The Wingham Advance, 1910-10-20, Page 44 King's For Bargains We Walt YaurTrade • ••••••••••••••••••••••Wmaimm KING'S The Busy Store DRESS GOODS Some special values this week, and if interested do not let the opportunity pass. The goods are just in and the prices are cut to the quick. COME EARLY LOT 1. --Six only Dress Lengths of Fancy Crys- toline Silk, in New Soft Shades, suitable for eve- ning wear, etc,, in White, Cream, Pink, Sky, Mauve and Grey. Regular Price, $7,50—for $4.50 LOT 2, --Five pieces English Worsted Suiting. This Cloth is very suitable for Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Children's wear of all kinds, bought direct from the manufacturer late in the season. Look at the price. Come and see the Goods. Regular Price, 75c per yd.—for 38c REMEMBER --This is the store at which to do your shopping in all general lines. JUST ARRIVED.—Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Hosiery, Underwear for all the family, Yarns, Blankets and Sheetings, Toques, • Clouds, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Clothing, Furs, Shoes, Rubbers, etc. PRODUOE.—Ali kinds produce wanted for which we pay big prices GEO. E. KING Good Goods I Cheap Prices How Are You ? How are you fixed for Letter Ifeads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, Envelopes, 'Bill Heads, Statements, Etc., Etc. ? If you are in need of anything in the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which is THE ADVANCE OFFICE. C. WtIT13 ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock f carry contains the newest All- wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable refills in the world. Inspection invited. Yon will And our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Settings, Melton, Beaver, and Urombie's Over- castings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the 'very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. E. C. WHITE 1 Ldtrl WINGHAM The fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor gips. ` xi gleam aviyallte Theo. Hall N Proprietor, Sunlicxilrrrort Paten -31.00 per annual in advance, $1.60 if not so paid. Sow:arising 1tAT1^;s.=Legal and other cas- ual advertisements 10o per nonparlol line for first insertion, 3o per line ter each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the local .00luliins are charged 100 per line for first insertion, and 6o per line for each subsequent insortion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms. for Sale or to tient, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion, CONTRAC•r RATE. --The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:— SrAora 1 Yr, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. Ono Column. $70,00 $10.00 $22.50 $8.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 Quarter Column20.00 12.50 7,30 3.00 Ono Inch .... 6.0Q 3.00 2,00 1,25 Advertisements without specific dirootions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Transient advertisements must bo paid for in advanoe. Storage Battery Cars From Goderich To Kincardine, People have been wondering why the building of the Ontario West Shore electric railway has progressed so far with no signs of trolley poles and wires. The storage battery cars is the explanation which J. W. Moyes, president of the road, gives to those concerned. This kind of electric car is the latest triumph of Thomas A. Edison. It has now passed the experi- mental stage it is stated, and the elec- tric road here will operate the first to be used in Canada. It will travel from New York to Goderieh, Mr. Moyes states, on its own wheels. For two years Thos. A. Edison, with R. H. Beach, electrical engineer, schemed and worked behind high board fences at West Orange, New Jersey, before the storage battery car became a practical factor, and gave promise of driving a few thousand hard-working trolley cars out of their jobs. The storage battery car is capable 6f running 150 miles without recharg- ing, at a cost of one cent per mile, it is claimed, and will climb any ordinary grade, It saves twenty-five per cent, of the cost of overhead construction, for there are no overhead wires, no poles, no transmission cables, and no track bonding. There is also a ma- terial saving in the power plant, for on a trolley line the plant must be powerful enough to move the maxi- mum amount of traffic. The greatest saving, however, it ap- pears, is in the cost of operation. The Edison patent storage battery car weighs from one-half to one-third as much as the ordinary trolley car of similar capacity, yet the Edison car is stronger, because of special construc- tion, Ordinarily a battery is charged for seven hours, but the first time it is charged for fifteen hours. This over- charge is repeated once every two weeks for the first two months and every two months thereafter. The loss of perhaps twenty-five per cent. in power from the time the current leaves the generator in the power house until used in the motor of the ordinary trolley is, of course, avoided. Costs Are Heavy. The attempt to have the Chesley local option by-law set aside has not ended, though the courts so far have sustained the by-law. Now the At- torney -General has directed an en- quiry with regard to an affidavit made ,icy W. G. Durst, a Chesley manufac- turer. The investigation will be in the hands of J. B. McKenzie, and will take place at Walkerton before M. McNamara, J. P, Its purpose is to ascertain whether the statement in the affidavit is true that- Mr. Durst produced his appointment as agent for the temperance party at the polling booth, Without it, it is said, he could not vote, and