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The Wingham Advance, 1910-11-03, Page 8
8 T H E BOMINION BANK. HEAD QP`h' CE, TORONTO, Capital Stook (all paid up) .$1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund .and Undi- vided Pro is fi ., .,.....$6,380,000.00 Deposits by the Prublio, .. , $47,000,000.00 Total ,A.esets, over $61,200,000.00 BRANCHES .aND AQxsTS throughout Canada and the United States,. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Current Rates of Interest allowed, and Deposite received of $1,00 and upwards, Fanners' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on them at lowest rate of interest, WnxCigMu BR .rose -Corner John and Josephine Strata, W, R, GEIKIEI Manager R. Vatistone, solloibor - Morris. Mrs, Jas, .Anderson and children the 5th line, .are visiting in Dundalk during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Noble and child- ren of Westfield, spent Thanksgiving at the home of J. H. Vancamp. Mrs. Samuel Jordan and Misses Jennie and Gladys, spent Thanksgiv- ing holidays at Stratford and Berlin, Mr. T. S, Brandon and Misses Cora and Hazel of Stratford are here tending the funeral of the ]ate Ida Brandon. n Mrs, J. H. Brandon a t ., d line n f b n d e received the sad news from the West of the sudden death of her eldest daughter. Ida, which occurred Friday, from appendicitis. The re- mains were brought home for burial. The funeral took place on Wednes- day. of at- on - a i f t t e FOR DYSPEPSIA. You Risk Nothing By Trying This Remedy, We want every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Rex all Dyspepsia Tablets. They contain Bismuth -Subnitrate .and Pepsin pre- pared by a progress which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance, Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They', soothe the irritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, promote nutrition and bring about feeling of comfort, If you give. Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets a reasonable trial we will return your money if you are not satisfied with the result. Three sizes, 25c, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at -The Rexall Store. f a s , s li ><. 11 P S P B P T P N a w. Ti th al; w. gc pr u fit d tv a v as' t h Jfo rte n . S ea pr r no d r CHRTSTTE'S GROCERY PHONE 69 Big Value In BROOMS Brooms are an all the year round necessity, and we've got the Broom that is worth buying. ForFor350 We cell you a most serviceable Broom-- not overly heavy but well worth what is ask -85c. For 50 You buy from ns a Broom of superior quality & well made. This is an exceptionally high.grade Broom. The price is low -60o. We also have a specially prepared Broom which we sell for 60o. This is a heavy -weight. All Chinaware selling at huge reductions The Teas That Sell Themselves 'Chat's the kind we're handing out. 'Tea users know good q'ea as Won as we do, and Ion meson nvnnv CONFIDENCE Iasi mom JUDGMENT`. Our Prices are -- 25o, 80e, 40e and 600 per lb. .,.., Choice Lemons ... 2 for Sc A Liths Moro Coffee. It'tl coming to it.. -.This dao never been a big Coffee community, but We're loathing that Coffee ,- GOOD COF'F'EE -•-. is len exoellent thing, JUST A . LITTLE Mona no tsn-and TRY CHRISTIE'S, 5 Coin Mats r ..c . Idc each The Tea and Coffee Stare i Wrozieter. Aguee Black of Toronto attended her sister's' wedding Shia week, Will and Alex. McLennan are visit - 'n e' to a their ter ' ovillage, n h In th g Peter Smith. of Hamilton was visit• Ing friends here over the holidays. Miss Harris of Brussels was Thanks- giving visitor at Dire. Cleo. Harris', Johnib aToronto,vi ' J. Gibson f sited his sister, Mrs, Dickson, during the recent holidays. The carpenters are busy working at the Presbyterian church sheds. They will be a fine structure when com- pleted, R. B. Harris has returned to Berlin, after epending a few days with Itis family. Be reports business to be