HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-11-24, Page 6132698 , quickly stops coughs, cures colds, beats the throat and lungs. - • • 25 cents. —a MATHEMATICAL CONTRACTION. lloeten Twin ieripta "I've fnd ououw t hy ow speak of the participants in a wedding as the con- tracting 112121 12,34," "1 biiC. What's the answer ?" "It's beettft-e the two beoume one." lomonolinowilmilionampouitioursupowaimit sudden emotion tvithit tcaelation ber positieu Itad avoateed in aim. "'eta hour -en beer and a itaif ago," cit id Joao,: treeithitteg, she anew not wile. "tVliat le the wetter" Beetle walked to the windowand leak- ej, out; then he turned, and Netted at tier awn, and then Wok to the window. "Don't. -dun% *peak to me ;for a mo- ment, plettee," he eaid, era his voice ovulate!. "What you here told ane tele tether startled Ine. Porgive me if I seem 'ammo. I will explain' directly," Great heavenel huw eloula he explain? .yet he must, be wont, l save her. :CHAPTER XIV. GLASS4OOTTOM BOATS. "*.A. A Western idea That May be (Ail. ized Eisewhero. The boatman anxious to iniprove the shining hour might certainly profit from Weatotta aleYelopMento- that itt, if Wel conditiens are amen- able thereto, Out at Oatalinu 102044, off Mn Francisco, glass -bottom boats are in 1,1reat demand, for they reveal to those who patroni4e them an unknown world arid new beauties -the bottom of the sea'. They are a distinct noaeity, and ply a thriving trade tipple the Bay of Melon, which inshOre at not deep, while the water le as clear as crystal. In the bottom 0 the boat, seYa Chambers' ITournal, are placed large sheets of 'transparent glass, and through this the passenger can see, as he is propelled elowly Along, dense elastera Of Seaweed aesutning fan- tastic shapes, shells, fishes of in- finite variety 0 hue in their native element, as well as Some of the strangest creatures that are known to live in the deep. The charms reveal- ed in this mannezare so kaleidos- copic tie to exercise a peculiar fas- cination upon one. A trip in one of these glazed craft is not only a re- creation, but an educational exper- ience as well, Wiiia• Witte an etverage of five hunarea earthquake eltoeles a year life k main - Ramat at an interesting level In anima. - -4 Pett Why s:tiftliti. Dr. Cook have retear- ed mouths of seelusion from the %atria to prepare L'original data" to prove las polar elainte? Again the Transvaal has broken he gollaproduction record. 111 4kugaq it. produced 040,209 ()meow. rallied at A:2,- 750,010, or .t:44.83.1 more then i 1 July, whieh watt the Ivo .tet ttp till that time. • it tie The aboriginal inhabitants of New South NValee are ilying out. in Septem- ber laqt they munliered 7,370, ae again; 8,910 iti 1 eee, The blood.; ate saia to he :alert lived. & h&Sitt has about 11,000,000 Polite. In Prussia and Aush•lit there are 7,500, 000 Intae. Russia's effort at denation alizing the Poles lute not been sawy sue et:arid and ehe ha; her trouble; to reek - on upon. .. The 0-e1111 eatoe eentem. [hap a reduetant of naiad d eahle- gra t from aa to la I. eaea word, There no deabt that aa iniportiei reclue:lan ie cable rate,-; would lead to Longa' to both the chanianiee Ana the autdia Tile withdrawal of the Britieh garri- son from. St„ Helena hi 1900 has left the 4,000 people of the island in a sorry plight, and many of them would gladly leave it, if they coal& People cannot cm memories of an exiled emperor. 4 -.- .Admiral Evans, of the United States, says that country ie unprepared for war, not because it lacks vessels or soldiers, but bemuse it has not a supply of powder on hand. Guns, however big they may be, ere not very terrifying without ammonition. • • as The population of the country Within 20 miles of New York's City Tiall, from the kat Official figures obtainable, was 5,332,00, equivalent to that, of Chicago, Phila.delpaia, 81, Louis, Boston, Balti- more and Columbus combated, or over half that of the combined Stateof New York ana New Jersey. Right at LastiXT 4:-..smrsons. AiruizinitilnetlisolMir=unaluxeRillsgallfaXPOSKPLINIIMINEK jean never anew how the evening passed. SIM did uot hear the immere thwe of the girls. aria was deaf to the tiona: giowle. ThOT Wile 00 mom in het theughte 11oe7 for eitylitiug et. .anyone but Lord \Mania. ahe elide away from the house at the Appointed ti Mt' and 4ttri ()tilt -it!' 3101111 lito lane. tetra Villiers was by her eide in a mometa. atly darling!" he breathed with al- most an air of relief. "I fancied your : eeltelege woula bave failed you, it is so ilnd k ; and aleo au late." As he spoke he almoet kook Iter in ' hie arms and carried jeer to the carriage which was waiting; the door elueed sharply. anti the uext moment they were off. Joan noticed that before they started the grcom extingoisited the lamoe, and in the intense darkuess they mede their way to the station. "Wait here, dearest, 1.111 1 come for you," said Lord Villiers. Ile bed seemly spot:ea during tile drive; and he went and eeked for two tivaete, one for London and one for Plymouth; then be ran down and mut% fling Joan in a voluminous wrap, brought her on the platfotm at the laet moneent, and swiftly drew the eurtaine. A brougham was waiting for them at Paddington. and with the same swift decision, Lord Villiers conducted Joan to it, stiii enveloped in