The Wingham Advance, 1910-12-08, Page 5THURSDAY, DSCLr1U SER $, 19ip. �u l$hc�� mono lift M to istrnas xesent# MR. DRESSER r YOU WILL HA. VE .1 ON y LEFT TO D Uy CIMISTMAS PRESENTS IF YOU DU3) �+°Oir1R CLOTHES FROM U.S. BECAUSE WE WILL SAVE )OU ENOUGH ON A .VUIT OR OVER- COAT FOR you TO AFFO.`RJ TO GIVE PRESENTS TO YOUR .14'RIENDS. THERE IS NO USE OF TH 0WIJVG YOUR MONEy A WA; y, ?l..7.00 WILL D Uy A GOOD WELL CUT, ALL WOOL SUIT OF CLOTHES 072 AN OVERCOAT FROM U.S' AND IF yOU 13A.Y US ,S'2o.00 0',f2 0'23.00 3)Ou WILL GET CLOTHES THAT WILL MADE y0U FEEL L1I(E A MILLIOJVAIRE. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS eat MEN'S FURNISHERS E. C. J '�j f 1Z{' ITE Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry contains the newest All - wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from, the most reputable shills in the world. Inspection invited. You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Su1tinge, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over - coatings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre,, wailing the clay you are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. ,10000E e.feram E. C.WHITE 1LL0 lf `I r I U NAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor 1io00000 sC`rw.0,20011 d'3f.+i"so,:r(30000 C. 03000OO `rE,'0+00.+E`ror +P €;r,:i CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR bargains In Every Line Having such a large stock of Christmas Novel- ties, all fonds must be sold at prices that will sell them -see our large stock of Christmas Goods before purchasing elsewhere, Itettegtrn.rters for Ladies' and Gents' Wat<"'es end Ch;aitts, Wt direr, Diamond and Engagement Icings,Charlet; anti Bracelets, Lorkete, Locket Charms. Solid Gold and Gold Filled J'evvelry of all kinds, Jewel Cases, handy Chinaware and Chinn, Novelties, high-grade Fancy Goode, including Burnt Wood and Leather Goods, Glove and Ilan£ikerchief Manicure :lets, Silk Umbrellas With gold, nterling and ivory handles. 0hritstea s Books, leather and oloth bound, Poets, Bible*, //yam and Prayer Books, Toys and Picture Books for Boyo and G3r1R, li"arty Stationery, Christ. mA Table tapkine, Christinaa (lards and Oaikndare. .1' RAC itch, Clack and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty* Opposite litrrrnawkk Natal 8 WINGIIAM PUBLIC SCHOOL. Report Of Standing Of Pupils For The Month Of November. 0~pt. s0aonr0laa3ran1ias21,hee 0, r il•ld ;:;0, 11. Guest 214. A. Lockiidge ., H), 1V, lrvfne 131, .3, 11olmes ',3,363 A., Williamson 303, M, Almada 100,' R. Boyd 232, R. Riotrarrl 158, M. Cart- +viieht t).; I. Allen 232, N, ttielaean 1:43, 1trr�.h 113, 1). llaugli 873, A. Rea.d- i g '112116, 1; Ilrips 277, 11, Miall 285,1 S. "c nd,�r ]20, '2. Lunen 283, lY, '.t'ir.ylnr a)a 1V. hair's 258, V. Sanderson 108, +Puffery=nn 201, J. Angus 150, A. leid. 252, N. tush 217, W, Davidson t)9, G. Buchanan 274, M. 11ohertsen 01, A. Robertson 225, R. Heady 305,. McPherson 20.1, G. Bowie -am 202,. 1. Willis 336, G. Deyell 201, 11. Dear 1, 0, Day 208, II. Isard 108, M. )rurnnrond 201 �A, Groves o278,31?.' Mc- Donald 308, I. Gibson 232, J, Richard - on 285, S. Blackba11200, J. Smith 330, . Pugh 325, F. Gannett 354, B. John- ton 01, M. .Brown 8, Jr, 3cd-Sr, Division, Marks obtain- bie 000 -Olive Rintou1825, Jack Max- ell loise ennidy 747,2 Vera Blackwell Eileen )ore 711, Kent Smith '705, Ella Rogers 00, lt9irion Smith 078, Murk Cassels 74, (Nara Iriard 670, Sarah Hamilton 1, Nina Haugh 003, Rflle 1 t,kin 501. arvelite Vannaletine0507 Albert Taylor 3, Ella (look 420, (4ladys Dear 312,. 1?' red. Walsh 249. E. y ( O. ] [logien 1 s a w 7 (3 (36 id 48 able3ed-r. Division. Marks obin- 8 0 -Tillie B04411 695. Gtertie Lan- telon 610, Nettie Christie 610, Sara Mc- Leau -601, Victoria. Paterson 600, May Reading 545, Annie Davidhou 530, Jean Currie 503, Etta Hart 475, Cecil Angus . 