HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-11-03, Page 44
King's For.. Bargains
We Want Your Trade
The Busy Store
Now is the time for this line of goods and we are
prepared to meet the wants of intending purchasers.
Bear Cloth and Carieul Coats for .the kiddies, in
White, Red, Brown and Fancy Mixtures.
Cloth Coats in new styles, in plain and fancy
goods suitable for girls and young women.
A few dress ends of that fancy Crystaline Silk
left. Reg. $7.50—for $4.50 per end. Be wise and
secure one of these. The chance of a life time.
The Worsted Suiting advertised last week is all
gone. It was one of the biggest snaps on record.
Come and see what we have for specials this week.
Five dozen pairs Ladies' " Llama " Hose ; size 8i
only — Reg. 50e pair — now 35c pair or 3 pair
for $1.00. Don't miss this opportunity.
Just received one of the most select ranges of
this line of goods ever shown in Wingham. Come
and see them, whether you wish to buy or not.
Nice fresh stook of plain and fancy Huck Towel-
ing just to hand. Now is the time to make your
selection for the Xmas season.
PRODUCE. --.A,11 kinds Dry Ploked Poultry for Thanksgiving.
Delivery to be made up to Friday, Oct. 28th. Big prices
for good goods. Also large quantities Butter and Eggs.
Good Goods 1 ( Cheap Prices
• as
Theo, Rall - Proprietor.
John D. Rockefeller is Bald. to be
the richest Man in the world. About
forty years ago he owned a little
store in one of the suburban towns
near Cleveland, Ohio, and his entire
capital was not more than $5,000,
He got into the coal oil business early
in the game with a company of small
capitalists and built refineries in
Cleveland, At that time the crude
011 was offensive for house lighting
because of the smell, and the oil was
sealing at flay cents a gallon, The
Cleveland refineries 'purified the oil,
and by chemical experiments it was
discovered that there were many
properties in the by-product that
were more valuable than the oil
itself as a burning fluid. .As the
number of by-products increased the
price of oil to the consumers gradu-
ally came down till it was retailed at
ten cents a gallon. This was the
foundation of the great Standard Oil
Company, which later became a trust
and gobbled up every industry in
sight. While its stock has been upon
the market, it has literally been a
close corparation. It owns banks,
manufacturing industries, railroads,
in fact, if there is anything in this
broad universe that Standard Oil does
not control in whole or in part, the
keen managers of that great 'trust
have not heard of it,
Everybody connected with the
Standard 'Oil is a millionaire many
times over, and John D. is the king
bee of the earth, for he gathers his
stores of wealth from every quarter
of the globe. He is only a young
man yet, being little more than three
score years. Ho does not have to
worry about business now, for his
quarterly dividends count up into
the millions. He is a liberal giver
of his wealth, his gifts to the present
date amounting to $125,004,002. His
latest contribution is $3,820,000 to
the Rockefeller institute for medical
research, to which he had already
given $4,420,000. The occasion for
this latest gift was the celebration
of the opening of the new hospital
attached to the institute.
W. W. Climie, a well known news-
paper man of Ontario, now a special
correspondent of the Toronto Star,
writing from Prince Albert, Sask,,
gives some of the best advice regard•
ing the West we have seen for a long
time. Summed up, his view of the
situation is this—for the genuine
homesteader it is a sure win if he puts
in his time and improves his land, but
to get free hontesteads he will have to
go back 20 to 50 miles, at least, from a
railway, and will have to put up with
a good many disadvantages and dis-
"Regina is a city of 15,000 inhabi-
tants, a solid looking, well-built little
city, Desirable residence property
sells for $35 a foot frontage, $1,000 for
a 50 foot lot. The best business pro-
perty is held at a thousand dollars and
over a foot. Saskatoon has 13,000
population, good rosidental Iota sell
for $20 a foot, and the best business
property up to $700 per foot. Prince
Albert has 7,000 people in it, good resi-
dental property costs from $12 to $20
frontage, and the best business pro-
perty up to $300 per foot, compare
these prices with the values of towns
in Ontario of about equal population
and the values out here would seem
extraordinary. It is only the pros-
pect of growth that sustains any such
prices here, and that goes to show
how values have been anticipated."
Mr. Climie absolves the Westerners
from the get -rich -quick schemes ad-
vertised'in the East, and which he
says emphatically should be left
entirely alone. The Western real
estate men denounce these fake real
estate schemes heartily, not only be-
cause they are fakes, but because they
hurt the honest real estate business.
