HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-11-24, Page 54 TAVRSDAY, NOvr;MIiEt` 24, r9x0 Ati 5rniIe yes !fires! withsatisAction at our viNt,ves MR. SWELL DRESSER :-- WE ...SATISFY CUSTOMERS WHO BUJ) THEIR CLOTHES FROM US. BECAUSE THE SUITS AND OVERCOATS WE SELL ARE MADE OF GOOD CLOTH. BECAUSE THE)) ARE CUT AND SEWED By TAILORS WHO KNOW HOW TO MAKE CLOTHES. BECAUSE OUR PRICES ARE NOT ROD- DERS' PRICES WE MAKE A PROFIT, BUT WE WISH ONLY A FAIR PROFIT. $IO WILL BUY .4 SUIT OR AN OVER- COAT FROM US THAT WILL GIVE YOU A PERPETUAL SMILE. PAY US 013.50 FOR A SUIT OR OVER- COAT AND .NO MAN WILL HAVE A 'RIGHT TO FEEL PROUDER OF HIS CLOTHES THAN you. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS 102. MEN'S FURNISHERS Gordon's Great Sale Positively Giving Up business CYCLONE OF BARGAINS AT WHIRLWIND PRICES Do your shopping in the morning and avoid the crowds. Buy your Winter Clothingnow when you can get it at half price. MEN'S AND BOY'S HEAVY OVERCOATS 'at half price. Suits for almost nothing. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S MANTLES, all styles and sizes at money saving prices. Curtains and -Madras Muslins We have some 500 pairs of Lace Curtains in all the new patterns. Must be' cleared at once. Dress Goods Hundreds 'of pieces of Dress Goods nand Suitings in all the new weaves and colors. Corsets SODA 400 pairs to choose from and every one a bargain, ° Furs, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and Hose at LESS THAN COST. BOOTS AND SHOES AT HALF PRICE Conte with the Crowds to GORDON'S. Shop in the morning, if possible. Sale continues till all Goods are sold. M. Gordon . THE WINGIrAM ADVANCE Insanity Increasing.. As in Canada, on in Michigan ; in the latter, insanity has increased In a startling manner since 1802. There are now 77ti1 insane in the various in• . stitutiona in the state as compared with 2160 eighteen years ago, Bare Open On Christmas, Christmas Day, Dec. 25, folk] on Sunday this year, but will be cele- brated on Monday, the 20th. '.the License Act, however provides for the closing of bars on Ilea. 25. Hence they can remain open this year on the Monday. Honey Records. Mr. Musser, of Elmwood, had 7000 pounds of honey from 100 hives of bees, but Mr. John l:1arkley, Walker ton's famous honey man, beat Mr. Musser's record easily, obtaining 4000 pounds from 43 hives. One hive pro- duced 181 pounds and Mr, Harkley says this hive has never been known to swarm. $xoo,000 Check For Bride. Miss Barbara Deering of Chicago, who the other day became the wife of Richard Ely Danielson of New York, received among her wedding presents a perfectly negotiable check for $100,- 000. Her father contributed half the sum, and $25,000 each was given by her grandfather,- William Deering, founder of the Deerigg Harvester Co., and James Deering of New York, an uncle, MOTHERS Preserve Your Children's Hair. Every mother should see that her children's hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wonderful hair restorer and germicide. A little neglect on your part now, may mean loss of beauty when your girl grows up. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE. Parisian Sage is rigidly guaranted, hair restorer and cures all scalp dis- eases, prevents bah, from falling out and creates a rich luxuriant growth of hair, a glory to woman and the pride of man. A pleasant hair dressing—ladies like it, and your druggist W. J. Mcliibbon guarantees every bottle he sells at 50e and stands ready to refund your money if it fails to do its work, By mail postpaid from Giroux -Manufac- turing Co., Fort Erie, Ont. See that the girl with auburn hair is on each package. Sold and guaranteed by J. W. MCRibbon. A Big Yield. Mr. R. D. Boyd, of Downie, states that he had a yield of 100 lbs, of pota- toes from planting two and a half lbs. of seed potatoes in the spring. Mr. Boyd, also has a turkey hen in the re- cord breaking business. This turkey hatched a family of 13 in the spring and since then has laid 115 eggs. Threshing Record, ' Alva Close, formerly of Esbel, has been running a separator for John Me - Nellie, of Regina. It is a 32s54 inch machine with a Hart Parr gasoline traction engine. He threshed 4031 bushels of oats in one day of 11?