HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1911-01-12, Page 1Js''';' • ' AA;
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-Talk about Trusts 1 To Misr
delphia, 05 Trust companies are re.
ported. Their eaenings last year were
$8.840,000, As their capital was eomee
thing over 41 million dollars, their net
gain was nearly lie per cent. leather
good investment is ib not ?
* •
-A. Divorce Court for the Province
of Ontario, on the same basis ae eind- t
lar COUrtS in England, evleich sbould
have power to dissolve =tentage& was
one of the suggestions of the Commit,
tee on Law Reform, at a recent meet-
ing of Mae 13e,r Association of On-
-From Dominion official statistics,
we learn that American citizens are
still flocking to Canada's West. The
Minister of the Interior reports thus -
"New blood from the south side of the
frontier has put a new province on
the Canadian map during the last two
years, has created a new tONVEI every
,week from thet period, erected a new
'church every two days and built a
new schoolhouse every day. Eight
hundred and nine homestead entries
were made in September of 1010,
byAmerican citizens, and in the last
two years in the prairie provinces 100,-
000 homesteads and 40,000 pre•emp-
tions have been taken up. This means
that contracts have been made to put
unkler cultivation 5,000,000 acres of
land. At the lowest calculation the
population of this new territory will
be from 250,000 to 500,000."
* * *
-A comparatively silent movement
has been on foot for some time that
may have more importaisce than
many suppose. There is a society
called "Zonists" composed of Yews,
who are working for the return of
that people to their own lend. Over
four million dollars have been sub-
scribed, and land is being purchased
in Palestine. At the present rate of
progress, it will not be long before the
greater part of Palestine will be own-
ed by the ancient ram and Scripture
is being ftelfilled in that particular in-
* * *
; .117 Iva Alt
. ...... --- --e. ..._ ... .. .
, ... •-‘
tb0 We/4r %.t. - • . • - 4,- • . ',1-• .
Vheii 'Who 'mere, -the •lepa.l.ber. re. .
torte lateeeeetereheolescl thee ooleleaeb spot
alilltullteli IvisAn. they .did eget record
hfil tanwatore of Elphinatone, time,
n .Jan. $ and 8. atm, 2e4 the eaereery
ell to $2 below, ante on the lird it
raS very chose to the ea,ree mark.
lakes A fellow shiver to think of it '
rouble blerellSet indictment
Copt and efre. Riches of the Salve-
ion Army have a little one only afar
eoliths old thee undereveut a serious
Iperation for bowel trouble on Saar-
!ay evening. The child was doing
s well as eould be expected on
Niestlay eveuing. Troubles seldom
.orne alone, and on Tuesday Mrs.
eiehee received word of the very
udden death of her mother, and she
vas called to the bereaved home.
liminess Change.
Mr. 0. S, Thornton has disposed of
ds pump business to Edgar Pattison
If East Waranosh. and will leave
his month to Investigate conditions
n the chicken business in the vicinity
If Petaluma, California. That city is
he greatest 'centre of the poultry •
ndustry in the continent, and hun..
treds make their living and good
noney besides, at it, Mr. Thornton
vill not reraove his family yet Elia
.uccessor, MB. Pattison, is by no
:wane a, stranger here, ante will no '
loubt continue the business success-
acat optleu Results. .
The returns are now all in regarding
he vote for or against Local Option
it the recent elections, and the results
ire thus tabulated :-Municipalities
:arrying local options-8 towns, 8 vil-
ages, 15 townships ; total, 26. Fail-
ng to carry owing to three-fifths
flause :-7 towns, 5 villages, 18 town-
;hip; total, 30. Defeating local
Dption : -1 eity, 0 towns, 7 villages, 11
;ownships ; total, 25. Places sustain-
•ng by-law in repeal contest :.-1 vie,
Age, 2 townships ; total, 3. Number
ef places voting, 81. Municipalities
elreacly "dry", 410. Total number of
municipalities in Ontario, 810. Num-
ber now to be "dry", 430, Remaining
" wet", 380.
Musical instruments of all kinds at
D. Bell's.
• .
' --'-.• - •-. . _ -------
. ' ,
At the approaohing tteeeien, of. 'vft+4,.
Huron Conoti Matto% W. l'illoblet ,
Public School Insnector for WOO' :13.0914ele•ftgeoleeteetereeee0
Huron, will teleder 'Ube reelgreettint I
we understand it Is Already • In the
of the Clerk. Mr. Robb bekee•
identified with the eidneateenals
of this pare ef the country
forty-seven years and for Mare*
years heel been Impeder
East Huron School& , . .,
Memo Is Wjaeloon. . ,, ,
The body of Jas. Inglis of Torento. ler
was brought here for inteannent .M1
Wednesday, Deceased was *resident
of Winghara many years ago, and, a-
number, of the firm of Coutts et' Inglis.
came to his death by felling out of
window'on Sunda y last. He• fell
the tilled itory, thirty feet, .,to
sidewalk, and his skull was cruSlr
ede He leavett one son, • • • • •
' , - " •
Miss Wilson's Death. .