her wraps, and the carriage was the first to leave the station yard. "So fer we ere safe," he strid; "and now we can defy them'Joan, ' Look Look around you, dearest. We are in London at last." It was noon, and tbe streets were at their fullest, with the same sense of un- reality, Joan looked at the people as they whirled past, as if she were look- ing at 4 city in dreemlend. He had no time to engage rooms, and ae the brougham passed down the quiet pert of Pall Mall, he kept 'a close watch mail Ile saw a bill in one of the win - The house looked respectable and aris- toreatie, and, stopping the carriage, he got out and knocked at tae door, He was shown upstairs, had a sltort interview with the landlady, and in five minutes had made Jenne, explath- ing that his wife and biniself had come up unexpectedly, and, offering to pay a week's rent in:advance. "That is not necessary, .sir," said the Jandlady, quietly. "I think 1 know a gentleman when I see him, What Dame, r ?" Once again Lord Villiers was at fault, and be heeitateds with his own name on his lips, as the thought flashed upon his .mind that to give his true .name would be to provide a distinct :eineto the colonel, who WS by this time, no doubt, in pursuit. . "My: name is Newlands." he said, giv- ing ona of the family Chriatiau names at rand,oni. Japan has been obliged to modify her naval expansion policy. lestead of izing, as hoped for, a surplus of 130,000,- 000 yen, the Government finds itself with little more than 30,000,000 yen. Perhaps sanity in war preparation, is to be hoped for only from leek oameans with which to indulge jingoism. Peter Liebaeh, hermit, who, in many years o.1\ retirement, has accumulated 40,060, has received 05e, offers of mar- riage, 32 of them from Capedian widows and spinsters, some of whom ask him te pay their railway fare to Pattibuite. Lielmeh thinks that photographt of tht appliceets will be euffielent for his pule pose, Iowa has received a shock by the re- velateion of the census that there bas been no gain in population of the State in the deeade, but rather a slight de- crease. The Chicago Tribune accounts for it by saying: "Men have left be- cause they tatoughe there were better agricultural, opportunities in Canada or the far west." • Premier Braga, of the Government of the Republic of Portugal, (toes opt seem (pate happy yet, Ilis position was won by treaehery and violenee mid he finds it necessary to go about with an armed guard, which is uot above suspicion of being corrupted as was King Manners 8oldiers, "Uneasy lies the head. that wears a erown"; also that of the head of a revolutionary Republie. There is a great exodus front Nome. Dnring the height of the plaeer gold ex- eitement in 1000 there was a population of 70,000 there. The steamer Umatilla, which brought away MI passengers re- cently, reports that the exhaustion of the "%vomitories" has led to the desertion of the camp, although probe:bat 2,000 men are still working claims in the lo- cality. Nome has yielded neatly $40,000,- 000 in gold in a little over ten years. - • 1* In Kansas City prison 40 :convicts are now serving sentences for financial erooketiftesses of variotts kinds. Recent - Iv they preisentM to the Board of lar - dons a joint petition for velettse; hot, it wait rejected. There is too much lati- tude allowed to shady finance in this day. If men in positions of tromt felt that betrayal thereot wee may to be eondoned ou their working out the eom- pensation of those they Imee, wronged, there would he an improvement 111 the 11101111. ik0115 Of the ago. it is expectea that Caitut will soon have a Parliament, instertil of waiting till 10I1. On Oetoiter 3 'ma the new Semite met for the that time. Of lie .200 members. 100 bed been appointed ity oat threw,, thi hit. 20 the Senate ithanorialie.ed the threw*. praying for th or.tablishniont nf It mender parliament at the earlieet pessible moment. Wino Vn Lang anuounees that the grand couto ell recommendthat the petition eboula be grained. There are eliangee galena From Peollawur f0111054 the 111,51 that the Afridie ere likely to etatee 'trouble ott the nertheen Ana weeiern i'roetiee of Indio. 111(7 aeve proliably 5011911 fight._ hig men, and they hate. reechtly been get tiny, a %apply of 15111(41 loaders "PIC' I MOW 1'4" 11 tiVe fe 21. 11 .1. I, ! le eaid that they will : ealy get the eympttity perlitip• twice Coax 011111 - her of other Wine:men. :Ina, if so. they evelail present a salmi.; problem in thitt beaker' .acaintry. It lit not unlikely that l! laiteliener may hale Avnne work t iTt, TI in India again, • The landlady bowed. "And mine is Parsons, sir. I think you will be comfortable. We have only one -other gentleman in the house, and he :will not disturb you; hie rooms are on the floor beneath yours." Lord. 