The Wingham Advance, 1910-11-17, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I', 1910. ASN Smie _ yes !yes► with satisfaction at our values, tt Smd.C, MR. SWELL DRESSER :-- WE SATISFY CUSTOMERS WHO BUY THEIR CLOTHES FROM US. BECAUSE THE SUITS AJVD OVERCOATS WE SELL ARE MADE OF GOOD CLOTH. BECAUSE THEY ARE CUT AND SEWED By TAILORS WHO KNOW HOW TO MAKE CLOTHES. BECAUSE OUR PRICES. ARE NOT ROB- BERS' PRICES. WE MAKE A PROFIT,. BUT WE WISH OJVL3 A FAIR PROFIT. y8'IO WILL BUy A SUIT OR AN OVER- COAT FROM US THAT WILL GIVE yOU A PERPETUAL SMILE. PAY US S'13.5O FOR A SUIT OR OVER- COAT AND NO MAN WILL HAVE A RIGHT TO FEEL PROUDER OF NIS CLOTHES THAN you. McGee & Campbell WHY BUY AT HOME ? Bccailse—You examine year pur- chase and are assured of satisfaction before investing your money. Because-AYoixr home merchant is always ready and willing to make right any error or any defective article purchased from hien, Because ---When you are sick or for any reason it is necessary for you to ask for credit, you can go to the local merchant. Could you ask it of a mail order house ? Because—If a merchant is willing to extend you credit you should give him the benefit of your cash trade. Because — Your home merchant pays local taxes and exerts every effort to build and better your mar- ket, thus increasing the value of both city and country property.. Because—The mail-order merchant does not lighten your tax or in any way help the value of your property. Because—The mail-order merchant does nothing for the benefit of mar- kets or real estate values. Because—If you will give your home merchant an opportunity to compete, by bringing your order to hire in the quantities you buy out of town, he will demonstrate that, quality con- sidered, he will save your money. FOR FALLING HAIR. You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. We promise you that, if your hair is falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage already done by using Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, with persistency and re- gularity. for a reasonable length of time. It is a scientific, cleansing, antiseptic, germicidal preparation, that destroys microbes, stimulates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment, removes dandruff and restores hair health. It is as pleasant to use as pure water, and it is delicately perfumed, It is a real toilet necessity. We want you to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with its use. It comes in two sizes, prices 50a and $LOO. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store, J. W. McKibbon. JUST KEEP ON KEEPIN' ON. If the day looks kinder gloomy, And your chances kinder slim ; If the situation's puzzlin', An' the prospect's awful grim ; �,,.,...e.. �.,..o And perplexities keep pressin' Till all hope is nearly gone, Just bristle up and grit your teeth, And keep on keepin' on. CLOTHIERS ( MEN'S FURNISHERS tImm infliiiMMEMMIMOIFI w Gordois Great sod Positively Giving Up Business . . CYCLONE OF BARGAINS AT WHIRLWIND PRICES Do' your shopping in the morning and avoid the crowds. Buy your Winter Clothing now when you can get it at half price. . MEN'S AND BOY'S HEAVY OVERCOATS at half price. Suits for almost nothing. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S MANTLES, all styles and sizes at money saving prices. - Curtains and Madras Muslins We have some 500 pairs of Lace Curtains in all the new patterns. Must be cleared at once. Dress Goods Hundreds of pieces of Dress Goods and Suitings in all the new weaves and colors. Corsets . Some 400 pairs to choose from and every one a bargain. q. Furs, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Laces, Embroideries, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and Hose at LESS THAN COST. BOOTS AND SHOES AT HALF PRICE Come with the Crowds to GORDON'S. Shop in the morning, if possible. Sale Continues till all Goods are sold. D. M. Gordon Fuming never wins a fight, And frettin' never pays ; There ain't no good in broodin' in These pessimistic ways. Smit' just kinder cheerfully, Wen hope is nearly gone, And bristle up