prosperous. Maggie Miller of West Toronto, who bas. been renewing acquaintances in this locality, returned home on Mon- day afternoon,, Dr, and Mrs,. Jackson are gettipg settled in the Hamilton residence. J. Patterson is busy putting in the elec- tric light fixtures. Mr. and Mrs, Carr of Toronto visited the former's uncle, B. F. Oarr, for a few days this week. We are pleased to bear of their prosperity, Miss Hull, our popular principal, spent her holidays with her mother in Ingersoll. Miss Hogg, who is also a favorite, visited friends in Toronto. Rev. A. L. Russell preached a good sermon in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, in the absence of Rev. L. Perrin, who was preaching in Belmoro. The small boys of our village a- reused themselves on hallowe'en by parading the streets, singing and ring - ng bells; but we have not heard of guy damage done to property. A very interesting event took place on Tuesday noon, Nov. 1st, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robtert Black. Their second daughter, Nellie Hope, was united in marriage to Mr. Burnese Whitmore of Harriston. At 12 o'clock, to the strains of the wed- ding march, played by the bride's sister, Jeanette, the bride, accompan- ied byher 'father, took , o k her place at the altar, where the groom was in waiting. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. L. Perrin, pastor of the Presbyterian church. After cnn- gratulations were extended to the happy couple, the guests sat down to a most bounteous wedding dinner, which was most heartily enjoyed. An added interest was given to the occasion, as it was the thirty-second anniversary of the marriage of the bride's father and mother. The bride looked most charming in her wedding dress of cream voile taffeta. Her travelling attire was an amethyst E • dress with a black beaver picture hat. Among the many guests were the following from a distance -W, T. McLennan of Montreal, Scott and Mrs. Black of Tagashe, Sask,, R. and Mrs. Thompson of Statbroy, T. aid Mrs. Singer of Walkerton, Mrs. Whitmore and daughter of London, 0. and Mrs. Whitmore of Harriston, H, G. and Mrs. Lemon, L. J. and Mrs. Merriam; of Harriston, Miss Ross of Brussels, Miss Agness Black of Toronto, Miss Nellie Martin of Ninga, Man. The presents were many, beautiful and valuable. Among them was a sum of money and some silverware given by Mr. Campbell, barrister, of Flarriston, n whose employ Miss Black had. been Herself a most efficient stenographer or three years and a half. After a ew hours spent in music and enter- ainment, the happy couple left on he 3.30 train for Toronto and other places. On their return they will take up their residence in Harriston. We xtend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Whitmore, and wish them a very happy and prosperous married life. St. Helens. The following is our school report or month of October :-V-Margaret Miller, Clarence McDonald. Sr. IV-- Maad McQuillin.. Jr. IV - Winnie Woods, Clara Woods, Frances Ander- n, Roy McQuillin, Hazel Anderson, Ernest Gaunt. Sr. III -`Wilfred Mc- Quillin, Cecil Hyde, Gordon McPher- on, Ewart McPherson, Stewart Me- nke, McKenzie Webb, And. Gaunt, Lail Cranston, Beattie Smith, Roy with. Jr. III - Mary McQuillin, Gladys Webb, John Gaunt, Gladys Hyde, Ethel Anderson, Clara McQuil- n, Della Cranston. Sr. II -Wilson Woods, Herbert McQuillin, Willie oyster, Lorne Woods, Eddie McQuil- n, Carlyle McDonald, Versa Woods, Alex, Purvis, Madjeska Gaunt.