HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-09-29, Page 3FARM FACTS IN SHORT CHAPTERS All Sorts of Items on. AR Sorts of Subjects of Practical Interest. Keeping Flies From a Horse --Bulletin on Moles—A Very Small Colt.. Hoee manure le valuable for all crops, either alone or mixed, with other stable manure. It can ueually be handled to better advantage mixed, as it Le consid. ered rather strong too some crops wheu used alone in a liberal application. Calves require not only graziug, bee plenty of shade and water, Iftihe pas- ture does not have fresh weter and aliet- ter against the burning rays of the sue, good growth and, development cannot be expected from the calves. A reader wants to know "wbates good to keep files from a none?" The follow- ing are recommended: 1. Take the horse into the yard, and, having provided a paelful of water, a, sponge and a piece of carbolic or whale oil soap, first wash the legs at the herse, and then the whole •bod,y, leaving some soapsuds to dry upon the skin. 2. Moisten. the hair, especially ot the, tail end nostrils, with a strong decoc- tion Of hazelnut leaves. By moons of this decoction the eggs which the flies lay on the skin of the horse are also de- stroyed. A correspondent wants to know how to - eeterminate or drive away moles that axe devastating the lawns and gardens. They may be captured in. their narrows in tbe evenizio by a shoveloind spade, or by the use traps. The Pennsylvania Aaricultural Department ems a bulletin. (Nee 31; on moles that is worth having. it will be sent free by addressing the Depurtment at State College, .Pa. A horse should always be tied to a latching post witra strong strap or rope which passes around the neck through the ring in the bit i better than the or- dinary strap fastened in the ring, suclt as usually comes with bridles. If a horse bas acquired the habit of breaking loose try this plan and fool him when he tries it again. A horse should always be tied eo that he cannot get his head to Oho ground. He will stand more quietlys 11 compelled to keep his head up. In spite of the crop scares, Presideire Hill, of the Great 'Northern Road, soya; there will not be enough oars to handle the grain raised, and that there will be tremendous congestion at an the big grain centres. There was born on the farm of H. 1'. Teckwar, near Allentown, Pa., -a perfect (colt that weighed only 15 pousnds. It is :smaller than an average fox terrier and is, in 'perfect health. It is a, registered Shetland. Thirteen years ago a Delaware. :term - ler lowered_ two pounds of butterlin a tightly -covered bucket in a well to cool off. The string broke and. the bucket went to the bottom. A few ditys ago the lamer was cleaning out his well and found the bucket of butter sound ,and ;sweet. as a nut. A young apple tree does not,?roquire anuch pruning until it is four or five years old, and the tree can be shaped .better at that age than when early penning is resorted to. The orchaed that has been properly cared for requireiswery little pruning after it comes into full !bearing. Exertise is essential to the welfare of both mare and foal. Green pasturago,is, of course, the ideal environment for the ibrood mare, and especially by its cloan- illness has a saultary effect in the "pre- vention of ills. The early foal without the advantages of this environment is noculiarly liable to the contraction of! :disease from germs lurking in the stable. The woolly apple louse is causing an eanusual amount of damage in New Eng-. nand orchards this summer. It is easily! :recognized by the woolly or cottony a,p4 meaeance of the branches which it in - nests. It sucks out the sap and the lbranches have a dead appearance, very imuclt like blight. Apples and pears in the fruit sections of Eastern Massachu- setts etre badly infested. Spraying with :strong soapsuds appears to be the only remedy that is of much use. Somehow or other sheep have always been associated with fertility of the soil. They are regarded as good fertilizers, and we think it is proper to give them a great deal of caedit for it. At any rate, farms never get poorer when they are depastured by sheep, but they do inere.age in richness until it becomes practically impossible to raise oats on such lands. Sheep are close croppers and will eat grass, weeds and the foliage of ;trees, and will convert and distribute ouch portions of what they consume as it not needed for the nourishment of the body over the land again. They graze mearly all the time, eat plenty of grass if they have it to mat, and are con- sent:illy engaged in converting feed into imutton, wool and fertility. It has been said of the sheep "its hoof is golden," and. it has also been said of the sheep that it ba.s no waste, and for that rea- son Will thrive as well on weeds and browse as it will on grass. . We are not prepared. to endorse all of this. Sheep seem to be not very fastidious