Tuesdley last. brought ,sorrow to the
home of •M& Murray 'Wilson .of, Turn-
eerry, when lite alder, 'Miss •Agries,
passed away, to a clime, *tar° .the,
i habitants are free from the ills 6f
u - • , •
earth. • Miss ,Wileonewits bighly re
spected, and had heeneill for a leek
time. She leaves several brothets and
ono oster. At time. of einitioi, the.
date ee
t the funeral is not fixed as one
iborronthz: is on his way. -Irene Cali.
• . ' • '
Clearing Sale for next- 20 days, 'a
Knees& • •
• ' '
District Meeting: '•• . .
The annual meeting of Turnherry
District L. 0, L., was held la• orange.
Hall, Wingham, Tuesday, Tan 1.9th.
o ce e elected•-..
The following ffi rs wee.
NV. M., S. Walton McKibben; D. M.,
„ .
Abraham Bryuges ; Chap, Rev. .E.
H. Oroly, ; ReceSec., W. . Budges ;
Treas.., John Casemate 1 Pin,,,,Sec.,
Thoe Br 'd ei', ri Lot 0- ' NIT Guest'.
, y g ‘ , „ ., . ,
Lecturer., Geo Tees. and Cleo 'Thorn-
-' ' e - •
ton. Past Comity' Master' •Gieer in.
stalled the newly -elected officers,
Bitievale was decided on as next place
of meeting. ,
N th tit Hockey League
er e *, • -
The fourth game of - the Schedule
will be played on Th.ursday evening nn
Wingham rink, when Listowel will
e. .w. le 4.
cross stices with ingL'iuxi- ''ealli.-
The rest of the sched,ule is as- fol-
loT: - . - .-
-. 13 -Mount Forest_at Harriston..
Jan. 18 -Listowel at frarrietore
Jan. 20-Winghara at Palmerston,
Jan. 23-11arriston at. Wingharci.
Jan. 27 -Mount Forest ett Winghani;
Palmerston at Harriston. • .., ' ' '
Jan. 31-Harriston at Listowel. •
Feb. 3-Winghttne at Listorel
Feb. 13 -Listowel at Palmerston.
Feb. 7-Wingliam at Mount Forest.'
Feb. 10 -Mount Forest at Listowel
Pahnerston at Wingleam.. ,
Feb. 14 - Palmerstot at • Motile
Forest. . ' ,..
Feb. 17-Harriston at Palmerston.
Feb. 21 -Listowel at Mount Forest.
Feb. 21-Palenerston at Listowel.
Three games have heen played, the
first at Harriston, when Winglitim
defeated that team by ascore of 7-0.
On Friday, Palmerston -defeated' Mt.
Forest by a score of 4-3. . ' '
ee •
207 C807 discount S I t le „.
4, to'0'i'• a 0 a nox 8
foenext 20 day&
. .
. 6 ‘• -` 4 ".• , • ' lit .4'.
r •- .71, _ ,,,, .,..,, .: 7" ,', Fr;
rItilitti ! ., .. ,..9.0.:--su -.-L "L• - '
tou, o )_,, ;,. i),!..,. -.) , .,i,_,7, , •. -' ..
,, , ., ,,
ii'ffetlieelee.. v,s9-.:,.Y ''' .t'-'-' ' III 11-'- • 7,..v,'-ittl'i*'111t.t.'1,.e.-11,,i,,...;
'7. -
.. email ee.,, ,,,,,, ;(*.;,4.,,,A,,00,.,
etbilooL , V•fi:! .t..97,1_ _ •
e„.•_• -e... -• e , . . • • , .
• ear, eve ' -...,.1(g ...1 ts: -,..-, • .9 - •,.. 9,.4 • -LH,
aeoee to , ii, ,. • ea. eee, ; . . e'e•e .,, es
,, gee, . o , • , • ..,.... M
"' , -, • ee'
, • .
• • , • ' •''•• '.1-' ' ;e0 • , • ,.
Tornbeeeree I •• • Tr.v., box? ik
, ....
titer iele.icalttedsveutele„0.tene_etifele'neemee, 1,41„,-r. . ••
20% t0sox:discauatt Sale fet
Ue*t P. day. •,, ' ••'''',..-•
Leonetti:Raab, 11aalia013,14 for the
past week, but we. hope he will .so
be around again. , ' ' ' .'
Miss Mabel •Wielelei eito etertnerlY
. 1 . . .. . e. • ; w•- eta i
WA gnt-SCAOM m ,t.orwer mg na, 0
now teeehine in Miteholl .
