The Wingham Advance, 1910-11-10, Page 3TR RACKING PAINS Of RHEUMATISM Can Only Be Cured Through the Blood—Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Which Act Directly On the Blood. Rheumatism wilt reek you just as Wog as there la avid in the blooa ter cause rheternatism, Thara the whole trouble -- field in the blood, cold, damp weather may start tlie pantie going, but it is uot the ettUae. 'Plat is rooted in the blood and oat only be cured througle the blood. Years no when medical scienoe did not know aa much about the complaint as to -day, rheumatie Sufferers wen given something to rub on the swollen tender joints. Some people who do riot kflQW any better still Adhere to the old fashioned way, but it does not cure their rlieumatism—and never will. When the add is driven erom the blood the rhemnetlem is gone -- cured. The thing is to get the right medicine to drive the acid out, Dr. Williams' Pink .Pille have eured more eases of rliennuitisin than any other disease exeept anaemiaTey do this bemuse they eorich the blood supply, thus tonitig up the system to a point where the rheumatic add is expelled .through the natural eltan- nels and the trouble disappears. TheY were intended to do this and they do it thoroughly, Mr, Henry O'Donoghue, Viscount, Sask., says; "About four years ago I eame here from Scotland for the purpose of taking up land. Even at so reeent a date as this the country was quite different from what it le to -day. Then the nearest shack to me was ten milea distant, and the nearest town lunch further 4-tway. In those days homestead- ing was not all sunshine, Ana 1» tha spring of 1907 1 contracted a severe col& •Itael never been sick in' my life before, and paid no attention to the eold, and almost before 1 realized it 1 was down with an attaek of pleurisy and as the pains of this trouble began to leave nie those of rheumntism set In, and my sufferings were. somewhat -terrible. Help was sent for, but it did me no good, nor did the metlieine given me have any effect, and for five months 1 was confined to the house. Then one day I had an unexpected visit from my brother, who came from Aus- tralia, and whom I had not seen for nine years, When be saw my condition he at once urged me to get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, as he knew a number of cases in which they had made marvellous cures in Australia. The result was be went to town and purchased six boxes, and be- fore I had used the laet box I was out working with my oxen, and am now as healthy as auy inan in the province. For this1 must thank the Pills and my brother's advice., and 1 strongly recom- mend the Ville to other rheumatic stet- legers." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at. 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, front The Dr. Williams' Medieine Co,, Brockville, Ont. WH -AT WOMEN ARE SA) 03. "If women are tactful .enough not to alWays wont their husbands M argu- ment, there seems to be little opposition on a huzband's part to his wife being weli educated."—Ducliess of Marlbor- ough, "Domestic felicity depends largely on the mutual interest of hits'eand and wife, in business, social and domestic affairs. If a woman is able to conduct a how properly, she eau generr,lly make a busi- ness success. Why shouldn't she con- tinuo to work after marriage? Wives should share the load. More husbands and wives in business partnership- will mean less divorce and mOre domestic happiness."—Mrs, Agnes Mulligan, Beal Estate Operator. "Life without love would not be worth living. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. I eannot remember the time I was not in love. By loving a persote I mean simply the enjoyment of their presence, thte, delight in their eonverea- tion, the willingness to give and to re- ceive favors—particularly to give them." —Mrs, Philip Van Valkenburgh, "the $8,000,000 Widow." Shlekh Ciliee": Quickly stops coutihs, tures colds. bents the throat end hxa, * • • 25 pouts. YOUNG MAN, GET MARRIED! (Peterboro Review.) Young man, you newt pay your poll tax or you will be prosecuted. The charge for celibacy is light. You should be fined, instead of having to pay so small a sum. She is ready. She is anxious and willing to keep you warm these cold winter nights that are fast approaching. You have a, good job; why don't you hustle to the parsont Then yo o will have somewhere to go at night insteme of standing on the street cornet or in the saloon. Honeet, why don't you get married? ,n• Our $5.00 Cuff Links 'neatly engraved with "hi s" mormgrani, would make n most occeptablo Christmas gift. They are Made in extra heavy 14k gold and aro enclosed ha a the velvet el lined case. Send for Catalogue X. It cootains 132 pages ht melon of jewelry, Silverware, China Glass, Stationery, L'eather Goods„ Novelties, etc. