HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-10-27, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 J, 11910. PRESCRIPTION' enCeet;eatiet tftila anmtio Buy atr 14, WALK. IN DOCTOR MR. SWELL DRESSER ;-- THE WISE DOCTOR HAS PRESCRIBED FOR you. ONE NEW OVERCOAT AND ONE ,NEW SUIT, TO 73E PUT ON EVER), MORN- %NG. • HE HAS TOLD you Do 73UY IT AT THE RIGHT PLACE, WHICH MEANS 730WING YOUR CLOTHING FROM U.S. BECAUSE WE 73ELIEVE IN SELLING ONLY GOOD CLOTH- .._ _ ING AT REASONABLE PRICES. WHATEVER YOU 73 E.73) FROM US, WHETH- ET HIGH OR ,MEDIUM GRADE, YOU WILL FIND IT JUST LIKE WE SAY IT IS. WE HAVE MADE OUR STO'RE A RELI- i ABLE CLOTHING STORE. McGee & Campbell CLOTHIERS ,ra MEN'S FURNISHERS rCiallaINNESIMAT IlleinallEMISID 0 4:112P SOO 0 StillaZIMIEW arms supensztems nest ttentio Here is the greatest chance of your life to get one of the very Iatest up-to-the-ininute Suits and Overcoats. We have just received a shipment of NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS Owing to having given the order early in the summer, before I had decided on 1 1 1 GOING GUT GF BI1SINESS 1 The wholesale house would not cancel the order, but sent the goods along. Consequently, you have the new goods to select your Suit and Overcoat from at the 1 1 SAME LOW PRICES S•UITINGS in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, Blne and Black Serges and Worsteds, Cheviots and Vicunas, OVERCOATS"... T31ackk, Brown, Green and Striped ; 1 in Beavers, Miltons, Cheviots, Friezes, etc. TROUSERINGS—all styles and prices Time and space will not permit of Price List. l uftice to say, that those having seen the goods, and the way they are made and trimmed, say it is marvelous. Cottle and see for yourself. t I Robt. Maxwell TAILOR. NW* *M. /MO Fatal itccideut, Jantee. Young whoresides neat' Kincardine, met with an accident, which ended fatally on Friday, Oct. 21st. Ile was engaged in moving a barn when a chain broke, allowing a capstan arra to fly back, stricking biru ire the stomach, Ile was well knower and highly respected, and, was 60 years of age, Death At Atwood, On Wednesday last, Dr. J. P. Ran- kin, coroner of Stratford, was called to Atwood, to open ,an inquest into the mysterious death of E. T, Foster, a young druggist of that village. Foster 'cvas found unconscious in bed by his wife early that morning, and in spite of the efforts of Doctors MeMane and, Kidd, passed away. He was a'1 right the night before, and the cause of his death is still a mystery. The inquest was adjourned, to be resumed in two weeks, Deceased ie survived by his wife and one daughter, two years of age. A Sad Accident. A pitful accident, resulting in the death of the youngest daughter of Jas. Parrot, jr,. occurred in Logan on Tuesday afternoon last. The father was hauling manure to a field, and the little tot accompanied him. After dumping off a heap of manure, Parrot picked up the lines to drive a little further away, but on Iooking behind noticed that the child was lying across the waggon tracks dead. On examining the body it was found that the wheels had `'crushed out the life of the poor little girl. The father be- came almost distracted, but he is in no way to blame as the child, when seen a moment before, was some feet from the waggon, and thinking it still in the same position the father drove on. The ease is indeed a sad one, and much sympathy is felt for the parents. —Mitchell Advocate, Northern Ontario. After a few weeks' tour to the Paci- fic coast, the lion, J. S. Duff, Ontario minister of agriculture, returns to To- ronto convinced that the chances for the farmer are quite as good in the new north of Ontario as in the much heralded prairie provinces. "There may," he says, "be more speculative opportunities in the West than there are in Ontario, but, from the stand- point of the average man .1 think there are just as good opportunities in this province ; in fact, it seems to me that in the nortbern part of the pro- vinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the soil is very much the same as in northern Ontario between New Liskeard and Cochrane." The principal difference is that iu Ontario the soil is covered with forest, which, however, is easily removed, and is of such value, as much more than to pay for the removal. MAKE; THIS TEST. How To Tell If Your Hair Is Diseased. Even if you have a luxuriant head of hair you may want to know wheth- er it is in a healthy condition or not, 98% of the people need a hair tonic. Pull a hair out of your head ; if the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair is diseased, and requires prompt treatment if its loss would be avoid- ed. If the bulb is pink and full, the hair is healthy. We want every ono whose hair re- quires treatment to try Rexall "03" Hair Tonle. We promise that it shall not cost anything if it does not give satisfactory results. It is designed to overcome dandruff, relieve scalp irri- tation, to stimulate the hair roots, tighten the hair already in the head, grow