The Wingham Advance, 1910-11-24, Page 44 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1910 King's For Bargains We Want Your Trade m+rwtinn KING°S The Busy Store Gents' Coon Coats The ever increasing popularity of KING'S COON COATS shows that we have been work- ing along the right lines in the past, by paying • Special Attention to this line. Not only Coon Coats, but the Dog Coats, Alaska Beaver, Calf, Australian Coon, and Fur -lined. Coats, have been a credit to - our Fur Department. Men's Fur Coats from $15.00 to $IOo.00. SEE OUR SPECIAL Gents' Fur -lined Coat at $55O.00 PRODUCE WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Beans, Fowl, Dried Apples, Raw Furs. GEO. 'E: KING Good Goods 1 I Cheap Prices How Are You ? How are you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything in the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which is THE ADVANCE OFFICE. Do you save ? A time will come when your financial resources will be strained to meet some unexpected demand. Will you have to suffer the consequences, or will you be in a position to turn to your bank ac- count for aid ? Deposit your savings in the Bank of • Hamilton now, and when the day of emergency comes you will be prepared. ;if i• l� ; •.t `l_f C. P. SMITH, Agent - Hingham MINIM E. C. WHITE Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry cnntains the newest All- wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. Inspection invited. You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Battings, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over- coatings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you, . 'W1LlION C. WHITE 'BLOCic WINOHA.M The Fashionable Men's and Ladled' Tailor ?Yilingbant Theo, Hall - Proprietor. 6,000 Names On Postcard, Mr. Frederick Scally of Stratford, has written over six thousand names with four letters in each name, on the back of an ordinary postcard (3 by 4) If any one wants to try his patience, let him try to beat this. Mr. Scally is also doing another, expecting to have over twice as many on the same size postcard. The writ- ing was dene by an ordinary pen and teok over eighteen hours. Battleships Scrap Heaps. The fact that six British battleships of the Royal Sovereign class, the first batch built of armored ships under the naval defence act of 1899, have been ordered to the scrap heap, illustrates how short is the life of the big modern war -ship. The cost of the six ships, now junk, was five and one-half mil- lion pounds sterling, Navies are cost ly playthings, and Canada has begun to play with the costly amusements. Obtained Damages. Clifford. Day, son of Mr. as. Day, llth con., Culross, who was one of the injured in the Caledon wreck in Aug., has arrived at a settlement with 0. P. R., they paying the hospital expenses which amounted to over $100, and giving him $1850.00. Mr. Day's leg was severed a few inches below the knee, and now that farm work is pret- ty much out of the question for him, the $1850 will give him a good start in some other line of business. Open Air Sleeping Popular. It seems that the• campaign against consumption is having an effect in the architecture of houses in London, Ont. "We have provided in the plans of several new houses for sleeping quarters out of doors," said a local architect. "The popular plan is to roof in a part of a rear of a house, but without walls. Where the house is a two-storey one, the plan is to provide this open room over the kit- chen. Here the members of the family, who desire to do so, spend the night protected only by the roof and whatever covering they may desire." Those who have tried it for a few nights say they would not care to sleep indoors at all unless the weather should be so severe as to risk freezing. In numbers of cases, citizens of members of their families are still sleeping in tents placed in their back yards. A Great Farmer. Missouri farmer, David Rankin, has just died leaving a fortune of $3,500,- 000, which he had made out of agri- culture honestly, without slaving or niggardliness; for he bad always taken a great interest in civic affairs, given in philanthropy as much per- haps as he left, built up a poor Mis- souri town into a thriving munici- pality and endowed its college with a quarter of a million. • His career is of more interest to the country than that of many other men who have made even greater fortunes, in that he prov- ed what brains applied to the' develp- ment of our greatest natural industry will accomplish. When men were pushing westward to try their luck in the mines of the Rockies or on ranches of the "short grass country" of Kansas, Mr. Randin stopped in Missouri and took up the more certain means of liveihood on the rich farm- ing lands in the northwestern part of the State. He made hills of corn.grow where none had ever grown before, and acres grow in value from $10 or $15 to $75 and $100. He had fifty poor acres when he started ; he had 34,000 capable of the highest culti- vation when he died. In 1000 he planted 10,000 acres in corn and raised nearly a million bushels.' He attain- ed a world reputation as an authority on corn raising because he made it a study, and agricultural experts came from Europe to Learn his methods. How to Cure Chronic Colds and Bronchitis Bluevale, Ont., May 4, row. "Z was sick for two years with a chronic cold and bronchitis and a consequent run-down condition. T received no benefit from doctors, and had to give up work. VINOL was recommended and from the sec- ond bottle I commenced to improve —I gained in weight and strength, my cold and bronchial trouble dis- appeared, and I am at work again. I want to recommend VINOL to anyone who is in need of such a medicine.'—T1tortAs 1tn;c n s. It is the combined action of the curative elements of the cods' livers aided by the blood snaking and strength cresatingproperties of tonic iron contained in VINOL which makes it so successful in curing stubborn colds and bronchitis. VINOT:, is a constitutional rem- edy for chronic coughs, colds, bron- chitis and .pulmonary troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. 