HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-11-03, Page 5rif TiiIIR8DA.Y, NOVEMBER 3, X91Q THE WINGHAM ADVANCE 5 MR. SWELL DRESSER :-- YOU WILL NOT KICK AT THE CLOTHES YOU 3 UY FROM US, i3ECA USE THEY WILL PLEASE YOUR EYE, AND 23ECA USE OUR PATTERNS' AND STYLES ARE UP TO THE LAST TICK OF THE WATCH. OUR CAUSE OUR CLOTHES WILL PLEASE YOU, 73E - THEY FIT. CLOTHES ARE NOT SLUNG TO- GETHER 73UT ARE HAND SCISSORED AND HAND TAILORED. WE SATISY OUR CUSTOMERS AND LOOK TO MAKE MORE THAN ONE SUIT FOR THEM. WE REMEMBER YOU ARE HEALTHY AND HAVE MANY SUITS TO BUY. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS Ca. MEN'S FURNISHERS Church Milk Route. Morningside Presbyterian church. the only New York church to run a milk route, has just dedicated a new building. For two years a most unique charity has been maintained in their milk route for sick babies of the very poor. About 125 babies every day have been served. With the milk goes a trained nurse. She sees that the milk is modified and then she teaches mothers the best methods for infant treatment. The nurse gives her services, When the work was started there was opposition. Some thought it undignified for a church to modify milk and then give it away, or even to sell it. But dig- nity did not find favor with Morning- side church authorities. Now it is such a success everybody favors it. The late John S. Kennedy left to Presbyterians a large amount of money, and $30,000 of it went to the milk route church, The old building was rebuilt and a parish house erect- ed. In this • parish house are two assembly halls, a stage with scenery, a roof garden and many other things useful to serve a neighborhood. Th e Best Ram for Your kitchen There's only one best in anything—ranges or anything else. • Now we•want to demonstrate to you why we say this Imperial Oxford Range is the best range for your kitchen. 7frozaRD rcoNoH/ZLP SAVES 20 PER CENT. OF YOUR FUEL BILL This is a special patent found only on Gurney -Oxford Ranges— reduces household expenses. Keeps fire running at four-fifths the cost. Figure that out in dollars and cents. GIVES PERFECT RESULTS ON BAKING DAY Another Gurney -Oxford patent spreads the heat over the entire oven. Makes it flake in front as well as back --under crust as well as upper. Figure the time and worry saved on that. Ilas a half -dozes other special features worth everything to you for convenience and economy. Features that can be demonstrated in the Store in a jiffy, but we can't explain here. Please give us ten minutes of your time next time you're down town. These ranges aro made by one of the oldest and most reliable concerns in Canada. Their guarantee of quality is back of ours -we want to show you their good points. We also carry other Gurney -Oxford stoves for all purposes and all kinds of fuel. `.Vlratever you want is sure to be in their lino ----and sure to be satisfactory. Conte in and see for yourself, ASSESSMENTS AND TAXES. Thera seem to bo it fear in some quarters that high assessments nieces - easily mean high taxes. Tice fact le that just about so ;nisch money per capita of •population iliust be raised to meet publle expenses, and under assessment means a high rate, For example, take the ,three town- ships of Godericb, Aberdeen and Der- by. The following table shows the population, the assessed value of land per capita, and the assessed value of buildings :--- Popu. Land Bldgs, Rate Goderich To. "1.870 $ 706 $166 6,2 Aberdeen Tp1,873 370 70 11. Derby Tp 1,802 340 170 11 It will be -noticed that in Aberdeen and Derby, the assessment on land is only about half as touch as in Gocle- rich, but the tax rate is about tsvice as high. The low assessment does not lessen the tax burden. There can be no doubt on the other hand that the praetice.of under -assess- ing property does lead to inequalities, and that nothing would do more to es- tablish equitable assessments than the enforcement of the rule that all pro- perty shall be assessed at full market value. Froin the figures given above it ap- pears that in Derby, buildings bear one-third the tax burden, while in Godericb, they bear only one-fifth. Either the assessors in the latter two townships have discriminated in favor of the improver, or the assessor in Derby has discriminated in favor of the speculator. This discrimination between the two classes of property by the assessors is not legal, but it is practised simply be- cause there is no check 'at present on the assessor's work. Where the assessor discriminates in favor of improvements, most progres- sive citizens will approve his action. At the next