hair and cure baldness. It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and sincere faith in its goodness that we want you to try it at our risk. Two sizes, 50c and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. J. W. McKibben, Ontario Orchards, Seven million dollars, it is esti- mated, is the average annual produc- tion of the apple orchards of Ontario. As there are 7,000,000, bearing trees in the province, the average annual pro- duction of each tree is only $1, If the production of our orchards were brought tap to that of Now York State, the value of the ripple Crop world average over $50,000,000 ttnnuet- ly. What is the matter? Several rea- sons may be mentioned as responsible for this poor showing. Chief of these, however, is a failure to realize the damage done by insect pests and dis- ease, and lack of knowledge regarding the best ways to combat these evils. As regards a remedy for existing con- ditions. The Canadian tortieulture for October suggest among other things that the -Government be made to realize mare than it does now, the importance of this matter to the apple 1 growers of the province. It also goes off to say that the Government should be induced to give eucb assistance as is passible in establishing additional demmnetration orchards, educational exhibits, orchard surveys, increasing the acid given to co-operative assoei- ationo, and passing new legislation aiming to protect fruit growers from the operations of unreliable nursery agente. It is better to raisundrretand ettrile people than to understand them,. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE We don't want your money—this test of Psychine is at our cost—we'll buy a 500cent bottle from your drug- gist ru ,,gist and giVe it you free to prove., This is a i,opeless, cold world to MOW. "A vale on tears" in very truth sickness, suffering, sorrow. And sickness Is the cause of most ,of the misery. Now a good many people accept sickness " as something that has to be a visitation, They may make ineffectual attempts to cure .themselves, but they don't get well. Now we want such hopeless ones to let us buy for them a 50 -cent bottle of. Psychine from 'their druggist, which we'll give them free 02 charge to let them know that there is at least one preparation that is hope for the hope- less, that will surely benefit them, Se Se We've been making and selling Psychine for the third of a century. We have sold many millions of bottles in that time, Psychine has cured many hundreds of thousands of hopeless cases. We have received hundreds of thou- sands of unsolicited testimofrials. Psychlne has proven itself to be the most remarkable preparation for the mire of disease. Now Psychine's power comes from its ingredients. 'Psychine is made from herbs -1 nature's ower remedies. And the herbs from which ,Psychine is made are beneficial to the body be- cause they increase the number and strength of the white corpuscles of the. blood ,or the phagocytes, which devour every germ of diseitse that finds entrance to the body., That's why Psychine cures where other old time remedies fail, That's why Psychine has steed the test of time for the third of a century. That's why we can afford to buy and give away hundreds of thousands of 50 -cent bottles. Now Psychine is indicated in the following diseases. Read this list carefully and then fill out and email us the Coupon without delay. La Grippe Bronchitis Hemorrhages Sore Throat Anaemia Female Weakness Indigestion Poor Appetite Chills and Fevers Sleeplessness and Nervous Troubles After-effects of P10 La Grippe. Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs weak voice Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal Affections Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats Obstinate Coughs Larynglts and. Dyspepsia urlsy, Pneumonia and Now, we• don't ask you to ,take our word for the tremendously beneficial effect of Psychine. Pill out the coupon below, mail it to us and we'll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50 -cent bottle of Psychine to he given to you free of cost, We will undoubtedly buy and dis- tribute in this manner hundreds oe thousands of these 50•cent bottles of Psychine. And We do that to show our entire confidence in this wonderful prepara- tion. A confidence that has been based on our 30 years' experience with this splendid preparation, with a full knew - ledge of the hundreds 02 thousands of cures It has trade, COUPON No, 122 To the br, 1'. A, $LOCUM, Ltd. • 193-195 Spadina Ave., Toronto I accept your ofl'or to try a ale. bottle of Psychine (pronounced Si•keen) at your expense. I have not had a 50c. bottle of Psychine under this plan. Kindly advise my druggist to deliver this bottle to rue, .My Name Town Street and Number Aly Druggist's Name Street and Number This coupon is not good for a 60c. bottle of Psyohino if presented to the druggist it must bo Fent us—wo will thou buy tho 50o. bottle or Peychino from your druggist and direct him to