'rry a bottle of WNW,. If you don't think it helped you, We will return your money, J. WA.T,TON MoKIB1301T Draggisi Wingll'am Many Telephone Companies. In sending out notice to all the local telephone companies in Ontario to send statements of their tarifPd, the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board has found that the number of these companies has exceeded 000. Several disputes have been settled by the board under its new authority. Hereafter all these cases will be heard in the board's offices. Cheap Light And Fuel, Aylmer will have natural gas at the following rates, net :—For household. use 23i cents per 1000 feet ; manufac- turers 10c per 1000 for the first 5 years and 12c after ; schools, churches, eto„ 15c ; town hall and public library free ; municipal plant 8o for first 5 years and loo after ; no charge for meters and all costs of submitting by-law and taking vote paid by Co.. Bridge Cost $31,000. The Southampton bridge has been taken over by Bruce County Council from the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co., and has been declared open for public travel. The bridge is said to be the largest public bridge in On- tario. The bridge is 390 feet long, there are two massive concrete abut- ments and two concrete piers, the highest being 45 feet, and below these there are spites driven from 18 to 22 ft. in depth, the superstructure is all of steel and rises to a height. of 28 feet, the floor of the bridge is covered with three inch plank sixteen feet wide. Theo bridge cost $31,000 of which the Dominion Government bears $3,000, the balance is to be paid by the County of Huron. A LiBERAL, OFFER. We Guarantee To Cure Dyspepsia. If We Fail The Medicine Costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the peo- ple that indigestion and dyspepsia can be permanently relieved and that Rex - all Dyspepsia Tablets will bring about this result, we will furnish the medi- cine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to any one using it, The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in devis- ing their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby the well known properties of Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized by the entire medical profession as in- valuable in the treatment of indiges- tion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is prepared by a process which develops its greatest efficiency. Pep- sin supplies to the digestive apparatus one of the most important elements of the digestive fluid, and without it the digestion and assimilation of food are impossible. The carminatives possess properties which aid in relieving the disturbances and pain caused by un- digested food. This perfect combin- ation of these ingredients makes a remedy invaluable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia. We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets on our own personal guarantee. Three sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Remem- ber you can obtain Rexall. Remedies only at The Rexall Store, W. J. Mc- Kibbon's, The Sugar Beet, Sugar beets are grown most exten- sively in Ontario and Alberta, where they supply roots for three sugar fac- tories. The area in crop this year is 10,000 acres, which is a substantial in- crease upon last year. The yield per acre is 9h tons, the total yield, 155,000 tons, and the quality 93 per cent. The roots supplied to the Berlin factory are testing 17 per cent, of sugar and at the Wallaceburg factory 16 per cent. ; but a product of 5,000 acres in Ontario is being shipped to factories in Michi- gan. The product of 8,200 acres in this province is marketed at Wallace- burg and Berlin, where the average price is about $5 80 per ton or better than $57.80 per acre. Computed at the average local prices the market value of potatoes this year is $33,440,- 000, of turnips and other roots $21,441,- 000, of hay and clover $149,710,000, of fodder corn $11,057,000,. and of sugar beets $887,000, Small Farms. Mr. T. Bruce Wallace, in a recent article on the Doukhobors, mentions that the government allows them the use of land at the rate of 15 acres per head of their population, and this is quite enough for subsistence. If fifteen acres per head is enough for subsistence, thirty acres should be abundance, and the present plan of giving 160 acres is a reckless squander- ing of the national heritage. There is no doubt whatever that a township of thirty -acre farms will be more prosperous,, will provide more of tl: e necessities, comforts and enjoyments of life for its citizens, than a township of 100 -acre farms. DISTRESSING HEADACHES. Headaches are largely the result of disordered kidneys. Mrs. Hall, 81 Flora St., St. Thomas, Ont., says:—"I suffered for years with headaches of a most distressing nature. They would come on me sud- denly, and would last for days at a time, These were usually accom- pahied by spells of dizzinessthat would leave ine unable to attend to any house duties. My back was weak and caused me much suffer- ing through the night. I had dor- tared for years, but all to no avail. Nothing benefited me and my condition was gradually becoming worse. I Learned of Booth's Kidney Pills. One box gave me a complete and lasting cure. I have not had a headache or dizzy spell since and I feel like a new person. Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, 50c a box, under a guaran- tee to refund your money if they fail to relieve any disease having its origin in the kidneys or bladder. Postpaid from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by W. J. McKibben. Quite A Difference. Walkerton pays its tax collector a salary of $150 and makes him furnish bonds to the amount of $10,000, al- though the collector can never have more than $2,000 on hand at any time. The Bruce Times says — Walkerton takes no chances. on home men al- though it cheerfully banded $75,000 ,over to Sheldon without any security whatever. Pain in Heart "For two years I had pain in my heart, back and left side. Could not draw a deep breath or lie on left side, and any little exertion would cause palpita- tion. Under advice I took Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and Nervine. I took about thirteen bottles, am in better health than I ever was, and have gained 14 pounds." MRS. LILLIE THOMAS, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. For many years Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been very successful in the treatment of heart troubles, because of its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles. Even in severe cases of Iong standing it has frequently prolonged life for many years after doctors had given up all hope, as proven by, thousands of letters we have re- ceived from grateful people. Price qs1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. if he does not, send price to us, we forward prepaid. a DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, TSAI% MArn( eicconste) o+� 4* MANITOBA HARD WHEAT_ YOU TAKE NO RISK. Our Reputation And Money Are Back Of This Offer. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way, whatever, if you accept our offer, Could any- thing be more fair for you ? Isthere any reason why you should hesitate to put our claims to a practical test ? The niost scientific, commonsense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy, They are very pronounced, gentle and. pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Order- lies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c and 25c, Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store, J. W. McEibbon. The Busy Man's Creed. We believe in the stuff we are handing out, in the firms we are working for, and in our ability to get results. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods. We believe in working, not weeping ; in boosting, not knocking ; and in the pleasure of our job. We believe that a man gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -clay is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself. We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition. We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIGHT NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots, Well situated, just the place for a retired farmer. Price Reasonable. Ritchie & Cosons REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. DR. JAS. L. WiLSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Special attention to diseases of Women and Children, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, and grasses properly fitted. (Dr. McDonald's old stand) DR. R. M. MacLEAN - DENTAL SURGEON GORRIS, ONT. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment of Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday tall day)—office in Grand Central Block. At N'ordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. CENTRAI STRATFORD. ONT. This college is recognized as the groat practical training school of Western Ontario. It is tho largest as well as the best. Our courses are praoticai, our teachers experienced instructors, our graduates succeed. Three departments— Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. Wo have scores of applications we can- not meet. Calls offering. $15, $55 and $60 per month aro remaining unfilled. Get our free catalogue and commence your course at once. D. A. McLACHLAN .- Principal Winter Term Opens Jan. 3rd TORONTO, ONT. CANADA'S HIGH CLASS COMMER- CIAL SCHOOL ; enjoys ao extensive patronage; inetruotion strictly first-class; • graduates always successful. Write to- day for handsome catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. S Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Wanted Now For 'Gingham and surrounding t is- triot, for Fall and Winter months, an energetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. GOOD PA'' WEEKLY OIJTFI'T FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 ACRES ander cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 80 years. Write for particulars. PBLHAM NURSERY 00. TORONTO, ONT. Jas. Walker & Son W INGHANI Furniture Dealers and Undertakers We are speolallyl qualified Under- takore and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to es may rely Orireto bgrs eU done. Nighty I oe. Ofalo. phone MI Merida Phonal 05 The Profit Sharing Store WINGHAM, ONTARIO KERR & BIRD NOT LONG NOW UNTIL THE XMAS RUSH So come early and see our Toys- especially. For- get that you are grown up ; come and bring the kiddies, and see how much they'll enjoy our many Toys. Beautiful dressed Dolls, all sizes, some talk and some sleep, China Dolls, Kid Dolls, every kind of Dolls. Droll Teddy Beat's, some just learning to walk, some climb- ing poles, some growl, too, but they're safely muzzled. Comical Grey Monkeys, white Dogs with long silky manes, White Rabbits, Swim- ming Walrus, in fact everything to please the Children. So come. along and see our Toy Window this week. CLEARING SALE OF CLOTHING A few Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Jackets at a big discount ; broken sizes ; but warm and serviceable. Women's Heavy Coats, and Girls' Heavy Coats, well made, warm, and a discount of 333%. We guarantee these goods to be in good shape, not at all shop worn and a discount of 3 means a big saving to you. discount on all our up-tcydate Suits. i 1VIEI'�T--- I ATTENTION! f Here is the greatest chance , of your life to get one of the very latest up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. We have just received a shipment of NEW FALL ARD WINTER GOODS Owing to having given the order early in the summer, before I had decided on GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The wholesale house would not cancel the order, but sent the goods along. Consequently, you have the new goods to select your Suit and Overcoat from at the 1 SAME LOW PRICES SUITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas. OVERCOATS Black, Brown, Green and Striped ; in. Beavers, 1V1iltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. TRO USERINGS--a11, styles and prices 1 1 Time and space will not permit of Price Tit. Suffice to say, that those having seen the goods, and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvelous. dome and see for yourself. Robt. Maxwell t O TAILOR aiillir.wlrwr~I�r�IIlrrwrwlwirw 1