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED own,nd morello% aavrelere end aaverimitha 34-101 yoNce TORONTO Its. Rum tt.outy Vivant, Presitirnt. Se.e.-Treas, LON DON'S I NSAN E. Number is Dieing Added te More Wow. ly for Severn). Years Past. Jhe inimber of insane per4011% cbarg,." 510 to London rotes under treatment in publie inetitutious on January 1, 191n, was 1.17,003. Of Ulm*, 413 were in work- houses or with Mende and 0,070 were in metropolitan asylums board asylum. The remaining 19,914 were in the ten osyiums of the London County Council. The asylum committee of the eo.uuty couueil hai now Issued its 31st anneal report for the year ended on March 31, 1910. This yearti figures (19914) eliew an inerease of .010 I139. patiente 0/1 tliu fig - ores for 1909, and the rate of inert:me again appears to he a descerouug one, as WAS the easi iu the years 190d aud 1907. The increase .(198 petients) is the smallest recorded fatten 1832, whket W.La the only other year, in the expeelence of the conunittee, when the annual inerease was under 200. The average inerealm for the lest twenty years hen been 400. The emoraittee regret that they unve not ,yet been able to secure a ane for the proposed mental hospital, toward whielt Dr. Henry eimunney has prondeed to contribute £80,000. One site wbleli they believed they had necurea was withdrawn by the vendor:4 at the last moment, after the council' lied voted the neeeseary purchase money. Thirteen alien lunatics were deported during the year, end two were takeu out of the country by friends, it is stated in a memorandum dealing with the year's statistics that "lb wonld appear, froia the large number of ola crises admit -tea in Ism that the mass of. uuregistered lunacy which has been so consistently drawn upon during the last twenty years is by no means exhausted," Of 3.931 patients admitted -during tha year muted. on December 31, 1909, over 51 per -cent, or 2,144 in number, had been married, while of 151 cases of insanity from birth or infancy ten had. been mar- ried. Nine of these were mala.—Lndon (lhronicle. NO PLATONIC MARRIAGE. (The Delineator.) Omitting sentimental pyroteehnics, and getting right down to practical, day in and day out, three meals and millinery existence, marriage is not an unselfish relationship. A man may pro- test, and he limy believe, if he is very young and ardent, that he is "taking this woman" to work for and cherieh, and make happy; but, 'Way dONV11 among his instincts, if he troubles to look, he will find a conviction that this portion - lar woman will make n good home for him, and honor hhn among his fellows; that she will cater to his patriarchal aspirations in providing a family; and through the years will continue to find through the years sweet satisfaetion for his soul and body Olinger. The convie- tion may be uncouseious, but it is there. If when a lover woes his lady -love she were to answer: "Yes, I will marry you if you will agrre io a platonic mar- riage; no eitildren, no loveonaking; rooms in a hotel; and an allowance," an old dodo might accept the terms, but any real Ulan out of the wheelchair stage would promptly take to his heels. 21611,•=2..,•••-••••••., FREE TO DOCTORS TELL 1101,1 "CUTICIMA"CIE SKIN DISEASES Ono says, "1 .have Great Faith la tut i cur: Remedies." Another, " They Always Bring Results." "I vi. 11 to let yait linow cf a. coupl. recent eines which 1 Is: made by tee nee the. Cutleura Rem :di a_ le.et Attett-3, Mr. --- (If thie sty =)11e tO tiOt.hba rith. t over° iis eruption. At eou1.1 not u.,;:lerttatal Ur: nature of the Me, 1. 1141/41ly ti i:Ceti it 14 la; JecUputlen, ttil Le -7,13 3 painter mid decuretor. It ;v.v., dermatitis ;:t its -era: t iorm. it led 11 15 :14;11t erup- tion and would:Ulm.1 nioA parts (It 11P1hOt1y- thight,4 dhows cheet, hoek and -abdomen — and would terminate in little puettlI(S. 1I13 itching. 115))! burning was tireetiful and he would Mutest tea: ble Flan wilt, trying :3 gee relief. m recomenoed all. the various treatments I could think of foul he mete Mean Mims Melees on prescriptions 11011(11151seenvd to help Mee the meeetiata my mite wile was eon - Outwit)" raining t:itli 15 t lett eltin male mid who had been t:ving different preserm- time, and methods 55 W1 my a‘el,tance, teld :.he tvas going to get some of the Cutictun Itemediex But as 1 filtI110t know much about Cut itotra ti5 that time. was doubtful whether It would help her, lier eitin would thicken, break and bit ed. eepeeleilv ea the lingers, wrists and armee 1 could do nothing to re- lieve her ocemaeently, When elm first ap- plied the warm baths of Cuticura Soap and eppikatione of Cialcura Ointment rile saw a decided Improvement and in a few tiara elte was completely cured, '1 loet no litne in recommending the Cut: - Cure, Remedies to Mr. -----, AMA thie was two months ago. I told hen to wash with warm baths of the Cuticula Soap end to apply tile Cutleura Ointment genereusly. Believe me, from the very first days use of the Cuticura Remedies he was greatly relieved ad to -day he 17 completely cured through their use. I have great otitis M the Concern Remedies atu) shall:always have e. good word for them now that I ant convinced of their Wonderful merits." (Signed) B." L. White" head, MD., 108 Dartmouth st„ Doston, Mass:, July 22, 1910. As though in confirmation of this most convincing statement, G. M. Fieher, M.D. Big Pool, Md., writes: "My face was affileted with eczema In the year 1897. I used ills Cuticura Remedies and was entirely cured. I am a practicing physician and very often prescribe Cuticum Remedies in cases of eezerna, and they have cured where other formulas have fulled. 