• Sr, t. II -Willie McQuillin, Joseph For - ter, Evan McQuillin. Jr. Pt. H- anley Todd, Emma McQuillin, Jean McQuillin, Torrance Anderson, Lizzie urvis, Madeline Gaunt. Sr, Pb. I- eatrice McQuillin, Jean Gaunt Jr. . I --.Earl Gaunt, Lorne Webb, Vera McQullin, Mabel Woods, Leslie Purvis, Helma Smith, Cecil Forster, Annie urvis, Viola Baker, Percy Hyde. u'ober on roll, 50. Average attend - ice, 43. Letitia E. Durnin, Teacher. HI0H SCHOOL NOTES. (By Press Reporter,) The first promenade of this' year is held in the High School on xursday evening of last week. Al- ough the weather was not as favor - le as had been expected, still all who re • time. tOn acco acthat count of thedin - inency of the weather only a few -students from out of town were epent, The second programme prepared oder the supervision of the now rectors was a grand suecess, The fir • number was an instrumental net by Misses Jenkin and Swarts, Iv] was well rendered, Then came reading by Scott Irvin this was cry much appreciated. Next was n, lection by the lIormontea Band, ho only band of which the High cihoe! can boast, The "Jackson ow's-Harp Band" failed to appear, r Coxae good reason no doubt. The Tc • Band furnished first class tlaic throughout the evening, The ex.t number on the programme was comie dialoguue; this wag followed y a guitar solo by 11, Thompson,. sr mention is here made_ of the xitar solo given by "Mr." H. Thom - n. The high School male quartette' rriad0 its debut to the delight of all eseat, The last number an the ogranm e Was the reading of the urnal: this edition of the ".High pool journal" is ono of the best, if t the best, that ham been edited. Those in charge are to be congratulate on their suecesrs. n account of nnfa' orable Weather the footifdll tont are not limns con tesalog in sany wanes, it would he yeti the pin.yeas to keep ill log es we aerpeut to bistro someweather reth , Fast Wawanosh, Mrs. Wm. Netlaery spent the boll - days with friends at Whitechurch, Mrs. Ramsey of llespeler Is visiting relatives a e a ndri f ends around Wed- field. t e - field. s Mrs, $. Carter returned home last week after spending five weeks in To- ionto. MissMinnie 1 i i x Dobe ofWinnipeg is renewing old friends and acquaint- ances here, Dame Rumor has it that wedding bells 1 will . be ringing on the 3rd in the near future. Miss Minnie Pinkney of Seaforth is spending the holidays at her uncle's, Mr, Geo. Snell, Oar squaw winter is over and we now look forward to a few days of Indian summer. Mrs. A. Cumber is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. Campbell. Prof. Cook of Godericb took the organ at the Westfield Methodist Ohurch Sunday last. Mr. A, C. W. Hardisty and littIe daughter, Catherine, are visiting the former's brother at Sherbrooke. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and Miss Lillian Clarke, Sundayecl with the latter's parents at St. Helene, Mr. Jos. Stonehouse has bought the 100 -acre farm, belonging to the tato Mrs. James Rath, for the sum of $2,500. Mr. Harry Stovie of iGoderich and Mr. 8, Carter of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with the latter's par- ents, 3rd line. Mr. J. H, McClinton moved his family to Godericb last week ; prior to his departure, the congregation of the Methodist Church presented him with a handsome hall -rack. Council met October 24; members all present ; minutes of last meeting confirmed. Messrs. G. Irwin and H. Deacon were present asking the Council to deed back to Mr. Deacon old road al- lowance between lots 30, cons. 0 and 10, The road in question, at the pre- sent time m and for some year previous being not used whatever as a public thoroughfare. Scott-Chamney-That the request be granted, on condition that the above named parties assume all ex- penses in connection with the trans- ferring of said road allowance, and that the Reeve be empowered to sign all the necessary documents an be- half of the municipality -carried. Scott -Burchill -- That the Clerk along with the Tp. Solicitor be in- structed to prepare a By-law for sub- mission to the electors at the next municipal elections for the purpose of the payment of building bridges on the river cons. 8, 9,10 and 11 next sea- son and to submit the same at next meeting of Council for approval- carried, The following accounts were pre- sented. and ordered to be paid :-Jno. McLean, furnishing tile