HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1910-09-15, Page 60000M0. *ea The given, 883.. If 4,9ntions vontinue to inereese, Un- cle Slam's army will soon be wiped out. Within 12 years, 50,000 men have taken French leave and shed their uniforms. Guatemala lute a publie, debt of $013,.. 004,445 in gold and art0,047Ma currelleSa It is a terrible burden for a young and undeVelopea country with sparse popu- latiom population of New York City le by the Census llureau asi 4,700, - Detroit is suffering from( an outbreak of typhoid fever, and its milk supply is suspected. It is also said that on woe days the water is very far below time etandard. "Dornbusvh". estimates that there will be a shortage of 1U0,000 bueltele in the world's wheat crop this year. If that estimate be realized, prices will probably tend to a higher level, On Jan. 1, 1910, Germany had 49,922 registered automobiles. In 1909 she im- ported 12,034, of which 086 came from the United States and the rest mostly from Great Britain and France. Italy pays her King 0,070,000 a year; the Austrian Entperor receives $3,900,- 000; the Kaiser of Germany, $4,500,000. It costs a lot to live in these times of high prices of the barest necessaries. Groat Britain's parcel post service last year transmitted 4,342,093 parcels, an increase of 89,732, over the business of the preceding year. Parcels may now, under certain conditions, ee sea; Cs 0. D. Henceforward Greek is to be made optional at Oxford 'University. Oxford ltas been the great stronghold of Ctreek learning. it will be interesting to watch and note what proportion of stu- dents dodge thet option. The other day In Toronto, two farm- ers were fined for selling farm produce on St. Lawrence market in quantities less than a beg or busbel. Surely here is a ease of municipal law run mad. A New York street railway expert has been invited to Brussels to demons- trate the pay -as -you -enter cars now used in New York. It is notemprobs.ble that this system will be introduced in Brus- sels and also in Paris. Toronto's dairy inspection shows 35 to be in good condition and 64 only med- ium. From these come 10,500 quarts of milk daily. The improvement of the sources of milk supply of cities and towns is likely to be a slow 'made. • $ At Elgin, Ill., the other day, Ralph Mulford drove an automobile 305.03 miles in 4 hours 52 minutes 20.85 sec- onds, a. speed of about 62.5 miles an hour, He made 203 miles without a stop, halting one minute to take gasoline and water. That is a splendid record. •-•-• Industrial insurance is compulsory in Germany, and is paid for by the insured, the employer and the State. In the 21 years, 1885-1007, the contributions by employers amounted to $073,300,000; by workmen, $851,587,500; by the State, $121,662,500. In Germany about 20,000,- 000 persons are proteetea by accident in- surance, ametto:".‘: '41‘• Saved From the Sea "Oh, oa uiy werd! I'll tell you. whet, Mr. False, I don't see why yen shoula have it all ou your side, and, with elre. St. Maur'e leave., I be to say that, since my if is Helen to you, yews should be Chrietine to me—fair play's a 4s•. The Pennsylvania State Department of Health in a recent bulletin presents a computation showing that in the last four years, by the expenditure of $3,- 000,000 in the conservation of public health, $23,000,000 has been saved to the State. Preventive medicine to which the medical profession is giving so much at- tention, is doing a great work for the public. Jewel." "Decidedly; pleas to do so, then, major," she said, Dmilivg. "Major, indeed! We must be quite reeiprocal, though, or I shall be jealous of your littsbana—who is Fele to my wife, so I must be Frank to his, or— slugs in a saw -pit, ete." "Very well," answered Mrs. SL Maur, laughing and coloring a little; "good-bye, then'Erste." A few minutes later the two men rode off, and Chrietine rejoined the others. She knew that her husband would, on the way, tell Addison enougk to explain the secrecy of their marriage; of the separation it was enough to say that it had been his fault entirely. By this time, or, rather, before now, the news of last night'e outitige had spread like wildfire in Grass-Rowdon, and the greatest excitement prevailed, which went up to fever heat when the young master and a military' officer were seen to ride up to the police stn - tion; and in A few minutes, as Addison went on to the railway, a large crowd of miners and townspeople hadgathered, and it was unquestionably evident that the prevailing feeling with all Was in- dignation at the cowardly outrage at- tempted, and the miners, with whom really both Mr. Orde and his handsome, free-handed nephew were very popular, felt the murderous attempt to be a dis- grace on them all; the majority had, In the strike, been swayed (as ignorant majorities too often are) by a bustling, self-interested minority of demagogue agitators, and the news of this morning —of the attack and its failure—had pro - dewed en instant reaction that found some vent in excited remarks and talk. "He's awful plucky, that ehap—what didn't ought to be zieurdered!" said one burly miner. "No. They sez, too, his wife was with hitn—I didn't know he was