400, Norman 11ZcRitchie 450, Edith Jarvis 428, Hugh Angus 426, Lila Bell 323. able 800. Ohre, Newman Marks 8obtatra Liz e Currie 772, Amble Williamson 737, Jean Christie 727, Phyllis Johns 718, Kathleen Mills 710, Neil McLean 001, eVillie Dear 670, Alice Imlay 070, Ruby Hewer 673. Vera Davidson 672, Vera,. Stricker 059, John Nicholls 641, wine, erect Walker .637, Loretta Sturdy 012, Fred. Sturdy 589, Clayton Maxwell 589, Geo, Allen 587, Charlie Smith 550, Lottie Zurhrigg 544, Stanley Bell 511, Howard McDonald 453, Claude 131ax- n ell 421. • Sr. 2ur1--Jr, Section. Marks obtain- able 802 -Noel Drummond 632, Mar- caret Piper 630, Linda McLeod 020, Bert. Williams 590, Florence Diamond 575, Irene Paton 572, May Allen 507, Eerie iluffm:.n 519, henry Aitcheson 540, Charlie Isard 539, Florence Bins cliife 536, Teddie Mnrch 535, Frank Robinson 515..Coza Wild 509, Tim Self 405, Harold Mann 414, Reggio Smith 392, Cecil Merkley 380, May Passmore 355. Jr. 26d -Sr. Section. Martie ob- tainable 030. -Grace Irwin 80I, Dora Laundy 858, Elizabeth Ilamilton 815, Percy Joynt 707. George Fry 783; Edna, Musgrove 770, Leonard Jarvis 756, Jarnes Dobie 745, 11,Lrry Angus 7.28, Dorothy Clarke 689, Charlie Lloyd 681, Ruth Anderson 011, Evelyn Angus 023, Tbehna Sanderson 600, Hazel Misiner 598, Harold Hamilton 520, Lily Casemore 492, Charlie Pocock 402. Charlie Bell 41.1, Carl Dickson 400, Velma Johnston 401, Rollo Sanderson 335. Mary Coultes 307, Mabel McIntosh 183. jr. 2nd -Jr. Section. Marks obtain- able 665. -Laurie Duncan 015, 011ie Hamilton 585, Stanley Robinson 557, Catharine Adams 514, Kenneth Nichol 493, Clara Hardy 405, Aileen Kennedy 1,41, Joe Saint 471, Ella Dobie 426, Kathleen Wilkinson 368, Lorne Black- well 368. Willie McNevin 347, Albert Bloomfield 330, Madeline Hickey 268, Chester Stapleton 280, Sarah Brown 210, John Ford 128. Part 2nd -Sr. Section. -harry Gan- nett, Agnes Williamson, Lawrence Lennox, Alba Galbraith, Annie Black- hall, George Boyd, John Davidson, fs:L1-ile Reid, Willie Currie, Lillian EIlacott. Marguerite Dalgleish, Vic- rr>-. is Nixon, Gavin Iiolmes, Iva Rantoul, Alex. Taylor, John. Tougher,. d1adeline Duncan, Gordon Craick- .:banke, William Pocock, Shirley Donaldson, Madeline, Walker, Irene Day, Arthur Sturdy, .Tommy Rich, Eddie Tougher. Part 2nd -Jr, Section. - Isabelle Simmons, Laura Ellacott, Clifford 1tobertson, Mebatie Reid, Howard' Huffman, Doris Fells, Janes Allen, Jennie Ard, Dickie Madigan, Downsey Ly*nett, George Misiner, Allan Gould, Charlie Armour, Rosie Williams, Edith Hart, Freddie Kew, Nelson .Morden, Jarvis 'Latton, Frankie SS1perling, Marguerite Johns, Vietta Division 7 -Sr. Part lat. Names in order of merit. --Verna, Joynt, Harold Mills, ` Clayton Zurbrigg, Richard Clark, Sydney Holmeb, .lean Van - stone, Willie Angus, Harriett Wil- liams, Sana McIntosh, Mond Seli, Helen, Wilson, David I'errie, Birk-' wood Hutton, Carrie Ilingston, Viola Forlar, Zola Dickson, Lizzetta John- ston, Charlie Henderson, Earl Wild, Delight Cloakey, Eddie Hickey, Eleanor Irwin, Aaron Brown, John liay les, Division 7 ---Jr. Part 1st, Names in order of merit. VVllfrcd Ellacott, Laura 13e11, Marie Lougheed, Dorothy Piper, Clarence llinscliffe, Gordon McRitchie, Corson Boyce, Annie Forgie, Gertisr Duncan, Alice Wil- liams, Gertio Sirnmonds, Lerne Sand. erten), Norma teard. Freddie Sell, Florence Pocock, Clifford Ca; emote, Scott Robinson, Stanl Ay Nixon, Keith Donaldson, Sohn Casemore, Jack Cook, Cecil Cook, Melville Dennis. Chas. Lumley of near Itidgetown had seven acres of tobacco this year. It yielded 1000 pounds to the acre and br'nnght 171c a lb., yielding $1,060 or $280 an acre. TWAT BALD SPOT, Don't let that bald spot grow 1' (lo to your druggist at once and get a bottle of Parisian Sage, and if that don't check the failing hair, and cause new hair to grow, nothing will. Dandruff is the canAe of baldness; dandruaa germ cause dandruff, Pari- sian Sege kills the germs; eradicates dandruff, stops failing hair and itch- ing scalp NVe Will refund your money, if it fails to do this in two weeks, Parisian Sege will rause the hair to grow, if the hair roots be not dead, It causes the hair to grow thicker, snare luxuriant, and mite new e into it, The girl with the Auburn hair is on ry peakage of Parisian Sage, It In' id fvr 50o The Sell dry •�• lyra or 'ant nrtpJct by Thee Giramrt ie, Girt„ 0111 • bir T1 WINGITTAIVI A. YANt This is what Mr. Edward Bingham, of 118 Brant Ave., Brantford, says of Zam-T31ak. After an attack of typhoid fever, ulcers broke out on hila right foot and ankle. "Th R foots znc leg were terribly