and putting in crossing on con, 0, $6 ; John Cole, township's share of award drain; $5 ; Wm. Deacon, gravel and cleaning out ditch on con. 10, $1; Wm. Deacon put- ting in culverts on cons. 10, 13 and 14, $12.25; J. T. Coupes, cleaning out creek bed and widening road app. lot 35, con. 9, $7 ; J. T. Coultes, gravel on side line 36 and 37, con 0, $18 85 ; J. T. Coultes, gravel on side-Iine 39 and 40, con, 6, $10 ; McKinnon Bros., gravel- -ling on east boundary, $52 53 ; Wm. G. Salter, inspecting gravelling on E. Boundary, $13; Alex. McGowan, furn- ishing tile and digging ditch, con. 2, $2; A.E. Quinn, gravelling approach to Quinn's bridge, $2.50 ; R. H. Thomp- son, drawing bridge timber and tile, $4,50 ; M. Champion, putting in cul- vert con. 10, $2 ; Harry McAllister, putting in two culverts on Western Boundary, $0 ; J. Gillespie, attendance on drainage matters and selecting jurors, $9; W. Wightman, selecting jurors, $3; A. Porterfield, selecting jurors, $5; W. Buchannan, shovelling gravel $1.25 ; John Redmond, 60 yds. gravel, 36 ; Hugh McBurney, 21 yds. gravel, $2.40; J. Williams, 19 yds. gravel, $190; Alex. Porterfield, 29 yds. of gravel, $2.90 •; W. G. Salter 87 yds.gravel, $8.70 ; Wm. Wightman, 49}} yds. gravel, $4 95. The following is a summary as taken from the Collector's Roll :- County rate.. ......... $2131.91 Township rate... , , 2825.10 Railway tax 219.56 Drain •' ... 256 50 Telephone tax ... 11.36 Dog tax . , , 240 00 Statute Labor tax.,..,...,12 00 School tax 6071.28 Total $12,076,71 Ratepayers aro asked to note that taxes for this year can be paid as formerly at the Sterling Bank, Auburn, the Bank of Hamilton, Blyth, the Dominion. Bank and Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, The Council then adjourned to meet again a in on. Monday, Nov, 21st, at 10 A. Porterfield, Clerk, Do You Have eadache TAKE DIVE OF THESE LITTLE TABLETS• AND THE PAIN IS GONE. "My first *experience with 0r, Miles' Anti -Pain fills was a sample package handed ine. They relieved the pain so promptly that 1 have never been without thein since. I have given thein to many friends when they had head- ache and they never failed to relieve them. I ,have suffered with neuralgia in my head, and the first one I took re- lieved tae. They have cured me of neuralgia. I would not be without them." MISS LILLIE B. COLLINS R. ?. D. No. t, Salem, Va. mos tsto at your d ist, kits 1 tin yam, if lit cases not, a5drlwl. THE WIN AM ADVANCE Bhie 7 ale, Mrs, Robt. Musgrove is at present visiting friends' at Toronto, Mrs, Bruce spent a few days last week with friends at Palmerston, Miss Nellie Burgess of Toronto spent a few days at her home this week, Mr, McKenzie Messer of London spent Thanksgiving at his home here,. E. Thanksgiving with his uncle, Mspentlr. Jus. SmiMtte Kennedy of Ri leh, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. 1VIacBsven spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Olen, deboye, Mrs. Jno. Gannet and son, Wilber, Toronspent tothe holidays. with friends in . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart spent Thanksgiving with Dr. Stewart of Belgraye, Dan O'Toole of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving holidays at the home of Jos. Robb, Rev. W, J. West preached a Thanks - g x 111gnda on in Methodist church oMrs, Wm. Maxwell and daughter, Jean, spent Thanksgiving with friends at Milverton. Miss B. Thynne of Palmerston spent a few days this week among relatives in the village. Mr. Fred Raney and bis cousin, Goo, Haney, spent a few days at the form- er's home here, • Mr, Simeon Elliott of Kelowna. 