1(1111 not in the habit of endoreing Patent medicines, bUt when I find remedies possessing true merit, such as the Outieura Remedies do, I am broad- minded enough to prociahn their virtues to the world. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, aad must say I find your emedies A No. 1. I still find the Cuticure mettles as t good as ever. They always bring results. Outieura Remedies are sold by druggists everywhere. Potter Drug dc Chem, Corp., Bali Props., Boston, Mass. Melted free, on request, latest 32 -page Cuticura Book on the secede treatment of skin diseases, LONGS ARE LONGON BABIES; 9 IN 7 YEARS. 'marirc\W\ The best premium and the best Valtlett ever offered. Gold and Sliver Watches, (I em Settlings aud Broothes, laughtereproduelog Moving Picture machinee, Finely Decorated Tea Bets anti 'many other premiums given FREE for selling oor high ciass Gold Em- bossed Picture Post Cards. The very latest designsin views, Birthday, Floral, Hoth liday, Comics, &e., at 0 for 10e. eel' 93.00 worand Win one of these fine premiums. You can sell them in RA hour ortwo, but don't delay, for we give an extra premitun for prompt - Mese.. %Write to-dayand we will send you a package and our big premium list Cote with the crowds and get the bestmemiums offered. Write your name and address very COBALT GOLD PEN CO. Dept. 220 Toronto, Ont, PICTURE OF PORTUGAL'S MARTYR. 1301%.113ARDA. The Lisbon alienist and Repub/ican leader, whose ceseasisnation by a ray - Mist and proelerical army lieutenant procipita.ted the revolution which drove King Manuel atom his throne and made Portugal a republic. • -* A 'TURKISH PRINCESS. (itome Notes.; The beautiful )'ixteen-:ear-old daneat- ter of the ea -Sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hernia, has a will of her own, and does not see why she should follow the cute torn a her country and have her hus- band ehomen for her, Quite a sensation has been caused in Turkey by this very up -to -elate young lady refusiug the hue. band eceleted for licr by the diplonote of the Ottoman Empire. tShe was taken from Saloniert to Constantinople to be married, but ahe wrote to the newspa- pers saying that she was great opposed to the match which had been arranged without her Irishes being consulted. The princess is not only beautiful, but of a . determined disposition, and so much eympethy has been evoked hy her am tion, that in order to avold any ecandel an official communication has been mode to the press that the marriage will riot take place. Muggine--"lehe amiply married him to got even." Buggine --Well, the odda re agelest her.' MRS. JAS, LONG, Bellaire, 0.—The stork haa made his sixth visit in *seven years to the home of Jas. Long and wife. This time he left triplets; once before be brought twins, Ire other years the Long family had to worry along on just one new baby. Nine babies in seven years is the Long way of stemming the race sui- cide current, Mrs. Long is only thirty; her husband is a railroad en- gineer. I X GOOD AS HER WORD. (Chicago Tribune.) "Loidy, yoo said 'No questions ask- ed."' "I haven't asked you any questions, you thief! l've merely eaid you stole the dog. Here's your reward. ;Now get out, you scoundrel, before I throw a dip- per of scalding water on you!" LIFE Lydia E. Pinkiiarn's Vegetable Compound Vienna, 'W. Va. — "I feel that' owe the last ten years of my life to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shadow. /had been under the doctor's earelm t gOtne relief. My husband per- suaded mo to try Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and itworked like a charm. It re- lieved all my pains and inis‘lry. I advise all suffering women to take Lyditt E. "Inkhorn's Vegetable Compound." --Mns. EMMA. WiLtAT027, 1110111n, W. Va. Lydia U. Pitakhana's Vegetable Coin - pound, Made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm - fit' drugs, and taday holds the record for the largest number of actual cume of female diseases of any similar meat. eine in the country, and thousands of voluntary teatineonials aro on file in the Pinizhata laboratory at Lynn, Masa., rt0111 W0111011 Wine have been cared from almost every forrn of fornitle complaints, intlamniation, ecration,d1spl5cerne11ts,fthr0id tumors, Irregulatities, pei iodic p!ilus,bachaclio, luiligotion mu' not volts prostration, ery suit aufrering woman owes it to • her)'. :11' to ;live Lydia E. Pinkhera's Ver,;tablo Compound t trial, yon weadd like:special advice about your cose ivrito a ctutildero, tial letter to Mrs* Pinkham, 1,1sant Mass.