owing to the extremely close voting the by-law would be lost without this vote. It is estimated that the costs of Philip Schumacher, the Chesley hotelkeeper, have already amounted to between $500 to $700. FOR CONSTIPATION, A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of %texall Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely' valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, in- testintil invigorator and strengthener, Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and aro notable for their agreeable- ness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconveni- i ence, Unlike other preparation for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the nee of ordinary, laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently re- move the cause of constipation or les regular bowel action. We will refund your money,withont argument if they do not do A. we stay they will. Two etzety, 5e and 10a, Sold only at our Store, 3'. W. N o. .l ibbo tr TRS WING AM ADVANCE A Hard Salt, On Wednesday last, Arnold Davis, a successful young farmer, who lives near Woodstock, fell from an apple tree about fourteen feet, and, alight- ing on Ms chest and face, sustained severe injerfes, Two doctors sunis mooed found him paralyzed and fear his spinal column le injured, Very slight hopes are entertained for re- covery, Preserving Brooms. With the increase cost of brooms the thrifty housewife wishes to pre- serve thele usefulness as long as pos- Bible, Soak a new broom fpr several minutes in hot suds, this toughens the whisps, Then hang it upto dry. A broom when not in Ilse should al- ways be hung up. Out a groove in the handle and tie a cord around it, leaving a loop for hanging. The soak- ing process should be repeated every fortnight. One housewife washes her broom in cold soap water, Rinse thoroughly in cold water, snap off all moisture possible and pressing the corns into shape, place where they dry slowly. A Good Offer. Fifteen months' subscription to Farm and Dairy and The Advance all for $1.65, including your choice of a Farmers' Record Book, or two fine lithographed pictures of King George and Queen Mary, 1$x21 inches. The above offer applies only to new sub- scribers to either one or both of the above papers. Our readers know what the Advance is like. It gives you all the home news, and is read in every home in the district. Why not in yours? Farm and Dairy is a live op -to -date farm paper, published each week. Its markets and crop reports are most valuable and accurate. It has departments for every branch of the farm. Its Household Department is one of its strong features. Eight special magazine issues and several eight page illustrated supplements, are included in a -year's subscription in the above offer. Sample copies can be procured from this office, upon ap- plication. Send in your subscription to -day. No Time For Delay. Quick decision, under the tragic cir- cumstances, was called for on the part of Capt. Gleaves, of the United States battleship North Dakota, when fire broke out on the ship during a recent cruise. An experiment was being made with the use of oil for fuel, and as a result of a leak there was a sud- den flash of fire, which, if not instant- ly controlled, threatened the destruc- tion of the vessel and her crew, At Capt. Gleaves' hand were electric but. tons and levers which controlled the mechanism of the whole ship. By touching one' buttonhe knew he would put machinery in motion that would release a flood of water suffi- cient to drown out the flames, but at the same time would cause the death of a number of the ship's company in the part of the vessel to be flooded. On the other hand, even by a second's delay, ' he realized that he would jeopardize the lives of a thousnad oth- er men. The Captain did not hesitate, but pressed the button which extin- guised the fire, and in doing so drown- ed three of tlip crew, and saved the vessel and the rest of the crew from annihilation. Bolting Our Food. Dr, Henry 0. Ferris, recording sec- retary of the New York State Dental Socifety, recently presented an illumin- ating report showing the effects of the bolting of food. Dr. Ferris addressed a letter to one hundred and fifty of the prominent medical men of this country in which he asked them if they considered imperfect chewing and salivating of food a factor in dis- eases of the stomach and intestines, and, if so, what conditions resulted from such neglect? Out of the hun- dred and fifty replies that Dr. Ferris received 08 per cent. of these physi- cians said that chewing food was an important factor toward good health and that the bolting of food frequent- ly caused cancer, catarrh of the stom- ach and gastrie ulcers. If food is not thoroughly chewed and is permitted to reach the stomach in such. large lumps or masses, there is no question that it must injure the soft lining of that organ, producing ntany of the cases of ulcers and catarrh that need Careful and consistent medical atten- tion. Some further comments on this question are to be found in the course of a review in October Busy Man's, • A aeN RO[ls OFFER. W. I. McKibbon Will Refund Yottr Money If Parisian Sage Doesn't Banish Dandruff, Pretty strong talk, perhaps you will say, but it's honest talk, every word of it, because if W. S. McE.ibbon was not absolutely certain ; if he did not know from actual results obtained he could not make such la generous offer. Parisian Sage, which can now be obtained in every town hi Canada, is also guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching seaip. It is the ideal, delightful, rejuvenat- ing hair