HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-09-29, Page 1—
The Wingham Advance.
39TH YEAll, NO. 5.
Murder In Goderich.
Goderich, Ont., Sept, 25,—Lying in
the cellar of au empty house, neer the
fair groundhere, her throat cut frotn
ear to ear and all her clothing, with
the exception of her shoes aud etock-
Sngs and hat, in another part of the
haeement, the body ef Miss Lizzie An-
aereon of the village of Saltford, was
found by her father this morning,
•The finding of the body was the cul-
mination of a search commenced since
Tuesday night, when the youug wo-
man was lest seen, on the fair
grounds, and was the revelation of an-
other most brutal murder mystery on
which Inspector 'Wm. Greer, of the
Ontario Provincial Police, will start
work toelay.
Miss Anderson was only 18 years of
age, and lived with her father in the
old Lashana Hotel at Sanford. Her
father, Williana Anderson, is a labor-
er. In the same old building where
lived father and daugliter there board-
ed. a number of Italians, some of
whom are employed on the Ontario
West Shore Railway as construction
and track men. On Titetelay last the
young evoinan expressed a desire to go
to the northwest. exhibition, vehicle
was being held in Goderich, and left
her village home quite eally in the
morning. She was seen on the fair
grounds several times during the day,
but failed to return home that even -
ng. When she did not appear next
morning, her father notified Chief
Postlethevaite and Sergt, Moore, of
the Ooderich Police Force, and asked
them to locate his daughter. For
four days the police searched, but
found no trace of the girl, other than
that she bad been seen on the fair
grounds talking to an Italian at seven
o'clock on Tuesday evening. Her dis-
appearance was a eomplete mystery.
As her father was working every
day, it was impossible for him to
assist the police in the search for his
daughter, but this morning he started
out, accompanied by several neigh-
bors, and came to Goderich for the
purpose of searching all the vacant
buildings in the vicinity of the fair
grounds, thinking that probably his
es ;daughter bad been taken ill, or had
been lured there. His conjecture
proved correct. The search party had
investigated only one or two houses,
when they entered the one where the
gruesome discovery was to be made.
They went through the house, and
entering the cellar, which was in a
neglected condition, Mr. Anderson
and john Doak, one of his neighbors,
stumbled across the nude body of the
young woman. It was evident that
the crime was a most brutal one.
Blood-stained the floor, and from the
coedition of the body it wa,s evident
that it had been there at least three
days, Her throat had been cut with a
razer. Her clothing was not piled
neatly on the floor, but was strewn
about, as though torn from her
Cburcb 'news )
The 50th Anniversary of St. An-
drew's Church, Blyth, will be corn-
raemorated on Sabbath and Monday,
October 0 and 10. Rev. Dr. Geggie
of Parkdale, will be the preacher on
The fourteenth annual Epworth
League Convention for Wingham
district will be held in Teeswater, on
Thursday, October 13th. The pro-
grammes issued indicate interesting
Mr. S. 0, Smith conducted the
services in St. Paul's Church laet Sun-
day, in the absence of the Rector.
Mr, Smith made an acceptable supply
with St. Paul's congregation. The
rector, Rev. E. a (holy, will conduct
the services next Sunday.
On Sunday lo,st, Rev. Wm. Lowe,
rector of St. Matthew's Anglican
Church, Loudon (formerly of Wing -
ham) announced that he had tendered
hie resignatioe, to accept the parish
of Liman, made vacant by the removal
of Rev. Arthur Carlisle to Windsor.
Sueday and Monday, October 0 and
10, are the dates selected for the Her -
vest Home services and. festival of St.
Paul's church. On Sunday, Rev. C. 0,
Parton of Mitchell will preach at 11
a. rce and 7 p. tn. On Monday even-
ing, the annual supper will be given
in the school room of the church, and
followed by an interesting program
of ramie, addresses, etc.
Last Sunday Was tally day in Wing:
ham Methodist Sunday School, and
very successful services ere reported.
In the morning, the pester addressed
the &Wren appropriately. In the
afternoon, all the classes met in the
anditoriarn with a large member of
visitors. A profitable progremnae ef
musie and responsive 'scripture read-
ings VMS rendered, and three brief
Addressee rn " to know," "to leVen
and "to do" God's will, Were given,
The Burnley School has a large at-
tentianet, and Judging front the re-
port reed by the Se rotary, Mr. 3.