'Villiers nodded and - went ou to Joan, , "I have been a long while. have T 1101 1" he said, with a smile. "But we are at home at last;" and he gave her hie arm and let her in, A comfortable fire was. burning in t le glate, and the recall looked cosy and homelike after the tong journey. Lord *Villiers drew a ehair to the fire and make her sit down and, warm her- self, while he ordered someluncheon; then, when the landlady had left the room, he went and put his arm around Joan and kieted her. - "Joan, dearest, I have something im- portant to tell you," he said, trying to speak lightly. "I will do anything, everything you tell me," she said, simply. "You will have to help me in a little harmless pieee of deceit." "Of deceit?" . "Yee," he said, smiling down at her. "For inatance, you must forget that my name is Villiers. It would not have done to give the people of this house my right name. dearest! Colonel Oliver nifty advertise in the eveningpapers." "1 see," site said. slowly. , 'And whet your mullet" and site laughed softly. "alOtir name is Newlands," be said. "Our name?" she echoed, her brows arehed as she smiled up at him, . He smiled baek. "Why, yes, Joan. Husband, and wife are of the same name, you know." Her face went erimsoa, but her eyes 11151 1118 steadily, with the old light burn- ing in them. "But we are uot husband and wife - yeti." she murmured, "Not yet; not for a few hours, dear- est," he said; "but we must past; as suell." fat7e was silent, her eyes fixed on his "Iieve you told the people of the house that we were married already?" she said, in so low n tone Its to be at - nicest ineudible, lie laughed reassuringly. "‘Yesit was eeeeeeary, don't you Site raised her eyes to his with a little, Remitted look that Amine - maddened him. "I am so sorry," :she :said. 'But if you say it is right -and vet 1 am await I shall let out the truth!'" "Do atet do that!" he said, quickly. "You must listen to Me, loan! You must keep this little deeteitl" "And now I must leave yon for a little elate. Joan," he: added, with a reluctant Wel "Heaven knows, 1 hate to do so. but there is no help for it. I shall not he eone loag. atoll. will stareely minute laitm. 1 em Lack again." .-Ali, yoa will not be gone loug, in- deed. f hen." she murmured. The loving retort, se eliaraeteristie of her, tautea him to take her in his ante SIM 1'fi44 act- passionately. "I ein going for your sake, ;roan," he teal. "I am goleg to see about out. me; rlag., Not having been 'married be. ' fatC" illid Is' laughta, "I am rather stleutte to the hueinese. Hut I am going, to _meta. iegairiee. and I will be beck 11P 153 sit111,11 1:110 ittaire hurriedly, mat tell yee all alemt it.a mimed the deer. mut Motel ea the edge i of Thu vm 1., waiting for a Sale Otte ` .114, Ili lo .11 lilmliobt fir two, fuld lie ailea it a 14 ft, d in, telling the 'Weer a ativr te the lawver's in Lincoln's Tan, tte at. (et...urea .tito tilt, tio• door of 14' 11021.4 110 emi jest left wee thrown / rv. (ma a. youg man. with golden , a:r slid btee evee. .derted oat, calling . lit by mina. Bitt the ealt -had atertea Tlie young fellow stood geeing, with intrprise and astonishment on bie face; then he went ittsidc, shut the door, Ana rang hie bell so ittnottely the landlady eame Itorryiag up breathlese. "Did you ring. MY 101'41 ?" she said. "Tati," saia Lord Dewsbury, for It was he, end it WAN to the house in which ho had name that Lora 'Villiers had. 401104 Joan. "That gentleman who jest left here; 1 saw hint go out of the door, Das he been Iterer "Yes, init lord." said tile landlady; "he INAS got rooms aoree-the second floor. His wife's upstairs." "Me wife!" said Beetle, staring and dropping the andel which he ignited to light Itie cagey. 'Tea my lord, a beautiful young crea- ture. One of the most beautiful young ladies I ever Bawl He took tbe rooms for her this morning." Lord Bertie stared mend for a min- ute or two, thehe said; "I ought to eall on her, Mrs, Parsons. Her ausbend is an old friend of mine, yott know. Strangest thing in the world his putting up at the same diggings. Yes, 111 make a morning call. just send my man, will you, and 311 get into 11 decent coat. _3/4tut look here, you can manage a little dinner tor three, elt? ask them to dinner," "C'ertainly, 2217 lord," asseneed Mrs. Parsonte "And if I may make so hold, I think the dear young thing will be glad to see you. She seems very loue• some." "Olt, ]'ll call," said Behtle. "Send my man, please." His valet mime and assisted .hi a ines. ter to change his coat, and Bertie walk- ed upstairs with Mrs. Parsons. "Just say that it's a friend of her ituebs,nd's, will you?" he said. Mrs, Parsons knocked at the door, and. Joan, who had scarcely moved Rime Lord Villiers went out, rose and said, "Conte in." "A friend of your husbamas, ma'am," said Mal. Parsons. Lord Beetle entered in las free and easy way, but at sight of Amu, et the slim and graceful figure, at the beau- tiful face, with the large dark eyes, be felt, as he would have expressed it, "takeu abattk." In all his life hit had never seen a more,beautiful face, or one that itt a moment moved him more pow- erfully. "I beg your rden," he said, modeat- ly; "but 1 tote ouly learned that you, aud your husband were just stopping, here, and -and—" he stammered, "I thought I would call." smaioa.n regarded him with her serene le yon sit down Lord -my hus- band has gone out" -the color eame went -"but he will be back directly." "I daresay you have heard lam men- tion me," said Bertie, sinking into au easy chair. "My name is Dewsbury." Joan Amok her head. "No, 1 beve uot ; but I am very glad to see you. My -husband -will be bail; directly." "Oddest thing in the world, his tak- ing rooms Lore," said Lord Bertie, plea- santly. 