married." "I don't see," came another, "why we're to starve on to please that Joe Smith an' his lot—glad the young guya nor's shot him, I ant." "Wonder if he'd set us on meean?" suggested a tall, brawny young fellow, boldly putting into words the secret wish of all. "Well done!" flew around; and the burly man said, tentatively: "He won't unless at t' old wages. ye know—he'd blow up the mines fust." "There he comes—there he comes!" St. Maur came out, handsome, grace- ful, with a sniile on his lips as he sprung to the saddle and saw the crowd outside the station yard; but the sudden vocif- erous cheer that rang out was so unex- pected that for a second it slightly tool: him back, and ther ewes such a surge forward up to the open gateway that he paused lest his horse's hoofs should hurt unwary feet. 4.. Thirty-five thousand German ship- builders are on strike. There are 68,430 men employed in the industry in Ger- many, 23,000 of whom are in the imper- ial yards. The men on strike object to working more than ten /mum a day and they also ask for an increase of pay. There is some clanger of the strike spreading to other organizations. • "The Co-operat•ive United Exchange," it *0,000,000 get -rich -quick concern of Chicago, has been gathered in by the United States Post Office fraud depart:, relent. It was organized at Phoenix, Ariz., this spring, Etna appears to hose been doing it big Post Office business, It is wonderful to note how easily some "shrewd" people fall to seductive mai) invitations to buy prettily printed bonds, • -* The decision of it New York judge that strikes to bring about the "dosed Mae are illegal is one of tonsiderable impoltanee. The court announced that It would "restrain all picketing and pt - trolling which, though lawful when not accompanied by violence and intttnida- tion, are unlawful when in aid of an un- lawful object." lt is to be hopee that tabor leaders wilt appreciate the far- reaching effect of suck a judgment. ••• a. • Aecording to the New York Aseeeia- tion for the Stuay and IireVuojOil of Bl- ind Mortality, 280,000 babies out of an infant population of 1,400,000 die eevry year. The pity of the thing Is that it is estimated that 140,000 of these deaths ere preventable. In New York city alone 122,006 babiee are born each year. And of these 5,171 are dead within it few week, and 15,070 do not survive the year. It ie unfortunately too true that Many women know snore about the eerie of dogs than children, "Thanks," he said, courteously, lifting his hat—"thanks, but let me pass, please." Another ringing cheer, plainly from the bodyof mniners, and the young fel- low who had spoken up pressed for- ward. she interposed, eagerly; "and had been and only—an idolized child; his strong "Look 'ere, sir," he cried, "s'pose we passions and will scarcely curbed or crossed; there was so much rich gold in was to say we'd like to be friends agen, as ye said Vother day, what'd you say?. hint that he blinded his uncle to the "Say? Why be friends with all my of fault. He had ne suspicion of the miserable, inherited passion heart," answered Falconer's clear, rich which 1—his wife—learned in the first tenor; "it would be the best news feould few months of our marriage." take back to my wife and. the old man yonder." "And that, child?" said Clifford, quickly, as a sudden suspicion flashed "Ay, sir, and the lock -out, when 'ud you end it if we're all agreed to the old across his mind. terms?" "He was a gambler." "As! I thought it. I feared it. Hea- "To-morrow morning, if you like," sail ven help you!' muttered the doctor, St. Maur, promptly; he alwase had touch of those about him. "It is pain- turning aside for a minute. ful enough to us to know you and your "Heaven has helped us both," sithrthe families are suffering; you're all our wife, low and tremuloesly. "All the long, men, you know. We'll start you after long agony and wrong is ended; nty hus- breakfast." band is no more a gaanhler, the Clifford; and—wheh you hear all—as you, of all "Three cheers for him! Guv him a good 'un! Hurrah!—another!"—cried PeoPle, have the right to hear—you will. the men near. f think, believe as I do, that the fierce battle is won forever, for my sake, be - Cheer after cheer rang out, and hats cause Ito has loved me from first to last, waved, as, bowing and smiling, St. Maur was allowed to slowly ride through the through stopped,gheyerher yt1denge" Shecrowd."heart was so full. "And you, woman-like, have forgiven 'P11 come down myself, with our good friend Mr. Clarke, to -morrow mot -nine," everything?" he said, with it parting wave of his heat, "Ale doctor, I love hint!" was her un - and dashed away at a gallopanswerable answer, that held him silent "Don't he just know how to fetch for seconds. 