HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-11-17, Page 4King's For Bargains . We Want Your Trade /114111111111141414114110414111444411 KING'S The Busy Store Extra Values For This Week EXTRA VALUE !---What does this mean to you ? Simply this—Something you want, at Iess than its REAL, WORTH. We draw your attention to the lines mentioned below, and would ask you to come and see what we call EXTRA VALUES. NO. 1-300 yds. Dress Goods, in allawoo1 Venetians, Fancy Suit Lengths, Diagonal Stripes, &c., in all the new shades and textures. Regular $1.00, $L25, $1.50 yard --THIS WEEK 89c NO, 2—Women's and Children's Worsted Hose, all sizes 6 to 10—to clear at, Per Pair 25c NO. 3—Tell Men's new Winter Overcoats, sizes 36 to 42 ; plain Black and Fancy Tweed effects. Regular $15.00 value this week for $10.00 NO. 4-500 yards Flannelette, in plain, white, pink and fancy stripes. Regular 12-}c and 15c per yard ---this week for, per yard 9c Come along --Bring your friends—and be convinced that K I N G'S is the place to do your shopping. New Laid Eggs, 30e. Roll Batter, 24c. GEQ. E. KING Good Goods I i Cheap Prices How Are You ? How are you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, Envelopes, Bill heads, Statements, Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything in the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which is THE ADVANCE OFFICE. • ..... �sscrxcv- •. - ....''.134a ...... ,.-...asxo -- ,, .19SI=MSAN.a2d,.==.11.1VitireV2GlailMW.MM'at....V...21150tasifftitWeV9=k1Vr.,MAAMANIZEPITICSC. Busy t Creed.. to in 10 We believe in the stuff we are out, in the firms we are for, and in our ability results. We believe that honest can be passed out to honest by honest methods, We believe working, not weeping ; in boosting, knocking ; and in the pleasure our job, We believe that a man what he goes after, and that deed done to -day is worth two tomorrow, and that no man down and out until he has lost in himself, We believe ki sv, inkindness, ,n Ingenerosity, , good cheer, in friendship and competition. We believe is something doing, somewhere, every man ready to do it. We we're ready RIGHT NOW, Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots, Well just the place for a retired Price Reasonable. & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE is matchless be The is it of it VI _ '517 0' OF THE PIE and if made with our its crust is sure to and nice tasting. Of The Family it takes less and pastry than inferior kinds. Merkley CC_P-r. cnY•^ THE PROOF in its taste, Flour light and flaky Flour this brand, because to make bread does of Ezra DR, JAS. L. WiLSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Special attention to diseases of Women and Children, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, and glasses properly fitted. (Dr. McDonald's old stand) DR. R. M. MacL1AN DENTAL SURGEON OORRIE, owe. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment cf Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all days—oiilee in Grand Central Block. At vordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of tho modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. 'This practical Ontario. best. teachers graduates not $00 Get CENTRAL Q ,al_(_ STRATFORD. college is training It is the Our courses experienced succeed. Commercial, Telegraphy. Wo have scores meet. Calla per month our free catalogue your course D. A. McLACBLAN is rightly described asc° "Economical Management."}�goy A shrewd business man is spoken of iy3> as thriftybecause b c use he saves. • Perhaps only a dollar at a time-- P erha s more—but the real secretof p:i5_, • his success lies in the principle of saving. One Dollar will start an account with Bank of Hamilton, q /i Ot P. SMITH, Agent - Wingham ., f ¢�� ,t�g� 'rk �i'""':11'81[4../, �- a- a�dx?i 3 -Ii c � Ifi i 4? a_ .3the _'„,iii ""THRIFT r�.L ,V -'"i, � f � u ,g a:; t k ciyugandmulbbaute Theo. Hall • Proprietor. STRONG WORDS THESE. Flzoar A LII3 RAT. M.P. The French paper "Le Pays," edited 'by Godfri Langlois, M,P„ in referring to the Quebec defeat of Sir Wilfrid's candidate, says :— "Cur party has met with a crushing defeat, and we must have the courage to avow v w it, All will admit that our party is not what it was formerly, for the Liberals have certainly weakened during the pastfew yearn, A great number of partisans have raided the depository epo tory of the government spoils,. have wrung from the ministry every- thing in their power for their own personal account, instead of remain- ing at their post, as good soldiers of duty and