- - ee, - • „ • ,
BLIPMRS ! $41F71710AB i !,1•••/ Bea ti
„,,,, . • ,, a r „At
f•-•0-00sY on:0 e•or edetares. teethe lame
sesaned Chiidren.-NV. Lefaeielrett.• . ,
Mist; lama, Kennedy was one of tie
Piize^.Willttetre in ,the UAW - Runt. 0, •
'Teelreuel P9eelownte:gt fOr. Deg.:. -
'• ' '
. ems Ander efeifeeee • telpeeT eeleptie •
will be pleased to hear. thee elee . he
. . . -kaput
doing nicely after herleng and unripe
lone • - e • • ' •
_ Ss. . . ..,
• . „ 'the
'Th. °ems and; VIP- "07 -art. Teen. t,
a good. Trunk, Suit Case„'or ule. teag. .
male here:. we can save. you Money,
-W. 4,r.6...Ent,% .
• '.. , • •
.: It a la.mprick is' soaked first in gated
vinegar and then dried, it will burp
better,. throw out i),, elearea not and
never sniokee „ ' • - • .
. ' ' - ' • ' .
' • a
Dia anyone you met on ' Mon
Morning Yelp:Awn!, the informatiaZ
that there was, a. genuine blizzard on
Sunday night ? .,
Let us • hear' the. famous Bengough 1
Re is a. Oteaditin and stands without
e , ,, , e • .„,,,,
4 Peer ell ..11148 "n e1"61441-rju,. - - '
If you commend' a man's work he.
eats you down as an expert ; if Am,
:..ouitlirlEft:Itofeet:ktieno•iwtio-haege,1,Aties. roe, '.1.° r
.e...• -
, . eadron County. Council will meet in
etodericb. on January' 21th. ' Reeve
McDonald will gilard tbe interests of
1 , . 0 •I ,,,, • •
Weight:en at the 0 i tty Rotird ' this
, -
The inimitable Ben gougla will give a
'a, number of Meal 'character sketches
in the Torn HalleTuesday, Jan, 17.
. .. • ' • - - .•
• ' •
.. Duncan, pastor of me
Presbyterian ' Cherch ae leickleneve
• was wedded. te. Miss ':Kate MOntyre;
at Heepeler, pn Thursday afternoon
last ' '''' --:' • e• ' ' •'• -
' • • ; - '•
-Aceording.to thosei'dry things they.
OSA statistics; the value of Ontario's
field crops last year was 007,185,000,
. ,,,weal'
C.'.:il,"-.."i•eai.lease: of. nearly-, .vatv• x
•,al .
milleon dollars from 1909 • e.
. 0
• .,,
Have you heard Bengough P He Is
' -
coming to 'Winghain. jan, 17th. .--
- ' • - '
They tell ue the days a g
. . len then.
till ' • hours
ing ; with us the day is s gi .
Another • authority •affirms that ' the
stow drifts are increasing in their
-- - • -- - • - •'
height, depth aiia length. No dd.
dailb is O ecessery, . • /
- Nt
• Lucknoeveis- ' te Vile a
.. expermien lug i
new method of -Opening and levelling
her streets after a snow fall -that es,
by rolling them. with a hand•roller.
t seemsto he a fairly effective
method too, says The Sentinel, '
- - • •
Beegough is coining! San. 171h 1
Oareoonist reader, mirth -awakener, a
roar of laughter.
Fer the, time it lasted, Sunday
night's blizzard was probably the
vet:prat of the season. It ,was a stiff
north -wester for ;Shea fifteen hours
and made trouble for the railways,
„ .
but fortunately net a blockade.
On Saturday teeming, a few
minutes alter seven, fire was diecover-
. 1 • bl a b
ed in Brusse s in re Sta 0 .owne y
George. Lott, The fire was extinguish-
ed after destruction of the upper. pad
containing a .quantity of hay. The
.dareage is about $200. There is no
. insurance. . ,
runNITTYRE.SPCIALS..-We have a.
very ince lite of Jerdiniere stands,
reusee and pallor Cabinets, rockitog
and easy. ehairs, centre tables, etc.,
fail to call need see thene
etc. 1'c'
A bu Snst (loll and
(even te rote eolet r) •
tee what we hot Remember, we
are giving special reduced peicee on all
furniture lines, for cash. -8, Grecey.
rurniture dealer, and tentleitaker,
lIon. A, D. Aylesveorth, after his
• recent trip abroad, still Wilke Ontario
the beet place in the world. • "No-
valets are the'fields more fertile," he'
sale, In 0. recent speech. "Nowhere
are there freer, better institutions,
more seenrity tender the ler, or better
peOpbe to MOVO atdOng" '
, • ,1" . • • ,,, .. ' ..:. ''' 'A.:: Pv ' .
•-7 NIA. • ,.,, .• - - '• ..r• '1" p '
r' Ill''':'C'-i 11.,..-. V. „ 1M On ''-:i ere eereeTeeee
, ,T,,,,,,,I.,f,7011-sr,-,;)•-1,-.- s'e,, 3,, 6,, -'-4.
