HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-10-06, Page 88
Capital Stock (all pail up).$4,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and Midi,
vided Profits $5,380,000.00
Deposits by the Pablio... -$47,000,000.00
Total Assets, over $61,200,000.00
BRANCHES .4.ND AGENTS throughout
Canada and the United States.
Savings Department
Current Rates of interest allowed,
and Deposits received of $1,00
and upwards.
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on them at lowest
rate of interest,
Wr venaitt BRANCH.-Oorner John and
Josephine Strets.
W. 1 GEIKIE, Manager
R. Vanetone. Solicitor
asseinsateitia ma IS filailiNIMISIS
�a a link in o��,
Chain of Hieb -Qi
Is Canada's Greatest
Chain High -Grade Colleges
founded during the past twenty-
six years. This chain is the
largest trainers of young people
in Canada, and it is freely ad-
mitted that its graduates get
the best positions. There is a
reason -write for it. A diploma
from the Commercial Educators'
Association of Canada is a pass-
port to success. .You may study
partly at home and finish at the
College. Enter any day.
Fall Term Opens
August 29th
Court Of Revision.
Notice is hereby given that a court
will be held, pursuant to "The On-
tario Voters' List Act," by his Honor
the Judge of the County Court of the
County of Huron, at the Town Hall,
Wingham, on the 14th day of Ooto-
ber, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon, to hear
and determine the several complaints
of errors and omissions in the Voters'
List of the Municipality of the Town
of Wingham for 1910.
All persona having business at the
Court aro required to attend at the
said time and place.
Clerk, Town of Wingham.
Wingham, Sept. 26th, 1910,
Parisian Sago no Hair Grower,
Ia. Now Sold In Canada On
Money Back Plan.
It's a mighty good thing for the
women of Canada that Parisian Sage
can now be obtained in every town of
No preparation for the hair has done
so rciucb to stop falling hair and eradi-
eate dandruff and make women's hair
beautiful as Parisian Sage,
Parisian Sage is the only certain
destroyer of the dandruff microbe
which is the cause of 07 per cent, of
hair tronbles.
These pernicious, persistent and de-
structive Iittle devils thrive on the
ordinary hair tonics.
Parisian Sage is such an extraordi-
nary and quick acting rejuvenator
that J. W. McKibben, who is the
agent in Wingham, guarantees it to
cure dandruff, stop falling hair and
itching scalp in two weeks or money
It is a magnificent, dressing for wo-
men, who desire luxuriant, lustrous
hair that compels admiration.
And a largo bottle of Parisian Sage
costs only 50c at J. W. McKibbon's
and all over Canada.
Always To The
Fruit almost gone. Pickling
is about over. Now we begin
to think about other table
necessities. The q u es t i o n -
THE BEST ?" comes next.
Oat Meal Corn Meal
Graham Flour
A.s the season advances these
3 articles of diet become more
general in their use.
Oat Meal 8 lbs. for 25c
Corn Meal 8 " " 25c
Graham Flour 7 " t t t 25e
Tea and Coffee
The Tea and Coffee we sell is
second to none. WE'VE PUT
the best into them --- YOU'LL
GET the best ont of them
WANTED - Choice Butter and
Fresh Eggs.
We are glad to report Mss, Job L.
King, who has been serionely i11, to be
Rev. Lopgrove of Monktou took
charge of the services in .roe's church
last Sabbath.
Mr. Sato. Campbell, 3rd con., who
had the misfortune to get badly hurt
by a colt recently, is improving
IIIr, and Mrse Angus Brown, Mr,
and Mrs, Jos, Anies, Mr. and 11rs. J.
Dryans attended the funeral of Al-
berta Tack in Clifford on Sunday.
Mr, Jas, Pearson, B.A., B.D., arriv-
ed home last Wednesday from his
summer's outing in the Trout Creek
district, Mr. Pearson left on Monday
for Glasgow, Scotland, where ho will
finish his course. His many friends
are one in wishing him a success in his
college work and a safe return
It is reported that Robt. Dilsworth
of Fort McLeod has purchased the
beautiful new brick block in Ethel
from Thos, Vodden. Evidently Mr.
