The Wingham Advance, 1910-09-29, Page 44 11 TRH WINfliAM ADVANCE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1910 King's For Bargains We Want .....Y°ur Trade KING'S The Busy Store WINGHAM FALL FAIR DON'T FORGET THE DATE Sept. 29th and 30th And remember we want to see you. Make our store your centre, and if in need of anything in our many different lines, obliging clerks are at your service. We carry the most complete stock of General Merchandise in town, but should there be any- thing you might want that we have not, we will try and procure same for you. Come and look through our stock—it will pay you. Dress Goods, Trimmings, Curtainings, Floor Cover- ings, Staples, Ready-made Clothing, Boots itnd . Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furs, Groceries. SPECIAL 3000 yards Wrapperette, light and dark colors, suitable for 'house dresses, children's dresses, etc. Reg. 124 per yard—for Tic per yd. •••••=.14. New laid Eggs, 22c ; Tub Butter, 20c. Above prices for No. 1 grade only. GEO. E. KING Good Goods I I Cheap Prices ammomememmelomenamniSMINIIMMISMMelh 11.1.11•=11 How Are You? Ho* are you fixed for Letter Heads, Note Heads, Memo Heads, En.velopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Etc., Etc.? If you are in need of anything in the line of Printing, call up No. 34, which is THE ADVANCE OFFICE. EbtThxunAbinturt Theo, Hell • Proprietor, stisscnnmorr P1ten.—$1.00 ver annura In advance, 11.50 if not BO paid, .Anvearisme RATFS.—Legal and other cas- ual advertisements 10o per nonvariel fine for first insertion, 30 per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements in the local columns are charged 100 per line for first insertion, and 5e per line for eaolz subsequent insertion. Advertisements of strayed. Farms for sale or to Rent, and similar, $uss for first three weeks, and 25 cents tor each subsequent In- sertion. Corpramyr RATES.—The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for speciiiescirApoesriods:— 1. Yr, 0Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. One Column 170.00 Unlf Column 40.00 Quarter Column2000. One Inch 5.00 140.00 25.00 12.50 3.00 122.50 18,00 15.00 0,00 -7.50 3,00 2,00 1,95 Advertisements without specific) directions will be inserted till forbid and charged fte- cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. • PROVINCIAL TAX REFORM. During next session of the provin- cial legislature a renewed effort will be made to have the present taxation system reformed, by giving rnuni- tipalities the option of exempting improvements from assessment. It is not proposed to make this change imperative, although those who favor it will not object if the government or the legislature deem it advisable to keep the taxation system uniform. The fact that nearly 300 municipalities forwarded petitions supporting the alternation in the law ought to be enough to incite Sir James Whitney and his colleagues to give the request careful consideration. If they do this in an impartial spirit they can hardly fail to recognize the strong reasons for limiting taxation to land values. This is fair to everybody, but the taxation of improvements really imposes a penalty upon energy, enterprise and progressive spirit, qualities that ape of the utmost importance, A Tax Re- form League that has been formed for the purpose of consolidating and ef- fectively conducting the campaign, with its executive office an Toronto. All who approve the proposal should join the league and, thus assist in securing this remedial measure. The western Canadian cities that have ad- opted the principle of exempting im- provements from taxation are thor- oughly satisfied with their exper- ience, since it has compelled ut- ilization of land now waste, has greatly stimulated building improve- ment and added materially to their exchequers. Merchant -Tailor Clothes Look Better ,They Always ilave---They Always Will That elusive sOmething called style cannot be made in a factory. Good tailoring—the draping and cutting and Modeling of oloth hi an Art, nothing less. Every good merchant tidier believes this with all his scud, tie knot.* it from his own year'e experience, patience and Oil rgi a craftsman. Ete knows that merely to fit is but a small part of A good tailor's art. The right sort of clothes—the clothes yon want— appeal att zattoh through fitness as through lit. Through at air of distinction and elegance a good tailor can exprees the best there is in you. HO cart make your clothes bespeak class. He can preserve• individuality. He can give personality a chance. You want such clothes and they can be had in Only one way—they must be cut and read° expreSslY fOr You, from faultless fabric* by that artist of merehants—a merchant tailor. These ere tailoring facts. In negleoting them you wrong opportunity'. E. C. WHITE weLt: WINGHAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor SAVING ELECTRICITV. Tti rn berry. Council net in Blueval0) Monday, Sept. 10th ; members all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of West% Wheeler and Rutherford, Mnivey—Retherfori—That as the "Act" re Dog Tax came into force in March 'met, taxes, according to the Act, be collected from the owners or harbingers of all clogs in this reuni- cipality in accordanee with the act for the protection of sheep—carried, Kelly—Rutherford—That the Clerk be instructed to enter on Conductor's roll for this year all unpaid drain taxes; also all amounts required over estimated coat to complete the King and branch drain—carried. Kelly—Wheeler—That Jo. Ruther- fold be appointed to attend meeting at °Wally Drain—carried. Kell y—Rutherford -; That the Col- lector's security is satisfactory to this Council—carried. Kelly—Mulvey—That the Clerk be instructed to enter on this year's rell, ell assessments on Jermyn drain pro- vided Morris Council lets the work— carried. Tungsten -lamps are coming to the front because they save electricity. In appearance, their only diff,3rence from the ordinary carbon