- -;,.- - , • - - ----•,, ,.. . • • - - ,,,j. ,.
- • - " geeee.."(e" - ' _1 ''. .''...'-.
. ...k,,,::..,,,, ...„,i........_,,, ,,,_ ti,,, ,
-• ',Ilitipl I/ rjt .11 CO, \WR !t!!!v ! Oil ilj i i,..,1
, 7. 1 il 4(0 ' ..,r•i•),4 (.64.,;7"):, i;',7 1
Lr..:-..., et, i !NIKO . , 'il);!;:in. i•.'.,
- emeee , ...e
..• 074 J10.9'..M.K01914..0 .'
...• „,,,,, .
''''' -I- -' " ti .e.....„.ee..,---14,- e • .e -e.1
. , ...e eel,. .tAle - ak.y ;,7,-7, . •L'-.,
,,, ,.. ,t7 .s,o-ANtii.k7.7,,,•1.W.y.-4 (L',..,:licrtty.ii
P" • • - - ' • '''-'-'.-?:irc-'-';':4:"..'"1::"c'llif''41471
tali ik,:fillieerhuel..:. t.i'.::::::ifiz:"...,14:::.,„3:1:::IL:(1714:r..i:S.
611Soonstani ) 0 !i7,77,..\wt,4io-T ; , ...: •
• ' 'Wears a bolo IL litittliii,,,.
tip tlip eonefenee ,,•„lee 14q3i-1701::.."P
aeticates thee ': e. --erePeeee ,""i • '' I.
a fha ponata4 -,1 gr.,";137,civ,
rries off tlete . - ^k*It,' et
e constaa a -sP4'4, -- , 1,,,
Is 13:16° PS , -.4i:•-) ii-1:7-T's1 '' I”
allty end • ,_ '4'7, c,,wik.,Vq7.7.51l ',74Xiti.,
et .prices at,. J 1 - 1:1,0 'Pj-JC1, AN irtruf,,
PP- !lull'," . . . :A',
If s grew 'Te .' - ( eee• presee lee .,,, riiesee 1
. ,
feedeettele 0 • :- . thean, WO -A eeee....,.. _.
tii,d4.6.0 4. 0 -...,.0 ...„40,--,-„, -„,(0.,,,,,
. ee, . .^. e ' -..• ,_,,, ,--
al.X4 0waell-r0" " 0 Kee ellen
an our'0..'‘i .Ftlio. 'ir 4
. , g . . • t reeee-'•
pleas of tag ' ,,.-' , a go ..LO)
toiling. ,e '70,- •
a, ma. • . ,i:,•,.,, • . 4. -.R-:"..-
, • • •
lie" , . . ' tee
1*The ,GoclOrict, - r - sa . , . e
lies .reVieed. see e fil;tie. '• '
t , o
rage Y on eeturd, ..4,.._ ' ,e-
:to the police, thee•IrThosi ' .1,
.1.744,11, Married a eonple of • 4,olca
the sester of the murdered. Orli 'woo
. , . . . .
about to eonemit suicide. with. a razor ,
Chief Postlethwalte eioneeep and Wok,
the weapon mew and. the, exeleeeosine
ardesided, enedine. -extoetweing regret
for the alarm he ehtid eeitleed. . •
pairing proneptly end nen done ; .-St'
u:: nPaleetrutauere•fre.atal.-ngi ..aphosterituttikra,
eleraeer, furniture dealer -and peac leer
eue a, te Tyee—ee the .1,0 1171,0,,.. . '' .•
ris,ottrre:.„.0t,,,a.;:tv ;41,
an extra sued •tatrug ' holt. algi. • • •
'Huron (ief,7" and out of a e
of ',"Cock 0"e•The North," Al e •
Alai,. Kelly, oit, Winghatth a ' ..
roan bull sired by 7iffttrtin- tible , •
- ~
and out of a "cOrintsoie Elerere•eeler
.. Orr ild. cid, deter of tint,' "noial
a. e -a- ' -ug - - . ' .
Sa. I. lot". . Mr. Fyfe hes, some Yet fel"
sale, which will be sogyeadulable.
. , . , . . • • • .e. • • •
Cleo W. Hulme reeetetey egotneoted
"•,1 kt e • , Bud hod •-eee rttua
tweateh. eAllant4W11300: 1111k : <., i*SratIOAri
of music, has. °peened. a. cheese feel M.,.
steuttion 'on' 'Vieille - Plena, eeletemet,
orne , an aphone. • .,
C t d. Salt ' ' Information
may be had from Mie leleree . 'Pit- LW
xiypputn•theatO or. e• e. ere • ..e.lioteV' • .
, .. 4-• 1. ...e. - •
Word -- . , • . A--tt..-.,.. - •' , d• 0
-,,i, ',Ark; - . ,, .
death of Jame, ''z- itf(71•4 .',, New
York Oity Ire'.;tlif -it,' 013-. ; of • Rey.