session of the legisla- ture a measure will be intrdduced ask- ingthat municipalities be granted the right to do legally what assessors have for years been doing, to discri- minate between the different classes of assessments. The proposal is that the municipality be allowed to place a lower rate on buildings, improve- ments, income and business assess- ments than on land value. NOW SOLD IN CANADA. In Less Than 3 Years, Parisian Sage, The Splendid Hair Tonic, Is Sold All Over Canada. • There is a reason for the phenome- nal sale of Parisian Sage in Canada during the past three years. And the reason is plain to all. Parisian Sage does just what it is ad- vertised to do. Ask W. J. McKibbon about it, he will tell you that he rigidly guaran- tees to cure dandruff, stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks or money back. There is no reason whatever why any man or woman should fail to take advantage of the above generous offer. But one thing that bas made Pari- sian Sage so famous is its peculiar power to turn the harsh, unattractive hair that many women possess into luxuriant and radiant hair in a short time. Women of refinement the country over are using it and it never disappoints, Sold everywhere, and in (gingham by W. J. McKibbon fox 50c a large bottle. Turnberry. Council met October 24th ; members all present ; minutes read and con- firmed. On motion of Rutherford and Mul- vey, John McGlynn was granted $0 for drain on C line and $5 for drawing tile and putting in culvert on con- cessions 8, 9. Rutherford—Kelly—That Conn. A. Wheeler be appointed to get 12 in. tile taken out of culvert at Jas. Powell's and put in 18 in. tile in culvert on 7th line—carried, Wheeler — Rutherford — That the motion of Sept. 19 last, re dog tax, be rescinded, as we find that dogs have been very improperly assessed, and that no dog tax be collected this year —carried. Messrs. Rutherford, Mulvey and the Reeve were appointed to get fence put up at Gemmill's bridge. The Clerk was instructed to notify the North Huron Telephone Co, to re- move their poles on 101,h and llth con. to proper place as per agreement. The following cheques were is- sued :--For gravel—Sas. McDougall, 56a, J. McNaughton 23c, J. W. King $3 20, S. Vanstone $1:02, Alex. McDonald $3.15, E. Orvis $3 88, H. Godkin, jr,, $1,08 ; Judge Doyle, Court of -Revision, $7,00; J. A. Bell, inspect- ing bridge, $28; for selecting Jurors— J. Burgess $0 ; T. K. Powell and Alex. Kelly each $3; Voters' list appeals— J. Burgess "$17.50, T. K. Powell $2 80, Adam Cleghorn $3 70; Silo, McGlynn, drain $0 and culvert $5 ; Jno. Mus- grove, inspecting drain, $5 Currie Bros., livery, $1 ; t 'iTY I3aker, Turn - berry share Culvert, 50c; Hugh Mc- Kinnon, bridge filling, $100; telephone messages, $1.05. Council will meet again at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 21. J. Bargees, Clerk. ---Hon. W. 8. Fielding: is in Mont- real this week, where he will consult a specialist in reglad to .a eliglar attack of facial paralysis, from which ha hems been suffering. • We will buy and give away hundreds of thousands of 50• cent bottles of Psychine (pronouncedSi-keen). There is one for you. Do you think e could afford to do that were we not supremely confident of its great value? Do you know another suck sweeping proposition as ours? Did you ever hear of anyone offer- ing to prove any curative, preparation Along similar lines? , All the risk is .ours, all the cost is ours, You yourself are to be the sole judge of all we claim for Psychine. Its beneficial effect alone will toll you, without prejudice, without any self-interest from any source,. It shows our confidence ---this plan --does it not? Yet our confidl' .ace to us is not phenomenal, not out of the way. Nor would our confidence seem ex- traordinary to you were you in our place, and were you to know the things we know. Y,E We've known Psychine for a third of a century—almost a generation. We know of the hundreds of thou- sands it has cured. We have hundreds of thousands of unsolicited testimonials. It doesn't require any great stretch of I!anfidence to know from facts like these. Y1:e # •Fsychine cures by increasing and strengthening the white corpuscles of the blood, or phagocytes, 'These white corpuscles eat every tilsraase germ that finds entrance to the body, when they're strong enough and in sufficient numbers, And Payelable builds these white corpuscles because of certain medical herbs it contains, nature's true remedy. 