The Wingham Advance, 1910-11-10, Page 44 .King's For Bargains Notice is given in the daily papers, n, that the Walkerton and Lucknow ' Railway Co. will apply to Parliament - for an extension of time to construct a e railway from Walkerton to Lucknow, - via Teeswater. We Want Your Trade - l LQUfi 1F KING s The Busy Store a . Extra Values For Ti. Week DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORRiR, ONT. Honor Graduate Toronto -University, Depart- ment of. Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (aII day)—ofilee in Grand Central Block, At i!'ordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. CENTRAL ,Ni�%%f Y a / 1• /4 STRATFORD. ONT. This college 1s recognized as the great practical training school, of Western t Ontario. It is the largest as well as the jj best. Onr courses are practical, our teachers experienced instructors, our graduates succeed, Three departments— Commerciai, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We have scores of applications nphcatons co o can- not meet. Calls offering $15, 055 and 550 per month are remaining unSUcd. Get our free catalogue and commence your course at once. D. A, McLACIILAN - Principal EXTRA VALUE !—What does this mean to you ? Simply this--•Soinething you want, at Iess than its REAL WORTIL We draw your attention to the lines mentioned below, and would ask you to come and see what we call EXTRA VALUES. NO, 1-300 yds. Dress Goods, in all -wool Venetians, Fancy Suit Lengths, Diagonal Stripes, &c., in all the new shades and textures. Regular $1.00, $1.25, $L50 yard --THIS WEEK 89c NO. 2—Women's and Children's Worsted Hose, all • sizes 6 to 10 --- to clear at, Per Pair 25c NO. 3—Ten Men's new Winter Overcoats, sizes 36 to 42 ; plain Black and Fancy Tweed effects. Regular $15.00 value this week for...... $10,00 NO. 4-500 yards Flannelette, in plain, white, pink -- and fancy stripes. Regular 12-}c and 15c per yard ---this week for, per yard 9c .. Come along—Bring your friends—and be convinced that K I N G'S is the place to do your shopping. Walker & Son WINONAMF1 Dealers and Undertakers New Laid Eggs, 30e. Roll Butter, 24c. GEO. E. KING Good Goods J I Cheap Prices How Are `You ? How are you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which THE ADVANCE OFFICE. in is , ' t I # _------ ---- -- — _ The feeling of ease which the possession of a bank -book 4 thin not to be despised—no what your position or prospects. ' A bank account eliminates •care—causes you to feel that something to fall back upon instance of emergency. One Dollar will start an C. 6 . SMITH, Agdllt - _ .-_. ___ comes with"..: is some- matter worry and you have in an account. - - __— ,! l� --_-�F-= i{• :�` �~ Y aY �!.t �x�'� l;� 'j, ,� 1 spa -� "a L4 l � x i y .-t �), a ,ma '. , 1. , t a raj ,." Lt' \'�a ( ;:� r `� '� w E ( 'ppJ! 1' s ` : i 1 ' • I "• T - i 1 t l i Jed ...' .. ..... ..' - .-..t. ..-. ••7Y9i�,Ai .r:-. .. �-.. .+.. - YImeIN; ewv.,s- f nK@WP1tC.1 JE• C. WUITI3 Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock I carry contains the newest All - wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. Inspection incited. Yon will find our Kingfisher Clothe in Mack and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Su,ltings, Melton, Beaver, and c3rombie's Over- • coatings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day You are measured. You get every- thing the very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. E C ITE BLOC WINO! -IAM The Fashionable Men's and'Ladies' Tailor g.eai `,'Manse Theo, Hall • Proprietor, OCTOBER SCHOOL REPORTS, No, 8, ',I.'iTIiNI3F,.RIPY, Total 300—Sr. 3rd -,-Clarice Moffat 210, Denton Ferguson 221. Jr. 3rd— Francis Moffat 228, Reta Walken' 191. Sr, 2nd --Wilford Anderson 77. Jr, 2nd --Gordon Walker 250, Norman Henderson 238, Alfred Miller 214. Total 200—Sr, Pt, Ist---Norman Walk- er 173, Vera McKenzie 132, Perrie Henderson 104, Russel Henderson 00, Jr. Pt, 1st' --Margaret Henderson, Clarkson Martin, Harold Martina.—E. Musgrove, teacher. No, 7 Monnxs, Sr. 4th—Gordon Higgins, Stewart Procter, R, Kerr, S, Brandon. Jr, 4th M. Hopper, ). Ii err, J. Campbell, L. Campbell. Jr. 3rd—H. Garniss, R, Hopper, W. Campbell. Sr. 2nd—L. Coultes, B. Campbell, L. Higgins, T. Campbell, V. Procter, H. Procter. Pt, 2nd --G. Campbell, V. Hopper, M. Casemore, M. Garniss. Sr, Pt. 2od— A. Hopper, F. Salter. Jr. Pt, 1st—M. Campbell, E. Campbell. Pupils en- rolled 25; average attendance 15.— Nelson Higgins, teacher S. S. No. 6 TURNBEnRY. 5th—Minnie Porter, Bert Holmes, Jessie Holmes, Grace Snell, Wilfrid Murchison, Bertha, Chandler, Henriet- ta Forton, Ethel Chandler, Louisa Snell, Vina King, Dorothy Roth, Geo. Dalgleish. 