_,,oe' •
.'4r ' Vre4
.Josipleeeffarkhani. 4lue * 04.
Teteious to the death °this .00. 'Mae
Markham, se . WM be- teineenbered
. 7 .31.7 . . ., . ..
. 4_,
by the earliereresid•ette cif • winifTERI1
as -ef Mee of the Ogienbes' sehe4
pastor ..
• cl i the charter
years ago all one • * e ,
al 1 '4
lalelotere• Of Court M l an I O. 0. F., •
.1TO. a Mr Markham, jr,, was in his
50th 'ear • he leaves no- Doily,
• • ' • ' - -' •
- The Scotch Concert on Friday
..g of the best eVer
evening . was one , •
given?, ender the anseicee- of ' Catnip
el 7The program • was •too
-a Iedonia ..
lengthy to .refer to hi cletait. One: of
the features Wits the appearance- 0 f a
new lode.), dancer. Georgie FeyfogIe, a
pupil of Mies- McDonald, and ,he..
certainly did well for hist first_ appear-
once on the stage. The receipts were
• •
very ' satisfactory, arid though the
expenses were, bevy, a coMfortable
margin was left for the Seonletyee
. • • - • ••
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The Spring stios,- , ,.
yoesdaye April lith, ie the date
axed ter elneeepring aSSiPse in, Gede-
ritele - Tb le eteeleg of the epert rill
Op of special eitereet, • as the two
peisoriere now in the county jail OP
clutegee of Mender will then be dealt
with.' Edward Jereli• ne will he chem.
ed with the death of Lizzie Andeesen
and. Geerge Yenstone will fano MI invite
for the killing of ide five-
. .
Ye`" -°14 E.". Ereehliee • . e,
„ .. • e „ _ reee
Otearer •uteng Tell. ..- , ur
lele. F. J. Hill ie Making quite a
success of his poultry,. He is toped.
ally- enthneiastie about he Rhode
Island Redo. Ue took six bird e to the
Poultry Slum' at ,Clinton and captured
four prises., Last week, he brought in
twelve dozen -eggs from. his group of
eacklers. From at Rhode Island Rea ate
Pullet°, he. got 21 egg, a *yen' g(441
Shoring indeed, Orders for eggs for,
hatching in the ePring are aireaelY
booked. ..
. _ '
A num Pioneer.
The death occurred. on Stinday last,
from a paralytic stroke, of Mr. IL N.
MoTaggart, one of the oldest residents
of Huron County, at the home of his
daughter, Mr& Rickman, ()Keel-
buret, Oat Mr. McTaggatt, who was
bora near Belleville, came to Huron in '
1810, and for over a gearter of a
century was postmaster and general
merchant at Chiselhurst Of late he
had retired, -having suffered a steak° .11.
of paralysis about ten Years ago. A
second stroke, occurring about two
months ago, proved fatal owing to ....
his advanced age of 78.•
Sing out sele . Gracey is running a special clearThis is your
oaf furniture.
pportunity if you need anything in
the furniture line. We don't often. do
this, but when we advertise, will do
just as we say we will. -S. Gracey.
Por The Household.
- Linen pieces should never be put
through the wringer if yon would
avoid the little wrinkles .that are so
hard to press out. -Small tucks will
iron smoother and look better if irori-
ed len the wrong side. If. knitwear,
owe s, e a., NV en rom
bath t 1 t h takenf
the line are smoothed with. the hands
and put on the bars to air, they will be
ready to put away , by the time the
bars au. needed for the ironed clothes
To avoid the unsightly .fold so ' often
seen on top of a. sleeve of starched
shirt waist:Fe, fold at the :mane,' iron
the upper, then the lower side, not
letting the iron pass within an inch or
two of the edge, then open the sleeve
fold with the unironed part in the
center of the sleeve and press care-
A Sorrow Indeed. .
Sineere sympathy is felt for Mr.
john AtcCreight of Tarnberry, in the
sad bereaveneent that has bereft him
of a faithful partner and his young
family of a kind mother. About two
weeks ago, Mrs. McOreight contracted
a severe cold, which was followed by
pneumonia, which after.a, week's ill-
ness resulted in her death on Friday
last. Mrs. McOreight's maiden name
was Mary Jane Carter ; she, with her
parents was at one time a residentof
Wingham. She leaves a family
. • ..
of six young children, two of whom
are twins only six months old, to
battle with children's ills and troubles
without a mother's care. This is
trouble indeed for Mr, McOreight.
Deceased was in her 88r,h year. The
funeral took place on Monday to
Wingham cemetery, Ree. E. H.
Croly conducting the service.
SKATING Snons 1 --To enjoy ekating
one must have the correct Boot. We
have them for Ladies, Gents Misses,
and Boys. Skates put on 'free on
ahem we sell. -W. S. Greer.