- lier advice 14 free" and allistayS keirtfttl., »GAO STOVE. WRINKLES, The New Way to. Wake Apples and •Potatoes—Trooble Savers. "The vieit 1 hail the oilier Airy from the gas Rove ilenumetrator upset ail INy reepectahle ideas about tooleing," said an ,ohnfitshioned housekeeper witoal keit inveetel itt a gas. range. 4 was. A pan of apples wben she came in and the first thing she saki waa: -' JilIlling appice in the oven, 1 tem. P°8"V:ti "Then she began to tell tne how nuteh gas 11 saved and how unfelt better looking the ,apples would have been if Pit junt pot them in a little stew ,pan on top. of the stovewith a little' water :and sager and basted Limo every little while with the syrup nutil they were tender. Apples in bloom., she yelled them, mid when 1 tried them the nent day they were mighty good, Each apple was ad pretty as a pieture,ssrd wbile 1 tan% say that they tmeted any better it vertainly took is lot lese time and probably saved gas too. "She began en potatoee next, She stueleo, myna plate. over oue et the Immo ens on the ettege, (*hipped a round eali till down over it, to 300 if it fittea anti then pet a eettplit of prtatoes to bake in this outlandish way on top of' the store. By the time sloiel finished ehowing me the latest kinks about roasiing temi broiling those potatoes were anne to n turn and just lank 0 Oprn 58 tender an,i soft. as a freshly baked biscuit, "Next she told me that when 1 was roasting a small piece of meat in the low- er oven, or what I always. milled the 'broiler, I might just 84 well save gas by cooking something in the oven . right Above, whieh was heated by the same row of gad burners, 1 thought she meant a pudding or is pie, but site ex- plained that ehe mean, boiling vegeta, blee—not onions or ca.uliflowee or cab- bage, but .anything tht breve a strong. odor. She told me to start the eooking an top of the stove, and when. the water Was boiling nieely just to pop the Whole thing into the oven. "Then shse. showed nee o .triekn tittle tin oven that looked like a bandbox. She set it dOlVil on top of the range and stood off and 'looked at it as is child would look at a new doll. 'This,' she says, 'this little oven saves yourizra.ana keeps your nitelten cool in ettni "Then she went o15 to tell me how I could bake bread. and pies there at ever so much less cost for gee, and that it would almost always take tha. plan of the big oven. Wheu it wasn't in ose it icuouiltd. stand on the table ov on A shelf and I could keep pies and mike or biscuit • "She told me how to save myself the bother of using the big broiler that comes with the gas range and how when I wanted only a eouple of chops or a small steak r could use a small toaster with a little baking pan underneath to - latch the drinoings. The little toaster ;este right on the baking pen, • • WAS UP AGAINST A HARD COMBINATION But Dodd's Kidney Pills Van- quished Them All. Sundridge Man Suffering From Gravel, Diabetes and Dropsy Finds An Ea:1y and Complete Cure. Sundringe, Ont., Nov. 7.--adSpe.cial) — Gravel, Diabetes and Dropsy are a ter- rible combinatiou for one roan to have. It means that his lire is in the graveiet danger, unless like George Vanhoaeer, well-known resident if Jana edam lie finds the simple and natured cure. Hoe Is the story of Mr, Vanhooser end all his neighbors know every worst of it is true: "I had pains- in my back and aeries the loins, My stonmeh would swell, I was constipated and I had. sharp eutting pains In the bladder, which made me sure that I was .sufferiog from the ter- rible Gravel. The doctor attended me, but I kept getting worse every day. "Others had told me of the gnat good Dodd's Kidney Pills had done them and I determined to try them. Six boxes made a new man of tnea" Gravel, Dropsy and Diabetes ore sal either Kidney Diseases or are CAASCrl by diseased Kidneys. The easy and nataral Way to cure them is to use Ded-i's Xid- ney Pills. They never fell to cure any form of Kidney Disease. ROUGH POLICE WORK. Berlin Methods May Have Pierced Un. concerned Persons Into Riots. The brutal and unproVoked attack ort Mr. Wile, our correspondent in Berlin, .anO ou three of his confreres, will sur- prise no one who is .fainiaar with the methods of the German pollee. Mr. Wile, in the discharge of his &Ay, went to the mete of the riots.. With him were the cOrrespondento of Reutern Agirecy, the Daily News ana the New York Sim. They were .assured by a pollee lientenant that there was no: .cbjection te their pres- ence,yet wheo their motor ear halted in the Kleine Tiergarten a panto officer in