inflamed, he says, "and the pain was very acute, 1 could not wear- boot or shoo, and could not move about .at all l 1 used all kinds of lotions, salves and ointments, yet nothing seemed able to heal the ulcers until Zarn-Bulk was tried. "The very first application of Zara-Buk relieved the intense pain, and as 1,kopt on using Zani-Buk the ulcers began to look healthier and, were hers painful. <` By use of this healing balm the discharging was reduced and healing comxnenced. After a few weeks' treatment, the swelling and, inflammation were banished, and the sores were entirely healed. I am so grateful for my cure through Zam-Buk that I consider it my duty to let others know of the merits of this great balm." tyl att-Zanz*Buk 'Izould be used for. Zarn-Buk will be found a Euro cure for cold soros, chapped hands, frost bites, ulcers, eczema, blood -poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp toros, ringworm, inflamed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin injuries and diseases generally. All druggists and stores sell at 40c box, or post free from Zara -Birk Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. You are warned against harmful imitations and substitutes. Soo the registered namo "Zam-Buk" on every package before buying. 00 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0000 0000000 O 00000 0000 W. G. PAT (THE GREAT WATCH Has the swellest and best the newest kinds pima Send this sermon and lo stamp to Bey Zara -Bair Oo., To - 12 2 2 frac trial bora 2 z 2 1$a2 0000 000 0000000 SON DOCTOR) line of all of 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 o 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O o O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 O 'o O 0 O O O Ever shown in any jewelry store this year, suitable for h'ristmas iFts It is not necessary to send out of town this year for swell Christmas Gifts. You can get the newest and best here, TT JEWELER OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL 00000 •• 0 0000 WINGHAM 00000000 0.00 • O O 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O O 0 0000 ARE YOU' Trying to think of something to send that absent boy or girl for Christmas ? - What would give more pleasnse for 1i whole year, than a, year's subscription to 'FRE ADVANCE. • leave Them There. Tbero is a. prdpocal to bring kan- garoos and wallabies from Australis, anti; domicile them in Oallada,. Some kind soul took rabbits to Australia and they have been fighting them ever since. Within the memory of thepresenteration soRoane-sick llinglishuaan"rlus ougbt sparrows to this country, and now if he could be dis- covered he would soon be sprouting wings himself; This amateur med- dling with old Noah's, plan of distribu- tion should be frowned down tmon, West Wawaaosh Council. This Council met Nov, 22, as per ad. journment ; Members all present. Minutes of last meeting- read and con- firmed on motion of Thompson and Watson, . , ,A communication front 0, S, Wilson read re the repairing of a culvert on con. 5; on motion of Wil- son and .A,itcheson the matter was left in the hands of Qouns. Watson and Thompson,with power to act if neces- sary., .. A number of communications were read ; - Colonel McDonald of Guelph ro the Guelph Jot. Railway Co„ and on motion of Wilson and Thompson, the Reeve and Clerk were appointed to go to Guelph, and have all the necessary papers signed re the G. J. Railway that are to go before the Railway Board . , .. Orders for the Payment of accounts to the amount of $107 were passed on motion; of Wilson and Watson....Council adjourned to meet on Dec. 15, .at 10 o'clock, -W, McOrostie, Clerk, • HAIR HEALTH. If You Have Scalp Or Hair Trouble, Take Advantage Of This Offer. We could: not afford to so strongly endorse Rexall "03" Bair Tonic and continue to sell it as we do, if it did not do all we claim it will. Should our entliusi€tsrrt carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our state- ments, and in consequence our busi- ness prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if you have any scalp trouble, Rex- all "03" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature bald- ness, Our faith in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that