A Pioneer. ' •
Mt Geo. Gaunt of Whitechurch
f • - f le Advance.
pays or two cornett o • ie vance.
110 is one of those prompt -paying title
seri ers t a, ma e e ewspap r
b .
man glad, for he pats "he advance."
Mr. Gaunt in renewing this year,
mentioned the fact that he settled on
his farm near Whitechurele, fifty•five
years ago. Fifty -leve years have
brought many changes. Fifty , years
ago, one log tavern (where the
Q . . e ../ .
ueen snow stand-.) was the eg nning
of the town of Winghatri, and our
main street (though bad enough nor
at times) was full of stumps and. mud-
holes. mw many faces have come
and gone during all those Tears,
e ow many the struggles, how
numerous the day of toil 1 Those were
days 'when daily insils, telephones,
electric lights, ete., were neither
thought of, nor needed. The pioneer
toiled hard •cleatirig his berm and
reefing hie building& thretunetences
and environmetts are different now.
-- , .
A cern 'EVox.teaas gone, instead athe
logging bee, them is the cleated farm;
the old flail hat given away to the
steam thresher; the old scythe eta
grain -cradle to the mower and *elf-
hinder. The pioneer, too, is pessine,
d e , 1 0
t. no many are e t. Mr. Gaunt,
though VIA the font -boort milestone
of life, is still hale and hearty. May
he see many retro yet, to (+Nee' the
'mite of the tabors of put years, sod
the pleasure of perusing this perteet
fatally imam,
Anatial Maillag. . Rstignalien.,,
, Oter egeadere ehoulel remember the
annual meeting of tb•e Agricultneal
Seleety la the 0444 Oltember at 2
ceeldek in the afterneon of Unitary
2001... The Fair of 1010 was a,, Snecesa ;
there is no Moon why that of 1911 handl:
elionle not surpass ite and now le the been
time to begin to plan. The Directors intereete
a- full attendance and will he for
pleased to have the,co-operation of all twenty-one
interested in maintaining' a- SIMMS- of
ful Vele lu this town as the centre of A
prosperoue agricultural et:Immunity. •
Ratered Fortieth Year. • ,• '
The Adeetelee congratuletee , the
Wiugliten Titnee on having pawed
suceeeefully all the journalletie etorms
for tbiety-nine years,- and 'on baviug Ile
entered cleeerfully the' fortieth year of 00
hietory, The peoprietor, Mr. from
Elliott. has been identified with the the
paper for twenty-three years, and for
over thirteen years has controlled its
businees interests We extend not
only congratulation:I, • but sincere
wishes for continued success fur the
Times and its genial editor,
Bargains in Watches at Irtiox's
sale .. ' ' •
Officers Elect. *
The g .•-,•
followin officers of the Min
erva Encampment were installed by
paD,eDet.Gin.aT.,:n.. Wm0.13Ddoadyd,niagtiltth:e_reogulra.r)
Hinsoliffe • S. Hough;
it • P. ., 3.• W• 'Haines ,• Scrilie, A. S.
Alderson ; •
Trease J. W. Dodd ; J.
W., A. Bell ; L 61., J. .Groves ; Guide,
N. Fry ; 1st 0. of T., J, Carr ; 2od, J.
Perrin ; 1st S., A. Hardie ; 2cel, IL B,
Elliott; W., J, A. Morton, J. Mc-
E- eee
wen. vv. S. Hardie, W. Guest. •
Weather Probabilities.
Prof. Hicks says : - "A regular
storm period will be the order Iron
the 14th to the 19ch, central on the
10th. This perioa promises two
distinctive storm paroxysms, the first
on and near the 1 eh, the second on
and near the lOch. Low barometer,
threatening cloudiness, and rains
turning to snow, will pass eastwardly
across the country during this period.
A very marked high barometer, and
change to severe, cold, fair eveather ,
will follow these storms. Plan for
these -changes accordingly as V01.1 are
• -
located along the line from west to
east and thus" outwit the inconveni-
ences and anger of storm and
Weather. •
Great Stock - reduction Sale 'for
20 days, at 11130e0.
wimgham safe. ' ..
Wingham 'Town Council oeght to
make good, with the Principal of
Business Colleges as Mayor and both
of the editors of the Town papers on
• • t
his nigh hand; the Reeve, Corms.
Bone and Bell 'have had municipal ex,
perience and may be counted on.
When it comes to age and long expert-
ence, Cafin. McKenzie ought to be of
service. Conn. Mitchell is perhaps
the newest man so far as experience
goes, but he is willing to serve, and
ought to be a good man on the Street,
committee. With the Mayor Upping
the scales at 280 pounds, the Cleric at
280, and the Chief of Police at 230, -
these three ought to be able to keep.
Order and hold the town affairs down
Bengough Coming. ,
After a long absence abroad. Ben-
gough as returned. a Tues ay
• h0 d
evening, San. 17th, Bengough will
give one of his well-known entertain-
ments in the Town nail, under the
auspices o ing iam ig School.
