HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-12-01, Page 4Nee THE WINE AM ADVANCE I ing's For Bargains We Want Your Trade KING'S The _busy Store Gents' Coon Coats The ever increasing popularity of KING'S COON COATS shows that we have been work- ing along the right lines in the past, by paying Special Attention to this line. Not only Coon Coats, but the Dog Coats, Alaska Beaver, Calf, Australian Coon, and Fur -lined Coats, have been a credit to our Fur Department. Men's Fur Coats from $15.00 to $too.00. SEE OUR SPECIAL Gents' Fur --lined Coat at $50.00 PRODUCE WANTED --Butter, Eggs, Beans, • Fowl„ Dried Apples, Raw Furs. T r GEO. E. KING (Good Goods I sammumamomminimmomnot smaitan gym. ICheap Prices anrI.w..a..,- I Gordon's, Great Clearing Sale Goes on unceasingly, be- coming more popular and attractive each day as the people learn of the won- derful money -saving bar- gains that are to 'be had . on every counter. COME RIGHT ALONG This attractive Slaughter Sale This attractive Slaughter Sale will continue until every ar- ticle is sold at some price. M. Gordon One who saves wisely is not consid- ered a miser. Rather is he given credit for much good sense and judicious forethought. Ile leeks ahead . and sees, perhaps sickness, accident, or any one of the Multitude of things which might cause an unusual strain upon his resources. One Dollar will start tats account With the Bank of f lalrtiltort. Co P. SMITE, Agent Itlingham mom ubt Witzitgp xnt 1,bfaante Theo. Hail - Proprietor, • a. tea-"�'' vv°.fiv.NV ".. ,._<, �:--..vv,vv• OSTIOPATUY. The following communication from a student of this subject may be of in- terest to our readers ;— This science of drugless healing was first given to the world in 1874 by A, T. Still, M.D. In 1893, he founded the American School of Osteopathy, the first of eight, at Kirksville, Missouri, where alone, at this present moment over 000 earnest students at their 3 or 4 year course of equipment to, battle with disease. There are at present over 5,000 Osteopathy Physicians practicing in the United States, and the benefits of this rational method of treatment are being felt in England, Scotland, Ger- many, France and as far as Persia and China. People of B. C. have heartily welcomed the doctors of Osteopathy, both by finances and Iegislature. It was introduced in Ontario in 1890 and now there are 00 practitioners helping our sick. Their principle briefly is this that in disease there is to be found some ob- struction to the proper flow of blood or nerve force or other vital fluid and that, if the obstruction is searched for, found and removed, the body then has its proper chance to build up the part or fight the disease germs, and health results. They believe that all the chemicals that are needed for health are manufactured inside the. body, and, therefore except as anti- dates, or anesthetics, they do not ad- minister drugs internaIIy. As the blood stream nourishes all parts of the body and the nervous sys- tem governs all parts of the body— even the blood vessels, any interfer- ence or squeezing of the nerves (which frequently is found along the spine, where most of the nerves come from) will interfere with the !use and nour- ishment of the parts to which those nerves run. Besides this all other natural agen- cies which are in harmony with the body, such as dietetics, water, heat, cold, sunlight, air, exercises and psy- chic forces are used in order to place a diseased bodyunder such conditions as will -enable Nature to effect a CUM This is applicable to all classes of disease,except where the case has reached such a state that surgery is necessary, PARISIAN SAGE. ,,AN IDEAL HAIR TONIC. Parisian Sage is compounded in the most advanced scientific principles, and nothing on the market to -day can compare with 'it. It accomplishes so much more than the ordinary tonics and it does it so quickly that users are astonished. Parisian Sage kills the dandruff germs and eradicates dandruff, stops falling hair, itching of the scalp and splitting hairs in two weeks or we will refund your money. Parisian Sage gives a fascinating lustre to women's hair and makes it beautiful. It makes the hair grow luxuriantly; it is the daintiest and most refreshing hair dressing that science has produced, and has not a particle of grease or stickiness in it, Parisian Sage costs 50c at your drug- gist or postpaid from the proprietors, The Giroux Mfg. Co„ Fort Erie, Ont. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. Sold and guaranteed by J. W. McKibben. Suit Over A Tree. At the division court at Leaming- ton a case of public interest, was heard, being that of Miss Heathering- ton vs. the Leamington Heat & Light Co. In stringing their wires they had, as Mies Heatherington thought, mutilated a tree to an unreasonable extent, hence the action. The judge, after hearing the evidence and ex- amining the tree, thought so too, and awarded her $30 damages and costs. This should be a warning to light, telegraph and telephone companies in other towns where they seem to think they own the whole municipality and cut trees down to suit their own con- venience and without asking permis- sion. Shade trees are too valuable to be destroyed, Grand Trunk Pacific. The Grand Trunk Pacific Raiiway Company. which will own the West- ern division and lease the Eastern division of the National Transconti- nental