The conclusion of Mr. Climie is that—
"Unless you are very shrewd or very
lucky, you take considerable risk in
buying property in your own city,
where you know all about it. How
can you expect to buy property a
thousand miles away, for less than it
is worth, or likely to be worth for
years to come ? It is only the men,
who are on the spot who can hope to
make good, and only some of them.
Bay land only when you know the
conditions yourself or through a man
you know you can trust, and be a bit
doubtful even about such a man."
Incidentally, Mr. Olimie is of the
opinion that Ontario offers to the
bona fide farmer quite as good an op-
portunity for success as the far West
and he figures it out thus :—
"Wild land of anything like decent
quality and location can only be
bought now at from $18 to $20 per
acre to break. That makes the cost
of land here, without buildings or
fences, $23 to $25 per acre. In On-.
tario, good improved farms can be
bought for from $50 to $75 per acre.
The buildings and improvements cost
at least $30 to $40 per acre to put on
the farm. The Ontario land itself is
thus worth only $20 to $35 per acre.
Wild land in'the West is thus nearly
as dear as land in Ontario, and it is-
sfully as dear or dearer than good im-
proved lands in the older settled sec-
tions of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or
Alberta. At best there would not
seam to be much hope of profit for the
speenlator in wild lands in the West
at present prices,"
How Are You ?
How are -you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads,
Memo Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements,
Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything in
the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which is
One Dollar may deposits of n be the
foundation of a competence — if you
commence now, to place your savings
in the Bank of Hamilton.
Small sums, as well as large, are
solicited and either accepted without
any unnecessary formality.
Interest paid on deposits of $1,00
and upwards.
R"int r
lfi.a 111
C. P. SMITH, Agent - Wing%am
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor
The only stock I carry cnntains the newest All -
wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive
weaves from the most reputable mills in the
world. Inspection invited.
You will find onr H:ingfisher Cloths in Black
and Blues, i'aney Worsted Suitings, Tweed
Saltings, Melton, Beaver, and Crombie's Over-
-coatings give the best satistaetton.
Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre-
vailing the day you • are measured. You get every.
thing the very latest and best when you let us
make Clothes expressly for you,
The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor
The road to wealth ---raise pigs,
The lazy mien usually gets busy at
the wrong end of the. day,
Spread sunshine wherever you go ;
not doubts, gloom or gossip,
Every good farmer goes to the barn
after supper to see that everything is
safe and snug,
Time now to get all the buildings
under good roofs. Leaky roof above
and rate below, do not pay.
Don't hurry the cook. Give her less
to do, more help and good fuel, Then
praise everything she cooks.
Avoid setting traps where the
neighbors' cats and doge can get into
them, They love their pets, even if
you do not.
Don't borrow money of the boys
and refuse to pay it back! Such mean-
ness too often causes a flight from the
home nest.
Don't build up a big fire in the
house, leave the children alone, and
go visiting. Burying their bones and
building a new house are too sadden-
Supposee you had all the pennies and
nickels that you have spent foolishly 1
Try saving them up for a year, and
put the proceeds into better stock of
some kind.
—The farmers of Waterloo County
have formed an organization and will
shortly wait on the Hydro -Electric
Commission to learn the cost of power
to them. The farmers are very en-
thusiastic and expect soon to have
their homes lighted and stationary
machinery run by Niagara power.
A Treatment That Costs Nothing
If It Fails.
We want you to try three large
bottles of Rexall "03" Hair Tonic on
on our personal guarantee that the
trial will not cost you a penny if it
does not give you absolute satisfac-
tion. That's proof of our faith in this
remedy, and it should indisputably
demonstrate that we know what we
are taking about when we say that
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic will grow hair
on bald heads, except where baldness
has been of such long duration that
the roots of the hair are entirely dead,
the follicles closed and grown over,
and the scalp is glazed.
Remember, we are basing our state-
ments upon what has already been
accomplished by the use of Rexall "03,'
Hair Tonic, and we have the right to
assume that what it has done for
thousands of others it will do for you.
Iu any event you cannot lose any-
thing by giving it a trial on our liber-
al guarantee. Two sizes, 50c and $1.
Remember, you can obtain Rexall
Remedies in this community only at
our store—The Rexall Store. J. W.
Many a woman is a good manager
and an excellent farmer, yet is tied to
a careless, lazy man. Where such is
the case let her be consulted and her
advice taken; or give her the financial
end to take care of.