13, 0.,kir, . isJasat. presentisiting his father, Elliott.. Mrs. Errington of Dungannon spent a few days at the home of her father, Mr, Thos, Jewitt, T. E. West, Mrs, West, Thomas Law and Mrs. Law, of Toronto, spent the holidays at the manse. Mr. D. Jewitt, we are sorry to say, is at present on the sick list; we with him a speedy recovery. Mr. Frank Hill and family moved to Wingham this week, where he bas secured a position in the flour mill. Mr. Thos. Warrick and family have the sympathy of the community in his bereavement in the decease of his wife. Rev. Cameron of Toronto preached a very impressive temperance sermon in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Mies May Brethauer of Wroxeter, Miss Ida Brethauer of Hespeler, and Mr. J. Gronbee of Preston, were visit- ors at Wm, Yeo's last week. The choir of Knox church intend giving a social "At Home" on Monday evening in the church. A good pro- gramme will be rendered and a splen- did social evening may be expected. Howard Stewart has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, where he underwent a serious operation some weeks ago. He is much improved in health, and will soon be able to be out again. Anniversary services will bo con- ducted in Knox church on Sunday, Nov. Oth, by Rev. J, S. Duncan, B.A,, of Lueknow. Rev. Mr, West will con- duct the services at Lucknow. A special offering will be given at the services. BIRTHS. .. Pocock -In Howick, Sept. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. David Pocock, a son. Welsh -In Turnberry, Nov. lst, to Mr., and Mrs. Walter Welsh, a daughter. Hoffman -In Welland, on Oct. 21th, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hoffman (nee 0. Manners) a daughter. DEATHS. Watson -In West Wawanosh, on Wednesday, Oct. 26th, Mary, relict of the late Wm. Watson of Nile, aged 82 years and 6 days. Where Are You Going Pmi looking for A. fl. WILFORD, because he pays best prices and be SAYS my weight is just exactly what IT I5. Office at AWDE'S Feed Store Hunters' Excursions Single Pare For Round Trip Daily tmtil Nov. 12th, to all points iu'Temagalni. Oat, 20 to Nev. 12, to Muskoka and Nipissing districts, eto. Retain limit rico, 16, except to points reached by Steamers Nov. 11th. Pini partfoulars and tioketa from G, LAMON ", Depot Agt. 3, D. &Donald flicittot Pawdrsaot, Age star. 1 Blyth,. Mr. A, 13.r div u B a i a r'. was a visitor at the 'home Perry Mr.oand Mrs, Binigh on .Monday. The Board of Management of St. Andrew's Church have secured, the services of Mr. A. E. Cook of (coder. ich, to train the choir. Miss Murray of the pubiic school staff, was cal > !edt to Clinton last week through the sudden death of her fatb- er, who was well known in this vicinity, A union Thanksgiving service was held in Trinity Church. on Monday. Rev's Farr, Fear and Small took part in the service, the latter preaching the sermon. 8, A.. Popplestone, Deputy Grand Master, of the 1.0,0,1?„ attended the Lodge of instruction held in Bervie en Monday night; initiatory and three degrees were conferred on a large class of candidates, The Blyth Rural Telephone Co. contractors are busy this week getting the wire on the poles. This line will connect with Brussels circuit .at John Shortreed's, 9th line, Service will be free to subscribers on the two circuits for a five minutes conversation, but if over that 5 cents will be charged. The bakery, restaurant, etc., of .Blyth, so successfully managed for years by Jos. Stothers has been sold to Neil A. Taylor, Reeve of Morris,. who will take possession on Nov. 15th, Blyth will not lose Mr. Stothers, we are pleased to state, as he will push the Insurance and General Agency business we understand. Teacher Wanted, Qualified teacher wanted for 3S. S. No. 9Carrick. rri k, Sa l ar ; duties ies to commence January Salary, $dc nd net. Ap- ply with references to JOHN INGLES Secretary, Delmore P. O. Sheep Caine Astray. Came onto my premises, lot 41, con, 10, East Wawanosh, about Aug. let, two ewes and two lambs, Owner re- quested to prove property, pay expen- ses, and remove, J. A, BRANDON Belgrave P. O. Farm For Sale. A.good Farm on a good road, con- venient to town. Further informa- tion on application to JOHN WILSON V. S. Box 24, Wingham, Farm For Sale. 100 acres of land in Saskatchewan; twenty acres are broken; thirty acres fenced ; five acres bnsb; small hoose and, stable; good water. 