HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-12-01, Page 5THURSDAY, DEC1 MI ER 1, 1910 TIER WIN(SIUAM ADVANCE important -part man's dress is odea undexwebr. MR. DRESSER :-- UNDERWEAR IS IMPORTANT TO 3)0U BECAUSE IT IS NEXT TO you. yoUR OUTER CLOTHES CANNOT FIT UNLESS YOUR UNDERCLOTHES DO. WE HAVE GOT ALL SIZES IN UNDER- WEAR FOR MEN SLI1 OR MEN STOUT. OUR UNDERWEAR WILL KEEP y0U WARM, BUT WE WON'T WARM- you ON THE PRICE. $2.00 WILL BUy A GOOD SUIT OF UNDERWEAR. $3.50 WILL BUY A SUIT OF BETTER UNDERWEAR. COME, LET US KEEP you WARM. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS t L MEN'S FURNISHERS Spirit Of Unrest. The great unrest among the people in all the civilized countries of the world is beginning to attract special attention. Humanity is like the sea —it is never quite free from move- ment, but there are periods of com- parative calm and others of turbulence and violent disturbance. You have it in Portugal, in Germany, in France, in Austria, in Russia, Itlay and the United States of America, all of which are highly protected countries. You have also got it in the North of England, in South Wales, and in Scotland under the Free _Trade ban- ner. A correpondent of the "West- minster Gazette" explains the unrest amongst the workmen in that part of England by attributing it to the general discontent which the work- man feels with his lot and by the fact that he is given more and more to reflect upon the contrast between his own hard, grey life, and that of other more favored, although not more meritorious, members of society. These Were Whoppers. Five Swede turnips raised by a Muimur farmer weighed one hundred pounds. Branch Railways. Tne Owen Sound Sun says :—The Canadian Northern Ontario Railway has given notice of an application to the Dominion Parliament at the ses- sion just opened for contract extend- ing the time for the construction of a number of authorized branch lines in Ontario, two of which will touch Owen Sound. Charters were granted for these two lines by Parliament 3 years ago and they now ask for an ex- tension of time. The lines are -1st, one from the township of Pickering to Owen Sound and 2nd, from between Dunnville and Port Dover to Owen Sound or Meaford. A glance at the map of Ontario and a reference to the plans in Ontario which are already being carried out, would lead to the conclusion that the C. N. R. have an idea of making Owen Sound their Eastern Lake terminus. With these two routes the C. N. R. would be placed in possession of direct connec- tion with almost every point in East- ern and Western Ontario. 000000 O 0 0 0 O 0 A 0 0 0 O 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 ry 00000 000 000000 • 4€4 W. G. PATTERSON (THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR) Has the swellest and best line of the newest kinds of - JEWEL all Ever shown in any jewelry store this year, suitable for Christmas Gifts. It is not necessary to send out of town this year for swell Christmas (lifts. You can get the newest and best here. W. G. PATTERSON JEWELER OPPOSITE QUEEN'S HOTEL w WINaHAM 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 Bear In Kinloss. A black bear (some say a pair of black bears) has been seen recently in the vicinity of ilolyrood and the 10th concession. According to reports in circulation here, the animals bas killed shEep, hugged dogs, scratched at the doors of dwelling houses, and per- formed a number of other remarkable feats; and not a fanner in the infested district seems fond enough of a gun to go forth and kill the brute,—(Luoknow Sentinel. Farmers Own Minerals. According to a sweeping decision of the High Court, farmers in Kent and Essex, own the minerals under their land, including oil, all IS is despite the fact that thousands of acres there are held under deeds from the Canada Company, which reserve the rights to all minerals, as well as large tracts of land in other parts of the province. Backed up by the Attorney -General of Ontario, a test case cane before Sir John Boyd a few weeks ago to decide the rights of the Canada Company, and of oil this, com- panies to which they had granted sup- posed rights. The Chancellor finds for the farmers in every respect. Monster Deputation. The biggest deputation that ever visited the capital will be there on Dec. 15 and 10, when the members of the National Council of Agriculturists will arrive in a body to petition the Government regardingg'•the tar iff. Mr. W. L. Snaith of the Weekly Sun, To- ronto, has communicated with Publi- city Commissioner Baker and other officials in Ottawa, to make arrange- ments in the hotels for the accommo- dation of 1,100 delegates. A big