dressing that makes hair grow in abundance. Parisian Sago is a prime favorite with Women, because it keeps the hair brilliant and factn- ating, is daintily perfumed, and is not et/Ay or grestey. The p,>ice for a large bottle is only 60e at J. W. llfcKibben'es, who gearan• tees it. Sold everywhere, or direct, all charges prepaid by the 'Canadian rJitkers` Giroux Mfg. 0o., T'o'rt Erie; IT GROWS IIAIR, Here Are Pants We want You To Prove At Our Rist:, Marvelous as It may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Tonio has grown hair on heads that were once bald, Of course, in none of these cases were the hair roots dead, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. Rexall "03" hair Tonle acts scienti- fically, destroying the 'germs which. are usually responsible for baldness., It penetrates to the roots of the hair stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, and will not gum or permanently .stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Rex - all "93" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c aed $1. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Stop, J. W. McKibben. Huron Boy Has Rabies. Suffering from rabies in a mild stage, a 2 -year-old boy was taken to Toronto from Grand Bend in Huron Oo., and is now taking the Pasteur treatment at the General Hospital. The little boy was playing with a small dog when the animal bit him slightly on the face and scratched his lips. There are now three rabies pati. ents in the General Hospital, To- ronto. C,P,R. Extensions. It is reported that the Canadian Pacific Railway Oompany has taken over the charter of the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company, and has at last secured an entrance into the city of Stratford and the rich farming country surrounding it. This charter was granted to a number of prominent people in that part of Wes. tern Ontario which lies between Strat- ford and Grand Bend on Lake Huron and for the construction of a railway between these points, and also from a point on that line to Linwood on the C.P.R. branch line to Goderich, The charter provides for a line from Strat- ford to Grand Bend, a well known summer resort on Lake Huron. Women Tenants' Vote. Port Elgin is to have aLocal Option contest in January, and at the Judge's Court of Revision, His Honor Judge Barrett decided that women could not vote on tenant qualification and that those who were already on the list as tenants could be sworn. The decision was received with general surprise, as it has been the general rule to al- low women to vote who were on the municipal list as tenants. Rev. Mr. Cooley, who is president of the local option committee, said that the or- ganization would take the matter up with the temperance officials in To- ronto and have it referred to the legal committee; he contended that the rule was out of harmony with the general practice in the province. The Cigarette Evil. Cigarette smoking in Canada is in- creasing by leaps and bounds. The number of cigarettes consumed for the fiscal year, 'ending last March, totals 469,711,091, an increase of over a hundred.million as compared with the preceeding year. In the fiscal year of 1908-09 the financial depression in- fluenced cigarette smoking, and there 'was a falling off then, the figures being only 368,295,706, as com- pared with 398,307,344 in 1977-8. The increase of over a hundred millions in the production of cigarettes during the last fiscal year is the largest on re- cord, and points to a rather alarming indication of good times, It may be noted also that this increase is despite the anti•cigarette_ legislation of the Dominion Parliament two sessions ago. I't's Easy to • TAKE own O!=' THESE LITTL TABLETS ANti THC^ PAIN iS GONE, "I use Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippc and all pains. I don't intend to be without them, for 1 find ready relief in thein for every- thing I use them for." MRS. L. 1?. MILLER, r2o W. 6th St., Davenport, Ia. All .rain "In my family Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are used for headache, colic and other pains, and always give relief at once," TI -TOS. R. POWLER R. D. No. 3, Dttnn, N. C. Price itee at your drugOltt.sand pride 110 UP, WO ferWard Ore d. Oft. Mit.$111 MILDICAL, 004 TOO pHs The Busy Man's Creed We behave in tuff we are handing out, in the firms we are working for, and in our ability to get results. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods, We believe in working, not weeping ; in boosting, not knocking ; and in the pleasure of our job. We believe that a man gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -day is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself, We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition, We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIG13T NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots. Well situated, just the place for a retired farmer, Price Reasonable. Ritchie & Cosens REAS, ESTATE AND INSURANCE MISS S PARLI NG GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And authorized teacher of Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Theory by cor- respondence to out-of-town pupils. Classes Open 1st September. Apply at Miss Sparl- ing's home, Minnie Street. iuvestigation would do no one harm. The market is flooded with inferior brands, but offers mighty few as good as onr ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Flour. Direct From The Best Wheat fields, ground into the purest flour experience and money can procure. This is the history of onr product, It's worthy of your order. It's the flour thd' experienced housewife de- mands. Ezra Markley ter......,......,....,.....,........