Dilworth, who was a former resident
of this locality, is satisfied that there
is good gold in Ont„ as be purposes
becoming a citizen of that village.
The people of this locality were in-
deed surprised to bear on Saturday of
the sudden death of Alberta, the eight
year old daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs,
Albert Tuck of Clifford and grand-
daughter of Mrs, Frances Miller, 3rd
con., Grey. Alberta was in her usual
good health, until the recent cold she
contracted, and as no change for the
better was marked the Dr. was called
in on Monday, who pronounced the
trouble bronchitis. On Thursday, a
consultation of Drs. was sought for
and after examination found the
patient suffering from that dread dis-
ease of infantile paralysis. Gradually
she sunk into an unconscious state,
and in spite of all that kind doctors,
loving friends and neighbors could do,
she passed away on Friday evening to
the Great Beyond, where pain and
sickness are unknown. Alberta's was
a bright sunny life ; she was a friend
to both young and old, which was evi-
denced by the many children and par-
ents, who gathered to pay their last
tribute of respect. The flowers were
beautiful ; among them being a large
wreath from her Sunday School
teacher and class, of which she was a
faithful student. The funeral on Sun-
day was very Large, the Sunday
School being in a body at the grave.
The bereaved parents and friends
have the sincerest sympathy of their
large circle of friends in this locality.
May they fully realize that there is a
silver lining to the dark clouds, and
the broken"link here be but another
in the unbroken chain for eternity.
r.+F`..';000300000000000000000000 C3
The New Baker
Try Our Bread
The Best Bread
in Town
Also. Plain and
Fancy Cakes
Wedding Cakes A
' Bread delivered daily to any
part of town.
Change In
livE beg to announce to the
general public that we
have bought the Grocery
and Confectionery business of
the late Mr. Rnsh, and will be
pleased to serve all tho former
customers of the store and aleo
many new ones. Onr aim will
bo to sell the purest, freshest
and best goods at lowest possible
prices. We solicit a share of
public liotronage.
R. J. Tindell
& Son
0000040 00000 00000000000080000400000000
Came �n and see the
It•tt) Iltk\,\V‘itn
Every day new arrivals come to join
the ranks of the beautiful millinery styles
now on display. Every detail has been
carefully attended to so as to :make selec-
tions most satisfactory. The collection
represents the best prevailing modes.
Millinery excellence and good style have
been the viewpoints from which these
Hats have been designed.
Miss Reynolds
Bolin -In Howick, Oct. 3rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. D. L. Weir, a son.
Chas. Kitchen'and Mrs. Green visit-
ed at Thos. Johnston's, Fordwich, a
few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher attend-
ed the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Jacques' little daughter on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs, Wni. Weir, Leslie and
Miss Lillie McLaughlin, attended the
Fallis-Evans wedding on Wednesday
last at Gerrie.
The Harvest Thanksgiving services
which were held in the Church here
on Sept. 25th and 26th were very suc-
cessful, The proceeds amounted to
$71.00. a .
Miss McKersie of Turnberry Is visit-
ing at the parsonage.
Mrs, Nokes of Winnipeg Is visiting
friends in this locality.
Edith Harris is house, after an e -
tended visit to Michigan points.
Mrs, McLennan returned on Mon-
day, after visiting London friends.
Mrs, Oliver Smith of Hamilton was
the guest of Mrs. George gents last
Mrs. Evans of Detroit is renewing.
acquaintances, after an absence of
some years,
Dr, W. B. Swale left for Chicago,.
after spending some days with 0. F.
and Mrs. McLean.
Rev. C. W. McKenzie preached an-
niversary services last Sabbath in the
Whitechurch circuit,
Mrs. Dow of Gilbert Plains, Man,,
left for home last Thursday, after an
extended visit in this locality.