'eml" said Burkett, the inspector, re-ene "Well,' he said, at last "and. his name tering the station house. "Now we've —what—who is he?" got to go and bring off the dead .bodies Oh, theproud, a light that shone and the prisoners. Colonel Darnley's in her beautiful eyesasthey men are to be escort here, and Pll wire "Falconer St Aeffiu-rlan- lust his. Pie "Coed heavens!" said the doctor, at once to M—"—the nearest lar towns --"for assists.nce to take them to springing to his feet in his utter, blank jail there and chine them." amazement. "That man your husbandi In about a couple of hours the rioter e „ee„s—"eessea, you were constantly were safely lodged iu the police cells, to a"ee—ee meeting as n.ere acquaintatices; then a settee month under one roof, under ev- strong body of police from there arriv- erybody's eyes, Muter mine, and nobody ed; and the corpses were taken to the ever to suspect the man as even in love mortuary to await the inquest, which with you, You kept your seeret well. later in the day the energetic county You wife to handsome Falconer St. coroner fixeti for the following after- Ilium—and I made you the eonfidante neon. Colonel Darnley and bis troop were a my opinion of hint, and asked youts— eonveyed by rail to Nest Ilill, which do you remember that? What a corn - gave them only a five -mile ride to Lyn. edy in all the sad pathos and tragedy!" ton"It Was nearly a grim tragedy," she . said, shuddering, "It was my husband The excitement in Grass-Rowdon waS e not lesesned the next day. Before half- thostioters meant to murder. Read past eight St. Maur, as he had promised, OW' She strew forth part of rt, Telegraph, was at the yard with the manager, who had returned home latyesterday; eta and glee it to the doctor, who read it in e both "the young master" and Mr, 811ence and returned 11. Clarkewere received with a round "My darling child,' he said, "I see that cheer from the inunense crowd of miners pm are openly aeknowledged, and I gathered on the Waste ready to resume dotet want you to :stab yourself with 4 wed:. painful story. St. Maur has been deep - Ana so the lock -out was ended. ly wronged, but since you have foegiven "With nearly three menthe loss of the loved sinner that repenteth, heaven good money to them for nothing. Well, forbid I should judge hint, if only for 'the fool meet pay for his folly!'" saki yeti's Bake. Tell me uothing." St. Maur, with Ms foreign shrug and a "I had rather you knew the truth, 'curling lip, as he shook hands with the dear, generous friend of my adversity" ntanager, and walked away to the ate- —how ehe clasped his hand in her earn - time there to meet—to join his wife (wet esteessi—"for his deer sake, elee you ltalimnee, who, with leintelf, bad to go meet needs—you do, I tee—tbink very on to M— by rail as witnesses worse of Falconer than he deserves.' against the rioters before the Magie- "Pll tell yen what," emie the acetate trate, returning, if possible, in time to bluntly, "I ean see he doesn't deserve ,give their evidenee at the coroner's in. suet, wife as he's got—that's flat." quest in the afternoon. "Ali, don't say that. please," • she pleaded, "Hear me first—listen to "Soiell a trying day for you, my child," ih„ story." said Mr. Orde, when they came home eril listen, since you wish it, my dear," in the evening. "Are you not very tir- And he did, without interruption. She en" - -fold it in ?simple words of truth, only the 'Altt but what. Is a little tihysleat outline but not attempting to gloat over fatigne?" Christine 1/11e"r with it bright, tendesmile. "It is uelt the bitter wrong, the sin, tIte misery; sits r s pinese to be openly with my husband, tt� ehieldcd hicieraus el%si pth haellri sal 01 oirste,s, sithnea and to know there is a dear old tinele '"" htimi great repeettatee and atonetnent; the Will to sveteozne us home, that there is over fate' e arrare else= t mmorrow quietly. ilow die mattera go toelayr Valeoner tole Tee riotsre had been all committed for trial for the out- rage, which, ete it was feloniously break- ing into the house with intent to mur- der, was likely to mid in no light sen- tence, At the inquest oa the Men Shut by St. Maur in defence. of lameelf and We wife, the verdict was of coulee situ - ply in accordetnee with the evideuce (men, e 4 1.Frilmn,A41Setr.114"tk4".".01.2,04.-1111.°11""4464.1.40, -.le • 4.• .ar. • . ...7041/0 011•00:040.1011k' of set vuurtz,tes Lee% wet mu* Woes tie te "eta, where elee retinae I be: latiPed, • We ead43 up eesterday t.,/ ill* aid raina. Li Suath iLattaq sti...10,." "Vert*i,in.:, Lii ecate" %ea tee doster, mime it pause, -1. believe vote you alai eau hese:met is (eared UM:4 ;Ana for ail, otIlk tliltikir .0.CaVVII. it ii yule tem) have Emus et, itne Urought lete4S to me twee. beg a utiles natme and item of -Heaven bleat yon for i.11eSA watthr she hat& covering her f‘tee in her navds, and she eweet t unto broke—"end ii, is tette of him, my darling, my lerie "3. ilaNe Mq.is my promise to Wit you tsui; eleseeise she looked up agein. if ever there weie eappier @ye for me, and they liave OMR', us 1 TieVer agaill Mired, tii hope. And. new where is my dear Mingo Don't thiek 1 luta ,ferget- .1(14'11°,1. 114011(1$ 'yctowitear‘r: not one to forget Itiends--1 eepect her iu every. meanie; (she ana Nanette went shupping. All, yes, that is their ring. James is bore to hay yoa aro here and---" An exelamation at the hall -door, a patter of Net, the library -door Omen wide, and like it whirlesied ethnic flew in. and threw herself into Mrs. Ste Unites joupeenitt. arinS, cryiug for joy and exeite- "You darlingi you dear—dear pet! It it true—is it really you he meaut, snd we thought it waa a joke, and it isn't! Oh, Christine!" "What ie the world Is the dela teek- ieg about?" exclailude lier father. 