and grit your teeth, And keep on keepin' on. There ain't no use in growlin', And grumblin' all the time; When music's ringing everywhere, And everything's a rhyme, Just keep on smiling cheerfully, If hope is nearly gone, And bristle up and grit your teeth, And keep on keepin' on. 0. The Chesley Case. The noted Chesley Local Option case is stilloccasionally before the Courts. Following the dismissal of the charge against W. G. Durst, a sup- porter of the By-law, for perjury, a search warrant was issued to search the Town Clerk's office for a per- fontary file. Chief Justice Boyd, however, quashed the search warrant, and the office was not searched. Must Show Money. There is a tendency to restrict immigration both into the United States and Canada. The Canadian immigration regulations that went into effect on November lst, require any person over the age of 18 enter- ing this country to produce $50; under the age of 18, the stun of $25 must be shown, before admittance is allowed. This may seem a hardship to poor immigrants, but it is a wise provision to prevent paupers from becoming a charge to the cities, where immigrants show a tendency to con- gregate, Other Reasons. Speaking of the defeat of Sir Wil- frid Laurier's candidate in Drummond, Arthabasea, recently, La Petrie, the V reach Liberal paper, says :—"The reveal policy of the Government is not alone responsible for the ebange in public opinion. There are deep divi- sions in the ranks of the Liberal party in Montreal and all the pro- Vinee. Sinee the last elections the chiefs did not come in contact with the people. Moab of the Ministerial members acted as though they had not to account for thtir actions, some of them being satisfied with their in- demnity and others enjoying the sweetness of power, and how many are the grafters who revolve round the members of Parliament." Sour- x.etia'e personal explanation Is :—"It is the beginning of the end." THE WING IMAM ADVANCE Your neighbor has had a 50 -cent bottle of Psychine (pro- nounced Si -keen) for which we paid his druggist. Send us this coupon filled in to -day and obtain your bottle from your druggist. We are receiving many thousands of requests from every part of Canada for the 50 -cent bottle of Psychine, which we buy from the druggist and give away. Unprecedented interest is being taken in Psychine, And it is doing some very remark- able things, making some very extra- ordinary cures. SIE SIE �iE Not more than we anticipated how- ever. With our third of a century's ex- perience with Psychine. With our knowledge of the hundreds of thousands it has already cured, In mind. We have the most absolute confi- dence In what it can and will do. 'Since scientists know now all about the white corpuscles of the blood, or o - the phagocytes, the scavengers which devour every germ of disease that enters the body. 'Since they also tell us that certain herbs—nature's remedies—help and build up these white corpuscles. And since these herbs are compound- ed In Psychine, we know why Psyching is so phenomenally successful In treat- ing disease. We know why its use is indicated in the following diseases: La Grippe. Bronchitis Hemorrhages Sore Throat Anaeni la Female Weakness Indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and Fevers Sleeplessness and Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs. Weak voice Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal Affections Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats Obstinate Coughs Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After effects of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La Grippe. Now, we don't ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon below, mail it to us and we'll give your .druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a C u -cent bottleof 1 0 Psycllue to be given you free of cost. We will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this manner, hundreds of thousands of these 50 -cent bottles of Psychineo And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that` has been based on our thirty years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full knowledge of the hundreds of thou- sands of cures it has made. COUPON Nb,122 To the Dr. T, A. SLOCUM, Ltd. 193-195 Spadina Ave„ Toronto I accept your offer to try it Re. bottle of Psychtuo (pronounced Si -keen) ab your expense, I have not had a 50c. bottle of Psychine under this plan, Kindly advise my druggist to deliver this bottle to mo. My Name Town Strcet and Number My Druggist's Name.. .