Oi regards herbage, and will usually eat olnaost anything green. That they will .do as well on weeda as grass we are not prepared to acknowledge. A. sheep will oat nothing putrid, and no animal mat- ter at all. Garbage has no charms for It. Cleaning the -Ow with card and brush daily is good. proctiee and almost essen- tial to good dairying, not only for the take of its effect upon the COw and her yield, but because of its advantoge to the quality of the utak during the pro- cess of manufaeture. It should there- fore be a past of the practice In every well-managed dairy, but it is not a sub' titute for good practice in other re - Wets, and a cow's yield. cahnot be don - bled by esirding and brushing alone. Records kept at llopenheim, Germany, slue 1886 show that during that period there were 2,621 births in the herds, of whieh 110 were twins. In tin eases both were heifera, in 35 eases both bulls and In 63 cases the sexes were unlike. Twine were more common with old than with young eows and eould he triceed to 4/ out of 65 bulls used during the 26 years. There were nine paha of twins in the ro/tonn of one bull, which was lista for two year. The progeny of the heifer twine tout& be bated in only 10 cases, In ball of whieh both twins were heifer. in three of these Man both heifers were *tine, WItlia in the other five one twin One of the latest prominent gen- tlemen ta speak highly in Elm liuk's favour is Mr. C. E. Sanford of Weston, King's Co.. N.S. Mr. Sanford is a Justice of the Peace for the County. and a months:4 of the Board of School Commissioners. fie is als9 Deacon of the Baptist Church in Berwick. Indeed it would be cbtlioult to find a man more widely known and more highly respected. Here is his kap in ion •of Zara-Buk. Re says z- ee t never used anything that game me such satisfaction as Zaux-fluk. I had a pitch of ECZODOR on my ankle which had been there for over 20 years. Sometimes also the disease would Motile out on MY shoulders. I hud applied var ous oint- tments and tried all sorts of thinge to 'obtain a cure, but in vain. Z Im Butt, un - lake everything else I had tried, proved highly satisfactory a.n4 cured the ailment. "I have also used Zam /1.1t for itching piles, and it hos cured thorn completely also. I take comfort in helping my brother .men, and if the publioati In of my opinion of tho healing value of Zam-Bult will lend other sufferers to try it, I should bo glad. For the relief of suffering causod by Piles or Skin DiscittAs I kno .1., of totting to equal Zatn-13uk.' Zam-Buk cures ulcers, ab•oesses, blood.polson, ring -worm, festering or running sores, bad leg, rodeos, ulcers, salt rheum, prairie isoh, cut+, burns, brews, baby's sores, ate. Purely herbal, 50o box, druggists end stores. Refuse imitat ions. was bred, the other being weak and sent to the butcher. Of the 11 which were bred none gave birth to twins, nor did their offspring up to the fourth gen- eration. Of the eight eases where the sexes were different -seven of the heifers were fertile and one was fertile, but bore a fertile heifer.' , 4,. ' HOW KINGS TRAVELLED. Ostentation of Emperor Leopold and Simplicity of Frederick the Great. The quiet and unostentatious manner in" \whica half the monarchs of Europe, following the example of their handay- making .subjects, are travelling about just now, gecalls the upheaval which accompaniediet ruler's movements in the olden timeis. 'When, for Instance; the Emperor Leo- pold in 1005 travelled. from Germany to the Tyrol hetook with him a retinue et 2,000 persons and 1,500, horses. More than a hundred years later the first King of Prussia, a gentlemen who loved pomp and display, caused 1,000 horses to be held in readiness at.every posting station through which he passed on his journeyings through his newborn king- dom, and wherever he spent the night theret his own bedroom furniture had to be in emdinese before his arirval. The second King of Prussia, on the 'other hand, objeeted to any form of die - ,play, partly on account of the expense and partly because he found that ne 'travelled twice as fast when he was only aecompaniea by indispensable servants. Some curious old documents have been preserved in which tho official who' ar- ranged f or the King's comfort oa his travels explains to the provincial dig- nitaries what they are to put on hit Majesty's, table and how they hed better house him. . "As to the royal table," he writes, "nee that you get firsb of all some fresh meter fieh and shellfish,' of which his _Majesty is particularly fond. Also some meats. Then there should be Some good old. hock, but also some brandy and light beer. If possible his Majesty always takes his midday meal in a born, a tent Or a. ganden house, where there is plenty of air, and likewise his Majesty prefers to niece in a barn or garden house be- eause he does not like warm rooms, nor can he walk up steep steps withent dis- comfort." 