plain clothee .ordered the police to at- tack its, beettriantt. Immediately the po- lice rushed at the cat end slashed at the correspondents with the flat of their swords. Mr. Wile reeeived 'blows on the head ond Reuter's- eerreepontient Was badly cut abeut the hands, Itappily, .our correspondent's injuries an, not ser- ious, and we .doubt not thetathe treat- ment he has reeeived will not deter Itim from doing his duty In the interests of elm readore with as much zeal Ise hereto- fore, The brutality of the pollee is without the ehadow of on excuse, The motor car etood in a %toll lighted street and only a German police offieer who heel -lost hie head eould imagine any eon - motion with ite occupants end the peo- ple who were befog driven through the Tiergarten. We hove no wish ta eondene resistance to legal authority, but if the 'Mallet of the pollee is to be judged by thieleici. dent, I5 is not surprleing that a strike of 141 coal teartere to a suburb of the .cap - Rae should have developed into a Mom day battle. .4Iready the Pasaalty list contains the ;mina of 109 vietims, or five-se.venths of the 'number of strikers. It is inconceivable that tatisra so intig. isiikant as to be almost unintelligible to the general publie ellettla have epread such violenee and dieeraer lit the Most strenuously governed eapPlil in the woria. The may explanation that can le suggested is -flint the pollee have miso manemi the a flair and by want Of WI aril of .illeeriminalien .11 eve driven int0. the renks ,opter reetetee %Any eetto tone eelio know nothing a1.2at. and etre Ionizing for the en'aite al the <mai pert- cra thepute.---Vreet the L.Ittl-11 Wily • lisopiend to Itilteloeti' asked the Sunday et+ AO total a, -It fell!" 4'110 the spU. "Aal W.; st beeiritt of Ninevehr "It WAS .do,itray4-4." "Ana tvbet . of Tyre i" "Ptutetured!"--Cleve- laird Leader. Why Spraying Should Not Omitted Whatever the Season. Dry Semite tuna( even those who neve la potato *praying to molt slight the practiee; bus a study of B letiu No. 4123. of the New York Agrie tural Experiment Station at Geneve. 1311()1tid convince growers that th otgait tee spray retonarly, The pa three seasons have been exeeptional dry; and serious potato dieeasee hey temporially, almost dleappearea fro the State; yet °illy one-fifth of abo 100 testmade by the station or 1 ported to it in thew three years ha blown a finaneiat les.; from sprayin and the average increase, on more Hu 1,500 ncree Sprayed iu the experiment Arita sa bushels to the aere. The Bullet summerizeti the reetills of 3e Station 0 petiments made during the past °ell years, in which the everage gain fro etittu6•41tlyetigpeetv.ettrec.rei len; tureettsval:as34bebetitio4le at illeerlienel; and, froni sprayiug ehr times during the season. 78 'metiers Geom, 20 luitsliels et Riverhead. TI average gain matte by farmers spreyin under Station inspection Iota been 41 bushels per itere for seven years areas running from 00 to 225 acres mix year; and, by fainters spraying ind pendently but reporting to the Statiet on units ranging from 74 to 000 acro yearly for six years, the average oei has been 52 bushels per acre. lt is saf to stty that the practiee of spraying ha soved the 288 farmers reporting exper merits in the lase seven yeare more Um $50,000, Like all bulletins of the Statiks this one will be sent, without charge, t those applying to the Station for it, It remeined for the aliseouri Celleg of Agriculture, at Coluntbia. Missolir to raise a,ucl develop the champion (lair eow of all the world. 'Missouri Clie Josephine, A Holstein-Freleian eow, fin jolted her six months' test on July 18 producing 17,008,8 pounds, an average o 934 pounds of milk daily, for 182 doe' days. This is equivalent to 40.7 quarts or 11.0 gallons every day. Her highes 'record for one day was 110,2 pound days, ;this is equivalent to .40.7 quarts or 11,5 gallons every day. Her highes record for one day was 110.2 pound This record is the more remarkable be cause no speeirsi preparation had bee made for this test and Joephine lia done her full duty in the regular dairy herd of the University, baying had fiv calves in five and one-half years. No only Las this reeora smashed all pre vious worla's records for ertilk pioehie tion, but the per cent. of butter fat i increasing daily, so that, inuring cse eidents, this con* will undoubtedly pro duce more butter during a period o 12 mooths than any other eow that ha ever been tested, Only 20 Jersey cow in the history of the world havo pro deiced more than 700 pollute et neater in one year. Five of these cows, or 25 per cent. of the total number, are own ed. and were bred by this Missouri in stitution.. The college owns more that 300 pure-bred and registered anintals, be longing to 17 distinetrbeiseeentds.wtoreledpsle hine.s record exceeds the p cord for six months by 1,458 pounds. The calf is too old to elehorn witl