filament incandescent lamp is that the filament is constructed of tungsten instead of carbon. But in actual use, it has been proVed that they use only about one- third as much current as a carbon lamp to produce a light of the same illuminating power. True, their first cost is greater (approximatety three times as much), but this is counter- balanced by the saving in current effect. They have one weak point however. That is the ease with which the delicate tungsten filament is broks en. On this account great care has to be exercised in installing them, and it is for this reason, too, that they cannot be economically used as portable lamps. Yet. when carefully handled, they have a long lease of life. In England, where they are used much more extensively than here, it is quite common for them to last 3,000 hours, and one instance is on record where a tungsten lamp burned con- tinuously for over 15,000 hours. Even when allowance is made for more frequent breakage, the tungsten lamp shows a saving over the carbon of about fifty per cent. That is an economy not to be despised and points to the much greater use for stationary lighting purposes. YOU TAKE NO RISK. Our Reputation And Money Are Back Of This Offer. ,•••••••140 The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—H. B. Elliott, ad- vertising, $1, 50; Duff and Stewart, building foot bridges, $2'; Duff and Stewart cement abutments for iron bridge, 800;$David Breen, drain and tile, 10th con, $10; Riehard Wilton, repairs, Jobb's bridge, $3,50; David Dunkin, repairing grader, $1; John Burgess, rent, Court room, $1,50; Jno. Burgess, Bryce drain, $1.50; D. Jewett gravel, and damages, $1,98 ; W. Atha - ham, gravel and damageS, $2 93; Jno. W. King, gravel and damages, $5.80; Theo Finnen, gravel, $1.75; John Mc- Dougall, gravel and damages, $4,00; Samuel Vartstone, damages, 1900, 1910, 53; Allan McTavish, gravel, $4.20; T. MontgoraerY, damages, $4; R. Pal- mer, gravel and damages, $5.97. On motion of Mnlvey and Wheeler, Council adjourned to meet in Blue - vale, Oct. 2ith, at 10 a.m. • J. Burgess, Clerk. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails ter eompletely relieve you Of oonsti- potion. We take all the risk, You are not obligated to no in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Coold anything be mote fair to yon? Is there any reason why you 'should hesitate to put our define to a practi- cal test The moat scientific, commonsense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in eaten, and partieularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any intonvenience whatever. Retail Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We t1rge) you to try Moran Order- lies at our risk. Two sizes, 1043 and Vic. Remember, you oat gab Rex - all Rinnedles itt this community only at our store—ha lteetall Store. I. W. M eitibbOrt. Vinegar Talks By The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co., Toronto (Tho*Larifiesgoixr Works TALK NO. 13—SPFCIAL VINEGARS. Baby's Terrible Eczema. wrons Hands 'Tied To Ptevent Scratching. Five Doctors Failed To Relieve, but Zant-Buir Worked A Cure. Mrs, Chas. Levere, of Prescott, Noah Channel, Ont,, tells how Zam- Buk cured her Iltby. She says ;—"My baby's head and face WWI one complete inass of sores, The itching and irrita- tion were fearful and the little one' plight was so serious that at one thne we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. "We had to keep her hands tied for days to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores, Doctor after doctor treated her in vain, until we had five doctors. They all agreed it was a frightful case of eczema, but none of them did any permanent good. "As a last resource were advised to try Zain-Buk. The fleet box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the right direction, We persevered with the treatment un- til we had used thirteen boxes, and at the end of that time I am glad to say Zara-Buk had effected a complete cure. Mrs. Holmes of 30 Guise St„ Handl- ton, is quite as eloquent in her praise. She says :—"Zam-Buk cured my boy of boils and eruptions when he was so bad that he hsid been unable to mix with other children. Zarn-Buk is a wonclerful preparation, and mothers throughout the land should alwaye keep it handy." For eczema eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch, ringworm, and similar skin dis- eases, Zans-Buk is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blood poison- ing, etc. All druggists and stores sell it at 50e a box, or post free for price from Zarn-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse imitations. "Golden Syrnp Vinegar" is the lat- est product of our factory and being protected by copyright we are the sole manufacturers. Golden Syrup Vine- gar is made in aGovernment strength 88 grains (The pickling strength); it has a delicious flavor and beautiful golden color. It is really the prince of vinegars. In Malt vinegar, Wilson's surpasses all others. Wilson's is the only fac- tory, in Canada manufacturing genu- ine Matt; all others merely turn out imitation mixtures. The principle of Malt manufacture in Wilson's factory is indentically the same as used in England. Wilson Malt is guaranteed to be Strictly of the highest quality, absolutely pure and clean. Ask your groger for a sample. All up-to-date grocers keep Wilson's vinegar. If you have difficulty in this please drop •us a postal card and we will put you on the right track. Watch for the barrel with the red ends. About Food Stuffs. A commission appointed by the Massachusetts legislature finds that while beet and provisions are cheaper on the Canadian side, groceries are dearer, For instance, groceries are '4 per cent. higher in Windsor than in Detroit, Montreal 4 per cent. higher than in Boston, St. John, N. B., 8 per cent. higher than in Bangor, Me. The commission closes by saying that the removal of duties on all kinds of food would be to the mutual advant- age of bpth the United States and Canada. Rural Telephone Service. Teeswater and Culross citizens who are interested in securing a ru- ral telephone service have at last agreed upon a working plan and we may expect to see lines conoecting township residents with Teeswater before the winter is well advanced. At a public meeting held on Sat- urday afternoon in the Town Iran here it was decided that the best plan Within reach vs,as to invite the South Bruce Rural Telephone Com- pany to extend its lines over Culross. Steps were taken to that end, and on Monday Mr. C. johann, secretary of the South Bruce company, waited on the, Culross Council and secured for his‘sompany the privilege of er- ecting poles and wires on the town- ship highways.