progress, "During all this time they placed their faith as to the future of the party in the splendidly sympathetic personality and the incomparable prestige of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, upon whose shoulders everything has rested since 1800. As a matter of fact, our party is sick, In the minds of a great number of people Liberalism has given place to ministeriatism. Instead of the grand principles of former day, we find keen appetites and personal aspir- ations impregnating the present en- tourage of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. There are too many people, in fact, who are trying to get rich at the expense of the country. There are too many -ad- vocates in parliament who wish to don the ermine. Our Liberal news- papers, instead of being allies of the government, have been playing the role of servile domestics, and power has been used for the material satis- faction and advantages which it brings" The above is certainly strong lan- guage to come from a supporter of the Government, and the worst of it is, that there are reasons to believe that it is true. CAUSES SICKNESS. Good Health Impossible With A Disorded Stomach. There is nothing that will create sickness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people daily contract serious maladies Simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach, We urge every one suffering from any stomach derangement, indiges- tion or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money without question or fs$$mality, if after reasonable use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the results. We recommend them to our custom- ers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 25c, 50e and $1,00 a box. Sold in Wingham only at our store—The Rexall Store. J. We McGibbon, .44 Fined For Swearing. Virginia's anti -cursing law went in- to effect recently. The man, who swears finds it difficult to keep out of • the clutches of the law in Virginia, for o the hillhrbitin ro ' cursing p g g a t the last session of the General Assembly went into effect at midnight, Wednes- day last. The bill is brief, but un- mistakably clear, for it says :—"If any person shall in the presence or hear- ing of another, curse or abuse another person or use any violently abusive language to such person concerning himself or his relatives, under circum- stances reasonably calculated to pro- voke a breach of the peace, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on con- viction shall be fined not less than $3.- 50 nor more than $5. E. C. WHITE Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry cr►ntains the newest All - wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable milts in the world. Inspection invited. You will find our Kingfisher Cloths in "Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suiting, Tweed Suitings, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over - coatings give the best satisfaction, Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. E. Cr WHITE I11 .tiCIC WIN FIAM The Fashionable Men's and ladles' Tailor Afterippe or any Sickness Vinol Creates Strength HERE IS PROOF "After a long attack of Grippe, Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to re- cover her strength. She was very weak and had no appetite, VI - NOL rapidly improved her condi- tion and restored her to health. T sincerely recommend its use during convalescence or any run down Condition," Jtrnon C. N. VAUGHT, Jluiisvillo, Ala, Miss Adelaide Galnrn, of Water- town, Wis., writes, "After a severe attack of the Grippe, my system was in a very weakened, nervous, run-down condition. I took VI. NOL with the best of results, and it made me feel better and stronger than l: have been for years. " We Have never sold in our store a more valuable health restorer for weak and run down persons than VINOL, and we itsk such people in this vicinity to try VINOL with the understanding that their money will be returned if it does not do all we claim. for it. J. WA.LTOIST ltfcl 1r8BON Druggist " Wirggill THE GODERICH MURDER, On Wednesday, November 0, Ed- ward Jardine was committed for trial on a charge of the murder of Lizzie Anderson on September 20, by Magi*, trate John Butler. His ease will came up for trial at the Spring A.esiees in March next. Thomas Jardine, broth- er of Edward was let go at the same time, when the crown dropped the charge that he was an accessory after the fact, for want of eufficient evi- dence, Something of a sensation, however, was produced when within the same hour that he`was released, information