HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-09-29, Page 80000000000000030008000 08000 8C�3 8 1' 4 4 4 THE NEW BAKER We understand our busi- ness, and feel confident that we' can give you satisfaction. FINE BAKING A SPECIALTY Bread delivered to any part of town. F. CARTER 0000OC OOLIClf3Clt'!C eieleleirstantIOE3tSe THE WINGIIAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, SEPTMIBER 29, 1910 T l E DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital Stook (all paid up).$4,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undi- vided Profits $5,880,000.00 Deposits by the I'ablio...,$47,000,000.00 Total Assets, over 461,200,000,00 I3r NGIIES AND AGENTS throughout Canada and the United Status. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Savings Department Current Rates of Interest allowed, end Deposits reoeived of $1.00 and upwards. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on then at lowest rate of interest. 'jyn,; jesair Bne.xoH..—Corner John and Josephine Strets, W. Il, G)aJKlla, lIanager R. Yanedene. Solicitor r� WC* a fi1M1 Wingham Business College 0 e 1 1 Is a link in Canada's Greatest Chain of High -Grade Colleges founded during the past twenty - years. This chain is the largest trainers of young people in Canada, and it is freely ad- mitted that its graduates get the best positions. There is a reason—write for it. A diploma from the Oonzmorcial Educators' Association of Canada is a pass- port to success. Yon may study partly at home and finish at the College. Enter any day. rail Term Opens August 29th WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE CHAS. W. BURNS Panvou aL LCEO. SPOTTON -- PRESIDENT +oamiia- mai wwarwaaa aa� For Sale Or To Rent. .A. good farm, lot 42, concession 5, East Wawanosh, is offered for sale. It contains 75 acres, has good build- ings, is well watered. Only three and a half miles from Blyth, and a little over two miles from Belgrave ; school, one mile distant. If not sold, the farm may be rent- ed. For particulars apply to JAMES NETIIERY Belgrave P. 0. CHRISTIE'S GROCERY PHONE 59 Now For Grapes 25c Per Basket The Tea And Coffee Store 'WASTED doe nutbilt wt,d k1 . (iioirrle, A large shipment of live stools took place on Monday as usual, Hoge were $8.70 per cwt. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thee, Maguire of the Wallace boundary will take place to the Gerrie cemetery on Wednesday. The wembere of the Epworth League gave Mies Evelyn Evans a. kitchen shower on Saturday evenipg at her parents' home. Mr. dames Sherar was in Glade - rich last week. attending Court as a Juror. Mr. Jas. Wacker was at the forge in Mr. Shorar's absence. The marriage of Miss Evelyn Evans to Mr. Eimer ].vallis took place under the parental Wednesday,. Rev. Me. Hibbertroof tioned the nuptiyal knot. The Fisher Produce co. took in a quantity of produce on Friday, They gave higher prices than the week be fore, butter being 21c per lb., and eggs 22c a dozen. Court of Revision was held before Judge Doyle on Thursday of last week, The Liberals put in noap- peals, and only a few were made by the Conservatives. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Farr and family have gone to Blyth. Mr. Farr is ex- pected to conduct the service in the English Church in that town on Sun- day next. Miss A. Hughes, Mrs. Farr s sister, accompanied them to their new home, Howick_ Boundary. Mrs. Grenaway and Mrs. Gannett of 13luevale spent Friday last at the home of Me. and Mrs. Hays on the 5th eon. Mr. J. Dane and daughter, Miss 0, Dane, 15th con,, were in Kincardine over Sunday attending the funeral of a relative. Miss Lena Doubledee returned to hor school in Belleville last week, after spending two months with her parents hete. Mrs. J. Neil, who has been spending a few weeks with friends in the States, returned to her home on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. Longley of Toronto, who has been spending a pleasant week with the former's friends in this vicinity, returned to their home on Monday -last. A large number from these parts at- tended the Harvest Home services in connection with the Salem Church on Sunday last, and also the fowl supper on Monday evening; all