1 should have thought they would not have been loaf swell enough or him." "They seem very comfortable," eaid oan. "And do you live here?" "just underneath " said Bertie. Awfully rum, isn't it? I used to know int very well when we were at Ec ogether " "Yes?" said: joan, pleasantly. "I don't ementher your name." "Dewsbury -Lord Dewsbury," said ertie. "It is not such an old name as ours, Lady Villiars.". "My name is Newlands," said Joan, ravely, Bertie's blue eyes opened wider and ider, and his frank, handsome f.et rew crimson. For a moment or twa e at regarding het with an ernbar- ased stare, in horrified silence. He had evidently made an awfui tnis- ake, and had teen the man who got in- tim cab for Stuart Villiers. And ,vet, hat an extraordinary resemblance! Anyway, he had made an ass of him - 11, and the only thing to be done was apologize aud take himself off. "I --.I beg your pardon 1" he said, eitg- ay and humbly. "1 ani very sorry, I am, indeed. I sew our husband leave the house and get to a eab, and 1 took him for as oid iend miue-Stuart Villiers. And- nd I thoaght I would come up and call pon you and tralc if there was anything could do, aud-'pon my wow!, 1 am ry, very sorry," he stammered, pais- lly. There was a pause for a moment while art struggled for a decision; then the teed her pure eyes and ntet his gaze eadily. "1 tola an untruth," she said. "My nte is trot &viands, and it 'was Lord, uart Villiers whont you saw leave the use." Bertie drew a long areata ; the calm, 'eet dignity of the confeseion touched im. "I thought so," he said; "but -but-- eourse, you were right to eontradiet O if you had any reason or vrish to p it aorta, and -I beg your pardon, dy Villiare, for intruding," atul he ade a movement to the door, beiug far ore embarrassed than Joan. At the "Lady Villiare," Joan's face willed, then grew pale again. She d told hire so much that the could not him go away believing another lie; sides, what did it matter Ile was a, end of Lord Villiare, and would help em rather than betray. She was silent for a momeat, tbe u she t f 11 3' 11 to se to et F iro fr ef 11 ve 20 Jo re st 115St 110 est o01 f ee La Ok fl ha let fri tit sa and toed ailliars Was out of hearing, "I thank 1 mut tell you -you Are friead of Lord Villiers?" Borba nodded eagerly. "I-anot his Wife, but I am to be We are to tte• married toalay or to- morrow." Lord Ilertie stood for a, moment as if 10 had aot heard, then his feet grow deadly pale, and a wild horror shone in his eyee, as they laded on her innoe seat faee. "Not -not his wife! --and living Ixere atone with luml" he alreost wove& A Slow etinison mantled to joau's face but her lomat eyes met his frankly, though with it vague troable in them. "Yee -for few hours. 1,Vhy not" Bertie put hie hand te his brow and Wiped the great drove of wood }alit lad ttartod upou eeto young, and beautiful, and ham- :, utl Great heavenat what a fiend Stu. art Villiers must be!' he thought. A groan buret front hie iips, Atel he E'4 up the room end back agaen, seareely conseious of what he wits doing. "When -when aid atm comer he asked, *talus valise WItI hoeree With the Beetle stood at toe window with brain in a whirl. Be had never bee plaeed 111 such eh awkward. Peinfl0 si nation before. Here wee rt beautiful woman, who innocence was evident, pleeed in a 1105tiu4 of deadly peril, and by a man who he celled a friend. Though not in the sante set, Lia Berrie knew Start Villiers' reputatho stories of hi$ mail exploits, daring di regard ef the conveutionalitiet and ato ahtiee of life had been rife in many club emoking-roont, and Beetle .wita vaned thee thisbeentifel mature ha been deceived, and that her ;emote;111 would be wrecked by the men whom 90 ciety regarded as 005 01218 most danget true members. He turned from the window, tylth 111 handseme face its pale 5.2e hers, ale 0010011'blueue oyes anxious and distressed. "I am afraid I -I have alarmed you, he said, gently. "WM you sit dew I have Boatething to eay thee I 112018ius say, mut that you nittet hear, and find it very difficult to say There tees something so gentle an 1101310, so full of consideration for he in his grave, frank voice ana honest boyish eyes that Joan felt rather reas eured than otherwise,, ana sank. Into chair with a faint smile, but there wa 81111 a vague look o'(troaele het eyes "Ileve yon known Lora Vilaars longr aeked Bertie. Joan fleshed, as the question brottgh bome to her the eact of their reeea acquaintance. "No, not very long; u few weeks,' site faltered, "And --and knowing him Only a Etnfew weeks, a in entire ignornece of hi past, you have put -pardon me-yot aave put thie great trust. in haul I Is awful!" and his lips trembled. ;Nen half rose with displeasure in her dark eyes and on her browe. "I do not know what you meant" "Heaven, I ea,nnot speak more plain. ly without wounding you!" he exclaim- ed, with a groan, "Ceti you not under- stand that by doing wbet yoa pave done,. by hiking flight front your home [aline with Lord Villiers, you have eommitted au act that the world, that women 5011- a shameful one Yon s :e t '1 111001),111001), do you not? Lieten! Suppoeing at thStuert Villiers d:d not 17 you, could you go home to -morrow -- the day After?" Her face and neck grew crimsoa, then deadly pale. "No! You could not! 