� hours and ruoved twice. Alva wants to hear from some one who can beat it, They take their cook and sleeping tent with them. Crops are good at Regina. Government By Commission. ' The city of Port Huron is the first Michigan municipality of any eine to adopt the commission form. of Govern- ment. At a plebiscite held en Satur- day the proposal to institute the new form of government was carried by a vote of nearly two to one. There Were 1,003 votes in favor and 839 against. On January 1, 1911, the new form of government will go into effect. Tour commissioners and a mayor will be chosen to govern the city. BLOOD -POISONING FROM CUT FINGER. Serious Condition Relived By ' Zam-Buk. Mr. Jas. Davey of 730 Ellice A.venne, Winnipeg, says :--"A few months since I was cured of a poisoned finger through the timely use of '/ trn-Buk. I cut a deep gash across the knuckle on the first finger of the right hand, in opening a lobster can one evening. I suffered at the time with the Sore- ness and pain, but had no ide a it Would become a serious wound. How- ever, in about two clays I was greatly alarmed, as my whole hand and arm to the elbow became inflamed, and the finger was much discolored, showing signs of blood -poisoning, The pain was dreadful and I was forced to leave off my work and go home, "The wound on the knuckle hacl been poisoned through the dust and dirt about the furnaces and boilers. I then decided to start the ZLnt•13uk treatment, and having first bathed the cut, I applied the healing halm. It soothed the pain almost instafrtly, and by the next day there was a great im- provement. In a week's time, through perseverance with Zareertak, a com- plete cure was brought about." Scores of similar cases could be quoted, and the wisest precaution is to keep a box of Zsni-Bilk handy anti apply it immediately a cut, or burn, or bruise is suatained. Z. m-Buk will also he found a sure euro for cold sore*, chapped hand*, frost kite, ulcers, eczema, hided - poison, varicose aortae, ptes scalp ringworm, inflamed patche babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts hurtle bruises and ia , s injuries , 1 generally. All druggists and etores :sell at 5Ue box, or post free from Zani- Buk 0o.. Toronto, upon receipt of price. Rebut imitations and rub. trttitutsa. 'ery $pe ci�I Off Canatia'S Greatest Newspaper Will ha sent -ay MAIL ONL V--pastago paid to any address in Canada, Creat Britain or United States (Toronto and Suburbs excepled) from riow UntII May 181,1914 For $f.00 It Is believed that this period will covet* Um coming Sessions of both Dominion and Provincial Parliament's» It will Include Mc Oivie wind Municipal Elections of Town and Counilty, EVERY MORNING THE WORLD'S NEWS The .Mail and Empire has every news -gathering service that any paper can buy anti in addition Tito Dalton Service, over our Special New York wire, which includes a Special Cable Service and the full Financial News Service of the New York Sun. FINANCIAL PAGE. The acknowledged authority in Canada. SPORTING PAGE. • Easily the best. Ask the boys, "THE FOURTII COLUMN." Tito Best daily special feature in America. A magazine article every morning. Just one column. Always bright and instructive. WOMEN'S HOME DEPARTMENT. Daily .Articles of absorbing Interest to Women, News of what women are doing the world over, All Housekeepers should read it. SATURDAY'S SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS: Woman's Kingdom. Flaneur. • Field and Wood. Legal Questions and Answers. Contemporary Literature. A Good Serial Story. .;1 'a' Our object in making this very special offer is 'to get all who may not know what they are missing to read this Greatest of Canadian Dailies. If you read it for five months you are sure to become a permanent subseriber. If you are already reading the paper, order for some friend who should be. Hand order to your dealer or send direct to -day. The ,Mali and Empire, Toronto: -- Enclosed prase find $1,.00, for which mail to address below The Mail and Empire from day received until