HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-10-27, Page 44 We Want Your Trade CHILDREN'S COATS Now is the time for this line of goods and we are prepared to meet the wants of intending purchasers. Bear Cloth and Caricul Coats for the kiddies, in. White, Red, Brown and Fancy Mixtures. Cloth Coats in new styles, in plain and fancy goods suitable for girls and young women. DRESS GOODS A few dress ends of that fancy Ci ;ystaline Silk left. Reg. $7.50 -for $4.50 per end. Be wise and secure one of these. The chance of a life time. The Worsted Suiting advertised last week is all gone. It was one of the biggest snaps on record. Come and see what we have for specials this week. HOSIERY SPECIAL Five 'dozen pairs Ladies' " Llama " Hose ; size 8 only --, Reg. 50c pair -- now 35c pair or 3 pair for $1,OOs Don't miss this opportunity. ALLOVER LACES Just received one of the most select ranges of this line of goods ever shown in Wingham. Come and see them, whether'you wish to buy or not. FANCY TO IELIN i Nice fresh stock of plain and fancy Huck Towel- ing just to hand. Now is the time to make your selection for the Xmas. season. PRODUCE. -Ali kinds Dry Pinked Poultry for Thanksgiving. Delivery to be made up to Friday, Oct. 28th. Big prices for good goods. Also largo quantities Butter and Eggs. GEO. E. KING Good Goods i Cheap Prices How Are 'Sou ? How are you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything in. the line of Printing, call lip No. 34, which is THE ADVANCE OFFICE t 7=7;e7sre-ceRi o x.s n a.L717Mr..+zx-nrnewas-+ccrrmrnrrsrraveasr8.5.1.1w. 7.241,Y1 }i Yll O. ^a Y+. JGM•S+L66^ft1GICi-.7?!'Y_7,I ..-�3J Zia us et • One Dollar deposited in the Bank of Hamilton might mean the first step to- ward the accumulation of a fortune, The man who scorns the sagacious investment of his savings has yet to Learn the true principles of frugality and thrift. Deposit ,one dollar to -day -begin to provide against old age and financial reverses, C. P. SMITH, Agent gingham THE WINGHAM ADVANCE Theo, Hall Proprietor, A FIGHTING SESSION. The coming session of parliament 1 which opens on Nov, 16 is expected to be of more than ordinary interest, says the Ottawa Journal, an indepen- dent newspaper, in that there is the possibility that it will be the last be- fore another general election. The Opposition, therefore, may be expect- ed - ed to make them t of the cli na ces they will have to harass the adminis- tration. The two articles are in the throes of the fight for power. The government is weaker numerically than it has been since 1800, its majori- ty last session having sometimes fall- en as low as 30. The Opposition also is a strong fighting body with young fighting material. It has been said that it is the strongest Opposition since Confed- eration. What will lead special interest in the conflict of parties is the situation in Quebec. Whereas a year ago there was a small outbreak on the part of F. D. Monk on the Conservative side, and of Colonel McLean on the Liberal side, over the naval policies of their several parties, the outbreak has grown to such large proportions in the government party that actual re- tention of office is threatened. The Bonrassa campaign in Quebec is now of the most serious character to the Liberals, while other incidents which occurred lately have caused the English speaking supporters of the Government to look with suspicion upon its actions. The ministry hopes to have a short session in view of the Imperial confer- ence in May and the coronation in June, both of which Sir Wilfrid Laurier will attend. E. C. W ITS Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor .,'The only stock I tarry contains the newest Alt- wooI Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable mills in the world. inspection invited. Von will find our ICingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Suitings, Melton, Beaver, and Crolnbie's Over - coatings give the best satisfaction, Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre. vailing the day you are measured. You get every thing the very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. dierwiarsawwWwWwitioswentiasuitiositmaa WILBON E. C. WHITE BLOCK X!' ING IAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor Reported Retirement Of Laurier. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT. (Ridgetown Dominion) The Legislature will again be caked to amend the Assessment Aet•, •so that municipalities may, ou a vote of the electors, place a lower tax rate on building, improvements, and business assessments than on land values. This gives the municipal councils and the public an opportunity to re- view the work of the assessors, and to correct atonce any general errors in the assessments, For example. take a town with the following assessment figures :-Land <$1,000,000; buildings, improvements, and business, 52,000,000. Revenue re- quired, 500,000. This revenue is now raised by a 20 mill rate on the whole assessment, But,suppose pilose that the council find en investigation, what is a very com- mon condition hi Ontario towns, that improvements are generally assessed at two-thirds and the land at one.third its fair market value. Instead of waiting for a year or more to secure a new assessor and make a new assess- ment, the council could at once rectify matters by placing a rate of 30 mills on the land and 15 mills on