Herr, the offieete and teachers are
faithful in attendienee.
Oa Saturday, October lit, at the
Cain lIottee, liercknow, lot 4, con, 0,
ontaining 100 acres. Sale
Maitland Presbytery,
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Wingham ou Tuesday, Sept. 3•50•1e
the moderator Rev, Mr. Bremner pre-
siding. Elders' commissions were re-
ceived from Messre. Stutt of Wroxe-
ter, doe. Henderson, Kinloss, V. D.
McLennan of Locholeb, M. Clark, St.
Helens, John Meteor:tan of Moles-
Calvin Church, St, Helens, was
granted the privilege of raising mane'
by Dote or mortgage on their new
manse lately erected,
.A committee was appointed to con-
fer with the three charges of the Pres-
bytery giving less than the minimum
stipend with a view of getting them
to come up to $850.
Rev. Me. Perrin presented a call
from Belnaore and McIntosh in favor
of Mr, Jas. Stien McMillan, offering
stipend of $900 with manse and two
weeks' vacation. Provisional arrange-
ments were made for ordination and
induction, the call having been sus-
tained; the moderator to preside, Mr.
Duncan to preach, Mr. Tait to address
the ministers and Mr. Perrin the peo-
ple, The date of induction will be fix-
ed by the Moderator and Clerk.
Mews. Bell and McEacheria were
appointed auditors,
Mr. McDonald was presented by Mr.
Tait as a student entering on his
studies for the ministry. He was cer-
tified to the Secretary of Knox Col-
lege. Rev. S. IL .Moyer was appoint-
ed Moderator for the ensuing six
The commissioners to Assembly re-
ported their diligence at its meetings
in June.
Revs. McLean and Lundy. were ap-
pointed on the executive of Y. P. S.
It was agreed that the question of
Church Union be laid on the table,
and that the question be taken up as a
special feature of the December meet-
ing of Presbytery.
It wag agreed to hold simultaneous
evangelical campaigns throughout the
Presbytery between 6th and 20th of
Nov, Mr. R. D. Cameron addressed
the Presbytery on the Government
annuities scheme and was thanked for
his excellent address. The following
standing committee were appoint-
ed :—Home Missions—Messrs. Perrie,
Hardie and Perrin with elders.
Foreign Missions—Messrs. Moyer, Bell
and MeRae with elders, Young Peo-
ple's Societies — Messrs. Ferguson,
Matheson, Duncan and Elder. Sab-
bath Schoole—Messrs. Wisbart, Lun-
dy, Rutherford and Elder. Moral and
Social Reform with church life and
work—Messrs. McEachern, Tait., Per-
rie and Elder. Evangelism—Messes.
McLean, Tait. Ferguson and elders,
Augmentation—Messrs, Bremner, Mc-
Lean, Wishart and Elder. Systema-
tic Beneficence — Messrs. Edraison,
West and Perrin. Examination of
students—Messrs, Tait and McLennan,
Statistics—Messrs. West, Hardie and
Miss Line Barber has taken a situa-
tion in London.
Mrs. Thos. Bennett is visiting her
daughter in Detroit.
Miss Coiling of London is visitng
her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Maleolm have return-
ed. from their trip to the West.
Miss G. Whitehall of London re-
newed acquaintances in town this
Mr. John Elder returned best week
from an enjoyable two months' trip to
Miss Ruby Kerr left on Sat:mime,
for Toronto where she will attend the
Normal School.
Miss Violet Shalt returned from
Bcantford last week, after spending a
month with her siker.
Mrs. 3. Goy and. daughted, Geor-
gina, of Guelph, are visiting in town
and vicinity tweek.
Miss M. Tibbs returned on Tuesday
after a deligbtful visit with Mr. and
Mrs. R. 13. Jeffrey of Toronto.
Mts. P. 3. McGarvey end little
daughtet, Helen, ate 'visiting the
forme:ere sister Mrs. as. Phelan.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell of Ste George,
while on their horieymoon tour, were
guests this week of Mr. and Mts. A.
V, Lloyd.
Mit. Geo, Greer of Ltielenow end
tenth Taylor of Goerie are visiting
their brothers in toven, Messre. Wire
and Alt Taylor.