� CENTRAL // Hi�%%�d-CiYJ STA ATFORD. ONT. If you purpose attending our school this winter you should register on Nov. 1st. Spend two months with us this term. Studoets are entering each week. Wo have three departments—Commer- cial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. Our courses are practical, teachers aro experienced and our graduates succeed. Tho demand upon ue for help exceeds the supply. Write for our free cata- logue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal GET THE BBST--IT PAYS jS Do not fool with Education. Attend the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONS`. THE BEST PLACE iu Canada for Strictly High Grade Training, Graduates readily get good posi- tions. Commence now. Write To. DAY for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Pall and Winter months, an energotio tellable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WFE1 LY OUTFIT FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 ACRES ander cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to Contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 80 years. Write for particulars, PELT= NURSERY Co. TORONTO, ONT. f Jas. Walker & Son WIr4OHAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Wo are specially eealifted under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to ua may rely on ib being well done. Night eels received at residenee. Wilde k"hone 106 Muse Phelan 125 The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. you Are a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. TUURSDAY, OCTOBER. 20, I91Q The Peoples' Popular Store WINGIAM, ONTARIO. KERR& IRD *Pakskey 5tikk That popular trimming, so much worn, BOW on sale . at our Dress Goods department we have some very dainty designs in this stylish material at 6oc, 75c and $ l .5o per yard. See our new Paisley Frilling. 1s' end 5tt11, l.0e are talking about HAND BAGS. Just come hi and compare ours with any others at the prices,. and we know where you will buy. Our special $1.28 Bag, with gilt or gun metal trimmings, is r equal to any $2.co Bag in town. Silk Wbbut, A special assortment of all Silk Taffeta Rib- bon, 3 inches wide, in white, red, navy, sky, tan, pink, salmon—at only 10 cts, per yard. Alind.enneav Ilow about Fall and Winter Underwear. Our 75c line for men is one of the best on sale ; we guarantee the wearing quality. See our line at 50 cents for men. Our range of Ladies' and Men's Natural Wool Unshrinkable Underwear is absolutely second to none ; we guarantee the quality, and the prices are reasonable. Men's Natural Wool Unshrinkable, made of the best and finest wool, beautifully finished, at $1.50 each. Men's Natural Unshrinkable Wool at $1.00 each, Our prices and our qualities are sure to please. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office, J. P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. OFFICE Hovis :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p.m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. DIARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontarin College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attentionto Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes Thoroughly Tested. Glasses Properly Fitted. °Mee with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours -- 3 to 5-7 to 8 P. m. ARTh1UK J. IRWIN D.D.B., L,D.$. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald. Block— W. J. PRICE S.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of 'University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of bei. tat Surgeons of Ontario. Orman XN BEAVEE Bleex — WINoIIAM W INO HAAT, General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pletisantiy situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed lebysieians. Rates for patients (which include oard and rn rsing)-•4.3,50 to '$15.00 per 'Week, according to Iodation of room. leer further informa- tion—Address M1SS 1,. MATTREWS Superintendent, Iiox 223, Wingham, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICiTO1 Money to loan at lowest rates. OFFICE 1--13EAVEIt I3LOCB, WIXV G•II.r3M PRO PTLY ECU a,ED a rotlrit t'ie i ,ih, s of Tianufacturcrs, Itngineere and othera ti•ho real a the advisahtl. 1 yof hac•ir; thrir Patent Un:,inns transacted 6y It;xpe.' s. Preliminaryadviee free. Chariot; noderate. Oat Inventor'. Adviser rent u tutees?.Martoq"&tarion,NtewYorkyifli idokMt 1 ru4Wttibingtoit, »,C,, U.$.Ai DICKINSON & IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Odico GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre. mines note system. J2urxs GOLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE (fa COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAI4t — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. ItATES.-$5.00 and under, 3 cis. $10 to $30, 10 as. $30 to 350, 15 cis. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over liLalcolns's Grocery OVER GS YEARS' ExPEfiteNCM TRAM MARKS) DESIGN* de/WINK:NTS &e. Anyone sending a H'teteh and dose/indelible/ quickly Ascertain (nr (minion free whether n., latent -ten le! probnly put ntar� inimmnMa. !lean r.t) IOiyom"ildtlnttaL �lp1p11160 i( en i'atntits Zeit free. oldest A ane?torf,'ecarlogpateral. stout,, taken tlir01301 )liu,nl A to,teeoire lt'ecfatrottes, without charge, !tithe $ utIft rues ra . A handsomely 11'MR-rated enema Litrar't rir� <N1Bt,n or try a.ienture journal. Tel 1. r t^tafttllH $Lt5 a year, postage prepaid. bold ty 1oI'With ', . .. __ __ ._., ._--.--_- -4 .