' fW• 1 el'h
The entertainment is thoroughly high-
class and refined and the students of
the High School promise their friends
an evening of proof, pleasure and
mirth, The prices of adroission a,re
popular -2 reserved seats, 35 cents,
general admission, adults, 25 cents and
children 15 cents, Reserved seat
ckets are nor on Pale and seats may
be reserved at McKibbon's Drug store,
beginning at 2 pane Thursday, San.
12th. During. the evening Bengoug h
will eve a number of IOW Character
sketches. eteegough is it Canadian
and has no Peer In hie chosen field.
Pon SAT -A hall Immo .cann.
' good-- - -- -
P Iota; at half coat price Enquire at
the Advance office, •
Presentation And Farewell. . • v
A very pleasant affair took & tee on
Wednesday everting at the residertee
of Mr. Wm, rorgle, Francis St., When
the merebere of the Sacred rfeart
Church gathered to bid farewell to
their putor, Rev. Ve. Lanretaleall,
prior to hit; keinoval to London. A
sulteble tuldrets was read hy 'Mr. A.
Pilon, While Mr, W. S. reorgie and
Frank McConnell, on behalf of the
congregation, presented their pastor
with a hendsome epiarter•ent oak
clock and a gold -headed umbrella,
Pr, Leurendeen-rerepontled apgropri•
etely. Fr, Biel& the newly-apploted
parish 'priest, was also present sad
pm a short soldrese. A bouttetittal
repast went them served by the- ltost
ts,M1 haste*, and enjoyed. Tia ertiret°
lag passed t•Nruy pleasantly. Tinqiliatr
Legusetteleve 1 tee 'Meth MOM* '1!Ir
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L_.. Personals j
Mr. S. Bennett' spent a couple of
days in Seaforth this weel.
Miss Lorne Gordon of Toronto is
visiting at her home in town.
Mies Agnes Calder of Celgary is'
vieiting her sister, Dr. Margaret O.
All. Schaefer left for Kincardine
last Friday, where he has secured a
erle. John Calder of Inniefail, Alber-
ta, is visiting his sister, Dr. Margaret
C. Calder. "
Richard Howson of Toronto is
spending to, couple of weeks at his
home here. g
John Young of Winniis visit-
l peletrs. Alex.
ing his parents, Mr. anc
Young of town.
Mr. and Mcs. John Gray of Toronto.
former residents of this town, are
visiting friends here.
Geo. Mutton of Manitoba. has been
visiting his brother and renewing
acquaintances in town.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Oaten of Brussels
I were guests a Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
' Cruickehenk this week.
Mr. A. McKenzie of the Lucknow
Sentinel wag in town on Friday, to at-
tend the Scotch concert
Gerry Willis has gone to Toronto to
take lessons in vocal. music. The
Advance wishes him success.
Mrs. Belden and two children of
Winnipeg, are visiting Mrs. B's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.
Harry Green returned to his home
in Reany River, after spending a, few
weeks with ftiends in town.
Miss A. Dandy, niece of Mr. Sohnti
Hooey, has been engagad aa teacher in
hool near Port Elgin and cone-
menced her duties last week.
Miss Duff of Utica, N. Y., who is on
it *het to her parental home in Blue-
*see, Was the guest of Miss B. lelc•
°racket on Monday.
Mr. and mre. Lake and daughter of
firussels were guests last week of Mr,
Lakeet parents, Mr. and Mee E. Hos.•-
Inati. Mrs. Lake is extending her
visit a few day& .
Dr. Margaret Calder, Who visited
with her unele, Dr. Geo. Calder, of
. Pittsburgh, Penn., •duting the holidey
season, returned heats and resomed
praetice last week,
' Mr. Rey Ilenry of flee -milk of
, Harrieton, who has been ill for a few
• dare was taken to hie home in Harris-
. tot, by De. Kennedy on Saturd0/1
. last. te
. Mrs, Thos. ni t
tit•es of Teretberrr
was ealled to Lottdon on Tueeclay by
• the very eerious illness of her daeigh.
- ter, leire. j. A. Plemitig; the CMS le
r considered. critical on account of,-
i blood•poisoning. e !'`
5 Wolter T. Hall, of the Advanee staff,
e left on Teteeday morning for a vita to
e hie brother, a prominent huelnees man
- of Pesadene, California. Walter haslel
t been a steady, feethfal worker, and
o, the Advance, tee ff wieb him a mate
e joniney and plement visit in the lend.
of ottroltins and le ittere, The :Waft
." Ise to do their boat to keep the
ot Advil -toe Wire and stalling until his
, return,
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1 Curling cotnpetition le still
The loco, .
in progress. Here is the attenuation
schedule: -
Saturday evening, jab. 14th, McKie=
: . •
Cochrane. -
Monday evening, 10th, loser Of Mc-
Kie and Cochrane plays L. Kennedy,
and the winner of these two plays O.