caustic potash when the home ltave eonte through the skin. To aceomplisli the best results et dehorning with this alkali is when the button appears under the akin and before it comes through .45 this thric the horn is killed quite readily. Rosette are not so Imre after the calveare 4 weeks ola. With the first calf the heifer should be stimulated by regularity in feeding ana milking, to keep- up a good flow of milk, and to maintain this flow pretty close up to the next calving. The object is to fix in her continuity of milk. Never lee her geb fat, though. The keynote to success is the cow, and the foundation of the cow is feed and breed. Each, year thousands of infertile eggs, tested from incubators the first week, go to market. Bakers especially are anx- ious to buy therm An infertile egg one week under the temperature of 103 de- grees, is equivalent to an infertile egg kept 'EWA weeks in the pantry .I5 is a stale egg, but not necesserily a bad one. Although the conditions of the apple orchards in Western New York Is re. ported somewhat improved since the scattering rains and showers in that 'motto); the outlook is not flattering for a, large crop. quickly atop coudsts. cures colds. heolt the throat owl toads. 25 cents. , 4 .4 GIRL MESSENGERS FROM LON- DON POST OFFICES. (From the London Times). Arrangements for the 'emploYment ot gale Instead of boys its indoor messengers in the General Post Office and in some of the provincial poet offices are being completed, and it is anticipated that the ez.periment will be made on January 1 at the latest. .At 115. Martin's -le -Grand it Is hoped to employ the girls mainly in the telephone anti telegr.t;ph dePartmenfe, where wemen form a -considerable portion of the ntaif. The wages to be paid to tilt gui meesengers win be 1s. less than and of the boy. THE ONE THING NEW. (Catholic Stanaard and Times.) "Jones has cancelled his subscription," sold the country editor. imp there's never am/thing lIONV in our paper," °Ward, I'll be ding-battedi" exclaimed the general storekeeper. °11/1y, there's( eutietlain new in. it Geary week." "Glad you think to." "Yeas. The date's el'a.y$ new." Stove Polish is a handy paste in a large cart. With is gentle rub, it produces a brilliant, lasting shine. .Splendid, for stoves, pipes, grates and ironwork. It is cleanly to use, and gives lasting results which do credit to your house. keeping. It your dealer, &et not cam "Mack R:night" Move Coil:kin stock, send us his name and toes and we will head a full size tin by return mail. Tne r. PbAt.I.E1( CQ,, mum, Ita=rett. 0T,29 Woe Vika/ammo "V in e" Met Path, Has Tour Neighborhood A Rural Telephone System? NO Then we want to set1 you our book on "How to Build * Rural Telephone Ltues," for &Owe day either yourself, or someoncelse is 51uuig to start a Co -Operative Telephone Company in your neighborhood end yore owe it to yoarself to be posted on THE FARMERS 'PHONE Thie book tells MI about how to phone -instrument ever made by any • organize and construct ti Rural Teic- manufacturer. ettie book is the last • phone System. it gives you the de- word on Tetephone Set coostruction. tail; 0,13 eeet anct YOUT Ileightsars A5igin5 for it pl.teetit You under no Ob. ould ltke to know. It contains Just ligation. Simply tell us that you thc right Information on how to get s Sentadlike forced Bulletin him 340 924 coalman' ty-pwood telephone system we will send it to you tree ou requeet_ t°I1nti.113:kttellis7bottt°t the Na. 1.517 type Telephone Set, the most ncriect tele. AND tIANUrACIIMING altirtno MattatuCtUret srnl &Maur Of an aPitteratas end conipment ;well In ' qt.."14, the construction. operation liatatulance et Tekashane, hire 411641 .1,46p Atann and MCC tri4 Rattnny VW*. Address our morass house. MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG REGINA CALGARY VANCOUVER 223 art • 4 O. A . 4 - 45 • •r5L, • • • igorous Health —the power to enjoy to the full life's work and pleasure—comee only with a good digestion. ImuslitsPEPs1AA LETS tone up weak stomachs—supply the digestive juloes which are lacking—ensure your food being properly converted into brawn and sinew, red blood and active brain. 50c, a box at your druggist's or from 32 National Drug anti Cheznieal Co. of Canada. Limited, MontniaL 111 on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep the temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room alone by other means is to use a g FECTIO SMOKELESS Absolutely smokeless and odorless which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler -cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached by a (Alain and cannot get lost. - An autematiealookIng flame spreader prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well - made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has is cool handle. Dealers Everywhere. 11 Hot et yours, write for descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the 4 .f1.1...V. rr.