'Phe frugal King's greater son, Erect. crick II., inherited some of his father's simple tastes, and always preferred when travelling in his own dominions to put up in country parsonages lend in rooms with only 0., bed, an armchair and a table. But, parsimonious though he was in general, he paid the sum of Z16 a night for those humble quarters, and he tried to save expenses by taking with, hint only the abeolutely indispenvible servanta ana one other earriage besides 0 that old coach of his, tor repairs of Which he never would pay during, the wieele of his reign, so that when it wee fallitig to pieces it had to be patched up in secret ond the expenses had to be coy- ered somehow without the King's knowl- eage. His own carriage was drove: by twlevs noeces, and that of the atterclante-echief among whom was the man i licharge of a been] of godl-by silo -From the Westminster Gazette. --oases The grew hat is in the sere ant No More Sour Catsup PARKES' Calsop Flavor and Preserver ts a eoneentrated extract ot apices that flavore catsup and preserves it for si1 tltrie. Many people have given Up the Making of catsup becalle It alWaye *belled YOu con noW Make better and reeer looking °Mame than you ever made before If you lnlst 6n gutting reerkeee Cetirup Flavor from your striver. It leaves the natural red color of the Unita. to and Impartir the moot delleievef flavor. gent poet eold on receipt Of 18 (91tta• PARICK PARK'S nwl.r0t4 DitUG91513 CANADA 810N8 iF liEATH. Voluablo Paper Read on the Subject at Eucharistic Congre3s. (Montreal Gazetten Among the papers presented, to the Eucharistic Congress there was one of exceptional interest irons whatever point 91 view it be conattlerea reIigi- us, scientific er general -the trust. Worthy signs of death. The author Of this study is Dr. I. T. Des- roches, who read it at the first general session of the Congreee at Laval Uni- versity. It is known, said the lecturer, that life manifest$ itself in an int- mense multitude of cells, associated by groups, all of wideli have a vital solidarity. Evidently too reach all these cells, death requires a period of appreciable length. Having mentioned certain functions, the cessation of which is commonly laentified With death, such as the beating of the heart, respiration, etc., Dr. Desrothes pointed out that' when one say$ of a person who has just expired that he is dead, the worde are a prognoetie rather than a statement of fact. Whet is meant is that the pereen 15 in tile net of dying, rather than that he is really (lead.. There is, therefore, a difference, which may be momeatous, between apparent death aria the lee; death whica mostly ensues. Wahl the lecturer, "we are in preeence of a problem, the solution of 'which eibilities. From a religious respon- sibilities. From a religious point of vietv, the reality of latent .ife co- existing with seeming death imposes a duty on the 'clergy with whieli the lecturer dealt at once clearly and de- licately. On his brethreu of the melt - cal profession it imposed a duty equal. ly urgent. He then proceedea to speak of the signs of aeeth, of wide's. he en• unmated twelve. These are arrest of respiration, arrest of circulation, rigor mortis, or cadaveric rigidity; iebeence af contraeility; uncontrolled falling of the towel, jaw, loss of transparency in the hands; formation of spots in the cor- nea; obscuration of the eyes; emptiness of the carotids; failure of vital crepi- tation (in the heart or lungs) ; absence of blisters after burning; patrefaction. The vessel of water placed on the abdomen, auscultation of the beart, bleeding, the use of mirror end thper have also been tried. But, said the learned lecturer, there was only one sign 'of 'death ,that could invariably ne trusted. Therefore, relativel4 and irienis were solemnly warned against*precipita- tion. Treating successively of the meet important cit the other signs if death, Dr. Desroehes gave the opininus of some of the greet masters of medi- cine,as to the evidence of death, ee• ginning with the impressive landiege used beanne Bergie at the Internetion- al Congress of Brussels in 1000. Dr. Bergie's appeal was to humanity al- lied with science. He depreettea haste in terms which' were alerming in their very cageriness to remove all cause for alarm. Desessartz, Josat, Bronardel, Father Ii'arreres, horn, Capelmann, teara end others are cited as to the inseffinieney of all signs but one. Dr. , josat, who, as "in- specteur des daces" at Paris, must have had more than ordinary experi- ence, was empluetic in insisting on the sole validity of putrefaction as dis- tinguishing real from apparent death. Testimony as to the leegth of time that might intervene between the first advent. a seeming death and the indisputable presence of • dissolution was produce'_ from -medical experts of repute. According to Dr. Blanc, latent lice (vie latente) is most frequently observed in