'innocent and pure as you are, you know that you could not do that. You know what your people, your friendes the world would. say. They would say that you were not fit to -to associate with their daughters and sisters ana wives, 511(1they would. turn their backe upon you." joan's breath came fat Ana painfully, then ‚die "But Lorm d. Villiers is to marry ole at once, thio afternoon, or to•morrow," she $aid, proudly. "How "How do you kow net wili?" (1P.. mended poor Bertie, with desperete "I`I'llriaeges'aid so," she replied, 6101•0 proud- ty than before. "And he never breaks his word?" said Bertha in a low, significant voice, "No, he could not lie!" she replied, tpiroozptlyd d ., with simple faitlt aner°. "Lord Villiers not break his 150511ord in such a ease as this!' he geld, bitterly, "How little you know 12141111214111 11 19 elmost intpoasible that he should keep itl He 14 notorious for -for juet such escapades as this! His name is known throughout London as a man who never keeps such a promise as he has mule to you! He will not marry you; Ns never intended doing so!" "For $hame!" she cried, her eyes Bash- ing "How dare -you come and tell me this? How dare you tell me that Lord Villiers, your friend, is ea base and vile? I doe't believe a word of it! I believe 001 you are out of your nand! (101"le and site poiuted to the door. t!Indeed, you had better go before Lord 'Villiers returns. I will not listeh to another word!" and, she pointed to the doer again with her trembling hand: Lord Bertie stood. looking at her is despair. He had done Me best and it was no use: "Good-bye," he said, brokenly; a1-1 have done all I could, 12-11 eveit you :amid want a friend, you will know where to find one." He took out his card and. laid it. on the table, "Send. to me ally time of the day or night, to- day, to -morrow ,years to come, tend I will come to your side at 'once. I cannot say or do any more. I must roman and see Stuart Villiers, but as you do not believe Inc now, you would not believe me '551200 he was standing by your side to contradict 010, o, I have failed! Oood-bye, and heaven help you." Joan was touched, notwithstatidiug her anew and. she said, more softly': "Good-bye." Lora Bettie moved to the door; as he did to he palmed the window, and. looked Out, half-unconeciously; he saw Lord Pontelere coming (woes the toad, At sight of hint a sudden idea (mattered to him, It seemed a Wild, far-fetched one, hat in suck Inental extremitlea men eat& steaws. Ile turned swiftly, "Give trie One more chance!" he ett- claimed, earnestly; "there is a room- thereaY and he pointect to the door lead- ing tile dressing -room adjoining; "go in there and listen You shall hear and perhape you will believe, Go in Well, and do uot speak until he lato °AciZvely, hesitatingly, she passed in, and Bert's, hurrying to the window, opened it and called to Lord ',crosiers, who stood en the steps. "Hallool" reeponded his loraeltip, look. ing up in surpriee. "Is that you, Bettie? What 00 earth ars you doing up there?' "Never mind, just eome up, Will you'?" said Beetle, 115.t lightly as lie mild, seeing that his kart was beating like a eledge hemmer. "Conte up liere-eeeond floor," A minute afterward Lord Notelet* twos heard toteending, "Wald on eartaw-e-e" he began, but Lora Bettie tut in with a loath that trembled and Psou d hollow ht Josn's set no She stood with the door slightly 4.51,r. her body leaning egtahst the framework. he Con' tinned.) Ice sells for a cent a pound in 1021*1 af A 'MOTHER'S PRAISE, Mothers are always willing to shower their praises on a medicine that not only relieves their precious tittle ones from pain but removesthe cause and. keeps them well, bright, Relive and liappy. 11 Medieine IS Baby's Own Tablets. No other meaieine for little ones bas re- ceived such praise from thousande of thaokful mothers. These Tablets nevee fail to relieve the little ones from any of the malty title ills that afflict them. Mat. Thos. Hodgson, Riviere du Loup Station, Que., writes: "I altvays keep Baby's OSVII Tablets in the house and have given them to my two little onee with the beet results. I always recom- mend them to my friends as they are a a grand remedy." The Tablets are Bold by medicine dealers or by mail ot 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' 'Med- icine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Brockville, Ont. • te E ANIMAL, (New York Herald.) Aesop's fable of the ass that carried the idol ie recalled by Mr. Roosevelt's conduct slue his return from Europe. Seeing all the people as he weet along bend themselves in reverence, the autmel faiteied that it Was to him they were pitying obeisanee, and in eoneequenee pricked up his ears and flourished hie tail. Mr. Roosevelt, reeeived abroad as a former president and hobnobbing with petentates, Sendai that It wee to him and not to the nation that obeisance alonothiee uotion that he was greater was paid, and eame back with the meg• than his country, • I was cured by Rheumatic Gout lat M1NARD'S LINIMENT. Halifax, ANDREW RING, was eured of Melte Bronchitis by MLNARDIS LINIMENT, LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ, Sussex, • I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by IfINARD'a LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. . C. S. 13ILLIN'Oe Lakefield, Que., Oct. 0, 1007 AROUSING THE GREEN-EYED. (Buffalo Expreee.) "All the girls at the football