was laid against Thomas Jardine, charging him with perjury in con- e do n c .nwi his evidence h hs e d nce before the ooroner's investigation. Curiously enough, Jardine was allowed to leave the court without being placed under arrest, though County Attorney Sea- ger warned him of the information laid against him, ^ It is rumored that Tom Jardine had much to do with getting his own liberty by telling the authorities a different story as to his movements on the night of the murder and what he knew of his brother's doings at the same time, Neither he nor the Crown officials will say, bolvever.. Meanwhile Ed. Jardine is back in jail and likely to remain there till his trial as there is no chance of getting bail, so his counsel, L. F. Dancey, says. Mrs. Jardine, who is still suffering from the nervous trouble that she complained of at the coroner's inquest, received the news of Tom's freedom, while lying in bed. She seems to be dissatisfied. "I don't see why they couldn't either keep them together or free them both," she said. Geo. Jardine thinks they did right in freeing his brother. He says they should never have arrested him at all. Wesley Anderson, the father of the murdered girl, has never all through the affair, shown any bitter - nese toward the Jardine family. It is plain to be seen that Anderson either does not think Jardine is the guilty person or does not want to see him punished for it. He expressed him- self as being glad that Torn Jardine was at liberty, Money Galore. The '.Calker family of Brant, with other nieces and nephews have fallen heirs to the fortune Ieft by their uncle, the late James Tasker of Montreal. dust what each member of the family receive, we are not at Liberty to say , but as some of the other relatives have each received $50,000, the amount coming to the family in Brant wiII not bo a small one. — [Walkerton Telescope. Gave His Own Blood. When Norman Allen of Sutton, Out. cut the main artery of his leg with a sharp chisel some weeks ago, he lost so much blood that doctors despaired of his life. His younger brother volunteered and surgeons decided to try the transfusion of blood, the first of such operations in Canada. At the General Hospital, Toronto, blood was pumped out of one brother into the other and both have now recovered and were presented to prominent sur- geons of the United States and Cana- da as marvels of triumphs of modern surgery. Thousand Dollars Damages. }C.P.R.s The case of Boyd vs, the C. .R w heard in Orangeville on November 8th. The plaintiff sustained a double rupture in a head on collision near Melville on October 20th, I009. The evidence was largely medical, and was given by Dr. Sproule, Markdale, Dr. Martin, Dundalk, and Dr. Carson, Orangeville. The defence called Dr, Middleboro of Owen Sound and Dr. Beatty, Toronto, C.P.R. surgeon, who stated an operation would effect a radical cure. The judge dismissed the jury and assessed the damages at $1,000 and costs. SHINES IN SOCIETY. Women with Fascinating Rai Always Attract •Atteution, If you are a woman with dull, life. less, ordinary hair, do not feel die tressed. Just make up your mint now that yon can have just as luxuri ant and captivating a bead of hair a' any other woman, and quickly too, Just go. to W. J, McKtbbon'e this very day and get a bottle of Parisian Sage, Use it as directed, and in tw weeks your scalp will be free of dand ruff, your hair will be soft, lustrous and beautiful, If your hair is falling out, Parisia Sage will stop it. If your hair is thin, Parisian Sagi will make it grow in heavily, Ifsou have e an d u a vanih when Parisian dandruffit is used. It prevents hair turning gray ; stops itching scalp almoat instantly and r. the ideal dressing for daily use, A large bottle costs only 50o at W °J, McKib o ' b n s or direct, all charge; prepaid from the Canadian makers Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Oat, • New Food Standards, • An Order -in -Council has been passe at Ottawa establishing new standard: for meat and meat products, including fish. This is the first instalment o. new food standards now being estab lished by the Inland Revenue Depart went-, with a view to securing a better basis for enforcing the law governing the adulteration of food products manufactured or placed on sale in Ca nada. New standards for milk an milk products and for grain and grain products will be promulgated shortly, After being advertised for thirty day in the Canada Gazette, the new stand and will become operative, The regu lation now promulgated affectin@ meat products are for