cases of accident, of wound or contusion, submersion, asphyxie, nar- cotic anesthesia, lightning stroke, in- toxication, fpersonsatoion,etc.w Dii10).Barnades adduced se after submereion for varying periods, had remained ap- parently dead for a time and then re- covered the fullness of their vital lune - tions. In 1003 Cosmos reported the case of a soldier who, after hanging for sev- eral hours, was reetored to life by "tree - tions rhythmes de la longue.' Drs. Laborde and Contenot considered, the former three hours, the average dura- tion of latent life. The analogy be- tween the opening and closing hours Ot human life was shown to be in- ssin tgruieftiievaentand, from a religious aspect, From the foregoing evidence, Dr. Desroches drew f my conclusions. First, it was maintained that from the cellular construction of the human body the work of death must be progressive,. how- ever sudden it may appear to be, There is always an interval between that which is commonly accepted as death and the stage at which dissolution really begins; secondly, that in view of the diffieulty of diagnosis and the danger of inistala YOUR BACKACIIfi WILL YIELD Co. To Lydia E. Pinkbads .Vegetable Compound Rockland, Maine.-" I was troubled for a long time with pains in my back and side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I WAS dis- couraged, a n d thought I should never get well. I read 04 testimonial about Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegeta. ble Compound, and thought I would try it, .Alter tak- ing three bottles I was cured, and never felt so well in all my life. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all my friends,"- AIM WILL YOUNG, Columbia, Avenue, Rockland, Me. Backache is a symptom of female weakness or derangement. If you have backache, don't neglect it. To get permanent relief you must reach the root of the trouble. Nothing Ive know of Will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. Pinklia,m's Vegetable Com- pound. Cure the cause of these dia. tressing aches and pains and you will become well and strong. The great volume of unsolicited testimony constantly pouring in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has restored health to thou. sands of women. ••• Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., invites all sick women to write her for advice. She bas guided thousands to health free of charge. big apparent for real death, the utmost care should be exercisea in .Rseertain. ing after due medical examination that the true signs of death had been ob. served; that the physician sbould be bound to await those signs and that without his certificate there elmuid be no autopsy, embalmment, or interment, The lecture concluded With mime sen- tenees of reflexion and advice, the pOr• tinency of which will not be disputed, Animal Cries Nearly Human. Of th.e animal cries that met clearly produce upon the hearer the effect of the human voice most . are found in the case 'of birds. While the parrot is the best known of birds possessing the power of imi- tating the human, voice, as a matter of fact its voice is decidedly inferior to that of the mina, a specieof stare ling, Strange to say, the male starling speaks, in a high cleer note, like that of a child, while the female's register discloses a markedly gruff note. The Australian bird called the laughing jackass Utters a. peculiar cry, very much like thet of a troop of boys shouting, whooping ana langh- ing Sr chorus. Another Australian bird, tho morepork, is frequently heard strenuously. demanding "more pork" in stentorian tones. The whippoorwill demands his pun- ishment in a distinct imitation of the human voice, and the command of he guinea, fowl to come back could easily be mistaken for tho tone of the human. There is said to be a species of cow in India which possesses a note exactly reseinbling the human voice in laughter. The cries of seals the menting the loss of their young very closely approach the human note, while the cry of the wounded hare has been beld to be distressingly like that of a child in sore straits, lee e AN ORGAN FOR 25 "CENTS A WEEK We have on hand thirty -flee organs, taken in exchange on Heintzman & Co. pianos, which ive must sell tegardless oI loss, to make room in our store. Every instrument has oeen thoroughly over- hauled, and is guaranteed for five years, aud full amount will be alloeed on ex. change. The prices run from $10 to $35, for such welenngven makes as Thomas, Dominion, Kern, Uxbridge, Goderith an 13511. This is your chance to save money. A. post card 'kill bring full particulars.