Mr. Rasmussen arrived hone trona
New York on Friday night. He re-
ports times dull and that strikes are
A stranger came a week or so ago
to H. and Mrs. Harding and has de-
cided to stay. It is a little girl. Con-
Nesbit Laing has recured a position
in the .Trader's Bank, Dutton, and
left for that place oti Tuesday. We
wish him every success.
Mrs. Geo. Barnard and family left
Monday morning for London, where
Mr. Barnard has a good position,
May they enjoy their new home.
J. Stutt's new brick house is nearing
completion. It will be a s fine resi-
dence, and will add very much to the
value of his farm.. Mr. Stutt's son,
Arthur, has returned to the neighbor-
hood of Woodstock, where he expects
to remain all winter.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
was observed last Sunday morning
in the Presbyterian church. There
was the largest attendance of com-
municants since Mr. Perrin's induc-
tion into the pastorate here. Twenty-
five new members were received.
The Bible Society meeting was held
in the Methodist church on Sunday
evening. There was a good congre-
gation. Rev. Mr. Thompson, White-
church, who was exchanging pulpits
with Mr. McKenzie, gave a splendid
address on the Bible Society and its
The 23rd annual convention of
Bruce Co. Woman's Christian Tem-
perance Union, was held in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Teeswater, on
Sept 21st and 22nd.
Chesley, Cargill, Paisley, Walker-
ton, Port Elgin and Teeswater unions
were well represented. The reports
from superintendents of the follow-
ing departments showed progressive
work during the year :-Flower Mis-
sions and Evangelistic Work. Lumber-
men and Sailors, Parlor Meetings,
Juvenile and Temperance M. S. S.,
Medal Contests, Scientific Temperance
and Narcotics, Purity and Mother's
meetings, Press Tidings, Franchise
and Law Enforcement, Work among
Indians and Unfermented Wine.
Children's meeting at 4 p,m. was
largely attended. A paper on the
danger of prescribing and using in-
toxicating liquors for medical pur-
poses was read by the President.
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, B.A., M.A., of
Toronto gave a very able and inter-
esting address on Law enforcement,
showing that it was a very easy mat-
ter to enforce the Local Option
The people of Teeswater appear to
be well pleased with the business pros-
pects of the village under Local
The following were elected for the
ensuing year: --Pres„ Mrs. Keeling,
Car ill ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. R. Scott,
Paisley; Cor, -Sec., Mrs. Hiscox, Tees -
water; Treas., Mrs. F. P. Moore; Cor.-
Sec., Miss Helen Smellie, Chesley.
Wheat Exchanged
dor Floor
Bring along yourWheat to our
Store and experience something
that is a good deal for Flour. The
ileal we give you makes you want
another Every bag of Flour we
sell is absolutely guaranteed to be
as we represent it.
Bring thong yottr Wlieat.
Last Wawanosh.
John S. Scott raised an addition to
his barn last week,
Corn cutting sand silo tilling are the
order of thedayjust now,
Prices for live stock continue high ;
feeders being J3carce and exceptionally
J. H. McClinton's sale last week was
a success ; prices ruled high, the net
proceeds being about $3,000,
The Blyth Telephone Co. are rush-
ing tire work of construction, and will
install instruments this month.
D. d', McCalhuu was seriously in-
jured last Saturday, by falling into his
silo ; he was with "4,Vzn. Love plaeter-
ing the inside with cement, when
the scaffolding gave way and falling
18 or 20 feet to the cement floor.
Dam had hie knee cap broken, Mr.
Love escaped with a shaking up.
The Council met September 26 ;
members all present ; minutes of last
meeting adopted.
-Win. Watson presented statement
of cost of cement bridge, opposite lot
35, con. S, built by day labor under
his supervision. It was satisfactory
and accepted by the Council.
A By-law was passed authorizing
the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow
money for current expenditure.
The following accounts were passed ;
Standard, Blyth, advertlsing $1; T.
Hall, part printing contract, $25 ; Geo.
