcoats, plain black and tweed
military collars, best coats, for the money, we
ever had; a good coat for $9.00, sizes 34 to 44.
Boys Overcoats, with and. without military col-
lars, good value in fancy eloths and plain black.
will give excellent wear—special—$3.50 to $7.50,
Men's and Boys' Heavy Winter Mitts and
Gloves. 20% discount ofe this line for oash
within one week.
Don't miss this money saving opportunity for this
month. Come early and get the choice.
We Want all the trade you have. Highest prioos paid.
'Phone 10
Hanna 4S: Co