the im- provements so that each class of pro- perty would bear its fair share. Any change would be left to the decision of the municipality. Last year a petition asking the On- tario Legislature to amend the Asses- ment Act along the lines suggested above was signed by 275 municipali- ties and received practically the un- animous approval of the press of the province, At the next session of the legislature the measure will be urged again. On what is declared to be reliable authority, a statement is made that Sir Wilfrid Laurier's present intention is to retire from poltics before the next general election. In fact the deliberate assertion is made that the Premier has announced this "privately" to at least one of his associates. While the story does not seem at all likely, in view of the fact that the Premier so very lately undertook an arduous political tour of the West, the unexpected frequently happens, The reason given for this reported intention of the Premier to retire is that the situation in Quebec Province is so unsatisfactory to him from both', a party and personal point of view that Sir Wilfrid has little or no stomach for a campaign to carry the Province at the next general election. His present majority is obtained from the Province of Quebec. The Government certainly views the inroads of Mr. Bourassa on the party strength with alarm, and is said not to see much prospect of checking it them ; and Sir Wilfrid is said to feel this particularly keenly. Mr. Fielding's condition is another matter which has depressed the Pre- mier. While the mental faculties and fighting disposition of the Minister of Finance are as keen as ever, he is physically unfit for hard work and active politics at present, and the opinion of his medical advisers is that he should have a prolonged rest. Some others of the Cabinet are on the verge of retirement, and a consider- able reorganization seems to Ioom in the near future. however, the Premier is a. born fighter' and those who know him best declare that we shall surely hear the rally of "another four years" more at the next election, "to finish my work." The Premier's health is said to be good, and it would require to be, for a strenuous session is before him, How Old People May Prolong Their Lives At advanced age the organs act more slowly than in youth. Circu- lation becomes poor, blood thin and watery, appetite fitful, and diges- tion weak. This condition leaves the system open to disease such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneumo- nia, Rheumatism, etc. VINOL is the greatest health creator and body builder we know of for old people, as it supplies the very elements needed to re- build wasting tissue and replace weakness with strength. UTZtN IS VIE 111O0V A case is recorded in Albany. N. n woman wine folk alte WW1 breaking down by age and tees doomed to the weak and feeble condition or old people, Mho had no strength and 11th slightest Oit- ertion tired her, but 4'INO/. made her "well and strong, and she states that she •feels ten stems. Yorntg(r than she Ohl be- fore taking VINOL. We ask every aged person in this neighborhood to try a bottle if VINOL with the understanding that we will return their looney if it does not prove beneficial. WALTON Molt/11110 T :Druggist .w "'Whigbam Brussels. At the last , meeting of Brussels Council J. T. Wood gave a cheque for $150 on payment of town loan on the Excelsior Knitting factory. We are pleased to know the- factory has a good season. The supply of cream being sent to Brussels Butter factory keeps up both as to quantity and quality. This has been a great season and the results should bring good cheer to the patrons. A new well was drilled at the resi- dence of Alfred Backer, Turnberry street, by Geo. Edwards & Son. The well at the Rural Telephone Central was also drilled to secure a large sup- ply of aqua puri. Recently some light fingered gent visited the cellar and stable of John McKenzie and took some butter, lard and onions and added some smoothing irons from T. McGregor's kitchen. The articles were found on the G.T.R. premises alongside the fence. Possi- bly somebody is working for a win- ter's board at Goderich jail. At the meeting of the East Huron fall fair directors the Treasurer's fin- ancial statement showed that the bal- ance of the debt against the society will be cleared off in addition to pay- ing the prizes. It was decided to hold a bee to plow and level a portion of Agricultural Park, immediately north of the palace. Directors Robb, Nichols and McLauchlin were appoint- ed to take charge of the arrange- ments. Other improvements are also contemplated in connection with the park. HOW FALSEHOOD GROWS. First, somebody told it, Then the room wouldn't hold it So the busy tongues rolled it Till they got it outside ; Then the crowd came across it And never once lost it Till it grew long and wide. This lie brought forth others, Dark sisters and brothers, And fathers and mothers, A terrible crew ; And while headlong they hurried The people they flurried And troubled and worried, As lies always do. FOR AGED PEOPLE. Old Felks Should Be Careful In Their Selection Of Regulative Medicine. 