—[News. Race Question In South Afria. While General Botha appears to be really insistent to weld the Dutch and British of South Africa into one na- tiotality, he is still accesed by his political opponents of doing that Which is calculated to perpetuate ra- dial diVision. When the confederation of the varioue South Afrkan colonies wet arranged for, a coeference de- cided that the government should con - Mat of ten members, the cabinet being made so large as thie in order that there might be provision for full rep- resentation Of both British and Butell elements la the Same, This number was, however, not enough to satisfy the aspirants of one race and the statement of the Opposition is that the British eletztent of the population it left without fitly real representation itt the now goo/mutt For Trial Subscriptions. The Advance is able to make the following offers to new subscribers to the following papers The Advance and Weekly Mail - Empire, from now until Dec 31, 1910 35c The Advance and the Montreal Family Herald from now un- til Dec. 31, 1910 85e The Advance and Farm and Dairy till the end of 1910 85e A GOOD DAILY. The Best Ever $2,800 The Maxwell House, opposite Public Sehool ; centrally situated ; all modern conveniences; corner lot ; good barn; a model home; would sell in Toronto %or $5000. A. bargain for quick sale, as Mr. Maxwell intends leaving town. 10M.Ameollgirrimmospoon SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR PRIVATE SALE john Allenby's property, Town Plot; just the place for rk retired farmer; immediate possession, as Mr. Allenby is going to California; price right. The Women's Page of The Toronto News is one of the charms of that great Metropolitan newspaper. Some of the most capable women journal- ists in Canada are members of The News staff and contribute regularly to this department. The Inquirer's Cor- ner, in which answers are given daily to all sorts of questions, is a feature of this page. The News also makes a special feature of its fashion plates and provides a daily menu, which has proved an invaluable suggestion in the homes of thousands of the readers of this paper. The Women's Depart- ment covers all the Social News of Canada and the News of the Women's World. A particularly strongfeature in its Saturday issue is maintained under the title of Furbelows and Fancies, which is crowded with vain able suggestions on shopping and where your shopping could be most economically and effectively done, In addition to this The News carries exclusive Telegraphic services, Con- tinental and Imperial, and world-wide in scope. We have just completed an arrange- ment whereby we can offer The: Ad- vance and The News for $2.35. This is a splendid clubbing offer. 11.11101111.1•111.11.11• HOUSES TO RENT Good dwelling, suitable for boarding "house, Ceistral. Three rooms with summer kitchen on the ground floor, Hard and soft water, Good legality. Two good cottages, $5,50 per month. To Make Good Coffee. Here is a recipe for coffee that never fails :---Use a tablespoonful of •eoffee for each Cupful desired and one spoon- ful for the pot. Mix with a small quantity of cold water and bring to a boil. A little white of an egg mixed with the coffee and cold water or well washed eggshells added will help to make the coffee clear, but egg is not essential to good coffee. After the coffee has boiled to; a few minutes add the quantity of boiling water de- sired. Let it sit for one minute, pour a little cold water into the pot, and the coffee is ready to serve. Mix cream and sugar in a cup and pour the coffee info it. Always serve cof- fee and tea very hot. Pains or Cramps "1 carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills with me all the time, and for aches and pains there is nothing equals them. I have used them for rheumatic pains, headache, and pains in side and back, and in every case they give perfect satisfaction." HENRY COURLEN, Boonton, N. J. Pain conics from tortured terves. It may occur in any part of the head or body where there is weakness or pressure upon the nerves, Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills Relieve pain, whether it be nen- ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head' ache, storna.che, pleurisy or oi:•aria.n pains. Price 250 at your druggist. Me illiquid st4PIAY you. If he dries not, send PrIsa to utt, We forward prepaid. WC MILES MIWIOAL 004 Teildltair Ritchie & Cosons REAL ESTATE . AND INSURANCE MISS SPARUNG GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC And authorized teacher of Pletcher Music Method, Simplex and. Kindergarten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Theory by cot, respondenee to out-of-town Tunas. Classes Open 1st September. Apply at Miss Snarl- ing's home, Minnie Street. femerailialiNittilletrearlallitilelessesessassese nelelleum The Cook's Delight ° with a sack of ROBIN' HOOD Flour will be squalled by your own when you find how mnoh better things you get to eat. Robin Hood Flour bakes more good loaves to the sack than any other, bakes bread that stays moist and sweet, bakes biscuits that 'mother in her palmiest days • could not equal. Ezra Merkley Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Fall and Winter months an entrgetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 000 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well koown reliable firm at this tirne. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO,ONT. CENTRAL i/#146( STRATFORD. ONT. Tho leading practical training school In Western Ontario. All ambitious young men and moung women should read our free catalogue. Learn what our graduates are doing and you will be interested. We haVe three depart- ments — Commercial, Shorthand. and . Telegraphy. Each dedartment is in hands of exper- leneed instructors. Individual instruc- tion is given. This is the best time of the year for students to enter. Write - for free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal The First Important Step is to deeide to get a business education and the next is where to get it. Those who are acquainted with the work done " In popular ELLIOTT' 41 ij TORONTO, ON. Know that our facilities are absolutely first-class and that those' who attend are sure to be highly satisfied. Our gradzi- ates easily get positions because they aro "thoroughly eernpetent." Write for cat- alogue. Enter Any time. W. .1. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and. Alexander Sta. 9 Jas.Walker & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ••••0•01....•••••••4 We are epeclally nualified Under- takers and. rimbaimers, and theft.) entrusting their work to ter may rely on ib being well done. Night oalia redePrOd It reeidenee. (..0100 Phone 106 llonao Phone 126 Neermormilmiermamaniaimeaserpmeariv The ArwAtice is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you a sub- scriber? If not, why? Only $1 per year. Tho Peoples' Popular Store WINGHAM, ONTARIO 4,..nors..••••.•••••••••••••••••=pwasmo.••••••••••.•••••••••••.....m...........,...... KERR ec BIRD HAND BAGS Handsome new Hand Bags—sonie of the daintiest goods ever shown here. SPEOIAL SALE of handsome black leather Hand DagE—large size, newest shape, with either gilt or gun metal trimmings, containing a small purse. Regular $2.00 for $1.28. • We have the largest and best assortment of Hand BAgs in Wingham at from 50e to $5.00, See them. Dress Accessories Women's Real French Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed — at $1.25. We have the best $1.00 Kid Glove on the mar- ket, in Blacks, Browns and Tans. New Eoglish Capeskin Gloves, tan only, 1 clasp, outside seams, gusset fiogers—only $1.00. Ladies' comfortable Suede and Doe finish Gloves at 25e to b0e. New Bows for Women—a neat, small Silk Bow, very stylish, two tassels, at 25e. , New Paisley Collars and Frilling, New Elastics and Leather Belts. Ladies' Sweater Coats in White, Navy, Khaki ; neat stitch; with pockets; $2.25 and $3: • In fact, all the Stylish Dress Accessories are here. Heavy Mantle Cloth, for Fall and Winter Coats, neat pattern, at $1.50 per yard. Ladies' Home Jourilal — the Marriage Number—intensely interesting, containing many new ideas, at 10e. - • HEADQUARTERS for Men's and Boys' Woollen Sweat- ers and Sweater Coats, Woollen Sox, Caps, New Fall Gloves, &e. UNDERWEAR FOR EVERYBODY.—This is the store for first-class Wool and 'Union Underwear, and it's almost time for Woollens now. DR. 'AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :— Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M,D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical AsSociation) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OrmiCa Hottne:—I. to 4 p.m,; 7 to 9 p.m. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND a. (11Td'.3 Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ayes Thoroughly Tested. Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours — 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m. RTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. '—Office in Macdonald Block— W. J. PRICE. 13.S.A,, L,D.S„ D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Universityof Toronto and Licentiate ot Royal College of Data' i3urgeons of Ontario. OviriCE IN 13EAvnll BLOCK — WINONAM• WINGHANI, General Hospital. (Under GovernMent Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. open to all regularly licensed phyelelans. Rates for patients (which include board and nzirsing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, aecording to loeatibn of room. For further informa- tien—Addreliti MISS L. MAITHEWS Superintendent, Bort 229, Vi4nghatn, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, Otvrcz :--tigAVElt BLOCK, WINGHAM. pAT - OMPTL C RED ° e aelrernVe-Tausinees o Mann acturers, roll:leers end others Who ttsdire the adviatb11- itir of hiving their Patent business transacted by Experts. Prelimiztarysdviee free. Charge! Inederate. Our Inventor's Adviser lea upon Mead. Marian at Marion, NeW Yak Life ,B litallel 1 and Waala wan, D.C., U.S.A. DICKINSON & 110LMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, A- E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES G OLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE cfc COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM — ONTARIO Farmers who want raoney to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. IIATES.-85.00 and under, 3 cts. 110 to 130, 10 ots. S30 to t50, 15 ets. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the 11. S. O. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Giese and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malcolm's Grocery oven OS \MASS' EXPERIENCE • tclAbE MARKS Anyone sending teketMCIntrdVdtlesiaerHIpVtlann811!;v ellteklf ascertain oar opiroon frkso VItOther inventum is probably tittellttth e4ommunlea- tiOng iltriCtitentindelltftd. HANOBao on Patents sent tree. omest money for securing pAttuts. Perot* tBkon through litout & Co. roctive atrial notice, without charge, lathe SCitittifit iimerican. ,A, ml 1,6:1 44,10,86p6ttt ree0IrcYalytten:rtn:poitivotrd vreld;lrevay. idto.,re8olotir; rolidlon at any totenctIM jourroO. Tents tor lt MEW 361"Id;v1/,NtWIlark itailits* _ -k g EE- ._ t 0 NI . • • Do you save? A time will come when your finan- dal resources will be strained to,rneet some unexpected demand. Will you have to suffer the consequences, or will you be in a position to turn to your bank account for aid? .0" gi it ii 00 ail sii :gi ii 11 - i t f , V R tims 'ke,,eb 4111 liti Deposit your savings in the Bank - of Hamilton now, and when the day of emergency you will be pre- mcollies pared. Cs P. SMITH, Agent . Wingham , 4 i' :' s , 'ssu. irs- - __s. EbtThxunAbinturt Theo, Hell • Proprietor, stisscnnmorr P1ten.