0, N. GRIFFIN 49- Real Estate Agt., Wingham Going Out Of Business A Mammoth Sale ----OF— Good Fresh Dry Goods and Groceries Dress Goods And Fancy Goods A Special Feature. This Great Sale will offer the people of Wingham and this northern part of the County of Huron and a part of Bruce, an opportunity of getting just what they require at less than wholesale prices- for this stock must be sold at once. On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4Tn, this store will be closed all day to enable us to complete all arrangements for this startling Sale. Then on Saturday, November 5th At 8 o'clock in the morning, our store doors will swing wide open to invite you to participate in the greatest Bargains ever offered the residents of this community - for this stock must be sold at once. Wait for the opening clay - it will pay -then come early and escape the crowd. We want a - number of additional Clerks, either. young women or men, who will please apply at once. No goods charged at this Sale - either good saleable trade or cash only, LD. M. Gordon Coming! The man who makes the Hair beautiful and who makes beauti- ful Hair needs, MR. FRANK P 1MBEE of the Pei her Hair Store, Toronto WILL BE AT WINOHA1M, ON T `I IJRS., -NOVEMBER t Oth Alt ladies or gentle- men with poor hair, or any hair or scalp trouble, will be inter- ested in this visit, as PR011, PEMBi±;It is the greatest Canadian authority upon the hair, its presdrvation and its adornment. It will be a pleasure to meet those who wish to improve their appearance through improving their hair. Alt desired advice will be given free, and the •new and eorreot atyles in hair needs and hair dressing for ladies will be displayed. A special showing of Toupees for #gentlemen who are baud or partially so. Come end have your bale helped and tee the most beautiful hair needs in Canada. We buy tut hair. Wingham, Brunswick Hotel Thursday, Novi 10th Kincardine, Queen's Hotel Friday, Novi 11th THURSDAY, Novi , 1910 Say Men -- What Of This ? We have just placed into stock three lines of American. Buttoned Boots (very fashionable) which for style and price are POSITIVELY TUN- BE.AT.AI3LE.. Just Think ! A Shoe Like This All Sizes for $3.00 Per Pair The above Shoe is made of a good grade of Patent Colt and will give satisfactory wear. At the price it is a marvel. Another line is a genuine Gun Metal Buttoned Boot --- with heavy sole - ' new toe. For $4.00 Per Pair And another is aimil line ar in e of Buttoned Boots, made of a finer grade of Gun Metal - a perfect $hoe. Price $4,50 Per Pair The above Shoes are the newest New York styles (made in New York). On exhibition in south window. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE Iii FOR SHOE LADIES ••+•• •44444444444.4444444 ss•s4Ni,ir•44444444444444 MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS This week we're showing a Special Black Overcoat, 50 in. Iong, velvet collar, good Milton cloth --at $10.00. Men's Black Overcoat, quilted lined, extra heavy Milton, with Marmot collar, very dressy coat, all sizes -- at $20. This Coat with Persian Lamb Collar -$22. Boys' Overcoats in all wises - the "Two Way" Collar - this is a special Coat which can be worn two different ways. At 0, reasonable Boys' price. LADIES' CLOTHING Ladies' rur-lined Coats with Sable Collar -Ladies' Quilted lined Coats with Isabella Fox Collar and Canadian Sable Collar-Ladiesr Cloth Coats in Military and plain styles in Blacks, Greys, Greens. These are all stylish, up.to-date Coats. Prices range from $10.00 to $G5.00. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Lace Curtains, Rugs, Carpets,. Linoleums and Oilcloths. A big display. Good valves in the different lines. tom© All Mods Trade Wanted -Potatoes, Beane, Fowl. ----PHOND 70 - Hanna & itiors 1