'What joke? Whose?" "Why," said Mimic, still nestling to Christine, "just inside the park getem close by, who should we meet but that handsome, delightful fellow, Mr. St. Maur, and then he laughed, and looked, oh, so wickedi and said he was waiting for a lady. We chaffee, a.nd e eried, 'Oh, for Helen; what will the major sere— I've got impudent, you see, to lent since Pm engaged to his. friend—and he said, laughing, 'No, Pm not waiting for Frank's wife, but my own. She is at your house now.' We laughed hug ey and. Blanche cried out its her coquettish way, 'Why, what a naughty story; you are not married, and how wicked you lookl"evacte says he, in hia funny way, Tye been married eine years, mut my wife is over there at your place—true as gospel'; and here I find you, darling, beautiful pet. Oh, is it true—all true, dear—are you really his wife?" "Yes, zny darlings aud thank Heaven all secrecy is at an end," was the wife's aps Wer, CHAPTER XLIII, Kenton Morley was busy over some, papers about an hour Inter, in the same familiar room of his, when old Robinson came to the door, "Please, sir, Mr. 31, Maur and a lady— the same that came about p, fortnight, back—wish to see you." "Show them in, Robin." How the money -lender's rugged face changed and lighted up as he rose to meet the visitors with close, •warin bend. deep ou both shies! ones is a good sight, indeed!" lie said. after a suspicious little pause. "Sit you in that big easy -chair, my dear; and you, Fale, there's your old pet perch --the edge of the table." "But, my dear old Ken, you are busy," said St. Maur, laughingly, taking the said "perch"; "and we mustn't inter- rupt you long." "I am not busy at all," answered the older man, decidedly, and Ito swept the papers into an open drawer. "And ii T were, it would have to wait, lot 1 think :eu and yours have been my foremost thought—anxious thought—ever since that night you came here front alonte Carlo; for I boped then --4 was almost sure that"—be glanced at Christie—"her friirvcs,ayt1,,olItca:iiviii:reeesur worst enemy in on% was vanquishal at last." other, softly, "Only -1 had to tell her "Ay, vanquished forever," said the mate right. Well, then came that lock -out and its sequence," added Morley, recovering his usual tone, and stirring the fire into a cheery blaze. "Of course I read the whole story 61 the dastardly affair at Grass-Rowden, and I Id! you my blood ran cold. Good heav- ens, what an escape you both had!". (To be continued.) CHAPTER XLIL "Mrs. Erringtom sir." Jallteat face was beaming as he made that annotate:meet at the library door the day after the Cliffords bad returned home—and Dr. Mere pushed. back las chair mid sprung up to meet the beauti- ful Woman who entered. ' "My dear child, how glad I am to see you again!" So glad, that he etoppcd abruptly, Wilding both her lianas tightly, and for half a minute neither could speak or see the other except through a mist. Then the doctor put Christine into a chair and resumed his own. "You look handsomer than ever, tny dear, and—yes—different somehow, less sorrewful. Mrs. Addison has (lone you good. Are you still with her?" "No, doetor; I left them on the eighth, last Monday. You have only, I see, skim- med the papers this week, as one does at the seaside; you hese not seen Wed- nesday's paper especially, evidently?" "I plead guilty, my dear—why?" said he, looking up sharply, puzzled by her manner and emile. "Because you would have perhaps guessed at my identity with a lady who, on Tuesday, had to give evidence at M-----, in a case of rioting and at- tempted. naurder at Grass-Rowdon." "My dear girl, what do you mean?" exclaimed Clifford. "What has happen- ed?' She bent forward a little, her face deluging, a slight red flush rising to her soft cheek, "You remember what took place at Nest Hill Park; that I ownea to meeting some man, and refused all explanation, all answer?" "Can I ever forget it, Christine?" said, huskily. "Dr..Clifford, the man I met was my— hu sband I" "Your -husband, Christine? Tell me that again—your husband! Oh, thank heaven for that, my poor child!" He had started up in his sadden great joy. "But —why—why in pity did you tell me you were not married?" "Hush !—no, no—I never said that, Dr. Roland. I told you I had no certificate to show you; he had it, not T. I let you think. the worst, because I feared your quickness—nay, your very kindness, for you vowed you would see me righted, despite myself, which meant ruin to my love, my- husband, death to all my hopes of winning him back from the accursed vice that had come between us. Besides, wben we were married, nine years ago, I gave him my pledge to keep the secret till he released me, and I could not break it." "I see," said the doctor, sternly; "you were a mere child of sixteen, and natur- ally easily influenced by a man perhaps much older, who—" "Be was only just three-and-twentyel he no room in my heart for anything but !:infua toftelop taidnath.es rIght d gladnese," net in rite Rill better of its being ti worldly wreck of his fortunes. "The meet eelre after the etottn, try dear. But, Fate, you must both rest It was very many alludes after thitt here for a day or two before you go t6 London. es eea mcia, and we CUL talk CENSUS OF MORIALITY, DISABIL- ITY AND COMPENSATION. Tells PIT.PPLFIMAT()1 A Queer HOW'Weert-alile liaised by t4 Tennoseme Partner, He»ry P, Cole, a prosperous farmer of tide yieinitya promisee to rival the great Burbauk itt marvellous feats of plant raising. 