Miss Bessie %tattles left last Thum -
day for Buffalo, N.Y., where she has
bear engaged to teach domestic eci-
eece In one of the sehoola there,
-Mt', Ben. 1. Frolick, who hies been
visiting his made, Mr. Allan •M.
rraliek of town, left On Tireedey
tnorning foe Belleville, eri route to his
henne Iti Brookton, Mese,
Aineng those who lefb on Sateedey
te attend Stretford lgortiet %hoe!,
Wete—Alf. Poslift Mithel MeDoriald,
Annie Barbet, Jennie Bowman, 13ells
Robertson, Gertie White,,
Several changes have retently taken
the Dominion Bank staff.
o Polito takes the
,edger -keeper,
to a branch
Thersday and Friday.
These are the dates of Wingham
Fall Fair, and should the weather
prove favorable, italics:lions point tie
a successful Fair. So far as the offi-
cers and directors are concerned, tal
has been, clone to secure a large at-
tendance and a good eahibit. Our
readers should not forget the concert
on Friday evening at which the not-
ed humeriste, Fax and Cameron, are
to appear, along with Miss Pearl
O'Neil. These and the Pipers' Band
should, furnish a capital program,
New Amesthetic Used.
M. Parker, from neer Teeswater,
passed through a oritical operation in
Wingharn hospital on SattAday last.
We understand that this is the first
operation in Wingham in which the
new antesthetle, stovaine, was used,
Stovaine, unlike ehloroform, does not
render the patient unconscious, but
deadens sensation in the part into
which it is injected. It can't he used,
however, in the upper part of body,
on account of its et -feet upon the
respiratory organs. Dr. Gillies of
Teeswater and Dr, Jones of Toronto,
assisted by Dr. Agnew, performed the
oper ation.
A Bereaved Family.
Death with its aceompanying sor-
row has, during the past week, brok-
en into the family of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Deans, taking from the family
cirele their- son, Peter MacDonald.
The young man was born in this
town, and hence was well known, and
had a large circle of friends. For
some time past be had been living in
Chatham, where, about seven weeks
ago, he contracted fever. This dis-
ease, so trying on the constitution,
was followed by pustmonite, which
resulted in his deatif on Sunday last.
His parents were with hina many
times during his illness, and his moth-
er was with him when death relieved
him of his sufferings. Deceased was
an iodustx•ious young men, respected
by the community. The remains
were brought to Wingham on Tues-
day for interment, and the funeral
took place on Wednesday afternoon
to Wingharn cemetery. The parents
and brother and sister have sincere
sympathy in their bereavement. .
TRIJNIce and VALI$Es.—If you want
a good Trunk, Suit Case, or Club Bag,
come here; we can save you money.
Missionary Convention.
The A,uxiliaries of the Wingham
District of the Woman's Missionary
Society, met in convention in the
Methodist Church, on Thursday, Sept.
22nd. The attendance was large, and
the interest well sustained at all of
the three sessions held. Miss McGuf-
fin, Associate Editor of the "Outlook,"
was the principal speaker. Her
word4 of advice and encouragement
we e very much appreoiated by the
de legates. Miss Louise Jones of Kin-
nereline also spoke at the afternoon
meeting, and Mrs. (Rev.) Baker of
Teeswater, Miss Marguerite Rotnuth
and Church choir added much to the
interest of the meetings by their
musical selections. Miss 'Wheaton
contributed an excellent recitation.
The delegates and a few invited guests
from other denominations, were
entertained to tea by the Methodist
Church in the lecture -room. A fea-
ture of the evening was the "after
dinner" speeches by the ladies. No
"mere man" was invited to speak
and the ladies shone without a rival.
M t the afternoon meeting Mrs. Sper-
ling was re-elected District Organizer,
with Mrs. Joynt of Lucknow as assis-
tant. Mrs. Morton is Secretary.
Our Mistake.
When we wrote an item in a recent
issue regarding the possible renaoval
of Mr. Ault, we inadvertently used
the word "inartager." We had known
of course that Mr, Fred, Johnston
vets manager, but the fect had Slipped
our memory. Besides, Mr. Sohnston
is so modest that he very Beide:int re-
fers to himself as manager, Mr.