your money will be cheerfully re- funded if it does not do as we claim. Two sizes, 500 and $1.00. Sold only at our store -The Rexall Store. J. W. McKfbbon. ! About Carbolic Acid. - In order to lessen the frequency of accidents with carbolic acid, both by being burned with it in lotions and simple ointments when mixed by yourself, and the accidental taking of it for medicine, it would be a good plan, instead of buying pure carbolic acid to purcbase a 25% soluble carbolic solution, which is readily soluble in water in all proportions, thereby preventing any of it becoming separ- ated on account of its insolubility. Again, if any person tcok a teaspoon- ful of it by accident for medicine, he would only get about 15 drops of pure carbolic acid, which would be much less dangerous than a teaspoonful. In using it, just use 4 times the quantity you would of pure carbolic, and you will have the same proportions. In dropping it out, if you wished to use five drops of pure carbolic, then use twenty drops. If you unconsciously dropped one drop too much with the solution you would be one quarter of a drop out, instead of a whole drop, so it is more desirable for measuring than the pure acid. This '..t: e'as ode.otir AL elm You are a particular house- keeper - You are a discriminating buyer--�- You are a good Manager- ' That is why we ask you to come in and let us show you this ThMijpothilOxf�rd There's nota better baker hi the "[Dominion, A special divided oven flue guarantees that. A special grate guarantees the inost heat for the fuel consumed. Special ash -door guard guarantees cleanliness. Nickel lifts off and saves work of scouring. .And The Oxford&ionoinizer saves 20% of your coal bill, We want to demonstrate these exclusive Gurney features to yon -their economy, efficiency, the satisfaction they give. Then Wo leave it to you to decide ---can you eon/ to use any other range in your kitchen ? You'll find a full line of Gurney Oxford Stoves on our floor --all styles and all prices -Made for every purpose and, all kinds of fuel. Colne in any time, we're always glad to scow then), W. J. BOYCE - • Wingham URNEY1IXFOkii f $5.00 Silk Petticoats for $3.95 $12,00 Lined Goats, Black or in Colors, for , . $10.00 JUST STOP AND OONSIDER A 'MOMENT Perhaps you think a large city store can give you more for your mons that's than we can. But that s because you haven't reasoned it out. Our expense of doing business is less than one half that of the big city stores in props- •; _ the amount of businesik . - We are determined to build up a business and we are willing to satisfy ourselves with a very small net profit is order to do 80. The fact that we claim to give such unusual values does not make it so, but the goods are here to prove it. We defy any store, anywhere, to match our values in Silks and Dress Goods, Ready.to wear Coats, Skirts, Waists and Furs. 1 aommitisiounwis Christmas Is Coming. a..m=leNy But _we are already here with a full stock of suit- able articles for the Festive season. Something suitable for everyone. Come in and see our stock. We suggest a few things for Xmas, presents, For The Ladies We have the most up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods that can be obtained, which we're selling at wholesale prices. These are snaps. Then we have a full line of Sweater Coats, Ice Wool Shawls and Scarfs, Belts and Belting of all kinds, Combs for the hair, -,and Shoes for the feet, etc., etc. Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs from 75 etc. to 50 cents each. Plain Linen Handkerchiefs and fancy ones for the children. For Men And Boys We have Far Overcoats, Cloth Coats with Fur Collars, Rubber -lined Tweed Coats with College Collars and Presto Convertible Collars -the very newest styles. Snits for the Men and Snits for the Bos. All at 25 per cent. off for cash. A full litre of New Shirts for the Christmas trade ; also Sweaters for the Boys. A full lino Fresh Groceries just arrived. We have some choice Clover 1toney in 1 lb. sections, also in tins. All kinds of Produce taken. Poultry of all kinds wanted in large quantities must be dry plucked,. and well fattened. Potatoes taken in any quantity. Phone 89 T. A. Mills WINGHAM