Largest In Ontario,
The Kincardine Reporter says
"The ne,, bridge has been taken over
from the contractors, the Hunter
Bridge. & Boiler Co., by the building
Committee of the Bruce County (coun-
cil, and declared open for traffic, We
now hare within of town limits ono
the largest public bridges in Ontario,
as well as the mouth of the longest
river wholly in this province, The
new bridge is one to be proud of, and
reflects credit upon all those who have
bad. anything to do with its construe -
tion from the County Coeucil, who
foot the bill, to the contractors, who
have done the work. It costs about
$31,000, and is 300 feet long,"
Many farmers burn the wrong end
of the candle. They sit up until late
hours, and get up after the sun, dull
and spiritless. "Early to bed, and
early to rise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise" — to what is
going on.
Do not leave neat, etc., on the
stove hearth or table where a hungry
cat or dog can reach it while you are
gone out for half an hour, and then
warft to kill it for being a rogue! That
is unreasonable. Put things away
and feed the cats and dogs.
What is a trip to town to the wife
or mother unless she has a little
money to frivol away as she pleases
on oranges, a new ribbon or a book,
candy or a trolley ride? Some women
have hard times; yet their husbands
declare they love them 1
Teach the family orderly methods.
How often it makes the tired mother
take unnecessary steps picking up
John's old socks. Jennie's cast-off
skirt, or Jim's cap and coat. Putting
things in their places at once saves
time, friction and unnecessary steps.
Try it.
A Productive District,
Mr. C. C. James, deputy minister of
agriculture, who has returned from
the north say's that the productive
power of the Temiekaming district is
extraordinary, particularly in fall
wheat, oats and peas, while the roots
produced cannot in his opinion, be
beaten anywhere in Canada. "North"-
North-ern Ontario," he observed, "is bound
to become the great potato growing
section of the province."
The Busy
Man's Creed.
We believe in the stuff we are
handing out, ail the firms we are
working for, and in our ability to
get results. We believe that honest
stuff can be passed out to honest
men by honest methods. 'We believe
in working, not weeping ; in boosting,
not knocking ; and in the pleasure
of our job. We believe that a man
gets what he goes after, and that
one deed done to -day is worth two
deeds to -morrow, and that no man
is down and out until he has lost
faith in himself. We believe in
courtesy, in kindness, in generosity,
in good cheer, in friendship and In
honest competition, We believe
there is something doing, somewhere,
for every man ready to do it. We
believe we're ready RIGHT NOW.
How To Stop
Stubborn Cough
We don't mean just stop the irri-
tation in your throat—but cure the
underlying cause.
Cough syrups cannot do this. It
takes a constitutional tonic body
builder to do the work properly—
and cure you to stay cured. Vinol
is the remedy you need.
rn nn IS PR0Oli'
Mrs, Minnie Osgood, of Glens Falls,
N. If., writes: -"After trying several rem-
edies for a bad cough and coil without
be,Tofct, I was asked to try Vinol. It
worked like inagic. It cared my cold
and cough and I gained in health and
strength. I consider Vinol the most
wonderful tonin and invigorator I ever
If we cannot stop that -cough
with VINOL—our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic --which is made
without oil—we will not charge
you a cent for the medicine you
buy. This seems like a pretty fair
proposition— and ought to be ac-
cepted. Don't you think so? With
this understanding we ask you to
try a bottle of VINOL,
Druggist - Wingham
1. He had Eczema
for 28 years.
2. His hands were
so bad he had to
wear gloves day
and night,
3, Doctors said he
could never be
4. For 25 years he
tried for cure in
5.Then ho tried
6. ZAIVI-BUKcur«
ed him.
years after his
curo, he says:
OUVEb--•tl ero
has' boon rio
%.1,\ 1 • a .ori/>y
Mr. T. M. Marsh of 101 Dolorimier Ave.,
Montreal, has had this wonderful experience
of £am -Bun. Mr. Marsh Lao lived in Mont-
real for over 30 years, many of them at his
present address. He is well known arid
is willing to satisfy any enquirer as to the
genuineness of kis cure.. Ile suffered 5
years from eczema in the hands and had to
wear gloves day and night, the itching vr..e
f:o terrible when the air got to the r.orca.
Doctors said there Was no cure. Three years
ago Zara -Milt cured him. Interviewed rt few
teaks ago be said; ---
"1 rora the day I was cured by Zam-Buk
to the present moment I have had no trace
of the eczema and feel sure it will never
return. When 1 think of tho mervellou:e euro 'laiu-
I3uk worked in my case 1 twin moro and more iiuples::,ed
by the value of thea great household balm. I It:we
had letters cf enquiry from all over Canada, and am
glad to parson illy corroborate the published facts
of my cure."
f Wet'.. BOX.
.n.lt.•1-,cn,t.,,,, Putt
1.•w,tt.,.:p t,: zam i3ek
o.. Toronto, for
fi actplo box. -'.:talon
tlua l,upar.