the most part of a technical nature. They will provide the Department with a definite basic on which to go in determining wheth er or not meats and meat products placed on the market contain any foreign or injurious substances con trary to the standards now .defined. Peat Equal To Coal. Five hundred tons of peat which have been manufactured by the De- partment of Mines at Alfred, was sold within a few days at $3.25 per ton. There is a deluge of orders for more. The peat making industry is regarded as a success and further efforts will be made to develop it. The peat from the Government plant is said to be equal to coal, Prevent and Relieve Headache "It gives me great pleasure to be able to refer to Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills as the best rem- edy we have yet had in our house for the prevention and cure of headache. My wife who has been a constant sufferer for a number of years with above complaint joins me in the hope that they may fall into the hands of all sufferers." JOHN BUSH, Watervleit, Me. Used Them Four Years. "Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are the best I ever tried for the relief of headache. I have used them for nearly four years and they never fail to give me relief. I have tried many other rem- edies, but have never found any, better." JOSEPH FRANKOWICI, 854 Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich. There is no remedy that will more quickly relieve any, form of headache than Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. The best feature of this re- markable remedy is the fact that it does not derange the stomach or leave any disagreeable after- effects. Price 25c at your druggist. He should sto us, ly we forwa he prepaid t, send price Da. MILES MEDICAL CO„ ll'orontb, (GriNEYOXFOi Don't to, 16 make the-ok/ Roe dot A makeshift cook -stove is a1 ways expensive. You waste food beeauso it is not properly cooked. You waste time trying to make things right. You waste fuel trying to heat your oven --or get a hot fire --or keep a low fire all day and night. You ions money every day you try to use an unsatisfactory range. THE IMPERIAL OXFORD Isere is the range for your purpose. Tho one perfect—all ridht cast iron range, day in and day out, year after year Will �mI1U0N+¢`r� tr #400XFORD kind which easily saves 20% of your fuel. No other deviee of the ever invented is worth so much to you in cold rash. You, lose money every day you try to get along without it. Come in and let us show you the Imperial Oxford with ""Beonomize;t`" attachment. It means dollars and cents to you. Other Gurney -Oxford stoves and ranges for every pur- pose anti any kind of fuel. Get acquainted with the best known, best Piked stoves i11 all Canada, Zt will be your gain. last you a lifetime. Reli- able ns the firm back of it. Made for real or trootl--les nitarinnent if desired. .ifas detach:b)c nickel rims, easy to clean. New device for removing :sits. BOYCE - litinghaifi 1 - banding s working get i stnsf , men , in , not , of gets one L deeds is faith courts , rn honest there for believe t Special situated, farmer, Ritchie • The Man's nollAIONOMIENIMMIMMir Busy t Creed.. to in 10 We believe in the stuff we are out, in the firms we are for, and in our ability results. We believe that honest can be passed out to honest by honest methods, We believe working, not weeping ; in boosting, knocking ; and in the pleasure our job, We believe that a man what he goes after, and that deed done to -day is worth two tomorrow, and that no man down and out until he has lost in himself, We believe ki sv, inkindness, ,n Ingenerosity, , good cheer, in friendship and competition. We believe is something doing, somewhere, every man ready to do it. We we're ready RIGHT NOW, Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots, Well just the place for a retired Price Reasonable. & Cosens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE is matchless be The is it of it VI _ '517 0' OF THE PIE and if made with our its crust is sure to and nice tasting. Of The Family it takes less and pastry than inferior kinds. Merkley CC_P-r. cnY•^ THE PROOF in its taste, Flour light and flaky Flour this brand, because to make bread does of Ezra DR, JAS. L. WiLSON, B.A. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Special attention to diseases of Women and Children, also Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested, and glasses properly fitted. (Dr. McDonald's old stand) DR. R. M. MacL1AN DENTAL SURGEON OORRIE, owe. Honor Graduate Toronto University, Depart- ment cf Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (all days—oiilee in Grand Central Block. At vordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of tho modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. 