3rd --Henry Holmes, Robt. McRague, Percy Xing, Ewart Link - later. god —Norma Foxton, Lizzie MoKagize, Gertie Fallis, Emma Snell, Dan Roth, Harold Showers, Charlie Showers. Pt. 2nd — Harold Fallis. Sr. 1st —frank Roth. Glass A—Etta Fallis, Herbert Foxton, Harold Fox- tox. Glass B—Clifford Jenkins, Edith Jenkins. CIass 0—Irlma Chandler, Oscar Holmes, Mary Roth --.Pearl Mc- Pherson, teacher. B. S. No. 11 TURNaaRRY, Total 400—Sr, 4th—Jessie Currie. 323, Minnie Saunders 238. Total 400—Jr. 4th—Susie Sheriff 294, Myrtle Lock - ridge 131. Total 410—Sr, 3rd—Francis Lockridge 365, Milton Groves 286, Mindred Mercer 235, Ethel Finley 34. Total 410—Jr. 3rd—Wilfred McGregor 300, Leonard Adams 78. Total.350— Sr. 2nd --Winnie Ransom 267. Roy Forsyth 130, Mary Austin 105, Ernest Johnston 92, Isabel Austin 83. Total 350—Jr. 2nd—Olive Groves 200, Sam- mie Lockridge 131, Hilda Adams 9. Total 100 -Pt. 2nd—Gertie Groves 84, Eddie Shrigley 44, Willie Finley 32, Tommy Crnikshank 30. Total 100— Sr. 1st—May Hart 80, Gordon Mc- Gregor 50, Tommy Lockridge 30. Total 100—Jr. 1st—Donald Cleghorn 90, Lizzie Cruikshank! 86.—M. Walsh, eacher. B1 LDIORn SCHOOL. Total marks 650-4th—Jimmie Law- ence 517, Rosie Weiler 433, Jemima vIarshall 330, Nettie Weiler 822, Kath- leen McGrogan 319, Margaret Mar - hall 230, Albert Marshall 198, Gladys Birkby 155, Total 3255, 3rd—Catha- ine Lawrence 260, John Lawrence 55, Annie Baker 245, Grace Reddon 10, Blanche Irwin 190, Gertrude Mill - r 173, Geo. Marshall 170, Hazel McGee 03, Emmanuel Marshall 94, Beatrice McGee 53. Total 250-2nd—Cora Bak - r 188, Harry Miller 109, Stella Rose- well 162, Geo. Lund 100, Alex. Kirkby 1, Mildred Helier, Nicholas Willie, iazel Baker, Lena Schiestel. Total 30—Sr. Pt. 2nd—David Marshall 329, resin D dwards 221 Priscilla Pri calla Shoe- baker 212, Murray Mulvey 140, Edna tosewell 134. Jr. Pt. 2nd -- Edward IcGrogan, Alberta Baker, Catharine IcGue, Mathew Schiestel, Sr. Pt. st—•Aggie Willie, Victoria McGue, Lary Lynet. Jr. Pt. let—Jas. Weiser, Targaret ilIcGrogan, Norman Shoe- aaker, Gordon Mulvey, Catharine Ichiestel, Eva Stokes. --M. E. Ayles- orth, teacher. fter a Grippe "I had suffered several weeks with LaGrippe. Had pains in my head and eyes. It felt as though there was a heavy weight on the top of my head, until it seemed that Ivy brain would burst. I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep. When I dozed off I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body. Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Pills cured me. A number of friends have since realized the Sallie benefits." MRS. ALVIN I3. LOCKS, Seabrook, N. IL The after effects of LaGrippe are often more serious than the disease, as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious troubles, such as lieumonia, etc, Dr. Milts' Restorative Nevi should be taken for some time to thoroughly, restore nerve strength. Pride $1.00 at your drubgist. Ba should tooleiy you. if hal do,* not, tend woe to es, wi forward .weld. Oft, MII.'Ili fitttittAto0*., ,'i'f,ilittdr THE WING -RAM ADVANCE SENATE REFORM. (Walkerton Telescope) The Globe of last week gave a list of the Conservative members of the Senate with the ages .of each and they have nearly alt lived out the aRoted space of years. Of these Conservative Senators there are 22, some of whom will doubtlessly pass away before Liberal regime is over. As it stands now there are 62 Liberale as against the 22 Conservatives. The Globe, and some of the other papers advocate the appointment of Conservatives to that a balance c of power may be maintain- ed, But is the Liberal Government or any other government at all likely to jeopardize that power by appoint- ing enough of the other party to defeat any measure the house may bring forward? That is hardly likely and so the purpose of the Senate is defeated. But what is the purpose of the Senate anyway ? According to the British North America Act the idea of the upper house was to be a re- straint upon the lower one. The appointment of Senators is in the hands of the party in power. And party in Canada reaches out for a couple of decades, so that during that time there are so many Senat- ors appointed that it swings the vote of the Senate house to the side of the house having the power there. And the purpose of the :Senate is de- feated. What is the remedy ? There are some who believe that the country could do very well without an upper House. But history has shown that in Britain an upper house has been of value at times as well as a seem- ing detriment. The Senate is more democratic than the British House of Lords. But