'SVe have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that Is par. tieularly adapted to the requirements of aged people and persons of weak constitutions who suffer from consti- pation or other bowel disorders, We are so certain that it will relieve these complaints and give absolute satis- faction in every particular that we offer it with our personal guarantee that it shall cost the user -nothing if it fails to substantiate out o ni This tns, Th s remedy is called Rexall Orderlies, Rexall Orderlies have a soothing, healing, strengthening, tonic and regulative action upon the bowels, They remove all irritation, dryness, soreness and weakness. They restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They are eaten like candy, may be taken at any time without inconveni- ence, do not cause any griping, nau- sea, diarrhoea, excessive looseness, flatulence or other disagreeable effect. Price 25c and 10e, Sold only at our store -The Rexall Store. J. W. Mc- Kibben. Good Advice. The Baker and Confectioner says "Don't be afraid to say "No," • when your neighbor asks you to discount an accommodation note or endorse for hini. When the times come for payment and the others have not the necessary wherewithal to discharge it, the bailiff will as cheerfully take it out of your household effects as he eats his dinner. The time to quit doing this kind of thing is before you take tip the pen. "He that hateth suretyship is sure." The world is strewn with wrecked businesses and homes, the result of a man's failure to say "no" to the tempter. When a man asks you to back up his note, give him a cheque for the amount if you can afford to lose it, and call it found money if you get it back. Even then you stand a good chance of making an enemy for life. There is no enmity -promoter like lending money." Largest In World. The White Star Trans -Atlantic liner Olymyic, the largest vessel in the world, Was launched last week fn Bel- fast. The Countess Aberdeen, Wife of the Viceroy of Ireland, christened the liner, More than 40,000 people were on hand to see the monster 40,000 ton ship take the water. The Olympic and her sister ship, the Titanic, to be launched next February are the White Star's answer to the Cunard's Maure- tania and Lusitania, The Olympic is 11I.O feet long With a 011 foot beaus. Her spread will be twenty knots an hour, Turkeys Scarce. In many parts of Ontario turkeys will be -scarce and dear, on account of whole flocks being carried off by a disease commonly known as "black- head." The clinical or outside mani- festation of the plague is a black ap- pearance to the comb. The disease is due to disarrangement of the digestive organs of the birds and is confined to turkeys mainly. A simple remedy for the disease is to starve the bird for forty-eight hours, and then let it drink from a mixture composed of a teaspoonful of muriatic acid to a quart of water. This remedy, however, while found to be splendid in severe cases, is not a means of stopping the plague, as the disease has spread so rapidly • that only a more sweeping method can be employed to stamp it out. National Resources. Hon. Clifford Sifton spoke in Hamil- ton recently on the Conservation of our national resources. He drew a parallel between the condition the United States was finding itself in to- day and was going to find itself in in a few years, and Canada. He asked for support for the securing of legisla- tion that would preserve our forests from destruction from fires, our mines from monopolistic control, and the agricultural industry from decay. He prophesied that, if nothing was done, the United States would, in 20 years, be dependent upon Canada for its lumber, and would secure it. This would mean the consumption of Cana- da's supply in 27 years. He warmly commended the Ontario Government for its hydro -electric policy, and pro- tested against the granting of per- petual franchises on water power. In reference to agricultural industry, he said the day when the hired man could live with the family was past, and argued that he should now be giv- en a home and encouraged to marry and raise a family on the farm. Every mother should realize that the skin of her baby h so tender that the secretions of the body often lead to rashes. eruptions. etc., all of which may be reproved by Zant-Buk. Scores of restless, crying babies, upon e5camination, are found to be suffering from some form of akin irritation or "heat." Don't let the little one suffer when Zam. Suit will curet Mrs. L. toed, of 475 Alexander Avenue, W nnipeg, says : "1 have preyed the vain° or Zam-Bnk when applied to children's sores. Some nasty sores broke out around my baby's mouth, and despite all the preparations used, they refused to heal. 1 took hitn to St. 130eiface hospital and ho remained there for two weeks. Ab the end oP that thno he was no hotter, and wo again took him hone. I was then advised to tryZarn•13uk and obtained asupply. Tho effect ofthe first few appli.- cations was very gratifying,and I con - tinned with the 1150 of the ba. A little perseverance resulted in a complete euro." hire. 5. Cocker, of Yorkten, Sask., says: "My little baby giri had a bad running sore all over her little chin. A few applications of 7.atn-Buk healed the tore in such a ported manner that no scar was lett behind." Seems of similar eases could he quoted. Zeit-110k i5 absolutris para --contains no rancid animal fats, no mineral coloriag natter, 80 astringent poisons. It is the ideal balm for lathy. Zam Bak cures menu, rashes, ringworm, chapped hat ch,senrvy,heatrash ea, cuts, horn to, %deers, disehargkng sores and all skin injuries and diseases. bee. box, all druggists and stores or Zant•Buk Co., Toronto, for price, Don't take the risk of using harmful lmitatipts I The Busy Man's Greed. We believe in the stuff we are handing out, in the firms we are working for, and in aur ability to get results. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods. We believe in working, not weeping; in boosting, not knocking ; and in the pleasure of our job, We believe that aman gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -day is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself, i sbelieve in We b courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and m honest competition, We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIGHT NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots. Well situated, just the place for a retired farmer. Price Reasonable, Ritchie & Cosons REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE MISS SPARLING GRADUATE OF TORONTO • CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC • And authorized teacher oP• Fletcher Musio Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Teacher nt Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Theory, by cor- respondence to out-of-town pupils. Classes Open lst September. Apply at Miss Sparl- ing's home, Minnie Street. Flour Facts Everybag b g o f Flour that we sell con- tains just that much goodness. Only the nutritive parts of the best wheat is used in milling our special grades. It's The Flour Every Housewife Demands who desires to avoid bread and pastry failures. You should place your order with us without delay. Ezra Merkley CENTRAL JT��^G%G� GLV STRATFORD. ONT. If you purpose attending our school this winter you should register on Nov. 1st. Spend two months with us this term. Students aro entering each week. We have three departments-Commer- clai, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. Our courses aro practical, teachers aro experienced and our graduates Succeed. The demand upon us for help exceeds the supply. Write tor our free cata- logue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal 7( GET THE BEST --IT PAYS S Do not fool with Education. Attend the famous ELLIOTT 6, 11 TORONTO, ONT. THE BEST PLAOE in Canada for Strictly High Grade Training, Graduates readily get good poli• tions. Commence now. Write To. DAY for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yongo and Alexander Sts, Wanted Now For *Ingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Fall and Winter months, an energetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stook. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 000 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and np to contract grade. We can show that there ie good money in representing a well known reliable firm et this time, Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. P1;L 1AM NURSERY 00. TORONTO, ONT. Jas. Walker & Son WIN O6 AM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers • We are specially qualified Under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrUetinat their work to 'es may rely on it being '5'811 don°. Night calls received at resideno0. Ounce Phone 1Ob 110880 Phone 115 The ADVANCE is North 1-Turon's leading news. paper. Are you a sub- scriber ? if not, why 0n1y $1 per year. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 191Q The Peoples' Popular Store WINGHAM, ONTARIO KERR & BIRD Do You Admire Dainty China ? THIS WILL INTEREST YOU We have just finished renovating our China Department, and have added a large range of dainty new China and Glass Ware. Now we want you to come in and compare our Goods and our Prices with others you have seen. You are under n0 obligation to buy, simply come in and see what we have, also to note that Onr China Department and Our Prices are unbeatable, Here is a SMALL list of what we have :- Sugars and Creams, of finest china 5 .75 to $1,25 Salad Bowls, new and dainty goods .25 to 2 00 Spoon Trays, real china .40 to ,75 Bon Bon Trays, something neat and new.40 to .75 Pickle Trays, many patterns, all new .50 to 1 60 1 snit and Bread Plates .05 to 1 50 Handsome China Biscuit Jars 1.50 to 2.00 Mustard Jar with Spoon .20 to .25 Cocoa Pot, new styles, extremely dainty .75 to 2 00 Syrup Jug and Plate .00 to .75 (Hass Berry Set, 7 pieces, Emerald and Gold Trimmings 1 50 Glees Water Set, 7 pieces, Ruby Trimmings1.60 Glass Table Set, 6 pieces, Emerald and Gold Trimmings 1.50 You must see these to appreciate their value. NOW ON SALETHE BIRTHDAY NUMBER OF THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL IOc We close on Thanksgiving Day Monday, Oct. 3Ist DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURCEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :- Upstairs in the Macdonald Block, Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speoial attention paid to Diseases of women and children, Orales Hooas :-i to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, DR. RODT' G. REDMOND M. R. 18.1. (Eniz. L. R. (Loud. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eve,Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes Thoroughly Tested. Masses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in MacdOnald Block - W. J. PRICE B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of het. til Surgeons of Ontario. Osvlos IN Badvxn Btoon - Wr,roaaar WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inapeotion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fnrn)shod. Open to all regularlylicensed physicians. Rates for patients (whch include board and nursing) --43.50 to $15.00 per week, scoortling to location of room, For further informa- tiop-AddrOsuMISS L. MATTBEWS Superintendent, Box 22.3. Wingham, Ont. R. VANSTONE SARRIS'TSR AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. 01,'rxcE 1---13EAvEib l3LOcic, WINGHAM. PROMPTLY CI „ EOI ve sfteit tine bbits Weis of Mmitifacturers, Engineereant'others vim reaM* thendvisabit• Ity of having their P:tOrt Intim ^y trancatted by Etperts. l:'retiminaryadvice free. eltatgeli tnodsrrato. Oyer jjnvatttor t Adviser' sent upott =ural, Marioni�Marion,NewYorkZIf@SIGN iiuYtrMi 1 alt$ Waslahsgton, ».C.,17,b4Y DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Officet-.Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Offica GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES G OLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITOHIE & COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM - ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bauk in the Dominion. BATES. -$5.00 and under, 3 cls. 510 to $30, 10 cls. 530 to $50, 15 cls. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. C. N. GRIFFIN IN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Boal Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malealm's Grocery oven- CG YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARtsa COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending h aketeh and descrIptlea mor rtnicklr nyeertain our opinionreew tether au invent tan 15 hrohnbly batt lnn1+ Commtmtra. Iions strtetl ronttdcntinl. HAND OK on Patents eon free. oldest nattier for aceurin,l patents. Patents taken through Munn & CO. reCatpb spying not tee. withoutcharge, in the Scientific American. A h+ihdetrm:O,r illnatrntM ttcekly. rara6st rlr 001811.,11 t any i 1,iOtOC jitnrnal, 'letaua r r ('1,1008, $3.;5 a year, pectase 3169115. lSC 4 b,y all newsdester8, r' CD it'3torotdld,, New1$..� i' ell, T $tn Wait8taEon,�. THE LADIES110ME JOURNAL SIit.THDAY NUMBER iz • •j. fir`. -,.11 `�, U. 10 GENTS 9Ot1A,9ER t 1910 NOW ON SALETHE BIRTHDAY NUMBER OF THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL IOc We close on Thanksgiving Day Monday, Oct. 3Ist DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURCEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :- Upstairs in the Macdonald Block, Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Speoial attention paid to Diseases of women and children, Orales Hooas :-i to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, DR. RODT' G. REDMOND M. R. 18.1. (Eniz. L. R. (Loud. Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eve,Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes Thoroughly Tested. Masses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m. ARTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. -Office in MacdOnald Block - W. J. PRICE B.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Of University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of het. til Surgeons of Ontario. Osvlos IN Badvxn Btoon - Wr,roaaar WINGHAM General Hospital. (Under Government Inapeotion.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fnrn)shod. Open to all regularlylicensed physicians. Rates for patients (whch include board and nursing) --43.50 to $15.00 per week, scoortling to location of room, For further informa- tiop-AddrOsuMISS L. MATTBEWS Superintendent, Box 22.3. Wingham, Ont. R. VANSTONE SARRIS'TSR AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates. 01,'rxcE 1---13EAvEib l3LOcic, WINGHAM. PROMPTLY CI „ EOI ve sfteit tine bbits Weis of Mmitifacturers, Engineereant'others vim reaM* thendvisabit• Ity of having their P:tOrt Intim ^y trancatted by Etperts. l:'retiminaryadvice free. eltatgeli tnodsrrato. Oyer jjnvatttor t Adviser' sent upott =ural, Marioni�Marion,NewYorkZIf@SIGN iiuYtrMi 1 alt$ Waslahsgton, ».C.,17,b4Y DICKINSON & HOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Officet-.Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Offica GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES G OLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITOHIE & COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM - ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bauk in the Dominion. BATES. -$5.00 and under, 3 cls. 510 to $30, 10 cls. 530 to $50, 15 cls. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. C. N. GRIFFIN IN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Boal Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malealm's Grocery oven- CG YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARtsa COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending h aketeh and descrIptlea mor rtnicklr nyeertain our opinionreew tether au invent tan 15 hrohnbly batt lnn1+ Commtmtra. Iions strtetl ronttdcntinl. HAND OK on Patents eon free. oldest nattier for aceurin,l patents. Patents taken through Munn & CO. reCatpb spying not tee. withoutcharge, in the Scientific American. A h+ihdetrm:O,r illnatrntM ttcekly. rara6st rlr 001811.,11 t any i 1,iOtOC jitnrnal, 'letaua r r ('1,1008, $3.;5 a year, pectase 3169115. lSC 4 b,y all newsdester8, r' CD it'3torotdld,, New1$..� i' ell, T $tn Wait8taEon,�.