game en- vied Clara." "Why -did' site have the handsomest suit*" "No, but she went with a fellow whose eye was bandaged„ whose an was in Et sling and who walked with crutch," A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL. To All Women: r win send free with full instructions, my hotne treatment ithich positiveryi cures Leueorrhoeale titeration, Displacements, Palling of the Womb, Painful or Irregular Periods, Ilterine and Ovarian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, Metall- eholly. Pains In the Head, Back or Bow- els. Kidney and Bladder troubles, where eel sed by weakness peculiar to our sex. You can contirtne treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -day'. Address, Mrs, M. Summers, Box H. 8, indsor, Ont. FOR EST end la Dupla was III, and his friend Donald took a bottle of whiskey to him. Don. ald gave the ievalid one glass and said: git anither yin in the mortally' About five minutes elapsed and then Dugald suddenly excleimed: • "Ye'd better let ate line the ither noo, Donal'; ye hear o' see many sudden deaths nooadays." * is 170A, CU amichlY stops coughs. cures coldi. heals the throat and lungs. cents. **** MAKING ROOM. Clevelaud Leader.) "Party gowns will be cub lower In the back that yeer." "Is that .so? Then we'll have to make our belts uarrower." Minard's Liniment Cures Garget Cows. IIE WAS THANKFUL. (Delineator.) Willie Vail very proud of his first pants. That night evIten saying his pray - Ors, he said, "Dear God, 1 am thankful to say I haete on pants 11011'." •.., "Don't you think much thought should be given to the think business?" "Yee. Much sober thought."--13altimore Amera can. ; tDODD'Sit\ P L. 5 1 I \ biAfir-rr s K\I\D\NhE''N.Y If- tirel „cf. e noi "AiA1,51./Y Ir., --GroT s C1 ',A11 k. STOMACH TORTURE "FRUIT.A.TIVEV BROUGHT RELIEF DANIEL S'ilUNDERs Shoal Lake, Men., June 1101, 1010 "For years I was bothered with per, sistent Dyspepsia and Indigestion, having severe pates after meals and I tried every. thing that I could get but the pain in my stinnitch became no bettor. A druggist recommended "Fruit -a. iives," I did not give up any foods I was in the habit of eating nor stop smoking -yet "Fruit -naives" has done wonders for rne and I strongly advise all my Mends to use it," (Signed), DANIEL, Sat'SDERS "Pruit.a..tiveS" is sold at Mc a hem, 0 for $2,50 trial size, 211c, At dealers or front Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, ' IN LOVE WITH ONE'S WORK, This love of one's work is at the root of all SOCCeS9. The proportion of sue- tesses to faiinres in lensinese 18 in a very decided minority, and if we reckon the Mutat' failures and the milk -and -water successes, the ratio. dwindles. Suecess to e merkea degree can may be obtained by the man W120 is really in love with ens work. 11 18 not saffielent to be eon - tent or fairly well satisfied altit the re- turns ot one's wort:, or to make jut enough effort to keep out of trouble. Big dividends will never be made oraleig businesses built up it one regards work as a neeessary evil, something to be en- dured and. forgotten at the (meant poe- sible moment or when the shutters are down. Show me the man who is really in love with Ids work, his busthese, ins profession -hie joh-end you will point to the antu who le bound to rise to suc- cess by reason of his entimeittsm, his hie imagination Rini his breadth, -George IL Prost, in the Organizer. +4* • CURED HIS BLADDER TROUBLE Mr. Herbert Bauer, of Davieville, saYa he owes Gin Pills e debt of gratitude width he can never repay, He suffered for years with bladder trouble, and could not pass urine exeept by nmelt strailang, whieh caused great pain. Mr. Bauer seat for a free eample 02 Gin PilIs The first date dia lain FiCt • much good that he ordered six boxes and began to take them vegularly. A montiVe treatment completely cured lam. You can try Gin Pills before vott buy them. Write National Drug & 0 teinival Co„ department N. L., Toronto. for free lilt:5.1e1, At all dealers, 50e a box, fl for • m OTANDIRFom O 0 0NLY, •1 (Succetts Magazine,) The regular umpire Was sick and a kind old gentiemens, from the country agreed to do the best he, knew how All went well until the fifth limbo; when, with the bases. Ina. the pitcher got web. bly and pub over four wide onee and the batter started to take hie base. "What will we do witlt the young fel- lert" asked the old man of the pitelter. "We ain't got any place to put him." •••••-••••-. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. 0.0 Why Young Men Shun the Ministry, The colleges and theological sehoolos will soon begin their work for another year, As one who has elven much at- tention to the subjeet, 1. wisii to inter. est the Christian home in an inamtant theme. No one can be blind to the feet that our gifted yam% men are not rttsh. ing into the ministry, The brilliant students in the universitiee are going in- to eivil engineering, chemistry, law, med• Wile, indeed, into 51111081 'any profession rather than that of preaching the gos- pel. Parents do not now dedicate their sons to' that noble work. One eeason probably te that the 101nisterM1 profes- sion is poorly paid, and that a man after spending the best years of hie life in working for a stipend, scanty enough 111 the beginning, never gets ahead, and if he live to old age ntay be a charge upon Ole church. The average ministee earte not hope to save anything, and he may emelt the dead line when be is still in his prime, physically and mentally. 