N. Griffin.
Tuesday evening, 17th, winter of
Pearen and R. Vandalic plays winner
of Holmes and Knechtel e loser of
r'earen and R. Vanatone plays loser of
Holmes and Knechtel.
Wedneeday, leth, winners of Ora*.
and Rae, Winner of
ford -- • plays - --- - - - Stalker
and 0. G. VanStono ; letter of Crew-
ford and Rae plays laser of Stalker
and C. G. VanStortee •
Thursday evening, 10eh, 'Winner Of
Dinsley and Orr plays winter of Vat
Norman and.Porter ; loser of Dineley
and Orr, plays loser of VanNortnan
arid Porter.
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locat Itents
The reguler monthly meetiog of the
'bailee' Auxiliery of the Wingha in
General Itteepital has been
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pr, -free i , ,A11-4-1.;•...
Good Plo•ur.-A.vede's, Wingham.
Woo Geeee's Shots and It''WM*
'' '
Reed WiLlie de Coes advt. et 'polo 8,
Never leave trteditines, drituk, or
food uncovered in the sick -room.
There are no aerie at ptemmt of
delloiency la eke los hatvette, *hitt it
6 acilihre. .
,...,. _0411 8424 IA 1. Dia' 5 Mt" 1411t*
eeeekt. era - -- . n' n (II ii I, , '
Ale i !gem* t,i-i,,,, n l'r• :';'A
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',:.,141\-).,,,„ 41 '4,1 •-;iln V -4A%-- li*:;),
v.;.., .1.,,:-.-..,. ..
owing to tbo very stormy wes.thet.
The next meeting wi * et n i th
Coteell Cilambtir on Monday, Feb.
deb, lee four o'cl•ock, whim matters btu
Oat from tile Jou. meeting will lie
• eperen op.
a '15t1" r")/1""' the '."6P1°Yee of
the Itart.Mattriv piono faetoty, who
. - • .
atitoraptird /Moine an Finny atter.
ramie lee eatellag hie throat -with
-ARSCA it •01111 -isaive•, and Br. Mass*
• '')S '1 Italgleb hi a pont bIllby that be'
)4. A,- • faatover4. D -',, ''),•A . ) SrlfeA tinted
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* * *
-W. F. Wilcox. professor of poli-
tical econoroy and statistics at Cornell
College, has made a careful study and
comparison of birth rates during the
last one hundred years, and here is
the conclusion he has announced to
the American ,Statistic Association :-
"There will be no children in the
United States under five years of age
in the year 2020. Babies accordingly,
will have disappeared ft one this
country as early, as 2015." The only
possibility ef seeing babies , the
United States after 2020, according to
Professor Wilcox's calculations, is
through importation from France.
France, he says, will continue to have
babies eighty years after the United
States has quit. An endowment for
the work was recommended to the
Association to -day by George Elliott
Howard, professor of sociology. He
declared the state should honor
motherhood by endowing mothers.
* * *
-While some of the members of
the Bar .A,ssociation of Ontario think
that a Divorce Court should he estab-
lished in Ontario, ib might be well to
consider the record of one county
across the border. One divorce suit
in every five marriages is the unenvi-
able record of Wayne county, Michi-
gan, foe 1010, and practically all of
these were applied for in the Detroit
courts. The reeord is one which the
county offieials say hag never been
equalled in 0.07 State in the Union.
During the year 0,000 marriage
licenses were issued, and 1,425 divorce
suits were filed. This brings the
average up to it trifle more than one
divorce to each five marriages. Greet-
ed. that there are unions that never
shored have been entered into, and
that some would be better far dis-
solved, it is nevertheless a fact, that
the greater the case with which a
divorce can be obtained, the raoro
heedlessly young people rush into
matrimony, and the less sanctity tit-
teches to the marriage tie.
* * *
-The Ontario Legislature will as-
semble in good time this year, ane is
called for Jenuary 24. It is said that
1Ion. Col, Matheson, Provincial Teea
eater, Will again have it most setisfac
tory financial stateMent to Make fo
the iletancial year, which cloaed Oat.
31. The teue.tion of data lo.ngnages lo
Ontario schools is likely to come up.
The reporte of the Ilsolro•Electri
Power Commission end of the Tem%
kerning and Northern Ontario Reit
way will each of there teem with de
tails of euhtteritild progress, Acord
Ing to it daterrient from it well -in
formed eource, the proviiicial trea,sur
Iresa meteeure well advanced fo
subminsion to the house for it grade
license syhtem with respect to the Sal
ifitoxicating ligttere, ankpossi bly
change in the law relating to Lieens
llostras. While the session may no
be Whet is termed a "heavy" on
there is work ahead, and thortgh tit
r.egislattire is called early in the y
the work is likely to be ready, to the
ao waft tasty be Irove,
r .•