••=',..=.ca•nc r: .r4:•-•!i.k&2A The Queen City 011 Company, .amtio••••••••••,.....r •••••• XLE E SE is the turning -point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer everywhere. The. Queen City OH Co., Ltd, MUST NGS. (Prom the November eimert Set.) The Age of Discretion ts reached when orie has learned to be indiscreet-- discreetiese The woman who wants to vote is an economic evil—she shows Iteck of instinct for hosbandry. Not many men can do a good deed and then think of something else right away. The truth of to -day is the lie of yester- da,y, and it will be the paradox of to -morrow. At the final autelysis, all one gets out of life is board mid room and sense of achievement. Men are as bad as they dare (0 be, wo- men as good. Nowadays, to beeome famous, one must have a press agent, a valet, an amanuensis and a unstrees. In many a marriage, as soon as the home Is established Duty enters at tire door and Love Mee out ot the window. Yon ean't make truth out "of a lie by standing the lie on its head. Time is not money—it cannot be hoard- ed; it must be spent, whether one will or not. lf religion is the eousolation of the soul, then art is the eonsolation of the intellect, anti love, of the 'wean vete-, -- FIRST CHINESE SENATE The late Dowager Entprese, cue of the " .abltet women of modern times, and one , of the moat wise. ana skiIful he state- craft, ptoniulgatea a plan of representa- tive government ja China, which involv- ed nine years .01 progressive Action. The first stepin the plan was takch a year ago by the inauguration of the proem- aseemblies, The second step was the opening of the imperial Senate by tile Regent, Prince Chun, he Peking, on Oct.' 3, There was little or no ceremony to .mark an event menierable in the world'-. • .reeord. In it brief a:hires:4 Prioce Chun said that the w!sh of the penile was it parliamentary government, Ana 80, -conunaribd the Senators tsi bave th.se. end la view, magniiietut parliameen * AMP laiiltinig war, be voaetrueted, bat • poulleg ite eampletain the seesione the nenete will lea held or the riarsow guar t ere of the Law Col 'eme Tile ti 14 sit t 11111110a Otte pr o ere es t mat ell preeentat:ve reevet newei Omit be ortieree . told eon :art t,,v htwite,i nuntilicri of CI:, tut were apro:ittle:1 15 11.' 1:, 011'. • 11.` ' by tho • Bat iistaa men serenel ity aeepireeee. wen not pm:nil:lel 11 rinCily until let41)11 11.0 tip,n0V-d y ..l:,e vtee 44 ("VI. it *-• Ain't .a 1 tha theme, iimat 11 Imperial t la nett ptiucee oli 4 :11.1:us:1,d 5,11 represoitat:ves ci thO t.ttoial and of the wealthiest eitizens. This Im- perial Senate is expected to deraonetrate the ability of the Chime people to share in the ridership of the empire, and hence prepare the way f or the third and last stage of governmental reform laid down, the establiehment of a national parlia- ment which has been •proralsed for 1915. —Ferdinand C. Inglehardt, D. D., in the Christian Herald, - • The Bible belle us how to love our cue- mies; if we haven't any it's an (easy mat- ter to make it few. an. KEN AL SPAM E KrnIs Bone Spavin Ricb 'Valley, Alta, tiny 20th.1909 "I have wed your Spleen Cure for a long dint arid would not be without 15. Have killed a ilone Spevin by its use." 01,35 CARLSON, that tolls the 'whole 'story. And hundreds of thousands have had the same experience itt the past 40 years. For Spavin, Rinabone, Curb, Swellings and all Lameness, 1Tenda11'e Spayht Cure cures the trouble—mill:es the horst Sound end wt./I—and seves money foe the owner beCause 11 retuoves the eauss et the trouLie. Keep a bottle aininyS at baud- $t Ora tor $5. Clond tor luau awl beatt. Ask your dealer for fret copy of our book "A Treatise On The Itorste• or ter Betts. DR D. 3. XENDALL tO.EnosSarg Folk. VI, ,Winataugodikartleowavr.v.Int-reorsovn F E 1.1,14 elegant eratch, ✓ itm 55.1 ,il.d set, LAW; ,x '06.1 teneit Le, etetee, tivAn.ter., 1') ;S_ tt,i1 1 o rent e It tnly .ftese tverlit (Tr inz.nti.• tole) ei oPt: :1 "pit r 'Chun, Ere ti•it. rv •,i 7itow:'• rv 4,11. r ' ee: r 7 .• !e'llti”;iIh Pg. 1::! in 1....vV, tyt.1' tt %5.51 11 t!.1.4c :141 eer let I:elm:11 ie it el t1. me, toe we; ea*. vs11.1 ct 1s1 itpte; tee, ▪ be; 3,31 414,144.44. • PRAYER. 