Railway, is seeking some basis on whieh to operate the whole system as far as it has been or may be conn- pleted. There are many hundreds of miles practically ready for operation and it is time some business arrange- ment should be made to prevent en much, capital from lying inert. The ''Western, division is nosy completed front Winnipeg to near the Rocky Mountains, and soon the Rastern division will be completed from Winnipeg to the eastern boundary of Ontario. From Cochrane, the point of junction with the Ontario and Tetniscaning Railway, the road might very shortly be opened for regular traffic to the Rockies, and the sooner the better. According to all the reports from those who have seen it, the track le splendidly constructed, with heavy traile, ltgbt grader, easy curie aid, good road -bed, A Cash Market. no Orangeville Banner reports thusly on the weekly cash market recently established there :---"Oranges vine's ---"Orange- vine's cash produce market last Thursday was a decided success.. Turkeys, geese, chickens, butter and eggs were offered in liberal quantities and everything that was brought in was snatched up at top market prices, Competition was keen between the two Toronto buyers, who were pre, sent, a Mt. Forest produce dealer and Mr. W. Fairbairn, the 1o01 egg buyer, Eggs brought 35c and one woman sold a lot at the fancy price of 410 a dozen, Butter was in keen demand at 23e and 24c. The buyers showed a market partiality for lb. prints done up in wrappers, with the maker's name and address printed, thereon. Good butter put up this way brought from lc to 2e a lb, over the regular prices. All kinds of poultrywas in demand at good prices. The ruling prices were as follows :— Eggs' 3.1c to 41c; turkeys 17e to 19c ; geese 12c; ducks 12c to 140; chickens loo to 14e ; butter 23c to 21c. The. outside buyers were apparently well pleased with the market and announc- ed their intention of coming agate, COBALT, UOWQANDA AND PORCUPINE. Investors and Prospectors are now flocking into the above regions and the splendid reports of new silver finds at Gowganda, and gold at Porcupine, indicate that before long there will be a rapid expansion in values and those who now embrace the opportunity of getting in will be richly rewarded. - The 8,30 p.m. Grand Trunk "Cobalt Special" leaves Toron- to daily. Full particulars and tickets from Grand Trhnk Agents, or address J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Cured By Booth's Kidney Pills. T. E. Foster, of St, John St., Fred- ericton, N. B., says I have found more actual relief front Booth's Kidney Pills than in All else I have ever tried for rheumatism. The pains in my limbs have les- sened greatly and I am better and stronger than in years previous, ,Illy appetite ' has built up and I eat and sleep 6?�; z"s . 3:" better than I ,ssi'is'�`R°..,: _.4 have In over 3 years. My gen- eral health is greatly improved and I can credit this only to Booth's Kidney This. ie the Booth Kidney Pill way. These wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to refund your money if they rail to relieve any sufferer from. rheumatism or any trouble having its origin in the kidneys. They cure backache, dull shooting pains, thick and cloudy urine, gravel and stone, rheumatism and all diseases et the kidneys and bladder. - Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists and dealers at 50c a box, or postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co,, Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and gua- ranteed by J. W. McKibben. - REV, IRL R. HICKS 1911 ALMANAC. The Rev. Irl R, Hicks Almanac for 1911, that guardian angel in a hun- dred thousand homes, is now ready. Not many are now willing to be with- out it and the Rev, Irl R. Hicks Magazine, WORD AND WORKS, The two are only ONE DOLLAR a, year. The Almanac is 35c prepaid. No home or office should fail to send for them, to WORD AND WORKS PUBLISHING COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, Mo. E. C. WIIITI3 ., Ladies'. and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry crtntains the newest All - wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. Inspection invited. You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Sailings, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over - coatings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when , you let us make Clothes expressly for you. 13. C. WHITE WILSON BLOCK WINGI-IAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor Th e 1st Rm for Yowr /i'itchen There's only one best in anything—ranges or anything else. Now we want 'to demonstrate to you why we say this Imperial Oxford Range is the best range for your kitchen, • - TbeOXFORDECONOM/ZE/? SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL This is a special patent found only on Gurney -Oxford Ranges— reduces household'expenses. Keeps fire running at four-fifths the cost. Figure that out in dollars and cents. GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BARING DAY Another Gurney -',ford patent spreads the heat over the entire oven. Flakes it bake in front as well as back ---under crust as well as upper. Figure the time and worry saved on that. Ras a half-dozen other special features worth everything to you for convenience and economy. Features that tan be demonstrated in the stere in a jiffy, but we can't explain here. Please. give us ten. minutes of your time next time you're 'down town. These ranges are made by one of the oldest and most reliable concerns in Canada. Their guarantee of quality is back of ours ---we Want to thew you their good points. We also carry other Gurney -Oxford stoves for all purposes and all hinds of fuel. Whatever you want is sure to be in their line --•-and sure to be satisfactory. Come in and see for yourself, W. J. BOYCE WI G IAM The Busy Man's Creed. We believe in the stuff wo are handing out, in the Arms we are working for, and in our ability to get results. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest then by honest methods, We believe in 'working, not weeping ; in boosting,. not knockiq ; and in the pleasure of our job. We believe that a man gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -day is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself, We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition. We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIGHT NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots. "Well situated, just the place for' a retired farmer. Price Reasonable. Ritchie do Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Where Are You Going P I'm Iooking for A. g. WILFORD, because he pays best prices and he SAYS my weight is just exactly what IT IS. Office at AWDB'S Feed Store DR. JAS. L. WILSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Special attention to diseases of Women and Children, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, and glasses properly fitted. (Dr. McDonald's old stand) DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORRIE, ONT. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all day)—office in Grand Central Block. At 14ordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. This college is recognized as the great practical training school of Western Ontario. It is the largest as well as the best. Our courses are practical, our teachers experienced instructors, our graduates succeed. Three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Wo have scores of applications wo can- not meet. Calls offering $15, $55 and 560 per month aro remaining unfilled. Get our free catalogue and commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal /V\ Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd ELLIOTT 'OEONTO, ONT. CANADA'S HIGH CLAS COMMER- CIAL SCHOOL ; enjoys an extensive patronage; instruction strictly first-class; graduates always suooessful. Write to- day for handsome catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonne and Alexander Ste. Wanted Now For Winghant and surrounding dis- islet, for Fail and Winter months, an energetic' reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT PREF EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY NO ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable term at thio time. Established over' 80 years. Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. Jas. Walker & Son WINgIAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers we are IPeoislly tinall1ed tinder - takers and Embalmers, and those eptrustlrrg their work to n. may rely on it being well done. Night Cons Mated ed at reetdenos. noise Pbtsee 1041 Eons' Phalle 1916 The Profit Sharing Store WINGJJAr, ONTARIO KERB Sc. BIRD NOT LONG NOW UNTIL THE LAMAS RUSH So come early and see our Toys especially. For- get that you are grown up ; come and bring the kiddies, and see how much they'll enjoy our many Toys. Beautiful dressed Dolls, all sizes, _. some talk and some sleep, China Dolls, Kid Dolls, every kind of Dolls. Droll Teddy Bears, some just learning to walk, some climb- ing poles, some growl, too, but they're safely muzzled. Comical Grey Monkeys, white Dogs with long silky manes, White Rabbits, Swim- ming Walrus, 'in fact everything to please the Children, So come along and see our Toy Window this week. CLEARING SALE OF CLOTHING A few Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Jackets at a big discount ; broken sizes ; but waren and serviceable. Women's Heavy Coats, and Girls' Heavy Coats, well made, warm, and a discount of 34%. We guarantee these goods to be in good shape, not at all shop worn and a discount of 3 means a big saving to you. discount on all our up-to-date Suits. rSIMMS 41111111111111111111111111 • NO Sate OIIIMIIIIMMIPS MOM 11111111311111111111111, MIN 1 MEN ATTENTION ! 1 � 1 Here is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the very latest up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. We have just received a shipment of NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS Owing to having given the order early in the summer, before I had decided on 1 1 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The wholesale house would not cancel the order, . but sent the goods along. Consequently, you have the new goods to select your Suit and Overcoat from at the 1 SAME LOW PRICES 1 SUITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas. OVEECOATSLBlack, Brown, Green and Striped ; in Beavers, Miltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. TRO USEEINGS---all styles and prices Tints and space will not permit of Price List. Suffice to say, that those having seen the goods, and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvelous. Come and see for yourself. I � Robt. Maxwell � I, TAILOR J