'This practical Ontario. best. teachers graduates not $00 Get CENTRAL Q ,al_(_ STRATFORD. college is training It is the Our courses experienced succeed. Commercial, Telegraphy. Wo have scores meet. Calla per month our free catalogue your course D. A. McLACBLAN /Jy/f/ ONT. recognized as the great school of Western largest as well as the are practical, our instruotors, our Three departments— Shorthand and of applications we can- offering $15, $55 and aro remaining unfilled. and commence at once. - Principal GET TER for Graduates tions. Cor. THE BEST—IT PAYS De not fool with Edsication. Attend the famous OELLIOTT// 4 / TORONTO, ON`. BEST PLACE in Canada Strictly High Grade Training. readily get good posi- Commence now. Write TO- DAY for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Yonge and Aleksander Ste. i I Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Fall and Winter months, an energetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT ME EXCLi1SIVE TE17R1TOR•Y 000 ACRES 'under cultivation, We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to contract grade. We can shote that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this tune. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY' CO. ILORONxo, ONT, Jas. Furniture takers enteabtinfi On reoelved bfs3tse Walker S Sale wmartazn Tealets and Undertaker's We are speefatiy qualified Under. and Embalmers, arid /babe their work to um may rely it being welt done, Night sails it residence. Phone 100 lihn !! t Phone J* The Proflt Sharing Store '4 JNGHAM, ONTARIO KERB & BIRD AgentsLadles' Homee acarnnl Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns New Fruit 1 Good Frult! Low Prices Because of the scarcity of apples, we have bought large quantities of Dried Fruits, and Canned Goods. We bought early, - in the best markets, and as a result we offer Choice Fruits, etc., at very low prices, Choice New Prunes—Ib 10o New Cooking Figs—lb-5o to 70 New Layer Figs, large—lb, .. , 20c `• " medium—lb-15c " " " lb. boxes 10c Canned Apples, Plums, Pears and Pine Apples. Also good Dried Apples. Golden Table Syrup in 2 lb., 5 lb. and 10 lb. tin pails. Canned Salmon and Sardines, Golden Finnan Haddie—tin. 100 Canned Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, best quality Quaker Brand. Fresh Cod Steak—tin 15c Smoked Herringin Bonillon100 Lemon, Citron and Orange Peel, all good quality Eng. lish Drained Peel...200. to 25o Don't buy Candied Peel. New Datas, best fruit, 10c per lb., or 3 lbs. for 2110 New Dates in pkgs , TOC a pkg or 3 pkgs. for 25c New Valenoia Raisins, select- ed, per Ib. 100 New Seedless Raisit s, choice —per lb... 10c Seeded Raisins in pkgs., 1 Ib, each, choice frait...10o to 13o New Table Raisins, cholas clusters—per Ib., only 20o Pare Glover Honey, in 1 Ib jars, 5 and 10 lb. tin pails, Orange Marmalade .... 10s to 25o Fruit Jam, 1 lb. jars 10o Shelled Nuts are advancing in price, but we have our sup- ply in for Christmas, and price will be, per lb. , 500 Don't forget that we guarantee the quality of our Rolled Oatmeal at $2.25, a Sack, or 9 lbs. for 25c. Try us for Corn Meal, Graham Flour, Rolled Wheat, Pastry Flour, Bread Flour. We handle the Cream of the West Flour. FARMERS.—We pay good prices for produce. We want large quantities of batter, eggs, white beans, onions, seed onions, dried apples, poultry. We also want hay, oats, and dry hard wood. I 1lSEN-- 0' 6 ATTENTION ! 1 Here is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the very latest up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. We have just received a shipment of i o NEW FALL AND WINTER G0008 1, 1 GOING OUT OF BOSINESS Owing to having given the order early in the summer, before 1 had • decided oh The wholesale house would not cancel the order, but sent the goods along. Consequently, you have the new goods to select your Suit and Overcoat from at the SAME LOW PRICES SUITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas. OVERCOATS ---Black, $rowel, Green and Striped; in Beavers, Miltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. TPOUSERINGS—a11 styles and prices Time and apace will not permit of Price List. Sunee to say, that those having seen the goods, and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvelous. Como and sec for yourself. 1 e M axw TAILOR ttlrftl11M11a ___ <. p ftit>ur wwllrr+nw9 i 1 tNIiN111) 1