0 1„., 1,1. n an ever the same. Thy o mere Inver fail. We thank Thee that Jin u has wriPen thin truth upon Thy wnike. Itie not upon the surface, big 114 tho water•mark in paper, lunate, where ft viin never be destroyed, The leaf falls, but the life piteees into the main geeervoire of the tree. The food 110 destroy in eating it becomee a part oa our body's life. The work and sor- rnw of life wtar out the etreugtle of the Way; but they inearnate into our ehareeter the virtues and the gums, tie Chriet, as we tlo all tblogs 3114 Alid. When the body and all flange material fail us they fell from ue, o»d let our higher life rise oearer to Thee,where all that 14 Mortal is swallowed up of Thy life everlasting. Amen: W. Lewis. . ON AND ON. Let love go on and never mind the tide. The ticks of time, or swelling tide of water, Let it go on, and evermore Abide Where bounding life expresa itself in laughter. The cattily lips may never say ashete gone:n But nail the rieing tale still nu and on. The spiZogniTay cone. with ever -fleeting l The enutrner sees GreJime rose fade away, The an Im singthe rquiem, and the gbaol Ande:er 008284 nith sad andsilent 580 But death may never lay its lond upon Sepulchral garments she may never Her resurrection never hails tlae dawn, Tit::: arpele:1,1se of love, it green on end an. . k The torunibroinay ne'er enclose her beauty She never sings her song on, Easter Iter throne, For upward, wending to thO Porlove Eternal moves still on and on. *••• CONFUSION, And he shall stretch over it the line of confusion and the plummet of emptiness. 1815. xxxiv. 11. Disaater, overthrow, ruin, displace- ment, desolation, silence. Instead of a joyous city, only the pelican, the porcu- pine, the owl, and the raven. This shall come about by line and plummet. This ie wonderful, extensive and hi every gen- eration, Volney says that in the S. E. of the Dead Sea, within threc days' jo.tuney, there are upwards of thirty ruinedtowns absolutely deserted. In the Old Testa - met God is represented as a destroyer, with a plumbline in his hand. ‚Now men do not use a plumbline to deetroy, but to build, with exactness and safety. When men want to demolish a building, they use a battering ram or giant pow- der. God accomplishes Ills purpose with extreme exaetness and dieeriminatton. He measures out your pain as carefully as your proaperities. The storm emitters with a ruthless hand; there is promise cons tumult. This is only in a.ppear- ance. 13eltind the hurricane there is the steady hand holding the line, antl you hear in the pauses of the tempest, "with what measure ye meet it shall be mea- sured to you again." The sane° curious wisdom that creates ultimately dissolves the organism into dust. Learned men tell us that the progress of disease is as beautiful as the movements of health and beauty. Heaven destroys as it builds with line and plummet. Our suf- fering is adjusted to capacity and need! And when we think of pain we should, try to get behind it, and see one . who measures and weight ana applies. Mark the octogenarian; his nerve is steady; his strength is firm, his step is Sure ,his natural force is not abated. How is this? Look back and see hira in hia prime, how he wiped the tear away, cheered the widow, rescued the unfortu- nate. These acts did not get into, the papers, beet they were gatherea up by the all seeing eye, noted in the Diary of Heaven, and an unbroken ahain of re- wards follow that pilgrim spirit as he gathers up his fragments of time so as to finish his course with joy and the ministry he has received. "Mark the per - feet man ansa behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." Waste, tears, and blood attend the groaning of creation, but God stands with His measuring line dealing to ev- ery man trial its He assigns to every nmn duty according to his several abil- ity. He empties the human home city tend builds habitations for the pelican, the porcupine, and the owl ana the raven, accordiug to Ilis pleasure, which is pure, pervading and everlasting. "Send down through all the strifes Of time Some undertote of love, A message from Thy sinless elirne, Of perfect bliss abeve." n.T. imam IS YOUR ARMOUR ON? very day we struggle 'with giants in the hpritual ngion; they are calle(t principalities, and powers, and the rub ers of the darkness of this world—invis* able but mighty, nameless but strong bemuse of fury. We een only overcome by the grace and power oi the God a MtVid. Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that having withstooa in the evil day you rinty atand firm oral strong evermore. There is a provided panoply, every part of which has been prepared and appointed by- the Captain of heaven. In vain do too swords of orir own manufacture'and adopt plans of our own feeble ana per- verse ingenuity. Stand iri the old pathe, amend to know the old ways; resolute- ly refuse to adopt any answer to satatie assault that k not includea in the re. (54 ;Jesus Christ Himself to the great fin t; and rouqtantly pursuing this euttree, the eoltrAe ean lion out one end oevietory in the »ante of the Lori, met heaven for evertnore.—Joeeph Pare ne HE WAS NOT. PA FIT 1 CU LA R. (Top•Noteli Magazirtr.) "Int soity. Pot, hut I cannot be your Pridpet. after Pat had pin - 1.1,441. 'AVIty not?' a4k-.1 Pat, with a 51050 of QAtitte-,t in 1.118 't nit e. -Wstil, hit, 1etipprtee 1 must toll you the truth -lii 41 voinnambulilt." "A bat:" "A 1.0muttnilmii..t."- '1,ture, unit thAt w..n't tulle any eliffet- tlitn. 1.011 ttatt go to peer entre+, oriel iv go to