'which science now knows will do just that, We go to great expense to make Psychine, Our materials come from the ends of the earth. They are compounded in one of the finest laboratories, in apparatus that is costly in the extreme, But costly and all as it is we 1cnowv what it will do, hence the reason of our buying a 50 -cent bottle from your druggist and giving it you, free. Now if you have any of these ail- ments, fill out the coupon and mall it to us to -day You'll never regret your decision so to do, Ls Grippo Bronchitis Iiemo. rhages Sora Throat .Anaemia Female Weakness Indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and Favors Sleeplessness and Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs Weak Voice Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal Affections Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats Obstinate Coughs Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effects of Pleurisy, Pneumonia and La Grippe Now, we don't ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon below, .mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay, him the regular retail price) for a 5Q -cent bottle of Psyehlno to be given you free of cost. 'We will undoubtedly buy and dis. tribute in this manner, •hundreds of !thousands of these 50 -cent bottles of Psyebinc. And we do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that has been based on our 'thirty years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full know- ledge of the hundreds of thousands of cures it has made, COUPON No. 122 To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, Ltd. 193-195 Spading Ave., Toronto I accepb your offer to try a 50c. bottle of Psychine, (pronounced Si -keen) ab your expense. I have not had 500. bottle of Psychine under this plan, Ii;indly a,lsiso uiy druggist to deliver this bottle to mo. My Name Town Street and Number ,.1041..... My Druggist's Name ............ Street and Number This coupon is not good fora50o. bottle of Psychine if presented to the druggist it must bo sent us—we will then buy tho fidc. bottle of Psychine, from your druggist and direct him to deliver it to you. This offer may be withdrawn ab any time without notice. Send coupon to -day. Longest Prison Wall. The wall around the federal prison at Atlanta is said to be the longest prison wall in the world and the larg- est piece of concrete construction ever built, with the exception of the con- trete bridge work over the Florida keys. This wall is 4,300 feet long, 30 feet high, four feet thick at the bot- tom and two at the top. It encloses 28 acres of land. A Great Success. Government . ownership of tele- phones in Manitoba has been a great success. It is now only a little over two years since the Government took over the service, and the number of telephones in the province have more than doubled. Farmers' lines have increased probably three -fold, and long distance lines aro being built so rapidly that it will not be long until every place in the province will be in communication with Winnipeg. The growth in Winnipeg telephones in Manitoba, said Commissioner En- gineer Hayes, is considered to be greater in percentage than it is in any other large city on the continent, being close upon 40 per cent. "There are," he said, "now about 1,200 tele- phones connected with the system outside of the city of Winnipeg, and these aro owned by the Manitoba Government. In addition to this there are about 5,000 telephones con- nected with the system and owned by various municipalities. This makes a total of a little over 17,000 tele- phones in the system out of Winni- peg. Throughout the Province at the present time, 34 gangs of men are working, engaged on rural instal- lation, and they have connected this year almost 2,000 farmers' houses to the system. This is a little better than last year, and we expect to in- stall another thousand before the year is ended. We are putting up farmers' lines at the rate of 150 miles a week, and 75 miles of pole lines in a week." The "Soo" Developing. Nearly six million dollars has been expended in the past year by the British interests which now have control of what is known as the Lake Superior Corporation. This corpor- ation owns not only the steel plant at the Soo, but the Helen and Magpie iron mines and the Algoma Central Railway. The company expects in a short time to have, in addition to its present plant at the Soo, a coke oven plant With a capacity of 1,100 tons a day, a gas -power plant to generate gas power from gas thrown off in the manufacture of coke, and an addition- al blast furnace plant with a daily capacity of 450 tons of iron. All told 600 men will be employed at the Soo works alone. In addition to this the company has men at work on the extension of the Algoma Central Railway. It is expected that a com- plete service will be established be- tween the Soo, via Micbipicoton, and the main line of the C.P.R., early next spring. It is intended, eventually, to push the line on to Hudson Bay. ..