'rhe churches clamor for young men and dis- count men of fifty. The young men who are ambitious and talented try to fina Christian work outside the pulpit, - John B. W., in the Christian Herald, e • • THE TIME IS COMING When all people will gaud by "Mecca" Ointment as the most wonderful relief and care ever known. In many lands and elimes its healing virtute have saw. ed the lives of thoustuide of people. Onee you try "tleeen" you will be glad to always have it iu the home. All druggiets; '25e. • 4* 41 PORTUGAL'OSPEMNOEVING EY- E The Portuguest republic probably Is surprised every time it ieakes up in the morning and finds itself still there. 4 4 Or ttedt, Weitle. Weary., Waterr Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troublea. You Will Like Murine, It Soothes. 60e At Year Druggiets. Write For 16yo Books, rree. Morino Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. • ENOUGH TO (1O.AROUND THEN. (Washington Post.) If some one woula ten tie how to 1(111 chickens so that they would not keep in cold, storage we eoul(1 all eat chicken, 548 M In a r Ws Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Test ef Time, "Are you quite sure this fislt is fresh?' "Absolutely. I've held it a 'Week to be sure of it." teete----- Mintted's Linitnent Oures Distemper. —.,-.4......---........ TAKING TEA WITH DRANDMA. tPlattadelphia Record). Samantha Anne and Mary Lee aver( asked by grandma out to tea. When they arrived, dressed in their best, They found dear gratim5 at her reel, "Olt never mind." toad Mary Lee, "\Ve'll just sit down alone to tea; We'ra. hungry and ean't watt," Feld she, . So down they sat, Ole hungry dears: And pretty 110011 their grandmo hears The dleheit clinking on the tray, While "Mary, sugar-ereani," they say. I haven't tasted loam in years," Ts what the resting granama hears. "Pieame Imes the jam," thug 0415 thy Ideara, "Vray, ladles, wonu s 't yotay a while!" Cries grandma. Pouting, with o smile. "I'rti very rude to he Et.snooze And all this pletteant party hist% Rentove your bets and t•tiats 2 pray. And Make youreelves at home to -day." f101d MU% "WO beven't lent to AttitY." PURE Mti.K. 111r. Nathan Streue, the well known timerleen philanthropipt probeltall event over ete),000 in reducing Infantile murtality means of pasteurised It Is about tiventY year ego *Moot he aelian to devote lamself to the task of saving the live* of ehlidren. He Inlit led to take up the work by the death of one tit lila. oval children, while (Tossing from New Yetis to England. Ile formed the opinion that pure milk was everywhere working great destruction among the Young. Mid 110 deLC1111111ea to start pauteurisation plants in some of the principal American vales. At the present time he has neventeen etatIone in Now York. Nvery day, all the year !round, about 10,000 bottles of milk for young ehildrett are disposed of; Um' are mold at nuich below cost price while to those who cannot afford even a nom- inal sum they are given away. During the Bummer about 25,00Vglasses of milk aro sold daily In thia park e at balipennY 50 "Since I started rny work in New York," saki Jr. Straus in all interview with a Press representative, "death -rate • has come down in a most remarkable way. It has been the same everywhere -In Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago and Ht. Louis. In every city where a plant litiN been installed good results have been almost immediately apparent. Mr. Straus added that he was most anxious to do something In this eountrY. Indeed, he was now considering a scheme for starting pastem•Isation plant in the potteries In Which district he bad a per - 0011111 Interest. Recently be placed a plant at the disposal of Lady Aberdeen, and he had reason to believe that It was paving good effect In Dublin. TSSUE NO, 47 19:10 REM VANUA. ANTECO-AT ONCRI, A CHONZRAL T dornastie, 0110 willing to lava. AP' PIY $4 Luke street, Itenution. Org.. UT 1.2%127./D cAra.Brzo Muer.. 41.5Y1qxrilitild.s1464ezner". A. Q. Ueml#Y• AGENTS, WANTED, ANYASSHItle WANTIOD. WEEKLY entlara paid. Alfred Tyler, 065 Clar- ence street, Lontion, Dot, 'WANTED-ACT:1We SALESMEN OR women for holiday books that sell at eight, Salary 82 per day guaranteed, furl COMMISKON. outfit ERVI:). Write ialtrIcaintelY, 3. 14:Nichols Co„ 1,4ea1te01, TorOntO, Dr, Martel's Female Pills SEVENTEEN TEARS THE STANDARD Preecribed and reconmencisti for wo- men's ailments, a scientifically pro. pared remedy of provon worth. The result from their m*� ti quick and par. nianont, .For (ale at all drug stores. NOVIM6 PICTURE-HAUB ALt., GIVEN AWAY Dutch Collar or Belt Pin. With VaLIP initial Thom Pine aro snade of e solid ble,e of German Sliver, heavy &AU& Silverginish, with raised bright Ponta - ed letters. will give one 02 (1,5. handsome Pins to 11Y035 P111101112 who will sell 4 bones of Dr. ratatuvisOurratn0113 Vega. ta.ht* rills for 51..), Sumas Kidney and Liver dia. cases, to their Mends and neighbors, nt2I.o. a box. 1004511,11 Ma ee nd address to day and We Wilt Bela ye& the Palo post- paid. 35110 0. Ms we send you 4 fancy Pins, to givo one to each customer buying a box of pals Cord you. Mon sokt, 12 - turn