1113 lateet innovation is it combination tomato aud. Tepper plaid, whieh will .enable the lover, of the deli - dolts fruit to abandon the antiquated method of using *pepper, it beteg only necessary to sliee the new product and le is ready for use. The tomato patch from wItich the freak tUalatO wan taken is in clew, prox- imity to it field of peppers, ena itle supposea by the plant raisers of this sieetlim that the pollen of tite twowas mixed during the bleomiuses season. The Omit:eel vonetruction of the "pepperma- to," as it has been locally ditbbed, is pe. culierlv interesting - As if taking lute consideration the 'tastes of every one, nature so arranged the fruit that the pepper part may be separated from the tomato and those who fear time Ili effects of pepper upow human vitality may raise the fruit mar- ket purposes and at the same time re- move the met front the few which they may personally consume. The pepperinato resembles the prover- bial Siamese twins, beiug a perfeet spa - amen of the tomato specie% to whieh is grafted, it till pod of pepper. IL is thought that the new plant involves principles which will be of interest to scieetists.—Humboidt correspondence Memphis News -Scimitar. ..••••*••••••••••••••• REIN CU Mils Bone Spavin Rich Valley, Alta, May 20M.1009 "I have used your Spavin Cure for a long time and would no,t be without it. Have killed a Bone Spavin by its use." u saCuhtsit asAtvoRer1;11.S 04 e That tolls tile w d hundreds of tho d same experience in the past 40 years, For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, Mendell's Spavin Cure cures the trouble—makes the horse sound NM well—and saves money for the owner because it removes the cause of the troxritebeie; a bottle always at hand-- $1 or 6 for $5. Good for man and beast. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book A rrcatise On The Horse" or rtrite us. 64 De. 5.3. KENDALL CO. Ensebarg Falls. Vt. The Fount of Knowledge, (By Nathan M. Levy.) I've learned so very much ef late Of human will and cosmic forces, Of each nuat's duty to the state, And of the nation's east resources, Of progress, poverty and wealth: Religion, science, immigration, The tariff, taxes, public health, Law, politics and exploration. But not from books have I acquired Such very varied iuformation, Nor yet professors have I 'hired • To bolster up my education. But I will tell you frankly that (Such have been, mayhap, your sur- mises). 11 happened I was present at A. few commencement exercises! PRESERVE BABY'S SKIN. .A. lifetime of disfigurement and suf- fering often results from the neglect, In infancy and childhood, of simple skin affections. Iu the prevention and treat- ment of minor eruptions and in the pro- motion of permanent skin and hair health, Cutieura Soap and Cuticula, Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. Itch- ing, burning eczemas, rashes, irritatiods and, chitlings yield to Cuticura when all else fails. The Potter Drug Chem- ical Corporation, Boston, U. S. A., solo proprietors of the Cuticura Remedies, will be glad to send you their free 32 -page book on the care and. treatment of the skin and scalp. The date of the extensious for mor- tality, disability and compensation M June 1st of next year, which is the same as the date for population. It is a re - cora for one year, and gives the infor- mation concerning all persons to whom the schedule relates for the year, count- ing to the hour of midnight of 31s1 May, 1911. Personal description of every person who hat died in the year, or suffered disability by accideet or sickness and has received compensation. therefor, is required in the seinelule, and for more complete idetitification reference is made to his family ozhousehold in the first schedule. The name and sex of each person, and' whether single, married, widosved, divorced or legally separated, together with the month of birth, the year of birth, the age at last birthday and the country or place of birth, are required under personal description. His or her racial or tribal origin, religion and pro- fession, occupatien or trade, will also be recorded under the general heading of personal description, vrhetlier the refer- ence Mt, to persons who have died within the year or to persons who have sus - tallied loss of time and earnings and to allowance or eompensation for loss of lile or time. Under the heading *of mortality, re- cords will be entered ((hewing the mouth of death in the ccreus year, the disease er cause of death as deeefibed by the Bertillon nomenclature, the place of death if it octane(' away front home, and the name and: address of the at- tending physic's.