-. c- �, i3�✓. ~�-�.L.. Fi ZIIVDOWN NON -ELAS. NABI The Safest Substitute For Flannel When the Greatest Authorities have declared ZINDOWN to be THE BEST substitute for Flannel, why use any other, NOTHING TO BEAT IT Ladies who have tried ZINDOWN say that they would not be without it as it is such A WONDERFULLY LASTING AND COMFORTABLE MATERIAL "LADIES' HOME MAGAZINE" says:. "Everybody who needs a warm material and cannot afford to buy pure flannels should purchase "Zxamowss.' "WOMAN'S LIFE" says: "'ZINDowN' should enjoy a large sale. It is soft and warm and faun FROM ALL INJURIOUS OiILMIOALS. NMI mrsosocummasammwelmosesuum ZINDOWN has passed the Examining Board of the Incor- porated Institute of Hygiene, Loudon, and has been awarded Certificate for SPECIAL OUALI- TrFS AND MERITS. ZINDOWN MAY BE OBTAINED FROM H. E. Isard & Co. 7.4,',,J.•;/%1',..;;,..;•74j,•a- ?r-144}T�r", _.c.. +:5'14:`:13;•%1-17'2,"'Z'' ..' r+.-1!'s:i'N'%.'{�'-i's t �."' :.e '�.r.l*t. `..a 444.4-.Y...;?.-<'„er ^�n'�. ^'. �' L�CSa ti .l � ��. y _ 9 t.3 , R) C , A'rA'i'Y • uj,.. - X•a �,>7'• .x r,c... ...to. ....�e.r;+`s^-rtev` ca°�.'3 t-•. s4...., q(✓ ,5 Jt , �ff , yl % yZop,f 1i 3 ) / ....4'147rir' .:- ±i b,fi I°j ;;;IikliC: IY S•!Ir/1 f/,�{tJf.;Jz: Y,� rvN r, Jr�� wli� ¢r SJ"Y { // ('�/!•3 ,t�-a,..� r r? a� Jfr/ ,o J p r I 1: ' q J l Tr n�J�//f `!r, lig{ cry rl�G }tyJF! r J Jit"1,:Tr r t�a lllr1 s,Gl7 JttL r, irJ !' fdJ p 2.,•1 e r �t1j'}11(Ji���� r; al,".ni5 jj 'Ili J'e�;;Lrq '17 tt°rJ1�lIn l� t3+�5 t�G Y ig, �✓'l,if fl,� S �, }�,.{/ !t t lit (S" ('y IIP f t /KM J ' F.r !(,..�I r'111�i r'� � if ii�i7F9 C11.J, ••' ',.�,r,1c "S7ililM li /rfrdtt. J 11 f, tl �p � .j G fil,��'G,'r � !;E jr�s�51� rf;��t>jr fiy(�9f it}}} .,,, l+{s�i »s al �i «.. k .ilie i ,fiwt A,1 �: 1! f i ,.I I 'R r �;., ,, rnl'+.. t c R er i ' s / f J ✓, 1 \ 1 1 '''';r-.� c ,t r��r t wt. ,(I,•, '1 rra'1/}tis P. li f( ` 'n �v � J �i°li ft wt. �,:+.LLa .� , a}t,,,,. gii. .4%.",%'s d'i 4`...'7 `Y^',.Ge71M',,, . 4 ,': .�`.r� IQ Concrete Fence Posts Lies These are sightly, strong, permanent. Concrete is, in many localities, cheaper than wood, for fence posts, and more durable than stone, brick or iron. Our' book, " What The Z arinier Can Do With Concrete" is sent °REE% It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but in walks, curbs, horse blocks, basil foundations, l,.h.,, feeding- floors, well curbs, drinking tronalis, silos, dairies, and many other farm utilities where cleanliness, strength and durability are req:tireel, Many of these thins are simple and iae:;nei1- sive to ulakt, and may easily be put tot,\ither your spare tin:c. The teak carefully and simply tells all, '1'i e rez7,ular encs of the book is 50c. We are d:strlbutitr; tree, a lill:itcd nunsbar, how. - ever, and charging up the cost to advertising. That'a why you get your copy frcc, if you sign the COlipcn and sc:::1 it to -day. 1)o it noty. Ian may stn:! els a copy of "What the F'tirmer Cats 00 With Concrete." =:ane 4444. -a CA s "iaD S. CEl `F 1�. �. O.2 z "-k c Y j Yual..w IN i. S.k,'.uG �-.�.� S'I.GO National Bank Builc,ing MONTREAL aapg Saua4a5w ov; olox 4414. 4414 t .» .r u Lk r. /. . w ...i"'Mtg.H.21:• i.+thief_ itur..,...611111iF'JMI ,tIC Seasonable and Reasonable UNDERwBAR:. We are ready for cold weather demands' with a full stock of warm Underwear. We handle the two well-known and thoroughly reliable brands— Stanfield's and Turnbull's, for Ladies , and Children. We can recommend and guarantee every garment:. If one of these garments shrink,• we shall replace it with a new one. Every garment is full fashion- ed and well shaped, and will give the best satis- faction. Your choice in Cotton, Union, Wool, arid Silk and Wool. If you want a beautiful, soft, pliable garment, try our Stanfield Silk and Wool Goods. A complete stock of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Wool Underwear for Men, always on hand. Penman's famous Pen -angle Unshrinkable Goods, for those who like something finer and softer. AIso Union, Fleece Lined and Merino, in all sizes. Something to suit every man. Ladies' Sweater Coats A bran new stock of Ladies' Knit Sweater Coats, in the fashionable shapes and desirable colors. These are warm, neat Jackets, and are in great demand for cool weather. Come in and see them. Highest Price Paid For Produce T. A. Mills Wi I HAM