—$1.00 ver annura In advance, 11.50 if not BO paid, .Anvearisme RATFS.—Legal and other cas- ual advertisements 10o per nonvariel fine for first insertion, 30 per line for each subsequent Insertion. Advertisements in the local columns are charged 100 per line for first insertion, and 5e per line for eaolz subsequent insertion. Advertisements of strayed. Farms for sale or to Rent, and similar, $uss for first three weeks, and 25 cents tor each subsequent In- sertion. Corpramyr RATES.—The following are our rates for the insertion of advertisements for speciiiescirApoesriods:— 1. Yr, 0Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. One Column 170.00 Unlf Column 40.00 Quarter Column2000. One Inch 5.00 140.00 25.00 12.50 3.00 122.50 18,00 15.00 0,00 -7.50 3,00 2,00 1,95 Advertisements without specific) directions will be inserted till forbid and charged fte- cordingly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. • PROVINCIAL TAX REFORM. During next session of the provin- cial legislature a renewed effort will be made to have the present taxation system reformed, by giving rnuni- tipalities the option of exempting improvements from assessment. It is not proposed to make this change imperative, although those who favor it will not object if the government or the legislature deem it advisable to keep the taxation system uniform. The fact that nearly 300 municipalities forwarded petitions supporting the alternation in the law ought to be enough to incite Sir James Whitney and his colleagues to give the request careful consideration. If they do this in an impartial spirit they can hardly fail to recognize the strong reasons for limiting taxation to land values. This is fair to everybody, but the taxation of improvements really imposes a penalty upon energy, enterprise and progressive spirit, qualities that ape of the utmost importance, A Tax Re- form League that has been formed for the purpose of consolidating and ef- fectively conducting the campaign, with its executive office an Toronto. All who approve the proposal should join the league and, thus assist in securing this remedial measure. The western Canadian cities that have ad- opted the principle of exempting im- provements from taxation are thor- oughly satisfied with their exper- ience, since it has compelled ut- ilization of land now waste, has greatly stimulated building improve- ment and added materially to their exchequers. Merchant -Tailor Clothes Look Better ,They Always ilave---They Always Will That elusive sOmething called style cannot be made in a factory. Good tailoring—the draping and cutting and Modeling of oloth hi an Art, nothing less. Every good merchant tidier believes this with all his scud, tie knot.* it from his own year'e experience, patience and Oil rgi a craftsman. Ete knows that merely to fit is but a small part of A good tailor's art. The right sort of clothes—the clothes yon want— appeal att zattoh through fitness as through lit. Through at air of distinction and elegance a good tailor can exprees the best there is in you. HO cart make your clothes bespeak class. He can preserve• individuality. He can give personality a chance. You want such clothes and they can be had in Only one way—they must be cut and read° expreSslY fOr You, from faultless fabric* by that artist of merehants—a merchant tailor. These ere tailoring facts. In negleoting them you wrong opportunity'. E. C. WHITE weLt: WINGHAM The Fashionable Men's and Ladies' Tailor SAVING ELECTRICITV. Tti rn berry. Council net in Blueval0) Monday, Sept. 10th ; members all present. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of West% Wheeler and Rutherford, Mnivey—Retherfori—That as the "Act" re Dog Tax came into force in March 'met, taxes, according to the Act, be collected from the owners or harbingers of all clogs in this reuni- cipality in accordanee with the act for the protection of sheep—carried, Kelly—Rutherford—That the Clerk be instructed to enter on Conductor's roll for this year all unpaid drain taxes; also all amounts required over estimated coat to complete the King and branch drain—carried. Kelly—Wheeler—That Jo. Ruther- fold be appointed to attend meeting at °Wally Drain—carried. Kell y—Rutherford -; That the Col- lector's security is satisfactory to this Council—carried. Kelly—Mulvey—That the Clerk be instructed to enter on this year's rell, ell assessments on Jermyn drain pro- vided Morris Council lets the work— carried. Tungsten -lamps are coming to the front because they save electricity. In appearance, their only diff,3rence from the ordinary carbon filament incandescent lamp is that the filament is constructed of tungsten instead of carbon. But in actual use, it has been proVed that they use only about one- third as much current as a carbon lamp to produce a light of the same illuminating power. True, their first cost is greater (approximatety three times as much), but this is counter- balanced by the saving in current effect. They have one weak point however. That is the ease with which the delicate tungsten filament is broks en. On this account great care has to be exercised in installing them, and it is for this reason, too, that they cannot be economically used as portable lamps. Yet. when carefully handled, they have a long lease of life. In England, where they are used much more extensively than here, it is quite common for them to last 3,000 hours, and one instance is on record where a tungsten lamp burned con- tinuously for over 15,000 hours. Even