what's wanted is that the Senate be representative. If, say, quarter the number of senators were appointed as much work could be accomplished at ono quarter of the expense. If the term of office were limited to ten years there would be more of the senators more careful of their stewardship. Better still would be elected sena- tors, representing a much larger district than the members of parlia- ment. Probably a. combination of these, say twenty senators elected by the people for a term of ten years, would give the greatest bene- fit to all. 10...0101114 AMMEM11•10111•11 Railways Cost Money. The total expenditure for railways and canals in Canada, last year, was 530,125,808. The aggregate revenue from railways was $9,617,963, and canals $193,381 of which $108,893 came from hydraulic rents. The total Government expenditure on railways prior to and since Confederation amounts to $439,187,422. In the same period the canal expenditure was 5126,328,958. A Good Crop. Last year Mr. J. J. Donnelly, M. P,', bought one hundred acres of the old Bradley farm in Greenock. The land was all plowed for the first tinge, and cropped with peas, which yielded 2800 bushels. This year the ground has all been sown with fall wheat. West- ern lands will hardly show better re- turns than this if the succeeding crops are anything like the initial one reap- ed by Mr, Donnelly. — [Walkerton Telescope. Prices In 1845. A rummager among old papers of the date 1845 found the following prices, which will be interesting in comparison with the prices of the present time -2 lbs. of nails, IGe ; 1 lb. tea $L25; 7 yards of calico at 22e peryard,n191 and ands at 33., per y yard ; 83 lbs. beef at 2e per lb. ; butter as low as 4 and 5c per lb. ; black mus- lin 16c per yard ; corn 121 to 15c per bushel ; fresh pork 30 per Ib. ; 2 hogs weighing 310 lbs. each at tic per Ib. ; brown sugar 121c per lb, ; eggs 2c per dozen, A Simple Method. The Ontario Board of Health has sent out the following very simple method of purifying water :—A level teaspoonful of chloride of lime should be rubbed into a teacup of water. This solution should be diluted with three cupfuls of water, and a teaspoon, fel of the whole quantity should be added to each two gallon pail of drink- ing water, This will give .4 or .5 parts of free chlorine to a million parts of water and will in ten minutes destroy all typhoid and colon bacilli or other dysentery -producing organisms in the water. Moreover, all traces of the chlorine will rapidly disappear. This method of purification has been tested with Toronto Bay water inocu- lated with millions of bacteria. Every germ has been destroyed and it has been unnecessary to boil the Water, New Ontario Improving. Revolutionary changes are going on in what was the wilderness north of the Great Lakes. In a short time, the prospects are, that there will bethree complete lines traversing New Ontario from east to west' -the old 0. P. R., the new Tr anseontinental and ,the C. N.11., which is now being located. It is further beltved that the intention is to extend the T. ds N. 0,, which already connects with the Transcon- ttnental at Cochrane, to Hudson Bay, and it will probably be a race between theowned byt e rrovince and line h the Algoma Central as to which will reach the Inland sea first. About the same time that they get there the probabilities are that connection will b3 mate between the Western Pro. vinoea of Oana4i and the Hudson Bad* as 'well, NO REASON FOR DOUBT. A Statement Of !Facts Sacked By A Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to. all suffererss from constipation, In every ease where we fail we will supply the medicine free, Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, effective, dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener and tonic, They re-establish nature's functions in, a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconvenience, griping or nausea, e , They are so pleasant to take and work so easily that they may be taken by any one at any time. They thoroughly tone up the •whole system to healthy ac- tivity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass- able and ideal for the use of children, old folks and delicate persons, We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils, Two sizes, l0c and 25e, Remem- ber, you can obtain Rexall Reme- dies in this community only at our store—The Rexall Store. J. W. Mc - Ribbon. A Dangerous Thing, The Bruce Herald reports that maid in Walkerton, put some gasolin in the kitchen stove and then touche a match to it. Her Clothes were burn ed off her, her chest and arms badl burned, and ever since