Shaw, the managing -director, corrects
our error in the following, which we
cheerfully insert
Dear Sir :—There is no change
of managers at Wingham. Tins
rnediately upon Mr. J. H. Broads
foot leaving our employ to enter
that of The Debt. 4npson Co.,
Ltd., of Toronto, Me. 'Fred, Sohn -
store Supt. of the Bell factory, re-
ceived the appointment as Man-
ager Of the VVinghern factories
and he is atilt the manager,
ing the position With toroplete
satisfaction, Mt. Ault woe simply
in charge of the office Work. An
unfortunate tieeident happened to
Mr. Johnston a fortnight ego .arid
SaMe is deeply regretted by the
directors awl all his friends in
the company. Even should the
accident vvhich. happened to Mr.
lohnstoree hand disable him
from taking as )arge a part in
the mechanical Work of the fee -
tory as heretofore, it will not
alter his position as oar Manager
at Winghitna in any way. Mr.
Fred. Johnston is "the man be-
hind therm" at Winghain and a
competent imatling n2art he is.
During oue blot financial year the
entpat of the ntu rectory Was
$17,090 in exoeas of the beet year
in the factory's hitory,
story either
*leder the management of our pre.
o or ourselves, Ventre
R. Shaw, Viet -Pees. and
ounsonionopri 11:5% l'41:13,0104ttiBlifx,
Court 01 Revision.
Apparently, politicians are not
worrying -much about Voters' lists
thie year, and their non -activity along
that line may be suppbeed to indicate
that no election is in eight. At any
rate, there are no indications of a
political gladiatorial contest at the
Court of Revision to be held in Wing -
ham on October 14th, So little in-
terest Was manifest in the franchise,
that only two voters called at the
Clerk's office to see the list, and both
-were on all 006, Even with pro-
perty- changes, there are only fifteen
appeals all told.
September Wedding.
The marriage of Leah M. Pender to
Laban S. Jenks pf Buffalo, took plane
at the home of the bride's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Livivrence Vender,
Catherine St., on Saturday, Sept 24th,
at high noon. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. D. Perrie, in the pre-
sence of the very immediate relatives
and friends, and Miss Lizzie Gilchrist
played the wedding march. The bride
was becomingly attired in a dainty
dress of white India mulle over silk,
and carried a shower bouquet of white
roses, while her travelling costume
was in shades of browri and castor.
The house was prettily decorated, the
eolor scheme throughout being green
and white, the decorations used being
white peters, roper: of smilax and
ribbon, and even in the breakfast
menu, these colors prevailed. The
bride is a graduate of Lexington
Heights hospital and has been follows
hag her profession in Buffalo, wbile
the groom has a, lucrative law practice
in the same city. The happy couple
left via the C. P, R. for. Toronto,
Montreal, Quebec and other eastern
points, followed by the best wishes of
their many friends, and accompanied
by showers of asters, confetti and
rice. Friends were present from Hali-
fax, Buffalo, Portland, Detroit and
A Fatal Accident.
On Friday last, a very sad accident
occurred that brought bereavement
and sorrow to several homes in Cul-
ross township. On the day referred
to, Mr. Joseph Moir, one of the pion-
eers of the township, left his home on
the first conceesion to drive to Wing -
ham, little thinkiiig that death was so
near at hand. As he was aboub one-
quarter of a mile from McCormick's
corner, he met Mr. Lepard with his
auto. When Mr. Lenard saw hint he
stopped the machine about 110 yards
back, and while the horse was turning
around it reared and broke the har-
ness. It is thought the buggy ran
against the horse, starting it to run,
and on turning the corner Mr. Moir
was thrown out and seriously injured.
Mr. Lepard hastened to scene of the
accident, and with the assistance of
Mr. Macdonatd lifted the injured man
into the auto. and broughb him to
Wiugham hospital. He was found to
have severe injuries on his head ; he
oleo had several ribs broken, which
were penetrating his lungs. Medical
aid could do but little for him, and
he expired soon after reaching the
hospital. Coebner Dr. Kennedy em-
panelled a jury, and after viewing the
body, they adjourned matil the 29th
evening. Mr. Moir was one of the
early settlers of Culross, having mov-
ed in there in 1857, settling on lot 30,
concession L He enjoyed the esteem
and confidence of the community, and
had filled the positions of township
councillor, reeve and county council.
for. He wag a member of Winghane
Presbyterian Church. Re leaves four
sons—Alex. in Alberta, Miles of Cul-
ross, John and James at home; there
are also three daughters—Mrs, John
O'Malley, Mrs. Geo. King, both of
Culross, and Miss jessie at home.