when allowance is made for more frequent breakage, the tungsten lamp shows a saving over the carbon of about fifty per cent. That is an economy not to be despised and points to the much greater use for stationary lighting purposes. YOU TAKE NO RISK. Our Reputation And Money Are Back Of This Offer. ,•••••••140 The following accounts were passed and cheques issued :—H. B. Elliott, ad- vertising, $1, 50; Duff and Stewart, building foot bridges, $2'; Duff and Stewart cement abutments for iron bridge, 800;$David Breen, drain and tile, 10th con, $10; Riehard Wilton, repairs, Jobb's bridge, $3,50; David Dunkin, repairing grader, $1; John Burgess, rent, Court room, $1,50; Jno. Burgess, Bryce drain, $1.50; D. Jewett gravel, and damages, $1,98 ; W. Atha - ham, gravel and damageS, $2 93; Jno. W. King, gravel and damages, $5.80; Theo Finnen, gravel, $1.75; John Mc- Dougall, gravel and damages, $4,00; Samuel Vartstone, damages, 1900, 1910, 53; Allan McTavish, gravel, $4.20; T. MontgoraerY, damages, $4; R. Pal- mer, gravel and damages, $5.97. On motion of Mnlvey and Wheeler, Council adjourned to meet in Blue - vale, Oct. 2ith, at 10 a.m. • J. Burgess, Clerk. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, if our remedy fails ter eompletely relieve you Of oonsti- potion. We take all the risk, You are not obligated to no in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Coold anything be mote fair to yon? Is there any reason why you 'should hesitate to put our define to a practi- cal test The moat scientific, commonsense treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in eaten, and partieularly agreeable in every way. They do not cause diar- rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any intonvenience whatever. Retail Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We t1rge) you to try Moran Order- lies at our risk. Two sizes, 1043 and Vic. Remember, you oat gab Rex - all Rinnedles itt this community only at our store—ha lteetall Store. I. W. M eitibbOrt. Vinegar Talks By The Wilson Lytle Badgerow Co., Toronto (Tho*Larifiesgoixr Works TALK NO. 13—SPFCIAL VINEGARS. Baby's Terrible Eczema. wrons Hands 'Tied To Ptevent Scratching. Five Doctors Failed To Relieve, but Zant-Buir Worked A Cure. Mrs, Chas. Levere, of Prescott, Noah Channel, Ont,, tells how Zam- Buk cured her Iltby. She says ;—"My baby's head and face WWI one complete inass of sores, The itching and irrita- tion were fearful and the little one' plight was so serious that at one thne we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. "We had to keep her hands tied for days to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores, Doctor after doctor treated her in vain, until we had five doctors. They all agreed it was a frightful case of eczema, but none of them did any permanent good. "As a last resource were advised to try Zain-Buk. The fleet box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the right direction, We persevered with the treatment un- til we had used thirteen boxes, and at the end of that time I am glad to say Zara-Buk had effected a complete cure. Mrs. Holmes of 30 Guise St„ Handl- ton, is quite as eloquent in her praise. She says :—"Zam-Buk cured my boy of boils and eruptions when he was so bad that he hsid been unable to mix with other children. Zarn-Buk is a wonclerful preparation, and mothers throughout the land should alwaye keep it handy." For eczema eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch, ringworm, and similar skin dis- eases, Zans-Buk is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blood poison- ing, etc. All druggists and stores sell it at 50e a box, or post free for price from Zarn-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse imitations. "Golden Syrnp Vinegar" is the lat- est product of our factory and being protected by copyright we are the sole manufacturers. Golden Syrup Vine- gar is made in aGovernment strength 88 grains (The pickling strength); it has a delicious flavor and beautiful golden color. It is really the prince of vinegars. In Malt vinegar, Wilson's surpasses all others. Wilson's is the only fac- tory, in Canada manufacturing genu- ine Matt; all others merely turn out imitation mixtures. The principle of Malt manufacture in Wilson's factory is indentically the same as used in England. Wilson Malt is guaranteed to be Strictly of the highest quality, absolutely pure and clean. Ask your groger for a sample. All up-to-date grocers keep Wilson's vinegar. If you have difficulty in this please drop •us a postal card and we will put you on the right track. Watch for the barrel with the red ends. About Food Stuffs. A commission appointed by the Massachusetts legislature finds that while beet and provisions are cheaper on the Canadian side, groceries are dearer, For instance, groceries are '4 per cent. higher in Windsor than in Detroit, Montreal 4 per cent. higher than in Boston, St. John, N. B., 8 per cent. higher than in Bangor, Me. The commission closes by saying that the removal of duties on all kinds of food would be to the mutual advant- age of bpth the United States and Canada. Rural Telephone Service. Teeswater and Culross citizens who are interested in securing a ru- ral telephone service have at last agreed upon a working plan and we may expect to see lines conoecting township residents with Teeswater before the winter is well advanced. At a public meeting held on Sat- urday afternoon in the Town Iran here it was decided that the best plan Within reach vs,as to invite the South Bruce Rural Telephone Com- pany to extend its lines over Culross. Steps were taken to that end, and on Monday Mr. C. johann, secretary of the South Bruce company, waited on the, Culross Council and secured for his‘sompany the privilege of er- ecting poles and wires on the town- ship highways.