- Heinfzman & Co., 71. King ctreet east, fizinolton. "Palm are symbolic of victory," re- marked the Wise Guy. "Is that the rea- son a girl uses them, as decorations at her wedent...!?" asked the Simple Mug. 3 LIFE OF THE POOR New York and Ohicaga Condition Worse( Than Those of London. "Let in the light!" is the slogan of the men and -women engaged in tenement house reform in New York. It is hard to believe, but it is revertheless a fact that on February 13, 11M8, there were in that city 101,17 absolutely window- less rooms, most of them bedrooms in- habited by the poorer claws, those who pay rent et three to sixteen dollars a mina. Because of the strennous of forte of the 'remnant House Committee of the Charity Organization nociety in se. curing and ernoreing the tenement house law the muuber of windowless rooms wee reduced to about 00,000. Think of it, you dwelleve in spamoue, sunny su- burban "villas, Weeny thousand rooms without any sunlight whatsoever save that which enters by the door that ad - mils the person who goes into it to eat, sleep, to wore, cr to ft about tied en- joy himself as best he can! Some of these ninety thousand rooms sae in cel- lars, some in atties ansi °tilers are dis- tributed about on intermediate floor* according to the fearful: and wonderful designs .of that most hopeless of all hu. man hebitatious, the dumb-bell tir 40u. ble-deek tenement house. Most hopeless? Yes, because the MOP who lives in a cave can at least enjoy privacy and sileuce and air that is not contaminated ley tne exhalations and nuisanCes of his fellows; the man who lives in ti teat cau pull back the flea and get air, and the man who lives: in an igloo can cut as many vents in ite walls as he chooses and have as much light and air as he wants, awl at any time he emits it. We are wont to think of London as a city. where miserable millions are crowded into uncouth and =sanitary quarters but London's greatest ilensitn of populations is less than six Inindren to the acre, while in New York there are laocks aud blocks where the density le one thousand to fifteen bemired lila man beings in that space. In Chicago the population of the Polish quarter, ac- cording to Robert Hunter's report, is three times that of the mod erowdea portions of Tokio, Calcutta or , other Asiatic cities and yet the density rarely reathes five liundred to the acre, or only one-third to one-half that of New York's packed -in population. Both.New York and Chicago have far worse -.tenement house conditions than London, the worst congested city in Eu- rope. While each of these American cit- ies still permits , the building of the deadly double-decker, wind) in New York is more often the sextupleoleeker, allowinga density of thirteen hundred people to the acre, with rooms as small as seven by ten feet in size. "When groping my way in the pas- sages,' says a frequent visitor to the ten- ements, "I usually imitate the steam - prat in a thick fog and give a clanger signal when I hear some one appreaeh- ing; and even when all is silent I pro- ceed with caution, for more than once have stumbled against a baby that was quietly sitting in the dark hall or on the stairs." -From "People Who Dwell in the Dark,", by Bailey Millard; in Tech - nidal, World Magazine for October, nes o 11407. 0D8 Cure salukis, stops cone's,- cures olds, heals the throat and hinds, ! p e P5 cen;Sce The Old Maid. She gave.he; life to knew What other women gain. Others were fickle. trne. She gav e pure love, A stain. She never married. went; The dark eyes flashed their love on one alone. Her life was passed izx quiet and content. The old love reigned. No rival shared the throne. Think you her life was wasted? Vale and hill Blossomed 10 summer and white winter came; The blue ice stiffened on the silent rill. Ail times the seasons found her the same. love. She never gave their all to She was passing and faith without Suitor came and Ifer heart was full of Sweetness till the end. What once she gave she never took away. Trough all her youth she loved one faith- ful friend: She loves him now her hair is growing gray. -George Barlow. es. POOR PROSPECTS. (Catholic Standard and Times.) "Yea," said Miss Passay, nI found a very nice boarding house to -day, but the only room they had to offer ine had a folding bed in it, and I detest those things." "Of course," reinarked Miss Pert, "one can never hope to find a inan•uncier a folding bed." e nee , enti A TRANSPOSED QUOTATION. "MONEY DOhlki MVC BUT LOVE DOES MORE." 1.3133,3- oror, reS er Mit /9.v) 2:Lox 76 (By Cynthia Groy,) This old. why to keep grapes freeh for winter use- is said to be ono of the best, and it surely is easily done. The bunchee should be pickee ooly on a warm day, and laid in a noon dark plaee for at least three nava Theit pack in pasteboard bonne. Be- tween each laynr place a single thick- ness of newspaper. Do not put more than three layers in each box, Then place in a cool, dry place -not the cellar, for the- dampness will came mold and decay,. UNFERMENTED GRAPE JUICE - Take ono quart ripe Concord grapes and pick from stems, wash, add one quart of water and cook till very soft. Then mash and press through a strainer covered with a double thick- ness of cheesecloth. Allow one cup white sugar to each quart of juice. Let this boil up once on the firo, after the sugar has dissolved: and bottle at once. Have bottles hot when you pour in the boilino SPICED GRAPEn.