It is by working oureslike this that
t!citaswen. for itself a \tend -
able r,1tiation. Votquitlta ler
vleas, r.tisersecs, piles, bk od•poisen,
iu!amed:ares cud e. eels, elettl;td
bands, babies' c options, varh (MO
ulcr13, bums, cots, tt.,. All dreg-
kl,ts and (tors at uric box, et Zaia-
l;uk Co., Toronto, tur price.
Special Bargain In Bluevale
Nice House and two lots, Well
situated, just the place for a retired
farmer. Price Reasonable.
Ritchie do Cosecs
Flour That Rises
just to the point of perfection and
makes the best and lightest pastry
and bread is
Our Pure Flour
The whole goodness of perfect wheat
and none of its badness is used in
making our Flour.
Yon should not forget to order onr
brand; it will mean easier baking and
the assuring of wholesome food.
Ezra Merkley
The Peoples' Popular Store
Are You Ready
You know we keep Rubbers, the very best kind, made
of live springy rubber ; these are the kind that give
satisfaction, simply because they wear well. We think.
quality pays, especially in Rubbers. True, you pay a
little more, but the Best is always the Cheapest.
Men's Heavy Rubbers, tho best on the market .... $1.90 to $2 75
Men's Heavy Boots, adapted to winter wear $1.75 to $3 00
Men's winter Caps, a large selection, with fur-Iined Ear
Flaps — at only 50o
The new shaped Muffler, all colors—only 60o
Little Girls' Coats in Blue, Brown and Greys, nicely
tailored, neatly trimmed — ;3.00 to ;4.75
Sacrifice of Men's Heavy Coats
In sizes 36, 38, 40. Something warm and serviceable,
with largo collars ; the quality is first-class.
54.50 Coats..., .52.25$7.00 Coats $3,50
58.00 Coats..., 54.00 1 58.50 Coats $4,25
Boys' Pea Jackets, in sizes 21 to 31, well
made and warm ; they're just the thing for
roughing it 52.00 to $3.50
HOSIERY -- Our line of Woollen and Worsted Hosiery
is the very best on the market. Plain and Ribbed
Worsted -25c to 50c. Plain and Ribbed Wool -25e
to 50c. We keep the BEST.
HOW ABOUT FURS 2—Stoles and Muffs in Mink, Mar-
mot, Fox, &c., at the lowest possible prices. A few
Far Coats at Sacrifice Prices.
FARMERS 1— We want choice, fat, dry picked Fowl—
highest prices. Bring in your Wood, Oats, Beans,
Onions, Potatoes, Butter and Eggs. Good
prices for good produce.
1 Men!
I Attenti ?1. 1
If you purpose attending our school
this winter you should register on Nov.
1st. Spend two months with us this
term. Students aro entering each week.
Wo have throe departments—Commer-
cial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy.
Our eonrses aro praotical, teachers are
experienced and our graduates succeed.
The demand upon us for help exceeds
the supply. Write for our free rata-
D. A. MCLACHLAN - Principal
Do not fool with Educatieu.
Attend tho famous
for Strictly High Grade Training.
Graduates readily get good posi-
tions. Commence now. Write To -
DAY for Catalogue.
Cor. longe and Alexander Ste.
Wanted Now
For Wingham and surrounding dis'
triot, for Fall and Winter months,
an energetio reliable agent to take
orders for nursery stock.
600 ACRES under cultivation. We
guarantee to deliver stock in good
condition and up to contract grade.
We can show that there is good
money In representing a well known
reliable firm at this time. Established
ever 30 years. Write for particulars.
Jas. Walker & Son
Furniture Dealers
and .Undertakers
We are specialty qualified Under-
takers , and the
6ntruetinarn theirisirarlk mersto ns may reit
en it being +Well dons Nlgbb calla
reealwed 44 rield6noe.
bi�cr Phoae 108 IOW. Pbonli 1114
Here is the greatest chance of your
life to get one of the very latest
up-to-the-minute Suits and Overcoats.
We have just received a shipment of
O having to ri v ng given the order I had
in the summer, before
decided on.
The wholesale house would not cancel
the order, but sent the goods along.
Consequently, you have the new goods
I to select your Suit and Overcoat from
at the
SUITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blue
and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots
and Vicunas.
OVERCOATS- Elaek, Brown, Green and Striped ;
in Beavers, Miltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc.
TROUSERINGS—a11 styles and prices
Time and space will not permit of Price List.
Sulfide to say, that those leaving seen the goods,
.and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is
marvelous. Come and see for yourself.
Robt. x