•f Street and Number This coupon is not goad for a 60e. bottle of Psyching if presented to the druggist it must be Fent us—wo will then buy the Mc, bottle of Psychine from your druggist and direct hint to deliver it to you. This offer may bo withdrawn at any time without notice. Send coupon. today. A Deer Story. The best deer story of the season in this district comes from the south side of the St. Lawrence river. The other day Jas. Dudley and henry Packard shot a fine big buck in the South Mea- dows' district, and when the former attempted to cut the animal's throat it kicked out with all four legs, and Dudley got a blow in the eye, which may blind him for life. Packard butt- ed in with his knife as the deer strug- gled to its feet, but received a kick which broke his knee cap, and tore his trousers. The deer having knocked both men out, escaped. Litigation Less. The Kincardine Review makes this comparison :—Last Thursday was the day fixed for Division Court here, but there was not a single case on the docket. Ex -Mayor J. A. Macpherson contracts this with the time fifty years ago when the late Judge Cooper held court here for days at a time and 700 cases were on the docket. Of course, in those days all cases entered went before the judge. To -day where no defence is offered the Division Court Clerk may enter judgment. But litigation has declined. Line - fence and water -course disputes were closed long ago and, anyway, people have more sense now than to waste time and money in litigation. Must Put ,Up Board. The appeal case of the Grand Trunk against the decision of Magistrate A. W. Robb of Walkerton, who fined the company $20 and costs for not putting the board up at Pinkerton station an- nouncing the arrival of trains, came up Saturday at Walkerton before Judge Klein. The judge upheld the magistrate, thus defeating the ap- peal. Lady Sues A Country. Miss Josefa Schneider, a Turkish subject, resident in Constantinople, has brought a suite for damages against the state which throws a vivid light an condition in Turkey under Sultan Abdul Hamid II. 'According to the Paris paper, one of Abdul's daughters fell seriously ill in the days and the court physicians recommend- ed an operation for appendicitis. Abdul refused to give his consent un- til the operation had been performed on some one else, to prove that it was not dangerous to life. Miss Schnei- der, who had recently spent some time in a Constantinople hospital, was handy, 'so she was forcibly taken from her house and deprived of her appen- dix. Abdul Hamid was convinced, his daughter was cured, and now Miss Schneider's suit is part of his succes- sor's troubles. They Want Power. The farmers of Waterloo County have formed an organization and re- cently waited on the Hydro -Electric Commission to learn the cost of power to thein. The farmers are very en- thusiastic and expect soon to have their homes lighted and stationary machinery run by Niagara power. Cannot Understand It. The medical profession of the world is still handicapped before the scourge of infantile paralysis. This statement was made recently before the meet- ing of the Chicago Neurological Socie- ty by Dr. H. E. Robertson, assistant professor of pathology in the Uni- versity of Minnesota. Dr. Robertson said—"We are up against it. ^ We have not been able to cultivate the germs in laboratories. We cannot even diagnose because the first certain symptom is the paralysis of the pati- ent. The disease attacks the strong- est and most active children and is not confined to infants. Many victims are adults. The high fatality is caus- ed by reaching the acute stage in three or four days. Up