May 1, 1311. ltiame Post -office Niamosponsearoznasnamosoeffas Figure it out in dollars and cents. If you can make five tons of coal last as long as six tons and with coal at $$6.Q0 a ton, don't you make $6,00 clear. Now the cast iron range illustrated will save 20% of your fuel when hard coal is burned. It is fitted with that greatest of modern stove improvements the lUuw1WI,,1W �' „� u •, uu �. •�� D�Ii 1mnt Ve llIIII � . ii, 111 #05.1167 Aid Iiit i 'i111i1 iM.,'IR}t,_I im, i1am�,.. GURNEY -OXFORD ECONOMIZER It is a device that is put on Gurney -Oxford Stoves alone, and in putting them out for your inspection we feel justly proud of the choice we have made in selecting this line of satisfaction giving stoves. Look them over on our floors, W. J. BOYO WINGNAM The People's Railway. This is arailway proposed to run from Guelph to Arthur and then on to Oollingwood or some other lake point. From the Arthur-Oollingwood line, it is proposed to run a line down the 2nd concession of Luther, to Grand Valley, Orangeville, and on down the 0th line of Peel to Toronto. Mr. Bugg promised to come back to grand Valley and discuss the matter at greater length at a future date. Six municipalities will vote next Janu- ary on the money By-law in connec- tion with the People's Railway. The amounts to be voted on by the various townships and towns are as follows i --Proton township, $30,000 ; Luther township, $30,000 ; Garafraxa township, $25,000; Arthur $20,000; Fergus, $20,000 ; Elora, $15,000. Injured By Electricity. Damages amounting to $7,500 were awarded by Mr. Justice Riddell to Jno. Young, aged 11, who brought a $30,000 snit against the corporation of Gravenhurst for the loss of a hand and serious cranial injuries sustained by a heavy electric shock from the town's lighting plant. The boy's mother, who sued for an additional $4,000, was granted $2,250. The lad had been reading in his bed—an iron one—on the morning of March 8, and was in the act of unscrewing the bulb of an incandescent light, when the full current passed through his body, ren- dering him unconscious for several hours. The left hand was so severely bunted that it had to be amputated, and his skull was burned through to the brain in two places. Hydro -Electric For Mitchell. Mitchell ratepayers on Tuesday of last week passed the By-law authoriz- ing the• purchase and installing of Hydro -Electric equipment and the issue of $0,000 debentures for that purpose. The vote was 279 for, and 74 against; majority in favor 100. Mitchell already has an alternating current system for lighting, etc., and will not have to go to any expense' for a distribution system. The $9,000 will be employed in adapting the station equipment for transformers, etc. Two hundred horse power will be asked for, and it is estimated that it will cost $39 at the distribution station, and that 30 will repay the town for the annual cost of the distributing plant, The corporation will use 75 horse -power itself. Psychine is a scientifically compounded preparation, made in one of the finest laboratories in Canada, from herbs for which we go to the ends of the earth. Won't you let us buy a 50 -cent bottle from your druggist and give it to you free to try? A five -story pressed -brick building, If you are troubled with or fear any, filled with costly apparatus, equipped please fill in and send the coupon to with electrical machinery and appa- us to -day --you'll never regret your de- ratus—, cision: A splendid. building in every respect, situated on Spadina Avenue, Toronto, is eloquent testimonial to Psychine. h'or ,Ps;rehine in a third of a cen- tiiri's eittrpordlnarily successful use bpllt that budding. And it did more---• o It cured hundreds of thousands of Now, we don't ask you to take our people suffering from disease word for the tremendously beneflelal And made the most remarkable re• effect of Psychine. •P111 out the Coupon Cord for efficient curing power of any below, .mail it to us and we'll give your lireparation known to medical eeience. druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Psyehine to be given youcost. st. La, Grippe lirenehial