% Disability and tonmensation relate to accident or siekness, and under the:1e heads retords will be t-nterea of the nature of lois or injury caused by acci- dent it the year, mese of the necteente, weeks of <11ettbility due to sickness or ;accident, and Mee of salary or tither rernings reused by sickness or accident. Allowancn or compensation made to employees is recorded under three heads,: 1. The voluntary allowanee whirls may be made to employee by ene. Moyer for lost time through sicknose or neeklent during the year. 2. Com- perentien in the y(ar by employer wi- der fstatute for (1) I( se of life by acci- dent, and. ('2) for injury by ateident, which is required in some provinces of the Donsinii n. a. Conmensetion by in- suranee for (1) loss of life. Iota (2) fur ticknese or iejury. Mrs. Iluggiee-1 think it was very et- trevegant of you to tip that boy a gust - ter for handing you your umbrella. Ur. soft volee ceased 1t tate before Roland litiggitis—Sieh-hl It wasn't my umhtel- Clifford tould eeeek. Then his asked; Vineyards on Sand-Dunos. One of the most curious sights ol South-western France, in the neigh- borhood of Biarritz, is afforded by flourishing vineyards growing on the dunes of quartz sand cast up by the ocean and driven by the winds. These vineyards aro protected by palisades, and produce great quantities of ex- cellent grapes, They are a modern outgrowth of the ancient Britauny shore vineyards, in which the plants were simply buried in the warm sand, and the grapes were developed almost on the surface of the soil. At that. time no means had been invented to protect the vines and when the wind overwhelmed them with sand, the plants were removed to another local- ity, from which practice arose a local law which treated vineyards as mov- able propetty. M 'nerd's Liniment Relieves Neural- gia. Lumber Tax in Rouniania.. Foreign lumber firms, which possess and use up the forests of Roumania, are to be compelled to pay it tax of $6 an acre as security that the alluded \reed Surfaces shall be again reforested. • Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. ee • • An Oversight. Francis Wilson, over a superb dessert in his charming house nt New Rochelle, said of the, food taddist: "According to him NVO must boll our milk, we must sterilize our salad, we must wash our strawberries, we mug pare and seed our grapes. By .love---" The comedian smiled and lifted up a spoonful of great va,spberries. "But, by Jove," he saki, "they've for- gotten to order us to shave these! -- Washington Star. IN PAIN FOR YEARS "FRUIT.A.TIVES" BRINGS.BELIEF Wis. FRANK. RATAN Itrankville, Ont., Sept, 27, 5909. '`I suffered for years from headaches and pain in the back, and I cousulted doctors aud took every remedy obtain- able without any relief. Then I Legan taking "Pmit-a-tives", the famous fruit juice tablets' mat tins was the only medicine OWever did sue any real good. 1 took several boxes altogetber, and now I amn entirely well of all tuy drew'. ,ful headaches and backaches". (Signed) MRS, MANIC, EATON. soc a box, 6 for $2.so or trial box, 250 At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Linuted, Ottawa. One Too Many Lodgers, In the days when Colonel Charles Fa- wned% former secretary of the Democra- tic Congressional Campaign Committee, was travelling for the Onespoon Baking Powder Company, he reachetl ft little southern town on one occasion when the only hotel there was crowded, Edwards insisted he hae to have it room for the night, and the clerk finally told him that there was one room Its could share with another man. "But," he concluded, °you'll have to sleep in the same bed with him." Edwards agreed to this, and, as it was late at night wont to the room be thought had been assigned to him, Ho hastily premixed for bed and quietly lay down beside his bed fellow. Later in the night he awoke and saw a man sitting at the foot of the bed reading by the light of a. candle. "Great, heavens!" exclaimed Edwards, sitting up. "Are they going to put it third fellow into this bed?" ' Without it word, but with a, terrified expression an his face. the man who had been reading dived. through the win- dow, carrying with him most of the win- dow sash. Edwards looked arOund, and saw that the men he had been sleeping with was it corpse, He had gotten into the wrong room, "It took nine negro farm hands," says Edwerds, in enaing the story, "to round up that literary fellow for breakfast in the, morning." A PIANO FOR 50 CENTS A WEEK This l a golden opportunity for any- one to own an instrument. ,We have a large stock of used piano% taken sn ex- cliange on Heintzinan & Co. pianos. These instruments are suce well-known makes as Weber' Chickering, Hawes Bros., Thomas andDominion'and the price is from $00 to $125. Each onm guaranteed for five years, and will be taken back in exchange with full am - mint allowed any time iu three years. Do not let this chance see by you. A post card will bring full particulars.— geintranan & Co., 71 King street east, Hamilton, Ont. Rice Rolls in India. The most important of the agricultur- al industries of India is the cultivation of rice, of which a number of varieties are produced, differing in size, shape and color of grain, as well as in suita- bility for culinary purposes. More than 70,000,000 acres are annually put under rice in India, and samples of all the varieties produced have recently been analyzed by Dr. David Hooper. One of these is peculiar in that it is too glut- inous to be boiled in the ordinary way. 