report a good time. Mr. Dave Dane of near Gorrie hap- pened with an accident on Saturday last. While driving along the 15th con„ near Mr. Galloway's in some way or other he was thrown from the buggy and rendered unconscious. The horse was caught by Miss Finley, and Mr. Dane was carried to the home of his uncle, Mr. John Dane, where medical aid was summoned, We are pleased to say that Mr. Dane is doing as well as can be expected, Auburn. Deep sorrow came to the home of Mr, Sam. Carter, of Toronto, in the passing away of a faithful wife and loving mother. Mrs. Carter had suf- fered much for three weeks, but with great patience, and on Saturday eve- ning, September. 17th, in the presence of many relatives, she passed to her reward. After a short service by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Geikie, the remains were taken to the home of her father, Mr, H. Stowe of Goderich, and inter- ment took place in the cemetery in that town. She was mnch beloved, as was evidenced by the large atten- dance at the funeral. The floral tri- butes were very numerous and beau- tiful tokens of affection. Mrs. Carter was born in Goderich in 1874, and was united in marriage to her bereaved husband on Sept. 5th, 1.11100, in Bran- don, Man. After residing there near- ly two years they removed to Toronto where Mr. Oarter is in business, One little daughter is left to mourn the loss of a loving mother. Mrs. Carter's parents, two sisters and two brothers also mourn the break in the family circle. Sometime when all life's lessons have been learned, And sun and stars forever more have set. The things which our weak judgment here bad spurned, The things o'er which we grieve with lashes wet, Will flash before us out of life's dark night, As stars shine most in deeper tints of bine. And we shall see how all God's plans were right, And now what seemed reproof, was love most true. And we shall see how while we frown and sigh, God's plans go on as best for you and tee. Wroxeter. Mrs. Smith of Hamilton is: visiting friends in this locality, Mr. .and Mrs, Smythe of British Columbia are visiting at Mrs, George Lilo,. Rev. and Mrs. Molelvey and daugh- ter of Trowbridge were .calling on old acquaintances in the village this week. Mr. Ireland and daughter of Dur- ham, also mr. John Gibson of Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Brown, • W. 3, Perrin left on. Tuesday morn- ing for Toronto, where he enters upon his third year in the School of Pac- tical Science. The new Boller for the electric light plant arrived on Friday of last week. It is said to be a splendid piece of mechanism. It is being put into posi- tion for work this week. Mr, Collins of Brussels has beeli in aur village thie Iast week or two. He is meeting with good success. He gives splendid satisfaction in the dye- ing, cleaning and pressing of clothe. His rooms are next the Planet office. Give him a call.. The rally held by the members of the Wroxeter Young Men's Bible Class on. Friday evening was a .de- cided success, A very pleasant and profitable time was spent. The mem- bers of the Young Ladies' Bible Class were present by invitation. The young men very heartily entertained then. Death called away two old resi- dents of this vicinity bast week in the persons of Mrs. Vogt of Turnberry and Mrs. Stafford of Wroxeter. The remains of the former were laid to rest in Wroxeter cemetery, and those of the latter in Gorrie cemetery. Both were most highly respected citizens. W. J. Mather, our enterprising furniture dealer, when in Toronto at the Exhibition, was the undertaker out of 800 who came the nearest to guessing the number of beans in. a jar. He got as a prize a valuable Scotch Collie pup. Mr. Mather has ordered a new hearse which we believe is a very handsome one. Last Sunday was "Children's Day" in the Presbyterian church. There was a large attendance at the service, An appropriate address was given on the topic "What the King expects of his subjects," selected by the General Assembly's Committee. The church was very tastefully decorated by the boys and girls of the Sabbath School. A telegram from Winnipeg was received on Saturday morning last announcing the death of Mrs. Brown, widow of the