Coughs Bronchitis Weak Lungs Hemorrhages Weak Voice Sore Throat Spring Weakness Anaemia EarlyDoclhio Female Weakness Catarrhal Affections Indigestion Catarrh of stomach Poor Appetite Night Sweats Chills and Fevers Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessness and Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia AiterMfects of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and ha Grippe. Psychine Is a tonic -- It builds up the body—by strength- ening the white corpuscles of the blood, Orh o p ti's' Cytes, which by devouring the germs of disease keep the body in eon- dition to cure or resist sickness. nelow 11 a list of disease* that Psy- lsins vim aura, Wo will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this 1 s m sharer hundreds dledn of thousands of these 50 -cent bottles of Psychine. And we do that to show our entire conddohce In this wonderful prepays. A Confidence that has been based on our thirty years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full knowledge of the hundreds of thou- sands of cures it has made, COUPON No. 122 • To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd. 193-195 Spadina Ave., Toronto X sec ept ybnr offer to try a GOe. bottle of Psychine (pronounced Stkeen)at your omens*. X haVo not had a Mc. nlovio busEdyadmydgg t to deliver this bottle to ma. 10M1.1101/ .. ** ** t.. t..,, 6..441.,,, •„ Tows Street and Number My Druggist's Name Street and Number 'This u n Coupon of gooff p €f or age. bottle of 1'.yehino if presented to the druggist it mutt be sent u. we will then l,nr the Me. bottle of i'svehlne from your druggintaud direct hltn to deliver it to any time This node., wr3en idea upon towlray, .4.,.•.•..u. arwinsw....+w.,....wr.....w......www Our newest Men's MEN'S DEPART1. ENT Don't Put Off Getting That Winter SUIT or OVERCOAT Any Longer We are showing styles and values that will open your purse if you see them. :i dn't you better drop in right away 2 We think we have Clothing that will ex- aotly suit you. Our assort- ments are so large we are almost sure to have just what you like at the price you want to pay. Overcoats are extremely attractive and very reasonably priced. Overcoats, all prices, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $I0.00, $I2.00, $I5. Men's High Class Tailor Made Suits Not the ordinary ready-made, but our English Worsted Tweed, made to our order by expert tailors. Sold to you through our system of very small expense, at prices fully fifteen per cent less than you can get equal values for elsewhere. See Our New Overcoats for Boys from 3 to 8 yrs. Price, 13.00. BOYS' SWEATERS—A BARGAIN AT 50c.. IIEWSON'S UNDERWEAR for Men, made of Pure Nova Scotia Wool. All sizes. Ask to see it. H. E. Isard & Co. BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS AT BROKEN PRICES We are clearing ' out what remains of our natty up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We had in stock ' this season the very Iatest materials and newest shades that could be purchased anywhere, and we are offering these goods at wholesale prices. We do not intend to keep one piece over —so there is a genuine bargain in Dr&ss Goods waiting for you. CORSETS When you get a new Suit or a new Dress you will naturally want a new pair of Corsets. We handle the famous D & A Corset in all the new long styles. Our new lines at 750 and $1.00 are quite equal to the ordinary $1.00 and $1.25 lines. Try a pair of these. FLANNELETTE Our range of Flannelettes is large and well assorted, in plain colors and fancy stripes --good washable colors. OVERCOATS A full stock of Men's and Boys' Overcoats with the com- fortable "Presto" Convertible Collars, kept complete. , Call and see these Coats --they wiil please you. Also a splen- did line of Men's and Youths' ready-to-wear Clothing, in the newest tailored designs. Distinctive style and ptlrfect fit are built into every garment, In design, cloth and finish they will please even the most exacting taste, and all this at very reasonable prices. We always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter, and Poultry. 'Phone 89 T. A. Mills WINGHAM