The funeral took plate on Monday to
Teeswater cemetery, Rev. D. Perris
conducting the service. A very large
number of neighbors and friends -
showed their sympathy with the be-
reaved friend e by attendance at the
fualeraL Mr. Lepard has the repu-
tation of being very careful with his
auto., and exceedingly regrets the
lamentable accident.
Judge Holt presided ab the seseion
of Division Court in Wit:ghetto on
Thursday last. The following eases
were heard :—
McGee 'So Campbell VS, S, Rebinson
—Action ern account and garnishee.
Adjourned till Nov. 17,
Dr. Agnew vs. Leslie Constable—
Aetion on actounb. Judgment for
plaintiff for $109 arid tests $12,
White Vs. Cherraiey—Aetion on
note. judgraerit for plaintiff for $70..
72 and costs.
W. Sturdy vs, S. Taylor—Action
for wages. Judgment for plaintiff for
$13.70 and costs.
13anghart 13roa. vs. Srio. Campbell—
Aetion on ateepted draft. Ad -
One other case was settled before
Court niet, and the above with the
jatigment sum:notate 40Mpleted the
deekets, •
What In:lines Say.
The Indians and okl-timers of the
DTerthwest eay that the coming
winter will be one of the coldest on
record. They point to the feet that
the for -bearing animals are growing
thicker and longer coats than eustom-
area that inuslerats are building their
houses larger and higher than is their
custom in nand winters, that the bears
are starting to make their dens in the
most proteeted places they Can flush
and the little 0111pm:31314s and gophers
are also preparing for a siege. They
say that these signs never fail,
Keep After Thein,
Flies are a greater menace to health
and life now than at any other time of
the year. With the onset of the cool
nights they are seeking entrance to
yew house at a. time when they not
only are most anneerous, but also
when they are most dangerous. Be
constantly on the alert to safeguard
the metnbers of your &rally against
the dangers of fly -borne infection.
Swat every fly that enters your house
—they're easier to swat now because
the cooler weather melees them less
Work At The Dam.
Eleven :nen, in charge of Mr, John
Glenn, are busy repairing the lower
dam. The work was an absolute
necessity, as an inspection of the tire-
bers will show. For this season, the
work is confined to the east side, and
Ib is easy to see the loss` of water and
therefore of power that has been
going on. A, coffer dam was first
builte.and then the old stuff taken out
from the front and out of the piers.
The foundation is now being laid in
a heavy wall of cement and stone. It
is getting late in the season, bub the
worst part of the work is done, and
progress now will be easier and quick-
er, Mr. Glenn is inspector of the
work, and may be trusted to see that
good work is done.
Teeswater Liquor Cases.
In last week's issue we reported the
visit of Inspector Ayearst, two de-
tectives and Prove Constable Phippen,
to Teeswater, and the seizure of liquor
found there. Constable Phippen Ieid
the information, and 'the charges were
heard on Tuesday before Magistrates
McLean and Brill. The cases excited
considerable interest, and tbe court
room was crowded to the doors. Gus-
tavus Teide and Frank Heisz of For-
mosa, brewers, were chaeged with
delivering liquor in unlicensed ter-
ritory. Their case was aeljourned for
one week. Richard Harrison of the
Vendome hotel pleaded guilty to the
charge of selling liquor, and was fined
$100 and costs. Geo. Kreutzweiser
faced a similar charge and fought the
case, but was also mulcted in $100 and
costs. Others came dangerously near
being brought before the Magistrates,
but escaped with a caution. Con-
stable Phippen received an order from
the Court to destroy the liquor seized,.
and as we are not aware of his having
any scruples against, such an act of
destruction, it is probable that ere
this, the booze has gone where it will
do no harm. The temperance people
of Teeswater are delighted with the
way Constable Phippen handled the
days arid Thursdays. Highest prices
paid. It will pay you to see me be-
fore selling fowl.—.A. H. Wilford,
The Advance is in receipt of a copy
of the "Cobalt Nugget," sent us by
Frank Cody, who has a good situation
in tbe Silver town. It is a large news-
paper, fully illustrated and shows tbe
wonderful development of Ontario's
rich silver camp, now acknowledged
to be the richest in the world. The
perusal of the Nugget is interesting
and instructive, and the paper is a
credit in appearance and contents to
the town, and the firm that pro-
duced it.