she has been i a precarious condition. The fir scorched the woodwork in the kit ehen, The ambulance took her to th hospital and the fire brigade was sum moved, but the fire had been extin guished before their arrival. Municipal Insurance. An ex -alderman of Guelph, who in tends to run for the City council o 1911 will advocate a municipal fire in suranee company. Ile figures ou that during the past year Gnelphitei have paid out $80,000 in fire insurance while the average loss for the city i between $10,000 and $15,000, in spitE of which facts the Underwriters' As sociation make a practice of dictating to the city what should and what not be done toward fire protection, Parents Not Liable. Storekeepers, who have been in th habit of giving goods to minors, an charging the same to the minor's par ents, will be interested in a recent de cision handed out by a St. Catharine's judge. The judge held that parent could not be held liable for such debt unless there were specific contracts be tween the parents and the dealers, and dismissed an action brought for the payment of a $50 dental bill, con- tracted by the defendant's son, who was under age at the time. Needle In Stomach.. A long needle was removed from the stomach of a boy named Hower Stewart, who resides near Clinton, b Dr, R. W. Shaw last week. For eigh years the lad has been troubled with excessive pain, and the medical men were greatly puzzled. Last week Dr. Shaw was called and he decided to operate. When he bad done so he discovered a long needle to be th cause of the boy's distress, and it was successfully removed. There is no ex planation as to show how the needl got into hie system, A Wild Hallowe'en. The Ontario agricultural college boys had a wild time on Hallowe'en. They placed the consolidated school vane across the street car tracks, after having held a car up, and greased the rails, delaying the cars for over an hour. Proceeding up to the city they endeavored to paint the statue in St, George's Sq. They were repuls- ed by Parks Foreman Nichols and a special officer and five of them were escorted to the cells. On their return to the college they smashed a van and cut the street car motor ropes, then piling all the rigs they could find in front of the Macdonald girls' resi- dence. Securing a steer they placed it in the college postoffice, locked it in and the postoffice next morning was in a very dilapidated condition. Si omach Troubles Cured by Vinol HHRH IS PROOF " 3 suffered so long from stomach trouble and indigestion, that I lost flesh rapidly-- VINOL cured me after everything else had failed. It strengthened my digestive organs— gave me a hearty appetite, and I can eat' anything without the slight- est lightest distress. I do not believe any- thing equals VINO], for stomach trouble and indigestion." W. E. WA'rCiur'oUSi , Portland, Me. Mr. Thos, G .Wallace, of Detroit, ]. Mich., writes, " suffered for years from a chronic stomach "trouble. VINOL entirely cured me after everything else had failed." It is the curative medicinal ele- ments of the cod's liver, combined with the strengthening properties of tonic iron contained in VINOL, which snakes it to successful in re- storing perfect digestion, and at the sante time building"up the weak- ened eaktined run-down system. Try a bottle of VINOL with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. 3`. 'W"ALTO MoICIh8014T The Busy Man's Creed. We believe in the stuff we are handing out, in the firms we are working for, and in our ability to. get results,. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest. niethods. We believe in working, not weeping ; in boosting, not knocking ; and in the pleasure of our job. We believe that a man gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -day is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself, We believe in. courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition, We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIGHT NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots. Well situated, just the place for a retired farmer, Price Reasonable. Ritchie & Cosens a REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE d 3' dwith - e s ' d y t e Notice is given in the daily papers, n, that the Walkerton and Lucknow ' Railway Co. will apply to Parliament - for an extension of time to construct a e railway from Walkerton to Lucknow, - via Teeswater. know kind. than grades. light as Don't - l LQUfi 1F i /y Become Acquainted our wholesome flour and we you will never buy any other There is more nourishment and real worth in One Sack of Our Flour you'll find in a barrel of most Our flour