- Ti L _i I ^•. , To realize the importance of frugality is to acquire the habit of saving •---O of depositing your savings in a Bank. You need not feel embarrassment in depositing as small a sum as one dollar / f•,•�' u6""""'' "��s `g if Mil ; gg Cr rev. iit ) . 1 ' . 'rfgt6. r ' �� 'l in the Bank of Hamilton,.,, Such a step will mean for you the commencement of a new era of ease 1-`� and content, C. P. S1IITH, Agent - Winghani r t li ?�`: C. WtIT13 ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailor The only stock f carry contains the newest All- wool Fabrics, embracing beautiful and exclusive weaves from the most reputable refills in the world. Inspection invited. Yon will And our Kingfisher Cloths in Black and Blues, Fancy Worsted Suitings, Tweed Settings, Melton, Beaver, and Urombie's Over- castings give the best satisfaction. Your order is cut and fashioned in the style pre- vailing the day you are measured. You get every- thing the 'very latest and best when you let us make Clothes expressly for you. E. C. WHITE 1 Ldtrl WINGHAM The fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor gips. ` xi gleam aviyallte Theo. Hall N Proprietor, Sunlicxilrrrort Paten -31.00 per annual in advance, $1.60 if not so paid. Sow:arising 1tAT1^;s.=Legal and other cas- ual advertisements 10o per nonparlol line for first insertion, 3o per line ter each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the local .00luliins are charged 100 per line for first insertion, and 6o per line for each subsequent insortion. Advertisements of Strayed, Farms. for Sale or to tient, and similar, $1.00 for first three weeks, and 25 cents for each subsequent in- sertion, CONTRAC•r RATE. --The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periods:— SrAora 1 Yr, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. Ono Column. $70,00 $10.00 $22.50 $8.00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 6.00 Quarter Column20.00 12.50 7,30 3.00 Ono Inch .... 6.0Q 3.00 2,00 1,25 Advertisements without specific dirootions will be inserted till forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Transient advertisements must bo paid for in advanoe. Storage Battery Cars From Goderich To Kincardine, People have been wondering why the building of the Ontario West Shore electric railway has progressed so far with no signs of trolley poles and wires. The storage battery cars is the explanation which J. W. Moyes, president of the road, gives to those concerned. This kind of electric car is the latest triumph of Thomas A. Edison. It has now passed the experi- mental stage it is stated, and the elec- tric road here will operate the first to be used in Canada. It will travel from New York to Goderieh, Mr. Moyes states, on its own wheels. For two years Thos. A. Edison, with R. H. Beach, electrical engineer, schemed and worked behind high board fences at West Orange, New Jersey, before the storage battery car became a practical factor, and gave promise of driving a few thousand hard-working trolley cars out of their jobs. The storage battery car is capable 6f running 150 miles without recharg- ing, at a cost of one cent per mile, it is claimed, and will climb any ordinary grade, It saves twenty-five per cent, of the cost of overhead construction, for there are no overhead wires, no poles, no transmission cables, and no track bonding. There is also a ma- terial saving in the power plant, for on a trolley line the plant must be powerful enough to move the maxi- mum amount of traffic. The greatest saving, however, it ap- pears, is in the cost of operation. The Edison patent storage battery car weighs from one-half to one-third as much as the ordinary trolley car of similar capacity, yet the Edison car is stronger, because of special construc- tion, Ordinarily a battery is charged for seven hours, but the first time it is charged for fifteen hours. This over- charge is repeated once every two weeks for the first two months and every two months thereafter. The loss of perhaps twenty-five per cent. in power from the time the current leaves the generator in the power house until used in the motor of the ordinary trolley is, of course, avoided. Costs Are Heavy. The attempt to have the Chesley local option by-law set aside has not ended, though the courts so far have sustained the by-law. Now the At- torney -General has directed an en- quiry with regard to an affidavit made ,icy W. G. Durst, a Chesley manufac- turer. The investigation will be in the hands of J. B. McKenzie, and will take place at Walkerton before M. McNamara, J. P, Its purpose is to ascertain whether the statement in the affidavit is true that- Mr. Durst produced his appointment as agent for the temperance party at the polling booth, Without it, it is said, he could not vote, and owing to the extremely close voting the by-law would be lost without this vote. It is estimated that the costs of Philip Schumacher, the Chesley hotelkeeper, have already amounted to between $500 to $700. FOR CONSTIPATION, A Medicine That Does Not Cost Anything Unless It Cures. The active medicinal ingredients of %texall Orderlies, which are odorless, tasteless and colorless, is an entirely new discovery. Combined with other extremely' valuable ingredients, it forms a perfect bowel regulator, in- testintil invigorator and strengthener, Rexall Orderlies are eaten like candy and aro notable for their agreeable- ness to the palate and gentleness of action. They do not cause griping or any disagreeable effect or inconveni- i ence, Unlike other preparation for a like purpose, they do not create a habit, but instead they overcome the cause of habit acquired through the nee of ordinary, laxatives, cathartics