to that time the symptoms might indicate any in- fectious malady. There are no defi- nite symptoms, and the first warning the practitioner has is the paralysis of his patient." The first pound you use will win your lasting favor BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS AT BROKEN PRICES We are clearing out what remains of our natty, up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We had in stock this season " the very latest materials and newest shades that could be purchased anywhere, and we are offering these goods at wholesale prices. We do not intend to keep one piece over —so there is a genuine bargain in Dress Goods waiting for you. P{`q'' ra 147,:�'.. : y�' � �,-r..:.s �r,.F " �" .�• �;a. rta',f'�•..e �.,,.�^., .:t 3'l7 av}{�,i':(..t fi?{�R t i � ��., J 'q �,`t. '�\*•�'IT'' �(t � +r e�-•...ra � f i 4+uN i'F1' `.. 1 Z. :J3 7K• I-.v%+rvtiT .�r.Y 7• - Y � '�J�'+i�i�.l 0;1;:! 4V Yi l �t$d ; liNf : at a° ^ JJPLILJ gi'frtlr ;ri x31.`. 44Ma{�h., 3901 iii'tMi.�.'!.%0I01 L t % �,1�' (� egi v r/�.'/p/,/%r i _ '"';:^.�...`�• "• 1.1 ,yet{,.� r 11 Ill C,CL.L.�Y it 'a f•r l..r . . Y.: . W,'"t; .x,;+sP •)"7 T"r. :`. OR Fa .w• +y. Y G•,•- f! ti k.kf tfl.ns Via' •,., tS t�.p ;. i P y? .F t, t .� xy r t, 'r✓A�.35::.'•�,ii a..ti� �,• ,M 73,..p ?+L,l'iX. �..7+It1.. c ..rt..•d ��.'. ftii.�� i!. -. n:.,.e. r;.:,?L,.^'�'i,.•iS.n.,1a., Concrete Sidewalks are Safe, Sightly and Everlasting UMBER used in damp places and on wet ground—as, for instance, in walks =has a very short life. It requires almost constant repairing and, in a few years, needs replacing. Concrete, on the tattler band, improves With age, and the very dampness which de- stroys lumber calls out the best qualities of the cement by making it harder and harder until neither time nor traffic can affect it. The best of wooden walks keep getting out of repair, and are a continual menace to life and limb. They are also a frequent source of expensive doctor bills and lost time. Then again, they are likely to eat up the original cost in repairs before they are replaced. Concrete walks are sightly, everlasting and safe, They cost less to build and need no repairing; nor painting. Write for our free book, "What the Fanner Can Do With Concrete. It tells in plain, simple language, how you can save money on farm construction Fb using cement for Barns, Dairies, oundations, Pence Posts, Troughs, reeding Tloors, Hitching Posts, Stalls, Silos, Stairs, and so forth. The Book is well illustrated with photographs,1 n and diagrams. rill out the coupon or send a to -clay. Canada Cement Co Simply address it I.ixnitei 81.60 National Ban's Building Monfret,l nus n You postal may send to me a copy of ''What the Fame Can no With Concrete." Name Address Olt CORSETS When you get a new Suit or a new Dress you will naturally want a new pair of Corsets. We handle the famous. D & A Corset in all the new long styles. Our new lines at 75c and $1.00 are quite equal to the ordinary $1.00 and $1.25 lines. Try a pair of these. FLANNELETTE Our range of Flannelettes is large and well assorted, in plain colors and fancy stripes—good washable colors. OVERCOATS A, full stork of den's and Boys' Overcoats with the com- fortable "Prato" Convertible Collars, kept complete. Cttll and see these Coats—they will please you. Also a splen did line of Men's and Youths' ready-to-wear Clothing, in • the newest tailored designs. Distinctive style and perfect fit are built Into every garment. In design, cloth and finish they will please even the most exacting taste, and all this at very reasonable prices. Wo always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter, and Poultry. 'Phone 89 T. A. Mills WINGHAM • Our Not Tweed, you fully HMWSON'S ' • Nova , newest Men's the through 1 i i \ „ "' nright I ie. ��, Overcoats Overcoats, $8.00, If 1I/, . .,• , %'� i I " -.....