makes pastry as as the waving wheat tops, and pure. as nature Could grow it. forget to insist upon having our brand. Ezra Merkley DR. R. M. MacLEAN DENTAL SURGEON OORRiR, ONT. Honor Graduate Toronto -University, Depart- ment of. Dentistry. Graduate Royal Col- lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. At Wroxeter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday (aII day)—ofilee in Grand Central Block, At i!'ordwich every Friday forenoon. The best of the modern methods used for the preservation and restoration of the teeth. CENTRAL ,Ni�%%f Y a / 1• /4 STRATFORD. ONT. This college 1s recognized as the great practical training school, of Western t Ontario. It is the largest as well as the jj best. Onr courses are practical, our teachers experienced instructors, our graduates succeed, Three departments— Commerciai, Shorthand and Telegraphy. We have scores of applications nphcatons co o can- not meet. Calls offering $15, 055 and 550 per month are remaining unSUcd. Get our free catalogue and commence your course at once. D. A, McLACIILAN - Principal GET THE BEST --IT PAYS S Do not fool with Education. Attend the famous ELLIOTT ..ea,„ / 1 TORONTO, ONT. THE BEST PLACE in Canada for Strictly High Grade Training. Graduates readily get good posi- tions. Commence now. Write To- DAY for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, •-PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yong') and Alorander Ste. Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Fall and Winter months, an energetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREE EXCLt1$IYE TERRITORY G00 ACRES under oultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there le good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established beret 80 years, Write for particulars. P.ELIIAM NUR SEItY 00. TORONTO, 0NT. Jas. Furniture teaicers entrtertine On mem OMC. Walker & Son WINONAMF1 Dealers and Undertakers We are a11t qualified finder- and 7smbaItn rs, stud th000 thnneiiir volt to os may' rely lb l*ing veli done. Night calls at roti. ones. ?bons 106 goy Ethon, lit THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1910 The Profit Sharing Store WINCMANI, ONTARIO KERB 46c. BIRD Agents Ladies' dome Journal Agents Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Are you getting your share of the profits that we band back to our customers. Handsome Chinaware, equal to about G% of your purchases, GIVEN FREE. Trade and Cash punched on your card at time of purchase. Come in and see the handsome and useful articles that we are GIVING FREE to our customers. Don't be backward in asking for a Premium Card. Everyone is welcome to them. HERE'S A BARGAIN 1N OATMEAL We have just received a quantity of STRICTLY FRESH, FIRST CLASS QUALITY OATMEAL and we will sell it while it lasts at $2,25 a Sack of 90 lbs. or in small quantities at 9 lbs. for 25e. Remember we guarantee the quality and weight. WINTER QUARTERLY STYLE BOOKS ,The Ladies' Home Journal Style Book has be- come so very popular that our sales are increas- ing every quarter. We have 175 copies of the Winter Style Book. It contains 105 pages illustrating the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns. It really costs you only 5c, for although the selling price is 20c, we give a 15c pattern with every Style Book. FARMERS—We pay the highest market price for your produce. We want large quantities of butter, eggs, dried apples, potatoes, white beans (hand picked),. chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Poultry must be fat and dry picked. We also buy hardwcol, oats and hay. rammilli........"_•s•asays1etesA....1111.1"n I MEN 1111 lis IIS ATTENTION! 1 Here is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the very latest up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats. We have just received a shipment of 5 NEW FALLD Wi��TR C000S Owing to having given the order early in the summer, before I had decided on GOING OUT of BUSINESS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The wholesale house would not cancel the order, but sent the goods along. Consequently, you have the new goods to select your Suit and Overcoat from at the SAME LOW PRICES SUITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas. OVERCOATS --Black, Brown, Green and Striped; in Beavers, ltiikons, Cheviots, Friezes, ete, TEOUSSERINGS—all styles and prices Time and space will not permit of Price List. Suffice to say, that those having seen the goods, and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvelous. Come and see for yourself. i 1 1 1 s 1 Robt. Maxwell 1 TAILOR 1 !/411011 0160111111100 111111111MNINOI