deliver it to you., This offer may be withdrawn at any tune without notice. Send coupon today. Mitchell Wants Power. `At a meeting of Mitchell Council on Monday evening of last week, it was decided to submit a by-law to the elec- tors for the purpose of bringing the hydro -electric power to Mitchell. The voting will take place early in Nov. Sebringvdlle wants 100 horse -power, and Mitchell will be asked to take 200 hprse-power. Under the new system our town would save hundreds of dol- lars a year. It is a boon that the ratepayers should not allow to pass, say the Advocate. Wages Reduced, The Palmerston Spectator says 1•— "The Grand Trunk officials startled their employees last week by issuing an order to the effect that wages must be reduced. The method applied in reducing the wages is not what is termed a direct cut; instead, the men will be laid off one day each week or four days a. month. This means that the men in the shops will lose from $6 to $8 per month. The order applies to shop men, car repairers, car tap- pers, in fact, all who are not train- men." Moving Pictures. The growth of the moving picture entertainment is indicated by the statistics showing that throughout the largest cities of the United States there is one moving picture show on a average for about every 7,000 inhabi- tants, The manufacturers of flims turn out 20,000 feet per week, and Edi - son's royalty therefrom amounts to $8,000 per week. During the year 1909 it estimated that the total re- ceipts in nickels at these places of en- tertainment in the United States amounted to $57,500,000. —Guelph's population has reached the 15,000 mark, or 16,000 count• ing the suburbs. —Mr. John Reihm of Listowel has made what he considers a record in potato culture and would Iike to know who can beat him, Ile planted ten lbs. of Extra Early Sensation potatoes on a plot of ground 16 feet by 28 feet, and dug from this three and a half bags of very fine potatoes. —Chris. Gossel of Bruce county threshed 1,00S bushels oft 38 acres of crop. —Spain gets more sunshine than any other country in Europe. Year- ly, its average is 3,000 hours, while in England it is only about 1,400 hours. —Los Angeles reports 1,060 divorces granted in that city from Oct. 1, 1000, to Oct. 1 1910. Of this number 61:5 were granted in the last six months, Itv pi• i •# The best pun in the English langu- age is Tom Hood's :—He went and told the sexton, and the sexton tolled the bell. The worst pun is that of a man who fell into a ditch and rose with the remark : "How very ditchressing 1" The Teeswater News reports that the Vendome hotel was recently sold by auction to Jacob Lambertus of Walkerton for $0010 ; it was built in 1807 and east about 815,000. Figure it out in dollars and cents. If you can make five tons of coal last as long as six tons and with coal at $6.00 a ton, don't you make $6,00 clear. Now the cast iron range illustrated will save 20% of your fuel when hard coal is burned. It is fitted with that greatest of lrtoderu stove improvements the ' iim iia (IUr �'' uIn til GURNEY.OXFORO ECONOMIZER It is a device that is put on Gurney -Oxford Stoves alone, and in putting them out for your inspection we feel justly proudof the choice we have made in selecting this line of satisfaction giving stoves. Look them, over on our floors, Itself W. J. BOYCE WINGHAM 1 The reason we're selling so many more Ladies' Coats this season than we did last — the reason our Busi ness grows so fast ---is bep cause we are giving more actual value for the money than ever before. You will find this out as soon as you wear one of our Coats, and then we can count you as a steadfast customer For Men's Wear High Class Tailored Suits and Overcoats in the best weaves of cloth and latest patterns. See them. 111E. Isard C Lammamseauannomossuoiminaganonnamsimasmousamaaviligimraig" 16614 x!41031 Ulna lateReateneeeramaesee Seasonable and Reasonable UNDERWEAR We are ready for cold weather demands with a full stock of warm Underwear. We handle the two well-known and thoroughly reliable brands— Stanfield's and Turnbull's, for Ladies and Children. We can recommend and guarantee every garment. If one of these garments shrink, we shall replace it with a new one. Every garment is full fashion- ed and well shaped, and will give the best satis- faction. Your choice in Cotton, Union, Wool, and Silk and Wool. If you want a beautiful, soft, pliable garment, try our Stanfield Silts and Wool Goods. A complete stock of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Wool Underwear for Men, always on hand. Penman's famous Pen -angle Unshrinkable Goods, for those who like something finer and softer. Also Union, Fleece Lined and Merino, in all sizes. Something to suit every man, Ladies' Sweater Coats A bran new stock of Ladies' Knit Sweater Coats, in the fashionable shapes and desirable colors. These are warm, neat Jackets, and are in great demand for cool weather. Come in and see them. Highest Price Paid For Produce T. A. Mills WINGHAM