con- vention will be held in' the Grand Opera House there on Dec. 15, when the agriculturists will map out their programme. It is estimated that there will be at least 800 delegates from the West, besides those from other provinces. Police Changes, Several changes are being made in the provincial police department in order to make the force more efficient and Mr. J, E. Rogers, the superinten- dent, is satisfied that the charge will mean a better force and more string- ent enforcement of the laws of the province. For the past ten months all provincial constables had to send in their reports direct to headquarters. This was done in order that the super- intendent might get in touch with the men and the work they were doing, in order to save time, now that the sup- erintendent knows all the men, the re- ports in future will be sent to ,the in- spector in each of the three police divisions. There are now three pro- vincial police divisions, the western, which was created only a few days ago, with Inspector M. Emmons, of Kenora, in charge ; the northern, with Inspector Geo. Caldbick, of Cobalt, in charge ; and the southern of which In- spector W. M. Maines of Niagara Falls is the chief. 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS. J. Walton McKibbon Offers A Remedy For Catarrh. The Medicine Costs Nothing If It Fails. • When a medicine effects a success- ful treatment in a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our own personal guar- antee that it will cost the user nothing if it does not completely relieve catarrh, it is only reasonable that people should believe us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facts' which we want the people. to substan- tiate. We want them to try Rexall Mucu-Tone, a medicine prepared from a prescription of a physician with whom catarrh was specialty, and who has a record of thirty years of enviable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Rexall Mucu-Tone than we do of all other catarrh remedies sold in our store, and if more people only knew what a thoroughly dependable retnedy Rexall Mucu•Tone is, it would be the only catarrh remedy we would have airy demand for. Rexall Mucu•Tone is quickly ab- sorbed and by its therapeutic effect tends to disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which injure the membraneous tissues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous discharge, build up atbng, healthy tissue and relieve the blood and system of diseased matter. Its in- fluence is toward stimulating the muco -cells, aiding digestion and im- proving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time it brings about a noticeable gain in weight, Strength, good color and felling of buoyancy. We urge you to try Rexall Mum - Tone, beginning a treatment to -clay. At any time you are not satisfied, simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return your money without question or quibble. We have Rexall Mum -Tone in two sizes, G0e and $1.00. Remember you can obtain itexall Remedies In Wieigham only at our store—The Rexall Store. J. W. Mo. Kibbop. - All we ask is for you to let us buy a 5O cent bottle of Psychine (pronounced Si -keen) from your druggist and give it to you free to try, It has only been within recent years that we have ebme to really know about the white corpuscles of the blood or the phagocytes and what their function is. 'That they are the policemen or scavengers of the body. Devouring every disease germ that enters the body when they are strong enough or in sufficient numbers. Or being devoured in turn by these disease germs when inferior in strength. It has only been within the last few years that scientists have found out that certain herbs strengthen and In- crease these white corpuscles, or bodily scavengers. And these herbs largely compose Psychine. For thirty years Psychine has been strengthening and increasing the white corpuscles of the blood. For thirty years Psychine has been building up run-down vitality, curing many of apparently hopeless diseases.' We have sold millions of bottles of Psychine in that time, We have cured hundreds of thou- sands, And we have received hundreds of thousands of unsolicited testimonials. All due to this marvellous power of strengthening and increasing the white corpuscles of the blood, dllere are the diseases in the treat- ment of which Psychine is indicated. Here are the diseases of which Psy- chine has cured many thousand cases; La Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhages - Sore Throat Anaemia Temale Weakness Indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and Fevers Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs weak voice • Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal AiteetIons Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia Aftor•oitects of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La Grippe,. Now, we don't ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon below, mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Psychine to be given you free of cost, We will undoubtedly buy and distri- bute in this manner hundreds of thou- sands of these 15Q -cent bottles of 1?sy.. chine. And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that has been based on our 30 years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made. • COUPON No. 122 To the Dr. T. A. SLUCUM, Ltd, 193.195 Spadina Ave., Toronto, I accept your offer to try a 600. bottlo of Psychino (pronounced Si -keen) ab your expense. I have nob had a 500,, bottle of Psychine under this plan. Kindly advise nay druggist to deliver this bottle to me. My Name Town . Street and Number ,..•. My Druggist's Nam Street and Number This coupon is not geed for a 60o. bottle of Psychino if presented to the druggist —it must be sent us—we will then buy the Mc, bottle of Psychino from your druggist and direct him to deliver it to you, This offer may bo withdrawn at any time without notice, Send coupon to -day., i This Concrete Root Cellar Costs Less Than Wood and is Much More Durable Cement is particularly adapted to • the con- struction of Root Cellar floors and walls. Experience proves that for the farmer, Con- crete is superior to wood in every point of comparison. Concrete permits of a 'desirable degree of coolness without freezing. There is no question as to its durability. Concrete lasts, not for years, but for ages; and reeds no repair. Anyone who has scooped vegetables from the old plank floor will appreciate the' fact that Concrete offers a smooth, continuous surface with no projecting plank ends or nails to damage 'the scoop or ruffle the temper of the scooper. Ton may Bend ms a 0010 of "What the Farmer don Do With Concrete." Nome The various uses to which Concrete may be profitably put, on the farm, are plainly and simply in our 160 -page book, "What' the Farmer Can Do With Concrete" which shows how the following farm buildings and utilities can be constructed of concrete:— Barns, Cisterns, Dairies, Dip- ping Tanks, Foundations, Fence Posts, Feeding Floors, Gutters, Hens' Nests, Hitching Posts, Horse • Blocks, Houses, Poul - Shelter Walls, Stables, Stairs, Stalls, Steps, Tanks, Troughs, Walks, and so forth. Send for It—It's free—thougl it regularly sells for 600. Write to -day. CANADA CEMENT CO.; Limited 51-60 National Bank Building, MONTREAL 'Address ............................ Turnberry. Council met Nov. 21 ; members all present. Peter McEwen's assessment error was corrected, and By-law No. 13, for holding Nominations Dec. 26th, duly passed. The Clerk was instructed to send accounts for all due Turnberry from other townships. The following accounts were passed and orders issued :—Wm. Elliott, tile, $2 45 ; E. Orvis, gravel, $156 ; James Showers, repairs, $$L00 ; McKinnon Bros., filling at bridge, $153 44 ; Robt. Yeo. inspecting filling, $22.75 ; Robert Sharpin, reparing culvert, $4.50 ; E. D. Bolton. Wright & Hyslop drain, $1,- 50; Wesley Palmer, grading with engine on Howick boundary, $4; M. Willits, lighting bridge, etc., $15; August Miller, drain, Howlck bound- ary, $2; John.Henry, fence at bridge, $5 ; G. Underwood, work and spikes, Bolt's bridge, $17.50; John Foston, work on road, $1; Albert Homuth, brushing road, $3 ; H. B. Elliott, Turnberry Agricultural Society, $15; R. Musgrove, inspecting cement piers', $31; Duff & Stewart, lumber, $12.89 ; Paul Powell, part salary, $50; Peter McLaren, part salary $50 ; A. Hill & Co,, part payment on bridge, $1,000. Meeting adjourned to meet on Thursday, Dec. 15, 1910, at ten o'clock a.m. J. Burgess, Clerk. Won't Do It Again. Nearly 20 summonses were issued against responsible young men for rioting and law -breaking in Dnrham on Hallowe'en, It cost each of them $5 to settle. The Reason Why. Why do so many farmers read The Weekly Sun ? Because it persistently advocates their cause; it faithfully supplies the practical farmer with valuable information on all agricul-. tural topics, and is the most reliable barometer of market conditions to be found in Canada. Include Tho Farm- er's Sun in your reading next year. Increasing The Crops. Prof. James, Deputy -minister of Agriculture, holds that every business man in the Province should interest himself in the matter of increasing, the products of Ontario's farms. He is light in assuming that every man, woman and