late Rev. Geo. Brown, who was at one time minister of the Presbyterian congregation here. The remains .arrived here on the noon train on Monday, accompanied by her son, Geo. Brown of Toronto, and Messrs. Thos. Gibson of Winnipeg and T. W. Gibson of Toronto, sons-in-law. The funeral, which was largely at- tended, took place from the Presby- terian church, where services were conducted by Rev. L. Perrin. Inter- ment took place in Wroxeter cem- etery. Mrs. Brown was born in the south of England over 78 years ago. She was married in the year 1855, With her husband she went to Jam- aiea. After a few years she went to Trinidad, where she co-operated with her husband in his earnest and faith- ful work. Air. Brown's health having failed hint, he was ,forced to go to New Brunswick. There, too, Mrs. Brown was a great inspiration to him in bis arduous labors. In the year 1866 Mr. and Mrs. Brown came to Wroxeter, and there, too, she proved a true helpmate. Here 22 years of faithful and selfdenying service were given. She took a great interest in the different branches of the church's work, She was very much at home with the young people. Her's was a kind and lovable disposition. It can be truly said of her, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." Two daughters, Mrs. T. W. Gibson of To- ronto, Mrs. Thos. Gibson of Winnipeg, and one son, George, of Ottawa, are left to mourn a: most devoted and affectionate niothor. Jamestown. Mr, McDowell of Drayton Sandaled at Mr. A. Bryan's. - - Miss Al. Strachan visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lcktnier on Sunda. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton visit- ed Wroxeter friends on Sunday. Miss Janet Andrews of St. Augus- tine is visiting at Wm. Hamilton's. Mr. and Mes, Hugh Moses and Jobn are visiting friends izi Hultett this week, Mrs, Job Xing is very poorly at pre- sent ; we trust she will soon be around again, Mr. and Mrs. D. Simpson and family of Belgrave visited at Mr. Andrew Sitnpetin'a over Sunday. Mr. Andrews of Dine -ale preached in Hail hot Sandal night, and gate a good dtsmroarse. Mr. It, B, Nona a twill take the nett *'rn , —A record yield of wheat was made on the farm of Major Fox, near Milton, this year. He took sixteen loads off six acres and it averaged fifty bushels to the acre, Blyth. Me. Cook of Goderich has been en- gaged to lead the *login In St. An- drew'e Church, at a salary of $150 per year. Miss Bentley and MIss Slater were delegates to the W. C, T.U. conven- tion, held at Zurich ou Tuesday of this week. Rev, Father Dum of Parkhill is the new priest of St, Michael's Church, Rev. Father Hanlan having been transferred to Luca,n. Division Court was held here Mon- day, A number of cases carne up for hearing and were disposed of. Judge Holt of Goderich presided. Sunday was Rally Day in the Methodist Sunday School ; there was a good attendance of the parents and children and a liberal offering, Rev. Mr. Fear gave a good practical talk to the children and in the evening to young people. Jubilee Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Oct. 9 and 10, Rev. Dr. Geggie of Parkdale will be the speaker. On Monday evening an old fashioned tea meeting will be held, and Dr. Geggie will lecture on "Three Nations." Fordwich. Everyone is looking for a fine day for Fordwich fall fair, • Miss E. M, Musgrove spent Sunday at her home in Wingham, Threshing is the order of the day and the grain is turning out well. David and Miss Jennie Armstrong attended the Fallis-Evans wedding in Gorrie on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, John Whyte of Dur- ham spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr, Ed. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. .Mex. Crawford of Millbank spent a few days at Mr. W. S. McKee's. Mr. Orawford bought a number of cattle. Mr, Robt. Wallace left the bachelor ranks last Wednesday ; he was mar- ried to Miss Stewart of Moncton. Congratulations Robt. The A. Y. P. A. held their social evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Goggin's; all report a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs, Goggin are good enter- tainers. —The Goderich Telephone Co. has its line completed to Westfield and St. Augustine. —A paralytic stroke resulted in the death. of a well-known resident of Ashfield in the person of Mr. John Stothers of the 10th con„ which oc- curred early Monday morning. On Sunday morning deceased received a stroke of paralysis from the effects of which he never recovered. —This is the tale of a colt that has no. tail. Joseph Cox of Caunamore near Cornwall, has a freak of nature in the possession of a three months old colt that has not the slightest ves- tige of a tail. It has some other pecu- liarities, but is well formed and seems destined to become a sideshow attrac- tion. K e 4 x 4. Change In Business! E begto announce to the gpublic that o generalP u w ff have bought the Grocery and Confectionery business of the late Mr. Rush, and will be pleased to serve all the former customers of the store end also many new ones. Our aim will be to sell the purest, freshest and best goods at lowest possible prices. We solicit a share of public potronage, R. J. Tinde11 &. Son 'PHONE 9 * * * * * Morris. I3osite -To Mr, and Mre, Henry Hopper, a daughter. Mies Olive Lake of Grey, is visiting friends on the 5th line, near Sun - We are glad to bear that Mre. Mathers Is recovering from ber recent illness. Miss C. Geddes. of Lucknow, is the guest of Miss Mabel Geddes of the 3rd line,. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Shaw have just arrived home, after a very enjoy- able trip to Nelson, B. 0, Mrs. Alex, Leishman and children of Marnock, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Vancamp. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Elston of Da- kota, arrived home last week to at- tend the funeral of Mrs. Elston's bro- ther, the late Dr, H. Perdue. Air. and Mrs. Jno. flapper started on Saturday for their home at Thes- salon, Algoma, after spending their honeymoon with friends here. Telephone poles are being distribut- ed along various roads by the filyth Rural Telephone Co., preparatory to the construction of the net lines, It takes the lst line to grow °tops. M. Sellers has a Iittle over 2i acres of corn measuring 10 feet high on which there are 115 large shocks of corn. There are other crops in the same neighborhood just as good. it is said that Inspector George Oaldbick of Cobalt, has purchased the old homestead on the 2nd line, from J. Moses, who bought it a year ago from Samuel Caidbick, when he mov- ed to the West, We bope to see Mr, Caidbick back to. the farm. A very pleasant event occurred at the home of Alex, McEwen 1st line on Wednesday, Sept. 21st, when his second daughter, Miss Nellie, became the bride of Alex. Smith, a prosperous young basiness man of Detroit. The happy young couple have the best wishes of a large circle of friends. Council met Sept. 19 ; members all present ; minutes of last meeting con- firmed. The adjourned Court of Revision on the Nichol drain was re -opened. Shortreed —McCracken — That the assessment of J. Broadfoot be lowered five dollars for outlet liability, and the same be aeseesed against municipality, and that the court be now closed and the by-law as now read be finally pass ed --carried, Tenders for the Jerymn municipal drain were received and opened from Greenway & Cassels, and W. Logan. McCracken — Johnston —That the tender of ()easels & Greenway be ac- cepted at $11.95, and the Clerk in- structed to have the proper agreement drawn up and to notify the Turnherry Council to provide their share of the funds—carried. A tender was received from H. Kirkby for the McCall drain at $46. Shortreed--Wilkinson—That as we deem it too high—carried.. Following accounts to be Haid :—•Ed. Garvin, inspecting, $5.62; John Cook, farm bridge on Russel drain, $15 00 ; A. Proctor, work and material on 3rd line bridge, $1.10; D. Pipe, work on road, 1,50 ; Bell Tel. Co., 25c ; J. Scott, furnishing light, repairing old bridge and building deviation bridge on 8ch line, $10; Russel Fear, filling approach to 8th line bridge, etc., $9.70; N. Mc- Cauley, gravelling, $30; Geo. Pollard, inspecting. $5 ; J. Watt, cement cross- ing in Walton, $15 ; W. Christopher, drawing and putting in tile, $3.75; W. C3C3E3 Christopher, putting in tile drain, $2 25 ; I3. Kirkby. part payment on