Simmons, banking river with stone,
$12; Win. Love, repairing bridge,
con. 0, $10 ; Wm. Love, balance on
building Quinn's bridge, $120; J. T.
Coultes, widening approach to Mc-
Lean's bridge, $50 Geo, Taylor, bal-
ance on building said bridge $125 ;
W. Wightman, drawing tile and
patting in culvert, east boundary,
$6.30; Wm. Watson, building bridge,
lot 35, eon. 8 and 0, $153 20 ; Wm.
Watson, supervising same, $32.50
McKinnon, Bros. gravelling, $119.75;
gravel accounts -Jos, Kerr, $15.45,
Robt. Scott, $7.95, J. Williams, $5.30,
R. G. McGowan, $2.50, Geo. Fother-
gill, $1.50, Wm, Salter, $2 50, Martin
O'Connor, $2.40, W. Walker, $0.50,
W. Dobie, $7.70.
Council adjourned to meet Monday,
October 24th at 10 a.m.
Alex. Porterfield, Clerk,
Paul & Jewitt shipped a car of hogs
on Wednesday.
Mr. Alex. Davidson of Galt, spent a
few days visiting friends in the
Wm. Watson and Jno. McCallum of
Belgrave, were visitors at Mr. J.
Smith's on Sunday.
Mrs. E. Rodgers was called to the
bedside of her mother, near Luoknow,
who is seriously i11.
Rev. W. J. and Mrs. West attended
the wedding of Miss E. Evans in
Gorrie on Wednesday last.
Messrs. Robt. McKercher and J.
Perrin of Wroxeter, visited. with Mr.
and Mrs. VanVelsor on Friday last.
Thieves were at work in the village
during the past week, and Mrs. Wm.
Haney is minus about fifteen jars of
Mr.s Jos. Smith spent Sunday with
her son, Watson, at Mt. Forest, who
is suffering with an at tack of typhoid ;
she reports him doing nicely.
The work at the manse in connec-
tion with the new verandah is being
pushed along, and when completed is
going to be a vast improvement both
in appearance and usefulness.
Quite an excitement was caused on
Sunday; while diaster John Thynne
was getting his horse out of the
church shed, it got away from him
and ran out home ; fortunately no
damage was done,
Tire monthly meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. J. McNaughton on
Thursday, lath, at 2.30 p.m. The
subject, "A Thanksgiving Dinner,"
will be taken by Mrs. J. McCracken,
while "A dinner for four, for one
dollar," by Miss Collie, after which
shall follow the open discussion. All
ladies are cordially invited to attend
this profitable meeting and a goodly
attendance is hoped. for.
If You Have Scalp Or Hair
Trouble, Take Advantage
Of This Offer.
We could hot afford to an strongly
endorse Itexell "93" Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do, if it did
not tlo all we claim it will. Should
our enthusiasm earry us away, and
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic not give
entire satisfaction to the users, they
would lose faith in us and our state-
ments, and in consequence our busi-
ness prestige would suffer.
We assure you that if your hair is
beginning to unnaturally fall out or
if you have any scalp trouble, Rex -
all "93" Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff, Minutiae hair
growth and prevent premature bald
Our faith in Rexall "03" Hair Tonle
is so strong that we ask you to try it
on our positive guarantee that Vila
money will be cheerfully refolded if it
doe* not do as we claim. Two elms,
50e and $1.00. Sold only at our store
-The Rexall Store, J. W. Mt:-
Miss Esther Tucker is visiting with
frieude in the village,
I)r. and hire. Allison are visiting
with the Dr's mother.
Mrs, Pollock of St. Joseph's Island,
is a visitor at D. Sproat's,
Mr, and Mrs, Carlisle are in the
village We week packing up, and will
move to Tileonburg..