'This difficulty ts avoided by boiling it in bamboo tubes, and after being thus prepared, it is left in the tubes to be eaten cold, espeeially by travellers. When the rice is to "be eaten, the bamboo is peeled off and a long ,roll of rice ap- pears, which forms an excellent substi- tute for bread. Ca- r. IVICtroial'sts Inellisari FR a C:Ve. 122) Are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Iltdiallg, and learned from them by Dr. Morse. Though repeateil at- tempts have been made, by physe eians and chemists, it has been found impossible 10 imporve the for - male or the pills. 1)r. Morse's In- dian Root Pine are a household remedy throughout the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles. They act promptly c,itedh:ffeezcrueh tizly, trinde, zvBt Inn • Ample Time. Cholly—Give me time to collect my thoughts. Miss Keen—Certainly, Mr. Sanleigle You cart have two seconds.—Boston Transcript. es Late !amnions. A, pail with a washboard eliding la grooves in °Tie side is it ecent Wen - tion for the benefit of persons who have mall amounts of laundering to do. The French inventor of it drop frame mototeycle which women nlay wear skirts to ride has given it the name Of "motositeoehe." A pneumatic bed -bathtub, which per. mite a sick person to be bathed without removal haa been invented by a Teivies- see doctor. An attachment by which loose shoes may be temporarily fastened to horsees hoof until p blecksruith is reach- ed has been patentee by a New d'ereey farmer. A meat and fruit press that a Pearl- sYlvenien has patented is inclined mo that the juices flow into it receptecle placed under it as rapidly as they are extracted. A New York inventor has brought out an advertising clock that utilizes a phon- ograph to attract the attention of pare sersby to it series of cards which are ro- tated. An Italian soldier has invented light metal attachments by which a sledge embulance een be made in it few minutes from it pair of skis, an alpenstock, and other military equipments. The principle of the spring tape mea- sure has been utilized by a Massachus- etts inventor of a coiled wire attach- ment for electric lights to permit them to be carried about it room. Minard's Liniment Cures Slime, Etc. The Pasteurized Kist. The latest scientific fad Which seems to Inc outrageous Puts microbe Forms on ruby lips And makeri a kiss contagious, It hardly seems the erecter thing To put move on half -ration, Or take the soul from out the Liss .fly filtered (emulation, • I aliened to kflOW the meatier sex E'er I was one-and-twente, And when it mune to kieiing games We like.1 'on good and pleuty. 411 kinds of people pleyed the same, Married, widswed, inessee, But no one thonght of aeking them To sterilize Garr kiesue, . Although len not prephea tn may "To fear1 ean etrenger," Yet certainly an added uharm Clots with the :mice of danger. So when I come to Mary'a live Or tale's, Floes orNaneyee I might rat et tend inurc a while Thea—straightway take the thancese T an mat pine for lite; that reek With antiseptic lotion, Nor would T Journey fax to seek A Pasteurized devotion. ---Harporet Weekly's, s 40 40 - Little Giii—You needn't brag. Ve've got a baby at Oaransneeetea. intt Iw011eivi le it Itt‘t year's baby. Oa issethe very latest style."--Lifs. 4t • PILES CURED AT ROME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also sitind some of thie home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured, Send no mostey, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box P. 8, Windsor, Ont. A Serenade. Look out upo nthe stars, my love, And shame them with thine eyes, Of which, than on the lights above, itThere hangs more destinies. Night's beauty is tise harmony Of blending shades and light; Then, lady, up—look out, and be A sister to the night! —Edward Coate Pinkney. Rea, Weak, "Wear)-, watery liires• Relieved 13y Murine Eye Remedy, Try Murine For Your Dye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes, 60c At Your Druggists. Write For Bye Books. •`ree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto, • • is Dying Words of Great Rulers. Ring Edward V11.—Weil, it is all over, but I think I have done my duty. Charles L—Remember: Merles IL—Don't lot poor Nelly starve. Oliver Cromwell—My desire is to make what haste I may, to be gone. Julian, Roman Emperor -0 Galilean, thou hest conquered. Louis XIII. of France—There come to me thoughts that torment me. Louis XIV. of France—I thought dy- ing had been harder. Louis XVI. of France—A king should die sta.nding. Napoleon I. of Franee—Head of the army. Napoleon M. of Fratce—eVere you at Sedan? George Washington—Tt is well, I an; about to die, and I look upon it with perfect resignation. Minima's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs, -1 had a Bleeding Tumor on my face for a long time and tried a number of remedies without any good results. I was advised to try ISLINARD'S LINLMENT, and after using several bot- tles. it made a complete