Our splendid &moon Snots at
$1.25, $1.50 to $2,00, are much cheap-
er Shoes to buy than Any sort of
"nargain Shoe."—%V. 3, GREER.
Wheat -00c to 05e.
Oats -30 to 82 cts.
Barley -44 to 45 cts,
Peas -70 to 75 ete.
Hey—$8.00 per to.
Butter -20 to 22 ets.
Eggs -20 to 22 els.
Potatoe0-35e per bush.
Live Hogs -118.75.
For full Toronto market reports see
page 2.
McGregan—In 1Inevick, on Sept, 21th,
to Mr. and Mrs. MoGroesten, of Bel,
more, a daughter.
llubbard.—In Ilowlek, on Sept. 18th
Mrs, Wm. Hubbard.
MeConnell,—In Ilowlek, Sept, 19th,
Mr. ltobt. McConnell,
MoirseIri Wingham, Sept Med, Joseph
Moir of Colmar, in his 71st year,
Deane. ---In Chatham, on Sept 25th,
Peter MaePonald Deane, eon a Mr.
and Milt. Peter Deans.
Vogt,—In Tureberry, Sept. 10, Cath-
erine Bauragardiner, relict of the
late August Vogt, *tad SI,
Good Flour.—Awdels, Wingham.
Wear fireer'e Shoes and Rubbers.
Bead Willis & Cce's advt. on page 8.
ste,eeCarter'e advt. in this
The Laelies' Auxiliary of Wingham
hospital will meet op Monday, Oct,
3rd, at 4 p.m. in the Comacil room,
The Y. M. C. A, will meet in their
rooms on Thursday evening to plan
for winter work. Members and all
interested are invited to attend.
Messrs. Fred Mowbray and Chas,
Barber, with several others, are work-
ing hard to have the new foot -bridge
ready for Thursday of this week,
Poneroass Watel'En.—We pay cash
or teade.—T. .A. Mills.
The A, Y. P. A. of 81. Paul's church
will begin their weekly meeting for
the winter term with a andel evening
at the residence of Mr, Dudley Holmes
next Monday, Oct. 3rd.
Mr, Maxwell's change of advt. came
too late for this week, and he urges
our readers not to delay, or they will
be too late to get one of the latest
style snits, made of excellent material,
at greatly reduced prices. s ses'
Mrs. M, Beckwith was called to
Goderielt on Monday by the death of
her eldesb brother, John Hamilton.
He had been ill for some time, and
passed away on Saturday last. Fur-
ther particulars are not at hand.
Get Bargains in new, up-to-date Mil-
linery at big reductions this season, at
Mrs, Green's.
We are accustomed to reading of
murders at a distance, but the shock-
ing affair at Goderich (reported in
another cohmon) so near at hand,
is startling indeed. The murdered"
young woman was a niece of Mr, 0.
Anderson of Lower Winghara.
Monday, October the 3rd, will be
Hospital "Donation Day" at Wing -
hare High and Public Schools, The
donations are to consist of fruit and
vegetables. Now watch the boys and
girls do the thing bandsomely.
Mrs. D. Rush has gone to reside in
Toronto. Fred., who assisted her in
closing up the business here, returned
to Toronto with her on Saturday.
Mrs. Rush has been a respected resi-
dent of Wingham for many years,
Green is offering her new Fall Millin-
ery at about cost. CAll early and get
first choice, Genuine bargains.
The Advance was pleased to see Mr.
.11, D. Mason able to be out on Thurs-
day last, after being laid up for three
weeks with an injured foot. Even
yet, he can only walk a little, and that
with the aid of a crutch and a cane.
Work is in progress at the eeptie
tank, and at present the men have a
dirty, muddy job. It looks as though
they were working in a bed of quick-
sand. The tank will be of cement, and
have Six divisions. W, 3. Fryfogle is
foreman, and there is no better man
for the job, than William.