-Squeeee pulps feoni skii4 of 11 pounds of gtaoes. Scald pulps until seeds se aerate from them, then put through colander, and throw away seeds. Place pulp and skins in a porcelain kettle with one quart strong vinegar, six pounde sugar, twe tablespoonfuls ground cin- namon, one tablespoonful nen cloves and allspice. 13o11 one and one-half hours, stirringfreatnearly to prevent burnine. This quantity will make gallon when done ,and is goon with cold treats. Place in a stone jar with cloth and paper tied over. GRAPE JELLY. -Use grapes that are not quite ripe. Remove the stems an dwash and drath. Mash until htey are all broken, then boil ten minutes. Drain through a cheese- cloth and flannel, but do not squeeze if you want jelly clear. Measure juice and put in a; granite kettle, Put the sarne measure of sugar into a large bowl. Boil juice ten min- utes, remove scum as fast as it forms, then pour th.e boiling juice into the sugar, stir quickly, remove the froth and as soon as the sugar is dissolved pour it into the glasses. RAISINE.-Take an equal weight of pears and grapes. Cook grapes in a little water until eoft, then press through a colander to remove seeds. Add pears, cored and sliced, and simmer until thick, stirring almost constantly. When thick sweeten to taste, scald after the sugar is in, than strain through a colander, re- heat, and can. WILD GRAPE JELLY. -Pick over grapes, stem and wash. Put into kettle, heat, mash, and boil 30 min- utes. Strain through jelly bag, measure, bring to boiling point, and boil five minutes. Add an equal measure ef heated sugar, boil three minutes, skits a and pour into glasses. CATSUP. -Wash sour grapes, stem and put into kettle with very little water. Stir often and cook until soft. Put through colander. Measure pulp, and to three pints fruit odd a, pound 61 brown sugar, a cup white vinegar, a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon. allspice, mace, salt and white pepper, and one-half teaspoon ground cloves. Boil until reduced to less than half. When cola, bottle and seal. PEACIIES. Cenned.-Ilemove skins, halve end drop in cold water. Put a eup of water in kettle, put in a layer of peaches, sprinkle with sugar, allowing a cup of sugar to four (mattes of peachee, A Id further layers until this amount is used. Ceti& slowly 15 miuutes, can and seal while boiling hot. Preserved. -For preserved peaches al- low three-quarters of a pound of sugar and a cup of water to every pound of fruit. Peel the peaches, saving the skins if the fruit is fine, to use in marmalade or peach situp. Cut the pettelies 151 halves, •pack in sterilized eans, as for canning, fill with the scalding, rich syrup and cook in the oven both 20 minutes befre sealing, of, having skim - Med the syrup, drop in the fruit a layer at a time and boil until the peachesare transaprent and teiider. Take out,aare- tully, pack into jars, boil the syrup un- til thiek and dear, then strain over the fruit and seal at once. Jelly. --Select peaches not -quite ripe enough for eatiug. Rub off the down with It rough cloth, cut in pieces,. :saving pits. Cover with water and cook slowly,. closely covered, until the fruit is soft. Turn into a jelly bag and hang to drip. When the juice ie extracted measure and allow to every pint of juice a pouva of huger ond the juke of a lemon. Set the, sugar in the oven to herd and place the liquid uncovered over the fire. Coil: :steadily 20 minutes, neld the lieated sugar, stir until dissolved, cook five minutes, then strain through a cheese- eloth into glaseicluns, Canned.-Itemove genie, pare ana ni?S-1?-e71 1 quarter. Proeeed, as with peaches, add- ; lag a few slices of lemon. Boil twopounds brown *sag- ar with one pint vinegar and a smell cinnamon stick for 20 minutes, Stick 1 each pear (peelea) with three or four eloves, put into syrup and cook until sole, Keep in stone jar. Gingered. -Peel and core. Slice thin, For eight pounds fruit addseven pounee sugar, one cup water, juice from ftve le- mons and one-half pound ginger root scraped and cut fine, Add one lemon peel, cut into. thin slices. Cook slowly one hour, etin hot and seal. felountains. "0 what were the world without moun- tains. That glory that God lets given, For grand and fair they pierce the air; And stand up close to heaven." :Mountains are symbols of holiness, righteousness, power, and stability. They cannot be moved. They are everlasting. When Napoleon Bonaparte projected trip into Italy, his couneillors said. "But the .A.lies I" That wonderful man said, "There are no Alps!" Alountaies are Ma stades, indeed. We find this in the MOS. ter's teaching. "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto thie mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be 'impossible unto you." Please to remark the • unhesitating sweep of these words. Are they avail- able, attainable? These words stand as a formidable mountain of difficulty, and to thou. earlds they are an enigma And yet there is a solution satisfactory and com- plete, andat lies in the consideration of the nature cif man. He has a body and a spirit, the laws governing these are different and hence the confusion of ideas and the hard impossibility of mov- ing mountains. The strength of the eye and the arm and the foot are limit- ed. Tbe power of the spirit are altoge- ther different. To reach a man the oth- er side of the mountain you must either go round it, or above it, or through it. This involves pain and time, and. weari- ness. But when mountain confronts a spirit, there is neither lois of vision, or time or energy. The spirit of man knows nothing of these limitations. It can go round the world and home again before you can say Oh! Men forget their environments and their helps. And when sin confronts a man in any of its .forms and looks as big as a mountain, he can say, in the ecmposure of his attitude as a man of God, "Remove to yonder place," and it flies like spoondrift before the gale - only faster. Men can measure the speed ef the hur- ricane, the tremor of the earthquake, the pulsings of the heart, but who can tabulate the unmeasurable speed of the word "Immediate," as mentioned'so free - in tbe gospels. Jesus Christ is not shorn of His power. He is the same yes - to day. to -day and forever. Trust in Him at all times, ye people! • II. 'P. Miller. lila Cuir quickly stops coughs, cures colds heels the throat and lungs. • • • cents. CROWDED IN. THE .DARK. (Montreal Witness.) in the flats built in Montreal during the past decade or two it k by no means uncommon to find dark bath rooms which have • to be illumthatece-by gas or electriciCy before the tenants can use them; it is leas 'Uncommon teen one might suopose to find bedrooms without a single window, and other parts of houses semi -darn. We read is the cuetent number of the Technical World that both New York and Chicago have far worse tenement house conditions than London, which is the most congest- ed city in Europe. Each of the United States &ties referre,d to still permits houses to be built with rooms so small as seven feet by ten feet, and which al- low a density of thirteen imadred people to the acre! "When groping my way in the Pinineftean sap a frequent visitor to the New York tenements, "I -usually imi- tate the steam eraft in a thick fog end give a danger signal when I hear some- one approaching; and 'even when an is silent 1 proeved with elution, for more than once I have stumbled against a beby tint was quietly sitting in the dark hall or on the stairs," rt is be- cause there is yet time to avoid the worst conditions of the big Vnited Retro ities in a wbolesale fanhionthat we give publicity to the fact that on Vele 13, 1008, there were in New York 101.277 absolutely witcaowleee rooms. molt of them nearo.»ne inhaleted by the - onorer diva- a Omen who pay tent of three to shtteen dollars a went. Ile - mike of the strenueue efforts of the Tenement House -Committee of the Clar- ity Orginizition Seeietv in a- eering and enforehm the tenement henee law tee number of windowlese r00111.3 was tedneed to abeut 03,000. et Moo lenCtiefle. (Human Life.) Getelaine-Von bavent been- to sec me billet. you Asko,' my -father for my fleralele No. t'zio le the first time l've 'teen elite to get :about. (066.11.41....•11.1.1* AXLE GREASE is the turning.point to economy w -ar anti t..`ar of Vegans!. Try a box. Every deitler erywhere, .Tho import:A 0:i Co.,ILtd, tmt.414•ALt..ii: tit ilatell Clf4' 011 Cc. ILIA. PRAYER. Our Father, we thank Thee fur all Thy great metelot to us day by day. Thou dost open Thy hand and satisfy our desires, lend we bless Thee that the least of Thy benefits, when looked at in cOnnection With Thyself, hae in it some- thing great, and is clothed in heavenly light. We pray that it nmy be so in regard of all the common autiee, enjoyinents and burdens, and earee of this fleeting life. Help every one of USwe pray Thee, to link everything with 'Our Father in heaven, and More and more to awed in the bouse of the Lord, all the days of our live% even whitst our hands and thoughts are busy about the tasks that Thou dost lay upon us. May our heavts be united to fear Thy name, ana in that union may our hearts find rest. Amen. • - • Where DO They Dwell? Tell me where the poets dwell On mountaie side or roekey dell, Itiver brink where flowing, stream Rolls in majesty serene, Is it here the poets dwell? Dwell they near the banks of snow, Or where the scanted violets blow, Or far off banks where codlinge leap, Or sande, benne where mermaids sleep, Oh, where do the poets dwell? Do they sail ou cloud -bank far away, Rise to the stars till the break of day, Rest with eagle on mountain crest, Or skim witlithe gull tbe ocean's breast. Where do they find their song? 