Smith drain, $4.50; Duff & Stewart, work and material on culvert on 2nd line, $18 ; Chas, Pollard, gravelling, $35.07 ; Wm. Oakby, gravel, $6 40 ; Geo. Peacock, gravel, 8 37 ; Geo. Mc- Donald. gravel and damages, $9 70; Wm: Oakby, grave], $2 10; John Barr, gravel, $2.10 ; Chas, Pollard, gravel, $1.44 ; Thos, McCall, gravel, $3.15; J. Rots, gravel, $2 52 ; David Summer- ville, gravel, $3.71; W. Oakby, gravel, $1; Wm. Thuel, making tile, $30.50; Jno. McDonald, cement, $16 10; Gerry & Walker, cement. $10 ; Robt. Mc- Murray, gravel, $189; N. Thornton, work on sideroad, $6, Connell adjourned to meet on the 17th day of Oct. A, MacEwen, Clerk. 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 r . 4, . 4, 4, 4, 4 4, a A a V u a a n G 4 V V V 4 Miss Reynolds Desires to express her thanks to the ladies of Wingham and vicinity for their attendance at her Millinery opening, and the orders given. The stock will be kept replete for the season and all orders will receive careful and prompt attention . 11V V V V V a V V V V U ro V a V a u V 0 1, V q,,. tl a . 4 a V, ro V V, East Wawanosh. The Brick Church Methodists will hold their annual.Rally Day services next Sunday, Oct. 2nd. Services will be held at 10.30 am. and 7 p.m. On Tuesday of last week Elizabeth Tyner, beloved wife of Lancelot Neth• ery, died at ber home, Iot 42, con. 5, East Wawanosh, aged 57 years. She had been in failing health for about a year from stomach trouble. Deceased was born near Napanee and moved to Huron Co. with her parents **years ago. She was tinted in marriage to her now sorrowing part- ner in 1880, There is one son, Willie, at home. Mrs. Nethery was a faith- ful member of the English Church at Belgrave and was held in high esteem. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon of last week. Rev, W. 1I. Hartley of Durham, deceased's late pastor, conducted the service. Inter- ment Was made in McCrae Oenietery,' 13elgrave. Mr, Nethery, son and other friends have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Deceased was an lndustrione, kindly and hospitable woman, who had a wide circle of friends, -'he C.P.R. was recently fitted $75 for keeping 25 head of cattle shipped from Selkirk, Manitoba, to holstein, Ontario, 05 hours without water or food. The company tried. to evade responsibility, and put the blame on the shipper, bub the Magistrate did not see it in that way. —A farmer from Hibbert, Who un- fortunately becawe deranged in his mind, was sent to Stratford jail on Tuesday, by Magistrate Davin of Mitchell, pending hie removal to Lon- don Asylum, which will likely be some time, es the Inspector of Prisons has written the Palm Magistrate saying that the Provincial Asylums are full to overfloc+ h g and th�itl man met 1 l.waitt Y dti> , Brussels. Geo, Robb, wba by the way is de- veloping into quite a strawberry grower, had a supply of second growth strawberries last week. G. ,A.. Deadman is developing into a great honey dealer. Between what his busy bees have gathered and honey purchased he will handle over 50,000 pounds this year. Two chargee were laid by License Inspector Asquith. .against the .A.meri- can Rotel, On hearing the evidence one was dismissed and on the other $20 and costa were unposed. One of the items on the program of East .Huron Fail Fair will bo an exciting Tug of War between 10 rope handlers from Morris, led on by Reeve Taylor, The prize will be $25, of which. $15 will go to the winners and 51 a plebe to the losers. • Arrangements were made for the presentation of a series of moving pictures at Brussels Fall Fair and announcement made to that effect. Later the engagement was cancelled owing to those interested not being able to get the films ready in time for the series of Fairs to be visited. Dr, and Mrs. Graham has removed to Toronto, where they have perches- ed a residence and purpose making their home. Brussels can ill afford to lose such residents. The Dr. was a good citizen, investing his money in property, erecting buildings and gen- erally promoting the best interests of the place. Whitechurch. The Young People's Union held a very successful Presbyterial here re- cently. Revs, Edmison of Kincardine, Duncan of Lucknow, Ferguson of Bel - grave and West of Biuevale were pre- sent and assisted. In the evening, Rev. Dr. Murray gave an inspiring address on the Laymen's missionary movement. Excellent music was fur- nished by the Misses Gordon of Lang - side, Teeswater and Brussels soloists. Tho delegates were entertained to tea in the school -room of the church. Sunday, Oct. Oth, is the day chosen for the anniversary of the Presby- terian Church here. Rev. G. P. Dun- can, a former pastor, will preach at 11 a,m. and 7 p.m. The choir will be assisted by Langside talent and Miss Jessie McLaughlin of Brussels. On Monday evening, a tea -meeting will be held, and Rev. G. P. Duncan will deliver his lecture on Robb. Burns ; there will also be addresses, and good music, by Wingham Presbyterian choir and other talent. HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS. Via Grand Trunk Railway System. Single fare for round trip, Get. 10th to Nov. 12th, to points in Temagami, points Petewawa to Port Arthur and to a number of points reached via the Northern Navigation Company, also to certain points in Quebec,. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Maine, Dates for the Deer hunting territory will be announced later. Return limit December 15th, except to points reached by steamer, Nov. 15th. Full particulars from Grand Trunk Agents, or address J, D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto. Court Of Revision. Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to "The On- tario Voters' List Act," by his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Wingham, on the 14th day of Ooto- ber, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon, to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Wingham for 1910. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. J. F. GROVES, Clerk, Town of Wingham. Wingham, Sept. 2Gth, 1910. Teacher Wanted. For U. S. S. No. 7, Turnberry and Wawanosb ; duties to commence January 1st next. Applications with testimonials received till Oct, 15th. JAMES OODKIN, Sec.-Treas., Wingham P.O. Farm For Sale. 160 acres of land in Saskatchewan; twenty notes are broken; thirty acres fenced ; five acres bask; small house and stable; good water, O. N. GRIFFIN 49— Real Estate Agt., Wingham GRANOffiT WYK A CIfANCE TO SEE THE NORTH COUNTRY AT SMALL COST In order to tzivo the Farmers c.nd ttesi• dents of Ontario an opportunity of see- ing tho greet possibilities of the North Country, special oxenrsiens wilt bo run October Srd ,►ndTow 4th rates at:the following - FROM WINGHAM To itotnrn rare COt':rtaANg siLne0 iCNGL1CHA lt'['.. 11 e3 1;AIL1CYi3L7ft" 10A0 NEW LlsICs itD 11.05 propertionnto rates to miter points. The Temtskatning Board nt Trade will short/ visitors the Farms, etc, Return limit, October 13th, 1610. HVNTINO TIM s eremite near. Ask nearest Grand Truck Agabout the Bunters' ztxonrsione. 7i"n21 ppartlesz1are and tickets front G. L.A MONT, Depot .lige. J. D. McDonald Dleirelsii Pare te, M taxi, T6sotoito. The Solid Comfort Shoe Price $2,00 'Gaiter or Laced All Sizes 6 to 12 Just The Thing For Elderly Men And Some Young Men, Too. Made of Soft Dongola Leather—plain toe—extra wide• --will give excellent wear and will not touch your corns. `� Here is The Same Thing For Ladies Gaiter Or Laced Price $1.35 A11 Sizes 3 to 8 Don't forget we sew all rips and tack all shoes got from us, free of charge, and take butter and eggs in trade. Willis & Co. Sole Agents For The THE SHOE STORE FOR .67/04:LADIES For Ladies and fen. This year we're showing the largest range of Ladies', Maids' and Children's Mantles—the most up-to-date, stylish, best fitting Mantles ever shown in town. Prices for high-class Coats --$io, $12, $15, $18. Call and get one of our catalogues. Up-to-date Suits and Overcoats for up-to-date rnen and boys. We have a big range in Diagonal Stripes, Browns, Greys, Blacks and Blues, at prices which everybody should be able to afford. We have the agency for the "Fit Reform" high class special measure tailor-made garments. Get one of our catalogues. Agency fur "Presto" Overcoat, Millinery Opening, Sept. 22.23 Call and see the Latest Styles in Hats for the Ladies. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 anna & Co 9 0 1 D 1 1 .'1