Mr. 3. W. Mills of Leopold street
sold one of his 100 -acre farms in Hul-
lett, for $0.500. He intends removing
for the present to Blyth, but may
return to Wingham when he disposes
of his other farm. Mr. and Mrs. Mills
are good citizens, and we hope their
removal may only be temporary.
No person who ever buys Shoes
here, will ever wear poor Shoes. Fall
styles are ready—$2.00 to $1.00 and
$5.00.—W. J. G-REER,
R. J. Tindall & Son are now in full
possession of the grocery business
earried on by the late David Rush,
and in their advt., which will be
found on page 8, they solicit a sbare
of the public patronage. Mr. Tindell
moved in from the B line this week
and will soon be comfortably eettle
in the home adjoining the store.
Dr. James Agnew of Fostoria, Ohio,
is visiting at the parental home in
Lower Wingham, accompanied by his
bride, nee Miss Castner of °restate,
Ohio. The marriage took place in the
last named city on the 21s1 inst.
After the bridal tour, Dr, and Mrs.
Agnew will take up' their residence
in Postai%
Greatx Weareere—We have rented
a grain elevetor at the G.T.R. station
and will pay the highest market price
for all kinds of grain,—HoWson
Brecklebank, Wingham.
The Gerrie Vidette Says :—Afr, 3,, 13.
Austin, whet some weeks ago severed
hie eonneettion with Messrs. J,
Hamilton & Sort, millers, has stecepted
a position in Wingham, and left on
Monday to conemence Work, Mr,
Attaia eluting his eojourn in the vii -
lege reside many friends, and his gent.
ality and earefulnees in the mill were
generally recognized.
Mr. Fred joimston ii"knot, looking
after the intereste of the Oenside,
Furniture ISIfra, although his hand
Is Still very painful, He is :dill in
hopes that the hand may be saved
at near its tOrrnal erniditiOn ai roe -
Miele, 111r, johneton is very grateful
fee the kindnese shown him by his
tett‘tli friends arra opeaks well of the
isMentitettets of the :Hospital staff.
Mrs, 3, W. Ring vent a few days
lad week with friends in 13ervie.
Rev, W. J. West, M. A. attended
Maitland Presbytery at Wingham last
Paul .Se Jewitt shipped a carload of
lambs an Monday, and a car of hop
on Wednesday,
Messrs. .Tos. Greenway and Wm.
Cassels have taken the contract for
the Jermyn drain.
The contractor, Mr, Haney, has be-
gun the building of a Colonial veran-
dab. at the Manse.
Rev, J. W. Andrews visited Ms
brother last week on the Springfield
circuit, and took part in a,n Orange
Mr. Watson Smith, we are sorry to
say, is at present laid up with fever
at Mt. Forest; we wish hina a speedy
Howard Stewart, who underwent
an operation at London last week, is
progressing nicely and his early re-
covery is booked for.
The Harvest Rome social at Mr.
John McNa,uglaton's, on Sept. 20th,
was a grand emcees. Mr, and Mrs.
McNaughton make splendid host and
Sunday, Oct, 2nd, will be anniver-
sary day In the Methodist Church
here. Rev. F. J. Oaten of Brussels
will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and
a free-will offering will be taken.
Mrs, John Masgrove was taken
seriously ill last week with cerebral
meningitis. A specialist and other
medical skill was secured, but at time
of Writing she is in a very critical
A quiet home wedding took place at
the residence of Mr. A. McEwen,
Clerk of Morris, when his second.
daughter, Helen, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. .Alexander Smith of
Detroit, on Wednesday, Sept. 21st, by
Rev. W. S. West, M.A. The bride
was unattended and looked pretty in
a gown of fawn silk. Miss Mary King
played the wedding march.
A very quiet, but an extremely prat-
ty and interesting wedding was solem-
enized at the home of Mr, A. MacEwen
of Morris on Wednesday, Sept. 21st,
at 11 °clock, when his second daugh-
ter, Helen, was married to Mr. Alex-
ander B. Smith of Lietroit, formerly
of Wingham, by Rev. W. J. West,
M.A. The bride was gowned in maize
satin de chene and carried a sheaf
bouquet of cream carnations. The
bride and groom left on the 3.45 train
from Belgrave for Detroit, where they
will reside. The bride travelled in
navy French broadcloth with large
black panne velvet hat. The groom's
gift to the bride was a ring set with
sapphires and pearls and to Miss Mary
King, who played the wedding march,
a gold belt pin. The bride was one of
131uevale's most estimable young
ladies, who will be sadly missed from
her circle of friends. She was the re-
cipient of a miscellaneous shower a
few days before her marriage, and
many beautiful gifts from friends liv-
ing at a distance.