—.,----'—.7,- ���� reasonably MEN'S DEPARTMENT Don't Put Of f , Getting What Winter SUIT or OVERCOAT Any Longer We are showing styles and values that will open your , purse if you see them. Hadn't you better drop in away? We think we have clothing that will ex - --, aetly suit you. Our assort- menta are so large we are g almost to have sure just - what you like at the price you want to• pay. are extremely attractive and very priced. all prices, $6.00, $7.00, $I0.00, $12.00, $I5. Men's High Class Tailor Made Suits ordinary ready-made, but our English Worsted_ '• made to our order by expert tailors. Sold to our „system of very small expense, at prices fifteen per cent less than you can get equal values for elsewhere. See Our New Overcoats for Boys from 3 to 8 yrs. Price, $3.00. BOYS' SWEATERS—A BARGAIN AT 50c. UNDERWEAR for Men, made of Pure Scotia Wool. All sizes. Ask to see it. • im�ara . . 11. E. Isard Isard&Co1 & ; ....... BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS AT BROKEN PRICES We are clearing out what remains of our natty, up-to-date Suitings and Dress Goods. We had in stock this season " the very latest materials and newest shades that could be purchased anywhere, and we are offering these goods at wholesale prices. We do not intend to keep one piece over —so there is a genuine bargain in Dress Goods waiting for you. P{`q'' ra 147,:�'.. : y�' � �,-r..:.s �r,.F " �" .�• �;a. rta',f'�•..e �.,,.�^., .:t 3'l7 av}{�,i':(..t fi?{�R t i � ��., J 'q �,`t. '�\*•�'IT'' �(t � +r e�-•...ra � f i 4+uN i'F1' `.. 1 Z. :J3 7K• I-.v%+rvtiT .�r.Y 7• - Y � '�J�'+i�i�.l 0;1;:! 4V Yi l �t$d ; liNf : at a° ^ JJPLILJ gi'frtlr ;ri x31.`. 44Ma{�h., 3901 iii'tMi.�.'!.%0I01 L t % �,1�' (� egi v r/�.'/p/,/%r i _ '"';:^.�...`�• "• 1.1 ,yet{,.� r 11 Ill C,CL.L.�Y it 'a f•r l..r . . Y.: . W,'"t; .x,;+sP •)"7 T"r. :`. OR Fa .w• +y. Y G•,•- f! ti k.kf tfl.ns Via' •,., tS t�.p ;. i P y? .F t, t .� xy r t, 'r✓A�.35::.'•�,ii a..ti� �,• ,M 73,..p ?+L,l'iX. �..7+It1.. c ..rt..•d ��.'. ftii.�� i!. -. n:.,.e. r;.:,?L,.^'�'i,.•iS.n.,1a., Concrete Sidewalks are Safe, Sightly and Everlasting UMBER used in damp places and on wet ground—as, for instance, in walks =has a very short life. It requires almost constant repairing and, in a few years, needs replacing. Concrete, on the tattler band, improves With age, and the very dampness which de- stroys lumber calls out the best qualities of the cement by making it harder and harder until neither time nor traffic can affect it. The best of wooden walks keep getting out of repair, and are a continual menace to life and limb. They are also a frequent source of expensive doctor bills and lost time. Then again, they are likely to eat up the original cost in repairs before they are replaced. Concrete walks are sightly, everlasting and safe, They cost less to build and need no repairing; nor painting. Write for our free book, "What the Fanner Can Do With Concrete. It tells in plain, simple language, how you can save money on farm construction Fb using cement for Barns, Dairies, oundations, Pence Posts, Troughs, reeding Tloors, Hitching Posts, Stalls, Silos, Stairs, and so forth. The Book is well illustrated with photographs,1 n and diagrams. rill out the coupon or send a to -clay. Canada Cement Co Simply address it I.ixnitei 81.60 National Ban's Building Monfret,l nus n You postal may send to me a copy of ''What the Fame Can no With Concrete." Name Address Olt CORSETS When you get a new Suit or a new Dress you will naturally want a new pair of Corsets. We handle the famous. D & A Corset in all the new long styles. Our new lines at 75c and $1.00 are quite equal to the ordinary $1.00 and $1.25 lines. Try a pair of these. FLANNELETTE Our range of Flannelettes is large and well assorted, in plain colors and fancy stripes—good washable colors. OVERCOATS A, full stork of den's and Boys' Overcoats with the com- fortable "Prato" Convertible Collars, kept complete. Cttll and see these Coats—they will please you. Also a splen did line of Men's and Youths' ready-to-wear Clothing, in • the newest tailored designs. Distinctive style and perfect fit are built Into every garment. In design, cloth and finish they will please even the most exacting taste, and all this at very reasonable prices. Wo always pay the highest prices for Eggs, Butter, and Poultry. 'Phone 89 T. A. Mills WINGHAM