and harsh physic, and permanently re- move the cause of constipation or les regular bowel action. We will refund your money,withont argument if they do not do A. we stay they will. Two etzety, 5e and 10a, Sold only at our Store, 3'. W. N o. .l ibbo tr TRS WING AM ADVANCE A Hard Salt, On Wednesday last, Arnold Davis, a successful young farmer, who lives near Woodstock, fell from an apple tree about fourteen feet, and, alight- ing on Ms chest and face, sustained severe injerfes, Two doctors sunis mooed found him paralyzed and fear his spinal column le injured, Very slight hopes are entertained for re- covery, Preserving Brooms. With the increase cost of brooms the thrifty housewife wishes to pre- serve thele usefulness as long as pos- Bible, Soak a new broom fpr several minutes in hot suds, this toughens the whisps, Then hang it upto dry. A broom when not in Ilse should al- ways be hung up. Out a groove in the handle and tie a cord around it, leaving a loop for hanging. The soak- ing process should be repeated every fortnight. One housewife washes her broom in cold soap water, Rinse thoroughly in cold water, snap off all moisture possible and pressing the corns into shape, place where they dry slowly. A Good Offer. Fifteen months' subscription to Farm and Dairy and The Advance all for $1.65, including your choice of a Farmers' Record Book, or two fine lithographed pictures of King George and Queen Mary, 1$x21 inches. The above offer applies only to new sub- scribers to either one or both of the above papers. Our readers know what the Advance is like. It gives you all the home news, and is read in every home in the district. Why not in yours? Farm and Dairy is a live op -to -date farm paper, published each week. Its markets and crop reports are most valuable and accurate. It has departments for every branch of the farm. Its Household Department is one of its strong features. Eight special magazine issues and several eight page illustrated supplements, are included in a -year's subscription in the above offer. Sample copies can be procured from this office, upon ap- plication. Send in your subscription to -day. No Time For Delay. Quick decision, under the tragic cir- cumstances, was called for on the part of Capt. Gleaves, of the United States battleship North Dakota, when fire broke out on the ship during a recent cruise. An experiment was being made with the use of oil for fuel, and as a result of a leak there was a sud- den flash of fire, which, if not instant- ly controlled, threatened the destruc- tion of the vessel and her crew, At Capt. Gleaves' hand were electric but. tons and levers which controlled the mechanism of the whole ship. By touching one' buttonhe knew he would put machinery in motion that would release a flood of water suffi- cient to drown out the flames, but at the same time would cause the death of a number of the ship's company in the part of the vessel to be flooded. On the other hand, even by a second's delay, ' he realized that he would jeopardize the lives of a thousnad oth- er men. The Captain did not hesitate, but pressed the button which extin- guised the fire, and in doing so drown- ed three of tlip crew, and saved the vessel and the rest of the crew from annihilation. Bolting Our Food. Dr, Henry 0. Ferris, recording sec- retary of the New York State Dental Socifety, recently presented an illumin- ating report showing the effects of the bolting of food. Dr. Ferris addressed a letter to one hundred and fifty of the prominent medical men of this country in which he asked them if they considered imperfect chewing and salivating of food a factor in dis- eases of the stomach and intestines, and, if so, what conditions resulted from such neglect? Out of the hun- dred and fifty replies that Dr. Ferris received 08 per cent. of these physi- cians said that chewing food was an important factor toward good health and that the bolting of food frequent- ly caused cancer, catarrh of the stom- ach and gastrie ulcers. If food is not thoroughly chewed and is permitted to reach the stomach in such. large lumps or masses, there is no question that it must injure the soft lining of that organ, producing ntany of the cases of ulcers and catarrh that need Careful and consistent medical atten- tion. Some further comments on this question are to be found in the course of a review in October Busy Man's, • A aeN RO[ls OFFER. W. I. McKibbon Will Refund Yottr Money If Parisian Sage Doesn't Banish Dandruff, Pretty strong talk, perhaps you will say, but it's honest talk, every word of it, because if W. S. McE.ibbon was not absolutely certain ; if he did not know from actual results obtained he could not make such la generous offer. Parisian Sage, which can now be obtained in every town hi Canada, is also guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching seaip. It is the ideal, delightful, rejuvenat- ing hair dressing that makes hair grow in abundance. Parisian Sago is a prime favorite with Women, because it keeps the hair brilliant and factn- ating, is daintily perfumed, and is not et/Ay or grestey. The p,>ice for a large bottle is only 60e at J. W. llfcKibben'es, who gearan• tees it. Sold everywhere, or direct, all charges prepaid by the 'Canadian rJitkers` Giroux Mfg. 0o., T'o'rt Erie; IT GROWS IIAIR, Here Are Pants We want You To Prove At Our Rist:, Marvelous as It may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Tonio has grown hair on heads that were once bald, Of course, in none of these cases were the hair roots dead, nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. Rexall "03" hair Tonle acts