Belgrave. •
Miss Mary Scott of Wingham is
spending a few days in Belgrave.
Mrs. Bobier, who has been visiting
her son, G. T. R. agent here, returned
home on Monday.
Mrs. Corley and daughter, Mary,
have returned to Burketon, after
spending a month with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Coombes, Mrs. Mc-
Ewen of Palmerston and Me. and Mrs.
Felton of Atwood, were visitors at D.
Sproat's last week.
Harvest Home Services will be held
next Sunday in the English Church,
when their new rector, Mr. Farr,
will conduct the service; service at
half pa,st two as usual.
Geddes - Porterfield, — A. quiet but
pretty wedding took place on Tues-
day, Sept. 27th, at the manse, Bel -
grave, when Mary (youngest daughter
of Mrs. and the late Peter Porterfield
of Marnoch) and Ernest Geddes, one
of Belgrave's young business men,
were married. Rev. J. Ferguson per-
formed the ceremony. The bride was
attended by Miss E. Wynona Fergu-
son of Baylield, and the groom was
assisted by Dr. Harry Kirby of Bel -
grave. After the ceremony the party
drove to the home of the bride's moth-
er at Marnoch, where a charming
supper was served, after which the
evening was pleasantly spent in music
and social intercourse. The young
couple were the recipients of many
handsome presents, among which Was
a beautiful upright piano the gift of
the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs.
Geddes will be at home after October
One of theme interesting events,
which sands a thrill of pleasure
through et least two hearts, happen-
ed on Wedriesdey 2Is1, when Miss
Mary A. Shoebottona and Samuel B.
Mershall, a prosperous young farmer
of TarnberrY, were united in marriage
at the rectory in Wingham by the
Rev. Mr, Farr of Gerrie, assisted by
Rev. Mr. Oroly of Wingham. The
young couple were assisted by Thos.
Shoebottorn and Miss Marshall, The
bride VW beautifully gowned in eream
voile and tarried a beautiful bequet of
white and pink titters, Mate Marshall
wore white silk, After the ceremony,
the young couple drove to the home
of the bridele parents, Mr. and Mr,
Sohn Shoehottom, where a sumptuous
repast wag prepared. In the evening
reception was given to the bride and
groom, when about seventy -fie
yoeng people spent a 'eery plea -
ant evening at, garnet!' and dancing.
The preterits to the bride were both
numerous and emir. Wo wish thetil
a long and happy voyage through
Cherry Bark
Cough Syrup
For Coughs, Hoarse-
ness and Sore Throat
—agreeable to take—
prompt in action. It
does not cost you one
cent unless it cures.
We cheerfully refund
the money.
Walton MoKibbon
.74-a eActa *66'_70.
'Kodaks, Camnmo and SaPP1tet4
It's the quality, style and
fit of our Shoes that satisfies
our patrons.
There's nothing in a fancy
or catchy name. It neither
improves poor Shoes, nor
does it detract from merit
of good ones; yet really good
Shoes require 130 each fan-
tastic attachments.
We continue to sell Shoes
for Men, Woinen and Child-
ren as Shoe ‘.‘ Our Shoes."
Good Shoes—the Best Shoes.
Your money bank, if any-
thing goes wig.
Seo us for Trunks. and Valises
All rips seiv.weotl'a.efrliee in Shoes
-W. J. Greer
are a perfectly safe and
effectual Remedy to expel
worms in children. No
closing of castor oil will be
necessary with these Worm
Sole Agent for Canada
F. J. Hind, phm.B.
LIllley's Old Stand
Wheat Exchanged
For Flour
Bring along your Wheat to our
Store and e/perienee !Something
that Is a good deal for Plant, The
deal 'aire give you wakes you want
another. Every bag or Plum we
rsel1 is absolutely guaranteed to bo
SS we represent it.
Bring along your Wheat,