—[News. Race Question In South Afria. While General Botha appears to be really insistent to weld the Dutch and British of South Africa into one na- tiotality, he is still accesed by his political opponents of doing that Which is calculated to perpetuate ra- dial diVision. When the confederation of the varioue South Afrkan colonies wet arranged for, a coeference de- cided that the government should con - Mat of ten members, the cabinet being made so large as thie in order that there might be provision for full rep- resentation Of both British and Butell elements la the Same, This number was, however, not enough to satisfy the aspirants of one race and the statement of the Opposition is that the British eletztent of the population it left without fitly real representation itt the now goo/mutt For Trial Subscriptions. The Advance is able to make the following offers to new subscribers to the following papers The Advance and Weekly Mail - Empire, from now until Dec 31, 1910 35c The Advance and the Montreal Family Herald from now un- til Dec. 31, 1910 85e The Advance and Farm and Dairy till the end of 1910 85e A GOOD DAILY. The Best Ever $2,800 The Maxwell House, opposite Public Sehool ; centrally situated ; all modern conveniences; corner lot ; good barn; a model home; would sell in Toronto %or $5000. A. bargain for quick sale, as Mr. Maxwell intends leaving town. 10M.Ameollgirrimmospoon SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR PRIVATE SALE john Allenby's property, Town Plot; just the place for rk retired farmer; immediate possession, as Mr. Allenby is going to California; price right. The Women's Page of The Toronto News is one of the charms of that great Metropolitan newspaper. Some of the most capable women journal- ists in Canada are members of The News staff and contribute regularly to this department. The Inquirer's Cor- ner, in which answers are given daily to all sorts of questions, is a feature of this page. The News also makes a special feature of its fashion plates and provides a daily menu, which has proved an invaluable suggestion in the homes of thousands of the readers of this paper. The Women's Depart- ment covers all the Social News of Canada and the News of the Women's World. A particularly strongfeature in its Saturday issue is maintained under the title of Furbelows and Fancies, which is crowded with vain able suggestions on shopping and where your shopping could be most economically and effectively done, In addition to this The News carries exclusive Telegraphic services, Con- tinental and Imperial, and world-wide in scope. We have just completed an arrange- ment whereby we can offer The: Ad- vance and The News for $2.35. This is a splendid clubbing offer. 11.11101111.1•111.11.11• HOUSES TO RENT Good dwelling, suitable for boarding "house, Ceistral. Three rooms with summer kitchen on the ground floor, Hard and soft water, Good legality. Two good cottages, $5,50 per month. To Make Good Coffee. Here is a recipe for coffee that never fails :---Use a tablespoonful of •eoffee for each Cupful desired and one spoon- ful for the pot. Mix with a small quantity of cold water and bring to a boil. A little white of an egg mixed with the coffee and cold water or well washed eggshells added will help to make the coffee clear, but egg is not essential to good coffee. After the coffee has boiled to; a few minutes add the quantity of boiling water de- sired. Let it sit for one minute, pour a little cold water into the pot, and the coffee is ready to serve. Mix cream and sugar in a cup and pour the coffee info it. Always serve cof- fee and tea very hot. Pains or Cramps "1 carry Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills with me all the time, and for aches and pains there is nothing equals them. I have used them for rheumatic pains, headache, and pains in side and back, and in every case they give perfect satisfaction." HENRY COURLEN, Boonton, N. J. Pain conics from tortured terves. It may occur in any part of the head or body where there is weakness or pressure upon the nerves, Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills Relieve pain, whether it be nen- ralgiac, rheumatic, sciatic, head' ache, storna.che, pleurisy or oi:•aria.n pains. Price 250 at your druggist. Me illiquid st4PIAY you. If he dries not, send PrIsa to utt, We forward prepaid. WC MILES MIWIOAL 004 Teildltair Ritchie & Cosons REAL ESTATE . AND INSURANCE MISS SPARUNG GRADUATE OF TORONTO CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC And authorized teacher of Pletcher Music Method, Simplex and. Kindergarten. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examinations. Theory by cot, respondenee to out-of-town Tunas. Classes Open 1st September. Apply at Miss Snarl- ing's home, Minnie Street. femerailialiNittilletrearlallitilelessesessassese nelelleum The Cook's Delight ° with a sack of ROBIN' HOOD Flour will be squalled by your own when you find how mnoh better things you get to eat. Robin Hood Flour bakes more good loaves to the sack than any other, bakes bread that stays moist and sweet, bakes biscuits that 'mother in her palmiest days • could not equal. Ezra Merkley Wanted Now For Wingham and surrounding dis- trict, for Fall and Winter months an entrgetic reliable agent to take orders for nursery stock. GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY 000 ACRES under cultivation. We guarantee to deliver stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well koown reliable firm at this tirne. Established over 30 years. Write for particulars. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO,ONT. CENTRAL i/#146( STRATFORD. ONT. Tho leading practical training school In Western Ontario. All ambitious young men and moung women should read our free catalogue. Learn what our graduates are doing and you will be interested. We haVe three depart- ments — Commercial, Shorthand. and . Telegraphy. Each dedartment is in hands of exper- leneed instructors. Individual instruc- tion is given. This is the best time of the year for students to enter. Write - for free catalogue at once. D. A. McLACHLAN - Principal The First Important Step is to deeide to get a business education and the next is where to get it. Those who are acquainted with the work done " In popular ELLIOTT' 41 ij TORONTO, ON. Know that our facilities are absolutely first-class and that those' who attend are sure to be highly satisfied. Our gradzi- ates easily get positions because they aro "thoroughly eernpetent." Write for cat- alogue. Enter Any time. W. .1. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. Cor. Yonge and. Alexander Sta. 9 Jas.Walker & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers ••••0•01....•••••••4 We are epeclally nualified Under- takers and. rimbaimers, and theft.) entrusting their work to ter may rely on ib being well done. Night oalia redePrOd It reeidenee. (..0100 Phone 106 llonao Phone 126 Neermormilmiermamaniaimeaserpmeariv The ArwAtice is North Huron's leading news- paper. Are you a sub- scriber? If not, why? Only $1 per year. Tho Peoples' Popular Store WINGHAM, ONTARIO 4,..nors..••••.•••••••••••••••••=pwasmo.••••••••••.•••••••••••.....m...........,...... KERR ec BIRD HAND BAGS Handsome new Hand Bags—sonie of the daintiest goods ever shown here. SPEOIAL SALE of handsome black leather Hand DagE—large size, newest shape, with either gilt or gun metal trimmings, containing a small purse. Regular $2.00 for $1.28. • We have the largest and best assortment of Hand BAgs in Wingham at from 50e to $5.00, See them. Dress Accessories Women's Real French Kid Gloves, every pair guaranteed — at $1.25. We have the best $1.00 Kid Glove on the mar- ket, in Blacks, Browns and Tans. New Eoglish Capeskin Gloves, tan only, 1 clasp, outside seams, gusset fiogers—only $1.00. Ladies' comfortable Suede and Doe finish Gloves at 25e to b0e. New Bows for Women—a neat, small Silk Bow, very stylish, two tassels, at 25e. , New Paisley Collars and Frilling, New Elastics and Leather Belts. Ladies' Sweater Coats in White, Navy, Khaki ; neat stitch; with pockets; $2.25 and $3: • In fact, all the Stylish Dress Accessories are here. Heavy Mantle Cloth, for Fall and Winter Coats, neat pattern, at $1.50 per yard. Ladies' Home Jourilal — the Marriage Number—intensely interesting, containing many new ideas, at 10e. - • HEADQUARTERS for Men's and Boys' Woollen Sweat- ers and Sweater Coats, Woollen Sox, Caps, New Fall Gloves, &e. UNDERWEAR FOR EVERYBODY.—This is the store for first-class Wool and 'Union Underwear, and it's almost time for Woollens now. DR. 'AGNEW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHEUR. Office :— Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. Night calls answered at office. J. P. KENNEDY M,D., M.C.P.S.O. (Member of the British Medical AsSociation) COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children, OrmiCa Hottne:—I. to 4 p.m,; 7 to 9 p.m. DR. ROBT. C. REDMOND a. (11Td'.3 Physician and Surgeon. (Dr. Chisholm's old stand) DR. MARGARET C. CALDER Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Licentiate of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons. Devotes special attention to Diseases of the Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat. Ayes Thoroughly Tested. Glasses Properly Fitted. Office with Dr. Kennedy. Office Hours — 3 to 5-7 to 8 p.m. RTHUR J. IRWIN D.D.S., L,D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pen- nsylvania College and Licent ate of Dental Surgery of Ontario. '—Office in Macdonald Block— W. J. PRICE. 13.S.A,, L,D.S„ D.D.S. Honor Graduate of Universityof Toronto and Licentiate ot Royal College of Data' i3urgeons of Ontario. OviriCE IN 13EAvnll BLOCK — WINONAM• WINGHANI, General Hospital. (Under GovernMent Inspection.) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully furnished. open to all regularly licensed phyelelans. Rates for patients (which include board and nzirsing)—$3.50 to $15.00 per week, aecording to loeatibn of room. For further informa- tien—Addreliti MISS L. MAITHEWS Superintendent, Bort 229, Vi4nghatn, Ont. R. VANSTONE BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Money to loan at lowest rates, Otvrcz :--tigAVElt BLOCK, WINGHAM. pAT - OMPTL C RED ° e aelrernVe-Tausinees o Mann acturers, roll:leers end others Who ttsdire the adviatb11- itir of hiving their Patent business transacted by Experts. Prelimiztarysdviee free. Charge! Inederate. Our Inventor's Adviser lea upon Mead. Marian at Marion, NeW Yak Life ,B litallel 1 and Waala wan, D.C., U.S.A. DICKINSON & 110LMES Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham, A- E. L. Dickinson Dudley Holmes J. A. MORTON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. MONEY TO LOAN. Office :—Morton Block, Wingham WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. Established 1840. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. Risks taken on all classes of in- surable property on the cash or pre- mium note system. JAMES G OLDIE, CHAS. DAVIDSON President. Secretary. RITCHIE cfc COSENS, Agents. Wingham, Ont A. E. SMITH BANKER WINGHAM — ONTARIO Farmers who want raoney to buy horses, cattle or hogs to feed for mar- ket can have it on reasonable terms. Money transmitted and payable at par at any Bank in the Dominion. IIATES.-85.00 and under, 3 cts. 110 to 130, 10 ots. S30 to t50, 15 ets. Same rates charged on principal banking points in the 11. S. O. N. GRIFFIN GENERAL AGENT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Giese and Weather Insurance, coupled with a Real Estate and Money Loaning business. Office over Malcolm's Grocery oven OS \MASS' EXPERIENCE • tclAbE MARKS Anyone sending teketMCIntrdVdtlesiaerHIpVtlann811!;v ellteklf ascertain oar opiroon frkso VItOther inventum is probably tittellttth e4ommunlea- tiOng iltriCtitentindelltftd. HANOBao on Patents sent tree. omest money for securing pAttuts. Perot* tBkon through litout & Co. roctive atrial notice, without charge, lathe SCitittifit iimerican. ,A, ml 1,6:1 44,10,86p6ttt ree0IrcYalytten:rtn:poitivotrd vreld;lrevay. idto.,re8olotir; rolidlon at any totenctIM jourroO. Tents tor lt MEW 361"Id;v1/,NtWIlark itailits*