child in the Province would benefit were the farmers of this Province receiving $500,000,000 an- nually for their products instead of $250,000,000. He arrives at these figures by pointing out that "In the Province of Ontario we have 175,000 farms, whose annual productions total about $250,000,000, If by some magic process of regeneration, we could turn all the indifferent farmers into wide awake, progressive, up-to-date farm- ers, the total production would easily be doubled, and it is not beyond the reach of possibility to treble the out- put." According to Mr. James' figures, the average production of the average Ontario farm is slightly over $1,400. If the size of the average On- tario farm be taken at a 100 acres, thet value of its annual output appears small ; considering the investment and the amount of work entailed. • It R-� fI' 'Kum I4..1D WHFAT • BEAUTIFUL DR[SS GOODS AT BROKEN PRICES We are clearing out what remains of our natty up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We had in stock this season the very latest materials and newest shades that could be purchased anywhere, pod we are offering these goods at wholesale prices. We do not intend to keep one piece over —so there is a genuine bargain in Dress Goods waiting for you. CORSETS When you get a new Suit or a new Drees you will naturally want a new pair of Corsets. We handle the famous D & A Corset in all the new long styles. Our new lines at 75e and $1.00 are quite equal to the ordinary $1.00 and $1.25 lines. Try a pair of these. FLANNELETTE Our range of Flannelettes is large and well assorted, in plain colors and fancy stripes—good washable colors. OVERCOATS A frill stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats with the com- fortable "Presto" Convertible Collars, kept complete, Call and see these Coats—they will Blease yon. Also a splen- did line of Men's and Youths' ready-to-wear Clothing, in the newest tailored designs. Distinetive style and perfect fit are built into every garment. In design, cloth and finish they will please even the most exacting taste, and all this at very reasonable prices. We always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter, and Poultry. 'Phone 89 T. A. Mills .. 4f.• . r 49 POUNDS'' 24.F0llNllSx . 'I4PgUNq"i POUNDS'' lour Mills Oor npafiy, Limito W1NGHAM '' •- L ,•i�; 4 ' ,k ' 1pC II: _.I III ! � iii j 1` 'r .''' � - . - "'►s' h;,,`` -- W' , ,�;�., t' - ' ,. y �. JuST STOP AND C MOMENT Perhaps you store eau give money than because you Otir expense is less than one big city stores the amount We are determined a business and to satisfy ourselves small net profit The fact that such unusual make it so, here We defy any to match our and Dress wear Coats, and $5.00 Silk Petticoats $12.00 Lined or in Colors, think you we can. haven't out. of half in of so. we values but to prove store, values Goods, Skirts, Furs. Coats, a more doing proportion business we in claim the for reasoned that to are with order .. large city for your But that's it business of the to done. build up willing a very to do to give does not goods are it. ' anywhere, in Silks Ready -to Waists for $3.95 Black $10.00 III , isard & CA II V Co. It R-� fI' 'Kum I4..1D WHFAT • BEAUTIFUL DR[SS GOODS AT BROKEN PRICES We are clearing out what remains of our natty up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We had in stock this season the very latest materials and newest shades that could be purchased anywhere, pod we are offering these goods at wholesale prices. We do not intend to keep one piece over —so there is a genuine bargain in Dress Goods waiting for you. CORSETS When you get a new Suit or a new Drees you will naturally want a new pair of Corsets. We handle the famous D & A Corset in all the new long styles. Our new lines at 75e and $1.00 are quite equal to the ordinary $1.00 and $1.25 lines. Try a pair of these. FLANNELETTE Our range of Flannelettes is large and well assorted, in plain colors and fancy stripes—good washable colors. OVERCOATS A frill stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats with the com- fortable "Presto" Convertible Collars, kept complete, Call and see these Coats—they will Blease yon. Also a splen- did line of Men's and Youths' ready-to-wear Clothing, in the newest tailored designs. Distinetive style and perfect fit are built into every garment. In design, cloth and finish they will please even the most exacting taste, and all this at very reasonable prices. We always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter, and Poultry. 'Phone 89 T. A. Mills .. 4f.• . r 49 POUNDS'' 24.F0llNllSx . 'I4PgUNq"i POUNDS'' lour Mills Oor npafiy, Limito W1NGHAM