'Tis not in the bank with the misers' dust, But the bank which inspires the loftiest trust, Tonebing the spring of supremest law, Hiding irt clouds of sublimest awe. They -drink at the fount of song. Some have -soared with a mighty wing, And some have bled as they learned to sing, And all like Dome rise up to give, Their voices where hallelujahs live, They sing their lasting song. Stationary Christians. It often seems as though the most of Christians are stationary in their spir- itual life. One wbo has known certain Christians when they made a profession, and observed them fifteen years later, sees no particular advancement in them. They have grown in mental ability; they have made progress in educational ac- complishments; they can de better work in relation to material things; but how very little have they advanced in spir- itual knowledge, life and strength! The difference between the beginning and the present, time 15 so small as to be imper- ceptible to human eyes. Of course, this is not true of very many Christians, for they have carefully cultured their spir- itual life. Daily have they•prayed with purpose, and daily have they read and meditated upon God's Word. They have also cultivated a benevolent spirit stud practice, They now give more to the Lord's cause than they formerly did. They have developed a missionary spirit. They pray and work for missions, as they never did at first. The more that they read and studied the Bible, the more they increased their interest in and devotion to missions. In every way they are larger aaid stronger and wiser than they were during trie first years of their Christian life. They are progres- sive, But it is very different with res- pect to the stationary ones. If they gave five dollars, fifteen years ago, to the support of their church, it is all that they now give, each year, for that pur- pose; and they do not give even that amount any more willingly than they did fifteen years. ago. Toward missions they have not grown a particle. If they give anything at all, it is the same now as formerly. I know some Christians who, for many years, have been giving one.dollar a year for missions, though they are worth much more now than they were years ago. And in the prayer - meeting, they go through the same style and quality of serviee that they did twenty years ago. They are yet mere' babes in Christ. How pitiable! C. H. Wetherbe. "Looking Happy." "Don't worry about your clothes," wrote an older sister to a younger, who was planning for a visit home after some years' interval; "you're sure to look happy, and that's the main thing." The, reunions of old school and college friends Which the summer months bring empha- size the fact, if the woman of slender purse has ever been tempted to doubt it, that looking happy is the main thing. Watch the expressions and gestures In any such gathering, notice how the in- terest of a group centres in a bright - faced woman whose gown may be more than one season out of date, see how little attention le attracted by' the most corned costume worn with an air of in- difference or diseonteet, and you will be reinforced in your belief that it is the real things -not easy' light-heartedness merely, but steadfast eourage and cheer alia serenity -that count. Women some times speak of dressing to do their hus- bands credit, Alia no doubt sensitive souls do suffer froni a misgiving that thoughtless acquaintances may infer niggardliness or incompetency from shab- by clothes. But the Surest witness to the devotion of husband ana cbildren is the happy bee. The \venom Who wears that need not fear that thote she loves will be greatly mistinderetood.--- Selected. JESUS ENTERING ,7ERtISALIDIL (G. Campbell Morgan, D.) This is a wonderful story, and it is impozeible to read it without conflicting en.t.tions. It is at once characterized by remarkable evidences of triumph end equally remarkable, evideecea of sadneee and sorrow. It is to be carefully no- ticed that the whole movement into Jerusalem was definitely arranged tor by Christ; and that He of set purpose provoked the outburst of popular en- thusiasm, ite waa now entering Artie %dem for the last things. As He had distinetly foretold His dieeiples'Tie wai to be arrested, scourged, moeked ana etueified. Ere lie was &limasi up to His enemies, He bad selmen and Awful imeinces on liand. The nation heti' re- jittea lfim. Ite wee about to Mem into nue) vented with the rulere. in the pre - el es of which He weld en1ant/11y una offIciaily reject them ana the Toition, ITe inenea the way for alt this by the menner of Itie entry. It wee eleulated to draw attention to Ms preeenee WtOng the people, and to provoke the rulers te the aoinge of tho Wit thiage aneueling to the "determinate earned ene tate. o wb ,de of god .1!