cure, and it healed all up and disappeared altogeth- er. DAVID HENDERSON. Belleisle Station, Kings Co., N. B., Sept. 17, 1004. Nothing in. a Name. . • "Look here, waiter," said Mr. Grouch, scowling deeply over his plate, "I or- dered turtle soup. There isn't even is morsel of tirtle in this." "Of course not," returned the waiter. "Shakespeare said there was nothing in a name. If your ordered cottage pud- ding would you expect a cottage in it? Any tea, sir?" CAUSTIC. COMMENT. (Philadelphia Record. Anticete likes to give the impression that she has a vivid past. )Jelle-1 don't immune it has been so vivid as it has been !wig. Minaret's Liniment for sale every- where. ••••••••••••••• CLASSIFIED. "Do you think it fair to characterize Mr. Roosevelt as 'The Man on Horse- back"?" "Fair enough, but inadequate. lie's the nationai mounted potice." ISSUE Na 87 IOW AGENTI3 WANTED, 0 ANVASSERS WANTBD, WEVS1L.1- Maiary pakl. Alfred Tyler, WA war- enee street. London, Ont4, Dr, Marters Female Piiis SEVENTEEN YEARS AR STANDARD Prescribed and recommended for wo. men's. ailments, a scientifically pre. pared remedy of proven worth. in. result from their use le quick and per. manent. For sale at all d'vg stores. 11•••••••••••M. 0•01•110.1••••1•11•••••••••••••10•••••••006 41. 4.1 HLDOinrrtrtD.EN3z A \ specialty Made of investments in ate.ndard Railroad azul endue - trial 'Stock. Write for full particular* regarding plan af investment. Room 101, 108, $t. .Tamea St., Montreal. TALK! NG LIGHTHOUSES. A Swedish Invention to Give Mariners Timely Warning. Wonderful possibilities are claimed for a Swedish invention called the photo- graphone, by means of which, says the London Graphic, it is said that sound waves can be registered on a sensitized plate. The negative is developed in the or- dinary way and the sound curves trans- ferred to ebony plates, from which the sound is reproduced as by the gramo- phoue. The photogyapaone records can be re- produced ad infinitum, and if the origi- nal music or song should not be strong enough to fill a large concert hall, the sound can be increased as desired. On account of the immense volunae of its sound the inventor prophesies that the photographone will replace fog sirens in lighthouses. Instead of the inarticulate howl which the sirens send out in the night the photographonie foghorn will call out tire name of the lighthouse for miles over the ocean. Mehl; Care ptic..01ghgrargrtx.riasr.te= CAPITALIZES ins LAUGH. (Kansas City Journal.) An Olanthe storekeeper capitalized his laugh. It was so big and hearty that the farmers just laid themselves out to hear him chirrup. But, incidentally, while the storekeeper was laughing for the benefit of the farmers, the farmers' wives were buying goods. That store- keeper is rich now. Home DYEING ls the way to Save Money and Dress Well --- Try it 1 Slmplo as Washing ° with JUST THINK OF IT I Dyes Wool. Cotton, Silk or Mixed CoOds Perfectly with the SAME Dye—No thence of mistakes. Fast Ond Beautiful Colors 10 cents, from your Druggist or Dealer. Send for Color Card and STORY Booklet, 74 The Johnson-FIchardson Co., Limited, Montreal. SIONISPOINNI•MMOra.MON.X.R.111, WHAT IS ROOSEVELT AFTER': (Rochester Post Express.) What is Roosevelt driving at? Mr.. Taft was his own candidate for the pr,$. elency; he had been his faithful and able assistant; he had been his confidant in important emergeneees, and Roosevelt vouched for him, and the people electea him. The President has just concluded his first work with Congress; lie has been in office only a Iittle more than a year, and during that time he has aceom- plished more than Roosevelt accomplieh- ed in two years or three. But not it single word of appreciation or encour- agement has come from Roosevelt! EE Send us your name and wbe,,rwg pa eau,;1, tyx b rue4e, mn1.1. LUCKY HEART PICTURE 8118s0 la0t0eslit, al)owtiheisethanitst irettlest jewelry novel-, 7, all the rage every- vhere, 'We are giving It altiraidUctTraYlnytetowirodaenneicie otuorygootpodast. ()Jaye!!! enlandamra: ALDEN MFG. 60„ 89 ROYST, PROVOKE, R.1,U.S.A. WILLIE'S INNOCENCE. (Philadeiphin, Record.) Little Willie -0h, triele George, did you bring your horn? Lamle George—My horn? Why, I have no horn, Little Willie—Then I wonder what pa. pa meant 'when he said you were off on toot Met week. ••••••••••••=1•••••••••••• ••••• are nen' and entirely different from ordinary preparations. They accomplish their purpose without disturbing the rest of the syatem, and are therefore the ideal laxative for the nursing mother, as they do not affect the child. Compounded, like all NA -DRU -CO preparations, by expert chemists, If uneatisfactory we'll gladly return your money. 25c. it box. 11 your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mail them. 24 National time and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal. a.z.e4,.. • liatgo)....."..og. EDDY'S "SILENT" MATCHES ARE THE MOST MODERN AND PERFECT A sun LIGHT,. THE FIRST STRIKE They make no noete or spatlere-a quiet, steady flame. The metal for the smtker, the dace and the home. All gatd dealers keep them and Eddy's Woolenware,`Pibreware, Tubs, Pas ana Wasaboards. The E. B. EDDY Co Limited .0 9 HULL, CANADA