Duncan McCallum bad the misfor-
tune to get his knee badly sprained
by falling of a scaffold, while plaster-
ing their silo.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes are
taking up housekeeping. A fine piano
from one of the Wingham dealers will
grace their home,
Rev. I', J. Durrant will preach anni-
versary sermons on Bluevale circuit
next Sunday, and Rev, J. W. An-
drews will take his work on the
Miss Addie Maxwell has returned
home, after visiting friende in Toron-
to, also her uncle in Lloydtown, for
the past week.
Miss Lottie Maxwell returned to
Winnipeg last week, after visiting at
her 'home for the past two months.
She also visited her uncle, Mr, John
Maxwell in Lloydtown, on her way
back. -
Tho News of Huron, South Dakota,
speaks as follows of a former boy, a
son of David Breckenridge, 1st line
"The many friends of J. M. Brecken-
ridge, a former principal of Huron
High School, will be glad to know that
he has successfully completed his post-
graduate work at the University of
Wisconsin, and has recently been
honored with the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy. Mr. Breckenridge has
made an enviable record as a man and
as a scholar, especially inoriginal
research and investigation his scienti-
fic work has attracted attention. He
has won admittance to each of the
three honorary fraternities which are
open only to scientific men. His
work at present is with the Weisbach
Mantle Company of Gloucester, N. Y.,
with whom he has accepted a position.
A part of his work for this com-
pany will take him abroad to scientific
work in a labratory of Vienna. The
importance of his position is indicat-
ed by the fact that bis predecessor
went from it to a full professorship
in Columbia University. Mr, Breck-
enridge's record is certainly worthy
of emulation by all the young men of
Huron. While his family was well
off, he started out to school resolved
to make his own way through. He
taught in the schools of this city and
in other places until he had money
enough to send him through college,
but even while at school he still kept
on working and was able in this way
to pay most of his expenses without
calling on his other bank account,
He made his way through school and
college without one cent from his
parents. His experience only proves
what can be done by any young man
with a little ambition and brains."
Will Build
You Up
and Make
You Strong
Old people, tired, weak,
run down people, delicate
children, frail mothers, and
those recovering from severe
illness, this is a fact.
Thousands of genuine tes-
timonials .from reliable peo-
ple prove this claim, and to
further support the fact and
prove our faith in what we
say, we unhesitatingly de-
clare that any one who will
try a. bottle of VINOL will,
have their money returned
withoutuestion if they are
not satisfied that it did there
Druggist s 'Mustard
Zam-Buk Will, Give You Relief 1
When you have any deep-seated
pain in the joints, the back, the wrists
or elsewhere, place a liberal supply of
Zam-Buk on the fingers or on the palm
of the hand and rub it in. The pene-
trating power of this "embrocatien-
balui" is very great. It kills pain and
removes stiffness. Mrs, Frances
Wyatt, of 25 Guy Avenue, Montreal,
says -"I have found Zam-Buk mnst
soothing and valuable in a very had
case of rheumatism, and also for stiff -
nese of joints and muscles. 1 suffered
long and acutely from rheumatism,
and tried one Iiniment after another
in vain. 1 also took medicines inter-
nally, but it remained for Zam-Buk to
effect a cure. I began applying this
balm whenever I felt the aches and
pains of rheumatism coming on, or
felt any of the stiffness. The result
was truly wonderful. Z•im-Buk
seemed to penetrate to the very seat
of the pains, driving them completely
out, and I am now quite cured."
So many of the ordinary embroca-
tions and liniments are imperfectly
prepared and not sufficiently refined
to penetrate even the skin -much less
the underlying muscles. Z:tm-Buk is
totally different. Zam-Buk is so re-
fined, and its essences and juices are
so concentrated, that when rubbed in-
to the muscles for rheumatism, scia-
tica, sprain. etc., its effect is very
quickly felt.
If rubbed on to the chest and be-
tween the shoulders in cases of bad
cold on the chest, Zam-Buk will give
relief. Apart from its use as an em-
brocation, Zam-Buk will be found a
cure for all ordinary forms of skin
disease and injury, It cures eczema,
rashes, ringworm, cold sores, ulcers,
abscesses, chapped hands, piles, vari-
cose veins, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.