the money 5200 00 us and we trill 0011 300 one ot Ileac handsome elms, veldt any Initial deSire.), by return mail, ab. solutely FRU. Address MATURIN MEDICINE CO.. DEPT. 31 woman, ONT. 00••1••••.... FAM LY H EA LIN . Brother's in a hospital Busted up and lame, Scene one used him for a mat In a football game. Mother's also quite smelted up Joialitg ie the rush, Clot some fractures and the like 11 a, bargain emelt, Sister ha''a broken leg, Quite a (emotion bora not it walking in the street In a bobble skirt. Father has A broken Ann Prom a little n)1x, Got a brick upon hie beaa Talking polities. virt"65vkAw This wonderful imported Moving Pic- ture /1,1aohine with 2 films with es VieWL All given free for selling 24 pt0000 or Our goode at 10c each. Get this marvel. ous Machine and earn plenty Of money. Write for goods. When sold return $2.40 and we send Moving Picture Maohine and films with 63 viewe. IeR/END SOAP CO., Dept. nr, Boston, Masa. STU WIND *AM FREE AND AINO Genuine American Watch, Stern Wind, Stem Bet. Beautiful case, Guaran- teed time keeper: also Ring with - Spark 11 n S Gem, both given for selling 24 aeweiry Novelties at 1.0c each, Write for SertvelrY. 17fhen sold send us 52.40 and we will send watch ana ring friend Soso Co., Dept. 180, Boston, Mass, FREE! This elegant wa to h, Stem wind and set, fancy engratted SOLID lifiNtlit eases, FuLLY atIAMAX- T nEfi , will be sent yon FREE tf you sell only 92.00 worth of our beauti. fully colored and embosS. NI post cards at 0 for Me. These are the very latest designs In Views, Floral, Holiday, Comics, &a. The swiftest seHers. Just show them and take in the money. Send your name and address, PlaililY.11r1tten, and WO will • torwara you 0 package of eards and mir big premium , list. Don't delay, for we give tilts extra present for prompt - COBALT GOLD PEN CO.; Dept. 301 Toronto, tint Jt What Hapoened to. Him. Gyer-Windig mot an athletic stroke ;yesterday. Myer -Athletic stroke! You mean paralytic stroke, don't you? Gyer-No, 1 meae just what I eta& He got mixed up with a professional Loxer. Stop 10 211 30 minutes, without any harm to any part of your system, by taking Headache Wafers 25*,0,4%*!*" Ar EMiCAL Co, OP CANADA LIMITEO, MONTREAL, 27 pi" NioNAA:DonRuGUANnOC cO: INFLUENZA CATARRHAL rEvat PINK EYE EPIZOOTIC DISTEMPER CHRONIC COUGHS Booklet "Distemper: Causes, Cure an. Prevention," :0112011. Ail drug- gists, harness dealers. 81 and 50t. a bottle. SU and 88 a dozen. DIstrib- utors-ALL WHOLESALE DRUGGISTs. SPOIIS MEDICAL CO., Goshen, 10011100, 0. S. A. Paatcal =mailt Worn • a, "-v4r... rt. - This is a fi•-e, handsome, clear•tened Violin, highly polished, richly colored, etesploto with string bridge, thrso gut sting% ebony finial:pegs, Ione bow of whit° hors° hal", and•bss of resin. Byer) thing elm:dote sent seenroly packed in a bus. Just send 53 your name and addre,i, an/ ag-00 to sea only buod cf Dr. Maturin'sraradue Vor,etable Pals, at -ese. O. box. A grand rettualy and cure for weak and im,nre conditions 01 1110 blood, Jodi. gestion, stomach t roubles, constipation, nervous disorders, disc. -tees of the liver and kidneys, iltetimatiem, and Persalo troubles. .41111)4 laxative, mud 502)10 1111,1 Life Builder They 12)1!,e t sell its each cadmium litu Ingo. box of pills, fmm you, receives, at the same 1:ime, a nice fancy Phi, which we semi you with the Pills. Do not miss the ch•fnee of yourlife. Don't Seed any money-Oely your name arid address, at once, We wi:i promptly end you by mail, unity %id, the 8 box°, of inns and tho Pins. Who .1 4;01,1, remit to u3 teo saati Loid. wo will send you this handeetue Vluiln, oto.just as represent° I. lerlte t41 -day. Address; ME DR NAMED/ MEDICINE CO., rORON'ird. .11•1.1,111Y1101.•••••••••••••111111* Dept. 156 eatteateente oat tetareet ewe . eare EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A SURE LIGHT, THE Fon STRIKE They make no noise or sputter -a quiet, steady flame. The tnatch for the smoker, the oflice and the home, All good dealers keep them and Eddy's Woodenware, ribrevrare, Tubs, Pails and Waehboarde. arelaraE4 The Et B. EDDY Co., Limited, ,ftuu„ CANADA • Eilitt4DSOME VdATOIN FREE. A Gems or Ladles Solid Gold Wahl' Cottle !tato 025 to 5501 Den Not throw your &Whey rows,. If you desire in altintirS is Watch which te keep Mine arid last well wIll be oftriel to oily Solid Gold yWatinedk,asronede tz.too aytoluirleoatteoxecaquodwatlorre.6eri.muroteitiloitt,es• tFlt*rtal, gpvdtt.1.5 tVe LIM" bel d. yr Inj 3 0' alt2h5C4 rtk t '111,5. TO 1101 rP1 011 )r *011leaphre bleed, indigottori,, headaches, cowl, petion, Townes troat lee, Hybl', bladder and kid. DC? diseases, and all tomato wealmesees; they ore the Great Mood Pueliier•Eiktd Intl:tort+ otor'Tn.eand Lite 1Vith the Nilo&co6c1n'6ee1;dlara%Il:liTtgr°4 itbt%iiitm%laytOoc11.islhtVs11 31)21pttaDon4146tortrukteheittSotunztletz yr•Luir cpt:(11.4r When have sold them, send lathe motley V.; mid IcilvQ11711610,or LADIES WATelk 1110 110111 day the ;wow 141 reteilal Wears gfeing those hos.utitul Watcoes 2., advertise eur Remit/leo, 'I Ws is *grand cpro:tunity to Iv cute a valuable Watch vettleuut lovI.,;; to opted a tent,. And oar Watch h note vein tau t lucre Ao4 :4111hOt th& cheep tete Will art/ c.8 ge4evit4, gleglry.kAledritemsolTuniErh 08,t4.1111111 0292' 51')4 CO., Watcli 13441, Tarmacs, Om.