scienti- fically, destroying the 'germs which. are usually responsible for baldness., It penetrates to the roots of the hair stimulating and nourishing them. It is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, and will not gum or permanently .stain the hair. We want you to get a bottle of Rex - all "93" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve scalp irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair, and in every way give entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and without question or formality we will hand back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c aed $1. Sold only at our store—The Rexall Stop, J. W. McKibben. Huron Boy Has Rabies. Suffering from rabies in a mild stage, a 2 -year-old boy was taken to Toronto from Grand Bend in Huron Oo., and is now taking the Pasteur treatment at the General Hospital. The little boy was playing with a small dog when the animal bit him slightly on the face and scratched his lips. There are now three rabies pati. ents in the General Hospital, To- ronto. C,P,R. Extensions. It is reported that the Canadian Pacific Railway Oompany has taken over the charter of the St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway Company, and has at last secured an entrance into the city of Stratford and the rich farming country surrounding it. This charter was granted to a number of prominent people in that part of Wes. tern Ontario which lies between Strat- ford and Grand Bend on Lake Huron and for the construction of a railway between these points, and also from a point on that line to Linwood on the C.P.R. branch line to Goderich, The charter provides for a line from Strat- ford to Grand Bend, a well known summer resort on Lake Huron. Women Tenants' Vote. Port Elgin is to have aLocal Option contest in January, and at the Judge's Court of Revision, His Honor Judge Barrett decided that women could not vote on tenant qualification and that those who were already on the list as tenants could be sworn. The decision was received with general surprise, as it has been the general rule to al- low women to vote who were on the municipal list as tenants. Rev. Mr. Cooley, who is president of the local option committee, said that the or- ganization would take the matter up with the temperance officials in To- ronto and have it referred to the legal committee; he contended that the rule was out of harmony with the general practice in the province. The Cigarette Evil. Cigarette smoking in Canada is in- creasing by leaps and bounds. The number of cigarettes consumed for the fiscal year, 'ending last March, totals 469,711,091, an increase of over a hundred.million as compared with the preceeding year. In the fiscal year of 1908-09 the financial depression in- fluenced cigarette smoking, and there 'was a falling off then, the figures being only 368,295,706, as com- pared with 398,307,344 in 1977-8. The increase of over a hundred millions in the production of cigarettes during the last fiscal year is the largest on re- cord, and points to a rather alarming indication of good times, It may be noted also that this increase is despite the anti•cigarette_ legislation of the Dominion Parliament two sessions ago. I't's Easy to • TAKE own O!=' THESE LITTL TABLETS ANti THC^ PAIN iS GONE, "I use Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills for Neuralgia, LaGrippc and all pains. I don't intend to be without them, for 1 find ready relief in thein for every- thing I use them for." MRS. L. 1?. MILLER, r2o W. 6th St., Davenport, Ia. All .rain "In my family Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills are used for headache, colic and other pains, and always give relief at once," TI -TOS. R. POWLER R. D. No. 3, Dttnn, N. C. Price itee at your drugOltt.sand pride 110 UP, WO ferWard Ore d. Oft. Mit.$111 MILDICAL, 004 TOO pHs The Busy Man's Creed We behave in tuff we are handing out, in the firms we are working for, and in our ability to get results. We believe that honest stuff can be passed out to honest men by honest methods, We believe in working, not weeping ; in boosting, not knocking ; and in the pleasure of our job. We believe that a man gets what he goes after, and that one deed done to -day is worth two deeds to -morrow, and that no man is down and out until he has lost faith in himself, We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition, We believe there is something doing, somewhere, for every man ready to do it. We believe we're ready RIG13T NOW. Special Bargain In Bluevale Nice House and two lots. Well situated, just the place for a retired farmer, Price Reasonable. Ritchie & Cosens REAS, ESTATE AND INSURANCE MISS S PARLI NG GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC And authorized teacher of Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Theory by cor- respondence to out-of-town pupils. Classes Open 1st September. Apply at Miss Sparl- ing's home, Minnie Street. iuvestigation would do no one harm. The market is flooded with inferior brands, but offers mighty few as good as onr ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Flour. Direct From The Best Wheat fields, ground into the purest flour experience and money can procure. This is the history of onr product, It's worthy of your order. It's the flour thd' experienced housewife de- mands. Ezra Markley ter......,......,....,.....,........� CENTRAL // Hi�%%�d-CiYJ STA ATFORD. ONT. If you purpose attending our school this winter you should register on Nov. 1st. Spend two months with us this term. Studoets are entering each week. Wo have three departments—Commer- cial, Shorthand, and Telegraphy. Our courses are practical, teachers aro experienced and our graduates succeed. Tho demand upon ue for help exceeds the supply. Write for our free cata- logue. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal GET THE BBST--IT PAYS jS Do not fool with Education. Attend the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONS`. THE BEST PLACE iu Canada for Strictly High Grade Training, Graduates readily get good posi- tions. Commence now. Write To. DAY for Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Pall and Winter months, an energotio tellable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WFE1 LY OUTFIT FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 600 ACRES ander cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stook in good condition and up to Contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well known reliable firm at this time. Established over 80 years. Write for particulars, PELT= NURSERY Co. TORONTO, ONT. f Jas. Walker & Son WIr4OHAM Furniture Dealers and Undertakers Wo are specially eealifted under- takers and Embalmers, and those entrusting their work to ua may rely on ib being well done. Night eels received at residenee. Wilde k"hone 106 Muse Phelan 125 The ADVANCE is North Huron's leading news- paper. you Are a sub- scriber ? If not, why ? Only $1 per year. TUURSDAY, OCTOBER. 20, I91Q The Peoples' Popular Store WINGIAM, ONTARIO. KERR& IRD *Pakskey 5tikk That popular trimming, so much worn, BOW on sale . at our Dress Goods department we have some very dainty designs in this stylish material at 6oc, 75c and $ l .5o per yard. See our new Paisley Frilling. 1s' end 5tt11, l.0e are talking about HAND BAGS. Just come hi and compare ours with any others at the prices,. and we know where you will buy. Our special $1.28 Bag, with gilt or gun metal trimmings, is r equal to any $2.co Bag in town. Silk Wbbut, A special assortment of all Silk Taffeta Rib- bon, 3 inches wide, in white, red, navy, sky, tan, pink, salmon—at only 10 cts, per yard. Alind.enneav Ilow about Fall and Winter Underwear. Our 75c line for men is one of the best on sale ; we guarantee the wearing quality. See our line at 50 cents for men. Our range of Ladies' and Men's Natural Wool Unshrinkable Underwear is absolutely second to none ; we guarantee the quality, and the prices are reasonable. Men's Natural Wool Unshrinkable, made of the best and finest wool, beautifully finished, at $1.50 each. Men's Natural Unshrinkable Wool at $1.00 each, Our prices and our qualities are sure to please. DR. AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office, J. P. KENNEDY M.D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical Association) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children. OFFICE Hovis :-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p.m, DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND M. R. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lend.) Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. DIARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontarin College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attentionto Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes Thoroughly Tested. Glasses Properly Fitted. °Mee with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours -- 3 to 5-7 to 8 P. m. ARTh1UK J. IRWIN D.D.B., L,D.$. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario, —Office in Macdonald. Block— W. J. PRICE S.S.A., L.D.S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate of 'University of Toronto and Licentiate of Royal College of bei. tat Surgeons of Ontario. Orman XN BEAVEE Bleex — WINoIIAM W INO HAAT, General Hospital. (Under Government Inspection.) Pletisantiy situated. Beautifully furnished. Open to all regularly licensed lebysieians. Rates for patients (which include oard and rn rsing)-•4.3,50 to '$15.00 per 'Week, according to Iodation of room. leer further informa- tion—Address M1SS 1,. MATTREWS Superintendent, Iiox 223, Wingham, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICiTO1 Money to loan at lowest rates. OFFICE 1--13EAVEIt I3LOCB, WIXV G•II.r3M PRO PTLY ECU a,ED a rotlrit t'ie i ,ih, s of Tianufacturcrs, Itngineere and othera ti•ho real a the advisahtl. 1 yof hac•ir; thrir Patent Un:,inns transacted 6y It;xpe.' s. Preliminaryadviee free. Chariot; noderate. Oat Inventor'. Adviser rent u tutees?.Martoq"&tarion,NtewYorkyifli idokMt 1 ru4Wttibingtoit, »,C,, U.$.Ai DICKINSON & IIOLMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1810. Head Odico GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre. mines note system. J2urxs GOLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE (fa COSENS, Agents, Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAI4t — ONTARIO Farmers who want money to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. ItATES.-$5.00 and under, 3 cis. $10 to $30, 10 as. $30 to 350, 15 cis. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the U. S. C. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over liLalcolns's Grocery OVER GS YEARS' ExPEfiteNCM TRAM MARKS) DESIGN* de/WINK:NTS &e. Anyone sending a H'teteh and dose/indelible/ quickly Ascertain (nr (minion free whether n., latent -ten le! probnly put ntar� inimmnMa. !lean r.t) IOiyom"ildtlnttaL �lp1p11160 i( en i'atntits Zeit free. oldest A ane?torf,'ecarlogpateral. stout,, taken tlir01301 )liu,nl A to,teeoire lt'ecfatrottes, without charge, !tithe $ utIft rues ra . A handsomely 11'MR-rated enema Litrar't rir� <N1Bt,n or try a.ienture journal. Tel 1. r t^tafttllH $Lt5 a year, postage prepaid. bold ty 1oI'With ',