All druggists and stores at 50e, or
post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto,
for price. Refuse harmful imitations.
Tenders For Sidewalks,
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to 6 o'clock p. m. on
October 10th, for the building of a
concrete sidewalk. four feet wide, on
the east side of Carling St., between
John and Patrick streets. Work to
be commenced forthwith. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted.
Sheep Came Estray.
On to the premises of the under-
signed, Lot 5, Con. 8, Turnberry,
about the middle of September, two
ewes and one lamb. Owner prove
property, pay expenses, and remove.
Belmore P. 0.
Teacher Wanted.
For U. S. S. No. 7, Turnberry and
Wawanosh ; duties to commence
January let next, Applications with
testimonials received till Oct. 15th.
Sec.-Treas., Wingham P.O.
Farm For Sale.
160 acres of land in Saskatchewan;
twenty acres are broken; thirty sores
fenced ; five acres bush; small house
and stable; good water.
49- steal Estate Agt., Wingham
For Sale Or To Rent.
A good farm, lot 42, concession 5,
East Wawanosb, is offered for sale.
It contains 75 acres, has good build-
ings, is well watered. Only three
and a half miles from Blyth, and a
little over two miles from Belgrave;
school, one mile distant.
If not sold, the farm may be rent-
ed, For particulars apply to
Belgrave T. 0.
October 10th to Nov. 12th
e points in Temagami, points retawawa
to Port Arhur and to a nntnber of
bee, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and
October 20th to Nov. 12th
To Muskoka Lakes, 1'enetana. Lake of
13ays, Midland, Magnetawan Itiver, Lake-
n Id, Madawaska to Parry Sonnei'Ar-
gsio to tloboconk, Lindsay to Ballbnr.,
on. Sharhot Lake to Calabogis via K.
is 1'. Itailway points from severe to
North Bap inclusive, and certain points
reoehed 'by, Northern Navigation Co.
nem limit on all tiekots We. 15th.
except to boint!i reached by steamer
lines November 15th, 1910.
Vali nartioulars and tickets ftoln
G. LAMONT, Depot Agt.
J. D. McDonald
Dertelre Passenger Aes•b, Taal*
New Fall Shoes For Men
in our South Window wo aro showing a
FOR MEN, and your inspection is invited
Prominent amongst them is a
Men's Patent Colt Button Boot,
just like this cut :
This is a good Patent Colt. Boot,
and most dealers would consider
good value at $4,00, and in fact
we doubt very ranch if you .can,
buy a Patent Coln Buttoned Boot
any place in this locality for It ss
than 84.00, but for certain reaeono
we Offer you this Boot at the
price named, namely :
$3,00 Per Pair
We have the same hoot in
laced at the same price
All sizes 51 to 9
$3.00 Pell Pair.
This out is an exact repre-
sentation of our Winter Tan
Blucher Boot for men,
Perhaps you can buy as good
a boot as this elsewhere in
Wingham, but we have yet
to see it. The uppers are
made of the very best winter
calf, and the soles are made
of elkhide, which means some-
thing extra..
Two Toes • Wide & Narrow
Price - $5.00 Per Pair
Thoroughly Waterproof
No Rubbers Required
There are many other lines which we could mention, but
space will not permit. Take a. look in our
South Window.
Willis & Co.
Sole Agents
For The
For Ladies and 1Y10111
This year we're showing the largest range
Ladies', Maids' and Children's Mantles -the most
up-to-date, stylish, best fitting Mantles ever shown
in town. Prices for high-class Coats ---$to, $12,
$15, $t8. Call and get one of our catalogues.
Up-to-date Suits and Overcoats for up-to-date
men and boys. We have a big range in Diagonal
Stripes, I3rowns, Greys, Blacks and Blues, at prices
which everybody should be able to afford. We
have the agency for the " Fit Reform" high class
special .measure tailor•made garments. Get one of
our catalogues. Agency for "Presto" Overcoat,
Hanna & Co.